• Published 19th Jul 2015
  • 16,327 Views, 1,193 Comments

How To Ponify Your Dragon - Onomonopia

Berkians meet Equestrians. With 90% more dragons.

  • ...

What She Can't See

"Wijida. You're the one who has been mind-controlling the dragons and making them attack our homes!" Twilight roared with royal fury as she pointed her horn at Wijida, but the blind pony chuckled slightly before removing her skull helmet with a mocking bow. Twilight's eyes widened when she saw Wijida's head, for there was no unicorn horn atop of it. "W-what? But that doesn't make sense! How can you control the dragons if you aren't a unicorn?"

"I possess many a different talent, Twilight, but the greatest of them all is my mind," Wijida politely replied. "Not to mention that a certain being is...aiding me with the control of the dragons." With an earth shaking impact the gargoyle-like dragon slammed down beside the princess, dumping off the rest of her friends next to her before backing off.

"Ugh, brute," Rarity mumbled as she dusted herself off, but her jaw fell when she saw what Wijida was wearing. "Oh dear Celestia, that has to be the sickest and most disgusting apparel I have ever laid eyes on! How can you stand looking at yourself?!"

"Perhaps, it is because I cannot see with my eyes?" Wijida replied with a laugh, shutting Rarity up while confirming Hiccup's suspicions.

"Wait, we have to beat up a blind pony? Don't know how I feel about that," Rainbow grumbled as she took to the air again.

"Fear not Dash, for while my eyes may be of no use to me, my mental capabilities far more than make up for it," Wijida replied with an eerie look as she turned her blank eyes towards the Pegasus. "For with it, I can see and do so much more. For example..." The next thing Dash knew a force had grabbed hold of her and slammed her into the stone floor, getting a yelp of surprise out of the Pegasus. "You are putty in my hooves."

"So, you've developed telepathy. And I'm guessing that your powers don't end there, do they?" Twilight deduced, getting another blank smile from the pony. "You've obviously got mind-controlling properties, that's how you can control the dragons."

"What's telepathy?" Hiccup whispered to Twilight.

"It means she can control and move things with her mind," Twilight whispered, causing fear to ripple down Hiccup's spine. "But there's one more thing I want to know. And that's-"

"Why control the dragons and force them to attack ponies? Excellent question, Twilight! Well done! It's not for power or for glory Twilight, for I can have any of those. Pull up a chair and allow me to tell you my story," Wijida said with a chuckle as all the ponies suddenly felt themselves sit down against their wills, while Hiccup remained standing. "I have money Twilight, a lot of money. And I have power as you have clearly seen. But I also have an ability, an ability that has taken all the fun and suspense out of life. See...I can see the future with nearly one hundred percent accuracy."

The ponies all gasped at the revelation while Hiccup tried to fathom how that was possible. Wijida "saw" the looks of bewilderment and shock upon their faces and let out another small chuckle as she began to strut. "Yes, I was born blind in these two eyes, but my internal third eye was always active, allowing me to move around the world as easily as if I could see. But it could do more as well. Lottery numbers, who's going to win the big game, what ponies the world will love and adore. I could see it all perfectly as if I were watching a video, so it was easy to become rich and famous in my city."

"But as gleeful as seeing the future sounds, after a while it began to get boring. Always knowing what was going to happen, always knowing how I would escape from trouble or what dangers lurked around a corner for me. It's like having an entire story spoiled for you, right as you pick the book up and turn each page, knowing full well what will happen next," Wijida explained with a bored tone as she sauntered back and forth, sighing occasionally as she did so.

"Wait, does that mean that you've never had a surprise party in your whole life?!" Pinkie exclaimed in horror, getting an eye roll from Dash and a sigh from Rarity.

"I have never had a surprise in my life dear, but thank you for your concern," Wijida said with a slight bow before looking over at Twilight with a wicked grin on her face. "But you said that your vision was nearly one hundred percent accurate," Wijida began, speaking every thought that had been going through Twilight's mind. "That means that you've failed to predict the future before!"

"Don't...do that," Twilight growled, but a snarl from the dragon behind her prevented Twilight from attempting anything.

"That is the very reason why I have turned the dragons against you, Twilight. Because I had a vision," Wijida began with a smile of joy as she sat herself down in front of the dragon gem. "One day while I was lounging about, bored out of my skull, a vision came to me. It showed the future where I led an army of dragons against the ponies of Equestria, against Celestia and Luna themselves, with only the Elements of Harmony and two creatures that I had never seen before to oppose me. Our armies clashed, lives were lost, the creatures battled with me and a monstrous dragon and then..."

"And then what? Come on, don't leave me hanging!" Pinkie screamed.

"I don't know," Wijida said with a giddy smile as she practically hopped up and down. "The vision ended there. I didn't see who won, who lost or how the battle would go. For the first time in my life, I didn't know the outcome of something. Upon realizing this, I focused my third eye and tried to view the events that would lead up to such an event, but I found that most of them were obscure, even to me. It was a future that I didn't know."

"So that's your twisted reason for doing this?!" Twilight screamed with fury when she figured out the reason. "You're endangering thousands of lives and tearing apart a treaty that we've had for centuries with other creatures all because you were BORED?!" Wijida's eyes narrowed on Twilight and in the next moment she felt herself in pain, as if her own brain was attacking itself.

"I have waited all my life for this moment, Twilight, for an outcome that I do not know and a story that I could read freshly. I do not care for the lives that are lost during this battle. I know how nearly all of them are going to die anyway. I do not care for the dragons that I control. All they do is hoard gold and go into fairytales. No, what I'm doing, I'm doing for the world! A grand story, one whose end nobody can predict! Aren't you all just excited?! Aren't you all just on the edge of your seats as you wait for what comes next?!" she asked the group with a huge grin.

"No, because I know how this story ends." All eyes turned towards Hiccup, who was glaring at the voodoo pony with a look of loathing burned onto his face. "This ends with you being stopped. And I don't need to see the future to know that if you hurt any more ponies or dragons or anything else, then I'll stop you myself." To drive his point home, Hiccup drew forth his blade and whipped it around, sending flames burning around him and Wijida.

"Ah yes, you are the one that Twilight brought to aid the ponies in the battle against me, are you not? Please, may I have your name?" Wijida asked, getting a skeptical look out of Hiccup. "You are one of them, dear...creature. You are one of my blind spots. I knew that Twilight would bring something from across space and time to fight against me, but everything else about them was outside of my vision. I would like to know the one who has given me this great opportunity."

At that moment, Hiccup remembered seeing his father in similar delicate negotiations with rival chieftains threatening war. He therefore raised himself up to his full height, imitating his father's posture and announced, "Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third, Chief of Berk and Master of Dragons." After introducing himself, Hiccup pointed the blade at Wijida's throat, the motion threating her while doubling as a signal for Toothless to move. The Night Fury let out a roar and lunged at the pony, but the stone fist of the gargoyle slammed into the ground before him. Toothless barked as he backed away while the gargoyle stepped between the dragon and Wijida, who smiled slightly before levitating into the air and across the bridge.

"Farewell then, Hiccup. We shall meet again," Wijida called over her shoulder as the dragon began to lumber towards the ponies and others. "You may get the gem for now. I will have it eventually. Or maybe I won't? That's what makes this so much fun!"

The moment she left the large, starry room, the gargoyle let out a bellow of fury before raising its hands above Fluttershy and Rarity, hurling the rock fist at the two ponies with intent to kill. But faster than a blur, both Rainbow and Toothless moved the pair out of the way, while Twilight and Hiccup worked together to gain the dragon's attention.

"Alright Hiccup, you said this dragon was a Boulder class, right? How do we fight it?" Twilight asked as she shot a number of magical bolts into the creature to divert its attention. It's crimson eyes slowly swiveled to the pair of them, glaring at Twilight for a moment before focusing on Hiccup and his sword.

"Aim for the eyes! Their hide is generally too tough to penetrate without specialized weapons!" Hiccup called out as he raced over to Toothless, hopping onto the dragon's back while flipping his peg leg into flight mode. The two ascended within moments and began to circle around the gargoyle, who bellowed with fury as he began to swat at the two. "Alright Toothless, think you can use that trick again to free this guy?"

Toothless flew around in front of the dragon and began to concentrate, willing the dragon to stop fighting them and to give up. And for a moment the dragon shook his head and seemed to fight the control. But then the fierce crimson color returned to his eyes and with another roar he spat out a ball of molten magma that missed the pair by inches.

"Darn it, as long as he's able to fight it seems that the spell will hold. Twilight! Get the gem! We'll keep this guy distracted!" Hiccup roared down at Twilight as he and Toothless began to circle the gargoyle, peppering him with blasts of blue fire.

"Spike!" Twilight called out, the little dragon running out from behind Rainbow and racing over to Twilight's side. "Come on Spike, we need to get this gem before that dragon hurts Hiccup." Spike nodded and the two of them then turned towards the pedestal, where a green aura washed off the gem and began to scan the pair. After nearly a minute, the aura turned blood red and a roar echoed across the chamber.

"T-twilight, what's the matter? Did it work?" Spike asked, right before Rainbow Dash tackled him to the side as a giant chunk of the ceiling landed right where he had been standing.

"I don't get it! Spike and I are probably the closest dragon and pony pair in all of Equestria and it still wasn't enough?!" Twilight roared at the pedestal, only to get the bellow of a thousand dragons back at her in response. With a scowl she looked up to see the gargoyle getting dangerously close to catching Hiccup and Toothless, who were having a difficult time maneuvering in such a small chamber.

"Rainbow! You and me are going to aid Hiccup and Toothless! Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie! Help get Spike out of here! Spike, go with them!" Twilight ordered before hurling herself into the sky alongside Rainbow Dash, where she began to unleash her magic upon the stony skin of the gargoyle.

"What are you doing up here?! I thought you were getting the gem?!" Hiccup yelled at Twilight while barely dodging another magma ball.

"Change of plans, seems that Spike and I didn't cut it!" Twilight yelled over the gargoyle as she wrapped her magic around its throat like a leash, gritting her teeth as she tried to reign the creature in. "You and Toothless are going to have to try! And hurry up, this place is coming down!"

Hiccup looked from the dragon to the gem before letting out a growl and descending down towards it, looking back one last time at the ponies he had left to fight his battle. The gargoyle belched more molten fire at the pair as they skillfully dodged and weaved past the fire. At least, Rainbow Dash did, but Twilight's lack of flying experience made dodging the fire all the more risky for her, and she was so focused on not getting caught by the fire that she never saw the stone paw that reached up and punched her right out of the air.

"Twilight!" Rainbow called out as she lunged for the princess, but another stone claw shot out and pinned the rainbow maned Pegasus to the wall. With a bellow, the dragon turned its flaming maw down towards Twilight, who groaned as she looked up at the flames with narrowed eyes. The dragon opened its mouth to unleash its inferno right as Twilight started her dousing spell...yet both were interrupted as the Night Fury streaked by and blasted the dragon right in the nose.

"Hiccup? You were supposed to get the gem!" Twilight yelled up at the dragon rider as he made another pass at the gargoyle.

"Gem could wait, you needed my help!" he called down to her as Toothless spun beneath a stone claw.

"No I didn't! I had it under...oh whatever," Twilight said with a smirk as she flapped her wings and got back into the fray. With a burst of royal magic, Twilight managed to buckle one of the dragon's legs and drove it down to one knee, where it was forced down further by a barrage of fire from the Night Fury that streaked by it.

"Alright Bud, let's try this one more time," Hiccup instructed before the pair hovered in front of the dragon again, Toothless glaring into its eyes with his own. For a long minute the crimson within the dragon and the will of the Alpha battled it out, neither side budging an inch. But finally the crimson within the dragon's eyes faded away, leaving the dragon to blink with confusion as it looked around the shaking room.

"Where am...what's going...?" he began before realizing that the whole place was coming down. With a yell he bolted for the exit, accidentally knocking Hiccup and Toothless out of the way as he ran. The pair crashed into the pedestal where the gem was located, smashing through it with enough force to knock Hiccup off of Toothless. The dragon barked with worry as he ran towards Hiccup, but he quickly found himself in danger when a stone from the ceiling fell onto his wing, pinning him to the ground.

"Toothless! Hang on Bud!" Hiccup called out as he raced to his dragon, trying in vain to lift the boulder that had fallen upon his friend. Despite straining with all of his might, the stone remained unmoved. However, one of the stones that had been loosely embedded in the ceiling came loose and descended on a deadly course towards Hiccup's skull. Yet as he looked up just in time to see the boulder, a burst of purple magic shattered the rock with a single blast before a purple aura lifted the stone off Toothless' wing.

"Twilight!" Hiccup called out as his savior raced over to his side, using her magic to help Toothless back up.

"Seems like it's my turn to save you," Twilight said with a smile. "Come on, time to leave!" A field of magic surrounded the pair of them and in the next moment Hiccup and Toothless found themselves standing outside of the temple with the others, having just enough time to turn around and watch as the temple folded in upon itself, just barely avoiding being their tomb. Hiccup and Toothless looked at each other for a moment before the both of them sighed in relief.

"Thanks for saving us back there, didn't know if we were going to make it," Hiccup thanked Twilight, who gave an embarrassed smile at the praise that didn't escape Rarity. "Where did the dragon go? Didn't he run out this way?"

"He came running by us and then just took off. Seemed terrified out of his mind, the poor thing," Fluttershy explained for those who hadn't seen the dragon. Twilight sighed as she and Hiccup turned to look at the pile of stone and dust that had been the temple, where the gem was now buried beneath.

"Well, that's going to take a while to sift through," Twilight grumbled as she stared at the ruins of the temple. "And we don't even know if the gem survived the collapse." She had just begun to lift one of the boulders when Toothless made a loud retching sound, turning all eyes to him as he gagged twice before barfing out a small green and gold item onto the ground. All eyes stared at the hurled up gem for a moment before looking up at the smug dragon who seemed happy with himself.

"I'm not picking that up," Twilight said, right before Rarity fainted.