• Published 27th May 2012
  • 3,557 Views, 204 Comments

Scarlet Foal - Collins4112

This is the squeal to my other story Gentle Red. I would suggest you read it but you don't have to.

  • ...

At a loss

A/N: Welcome. I hope you enjoyed the last chapter. I implore anyone who has any ideas for the foal please let me know, and I thank reviewers and readers, and my beta reader.

We rejoin Ditzy delivering the mail, two months after returning home from her honeymoon.

Ditzy whistled a happy tune as she put letters into the mail slot on the door of the Ponyville home. Ditzy walked along, putting the correct mail in each home. Ditzy looked at the next set of letters; they were going to the Mayor's office. That was strange; usually the Mayor's mail was delivered directly to her, leaving Ditzy out of the equation.

Ditzy trotted directly to town hall, knowing that this mail must be important. She wasn't that far from the town hall in the first place, so she made good time to the Mayor's office. Ditzy walked into the building, ready to just drop the mail into the 'in' box on the secretary's desk. Ditzy put the mail in the box, and started to walk away, but the mayor's secretary stopped her.

"Wait, Ditzy, the mayor has told me to tell you something...what was it..." The secretary thought for a moment as Ditzy stood there awkwardly, feeling the bulge of her stomach press against the inside of her legs. The secretary looked through her clipboard of notes, and found what she was looking for. "Oh yes. It is my regret to inform you...blah blah blah...that your position as mailmare has been terminated. You will receive your final paycheck by next Monday."

"What?" Ditzy asked in a hurt voice. The way the secretary had put it, the way she sounded like she didn't give a damn about how she might need this job. Ditzy was also hurt that she had taken a large pay cut and still she was being fired.

"Ugh. You’re fired, get it?" The secretary asked, annoyed by Ditzy still standing there. Ditzy, unsure of what to do decided it was best if she fought for her job.

"I demand to speak with the mayor about this!" Ditzy put force behind her voice. Ditzy felt a small pulse of pride that she was being assertive.

"The mayor is out today." The secretary mentioned off-hoovedly; but as she said that the mayor walked in through the front door with a young mare at her side.

"Mayor Mare, what did I do to get fired?" Ditzy asked, desperate for it to be some sort of trick or miscommunication.

"Well, you were getting too overpriced for your work so I decided to replace you." The mayor said as if it were a totally rational thing to do.

"I was only being paid 8 bits an hour!" Ditzy argued. She felt anger well up in her. How dare she fire me! I took a huge pay cut, worked my flank off to make sure I stopped delivering the mail to the wrong houses, and she knows I have a foal on the way with a family to help provide for. Ditzy thought angrily to herself.

"Yes, but my niece here needed a summer job, and she'd work for seven and a half bits an hour." Mayor Mare put a hoof on her niece's shoulder. Ditzy felt another surge of anger; she fired me for half a bit!

"But..." Ditzy had about a million nasty things she wanted to yell at the mayor, but she couldn't form words to any of them.

"Let's be honest, you weren't very good at your job anyway." Mayor Mare mentioned, as if being told she were bad at her former job was going to help.

"I haven't delivered mail to the wrong place in two months." Ditzy fought for her job.

"Now, I'm going to ask you to leave the premises." The mayor commanded. Ditzy grumbled, as she walked out the door. Ditzy took a few deep breaths: she knew that being overly stressed was not good for the foal. The deep breaths helped a little, but she knew she needed to talk to somepony to really blow off steam.

Ditzy dragged her hooves as she walked back to the house. She felt bitter, to say the least: she didn't observe anything as she walked along, head down, and ears flat against her head. She mumbled obscenities to herself as she moved along. With Big Macintosh and Carrot Top at work, Ditzy didn't have anypony she could rant to, so she settled for grumbling to herself.

Ditzy swung opened the door to her house. She spotted the newspaper that had been delivered to their home earlier that day. She picked it up and turned to the classifieds. Ditzy looked at the jobs, almost none of them she was qualified to do or she refused to do.

After a while of looking at the help wanted section, Ditzy laid down on the couch with the newspaper spread out over her face. She sighed, her anger at the mayor replaced with an empty sadness. She supposed this was how other ponies felt when they were fired, but that didn't give her any comfort.

She put a hoof over her stomach, and said to the foal: "Well, mommy got fired today, and the only job in the help wanted section that I was qualified for was phone sex line… no way am I doing that. I guess we're lucky we have your dad, otherwise we'd be screwed."

Ditzy felt a little better talking to the foal: it was somepony to rant to, and the foal wouldn't argue with her. "The stupid mayor, replacing me with her niece for half a bit an hour."

Ditzy continued to rant to the air for a while. The longer she ranted the better she felt. It didn't remove the hurt feeling of being fired, but it was nice that she could vent her feelings and feel like somepony was listening, even though it was a foal in her womb in early stages of development.

Ditzy felt...not good but not bad either, and she also felt very hungry. She went to her kitchen and grabbed some cinnamon apples. She put them in a bowl before taking a few bites of the apples. She went back to the living room to look out the window as she ate.

"You like cinnamon apples, sweetie?" Ditzy asked her unborn foal, not expecting a response; she continued to eat the apples.

Ditzy saw a large crimson pony pass over the window for a second. The door swung open, and Ditzy expected to see Macintosh's face with his usual half smile, but he walked in with a slight frown on his face. He looked at Ditzy, and she could see him register that all was not right with her as well.

"What's wrong?" They asked each other in unison. Ditzy was taken aback that Macintosh could read her emotion when she displayed so little on her face.

"I got fired and replaced for half a bit an hour." Ditzy decided to relay her problems first. Macintosh looked surprised.

"Ah'm sorry, Sugar Cube..." Macintosh trailed off. It looked like this new information had put a heavier weight upon his shoulders. "But, the farm was hit with an infestation, and to keep the farm from goin' bankrupt and keep Apple Bloom in school, Ah have to work without pay."

This news hit Ditzy hard. They would have absolutely no money coming in, and Macintosh would still have to go work, so he couldn't be looking for another job.

"Oh..." Ditzy was stunned. Macintosh looked at her with large hurt eyes. She saw the pain it caused him to not be able to provide for his family. "Well, let me make you some lunch before you go back to work."

Macintosh smiled sadly. "Thank ya, Sugar Cube."


Ditzy walked through town in an attempt to find work. She had found odd jobs, but none of them paid enough to make it worth it. Ditzy had even considered foal sitting for the Cakes to get the rust off her skills of taking care of a foal, but they had Pinkie Pie.

"Hey Derpy!" Rainbow Dash called from above. Ditzy was taken by surprised as Rainbow Dash landed in front of Ditzy.

"Hi Rainbow Dash." Ditzy responded, a little more harshly than she meant to. Rainbow Dash still called Ditzy, Derpy, and it still annoyed her.

"You look down. Marriage troubles?" Rainbow Dash asked. The security in her voice caught Ditzy off guard. Rainbow Dash wasn't known for being able to pick up on ponies’ emotions, and Ditzy realized that she must look pretty down if Rainbow Dash picked up it.

"No...financial problems..."Ditzy trailed off, consumed with her own thoughts. "I got fired, and Apple family farm has an infestation, so they can't afford to pay him anymore."

"So you need work?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yeah." Ditzy responded, as she started to walk away, hoping to find a new job. Rainbow flew in front of her and stood in Ditzy's path.

"I have work for you." Rainbow Dash said. Ditzy raised an eyebrow, as she gave a questioning look.

"You know I'm not particularly good at flying, right?" Ditzy asked, and Rainbow Dash nodded.

"I know that, but that's not what I want you to do. My house is a mess, and I'm much too busy with my awesomeness to clean it. So, I'll pay you to do it." Rainbow Dash concluded, and before Ditzy could respond Rainbow and grasped her and took off to the sky, and off to Rainbow's castle of a house.

The immense cloud structure stood before Ditzy, as Rainbow landed in front of the house. Rainbow Dash opened the front door, and Ditzy's jaw dropped. The house was not just messy, it was destroyed, and there was almost nothing in the right place. It looked as if Rainbow performed her sonic rainboom in her house.

"Yeah, it's pretty messy. So I was thinking 35 bits to clean the whole house." Rainbow Dash said. Ditzy wasn't sure if taking the offer was the best thing to do.

"Alright..." Ditzy said nervously.

"Great!" Without another word Rainbow Dash flew away, leaving Ditzy alone, and with a massive mess to clean.


Ditzy swept the last bit of trash into a bag. Ditzy sighed: "Living room: done."

Ditzy moved on to the kitchen. She banged her head against the wall, as she saw the disaster area of a kitchen. It was a good thing that the walls were made out of clouds, otherwise she might have hurt herself.

Ditzy stepped carefully around the discarded food containers to move to the center of the room to see how bad it was. The place looked like it hadn't been cleaned in a year. Old food crumbs plastered the counters, food boxes and drink containers littered the floor, and overripe food was scattered everywhere.

Ditzy grabbed a clean rag, and wetted it down. She wiped some of the counter clearing a spot in the layer of crumbs. Ditzy looked back at the mess and thought for an insane moment that burning the mess would be more effective. She shook herself from her thoughts and cleaned.

Ditzy finished the counter after about a half an hour of cleaning, then she moved to the floor.


She was done, finally done. After six hours of cleaning, she finished cleaning Rainbow's house. Ditzy calculated in her head she was making just under six bits an hour. She knew that wasn't enough to even come close to making up what she should have been paid if she still had a real job.

Ditzy had to admit, when the cloud house wasn't plastered with trash, it was a nice house. It wasn’t long after she was done to when Rainbow Dash arrived.

"Great job Derpy!" Rainbow Dash praised Ditzy. Ditzy sighed: she had never put in so much work for so little pay before. Rainbow Dash walked into her house and almost closed the door.

"Ahem." Ditzy grunted.

"Oh yeah. Here ya go." Rainbow Dash paid Ditzy before quickly retreating into her home. Ditzy held the pouch of bits in her mouth, as she dove down to Ponyville. She landed in front of her home.

When Ditzy opened the door, she found Dinky was sitting on the couch with a worried look on her face.

"There you are mommy." Dinky greeted. Ditzy could hear Dinky trying to hide worry from her voice. "You didn't come to pick me up from school today, and then you and daddy weren't at home..."

Ditzy felt the words tug at her heartstrings. She hadn't thought of Dinky while she was cleaning Rainbow's house. "I'm sorry Muffin."

Ditzy stopped before she told Dinky she lost her job: no need to worry Dinky about financial problems. Ditzy went and sat next to Dinky and wrapped a leg around her.

"How was your day?" Ditzy asked, but before Dinky responded, the door swung open. Big Macintosh walked in, looking very tired. He had bags under his eyes and the smell of sweat on him.

"Daddy!" Dinky squealed, as she struggled free of Ditzy's leg. Dinky tumbled over to Macintosh.

"Howdy, Sugar Cube." Macintosh greeted Dinky, then he turned to Ditzy. "Howdy, Sugar."

"Hey Mac." Ditzy said. She gave him a sympathetic look. "You should go take a nap, I'll wake you when dinner is ready."

He gave her a look that said, 'thank you.' Macintosh walked in the bedroom. Ditzy heard the bed frame squeak as he laid in the bed. Ditzy pulled herself up from the couch, and walked into the kitchen to start making dinner.

After she had placed a plate with food in front of Dinky, Ditzy went to the bedroom. Macintosh was already in a deep sleep.

"Dinner's ready." Ditzy said gently, but he didn't move. "Mac..."

She looked at him, and saw how tied he looked. She sighed to herself as she went to go retrieve a plate of food. She brought it back and set it on the nightstand next to him.

"Good night, honey." Ditzy said as she kissed him on the cheek.
A/N: Thank you all for reading.