• Published 19th Jul 2015
  • 16,327 Views, 1,193 Comments

How To Ponify Your Dragon - Onomonopia

Berkians meet Equestrians. With 90% more dragons.

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Who Invites Vikings to Fancy Parties?

Despite living with dragons that could ignite an entire village within moments if they chose to do so, Astrid and Hiccup were still stunned, by the sheer amount of light the massive castle that towered over the rest of Canterlot gave off as they approached with their dragons and the mane six, plus Spike. Everyone in the group had put on their very best outfits, aside from the Vikings, who only had what they were wearing and who both had refused to let Rarity make them new clothes.

"If this is what fancy looks like, I'm glad that I look the way I do," Astrid said aloud as dozens of ponies in strange attire walked by them, none of them bothering to hide their looks of disgust or curiosity while they walked past the humans. "And it also seems that any one who wears clothes like that turns into a jerk," she added as a pair made a nasty remark about her outfit, but she took pleasure in watching them run towards the castle when she brandished her axe.

"Please try not to cause too much chaos Astrid, I want tonight to go well," Twilight said in a slightly panicked tone while she pulled out a checklist that seemed to have no end, going over everything she had checked off. "And please try to keep the dragons from doing anything crazy! Tonight needs to be perfect!"

"Last time I checked, Twilight, every time we go to one of these things it always takes a turn for the worse," Spike reminded Twilight, who turned on him with a blazing inferno in her eyes. "Or who knows, perhaps tonight will be different?!" Spike quickly amended, sighing in relief when Twilight looked back at her list.

"Don't worry Twilight, Astrid and I will be able to keep the dragons under control," Hiccup promised before looking over at Toothless, who was glancing at a pony's feathered hat with a befuddled expression. "Though, I can't promise that they'll understand why ponies are dressed the way they are."

"Hey Twilight, can I ask you something?" Dash began, her words forcing Twilight to rip her eyes away from her list and look back at her friend. "Why did our invites to the gala say something about being on guard in case the worst were to happen?"

"Because Rainbow Dash, tomorrow is the day when the Draconis gem can be used to open up a hole to the realm of the dead and bring Thanatos back from the dead," Twilight whispered to her friends, each of whom gave each other a look before Twilight continued. "So if Wijida is going to try to get the gem, today would be her last day to do so. You've still got it safe, right Astrid?"

"Yep. There's no way she could know where it is. Heck, even Hiccup doesn't know where it is," Astrid added. "And there's no chance in Hel that I'm going to tell her. And if I do, it'll be to her dismembered-"

"Okay, that's enough of that," Applejack butted in before Astrid could finish. "Look, we're finally there!" The entire group faced forward as they walked up the marble steps to the entrance to the castle, each of them drinking in what they could see, past the crowd of ponies that crowded around the door. The pony taking the tickets gave their group a quick glance before sighing and looking down at his list.

"No need for a ticket, Princess Twilight, you can come in. Same goes for your friends," the pony said with a slightly tired tone, before his eyes perked up when Hiccup and Astrid walked up to him. "Okay, that's something I haven't seen before. I assume that both of you have tickets?" Hiccup and Astrid both handed their tickets to the pony before walking inside, but when the dragons tried to pass as well, the pony stepped in the way. "And do you two have your tickets?"

"Don't worry, they're our plus ones," Hiccup explained to the pony while Toothless and Stormfly walked right past the pony without a second glance, leaving him to sigh and turn back to the guests that were entering. Now that they were within the castle walls, Hiccup and Astrid were free to see the majesty that was the Canterlot Castle...before Stormfly and Toothless ran past them and immediately began to destroy the snack bar.

"What have we done?" Astrid asked with a laugh as Twilight started to pull her mane out, though with an act of incredible self-discipline she managed to regain enough of her sanity to give some instructions to the humans.

"Okay you two, just have fun and try to mingle as best you can. If you need anything just ask me or any of the other princesses and-Toothless NO! Put that down!" With a shriek Twilight tore after the Night Fury, who had what looked to be a part of the ice sculpture in his teeth. Toothless wagged his tail before racing off into the garden with a screaming Twilight racing after him.

"Well, glad to see she's having fun," Astrid laughed as Hiccup wrapped his arm around hers.

"Well M'lady, shall we do what the fancy ponies do and have a ball?" Hiccup asked with as silly an accent as he could muster, and Astrid had to cover her mouth with her hand to keep from bursting out laughing.

"Yes, we shall," she choked out when she managed to suppress the laughter. The two of them began to walk around the castle floor, examining all the different ponies that were speaking with each other with interest.

"Wow, I never knew that ponies could grow to be so large," Hiccup muttered to himself when they came across a particularly large stallion that was as buff as the Vikings of Berk.

"I didn't know they could be so annoying," Astrid growled as a pair of ponies began to flash lights at her with a strange box. After scaring them off with threats of violence on them and their line, the Vikings made their way to the bottom of the royal staircase, where they spotted Luna and Celestia standing at the top.

"Greetings, Astrid and Hiccup. We are glad to see that you are enjoying the party," Luna said with a warm smile to the both of them, but then she caught the look in Astrid's eyes and let out a small sigh. "Yes Astrid, I will see what I can do about the reporters so they do not hound you. Give me a moment."

"Well, while my sister is dealing with the press, might I speak with the two of you?" Celestia asked before motioning for the two to follow her to a balcony that no other ponies went near. "For nearly the past month, the two of you have been most useful in aiding us with Wijida. But now that she is captured, I believe it is time that we focus on getting you home."

"Yeah, Twilight was saying something similar to us a couple of days ago," Hiccup informed Celestia, who nodded with a smile.

"It seems that she is starting to think like a princess as well. We are very grateful for what you have done, so I believe it would be cruel of me to keep you from your homes any longer. So the day after tomorrow we shall return both of you to Berk," Celestia informed them.

"And the reason for that is, just in case Wijida tries anything? Don't worry, Twilight told us that as well," Astrid added when Celestia gave her a surprised look.

"Yes, despite having completely captured and imprisoned her, my sister and I still fear that she may somehow find a way to break free. Tirek, Discord and Sombra, many of the villains that we believed to have imprisoned for good, seem to find a way to break free," Celestia mused, though it seemed that she was talking more to herself that her guests. She then shook the thought from her mind before turning back to Hiccup and Astrid with a smile on her face. " I also wanted to let you know that Zardon will be arriving here soon to speak with you both. But before that happens, I have gifts for you."

"Did Snoggletog come early?" Hiccup asked with a smile.

"Here you are, Hiccup," Celestia began as she materialized a book whose cover was imbedded with gold and an assortment of jewels. "In here is a large amount of technology and how to build it. Twilight told me that you had a fascination with how some of our things worked, so I figured that you would get great use out of this."

"Thanks Celestia, you just ensured that he won't get any sleep for weeks," Astrid sarcastically said as Hiccup swiped the book out of the air and hungrily began to carve through the pages. "Alright Celestia, it's my turn. Let's see how well you know me."

"Oh, I believe that I have something that you will enjoy," Celestia said with a smile before she materialized a massive hammer before Astrid, a hammer that had blue streaks near the head along with yellow lining down the sides. Astrid's eyes went wide as she gripped the hammer, giving it a few test swings to see that it was perfectly balanced. "Twilight told me how you broke the one that you won from the fair, so I decided to replace it. I also asked for it to have your dragon's colors. I hope you don't mind."

"Oh, I like it a lot," Astrid said with a massive grin before she practiced swinging the hammer with both hands.

"Thanks Celestia, now you've given her another thing to throw at me when I try to read all night," Hiccup said with a chuckle while Astrid accidentally took out a bit of the balcony with one of her swings. "But we are both very grateful for the gifts. I can tell just by looking at the pages in this book that these inventions will change Berk forever."

"I am glad that you are happy, but now I must excuse myself. Twilight has not come to tell me of how she could help, or that something is going wrong, and that concerns me," Celestia said as she walked by Hiccup and Astrid, who both shared a knowing smile as they examined each other's gifts.


With a sigh of relief, Rarity found Twilight leaning against the rails of a balcony, her dress slightly torn and her mane a mess. Yet, there was a look of triumph on her face and when Rarity glanced out into the garden, she found that both dragons were fast asleep.

"It took a lot of running and nearly every sleep spell I know, but I finally got those dragons to calm down!" Twilight said triumphantly as she peered down at the dragons, before letting out another tired sigh and leaning against the railing. "So, how's the gala going for you Rarity? You find that perfect stallion that you always come here seeking?"

"No, Twilight, and actually...I was wondering what you propose to do," Rarity began in a tone that Twilight hadn't heard in a while, but she motioned for Rarity to continue while bracing herself. "I mean, in two days the humans are both heading home and you haven't even so much as tried to-"

"Rarity, let me stop you right there," Twilight said with authority that immediately silenced Rarity. "I am grateful for what you have tried to do for me, but I'm going to have to ask you to stop. Hiccup is my friend. Astrid is my friend. And if they are happy together, then I won't do anything to ruin that happiness. So once again thank you, but enough please." Rarity huffed once before letting out a sigh of resignation.

"Oh very well Twilight, I suppose that is your decision," Rarity said with a small bow as she turned to leave. "But when you finally do find that stallion...or man...that you cannot keep your hooves off of, all you need to do is ask and I shall be there to aid you."

"Thanks Rarity. I, er, appreciate it?" Twilight said with a nod as Rarity left, allowing her to finally sigh and rest her head on the railing. "I'm so glad that's finally over."

"That was most mature of you Twilight." Twilight looked behind her to see that Celestia was walking over to her. "Not only how you handled Rarity, but also your opinion on Hiccup and Astrid."

"It's the truth, Celestia. Yeah, I like Hiccup, but I wouldn't want to ruin his and Astrid's relationship over something so petty," Twilight admitted, getting an approving nod from Celestia as the two princesses stared up at the night sky for a while.

"It is probably for the best," Celestia eventually said, getting her a confused look from Twilight.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked. Celestia let out a small sigh before finally speaking.

"Do you know that I advised Cadence from seeing Shining when they first started dating?" Celestia asked, her words shocking Twilight. "I could see how well the two of them got along and it made me worry."

"But why would that make you worry if they were happy together?" Twilight asked.

"Because Cadence is immortal. Shining isn't." Twilight's face fell slightly at Celestia's words, catching onto what she was implying. "My advice to her, and my advice to you, Twilight, is if you can, try to find somepony who can live as long as us," Celestia said as she turned to head back into the party. "Because if you don't, heartache is all that awaits you. Take it from a pony who didn't learn her lesson for a long time."

"Thanks Princess, I'll...consider what you told me," Twilight said with a nod as she stared back up at the sky, pondering Celestia's question while wondering what her friends were doing.


A smile creased Wijida's lips as she heard the dancing and singing that was going on in the floors above her, cracking her eyes open slightly with a small sigh. She then stretched on her bed before rising to her hooves, shaking out the numbness in them as she walked towards the glass.

"Excuse me guards, but may I ask each of you a question?" Wijida began, waiting until all of the guards had turned to face her before continuing. "I was wondering which one of you strong, handsome stallions would be willing to open up this cell for me. The one that does will have the honor of taking me to the gala while the rest will be subjected to severe pain. Don't all rush forward now."

"You're crazier than Celestia said, if you believe any of us will open the cage for you," she heard one of the stallions snarl at her. "And don't bother trying to mess with our minds, because that cage prevents you from accessing your powers."

"Oh, don't be like that," Wijida teased with a small laugh, feeling each and every eye in the room on her--which was exactly what she wanted. A moment later she could hear the sound of the glass sliding down from the roof above her while the guards cried out in confusion and glanced to where the controls to the cell were.

"What's going on?! Why is the...you? What are you doing?" she heard one of the guards say before that same guard was lifted into the air and slammed against the wall, where he slumped to the floor without a sound. The remaining three guards all spun towards the cell, where Wijida walked out with a coy smile on her face while her eyes burned with a pure white light.

"Dear me, none of you wanted to take a gem like me to the gala? Tsk, you don't know what you were missing out on," Wijida teased with menace underlining every word. She heard the guards yell as they all charged her at the same time, but her eyes flashed and the guards were all slammed into the ceiling. Her eyes flashed again and she hurled the guards into the prison, where she heard the glass slide shut behind them.

"Well, how about you then?" Wijida asked as she turned towards the one that had freed her from her prison. "Would you like to go to the gala with a mare like me?" Her answer came when she heard the dungeon door open for her, causing a large smile to cross her face. "Very well then my date, let's go see if we can find a gem that can go well with my dress."