• Published 19th Jul 2015
  • 16,327 Views, 1,193 Comments

How To Ponify Your Dragon - Onomonopia

Berkians meet Equestrians. With 90% more dragons.

  • ...

Into the Future

Three alicorns combined their magic in a flash of radiant light, blinding all who were watching as well as tearing open a hole in the fabric of reality in the center of the throne room of the Canterlot castle. Yet, when the light died down all eyes looked into the portal to see a village where dragons of various colors flew around buildings that were painted to look like the dragons...as well as buildings that were mostly set ablaze.

"And the village is burning to the ground without me around. I'd better go put a stop to that before things get out of hand," Hiccup sighed as he placed a hand against the portal only to find that he couldn't pass through. "Hey, what gives, I thought that this would take us back to our homes?" Hiccup asked when he turned to look at the three princesses.

"Well, you came here on the backs of your dragons, so you'll both need to be riding them to pass through the portal," Twilight explained, getting an eye roll from Astrid.

"Way to overcomplicate things," she smirked, getting a slight smile out of Twilight in the process.

"Ah gotta say that ah'm sad that ya'll will be leaving so soon, but judging by the state of yer village you'll be needed more there than here," Applejack observed as a group of dragon riders began to dump buckets of water onto the flames. "But if any of ya get sucked into our reality again, feel free to stop by and say 'hi'."

"Yeah, but I doubt that you'll want to show your faces around here again after the horrible loss that you suffered to me," Rainbow Dash said with a smirk while Toothless and Hiccup shot her a look. "I mean, you might be fast on your world, but here you just can't touch me."

"Oh, don't you worry. Once Toothless and I here have trained ourselves to go even faster, we'll be sure to come back and give you a rematch that will go down in history," Hiccup promised the pony, but before any more 'promises' could be slung at each other, Celestia stepped forward with a proud smile.

"Hiccup and Toothless. Astrid and Stromfly," she began, drawing all four sets of eyes to the princess, who then proceeded to bow to the four. "I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for us. Had it not been for you, Wijida may have unleashed the most destructive dragon that the world has ever seen upon us."

"I'm not too certain she would have. It seemed in the end that crazed pony was more concerned with creating an ending she couldn't see, more than she was unleashing Thanatos," Astrid muttered under her breath, with only Twilight close enough to hear.

"I wish that there was more that we could do to reward the four of you than the small trinkets we gave you previously, especially since Astrid managed to break her hammer in the final battle," Luna pointed out, but the Viking shrugged before spinning the axe around in her right hand before flipping it up onto her shoulder.

"That's alright. I'll stick to this old girl instead," Astrid smirked before looking down at Twilight, just barely catching the glance that the princess had been giving her. "If you all don't mind, I need to talk to Twilight in private for a second." She motioned for Twilight to follow her as the pair walked to the other side of the throne room, Twilight looking slightly nervous while Astrid leaned up against the wall. "Alright Twilight, if you've got something to say to me, say it now."

"It's just...I...I thought you should know that I haven't been entirely honest with you," Twilight began with deep regret in every word. "Ever since you...actually, since Hiccup came here-"

"You have feelings for him." Twilight's eyes snapped wide as she swung her head to look at the Viking, who was smirking at Twilight without any hostility. "Oh, I've known. Almost since the moment I got here. Hiccup may be the brains of our group, but I'm far from stupid. And trust me, Twilight, you're not the first and I doubt you'll be the last."

"Then, you knew all this time that I...then why didn't you say anything...or do something?" Twilight hesitantly asked.

"Oh, trust me, if that flirt Rarity tried anything herself with Hiccup, I would have imbedded my axe in her skull long ago," Astrid clarified with a sinister smirk that made Twilight's mane stand on end. "But you...you were different. You never made any moves, you didn't try to undermine us...hel, you're probably one of the few that didn't try to kill me in some way. And...I'm not sure why. With your power it would have been easy."

Twilight let out a small sigh before looking into the wondering eyes of Astrid, knowing that it was time to be totally honest. "Because...as much as I care for Hiccup...I genuinely see you as my friend. And I wasn't going to ruin my friendship with both you and Hiccup just so I could stand a chance with him. And I certainly wouldn't kill you. Besides, you two are so happy together...that I didn't mind just being friends. And honestly, I'm glad I did. I learned a lot from the two of you...about many different things."

Astrid stood stunned for a moment, having never heard this kind of response to the question she had asked a few times to others. But as Twilight's words sank in, she found that she couldn't help but smile slightly before letting out a sigh and patting Twilight on the shoulder.

"That's awfully noble of you, Twilight. Thanks for being honest and for helping the two of us out here...friend." Twilight's eyes had just begun to widen before Astrid punched Twilight in her shoulder, getting the mare to stagger while Astrid let out a laugh. "Now we're really friends!"

"You see us as friends...ow...that's great," Twilight said with a pure smile before she winced and rubbed her shoulder, while slightly cringing. "Well, if you guys ever come back, I'd like to know more about training dragons from your world and in general. It came in handy against the dragons that we fought here."

"Sure. But if you and your friends ever find themselves in Berk, you have to stop by and try some of my cooking. It's an experience that you can't pass up," Astrid proudly said with a large smile, neither she nor Twilight noticing that Hiccup instinctually retched off to the side.

"I'll make sure to do that," Twilight said before she and Astrid walked back over to where the others were waiting, both of them noticing that Fluttershy had been saying a very tearful farewell to the dragons while somewhat ignoring Hiccup. "Come on Fluttershy, it's time to let them go home," Twilight said as she pried the pony off of Toothless.

"'Bye, new friends! Come by again sometime soon!" Pinkie made them promise.

"Are you sure that you require nothing else from Equestria?" Luna asked, but Hiccup held up the book and waved it at the princess with a smile.

"Don't worry, I think I got more than enough to make some huge changes to Berk," Hiccup said while he and Astrid hopped onto the backs of their dragons, before turning the both of them towards the portal.

"Well, it was certainly nice meeting both of you as well as your dragons. Please come again soon," Rarity said to them, getting a nod from the pair before they both looked to Twilight, who simply waved with a smile on her face. Hiccup and Astrid then nodded to each other before the both of them raced into the portal, which closed shut behind them the moment they vanished from the ponies' reality.

"I'm going to miss the four of them," Fluttershy sadly said, the others agreeing with her as the mane six congregated and began to walk out of the throne room, leaving Celestia and Luna to look at each other with hesitant faces.

"We...did the right thing, didn't we Sister?" Luna asked once the mane six were out of earshot.

"Yes Sister, this is for the best," Celestia comforted her before looking to the portal where the riders had vanished. "As skilled dragon tamers as they are, there are far too many threats in Equestria that could destroy their home and way of life if they managed to find a way to Berk."

"But we've permanently closed off the portal between worlds," Luna reminded her sister, who nodded somberly.

"Yes, but it is for the best. As sad as it is...it will be easier to protect both of our worlds this way. But come Sister, Wijida is defeated and it is the time for celebration. We shall tell Twilight and her friends soon of our choice...when they've had time to relax." Celestia then walked off after Twilight and her friends, leaving Luna alone in the throne room to gaze at where the portal had vanished along with the riders.

'But I do not like it. If the worlds were more open, then perhaps there would be more champions of good to fight against the darkness that constantly bombards our worlds,' Luna thought with small shake of her head before following after her sister, leaving the room empty once more.


"Well, that's a full bucket of salmon that you owe me," Hiccup said with a grim smile to Astrid as the pair looked around at the burning buildings, the panicking Vikings, and the other dragons riders that were trying in vain to stop the fires from spreading.

"What are you talking about? I specifically said that the village wouldn't burn to the ground if you were gone for a while. Most of the buildings are still standing," Astrid retaliated, not willing to lose the bet yet. Hiccup opened his mouth to argue, but then the loud bark of a dragon he knew well cut him off, and both riders looked up to see an insectoid-like dragon flying down towards them, with a very relieved and annoyed son of Eret smiling at them.

"Why, by Thor's beard I don't believe it! Both of you are alive," he laughed with relief before glancing back at the burning village. "And you sure picked one heck of a time to come back."

"So, I'm gone for only a few weeks and you manage to burn the whole village to the ground?"

"The buildings are still standing."

"Sorry about not having a proper welcome back ceremony, but we've had a number of rogue dragon attacks as of late and have to spend all of our manpower just to keep the village from burning down," Eret explained before Skullcrusher let out a roar and waddled over to Toothless, bowing to the Alpha before nodding to him.

"Well, looks like I won't get to take a break after all. Come on Eret, let's put these fires out and then see what we can do about those rogue dragons," Hiccup instructed as Toothless bound forward with Skullcrusher following right behind.

"That reminds me, be best that you avoid your mum for a few days. She's been worried sick about you since you...vanished off to wherever you went," Eret explained as the two flew off, leaving Astrid to watch them go. "Where did the pair of you vanish to anyway?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

Stormfly let out a bark and spread her wings to follow after the two, but then Astrid placed a hand on the dragon's head and stopped her takeoff. The Nadder looked up at her rider with confusion in her eyes, but when she looked into Astrid's eyes she saw that her rider was a million miles away.

'So, Wijida's crack at Twilight wasn't just her trying to distract us, that was just one of the many futures that she saw,' Astrid pieced together when she remembered what Twilight said, before Wijida's last words echoed throughout her mind as well. 'So does that mean...that she really saw a terrible future for Berk? For Hiccup?' Her eyes then set like flint as she watched the Chief of Berk help to extinguish the fires, shaking her head before making a decision.

'No, not as long as I'm around. As long as I draw breath, I promise that nothing will happen to Berk or Hiccup. I swear on the hammer of Thor!' she promised to herself before signaling for Stormfly to take to the skies, following after the two dragon riders with her determination restored.

'And I don't care what future she showed me, a Hofferson is afraid of nothing. Not even the future.'


Each painful breath ushered in a new kind of hell for the pony, because every breath caused her nerves to wail with agony that shook her broken form. Her coat was sticky due to the amount of blood that she had lost from her missing leg, and clung to her despite her having dragged herself out of the pool a while ago. She was beyond dizzy from the lost blood and had only managed to avoid bleeding to death by cutting off circulation to her leg with her mind.

'Which will do me little good if I cannot get out of here,' Wijida chuckled to herself as she tried once again to peer into the future, only to see emptiness. 'So, is this how I die? Face down in my own blood while the ponies celebrate their victory? Heh, that's a boring end to this story.'

Then the pony felt something, something other than pain for the first time in nearly a day. She felt the ground shaking beneath her. With the last of her strength Wijida rolled herself over to where the cause of the shaking came...and her breath left her lungs when she saw what was walking towards her. A tall creature that was almost human was walking towards her, yet where its right arm and leg should have been she could barely sense metal instead of flesh. She tried to look into the creature's face, but all that greeted her was a brown hood that was a part of a shredded brown cloak that only slightly covered its body. The creature came to a stop next to her and knelt down, making a "tsking" sound as it observed her.

"Strange. You were not supposed to die here. You were supposed to win. Triumph. Prevail," the creature spoke quickly and in a soft voice that sounded like it hadn't see much use in millennia. "That was the outcome of this world. But something changed, yet the change was not caused by them. How strange. Peculiar. Infuriating."

"W-wait," Wijida stammered out when the creature stood up, gaining its attention for a moment. "If I am not supposed to die here, then take me with you. This ending...is boring. I want a better ending. An ending that all of the worlds will remember." For a brief moment the creature looked down at her, pondering its options. Then the hood seemed to darken and it lifted its metal leg over her head.

"No. Your story was supposed to end here. And seeing as you offer nothing of interest...end here it shall."

"But what if it didn't end here?" Wijida asked. "What if I lived on...and made another outcome besides this one? Doesn't that thought excite you?" For another moment the creature considered her words as it lowered its leg, then its hood slightly rose as it pointed a metal finger at her and snapped its fingers. Wijida vanished in a flash of darkness, quickly followed by the cloaked being.

"Indeed it does. Excite. Tease. Begin."

Author's Note:

And with one last roar this story comes to an end and I thank all of you who managed to make it through this story with me. I typed it in a pretty hard time in my life, so I apologize to those who feel that it wasn't up to the quality of my other ones. But enough about the past...actually, let's focus more on the past. Because in the next story, that is all a certain samurai dreams about. Returning to his home...and undoing a future that is Aku.

A samurai they call "Jack".


Comments ( 55 )

well, glad to see that Rarity didn't do anything stupid. This was a great story. Well done, and congrats for finishing it.:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Oh dear God.......................Captain America and Samurai Jack crossovers? On top of that, crossovers that will actually be completed?

I'm trying for the life of me to place the cloaked figure because I know I've heard a character talk like that with that description

I have no idea why, but I feel like the cloaked figure is Dagger.

the fight scene at the end was good. the rest ranged from 'meh' to 'boring and predictable'.

well, i guess i won't get anything related to your next story then. oh well, isn't the first time that happened.

Fuck that ending.

I wonder which pony/character Jack will bond with?

I mean from what I can remember:
-Rainbow Dash-Superman
-Flash Sentry-Robocop
-Pinkie Pie-Hulk

6444237 I think it'll be Fluttershy, sense their both kindred spirits.

I think Fluttershy already bonded with Mr. Freeze in A Heart So Cold

A samurai they call "Jack".

P.S Anybody got any idea who the cloaked person at the end was?

And a samurai Jack crossover?! Dude you rock!!

Awwwww maaaan, its the end, well man.
This was one awesome ride, and I enjoyed it! :yay:

Who was that cloaked guy?
Is this really the end?

This is Dustchu... signing off.

I felt the story was good, not one of your better but still good. I am wondering who this new villain is and if we will get back the Champions with some new friends? As you can never fully predict humans we will always zigzag when you least expect it.

6444542 it seems like the cloaked guy is ryan from the fic a survivor guide to equestria from this same author
6444104 read the above comment
6444416 this too

6444050 is ryan from a survivor guide to equestria, or at what reains of him after the end of the war of champions, both fics from the same author

6444050 Drago bludvist?

6444579 It can't be Ryan. This is a completely different universe. And secondly Ryan's dead. Thirdly while Ryan is insane he doesn't help the villains.

6444579 Ahhhh, interesting...

6444618 how can you be sure of him being dead after all he is a survivor, and two when ryan goes dark he an be really cruel, the only reason he didnt kill pinkie was because zecora stopped him, also remember ryan lost a hand in order to free luna and himself so they could face celestia and then discord and his leg while fighting starswirl the bearded, plus he always wore his hood over his head to hide his face when his insanity takes over

6444648 He lost his hand and leg 'cause he blew the fuck up!

To clear up confusion the man at the end is a new villain that will be playing a role in the upcoming stories. Ryan is still dead.

And so it has ended.

It was ok. A little predicable at times, tho there were a twist or two that surprised me. If there was one thing I had to point out that I didn't like, it would have to be how Rarity felt really OoC once Astrid showed up. It kind of felt like you wanted to prolong that subplot so it ended close to the end of the main plot, so Rarity's character was sabotaged for it.


A samurai they call "Jack".

You know if the movie final hadn't been caught in developmental hell we probably would have learn his name it in. :applecry:

6444907 damn ryan would have worked perfectly for that role, plus the fact his description matches him after all the stuff he suffered

The story is ending. perfect...now it Samurai Jack.

Great story. But I have something to point out. Why do you put Hel instead of Hell? I noticed this in other chapters as well.

Lastly, will Wijida return with revenge, but this time with Samurai Jack to stop her?

6447583 Hel is the Norse goddess of the underworld so him putting Hel instead of Hell would make sense seeing as the main characters are Vikings

6444907 still dead....sounds like he may come back, also it doesnt rule the chance that something is using his corpse until that happens

Waiting for dat sequel.

6444907 Loved this! And looking forward to the next :pinkiehappy:

And I'm going to soooo enjoy peanut-gallerying your "Jack" :trollestia:

O....O as a huge fan of Samurai jack I cannot wait for the next fic. this one was amazing so the next one should be just as if not more so specially cuse its freaking SAMURAI JACK

Because in the next story, that is all a certain samurai dreams about. Returning to his home...and undoing a future that is Aku.
A samurai they call "Jack".


EDIT: Hopefully you've finished the comics. Because I haven't...so I should bite a rock, because I'm going in blind.

You really should finish them. They so goooood!


I hope he returns because he is my favorite character from War of the Champions arc of stories. Plus if anyone screwed with his body all 6 heroes would be issuing a major beat down.

I wish that the princesses had not closed the portals down permanently. Such a shame to see it end so. But hey, might even continue in a different book and if so, I shall wait for it.

Who the fuck was that asshole in the end? An original character or an established character that my vast obscure knowledge of fiction does not know about. Just please, tell me he's not a character from that Dr. Who garbage.

Okay. Finally finished How to Ponify Your Dragon.

Characters: good and, along with plot, your strong points. Even Wadjida was nice, despite some assholes saying she's a mary sue and being illogically angry that they're angry... at a villain, as though all villains were the fucking Founding Fathers rather than the architects of the French Revolution, at heart. Though that subplot with Rarity went absolutely nowhere, though since this story has 'There will be a sequel' all over it, you could probably end that plot-thread in a more satisfying manner later. That does not excuse this glaring error.

Plot: Very focused and, despite this story showing your ability to tread well trodden ground ala The Strongest There Is, it's not nearly as repetitive as that story and your ability to have a clear direction to head towards with twists and turns shines strong.

Style: To the point. Pros style has never been your strong suit, but your Journalistic style is fine.

Ideas: Wadjida and her deal and motivation were interesting and handles well. The Vikings being astonished by Equine tech were interesting and handled well. The differences between the two dragon types were interesting and handles well. The similarities between Twi and Hiccup were handled well, even if that pseudo-romance subplot was bungled. Your Multiverse idea is, as always, interesting and handled well, and I really do hope that with Luna's comment about champions from different worlds banding together to help fend off the darkness from all their worlds leads to a sort of Multiversal Justice League/Avengers forming, or an Avenger's League as I like to call them.

All in all, I'm hopeful you'll do Samurai Muthafuckin' Jack justice, cause if you don't, I know where you live.

Since you admittedly know less about Cap, I'm not sure I'm as hopeful about that story, but so long as its connected to your next Multiversal epic, I could handle even Strongest There Is level backtracking and hammering of a point in.

6510714 I know, but it almost seemed like Fluttershy only goes for the animals in this case.

A samurai they call "Jack".


I'm getting little GOOOOSEBUUUMPS.

Well... this story was certainly interesting. I do like it and am a little sad that it is over now. But... even though I do admit that it was good, it was a little bit of a meh story for me. For one, the grammar wasn't all that good, although I do admit myself that no matter the author or writer, we can't always catch those tiny little mistakes. Then of course there was another thing that bugged me from time to time. The fandom is as far as I know, the only group that calls Twilight and her friends, "The Mane Six". So it would be a little awkward and weird to hear the narrator and other ponies call them "The Mane Six", instead of "The Element Bearers", or something along those lines.

And another thing that wasn't so good for me was too major things. The first one that I'll talk about is one that was pretty obvious to everyone, and that was Rarity. I mean, I understand that for some authors, some characters are harder to write than others. But this version of Rarity... felt a little too OOC. For one, she is able to understand quickly when somepony is not wanting something and just leave them alone there and then without questioning it any further. However, in here she kept pushing Twilight further and further to separate Hiccup and Astrid, which both made me a little annoyed, while making me wonder if she's being a little too out of character. I mean other times you got her right, but in those specific romance situations, it felt like you were forcing her to be the instigator of Hiccup and Astrid's relationship. Which I cannot see Rarity doing at all.

Then of course, the final thing. Both are intertwined here. The plot line was... decent. I mean it certainly was good for a "How to Train Your Dragon" crossover. But there are some flaws, specifically since they seem to stand out more than the ponies in this story. That and it seemed like they were... what's the word... not "more important", no. They just felt a little too standoffish.

Again, the plot was alright. But then of course my concern was the Original Character, Wijida. You see, I have to commend you for making a good villain. One who is manipulative, smart and tricky to predict. Her personality was amazing for a psychotic pony. Now... here's where I have to give you a bit of a hard time. Her powers of telekinesis is fine, and being able to control a few other forms of magic are all and well. However... she seemed a bit too overpowered. I mean sure, some villains are quite overpowered, just to make the hero seem better. But what really got me was the whole ability of "Seeing Into the Future". Now don't get me wrong, that is quite a cool power, yet also one that is hard to pull off right. You did a good job, and I'm not saying I would do any better. But when a character has the ability to see in the future? Wijida began to feel more and more... I don't know, bland? Like she was an interesting villain, but her ability to see into the future became more and more boring. Pretty soon, I just found her to be a cool villain, but one you lose interest in over time.

Other than that, I'd say this story was fun and I definitely enjoyed it. Although again, there was a few flaws here and there, Rarity being a bit too OOC, and Wijida being an alright, but less interesting villain over time.

So my final score for this story? I'd have to give it... at least a 6.5/10 to a 7/10. It was good and a pretty decent story, but there were a few things that could have been handled a little better. But again, I did enjoy the story. :twilightsmile:

As a small note, this story would have been over rather anticlimactically if Hiccup were Chaotic Good or even somewhere on the Neutral alignment scale. Reason being, a pragmatist would realize that Wijida almost certainly couldn't be reliably contained, and any defenses against her hitherto unknown powers would be untested, therefor simply executing her outright when she was unconscious. Y'know, also likely freeing anything or one she still had under her control in the process?

But then nobody writes pragmatic protagonists for that exact reason. Heh.

We can see that this works sooo well for the Ponies so far. Sometimes, Moral has to leave the room especialy when when dealing with Psychopaths.

I managed to read this... (It was in my list for some time) And I liked it... It was very good, even if the ending is open and we hope that maybe there is a second story in a future showing the changes thanks to pony technology.

One thing I think it could be added was Discord... If Toothless meet the Loki of the Pony World, maybe he could very well lose his head.

So this hooded metal man is the new focus of the next batch of stories then? Interesting.

O.O HIM AGAIN! I've read wandering warrior already before this and that metal freak is here to! Is he in every story of yours or something!? How will this all end?

Your point?

Hmmm, I can't tell if there will be a sequel or not, but the fact that this was a very old story - and that the third HTTYD movie is coming out so that might bring some inspiration - the likelinest of a sequel could be plausible, oh well we'll just wait and see, now time to see what else is in store

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