• Published 27th May 2012
  • 3,539 Views, 204 Comments

Scarlet Foal - Collins4112

This is the squeal to my other story Gentle Red. I would suggest you read it but you don't have to.

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Welcome back. I will be on vacation in Hawaii so I won't be posting for a while.

A week later.

Ditzy yawned and clicked her tongue a few times. The warm morning sun forced its way through the small crack in the curtains. She felt something wrapped around her, and her eyes shot open. She looked down and saw a light green leg wrapped around her mid-section. Ditzy started to breathe quickly, almost to the point of hyperventilating. Ditzy thought back, but she couldn't remember anything. She focused as hard as she could, but the last night was just blank.

She remembered putting Dinky and Carson to bed. She remembered that Peashooter had asked her something, and she had agreed. Peashooter stirred in his sleep, and she felt him grip her closer. Ditzy was scared. If they had...done the deed, she was in more trouble than she cared to think about... She hoped against hope that she hadn't slept with him.

Ditzy tried to pull out of his wrapped leg, but he was surprisingly strong. In her struggling, she managed to wake him. He quickly unwrapped his leg from around her. She twisted in bed to face him. He looked tired, but he wore a smile.

"Good, you're okay." He said, relieved. "I was afraid you were hurt with the way you were moaning."

Ditzy had no idea what he was talking about. She just stared at him. The way he looked at her didn't give away any sort of hint as to what had happened. He shook his head, causing his mane to sway.

"We had fun though, didn't we?" He asked. Oh no. I....slept with him. I just know it. She thought. Was he wearing protection? What if I get pregnant? Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no...

"Heh...yeah." She said weakly, and he immediately gave her a look of concern, with a soft supporting smile.

"Your head is still hurting, isn't it?" He asked. Ditzy had no idea what he was talking about, so she kept quiet. "You just stay in bed, and I'll make you some breakfast."

He rolled himself out of bed, and went over to open the curtains, and then he left the room. As he went to the kitchen, Ditzy started to look around for signs. She sniffed the sheets. They smelled of sweat, not a good sign. Next, she went to the bathroom, and looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair was messy, well... more messy than usual and she looked tired, more bad signs.

Ditzy sighed. She looked in the trash: there wasn't anything incriminating in it, which was a good and bad thing. If they did have sex and he didn't wear any protection, there would be a major problem. Ditzy had to ask him if he used anything. She was pretty sure that they did.

She laid back down in the bed to wait for him to return. She had feelings swirling in her stomach and thoughts going a hundred miles an hour in her head. She played in horror about what Macintosh would say when he found out. She could see him now; he would stare at her with his big, sad green eyes. She could already see the hurt in his eyes, the betrayal, and his anger. He would only say a few things to her, he would take Carson and she would never see either one of them ever again. These thoughts played in her mind at high speeds.

The smell of breakfast shook her from her thoughts. Peashooter came in with breakfast on a tray. He set it on her lap. The food looked all right: she could see he burnt the toast and didn't shake the orange juice, because a lot of pulp was sitting in her glass. She smiled weakly at him; she needed to ask him a very important question.

"Did...did you use protection?" Ditzy asked nervously. Peashooter stopped and stared at her, a confused look on his face.

"No, why would I?" He asked. Ditzy felt her heart drop, she knew what that meant.

"To make sure I didn't get pregnant!" She shouted at him. He reeled back, he looked very lost.

"W-what? I think you’re confused." Peashooter said. Ditzy sat up, tipping the tray over. She couldn't believe that he hadn’t even considered being safe.

"You have sex with me and don't even bother to think I might get pregnant?" Ditzy yelled at him. She was loud enough for Carson to start crying in the next room over.

"Wait...Wha-? Had sex with you? Ditzy, what do you think happened last night?" Peashooter asked, stuttering in several places.

"I can't remember what happened, but all the signs point to it!" She shouted. Carson grew louder without somepony there to comfort him. Peashooter suddenly had a look of realization on his face.

"Ditzy, we didn't do that together… for one that would be impossible, but don't you remember after you put Carson and Dinky to bed, we still felt wide awake, so I said we should go out flying, and we did? We were having a good time until a southerly gust blew you off balance. You went and crashed into a tree...." He stuttered for a moment. "And you weren't moving, and I...I was afraid you died, but then I found that you were just unconscious. So I brought you home, and watched over you to make sure you were okay. After about three hours of watching, I found that you were just fine, and I decided to just sleep in this bed." He finished his story, and then it all came back to her. The flashes of memory became one and formed into a coherent memory.

"Oh..." Ditzy murmured. Peashooter smiled gently at her.

"Ditzy... I respect you, and I would never...sleep with you; I love you Ditzy, but not in the way Macintosh loves you, but more like a sister.... and there are other reasons too." He said with a soft voice. Ditzy didn't know what to say; she was relieved that she hadn’t actually slept with him.

"What other reasons?" Ditzy asked, curious now that she knew she hadn’t done anything and he face hooved. He looked like he wished he hadn’t said that.

"I'd rather not talk about it." He took a seat on the edge on the bed. Carson was still crying in the other room: Ditzy was about to get up to go calm him down, when Peashooter spoke up: "You can't tell anypony..."

"You can trust me, Pea." Ditzy said reassuringly. He sighed and looked at her with fear in his eyes.

"I-I've never told anyone this....but I'm a..." He whispered the last part so she didn't hear what he was. Ditzy put a reassuring hoof on his back.

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch that last part." Ditzy said. He sighed.

"I'm a-" He whispered the last part again so she still couldn't hear again.

"Please, you're going to have to speak up." Ditzy said softly.

"I'm a colt cuddler!" He shouted. The sudden change in his attitude surprised her as much as the news. She didn't know what a colt cuddler was, but he seemed to be upset about it.

"What's that?" Ditzy asked: she didn't know why but she pulled him into a hug, and he leaned his head onto her shoulder. She felt her shoulder start to get wet.

"I'm a homosexual." He whispered into her ear. Now it was Ditzy's turn to be confused.

"Now, what's so bad about that?" Ditzy asked. Carson was still crying in the other room: it was starting to wear on Ditzy's nerves, but Peashooter who needed her more right now.

"Did you not hear what I just said?" He asked: she had never seen him this way, so she figured he must have been really torn up about it.

"Peashooter, it doesn't matter what orientation you have, you’re my friend, and I love you too. Anything you want to do, I support… or anypony for that matter." She added the little joke at the end. She gave a soft smile. He gave her a look that told her that the joke wasn't very funny.

She heard a little click and then a flash came from the window. They both turned their heads to see a pony in the window with a camera, and he looked excited. Ditzy had no idea how long that pony had been there but he was gone in an instant.

"Oh no." Peashooter winced.


Three days later…

Another whiskey bottle hit the floor and shattered. The magazine cover read, Wonderbolt caught in affair with married mare. The cover photo showed their bed, Ditzy laying in Peashooter's legs with the clock by the bed reading just past one in the morning. The article was on the first page. It told about the photographer, how he had been following Peashooter since he had first sighted him with grey mare. It went on to say he came upon them sharing the bed, according to the photographer the photo was too low quality to see it but they were both sweaty and there had been obvious signs of sexual interaction.

Big Macintosh just stared at the cover, taking another swig of his liquor. He wasn't usually a pony who drank when he was sad, but he wasn't sad... He was destroyed, his world shattered. All of Equestria was enthralled with the story: it was in every newspaper, every magazine, and on every news show.

Macintosh hadn't heard anything from Ditzy. Not that he really wanted to see her. His heart was shattered, and he started to write his final letter to her.

Dear Ditzy, I won't be coming home. You broke my heart, and I will be staying here with Braeburn in Appaloosa. I know you will disagree, but I want custody of Carson and I will be sending my sisters over to get him, don't fight it or I will throw everything I have left to get him. I...

He didn't finish it; he just crumpled it up and threw it into the pile with the others. He couldn't finish any of the letters; they just never came out right. He found himself starting to sob silently, again. Macintosh looked over to the door as it opened. Braeburn stood in the doorway, his usual happy face replaced with one of concern. He kicked one of the empty bottles over to Macintosh.

"Come on, Mac. Let's go out on the town." Braeburn said. He had been trying to get Macintosh out of the house for days. Macintosh just looked at him through his drunken haze. He reached for the pack of cigarettes he kept nearby, but Braeburn beat him to it. He had kicked cigarettes years ago, but the sudden stress of the situation broke his resolve to never touch the things. "Now, Macintosh Ah'm not gonna let you stay in here and kill yourself."

"What are ya gonna do about it?" Macintosh grumbled. Braeburn may have been strong, but he wasn't strong enough to pull Macintosh anywhere if he really didn't want to go.

"Big Macintosh?" A strong female voice said, and Macintosh's eyes shot open.

"A-Applejack?" Big Macintosh stuttered. His little sister stepped out from behind Braeburn.

"Hey Mac. How ya doing?" She asked softly. Macintosh sunk back he didn't want his sister to see him like this: drunk, depressed, and craving a cigarette.

He didn't say anything in return, he just grunted. Applejack walked closer to him, knocking some bottles out of the way. She could see she wasn't going to get him to talk about it, so she took a bottle from him and took a long drink.

"You're too young to be drinkin'." Macintosh's brotherly protectiveness came out in a flash.

"Ah've been out drinking before, Mac. How about you, me, and Braeburn go out to the saloon?" Applejack suggested.

"Nope." He grunted. Applejack looked to Braeburn, who shrugged back.

"Fine, Ah won't push ya. Ah just want ya to know, Apple Bloom has been wanting to see ya, but Ah won't let her see ya like this. It would crush her to see her big brother all depressed." Applejack said as she left the room with Braeburn. Macintosh just went back to the paper on his desk and began writing.

Dear Ditzy....


The same day.

Ditzy was frantic. She had been getting ponies all day and the previous day coming to her door to asking her lots of questions. Peashooter was trying to stay out of sight of the paparazzi, who was constantly circling the house hoping to get a shot for their respective newspapers and magazines.

Ditzy could barely hold the spoon to feed Carson. Ditzy knew she had to get to Macintosh, to explain what happened, but she couldn’t get out of the house, let alone get to the train station. Peashooter walked into the room cautiously.

"They aren't gone, are they?" He asked, and Ditzy shook her head no. Suddenly, she heard the front door open and close quickly. Carrot Top trotted into the room.

"Ditzy! Finally, I've been trying to get here for days. They are ravenous." She said and looked over at Peashooter, sizing him up. "You two didn't actually....

"No!" They both shouted. Ditzy cringed, she knew the reporters outside heard the shout. It was like she could feel them all scribbling on their little note pads.

"Okay. Have you seen Macintosh yet?" Carrot Top asked. Somehow she knew Macintosh had seen the magazine.

"No..." Ditzy said sadly. "He's in Appaloosa."

"Well, I have too much invested in your marriage to see it fail." Carrot Top weakly joked. "I'm going to get you to Appaloosa."

"How? Ditzy asked.

"We're going to need to get Pinkie Pie."

Well, I hoped you enjoyed it. I'll try to get another chapter in before I go to Hawaii but I can't promise anything. Thank you for reading, and Thanks to my beta reader.