• Published 27th May 2012
  • 3,539 Views, 204 Comments

Scarlet Foal - Collins4112

This is the squeal to my other story Gentle Red. I would suggest you read it but you don't have to.

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Thank you guys for reading and reviewing. I really appreciate it. So I think the story is winding down so I hope you enjoy. I thank my amazing beta reader

We rejoin Ditzy and Mac a week and a half later...

"Good morning, Mac." Ditzy greeted warmly. Macintosh was jolted out of his dream by her voice. Macintosh had been well so far, his vital signs were within normal limits, but the doctors wouldn't let him go until the end of the week… but at least they had transferred him to the Ponyville hospital, so he could be close to home. He blinked the sleep out of his eyes and gave her a warm smile back. With a yawn he pulled himself into a sitting position.
It had been a miracle. Mac had pulled through, and beyond anypony’s expectation. His had regained his normal calm mood and he didn’t have any permanent damage besides a scar along his side. Mac could walk and probably run, but nopony was willing to let him try.

"Mornin'. How'd it go?" Macintosh asked. Ditzy smiled and betrayed her answer before she could even give it.

"Well, we got them to pay for all the medical expenses, plus a little more." Ditzy said happily. Peashooter had sued the photographer for printing lies, and since he was a Wonderbolt he had some of the best lawyers in Equestria. So they had won the case and gotten the medical bills paid for and a little compensation for the grief it had caused.

"That's good." Macintosh said, before he let out another long yawn. Ditzy sat on the end of the bed, looking at him. She saw hope in his eyes: hope that she had brought him something to do. He got dreadfully bored with nothing to do; he had read most of the books he was interested in and only occasionally somepony would come to visit, mostly Ditzy or Applejack and Apple Bloom. "Where are the kids?"

"Dinky is 'hanging out' with Twist." Ditzy put inflection on ‘hanging out’ because Dinky insisted that she wasn't a little filly anymore and she didn't go on play dates. "And the Cutie Mark Crusaders are watching Carson."

Macintosh's eyebrows raised high into the air. He sounded nervous when he said: "Uhhhh... Sugar, is that a good idea?"

"It's fine, Mac, really Granny Smith is watching Carson, and the crusaders are just helping." Ditzy assured him. Macintosh exhaled a sigh of relief. Granny Smith may be old, but she knew how to take care of her great grandson, and do it well. "How are you feeling, Macintosh?"

"Each day Ah feel a little bit better, only thing is there ain't much to do. The soap operas are terrible." Macintosh sighed.

"Hey, General Hospital is pretty good." Ditzy reasoned. She didn't watch T.V. much seeing as they didn't own one, but she did try to watch General Hospital when she wasn't busy and a T.V. was available. "I brought cards, if you want to play."

You would never think cards could bring such joy to a pony. He nodded his head vigorously and Ditzy produced a deck of cards. Ditzy shuffled the deck a little. Macintosh asked: "Poker?"

"I don't know how to play... How about blackjack?" Ditzy suggested, and without waiting for a response she dealt out the cards. Ditzy took the role of dealer. Macintosh looked down at his cards: he had a 5 of hearts showing. He hit and Ditzy gave him another card. He took a look and grunted. He flipped his cards over; he had a total of 23.

"Ah bust." He said. They played a few more hands, Ditzy winning some, Mac winning others. After a while Macintosh broke their concentration on the game, saying: "How about we make this interesting?"

"How so?" Ditzy asked, as she won another hand. She gathered the cards up in her hooves and shuffled again.

"Whichever one of us wins a hand gets to ask any question, and it has to be answered." Macintosh said. Ditzy shrugged: the idea sounded kind of boring… she thought they could ask each other anything anyway.

"Sure." Ditzy dealt another hand. Macintosh grinned happily as he flipped his cards over as soon as he got them; he had a Jack and an ace.

"21, Ah win." He said like she didn't already know. She gathered up the cards as he thought about his question. "Did ya have a crush on anypony when ya were small?"

Ditzy thought about it for a moment. "Yeah, I did. It was silly, he was way older than me... what was his name...anyway his nickname was the King..." Ditzy blushed at the memory. "He was the lead of some boy band....I can't remember the name of that either, but I guess I had a crush on him. I had so many posters up in my room, it was like wallpaper. How about you?"

Macintosh smiled smugly. "Ya will have to win to find out."

Ditzy dealt another hand. She was lucky: she got two tens and Mac busted out. "Alright Mac, your turn… did you have a crush when you were little...or less big I guess."

"Well, Ah suppose that Ah did. Ah had just got my yolk and was just getting into school. Ah remember that my teacher had to go away for a while so we had a substitute teacher. She was nice and for some reason Ah developed a crush on her." He chuckled. "Ah even brought her flowers once and asked her on a date." Ditzy laughed and Macintosh smiled sheepishly. "Obviously, she turned me away and told me that Ah should wait to find my real special somepony." He looked at Ditzy. "Ah guess she was right."

"Awwww... Mac..." Ditzy cooed and gave him a kiss. She shuffled the deck quickly. Macintosh smiled smugly and showed his hand, two kings. Ditzy had sixteen so as dealer she had to hit. Ditzy nervously flipped the next card. "Yes! 21! Alright Macintosh... Who was your first marefirend?"

"Well, my first real marefriend was..." He thought for a moment. "Cheerilee I suppose, we were in the same class and all. It never got too serious and we just decided to be friends."

Ditzy nodded in response and dealt another hand. Ditzy won again.

"Ya wouldn't be cheating, now would ya?" Macintosh grunted at his third defeat in a row.

Ditzy gasped and said playfully: "Macintosh, I would never cheat. Now when was the first time you got past first base?"

Macintosh reeled. He obviously hadn't thought that the questions would go in this direction. He looked at bit shaken as he composed an answer.

"Ya really want to know? Well, after Cheerilee, Ah got to be a bit... desperate and Ah dated a mare, Ah won't give out the name, but she was known around school to be a bit of a... anyway, we started getting real serious real fast, and Ah wasn't thinking with my head, but with... ya know... well, Ah brought her home. Ah knew Granny wouldn't approve so Ah snuck her in. We started by just kissing." Ditzy tried to hold back laughter as her husband became a deeper red. "Then we got to touchin' and we almost went all the way but Applejack came bursting into the room wanting me to show her how to buck... again. Needless to say it didn't end well."

Ditzy had to let it out. She laughed, hard and full of joy. "Alright, that was a good one."

She dealt another hand. Macintosh won. He smiled like he was going to ask her the same question she asked him; luckily she had already prepared an answer.

"Have ya ever wanted to be..." He blushed again. Ditzy raised an eyebrow. He wasn't going to ask the same question. "Kinky?"

"Kinky?" Ditzy looked at him questioningly. She looked behind her to make sure the door was closed. "I guess..."

"Wow. Great answer, Sugar Cube." Macintosh looked at her, unsatisfied with her answer.

"Well, what do you want?" Ditzy asked.

"Well, what have you wanted to do?" He asked.

"Well, you'll just have to beat me in another hand." Ditzy said playfully as she dealt another hand. He stayed at 18, Ditzy had 17 and she had to stay as dealer.

"Ah win. Now what have ya wanted to do when you were feeling kinky?" Macintosh specified the question. Ditzy blushed hard at the question.

"Well, it's more like role playing..." Ditzy could not believe she was saying this. "Like nurse and patient, cop and crook, or stuff along those lines."

Ditzy started to shuffle the deck again, but Macintosh stopped her by putting a hoof on the cards. "If ya haven't noticed we're in a hospital...alone, the nurse doesn't come around for a while... and there is a nurse's uniform in that closet over there...we could..."

Ditzy hadn't blushed so hard since she first started to date Macintosh. "Mac, what if somepony comes in?"

"Nopony will come in." He assured her. He smiled at her slyly. She patted her hooves together nervously, but for some reason she really wanted to, even if they got caught.

"You're hurt Mac." Ditzy gave her last concern about the situation.

"Ah'm fine, the doctors just want to keep me here longer so they can get more money because we don't have to pay for it." He said. Ditzy nodded. She suddenly got really excited: she was going to fulfill one of her fantasies, and in a real hospital no less They sensation that they could get caught at any moment added to her excitement. Ditzy went over to the closet. She placed the paper hat upon her blond hair and slipped on the white clothing. She walked back in the Macintosh's view, and he gave a whistle.

"Now, Mr. Apple, time for your checkup." Ditzy almost giggled at how silly the moment felt and how excited she was.


Carrot Top walked through the tastefully decorated halls of the hospital. Most hospitals were white everywhere and it felt very uncaring and sterile. However the Ponyville hospital felt warm and like the doctors and nurses knew everypony personally. Walking beside and slightly behind Carrot Top were Dinky and her friend Twist.

Carrot Top was wearing a saddle bag with board games and other entertainment. She knew how boring it could get in a hospital, so she decided to visit and maybe play a few games with him, Ditzy, and the kids.

"Dang. I forgot the room number again." Carrot Top said to herself, since she knew the fillies weren't listening. She stopped by a nurse's station. A nurse sat sleeping in a chair behind a desk. Carrot Top knocked on the desk to wake the nurse up.

"I'm awake!" The nurse almost shouted as she jolted out if her sleep. "Oh hello, can I help you?"

"Yes which room is Macintosh Apple in?" Carrot Top asked. The nurse looked down at the chart.

"Room 134." The nurse said, before leaning back in the chair and falling asleep again. Carrot Top was unsure how anypony could fall asleep that fast. Carrot Top continued on her way down the hall to a room with a 134 pinned to the door.

"Alright girls we're here." Carrot Top said. She reached for the knob. She twisted it and the door clicked opened. Carrot Top stuck her head in first.

Her face immediately turned red and became boiling hot. They hadn't even noticed her yet, and Carrot Top intended to keep it that way. It seemed that Macintosh was keeping himself quite entertained. Carrot Top forced herself to look away, from the very intimate scene. The fillies tried to squeeze past her, but Carrot Top pushed them back.

"Uhhhh... Macintosh is busy right now." It wasn't a lie. "We should come back later."

"I'm sure he would be fine if we came in to see him." Dinky said. Carrot Top closed the door to stop the fillies. "Why is your face so red?"

"We can come back later." She said but the fillies didn't look convinced. Carrot Top had to think on her hooves. "How about I get you girls some ice cream?"

The nodded their heads vigorously. Carrot Top breathed a sigh of relief: crisis avoided. She walked with the fillies to the exit.


Ditzy returned the uniform to the closet; no doubt that whoever received it next would wonder why it smelled so sweaty... among other things. She looked at the clock: it was almost time to pick up Dinky from Twist's and make sure that Carson was okay.

Macintosh whistled. "Ya looked mighty fine in the nurses outfit… then again ya look mighty fine now."

Ditzy smiled warmly at him. She gave him a kiss and began to walk towards the door. "I got to go pick of Dinky from Twist's, and I'm going to check up on Carson."

"Alright, Sugar Cube. Ah'm glad ya came to visit." Macintosh laid back into his bed.

"I am too Mac. I'll be back later." Ditzy said. She opened the door and walked straight into Carrot Top. Ditzy's eyes went wall-eyed for a moment, then snapped back to focus. "Oh hi, Carrot Top."

"Hello Ditzy. I just came by to see if Macintosh wanted to play a game or something." Carrot Top said.

"I'm sure he'll appreciate that, but I think he's asleep right now." Ditzy looked back. Macintosh had already fallen back into his slumber.

"That's fine. I'll just leave the games inside." Carrot Top said, as she set the saddlebag full of games on the inside of the door.

"Hi mommy." Dinky said. Ditzy hadn't even seen her behind Carrot Top. She was standing next to Twist.

"Oh, I was just going to pick you up. Twist, would you like us to take you home?" Ditzy asked.

"That would be sssswell." She spat out the s. They group started walking towards the exit, with Dinky and Twist running ahead out of earshot.

"So you have fun with Mac?" Carrot Top asked. Besides the fact that it was a strange question, Ditzy thought she heard something strange about the way she asked it.

"Yeah, I guess." Ditzy said, unsure about how to properly respond. Carrot Top seemed to sense this.

"You have fun with him, Nurse Ditzy?" Carrot Top asked slyly. Ditzy's face turned as red as Macintosh's coat.

"You saw?" Ditzy asked, her face getting hotter and hotter.

"Nothing that bad, but more of Mac than I ever wanted to. You hadn't gotten... that far, thank Celestia, but you were close, I could tell because you were...um...groping among other things… do the words, "I need 20 ccs of you, stat' mean anything to you?" Carrot Top couldn't help but let out her childish giggles.

"Oh, I'm so embarrassed." Ditzy's face looked like it was about to burst, so Carrot Top decided it was time to stop teasing her.

"It’s fine, Ditzy. I'm just happy that you two have already put the past behind you." Carrot Top comforted.

"Thanks." Ditzy's face was losing some of its redness.

"I wish I had a stallion like that... So well endowed, I'm not sure how you walk after that." Carrot Top teased, and Ditzy's face went back to its original redness.

So by reading some of the comments I realized something: life isn't a soap opera, it's not a tragedy after tragedy. Life is a wonderful adventure full of laughter and love. Some serious moments do occur, but not every moment is sad. I have written the lives of these fictional characters in a way that, as I feel, doesn't represent what love is. Their life should have been a magical adventure occasionally dipping into darker topics, but the whole fic shouldn't be that. They should have been written in a much more real way, not tragedy after tragedy, but triumph after triumph. I have failed to do that, and for that, I am deeply sorry.

Please have a good day. Thank you.