• Published 19th Jul 2015
  • 16,327 Views, 1,193 Comments

How To Ponify Your Dragon - Onomonopia

Berkians meet Equestrians. With 90% more dragons.

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Bringer of the End

Flame, claws and darkness all roared past the dragon's head as Hiccup and Toothless pulled up with all of their might, narrowly avoiding certain death as the area around them was consumed by darkness and fire. Toothless had to quickly level out before the next wave of darkness bombarded the heroes of Berk.

"Toothless! Roll now!" Hiccup ordered the split second before the dragon followed his orders, spiraling out of the way while another column of darkness ripped apart the air. Toothless and Hiccup stopped rolling just in time to see the dragon pull one of his legs out of the chasm and shake the ground below with his first footstep in over a thousand years, causing darkness to seep from his leg into the area around him.

"Is that...his scales?" Luna asked when she and Celestia flew over next to Hiccup, all eyes on the dragon's face and neck while scales of a purple hue, which were as large as pony armor, began to form across the darkness. Thanatos then let loose a bellow to the skies that nearly knocked the group out of the air before he lifted his second leg out of the chasm, planting it into the ground next to his other foot while he began to flap his wings.

"He's trying to get airborne and we can't let that happen!" Hiccup called out before he and Toothless dove at the dragon. "You two need to see if you can keep his wings under control! Toothless and I will draw his attention!" Numerous plasma bolts erupted from Toothless' maw as he unleashed fire upon the dragon's face, but they might as well have been flinging matches at Thanatos for all the effect their fire had.

Yet, Hiccup's plan succeeded in one regard because Thanatos' green eyes turned away from the flashes of rainbow that went off below him, and instead focused on the Night Fury that constantly vanished into the dark sky. Another bellow of fury escaped his lips as he tried to flap his wings, only to find that both wings had been bound by the sun and moon respectively. But despite not being able to fly at the moment, Thanatos still turned his gaze forward and unleashed his black fire into the sky, burning away the dark clouds in a matter of moments and revealing the dragon and rider that had been hiding among them.

'That boy and his dragon are all that oppose you. If you slay them, then I shall finally grant you what you wish. I shall grant you freedom,' the voice of Wijida whispered in the back of his mind.

With one strain of his rapidly returning muscles, Thanatos shattered the spells that had bound his wings and blasted the princesses back with one flap of his mighty limbs. With the second flap, he achieved liftoff and ascended into the sky after the pair, catching up to them in only a few wingbeats. Toothless was forced to move faster than he ever had before to avoid the razor-like fangs of darkness that were rapidly becoming bones again.

"He's becoming more and more lifelike! We need to hurry!" Hiccup informed Toothless, who snarled in reply to tell Hiccup that he already knew that. But the next surprise came when two more arms of darkness burst forth from Thanatos's sides, giving him double the arms with which to slash at Hiccup and Toothless. As the two dodged and weaved to avoid the seemingly endless onslaught of limbs, they found that they could barely dodge the attacks, much less find a way to stop the dragon from growing stronger.

Yet, when Thanatos caught up to them and they believed for a brief moment that the dragon would destroy them both, twin flashes of sun and moon slammed into the back of the dragon and sent him spiraling down towards the land below. He spread his wings quickly to stop his fall, but with his rapidly growing mass he was unable to stop himself in time and so created a second crater with the force of his impact.

"Thanks for the save back there. I thought for sure that he had both of us," Hiccup gratefully said to the princesses, but they both shook their heads when the dark monstrosity slowly rose back up and turned its emerald eyes towards them with fury flashing within.

"That was enough magical power to put Discord down for the count, yet all it seemed to do to Thanatos was annoy him," Celestia informed Hiccup, who followed their gaze down towards the dragon that had just lifted all four of his arms at them. Hundreds of tendrils erupted from the dragon's arms and slithered through the sky to reach the four of them, forcing Toothless and Hiccup to dive as the sisters created barriers of magic with which to fend off the tendrils.

"We need to find a weak spot, Bud, something that we can exploit," Hiccup instructed Toothless, who immediately began to search the dragon for something that could give them the edge. His eyes narrowed when he spotted a part of Thanatos's back where the muscles were connecting to his wings, yet the scales hadn't fully formed around the muscle to protect the spot. He barked up to Hiccup, who immediately locked onto where Toothless was looking. "Good find, Bud. Now let's see if he hates being hit between the wings!"

The pair dived down at a rapid pace towards Thanatos' back, weaving past the dark bolts he fired at them as they dove. Yet Hiccup found to his satisfaction that despite the dragon being fairly nimble in the sky, he was slow to turn on the land and was unable to keep up with the speed of the Fury as it whipped around behind him. The moment Toothless laid eyes on the weak spot, he wasted no time unloading all of his plasma bursts into the joints, causing Thanatos to roar with pain as the fire blasted apart his still growing tendons.

"Alright, Bud, that's what I like to see!" Hiccup praised Toothless before the smoke cleared from Thanatos' back, revealing a new pair of dark wings that he had grown. With his new wings, the dragon slowly turned to look up at the rider and dragon with what seemed to be a smile crossing his face before he flapped all four of his wings at once, rocketing off of the ground and hurling himself into the air towards the pair with all four arms outstretched.

"That's what I don't want to see. Toothless!" Hiccup roared as Toothless spun out of the way, nearly getting knocked out of the air as the now faster Thanatos quickly turned and barreled towards the both of them with flaming eyes.


With another blast of her rainbow infused magic, Twilight managed to blast the skeletal monstrosity back into the ground. It quickly began to reform before rising back up and lunging at her with its scythe-like appendages.

"Come on, I've beaten you down more than enough times to warrant your defeat! So why don't you stay...down!" Twilight roared as she unleashed her rainbow infused magic into the chest of the bull-like skeleton before her, once again blasting it into pieces. But a scowl crossed her face when she found, just like all the previous times she had beaten it, the bones began to reform and within a matter of seconds the skeleton had risen up once again. "Argh, this hardly seems fair," she growled before creating a barrier of magic that deflected a strike from the creature.

Yet, despite the towering creature of darkness and bone that should have had her full attention, Twilight found herself glancing over to where Hiccup was battling with Thanatos, who now, to Twilight's horror, had four arms and two sets of wings and was putting the both of them to good use as he chased after a dragon, a dragon that shot multiple blasts back at the dark monster.

"Darn it!" she snarled as her focus was brought back into the battle, when the skeletal beast swung at her with two of its scythes, forcing her to reinforce her shield to prevent it from being shattered by the blow. A roar from the monstrous Thanatos fueled her anger and with a powerful discharge of magic, she managed to blast the skeletal beast into pieces that scattered across the graveyard.

"Ponies, group up!" she yelled over to the other five rainbow powered ponies that were each struggling to keep their adversaries down. Twilight then glanced to see that her foe would be reforming himself any moment, so the second that all of her friends were beside her she created the strongest barrier that she could around them.

"Things aren't going well, Sugarcube," Applejack quickly explained as Twilight's foe began to hammer away on her shield, with its brethren racing towards them with their weapon-like appendages raised in anticipation to strike. "No matter how many times we blast these...well blasted creatures apart, they keep fixing themselves right up and come at us again."

"I know. I like kicking butt as much as the next pony, but even I get tired of blasting these guys apart over and over again," Rainbow Dash complained before the whole barrier cracked under the combined strikes from the skeletons. Twilight glanced through the skeletons to where Hiccup was still fending off Thanatos before looking back to her friends with a grim look on her face.

"Then we have no choice. It's time to unleash the rainbow."

"But Twilight, ever since we've defeated Tirek, we've been unable to summon that kind of power again," Fluttershy reminded Twilight, but as the barrier reached its breaking point Twilight glanced at each of her friends with a smile.

"I have a feeling that with the fate of the world on the line, the rainbow powers will cut us some slack," Twilight replied before the barrier shattered around them. Yet when the skeletons looked through the shattered magic, they found the six glowing with a power that forced them back slightly. Their missing eyes somehow managed to widen in fear as the multicolored light of the ponies before them washed over each of the monsters, allowing them to feel for the first time in centuries...and know that the power before them was going to put them back in their graves.

With a unified cry the ponies combined their rainbow might to unleash a shockwave of such power and magnitude, that the green swirls in the sky were blasted away, along with anything within a thousand yards of the six. When the power faded and they opened their eyes once again, they found that the six skeletons that they had been facing, along with the rest of their skeleton foes, were now nothing more than ash.

"Come on girls, no time to wait. Hiccup and the princesses need us," Twilight said to cut off any celebration as she looked over towards the princesses and Viking, finding that the only force of darkness that hadn't been destroyed by their power was Thanatos, who only seemed to still be growing larger. The other five nodded before racing off in a flash of color towards where the princesses were, but before Twilight flew off she turned her gaze away from Thanatos and looked instead at the tower, where a column of green energy still shot into the sky. She then shook her head and flew into battle.


Astrid pulled herself off of one of the pillars that adorned the top of the tower as the rainbow light faded, groaning when she fell to her knees. Her vision blurred for a moment before she fought through the pain and forced herself back to her feet, glaring at the smirking Wijida who was twirling her axe in the air with her mental powers.

"That was a close one, wouldn't you say Astrid?" Wijida asked before hurling the axe at Astrid, who barely managed to lift her hammer in time to deflect her own axe strike. The double-sided axe clattered to the tower floor next to her, yet when Astrid lunged for it, it rocketed across the ground and rejoined Wijida's side. "No, no, my dear, you have to earn your axe back. Though it was a good thing that I was able to shield myself from the rainbow power or else this fight would already be over for me."

"Let me guess, you looked into the future and saw how somepony would manage to beat it?" Astrid snarled as she used her hammer to push herself back to her feet, getting a smirk out of Wijida before the pony motioned for Astrid to bring it. "Well, I'm glad for my own reasons that the rainbow blast didn't finish you off. Because that means I get to be the one that stops you!"

Astrid then lunged forward with her hammer brought back, swinging right at the pony's smiling mug with enough force to crack a Gronkle. Yet once again--and to Astrid's increasing frustration--Wijida seemed to know just how to deflect the blow to avoid any impact whatsoever, so for a second time Astrid found her hammer striking empty air instead of the skull of her foe.

"Tsk-tsk Astrid, you're going to have to do much better than that if you hope to stand a chance of besting me," Wijida teased as she swung at Astrid's head with her axe. Astrid barely managed to move her head out of the way, yet when she leapt back to avoid any future strike she realized that her braid was now lying on the floor, and strands of her hair were floating past her head. "Oh, I can't say that haircut is an improvement dear, but the mauled look does fit you so. Don't know if Hiccup will like it, though. He may go after another if you don't fix it."

"How?" Astrid asked as she repressed the anger for her missing braid, instead focusing the rage into her concentration as she gripped the hammer with both hands and slowly began to advance towards Wijida. "The last time we battled, you couldn't even see where I was, let alone counter me like this. What are you doing different?"

"You don't want the answer to that, my dear," Wijida teased with a small shake of her head, but when Astrid's eyes narrowed even further Wijida smirked at her with a small bow. "Oh, very well then, but remember that you asked. See, you seem so brave and confident now, but what if I were to tell you something that would fill you with fear? Something that would terrify you?"

"Lady, I fight Vikings and dragons every day of my life, sometimes both at the same time," Astrid snarled as she swung for the fences with her hammer, yet once again Wijida was able to leap back at precisely the right time to avoid the blow. "You don't have anything that can scare me."

"So you say now, but what if I said...that I can now see your future, my dear?" Astrid felt her heart freeze as the words hit home, causing her to stagger back slightly as Wijida began to laugh. "Yes Astrid, I know that I told Hiccup and the ponies that I could not see the future of you humans or your dragons, but then something happened that even I could not predict. I entered into your mind. For a brief time, I became a part of you. And in that brief time, all of your doors were open to me...and despite us having been separated, I have retained that sight. The ability to see into your future. I know your every move, word and thought before you."

"No...it can't be! You're lying!" Astrid bellowed before lunging forward, raising her hammer high to strike Wijida down in one, mighty strike. But Wijida's eyes flashed and Astrid felt a searing pain explode in her leg. With a cry of pain she collapsed to one knee, glaring through the tears at her leg which now had blood gushing from a wound on her knee.

"Desperate right hook," Wijida smirked in front of Astrid, who was confused for a brief moment before the idea entered her mind. Fear then, began to override the pain as the cold truth washed over Astrid--a truth that she could no longer deny. "I admit that I was surprised myself, yet I could barely keep the secret," Wijida giddily said as she swung at Astrid's head, smiling when the Viking deflected the blow with her hammer. "I knew you would do that. But when I woke up in that prison and found myself able to look at your future, it was...like I was seeing for the first time. But now...there is nothing you can do to me that I won't see coming. But by all means...try."

Astrid snarled as she went to grab her hammer, but in a flash she found the butt of her axe slammed into her face. Her head snapped back as she fell to her back, groaning in pain when she tried to roll to her right, but the moment she tried she found herself staring at the blade of her axe.

"As I said, Astrid," Wijida began with a cold venom in her voice. "I can see your futures now. Which means that I've seen how you meet your end, here and now. Which makes you boring. And we can't have boring characters..." Wijida began as she lifted her axe above Astrid's head. "In my grand finale!"

"Then you won't mind if I spice things up a bit?!" Wijida roared with pain as a blast of magic slammed into her side and hurled her across the top of the tower, dropping the axe next to Astrid as the human looked up to see...
