• Published 27th May 2012
  • 3,540 Views, 204 Comments

Scarlet Foal - Collins4112

This is the squeal to my other story Gentle Red. I would suggest you read it but you don't have to.

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The real end

The steady beep of a heart monitor was keeping the mood somber as possible. It was a constant reminder to her mortality. The smell of cleaning fluids hung in the air, the light was a bit too harsh, the bed was uncomfortable as always, and the gown was ugly, but all of these things are small things, and in the end don't really matter. Sure, it was nice to appreciate the little things, but it was not the time to complain about such things.

It was time, Ditzy knew, she wouldn't be going out due to sickness, or slowly rot away in the hospital causing both an emotional and finical strain on her kids. It was simply that she had lived her life, and she had a happy one too, but she knew that it would only go downhill from here. So, she decided that she would go out on her terms on her time, and make it a happy passing so that she knew her kids, and her grandchildren, and her new great grandchild would remember her as fondly and say 'she was a good mom, grandma, or great grandma.'

The thought gave Ditzy comfort, she wouldn't be leaving a long painful road to her death, like some ponies do, and she would be leaving on good terms with the world. She had made her mark, even though she wasn't a super star, rich, or have been a leader to her country, but she was successful in her own way, raising two wonderful kids, with equally wonderful grandchildren, and great grandchild. That was enough for her, and then there was Mac.

She would finally get to see him again after all the years of his passing. She wanted her death to be like his, tying up the last loose ends, saying his good byes and leaving for the great beyond. He knew it was coming and he didn't fight it, nor did he want to ponies to be sad at his death, it was a happy time, he'd get to see his parents, Granny Smith and maybe the little foal they had lost so many years ago. She didn't know if she believed in the great beyond, but at this point it didn't matter, if it was real she would get to see her husband once again and if not, nothing lost, so in the end she chose to believe.

Ditzy had informed her kids that it was time and she wanted to see them and the grandkids one last time. She had a plan set in her mind, it was weird when she thought about it, planning your own passing but it was the only way she could be sure that her family had closure. At her death bed all she wanted by her side was her two children. She knew that it wouldn't go exactly as planned, but that's what make life fun, isn't it? This, her last night on their wonderfully vibrant world, would be a good one.

The door opened to room 34, Ditzy's room. Her children walked in, Dinky had tears brimming in her eyes, but wore a smile know that this is what her mother wanted. Carson wasn't smiling, he didn't want to lose his mother, his momma, but he knew that if he tried to get the doctors to keep her alive longer, he wouldn't just be making the passing harder than it had to, he would be betraying his mother's memory making her out to be somepony had died a horribly tragic death, and that he would not stand for.

Ditzy's grandkids were old enough to understand what was going on, but they knew as well as their parents that their grandma wanted them not to mourn her death, but celebrate her life as their loving, caring, fun grandma, who had crooked eyes, but wouldn't let anything in the world put her down for it. Her strength, her determination, to pass down to her kids then in turn they passed it down to their kids, and for Quill he past it down to his child. He was glad he had been able to share the first year of his daughter's life with his grandma, it was an opportunity that the rest of his cousins and siblings would never get to have. He would tell his daughter about his grandma, who stood in the face of ridicule and hardship with a sense of determination that made her the greatest pony he, had ever known.

Ditzy's grandkids gathered around the hospital bed first, their parents would come later and much closer to the time she would decide to pass away. The grandkids, fighting back tears told her how much they loved their grandma and how much they were going to miss her. She told them that she would miss them too but to remember her fondly. They exchanged stories, good times, bad times, funny, and sad. They shared, knowing that this was the last time, at least for a long time; they would speak to their grandma. Ditzy loved them all so dearly that it almost made her want to change her mind and keep on fighting.

Ditzy knew that isn't what she, or any of her family wanted, no matter how much they said they did. They all knew that if she kept up it would end up being less of a glad passing and more of a bitter one, and nopony wanted that. So, as much as she loved them, she wanted their love to be directed towards their old, yet lively grandma of past times and not the decrepit, shambling mare that would result if she kept up the fight.

Her grandchildren couldn't hold back tears. Tears of sadness, because their grandma was going to be gone, but tears of joy because they each felt that they gave her what she wanted, a good time of remembrance before her final breath. They each gave her the tightest hug that wouldn't break the old mare and kissed her on the cheek. They each said personal good byes, Ditzy reminded Sunny to find a nice boy, told Velvet she was going to miss her apple pies, praising Quill on how good on a father he was, telling Pipsqueak Jr. to follow his dream of becoming a world famous artist, and joked with Honeydew, Carson's second child, about how he could sell apples like no other, she told him he could 'sell salt to a snail.'

The grandkids gave her one last look of her alive before being led by Quill out of the room and back to their homes. Carson and Dinky stood on both sides of the bed. Their significant others had left with the grandchildren in order to give them the time they needed together before her time came, but Ditzy didn't want to say her good byes to her children in a hospital room, she wanted to be at home passing away in the bed she had shared with Mac for so many years. That house held so many memories that were dear to her heart and she wanted to be with them in her final hour.

"Take me home." Ditzy whispered loud enough for her children to hear. Dinky nodded to Carson, who nodded to his mother. A yellow aura of Dinky's magic surrounded her, living her ever so gently onto her son's bread back. Ditzy told him how much he reminded her of his father. She also told Dinky how much she reminded her of her husband. Carson walked gently not to disturb the pony whose time was near.

A nurse attempted to stop them, but when she saw what they were doing she let them pass. The nurse had seen so many deaths that the children or the parent pony had elongated so long that it was just painful to watch, so she wasn't about to stop a family who was giving their loved one their final wish.

Ditzy felt the cool night air wash over her as they stepped out into Luna's night. She gazed up at the magnificence of the stars that were to rarely watched, it was as if a million eyes were watching her tracking to her final resting place. Ditzy images them saying to her, 'You lived a good, long life. Now, it is time to take a rest you most defiantly deserve.' She smiled to herself. She also imagined Mac watching her from afar, waiting excitedly for his lover, wife, and best friend coming to stay with him. They would spend all day just doing normal things, but it would be special because she would be with her stallion. He would say 'sugarcube' with that half smile that could, until the day he died turn her insides to butterflies.

Carson and Dinky were talking to each other quietly, it was just the calm, before the storm of feelings that was about to follow. Ditzy loved her children; she knew that this would be her most difficult good bye. Two ponies she brought into the world that she would be leaving very soon. She could feel a tear trickle down her face and soak into that grayish-red coat that she was so familiar with. She didn't want to leave them behind, it was a selfish thought, but she knew that they had lives, jobs, and families that needed to be taken care of, and now they would have one less thing to worry about. Ditzy knew that they didn't think she was a burden, and she was determined not to be one. She was independent until the day she entered the hospital, and she would be leaving the world as independent as ever.

They reached the house that held so many memories that if memories were tangible the house would have been crushed under their sheer weight. The house was more special because Mac had bought to fit their family many, many, many years before. Ditzy loved that house, it was sturdy, cozy, and it fit well into the family lifestyle. She didn't know what was going to happen to it after she died; her will said the property belonged to both Carson and Dinky. She opened that Quill would live in it with his new family, and make new memories to flood the house over again, but if they wanted to sell it, that was their business and she respected their decision.

They entered the house, it was slightly cold due to it being fall, and the heater wasn't running. 'It smells like old ponies.' Ditzy thought to herself and chuckled, causing both Carson and Dinky to look back at her. They both gave assign of relive, that chuckle told them that she was truly ready for this, and anything their old mother could bear, they could too. Carson took her to the bedroom that she had slept and done much more in with Macintosh. He tucked his elderly mother into the sheets, just as Dinky arrived with a tray with two cups of tea and mug of coffee. In the center of the tray was one large banana butterscotch muffin.

Dinky gave the muffin to her mother saying that she shouldn't be on an empty stomach. She gave Carson the coffee and sipped on tea. Ditzy refused her tea, saying 'not right now' even though there would be no later to enjoy the tea with her children. She felt it coming, it was like a cold embrace that slowly crept over her entire being, she could have fought it off, she's did it before, but this time where would be no fighting.

Ditzy decided now was the time to spill her heart. She told her children how much they meant to her, how being their mom was the best thing she had ever done, and how much she'd miss them. She told them how much spice they added to her life and how much fun they had together, and most of all how much she loved them. All of Luna's stars and Celestia's sun couldn't compare to the deep love that she felt for her little muffin and her big boy.

They shared stories, like when Dinky was little she tried to be a private investigator, or when Carson got caught with Pumpkin in an interment position when they were dating. Ditzy shared stories from her childhood, happy ones that she had shared a million times, but her kids were just as interested as they always were. She didn't share any bad stories; Ditzy wanted this to be a happy moment.

"Good bye, Dinky, Carson, I love you, and I always will." Ditzy felt the cold embrace grow stronger, it would soon envelope her in eternal peace. Her breath became soft, so very soft, that almost no air was moving in or out.

"Good bye, m-m-mommy." Dinky wrapped her in a hug, tears soaking into the coat of the old mare.

"Good bye, momma, we love you." Carson stuttered as tears started to roll onto the floor. He wrapped his strong hooves around his mother and his sister. Ditzy felt her breath catch, and then she dove into the frigid embrace of death.

Then she opened her eyes again, she felt light as air. She found herself standing outside of her body, next to her son and daughter. Dinky was sobbing quietly, and Carson was holding her close. He was saying reassuring things like 'this is what she wanted' and stuff like that. Ditzy looked at herself, she looked like she was actually standing there, but she knew she wasn't really there. She looked about as young as when she first met Macintosh.

She looked up and reared back when she saw Celestia standing on the other side of the bed, a huge grin on her face. Ditzy had a feeling that Carson and Dinky couldn't see her either.

"Oh my, you're majesty." Ditzy took a bow. Celestia laughed.

"No need for that, my little pony, you have done enough of that in this world." Celestia's voice was warm and comforting. "I am here to take you to the Great Beyond, that is what your husband called it right?"

Ditzy felt weird, needless to say, being dead and then talking to a princess who was speaking like they knew each other for a long time. "Yeah..."

"Before you go, I must say, that was beautiful." Celestia said with a genuine smile, before her horn glowed bright white and Ditzy was whisked away.

Ditzy was face down in some grass, very soft grass. A gentle breeze blew her mane off to the side. She was in a large field with forests surrounding it. The day was nice and sunny, yet not too hot nor too cold, just right. A small village sat next to a creek in the distance. Ditzy tried to stand, before a large red hoof helped her to her hooves.

"Ah missed ya, Sugarcube."

I wrote this to give myself closure. It was easier to write than I thought, but this is the way I would want to die, with family and on my own time, not just rotting away in a nursing home. So as this is the last thing that will be put into this series, I felt that there had to be a fitting ending, I found I was happy with this one. I'm glad you all took the time to read Gentle Red, Scarlet Foal, and (maybe) Through Broken Eyes and I hope y'all have a fine day.

Comments ( 28 )

Please, your tearing at the heart strings now. Stop, before I can't have any happy thoughts any more.

To not suffer or struggle, but just embrace it. That it how I want to go in the end.

959564 It was supposed to be kinda bitter sweet, she dies, but she already knew that it was going to happen and was going to embrace it


I know, but its not something I like. Though I guess I don't really get to say anything since I did the same thing in my story except it was TwixMac instead of DitzyxMac.

a´wwwwww the ending is soooo sad and cute both :)
it made me cry

Beautiful, thank you for giving us all the closure we really desired! I hope you continue to write more!!!!

Dude, since your first story, your writing has improved ALOT. Excellent work bro!

I cryed my eyes out soo good:applecry:

that was a perfect ending


You sir.... truly deserve a medal..I truly enjoy your fics...

OMG! Manly tears were shed. That was one of the saddest moments ive read about since i joined. Plz keep it up :fluttercry::pinkiesad2::fluttercry:

I always hated this type of ending because seeing the main characters die is not really what I look forward too. Well anyway thanks for the awesome story.

Damn that was sad... and it was amazing. the amount of connection youve produced between reader and character was amazing... i love how much you have cared for this story... you could see it in the last three updates, and i respect that. thanks a million
-with thanks noobelite:eeyup:

1846731 How did you find this story?

:derpytongue2:im not sure what you meant with this question, so ill answer in multiple ways...

The story was Amazing, and a bonus is the fact that mac is my favorite stallion and derpy/ditzy is my favorite mare, and dinky is my favorite foal! i got lots of laughs, feels, and moments where i absolutely had to read the next chapter (i tried spacing my reading out to make it last longer, but your writing was too good). the only thing close to a problem i had, you already addressed. and that was the fact that mac and ditzy were kinda a punching bag in the story, but i didnt really mind that. i just chalked it up to 'literary thinking'.

and if you meant literal, i found it browsing for stories with derpy and dinky.

if i some how 'derped' and didnt answer the question sorry, please elaborate if that is the case. thanks for the awesome story:eeyup:

1849141 I meant it litteraly

Happy and sad.
Love against hate.
To feel and and to breath.
Is there a happy ending or just another journey to keep following?:trollestia:

I really like how you ended this story, I really do. :heart:

Oh my god......I'm in tears right now......thank you for this amazing story

quit your day job and write for hallmark:raritycry::raritydespair::pinkiesad2::pinkiesad2::fluttercry::fluttercry:


Nothing.....and i mean nothing has ever made me cry like this.

You should write a novel.

Amazing story
I think I will just go cry in in a corner now.



Read this while watching the simpsons. That was a weird combination of laughing and tearing up.

*sniff* wwwwaaaaaaaahhhhhh...


Okay so I'm not crying on the outside but I'm practically bawling on the inside:(

I cant even remember the last time i cried when reading something. This whole Story is a Masterpiece good Sir

Goddamnit.......so *bleep*ing good.....

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