• Published 25th Aug 2013
  • 12,720 Views, 348 Comments

Just Horsing Around - Darkness Shade

Seemingly lost in his life, a young man finds himself waking up in a strange new land populated by some curious residents. When certain truths are revealed and he finds there's more to his appearing there, how will he adjust to his new life?

  • ...

6th Harvest

"Ry-Ry, ya didn't have to pay fer all the groceries like that."

"Yeah, we all would've pitched in." Rainbow Dash added, "I know you were probably doing it be all cool and stuff but...where did you get the money like that anyway? I mean, you live on the farm so you help harvest to keep it running but..."

"Well...I've acquired a few means of income thanks to my uniqueness: Rarity gets a commission with the pictures of me she sends in to those magazines so I get a cut from that and Pinkie and the Cakes cut me a slice of the profits with the 'Ryan Special'...plus Apps does give me a small allowance to do with as I want." Ryan explained, putting away the last of the cold groceries, "With all that, and then the fact that Celestia has sort of green-lighted the little projects T-Sparks and I are working on has given us a little bit of a bankroll as well...I've got bits in reserve; ta be honest, I basically keep it for an emergency since most of mah basic needs are met, but since this is a nice little trip with all of y'all I figured it'd be a nice use as well."

"I must say darling, that's quite generous of you."

"Well, you've all helped me get that money in some way so in a round-about way it's all getting evened out." Ryan joked before pulling out a delicious red apple, "Now then, I've had a hankering for an apple for a while now so..."

"Is AJ not enough apple for ya Ryan?"


"Oh my!"

"I'm with Fluttershy, that was pretty bad Rainbow Dash." Twilight sighed before laughing when she noticed Ryan was as well.

"Cute Dashie...hey, wait...where's the CMC's?"

"Oh, my sister and the others stated they wanted to get a head-start on their vacation so they went out to the beach tonight for a little early evening fun." Rarity explained, "That sweet Spikey-wikey offered to watch them when I asked, so they'll be fine."

"Well then, that's good; we are here so lil' sis and them can have some enjoyment before they get back to school."

With that Ryan sat down and stared at the delicious apple, already imagining the sweet taste of it as he went to bite into it...

"Oh dear!"

Ryan blinked and turned around to see Rarity swooning and acting overdramatic in the kitchen as she stared at the refrigerator.

"Rarity, what the hay is wrong with you?" Ryan asked, his attention drawn away from the tasty apple in his hand.

"Oh it's just so awful darling! The bottled water isn't my favorite brand!"

"....Rares, when we went shopping you had ample time to get what kind you wanted...and ya didn't...so..."

"But Ryan~" Rarity whined before huffing when she saw he wasn't going to let her get away with it, "Oh fine!"

"See? It's just water; it won't kill ya to drink a different..."


"..."Crunch?"" Ryan asked, turning back around and seeing a pony-sized bite missing from his apple, "....APPS!"

Turning to his right, he could see a very guilty looking AppleJack slowly chewing; as his eyes met her she swallowed before grinning at him, the bits of the apple skin stuck in her front teeth a dead giveaway to her "crime".

"Yes mah Apple Ryder?"

"...there is a pony-sized bite missing from my apple...and you have bits of apple showing on yer mouth."

"...and? Whatcha hinting at sugah?"

"That a certain apple loving goober could've asked a certain other apple loving goober for a bite without having to nab it when he was distracted."

"...uhm, I'm confused; which one of those goobers is me?" AppleJack asked, sticking her tongue out at him.

"The one that I love, obviously." Ryan laughed giving her a kiss before taking a big bite of his apple as well, "Here, let's just share it."

"Sounds good ta me Ry-Ry."

"Awwww, isn't that just so cute?" Fluttershy remarked, though Rainbow Dash wasn't sure how to feel.

"Yeah, yeah, it's all mushy and sweet...I'm gonna go see how Scootaloo and the others are doing."

"I think we should all get to bed early so we can get up at sunrise and enjoy the beach as soon as possible; sound good everypony?"

"I suppose that would work darling, but then I should get to bed early so I get enough beauty sleep." Rarity remarked, drinking the bottled water she had to settle with, "Hmmm, I suppose you were right Ryan...this isn't too bad."

"See? Water is water."

After a quick dinner, and sorting out all the room arrangements, everyone was quick to settle in and get some sleep...though some more than others seeing as poor Ryan was never one to easily sleep well in a different bed than what he's accustomed to.

Nonetheless, his natural clock ensured he woke up before the others and, quietly making his way out of AppleJack's snuggly grasp, he gave her a kiss before having a quick breakfast and getting dressed for the beach.

"Ugh...Ryan?" Spike mumbled when he saw he was up and moving, "Aren't ya up early?"

"Got to be little dude, it's the guy's job to make sure a primo spot is set up so all the ladies are happy when they come down to the beach." Ryan explained, pulling on his hat and smirking, "Care to join me? I'm sure Rarity would certainly enjoy her Spikey-wikey being so considerate."

Well, that was all the encouragement Spike needed as he hopped up and followed Ryan out the door and down towards the beach; getting some help from the ponies setting up the chairs on the beach he and Spike made sure that they had some good spots near the water ready for when the girls showed up.

"Here ya go gents, thanks for the help." Ryan remarked, handing the two gentlecolts some bits, "We'll be here for a few days so I look forward to yer help each day."

"Yes sir! Just let us know if you need anything else."

"Will do." Ryan replied before setting down a few things and noting Spike's odd look, "What's up little dude?"

"I guess I've just never seen you act so professional before."

"Heh, well...I did learn a thing or two from mah father; he used to do the same when we'd go to this one beach resort when I was younger so...I just learn from his example. They were both quite willing to help out, so I don't feel bad giving them a few bits to ensure their continued help and eagerness. Now then, till the ladies show up, I think I'm gonna go float a bit."

"Alright; I'll just be lounging up here then big guy."

A short while later, Ryan had come up and was leaning back with Spike as he was trying to figure out where the gals were at; while he wasn't sure how early the others got up, he reckoned at least Apps should've been up and down here already.

"I don't get it little buddy, what's taking them so long?"

"I don't know but...hey, what gives?"

"What are you talking about?" Ryan remarked, lifting up his hat and noting that a good number of ponies had turned their attention away from their beach activities and were staring back towards the resort, "What in....tarnation?"

Apparently what had been catching everypony's attention was AppleJack and the other gals coming out...and apparently wearing some pretty impressive bikinis that, based on the designs, Ryan was certain Rarity had cooked up.

"...heh, I reckon seeing that is better than those thoughts ya had the other day, eh Spike?"

"Shhhhhhhhh, tease me later; let me enjoy this Ryan."

"Heh, fair enough." Ryan remarked with a laugh as he watched the girls continue on, a number of colts either fumbling over themselves or attempting to hit on them, "Heh, I doubt anypony will get lucky with those lame lines. Huh?"

"What do you mean no?"

"Ah already told ya, I'm here with mah boyfriend so back off bucko! I don't care how many little boats ya got, yer nothing compared to mah Apple Ryder."

"Who the heck is this guy that he's better than me?"

"I don't gotta explain nothin' to ya so..." AppleJack halted her retort when she felt Ryan place a hand on her shoulder and smile, "Oh, hi darlin'."

"Ya shouldn't be talking to a lady like that dude." Ryan remarked, unable to hold back the smirk when he saw the colt look at him with confused, wide-eyes.

"Who the heck are you? And what are you?" the colt growled, "Mind your own business you freak!"

"Oh, I kind of am seeing as yer harassing not only mah friends...but mah gal as well." Ryan replied, leaning down to kiss AppleJack, "I don't appreciate loud-mouths like you; you okay sweetie?"

"Yeah, I'm okay Apple Ryder; this pony's just not worth the effort. So then, where have ya got us set up?"

"Hey I'm still talking here!" The colt demanded, but he'd been completely blown off by all of them and that irritated him even more, "....what the heck is he anyway? How is he better than me? And how does he know all of those lovely fillies? This makes no sense! Argh...I'm going out on my jet ski, my money and I don't need this!"

"Heh, right up front; I didn't get up early for no reason ya know." Ryan laughed, as they walked back to their spot, "...and I don't know why, but you look even more eye-catching in that bikini. No wonder y'all took yer time getting down here...you were hoping to pull a fast one on me and Spike."

"Well darling, I do so like a chance to show off my skills after all."

"Heh, that's true Rarity; I must say you've done quite a job this time. Poor Spike over there is practically all red after he caught sight of you."

"Ryan!" Spike gasped, burying his head in the sand, "Ugh...."

"I know we don't normally wear clothing, but Rarity said it would make a splash?"

"Wait, let me get this straight T-Sparks....Rarity made a pun?"

"That's right Rysy-wysy! It was amazing! I'd never heard her make such a joke before but I think your humor is rubbing off on all of us!" Pinkie added, "Now then...I'm off to the water! Wheeeee!"

"Wait up Pinkie..." Fluttershy quietly stated, fluttering behind her and lightly jumping into the water, "Yay~"

"So Ryan...do ya think mine looks good too?" Rainbow Dash asked, nudging him slightly, "I mean...I know it's awesome but if you think so too then that's twenty percent more proof."

"Heh, I have to say it does match you well." He remarked, noting the clouds and rainbow motif Rarity had gone with, "I think it's safe to say you've got your twenty percent more proof."

"Right! Awesome...so...time to make a splash!"

"No Rainbombs!" Ryan and Twilight both shouted at Rainbow Dash.

"Yeah, yeah...I wouldn't want to blind everyone with my dazzling self."

"Heh, ya did good sugah." AppleJack remarked, setting her hat down next to Ryan's on the chair, "Now come on; let's get a proper swim in! Those waves look pretty darn inviting after all!"

Chasing after her, Ryan hopped in the waves and enjoyed some simple floating as the current bobbed them back and forth; he was amused that, seeing as it was a lake, they could pretty much just float in a complete circle if they wanted to.

"It still confounds me how y'all make a lake seem like a beach...I guess it's more of that magic at work; I mean, you can control the weather so how hard is it to control a lake?" Ryan mused, treading water with Apps and watching Rainbow Dash zooming across the water, adding to the waves.

"I don't rightly know sugah, but at least it saves us having to travel all the way to the coast fer some beach action." AppleJack replied, looking back to shore and seeing Rarity and Fluttershy wave as they worked on their tans, "Well, nice to see everypony is having some fun."

"...I still don't know how they tan giving their fur but...anyway, where did lil sis and them get off too? I haven't seen them Cutie Mark Crusaders since y'all came down here."

"I think they said they were gonna go build a sand castle? And then...something about Sea Ponies..."

"Sea Ponies?"

"Yeah, Rainbow Dash got some nonsense into their head last night about Sea Ponies living at the bottom of the lake." AppleJack sighed, "Leave it to her to stir up some mischief."

"Well...I can't blame her for wanting to have a little fun; let's just hope they don't do anything too crazy."

It was at that point that Ryan suddenly felt himself get splashed...but not by a wave; turning around he saw Pinkie and Twilight trying hard not to look suspicious but that wasn't really turning out well.

"Darlin', I know what that smirk means on yer face." AppleJack teased, "Fancy some backup?"

"Oh quite mah dear Apps." Ryan laughed softly as he and Apps closed the distance between them and Pinkie and Twilight before he gave a mighty roar, "Wave goodbye!"

With that he sent quite a decent size of water splashing right towards Twilight and Pinkie; Pinkie was just laughing the whole while as she tried to fight back but Twilight was trying her best to avoid getting hit by teleporting about...but that did no good as AppleJack saw that coming and nailed her when she plopped nearby.

"Ack!" Twilight screamed before laughing and sending a wave of water at AppleJack, "Pinkie Pie! You said this would be a good idea!"

"It totally is Twilight; look at all the fun we're having!" Pinkie replied with water-logged giggles, "Although...I think I'm losing the battle here."

"Truce?" Ryan asked as he slowed his laughter.


Having had enough water for the moment, AppleJack and Ryan had headed back to shore to relax and dry out a little bit; meanwhile the CMC's had shown back up saying they'd made a totally awesome sand castle that was sure to lure out the Sea Ponies.

"Oh sweetie, I know you made a great castle but the Sea Ponies are just a legend." Rarity remarked to her younger sister, "Dear Rainbow Dash is just having some fun with you."

"But why would she do that?"

"Well Rainbow Dash does love to pull a pony's leg after all." Scootaloo noted, "Anyway, will someone come take a look at our castle?"

"I'll come along." Fluttershy stated, "I think I've been tanning long enough."

"...I still don't get how that works." Ryan sighed before winking at Apps, "I'll come along too lil' sis; it'll let me test out the gadget me and T-Sparks brought with us."

"Gadget? What's that?"

"Well, we finished a computer...which was surprising to me so we started work on making a stand-alone camera." Ryan explained, pulling something out of one of his bags, "It actually should be useable by anypony to be honest, that's what the little harness is for but...ya know, since I've got hands I don't need it. Haha."

"Ooooooh, it's so shiny! Well come on! Let's get a move on!"

With that the CMC's led Ryan and Fluttershy down a ways to where they'd been working on their sand castle; of course, the three little fillies had apparently gone quite crazy and built something massive.

As it was, by the time they were right next to it, the castle was about as tall as Ryan was and he was pretty impressed by that fact.

"Sweet apple pie little ones, this is...how did you get it so tall?" Ryan asked, taking a picture and being pleased that it seemed to work, "Hey, it didn't explode!"

"It...it could've exploded?" Fluttershy asked, hiding behind Ryan.

"Well, the first few prototypes had some bugs in them...and might have..kind of...exploded into a puff of magic that stung just slightly." Ryan took another picture and laughed softly, "Thankfully, this one seems to be pretty flawless."

"Oh, oh! Take a picture with the three of us in front of it!"

"Okay Scoots, line up y'all."

Getting them lined up with their creation, Ryan took the photo...and then another...and another as the girls kept rearranging the way they were posing; after one last silly pose he went through and showed them how they turned out.

"That's pretty amazing; it's like a moving picture frame." AppleBloom noted, "It's kind of bright too."

"Yeah, getting the screen right was a bit harder than we reckoned but T-Sparks was persistent." Ryan replied before looking around, "Hey...I just realized Dashie kind of disappeared."

"Hmmm, that's strange; she was right here before we went to go look at the castle." Fluttershy added before looking around, "I wonder where she disappeared to?"

"Hmmm, well...I suppose she'll show up when she wants to; let's head back, it's time to hit the waves again!"

"Then can we bury ya in the sand big bro?"

"Haha, yes AppleBloom, then ya can bury me in the sand."


"You coming with me?"

"Nah, you go hit the waves Ry-Ry, I'm gonna take a nap."

"Okay then."

"Wait!" AppleJack shouted before putting on the camera, "How's about a picture of ya? Just, I don't know...stand out in front of the waves and I'll take a shot...hopefully."

"Well, it's no fancy mathematics so you shouldn't have a problem." Ryan joked, walking towards the water before stopping, "Right here?"

"Yeah Ry-Ry; that's perfect!" AppleJack replied before trying to line up things correctly, "Now shoot...how the heck do ya work this contraption?"

AppleJack was fiddling with the camera and trying her best to figure out how to work it; even though Ryan swore up and down when they brought it to test out things that anypony would be able to use it without any trouble, poor Apps was having a bit of a hard time getting it all working right.

"Okay...like this I think?" She stated, watching as Ryan gave a wave and she took the picture...only to see a large portion of it was blocked by her hoove that she had thought was out of the way when she looked at the screen, "Oh APPLE PIE!"

"Something wrong?"

"I got it, I got it! Just gimme another try!"

This time AppleJack was able to take his picture correctly, and was a bit marveled at how simple it actually did seem once you got the hang of it.

"Let me get some more when yer in the water..."

Ryan merely laughed and headed into the waves, looking up at the clear skies before turning around and waving at AppleJack again who was quite focused on getting a good shot of him.

"Okay one more....what in tarnation?"

Just as she pressed the button, a bright flash pretty much plowed right into poor Ryan and with that a huge explosion of water as he and, as the photo she took now showed to be Rainbow Dash, headed deep into the depths of the water.

"Boubohblugh (Dashie!)" Ryan gasped underwater, before realizing breathing was now a priority seeing as she'd knocked him deep under the water with her.

"Bloeughobhohyg (Oh relax...I just wanted a partner to help me search for the sea ponies!)"

"Blub-bouhoobhug (The sea ponies aren't real...and I'm probably going to drown now!)" Ryan started swimming upwards towards the surface before he heard a strange noise, "Bluuuup (The hell?)"

There, swimming up to them from the depths of the lake, were what Ryan could only describe as Sea Ponies...and they were singing!

"Shoop-bee-doo-shoop-shoop-bee-doo! Call upon the Sea Ponies when you're in distress!

Helpful as can be ponies - simply signal SOS!"

"Blubble-blob (You've got to be kidding me!)" Ryan huffed, completely stunned that they were real!

"If you find you're past the drift and haven't got an oar (oar), count upon the Sea Ponies - they'll see you to shore! Shoop-bee-doo-shoop-shoop-bee-doo!"

"I told you they were real Ryan!"

"...wait Dashie, how are you...talking...under water............"


Ryan was dimly aware of what sounded like Twilight's voice before he felt something pressing to his mouth and trying to give him air; finally feeling his mind come around he gagged and coughed horribly loud as he expelled the water from his lungs and kept coughing for quite a while until finally he lay back panting as he stared up at the sunny skies.

"Was that...real...or just fantasy?" He asked in his still delusional state.

"Oh thank Celestia yer okay mah Ry-Ry!" AppleJack shouted, glomping to him and crying, "You weren't breathing when Dashie pulled ya from the water...I was so worried I was gonna lose ya!"

"Heh...ugh...I was a little worried mahself Apps." Ryan coughed slightly as he hugged her tight, "Dashie...what in the hell were ya thinking?"

"I...I just..." Rainbow Dash looked at the ground, drawing aimlessly in the sand, "I just wanted to find the Sea Ponies with you...the CMC's decided I wasn't telling the truth so they went off to do something else. I'm sorry Ryan...I almost got you killed...and that...I just..."

Ryan could see the tears forming in her eyes, the regret clearly obvious in her heart; coughing slightly as he stood up, he gently lifted her head up and smiled at her as she looked up at him.

"It's okay Dashie...heh, you are reckless but not heartless after all; I know how much you must be hurting yerself inside for doing this so it's okay. Heh, I forgive ya for doing something so crazy." Ryan calmly stated before giving her a hug, "Next time hon, when you feel like searching for something, just ask first...don't dive-bomb me into it."

"Sniff, I gotcha...just...a few more seconds." Rainbow Dash sniffled out, wrapping her front leg around him and hugging back, "I'm just so sorry..."

"Hey, I'm alive; humans are tougher than we look after all. Haha...though, I think I'm done with the water for today; I know they say you should stay hydrated in the sun but I think the way we tried was a bit overkill."

"You idiot...making a joke even when you got all beat up." Rainbow Dash chuckled, though it was watery from her tears, "So...can I bury you in the sand then?"

With the moment of panic over, Ryan allowed Rainbow Dash and the Cutie Mark Crusaders to bury him in the sand; after finally getting a big enough hole dug that he'd fit in, it didn't take long for everypony involved to help bury him...and leave him kind of stuck.

"Hmmm...." Ryan grumbled a bit, struggling to move but having no luck, "Well then, I may not have thought this through all the way."

"And why's that darling? Don't you want to get ahead in the fashion industry?"

"Oh God, it's happening...mah puns are escaping to others; Rarity, run and save yerself." Ryan teased, laughing at the whole group's teasing, "So...uh....yer gonna help dig me out now right?"

"Well, we could do that Apple Ryder." AppleJack smirked as she looked down at him and kissed the top of his head, "Or we could see if you'll grow into a tree."

"Oh! Oh! A Ryan tree sounds like it'd be awesome fun!" Pinkie happily jumped about before tripping on Ryan's head, "Does that mean we'd get more than one Ryan? Oh! That would be the best thing ever! Then we could each have our own Ryan!"

"...I think it best if we keep our number of Ryans down to one." Twilight remarked, "As interesting as humans seem to be, I don't know if Equestria is ready for more than just him right now."

"Well, I suppose I have to agree with that T-Sparks...especially if the other humans would just be more mes." Ryan grumbled again, trying to shake the sand loose, "I wouldn't want some fake copies of me running around; the original is all anypony should need....but seriously gals, help me out of here!"

After finally letting Ryan out of his sand prison, he toweled off for a bit before heading back to their room while the others still enjoyed the last two hours of sunlight left; after getting cleaned up Ryan took a look out of the balcony where they were all having fun and smiled at the old memories it dragged up from his youth.

"Heh...leave it ta me to get all reflective again; some things never change huh Ry?" He remarked to himself before getting back to the task at hand, "Right! Time to get dinner cooked up for mah friends!"

Pulling out the cookware and such he got busy, baking the potatoes, cutting up some fresh vegetables and tossing together a salad, and then getting a pot boiling for the main dish: snow crab!

"Ah reckoned this is what ya were up to sugah." AppleJack remarked as she walked in, "Always thinking of ways ta help yer friends...I like that about ya."

"Heh, what else do ya like about me?" Ryan joked, turning around to give her a kiss before focusing back on his cooking, "And well, I figure y'all would be hungry after everything that happened today so why not get an early start so you can enjoy yerselves as much as possible?"

"But what about you Ry-Ry?" AppleJack helped carry the salad bowl to the table before looking back at him, "What about yer fun?"

"Apps sweetie, I've had plenty of fun so far...and besides, getting to cook fer mah gal and all of our friends? Who says that isn't fun either?"

"Well, I reckon that's true; I like helping the pony folk and such as well."

"Right! You get it. Well, everything else is ready so, since cooking this crab doesn't take long, just gotta kill time till everypony comes back in...which I reckon won't be long now that the sun is setting."

Sure enough, stepping out on to the balcony, Ryan and AppleJack could see their friends packing up for the day while admiring the beautiful sunset they were being graced with; while there were a few clouds that momentarily blocked out the sun, there was no denying that it was a beautiful sight as always.

"Celestia does some good work there." Ryan noted, wrapping an arm around AppleJack, "Heh, then again Luna does too as a moonrise is just as nice."

"Heh, was getting to watch a sunset with yer special somepony ever on that list of things ya wanted to do Ry?"

"How'd ya know?" He teased, before seeing the others coming up, "Alrighty then, time for Master Chef Ryan to get ready! Hungry Ponies are coming!"

"...Master Chef? Really?" AppleJack laughed softly, "Though I do reckon you look pretty nice in that fancy-smancy hat."

"Alright everypony, dig in...or...something like that." Ryan remarked after they'd all sat down for dinner, "...hmmm..."

"What's the matter big bro?"

"Well AppleBloom, I can see how y'all would crack the crab as those hooves of yers are pretty sturdy but...I might have a bit of a problem here since I don't have the right tools." Ryan explained staring at his crab and frowning, "In all the excitement, I didn't really think about that fact."

"Is that all? Shoot, I can help ya with that Ry-Ry." AppleJack noted, making short work of cracking open Ryan's crab-claws.

"...well, that works." Ryan laughed before looking around and smiling that everypony was enjoying his cooking, "Hmmm..."

"S-something on your mind Ryan?"

"Huh? Oh well...it's nothing important Flutters."

"That smile says otherwise big guy."

"Well, okay, ya got me there Spike. I was just thinking about the beach trips mah family took when I was little and seeing y'all here enjoying yourselves just made me think of that."

"...do you miss them darling?"

"I do a little bit Rarity; I mean, I'm happy here with y'all but I still wish I could find a way to get a letter to them."

"Couldn't the Princess help you out with that one?" Sweetie Belle asked, fiddling with her crab before watching it go flying across the table, "Whoops."

"I did ask them about it but as far as their knowledge goes they don't know how to send messages across realities." Ryan explained, blinking as crab smacked him in the face, "...I suppose being crabby about this would be too expected?"

"Whooo! Puns Puns Puns!" Pinkie shouted, her mouth full of potatoes, "Puns make any dinner even better!"

"Anyway, they do have all the info T-Sparks and I figured out building that computer and apparently it's quite easy to replicate things with magic once whatever yer making is actually constructed; pretty handy thing to be honest."

"But uh, Ry-Ry, how did ya send that picture to Twi?" AppleJack asked, tilting her head, "Usually messages can only travel long distance when Spike fire-breaths them or somepony uses magic."

"That part was a bit hard to figure out, I must admit; T-Sparks was the one that finally found a way for it to work."

"Well, from what Ryan told me and what I got from examining things it seemed that this inter-net thing was just electronic signals and magic is pretty much the same thing only a lot fancier so after a lot of tinkering we got it right....but since nothing exists that it could interact with, we had to build a lot of...what's that word you used?"


"Right, that; basically things that would do what we tell those program things to do and stuff. The easy part was getting the computer to do all that...reconfiguring Ryan's little device was more of a challenge than we thought."

"But T-Sparks is pretty talented...and, well, she pulled a few all-nighter's she shouldn't have."

"I'll say."

"Heh, funny Spike, funny." Twilight huffed, "Anyway, the Princess is still looking over everything we sent to see if we missed any potential bugs. I think Ryan called it 'Beta Testing'."

"Bugs? Where?!" Pinkie gasped, hopping on to Rarity before giggling, "Hee..."

"Now Darling, that's something ponies would've expected me to do but I'm a bit more sensible than that." Rarity scoffed before placing Pinkie back in her chair.

"I don't doubt that Celestia or Luna could figure out a way for me to send a message back home but...it's been about a month since we sent all that and with them being Princesses I'm not holding mah breath that they'll figure it out anytime soon; they've got a lot on their plate." Ryan sighed before staring at everypony's empty plates, "Wow...was it that good?"

"You bet big bro!" The CMC's noted before grinning widely, "So! So! We finished our meal! Can we have some sweets now? Please?"

"Hnnnnnnnnnggg." Ryan mocked grabbed his chest and laughed, "Oh Celestia, right in mah cute sensors. Yes, yes...we can break out some snacks in a little bit."


After having what only Pinkie would describe as her signature sundaes (which, strangely enough, they had all the ingredients to make even though Ryan didn't remember picking up half the things she used) two things happend: One, Ryan discovered that fried grass is not as awful as it sounds on ice cream, and two, everypony got to bed early as the forecast called for rain tomorrow and they didn't want to miss out on any beach time.

Sometime around five in the morning, just before sunrise Ryan awoke and clutched his stomach before sliding out of AppleJack's grasp and heading straight for the bathroom; about twenty minutes later he finally emerge looking better but sleepy.

'Ugh...note to self: Fried grass really not that bad in taste, but bad in terms of its exit strategy.' He thought with a grumble before getting dressed and heading into the kitchen...only to see Dashie there eating some breakfast.

"Huh? Oh hey Ryan."

"Hey Dashie...yer up early."

"Oh well, I couldn't sleep. Pinkie's nice and all but who knew she snored so loudly?"

"I'll have to remember that if we ever end up at a sleepover together." Ryan remarked, pulling out some oatmeal, "Anything good in the local paper?"

"Not much, some odd story about strange occurrences...some kind of local myths or something." Rainbow Dash scooted over to give him room at the bar, "Other than that, the weather is the same as last night's report."

"So some rain this afternoon, nice." Ryan began eating his breakfast, pausing to snatch an apple from the nearby basket to add to it, "Hmm....that article is weird. Some kind of strange acts of randomness? Unexplained at that...hmmmm."

"...did you have a thought on it big guy?"

"Maybe but I'll hope I'm wrong." Ryan thumbed through a few more articles, "Hmmm...a rainbow shortage in Cloudsdale?"

"Yeah, I saw that; the device they apparently used to make rainbows malfunctioned so there won't be as many rainbows at least until winter rolls around."

"The more I read about it, the more curious the way you can control natural phenomenon gets." Ryan cleaned up his plate and dug through the fridge for some water.

"Humans can't control the weather?" Rainbow Dash asked, watching him curiously, "And what are you doing?"

"As for yer first question, nope. On mah Earth the weather is something we can only hope to predict and survive depending on the situation. As for the second one, I'm getting some water for mah run; care to join me?"

"A run huh? Well, normally I fly..."

"I know, Apps usually goes with me but she woke up in the middle of the night feeling a bit off so I'm letting her sleep in some. Even with how much I've improved since I ended up here, I don't doubt you'd outrun me. Apps still does, but she's nice enough to go mah pace...and help me get a little faster each time."

"....okay, I'll join ya; might as well do something since I'm up at this ungodly hour. Toss me a water."

Pulling another one out, Ryan threw it in Rainbow Dash's direction and just shook his head at how easily she caught it in her hoove...even though certain logical reasons kept yelling in his head that what he just saw was impossible.


"Haha, nothing, it just kind of still makes mah mind go all weird when I see you guys do that." Ryan explained, putting his water in his pocket, "No fingers and yet ya can still grab things...this world is a mystery indeed."

"It's not that weird...we've always been able to do that...as far as I know. Ugh...I don't like thinking like this so early in the morning."

"Or at all." Ryan teased, laughing as Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, "Anyway, let's go."

"Wait...aren't ya gonna put on those funny shoes you always wear?"

Looking at where Dashie was pointing, Ryan laughed as he wiggled his toes.

"My sneakers? Nah; we're on a beach...might as well feel the sand on mah feet while we run."

"Well, okay...but I still can't figure out how you move with such weird, fragile hooves."

"Heh, that's all part of being a human...I just hope there's no glass on the beach."

With the sun just beginning to rise, the gentle breeze and crashing of the waves was all the noise to be had save for the occasional 'smack' of two feet and four hooves hitting the wet sand as Ryan and Rainbow Dash began their run around the lake.

"I figure an hour out and then an hour back, that's roughly what me and Apps run on the farm; I'm not bucking apples as much with the season over...so I've got to keep up mah exercise."

"Heh, well, you're a lot faster than I thought you'd be; I'm not having to slow down too much to stay with you."

"For knowing how fast you can move, I'm pretty sure yer lying...but that's sweet of ya Dashie."

"Yeah, well....I just want to keep talking with you, that's all!"

"Haha, yer such a goober too." Ryan teased as he watched her blush, "Heh."

"...crazy human." Dashie stuck her tongue at him and smirked as she hopped in the air, flipped upside down, and started flying just in front of him, "Still can't be as awesome as me though."

"Give me time...if Dark learned how to fly, I know I can eventually as well."

"That'll be the day." She smirked, "Though then maybe we could really have a race...be more fair that way."

"Yeah...at the very least I would like to visit your hometown someday; seeing as your house is probably modeled after Cloudsdale I imagine it's pretty amazing."

"Heh, you don't even know...but how would you even visit? Only Pegasi can walk on clouds..."

"Uhm, hello...I can use magic; from what I know from T-Sparks there is a spell to walk on clouds...I believe she used it before as well to visit."


"Heh." Ryan huffed, stopping at their halfway mark to have some water, "Thanks for coming with me by the way....taking these runs aren't nearly as fun alone so it's always nice to have company."

"Well, getting to spend some alone time with you is nice."


"Oh feathers, I mean...." Rainbow Dash sighed, falling to the ground in her panicked state, "...."

"Hahaha, are you okay?" Ryan asked as he helped her back to her hooves, "And hey...look...I'm aware ya still like me."


"And...if I could do something to make ya happy at the same time me and Apps are happy I would....but I know there isn't a way for that to work."

"...I know." Rainbow Dash sighed, "It didn't help that I felt even worse after that stupid stunt yesterday. I know I can't have you but...if I took you away from my best friend? I'd be so uncool I'd just die."

"Heh, Dashie...don't be so hard on yerself. And besides..." Ryan smiled as he knelt down and kissed her cheek, "You'll find yer special somepony...a gal as awesome and stuff as you? I have no doubt there's a guy for ya out there."

"Ryan...." She blushed, touching her cheek and blushing even further when her wings fluttered at her thoughts, "...but...yeah, I know; I just...a guy like you that doesn't seem turned off by my attitude...I haven't met anypony like that before."

"Heh, well unless morals change to where I can have more than one girlfriend, I can't really think of anything that will make us all happy." Ryan joked, though he noticed Rainbow Dash making an odd face, "...what's with that face?"

"...just...a thought...about how things are here in Equestria...ya know, because technically ya could..."

"Dashie...if yer thinking what I think yer thinking, stop; it'd only hurt somepony in the long run." Ryan sighed and shook his head, "I know that on my Earth horses and ponies and stuff are more open uh, relationship wise because of how it all is and, judging by yer comment it's not too different here apparently but...yeah, I can't do that to Apps. I love her too much to hurt her like that."

"I'm sorry, I feel pretty stupid. That was a really dumb thing to say...I should just stop talking huh?"

"Dashie, I know what it's like to have a crush and want it to work out somehow no matter what...but I wouldn't do that because I also wouldn't want to hurt you like that either."

"...that doesn't make sense!"

"Maybe not now but I'm sure you'll understand what I'm saying someday; yer mah friend and I want you to find the one that'll make you the happiest."

"But you!"

"There is a difference between a crush and being in love." Ryan explained, smiling at Rainbow Dash before staring at the lake and frowning, "You have a crush on me, but I don't believe it's love; you don't have that look in yer eyes like Apps does when she looks at me."

"...well...dammit." Rainbow Dash grumbled, sniffling, "I...I know...but...it..."

"As ya said, I've been the first guy that hasn't been put off by your attitude right?"

"Yeah..." She gulped, sniffling some more, "I know what you're saying is true...but the truth isn't cool by any percentage sometimes huh? God, it feels like someone tore a hole in my chest..."

"No it's not, and I'm sorry about that hon..." Ryan smiled and hugged her tight, "The ache from a crush unfulfilled fades eventually; it's not like we won't be friends...and besides, as mah friend you'll still get plenty of snuggly hugs and such. As I've noted, all six of you are quite happy falling into a pile of fluff when prompted to."

"Hahaha, you're such a dork." Rainbow Dash laughed softly before nuzzling his cheek, "Thanks for being so understanding about this...and so kind too."

"Heh, like I said, I've been there." Ryan felt a tear slip down his cheek, his memories finally getting the better of him, "But I've got Apps now...and all of you as friends so it's all good. Anyway, come on Dashie! I imagine they'll probably be waking up soon enough and we don't want to miss any beach time right?"

"Right! Race you back!"

"Hey! No fair! I'm barefoot and I can't fly like that! Hahahaha!"