• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 14,419 Views, 981 Comments

Born In Light, Forged In Darkness - Jest

Twilight Sparkle's entrance exam has not gone well, she cannot hatch the dragon egg and in her desperation has begun to panic. Little does she know failure is going to be the least of her worries.

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Trial Eight: Crash Site

“Hey, do you think your mom is gonna make us any more cool stuff sometime soon?” Rainbow Dash inquired mid-flight.

Kanathara hummed thoughtfully as the pair flew high over the Everfree, their enhanced eyesight allowing their gaze to pierce the light cloud cover. I don't think so. Her attention seems focused almost completely on her move as well as this mystery plan of hers to penetrate the citadel, Kanathara thought back.

“I guess, but she seems like the type who can balance a dozen things without getting overwhelmed by it all.” Rainbow Dash smirked. “I guess we know where you got that ability from.”

For a second the keeper of secrets wanted to argue the point and claim that she cultivated such a talent herself, but reluctantly chose not to. Instead Kanathara merely allowed herself to contemplate the similarities she shared with the sole birth parent she had met. It was a line of thought that made the demon feel strangely at ease as well as connected to the pony in a way she hadn't felt before.

I suppose you’re right, Kanathara admitted after a long pause.

“Alright, I can see the end of the Everfree. Where do we go from here?” Rainbow Dash inquired, the demon angling wings towards the distant rocky lowlands which was west of the expansive forest.

Give me a moment, Kanathara declared before taking control of Rainbow Dash’s head in order to study the location of the sun, as well as Canterlot which lay behind them. Adjust our course twenty degrees to the right, and we should fly right over the crash site.

Rainbow Dash grunted and did just that. “That will never not feel weird.”

Tell me about it, Kanathara agreed before turning her attention to the ground beneath them.

The air was thin and cold, but Rainbow Dash’s body was like a great furnace, keeping the biting chill of such a high altitude from bothering them. Fixing their gaze downward, Kanathara scanned the lowlands which supposedly served as the base for an unruly band of diamond dogs. No signs of habitation could be seen, but that was expected, given their subterranean nature. The only clue that there were even sentient beings in the area was a scattering of perfectly round holes that could be seen dotting the landscape.

Their locations and numerous appearances gave the impression that a sizable mining operation was being carried out in the area. It also worried Kanathara as it meant this band was strong enough to make their presence known without having to worry about being seen. Given how deep into Equestria the diamond dogs had managed to reach, it spoke of either great strength or incredible stupidity.

The land itself was nothing much to look at, with the forest petering out and trees becoming less numerous and far shorter before stopping altogether. The rocky earth ensured that little grew in the area, and what did sprout, became no taller than a small bush at best. Though Kanathara could see spots where there were greater concentrations of greenery, that was a rare sight.

Rolling hills of grey stone and patches of brown dirt stretched on into the distance, the landscape appearing to resemble waves when viewed at such an incredible height. The image struck Kanathara as odd, and the demon made a mental note to try and figure out what had happened to cause such strange formations. One way or the other, it was quite mineral-dense as Kanathara could see small formations of iron and even coal dotting the surface.

Several pony towns and small settlements could be seen far in the distance, though they usually stayed on the very edge of the lowlands. It made sense, as the rocky surface was an obstacle to transport goods in and out of the area, making exploitation of the land a slow process. Unlike the diamond dogs, who seemed perfectly capable of sustaining themselves without trade or any kind of agriculture.

“Diamond dogs eat rocks, right?” Rainbow Dash inquired.

They can, but they can also eat meat, Kanthara replied. Though I’m confused as to where they have found a source of water in such an inhospitable place.

“Aquifer?” Rainbow Dash offered.

Possible, but rare, especially for the area, Kanathara explained. We can contemplate their societal structure and how they’ve survived in the area later. We should be able to see the crash site coming up shortly.

Rainbow Dash strained their powerful vision, peering down towards the horizon and searching for the location they had been told about. Bland featureless stone preceded bland featureless patches of dirt, broken only by the occasional cliff or dry riverbed. That was until Kanathara noticed a speck of red that stood out from the otherwise bland mix of grey and brown.

There, do you see it?

“I got it, and it's fairly close to that mining camp,” Rainbow Dash pointed out, directing their gaze towards a small group of one-story structures standing in a line next to several larger, more important-looking buildings.

That must be Willow Creek, and that group of freshly erected tents at its north side must be where the detachment of paladins are based, Kanathara added. Can you get a little closer? I want to see if they are in the area.

“You sure that's a good idea? We’re fine up here, ‘cause we’re little more than a speck, but it's nearly noon, and there is hardly a cloud in the sky,” Rainbow Dash retorted.

Right. I’ll reform on your back and quickly cast a quick chameleon spell. It won't be perfect, but it should make us nearly invisible until we land, Kanathara answered.

“Alright, but make it quick. It's probably pretty cold up here,” Rainbow Dash replied.

I’ll be fine, claimed Kanathara before turning to mist and dissipating out through the other demon’s pores, reforming atop her back.

Kanathara felt the harsh wind immediately bite into her much less-protected body, her teeth chattering before she even started channeling magic. Lighting her horn, the keeper of secrets finished her spell in record time before turning incorporeal once more. Sliding back within the other demon, Kanathara immediately felt her frozen body vanish and be replaced by one far warmer.

You weren't kidding, Kanathara remarked.

“Told ya,” quipped Rainbow Dash. “Now, ready to check out that crash site?”

Let's get to the bottom of this.

“You sure it's safe? I don't wanna land and have a bunch of paladins pop out of nowhere,” Rainbow Dash whispered as she slowly circled overhead.

See those tracks? The paladins came straight from town, surveyed the area, and then left in the direction of what I’m presuming is the diamond dog camp. Though it's possible they are lying in wait, they didn't even bury the poor bastard transporting the Element, Kanathara pointed out, turning their attention to the mangled corpse lying several metres away, his body nearly cut in half from a ballista bolt sticking out of his midsection.

“It ain't like them to just leave their dead lying around,” Rainbow Dash conceded. “Alright, I’m going in.”

As they descended in a lazy circle pattern, Kanathara scanned the site itself, her gaze drawn to the scattered remnants of what had at one point been a carriage. Though small and clearly designed not for passengers, but isntead important packages, its enchanted exterior had not survived impact with the ground. Shattered boards and hundreds of splinters littered the area in a fine layer of broken wood, making it difficult to find any more details about the transport.

By the looks of it, the carriage had nearly survived dropping out of the sky before slamming into a rocky outcropping and exploding on impact. From there several recently filled holes appeared around the location, the paw prints that emerged mixing with the heavy hoof falls that had come after them. Even at first glance it looked obvious to Kanathara as to what had happened.

The diamond dogs came and left before the paladins did the same sometime later. Each one in a hurry, though likely for different reasons.

Before Rainbow Dash’s hooves even touched the ground, Kanathara was reforming once more, her horn glowing brightly the moment was solid. Working her way through a few scanning spells, the keeper rapidly began to piece together what had happened. While this occurred Rainbow Dash ascended to the highest point in the area and began to look out over their surroundings.

“The diamond dogs brought along tiny bits of emerald on the bottom of their feet,” Kanathara remarked, her magic holding aloft a fine green dust. “Rare, but not completely uncommon for the area.”

“Well, no one seems to be watching the site,” Rainbow Dash called back. “Either they are in a rush and forgot to set a watch, or they needed all hooves on deck to deal with the dogs.”

“Likely the latter, I’m afraid. They were clearly in the area and given the heavy imprint near the crash site, they likely absconded with a safe of some kind,” Kanathara continued. “I say we follow the paladins’ tracks and seek out this base of dogs somewhere in the lowlands.”

“I bet ya the dogs have the Element and are already fighting the paladins,” Rainbow Dash announced, the vengant landing beside her mistress with a thump.

“Those goody goodies wouldn't resort to violence so easily. Even if they had to fight a bunch of illegally encroaching foreigners making off with Equestrian resources,” Kanathara stated confidently.

“Pfft, the paladins have to know that they are working against the clock and are thus more likely to take what they need by force,” Rainbow Dash declared, leaning down and sniffing the tracks in the dirt.

“True, but I have a feeling my brother is with them, and from what I remember of him, he has a bit of a pacifist streak,” Kanathara mused. “Got it?”

Rainbow Dash nodded. “Alright then, loser has to pay for dinner next time we go out.”

“Deal,” Kanathara declared.

“These tunnels are surprisingly wide,” Rainbow Dash murmured aloud, the demon running a wing across the rounded stone which surrounded them on all sides.

“It feels like they were lava tubes at one point, though obviously they’ve long since been hollowed out,” Kanathara murmured, glancing at the walls briefly. “Its slope is surprisingly gradual though.”

“A volcano would explain the strange surroundings, though it's odd that we didn't see a caldera or any other remnants of it from above. I wonder what happened here,” Rainbow Dash pondered.

“Though it explains the potential aquifer, which was likely formed from these tubes being worn away, allowing the water to pool deep underground,” Kanathara explained. “Regardless, let's stay focused on the task at hoof.”

“Right. Well, the scent is further ahead and growing stronger, though I haven't been able to sense them yet,” Rainbow Dash replied.

Let's stay as quiet as possible, there are a surprising amount of twists in this tunnel, and I don't want to be caught unaware, Kanathara commanded.

Right. I’ll take point.

Together the two demons crept slowly through the winding tunnels, following the natural ebb and flow with Rainbow Dash at the forefront. Kanathara stood behind the taller demon, occasionally casting a scanning spell and searching for any unseen traps. After a few minutes of finding nothing, Rainbow Dash stopped suddenly, raising a hoof.

They are really close. Wait here, Rainbow Dash stated before crouching low to the ground and creeping towards a bend in the path.

I’ll have an offensive spell on stand by, Kanathara replied, the demon already preparing her magic.

After several tense seconds, Rainbow Dash was able to glance around the corner, her glowing eyes narrowing immediately. Come take a look at this, oh, and don't worry. Noone is paying attention to this tunnel.

Kanathara stowed her questions and slipped quietly next to the taller demon, peering intently around the corner. She saw that after a good distance after the tunnel opened up into a large flat room after that had clearly been artificially altered to serve as a defensible position. A short wall of sharpened sticks with an opening in the middle was made more effective by the way the ground was sloped upwards towards the defenders.

Which was where a dozen diamond dogs wearing pieced-together armor stood wielding crude metal weapons ill-suited for their large frames. Each was well-muscled and, though physically imposing, stood casually around a much taller and more grizzled member of their species. This central figure wore plate mail that had clearly been assembled from several scavenged sets of the stuff.

The figure seemed vaguely female, but it was hard to tell, given that they wore a large helmet over their head, obscuring their features save for their piercing blue eyes. Though their stance was loose, they kept a tight grip on the large two-handed axe which rested on their shoulder. This diamond dog’s appearance was eye-catching, yet Kanathara quickly diverted her attention away from them and down to where a small cadre of paladins stood below.

Each one was armed and armored in the best equipment the royal treasure could buy, which hummed with enough enchantments to make the air thick with magic. Each one of the six helmeted ponies had no distinguishing traits other than their mix of weapons and their more obvious racial features. All save for the pony who stood at the center and stuck out like a sore thumb, his helmet having been strapped to his side at some point in the conversation. Though looking away from the pair of demons, Kanathara could clearly tell that the male was none other than her brother, Shining Armor.

Ooh, the boss man himself is out here. I guess you were right, Rainbow Dash remarked.

He is a dangerous opponent, one I hope to avoid at all costs, Kanathara replied.

Is that because he's tough, or because he's your brother? Rainbow Dash gently questioned.

Kanathara paused, briefly unsure of her response. Both. Now focus, let's see if we can't figure out what they are talking about.

“-and I’m telling you that if you want that shiny thing, then Equestria must relinquish its claim on this land and recognize my ownership thereof,” exclaimed the largest dog, who puffed out her chest. “Unless puny horse doesn't want the fancy piece of jewelry?”

“I don't have the authority to promise you this land, neither am I certain if such a deal would even be legal, considering you are already wanted fugitives,” Shining Armor retorted.

“Well then, if you aren't willing to make a deal, I guess we’ll just melt it down. I did need a new candle holder, after all,” remarked the dog, who leaned forward and grinned cruelly.

A paladin took a step forward, only to be stopped by Shining Armor. “Hold, soldier. This conversation isn't over yet.”

“Oh really? Because it sure sounds like you have nothing to offer,” retorted the dog.

“I may not be able to give you the land, but as an emissary of the crown, I could pardon you for all crimes and possibly negotiate a mining treaty,” Shining Armor continued. “It wouldn't be perfect, but after the Element is secured, I can return with the appropriate dignitary to begin the process of possibly even granting you citizenship.”

“That is a good start, pony, but this Element you desire will remain in my care until I have such promises in writing,” declared the dog, who leaned back. “That's if you can even grant such a thing.”

Shining Armor began to whisper to his companion, but Kanathara quickly tuned out the hushed conversation.

The side passage we saw further back. Do you think it too leads to the dog camp? Kanathara questioned.

Rainbow Dash popped her head back around the corner and glanced further back the way they came. I think so. It was clearly artificial, so it was made for a purpose. Plus there weren't any signs that they were mining in the area, so it's unlikely that it's a dead end.

Good, let's go back around and infiltrate their compound. Hopefully we can locate the Element before Shining Armor manages to strike a deal, Kanathara declared.

Good thinking. I assume we’ll go quiet until we find it? Rainbow Dash asked, only to grin excitedly. We should totally disguise ourselves as ponies and start a fight on the way out.

That would distract the paladins if things went sideways. I like it, Kanathara agreed. Lead the way.

Aye, boss.

Kanathara peered from around the corner and eyed a pair of diamond dog guards carefully. Though clearly relaxed and confident of their position, they kept their weapons in easy reach in addition to remaining quiet. Their gaze was also fixed on the tunnel before them, but even their powerful night vision was no match for a demon’s.

Thus the pair of demonic entities could look out from the darkness without being able to be seen. Turning her attention away from the dogs, Kanathara glanced at the entrance they stood on either side of. Which happened to be secured by a rather crude-looking wooden door with simple iron hinges fastened to a simple wall of wood.

I assume you’re going to take them out at range, Rainbow Dash offered.

There is no point in just slaughtering them when a sleep spell should do the trick without noise, Kanathara replied, her horn flashing briefly before the pair of dogs toppled over, snoring before they even hit the ground. Drag them around the corner. I’ll check out the next room.

Got it, Rainbow Dash declared as she trotted over to the guards and tossed them easily over her back.

While Rainbow Dash hauled away the slumbering dogs, Kanathara slipped over to the door and, after jiggling the handle, found it was locked. Lighting her horn, the demon simply maneuvered the tumblers into position using telekinesis. Pulling the wooden door outward a few inches, the keeper of secrets peered hesitantly through the crack.

What she saw lying just beyond made her eyes go wide and her curiosity leap to the forefront of her mind. For the cavern which opened before her was unlike anything she had ever seen or heard of before. Ringing the area was wooden scaffolding where several structures had been built and secured to the stone walls. Numerous dogs moved around the area, some transporting goods while others were constructing additional buildings.

Each one wary of falling into the seemingly endless abyss that lay below their little town.

Peering down, Kanathara noticed that the walls of the cavern were strangely smooth as well as almost perfectly circular and at the bottom was a large pool of dark liquid. The main cavern also had numerous tunnels like the one she was standing in which branched off of it in all directions. Though it explained where the volcano had gone, it also made Kanathara wonder how this had come to be in the first place.

Pushing that question and many others like it aside, Kanathara turned back to find that her familiar rejoined her, a curious expression on her face. Rather than answer the unspoken question, Kanathara merely stepped aside, inviting the vengant to look for herself. Which Rainbow Dash did a second later, a look of confusion briefly crossing her face before she took a step back.

“This is a weird place,” she muttered quite matter-of-factly.

“Agreed,” Kanthara declared. “But let's try not to think of that right now and instead focus on finding out where they are keeping the Element.”

Rainbow Dash nodded and joined Kanathara in looking out into the strange town, both demons searching for some building that seemed more important than the rest. The first thing they both noticed when observing the town was that most of the structures were built on the other side of the cavern. The next thing they realized was that Shining Armor was likely above them as the echoed remnants of their conversation could just barely be heard.

Though no words could be picked out, Kanathara mentally logged his location just in case it became relevant later. Looking out to the left, Kanathara noticed several different layers of walkways which connected dozens of the empty lava tubes. From there, mine carts could be seen either sitting empty or being hastily unloaded by nervous dogs who shot weary glances to where their leader was engaged in conversation.

The entire area was also bathed in a strange bluish glow that Kanathara hadn't noticed at first, the illumination accentuated by torches which lined the walls. No sunlight could be seen, however, making the demon wonder what was covering the top of the cavern. She would have time for that later, as right now she noticed another something concerning which was that all of the carts were moving towards a single much larger structure.

It must be in there, Rainbow Dash thought pointedly, her attention fixed on the singular stone building sitting within an expanded lava tube. Can you use your Harmony-sensing spell to find out?

I might be able to, but this far underground I’m likely to get some interference due to the tight confines we find ourselves in, Kanathara explained, already lighting her horn. I’ll try though.

The spell took little time to cast and after it was complete, Kanathara frowned. Odd. It's almost like there are two of them around here, but one is much weaker than the other.

What do you mean? Rainbow Dash pressed. There can’t be two Elements in the area, right? I mean, they only lost the one.

I’ve done some adjusting to the spell recently. It must just be an error on my part, Kanathara replied. Either way, I get the feeling like the source of one of them is in that building up ahead.

Ya wanna ghost in there? Rainbow Dash inquired. I bet those guards wouldn't even notice us, since they are so worried about the paladins.

Probably, but let’s go around the right side. I want to inspect those other passages first as something has been bothering me, Kanathara replied.

Rainbow Dash gave the squat three-story stone building one last look before following the keeper’s gaze to the many side tunnels that dotted the area. Though they were numerous, not all served as mine shafts, with a good number of them having been sealed off much like the one they were in now. Like this one, they each had a narrow wooden walkway extending out over the ledge, or had a path carved into the stone itself.

I don't notice anything off around here. What's caught your eye? Rainbow Dash inquired.

It might be nothing, but I can't help but think that they have gotten a surprising amount of work done for there being so few of them, Kanathara explained. There must be no more than a hundred, but they built all this and have begun to mine in under a month or so? That seems fast, even for diamond dogs.

True. You don't think they had help, do you? Rainbow Dash pressed.

We’ll find out soon enough, Kanathara answered.

Her familiar following closed the door, turned to smoke, and followed after the crawling mist which floated along the underside of the wooden walkway. What few dogs they came across didn't seem to notice their passage as their attention was either directed towards their leader or on their current job.

Which was mostly transporting any loose ore or gems back towards the stone structure which seemed to be a storehouse of some kind. The bottom two floors of which had no windows to speak of while the top only had two small openings barred with iron rods. The only entrance was a large steel door which hung open and was guarded by four heavily armored dogs who watched over the stream of workers entering and leaving.

Each one of whom came bearing either coins, gems, or other valuables and left with empty paws. The surrounding area was dotted by only a few patrols, with the majority of the armed dogs lying in wait for their leader to call on them. Kanathara floated in place as she looked back at the larger space where she knew Shining Armor was engaged in diplomacy.

Just outside of that cave opening on either side were two dozen armed dogs leaning against the stone, their weapons clutched tight in their grip. Though their stance was loose, the two groups seemed ready to leap into action at any moment. Putting that bit of information out of mind, Kanathara slipped through the pathwork planks and up towards the level at which the stone structure lay.

Knowing that her familiar would be close on her tail, Kanathara didn't bother tracking Rainbow Dash’s location. She instead focused on weaving around the many feet of passing dogs and slipping around what few obstacles barred her path. In minutes she had reached the other side of the cavern, and from here she could tell that the stone building was far wider than it appeared to be at first glance.

The top floor also had several more windows than she had noticed earlier, and Kanathara made her way towards the sole opening that did not have iron bars in it. Below her, dogs scurried this way and that, some slipping into their ramshackle homes while others stood watch. None seemed to notice the twin streaks of smoke which flitted past the line of torches, moving ever closer to where they kept their most prized possessions.

No alarms went up, no voices were raised, and Kanathara would have smiled, had she a face to do so. Without being capable of casting spells, their defences were minimal, and the keeper of secrets quickly made her way towards the window. Once through, she allowed her body to reform, her joints aching due to the extended time spent incorporeal.

Before she had a chance to gather her bearings, she heard a startled shout and turned to find a terrified dog scrambling out from behind a desk. Blasting him in the chest with an overcharged stun spell, Kanathara gave him a brief look before glancing around the room. Only to immediately realize why there had been an armed dog reading a book in what should have been a simple storage room.

“Well, that explains that,” Kanathara murmured as her familiar coalesced beside her, a scowl already on her face.

“This complicates things,” Rainbow Dash added as she looked down on the dozen ponies who had been packed into the jail cell which dominated three quarters of the room.

Their conditions were cramped and unpleasant to say the least as there didn't even seem to be a bathroom or bed. Only a foul-smelling bucket that sat near the bars as well as a jug that had likely contained water which was now empty. Grime-covered faces peered up at the demons, some with defiance, others with hope, most with barely contained fear.

“Are you h-here to kill us?” asked a timid stallion.

“We aren't here for you at all,” Kanathara replied, tapping her chin. “Though you may make for a useful distraction.”

“No,” Rainbow Dash growled. “We are not using these ponies for anything.”

Kanathara eyed her familiar curiously. “Are you doubting their effectiveness?”

“You know how I feel about slaves,” Rainbow Dash retorted, her breastplate expanding to cover her body.

The keeper let out a long sigh. “Alright, fine. I can send them to the surface, but teleportation on that scale takes effort, and I won't have enough magic to send more than nine of them without hampering our potential combat abilities.”

“Please send my daughter!” shouted one of the ponies.

“No, take my uncle, he's hurt and needs help,” added another.

“I’m pregnant, take me instead!” yelled a mare.

“Be quiet,” Kantahara hissed. “If they hear you, I won't be able to take any of you anywhere other than the grave, do you understand me?”

Most ponies immediately shied away, all save for a pegasus stallion with a bright orange mane and a slightly familiar unicorn mare who had white fur.

“I volunteer to stay behind,” he declared. “I’ve got a feeling the captain is going to want a report on all this and given the commotion, he's probably already here.”

Kanathara’s gaze was drawn to the injured wing that hung loosely on his left side, as well as the bruises which covered a good majority of his body. “You must have been the other escort for that chariot. What happened there?” Kanathara questioned.

“Now is not the time for twenty questions, darling, we must get out of here,” implored the unicorn.

“Just answer the question, and we’ll send the rest of you topside,” Rainbow Dash pressed.

The royal guard looked from one demon to the other before releasing a sigh. “I suppose if you're gonna save these civies, I owe ya that much. I didn't exactly see what happened, however. All I saw was my partner get a bolt to the gut while transporting something super important. I only managed to survive because I got out of the chariot harness in time.”

“You were lucky to have made it out with so few injuries,” Kanathara remarked. “Now then, do we have any other volunteers?”

“I will stay behind and assist you in tussling with these no good ruffians,” proclaimed the unicorn.

“Rarity, right? That's very noble of you, now stand off to the side so I can send these ponies away,” Kanathara replied.

“How do you know my name? I think I would have remembered meeting such… unique individuals,” Rarity inquired while doing as she was asked.

Kanathara snickered as she began to construct a spell circle beneath the ponies’ hooves, the glowing purple glyphs causing the group to shift nervously. “You would, if we had looked like this when you met us.”

Rainbow Dash turned towards the staircase leading down. “I’ll watch the entrance.” Oh and thanks, Kanathara. I couldn't just leave them down here.

I know, Rainbow, Kanathara replied.

“Look like that?” Rarity murmured. “Wait just a moment. You were in my shop not long ago!”

“Uh, are you sure this is a teleportation thingy? ‘Cause I don't wanna get turned into some sort of philosophizing stone,” asked one of the ponies who nervously stared down at the glowing runes etching themselves into the ground.

The royal guard took one look at the ground and nodded. “It sure is. Mighty fine spellwork too. Y'all should be topside in no time.”

“I’m surprised you recognized us. Though I suppose those disguises weren't anything exceptional,” Kanathara remarked offhandedly. “Almost done now.”

“It wasn't the disguises that got me, it was how you and your special friend act around one another,” Rarity pointed out. “I have an eye for these kinds of things, you know.”

The keeper of secrets blushed briefly.

“Alright, hold still and try not to touch one another. I don't want to accidentally cronenberg you guys,” Kanathara announced.

“What's a cronenberg?” inquired the lone child of the group.

“Don't worry about it, kiddo. Just do what the nice demon lady is telling you to do,” exclaimed the guard.

“On three,” Kanathara began, her horn glowing brightly as the circle finished knitting itself together. “As for you two, prepare to fend off some dogs. This is going to get bright.”

The two ponies nodded.

“Three, two, one,” Kanathara counted down, her curved horn flashing briefly before the majority of the ponies vanished, leaving behind only a scorched section of floor.

The sound of yelling and clamouring feet could immediately be heard from outside the structure. Though winded, Kanathara blasted the lock on the door before leaning heavily against the desk.

She grunted bitterly. “Alright, here comes the hard part.”

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