• Published 25th Aug 2013
  • 12,721 Views, 348 Comments

Just Horsing Around - Darkness Shade

Seemingly lost in his life, a young man finds himself waking up in a strange new land populated by some curious residents. When certain truths are revealed and he finds there's more to his appearing there, how will he adjust to his new life?

  • ...

4th Harvest

And so a bit of a calm returned when they were back to Ponyville, their lives settling into a normal rhythm for the most part; Twilight was delighted to have such a challenging mission now and so, much to Spike's dismay, started getting a bit crazy with her researching and stuff.

Thankfully, for his nerves sake, Ryan was able to come over occasionally and get her to relax some before she drove herself crazy with her actions.

Rarity had easily finished up the rest of the clothing she had for Ryan, including some winter stuff just to "get prepared" as she said...though Ryan suspected it was to get a winter line set of photos ready for when the time was right.

He was grateful that his location was not revealed to be in Ponyville, despite many a pony pestering Rarity for that information to meet this mystery model of hers.

With all that, in addition to the Cutie Mark Crusaders continuing in their mission of "meddling without really meddling" when it came to him and AppleJack, the month had passed in a blur and so soon enough it was the night before his birthday and he just had to wonder what Pinkie Pie had been up to.

"She's been quite busy with this secret party for me." Ryan laughed softly, sitting with AppleJack outside as they stared at the stars, "I'm sure you know...but where's the fun in spoiling surprises?"

"Heh, that's fer sure Ry-Ry; tomorrow might get a bit interesting for ya so I hope yer ready to, as Pinkie puts it, "party pony style!""

"Well, technically I already did that with Celestia and Luna but...I think it might be a bit crazier being a birthday party."

Noting AppleJack shivering a bit, Ryan put his arm around her and pulled her closer as they lay out in the hay; not far away, AppleBloom was spying as always and seemed rather overjoyed that in the last four weeks her sister and Ryan had gotten closer.

Still, neither one of them had tried to make that move she knew meant somepony was in love...but she had a feeling that tomorrow might just be the day that it finally happened.

'And then I can be his little sister fer sure.' She thought, smiling at how happy her sister looked, 'I always wondered if a guy that struck her fancy would show up...who knew it'd be a human? I got to wonder though, from what he said the Princess told him, maybe that was something that happened often way back when. Well, I don't rightly care; if mah sister is happy then that's what matters.'

And from what AppleBloom could see, with Ryan and AppleJack holding each other close under the starlight, they both appeared rather happy.

"Well, as peaceful as this is...we should get to bed."

"Mmmm, I don't wanna move Ry."

"Heh, what? You wanna sleep out here under the stars?"

"Can we? I mean, we're pretty safe and it's not too hot out tonight. I'm just....really comfy." AppleJack yawned before scooting closer to him, "Please?"

"Haha, well, as long as I'm with you I guess it don't matter much; if you say the farm is safe to sleep out on then I've got no worries."

"Thanks my Apple Ryder."

And like that she was out, though Ryan was a bit amused at the off the cuff nickname she'd just given him; smirking when he noted she was thoroughly asleep, he titled his head back and looked in the direction of where AppleBloom was spying from.

"You should get some rest too little sis, otherwise you'll be too tired for mah birthday tomorrow."

"...how do ya always do that Ryan?" AppleBloom asked in disbelief, "Anyway, I guess yer right."


"Hmmm?" AppleBloom was confused but walked over to where Ryan was, "What is it?"

Laughing softly, Ryan kissed AppleBloom on the top of her head before ruffling her mane.

"Good night little sis."

"Hee, good night big bro."

Ryan gave a quiet laugh as he watched AppleBloom run off all happy before getting settled into the hay and joining AppleJack in a peaceful slumber amidst the stars.

The next morning Ryan was awoken by something forcefully nudging his stomach; slowly opening his eyes he saw AppleJack given him a poke and smirking.

"Well morning birthday boy; y'all ready to have a hoot-n-holler type of day?"

"As long as I get to have fun with my family and friends, you bet I am." Ryan yawned slightly before sitting up and stretching, "What time is it anyway?"

"Six; the sun's just about to rise so I figured we'd watch the sunrise together before getting a quick breakfast in."

"What a wonderful way to start my birthday; thanks Apps. Your Apple Ryder appreciates it." Ryan teased, laughing softly at her blush.

"I...I guess I did say that last night, huh?"

"Heh, it's okay; it's a cute apple based pun that my name fits perfectly so don't sweat it hon."

With that said, the two sat quietly enjoying the company of one another as the sun rose yet again to greet them and Ponyville; once the sun was properly up and on its way, the two of them had a fantastic breakfast that AppleBloom and Granny had made just for his birthday.

"This all looks so amazing you two, thank you kindly." Ryan remarked before digging in, "Mmmm, I love apples."

"I'll say." AppleBloom teased, making him cough and blush, "Did I say something wrong?"

"Cute kid, cute." Ryan laughed before picking back up where he'd left off before choking, "So from what I can sense, you and the other girls apparently have some big plans for my birthday....I hope y'all didn't go too out of yer way."

"Shucks Ryan, would we do something like that?" AppleJack giggled, "Oh, by the way."

A bit puzzled by why she had left, he wasn't anymore when she came back with a decently sized box and handed it to him.

"...I still don't know how you carry stuff without having fingers; clearly there is some crazy logic happening here." Ryan teased, "Thank you AppleJack. I wonder what it is?"

"Well open it up silly!"

"I suppose you're right AppleBloom; time to tear into it!"

With that Ryan quickly, but efficiently, opened up the package and found what appeared to be AppleJack's hat but it had been personalized a little.


"Well, I always knew how much ya liked wearing mah hat all the time so, since I got tons of them, I figured why not give you the one I've been wearing (that ya always seem to end up wearing anyway)...after I had Rarity add a few touches to it of course." AppleJack explained, pointing out the slight embroidering inside the hat, "See?"

"To my Apple Ryder from your sweet southern Apps." Ryan read off, feeling his cheeks heat up slightly, "Apps...thank ya."

Putting the hat on that moment, he gave AppleJack a super happy hug that lingered for a few moments till he heard AppleBloom giggling.

"Right! Sorry...anyway, I think I know what to wear today so if y'all excuse me." Ryan turned to give Granny Smith a hug as well, "Granny, that breakfast was sensational; thank ya."

"Hee, tweren't nothing dearie; now go get yerself ready. Yer friends are waiting after all."

"Heh, right; thanks again everypony."

After Ryan had headed upstairs to get changed, Granny and AppleBloom couldn't help but grin at AppleJack's pleased look.


"He's gotten purty sweet on ya; looks like I was right to give him mah blessing."


"Oh come on sis, you and I both know ya like him too; I've seen how close you've gotten since he moved in a month ago."

"AppleBloom...well, I know yer right...and it's not like mah friends haven't noticed that either." AppleJack admitted, "I'm just..."

"Waiting for the right moment to ask him huh?"

"Yeah, that; I'm just worried that he might not feel the same way."

"Listen honey, you shouldn't let things like that hold ya back. If the Apple family was worried about things like that, we never would've ended up finding our way here and founding Ponyville." Granny patted her granddaughter on the back and smiled, "That fella doesn't seem to let any differences bother him...and you know there's plenty a proof of that."

"I know...yer both right. Don't worry, I know when my moment will come; today's a good day for him and...I think with the mood he's in he'll be real receptive but...shhh, he's coming back down."

Ryan, being predictable for those that were paying attention, was clad in the first outfit he had originally tried on at Rarity's all those days ago: the dusty brown cargo shorts embroidered with the familiar trio of apples, an orange t-shirt, plaid over-shirt, and rugged sneaker/boot hybrids pretty much made him look the part of a southern country boy.

"And of course, the finishing touch." Ryan remarked, putting on his "new" hat and smirking, "Yee-haw everypony! It's party time!"

AppleJack giggled softly and blushed; while she did like how good those clothes were on him, she wasn't about to inflate his ego...not yet anyway.

"Yer a perfect match for mah granddaughter now sonny."

"Yeah! It's nice to see Sweetie Belle's suggestion to Rarity was taken!"

"Ahhh, so that's really where Rarity got the idea from to include the cutie mark logos." Ryan remarked, laughing softly while ruffling AppleBloom's mane, "The Cutie Mark Crusaders strike again."

"If yer done being a goober, we gotta get moving; we're due to meet the girls at Rarity's and the last thing we want is for Twilight to get all crazy on yer birthday."

"Yeah Apps, that's true; T-Sparks goes a bit bonkers when we don't keep to schedules. Well then, shall be off my little pony?" Ryan cheekily asked before giving a wave and running off, "Later everypony!"

"Hey now! Y'all can't pull that move on me!" AppleJack laughed, running off after him as they headed into town.

"Where are they? They've got a minute before they're late." Twilight huffed, pacing slightly.

"Darling, I wish you would relax a little; it is his birthday and he is with AppleJack." Rarity noted with a grin, "I wouldn't be surprised if she's got him a bit...distracted."

"Besides, you can't go crazy today; I don't think that would be good."

"Fluttershy is right everypony! We've got to give him the best pony party ever since it's his first!" Pinkie added before spotting the guest of honor and AppleJack running towards them, "Look! There he is! Wheeeee!"

That was followed by Pinkie Pie running towards the two of them and bowling Ryan over with a flying tackle-hug; dazed momentarily Ryan recovered to a faceful of pink before deducing what had happened.

"Hello Pinkie Pie; a bit excited are we?" Ryan laughed, standing up and dusting himself off, "Ya know, you could've waited for me to get over there before giving me a hug."

"Why would I do that? This way was so much more fun!"

"Hey now, what's this? You've got a hat on...and so does AJ." Rainbow Dash remarked, "They look the same but...something seems different, like it's twenty percent more Ryan."

"...I'm a quantifiable value now? Anyway, it's an early birthday gift from "my sweet southern Apps for her Apple Ryder." Ryan remarked, amused that AppleJack was blushing.

"Oh good then! He liked the alterations I made dearie!" Rarity exclaimed, "Now then...if Spike-wikey would get back we could get started."

"Where is the little dude? I figured he'd be here since he and T-Sparks are pretty much inseparable."

"He went to go get a few last minute items for our picnic, which is the first stop on our party checklist today."

"That explains the picnic baskets then. Heh, you and your to-do lists; though I can't say I don't admire somepony that knows how to plan out things." Ryan noted before smirking, "Though sometimes I think it's fun to just go off-the-cuff and do things as they come. You should try that sometime T-Sparks, let yourself relax."

"...maybe someday."

"Sorry I'm late guys, but the Cakes needed a few extra minutes to finish up our picnic dessert." Spike explained as he came running up with a large box, "Oh, and Pinkie Pie? Mrs. Cake says that your special thingy-ma-bob turned out perfectly and will be ready for later."

"Super-duper-woooper! Okay! Okay! Let's go!"

"Heh, you guys know how to pick out an amazing picnic spot." Ryan looked over the majestic field bordering a large lake and took a deep breath, "This land is so peaceful and serene...I don't think I ever want to go back."

"...are you honest about that?"

"Heh, of course I am Apps; you are the authority on honesty here after all. Haha, I've been happier in these last few weeks then I have in a long time and, while I still would like to get a message home somehow so mah family doesn't have to worry, I think I'd be quite content staying here with mah friends...and you."


"Come on, come on; you two can get all that mushy stuff later tonight. Right now it's picnic time and then swim time!" Rainbow Dash butted in, before looking left and right and glomping Ryan, "Birthday hug!"

"Haha, but of course; this makes my birthday twenty percent cooler now." Ryan replied, squeezing Dashie tightly, "Dashie, you're something else."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm awesome like that; now let's dig in I'm starving!"

And so Twilight and Rarity magically set up the blanket, the food, and other various items one would expect to see at a picnic before everypony got settled and digged in...but Ryan was a might confused at the sandwich AppleJack had handed him after he took a bite of it.


"Something wrong Ry? You don't like yer sandwich?"

"No, no, it's just...this can't be what I think it is." Ryan remarked as he took another bite, "I would swear this tastes like ham...but...no...I....that's not possible."

"Would ya be upset if it was darling?"

"No Rarity, it wouldn't bother me save for if it made y'all uncomfortable but...it just makes mah brain hurt trying to figure out the details. Are...are pigs not considered anything but livestock? Granted I haven't met a talking one yet so..."

"We don't really get into the details." Twilight admitted, making an odd face, "The short answer is yes followed by a long explanation, the other one is a no followed by a huge 'but'. While ponies usually have a more vegetarian type diet as you've seen, we still do eat fish and well, pork products but on a much rarer basis."

"So then ponies are technically omnivores?" Ryan asked, puzzled but at the same time not really.

"Oh, well, some do...but the ones like myself that really love animals just can't bring themselves to do it." Fluttershy added, "That doesn't mean I frown on those that do, that's just their choice is all."

"Heh, my sister could learn a lot from you about that. Though, I'm not even gonna ask if there are pony butchers since I've never seen one but I'm eating a ham sandwich so they have to exist somewhere." Ryan clutched his head and groaned slightly, "This kind of breaks mah brain gals."

"Well, the reason you don't see it is it's commercialized since a good portion of ponies do get a bit ick thinking on it so..."

"Righty-o....well, don't hold it against me that I'm enjoying this; it's been so long since I've had meat." Ryan sighed but continued his sandwich in peace after that, "Not that, all the alternatives I've found aren't good either but, for a human, nothing beats delicious meat. Haha."

"Now why would we do something silly-willy like that?" Pinkie asked, face-first in a bowl of macaroni salad, "You're allowed to like what you want after all. Mmm, this is delicious though Spike!"

"Thanks Pinkie, I pride myself on my cooking skills after all." Spike remarked before seeing Ryan laughing softly, "What?"

"Nothing, nothing, it's just nice to see another guy that has the culinary skills as well."


"Now Ry, come on out from there. I know you've gotta have yer swimsuit on by now."

"I know Apps but...even though I don't think y'all care, this is like the first time I've been in such lack of clothing around everypony."

"You've gone shirtless around me...or don't I count?" AppleJack teased, giggling at his exasperated gasp.

"You...you know that's different." Ryan sighed, before walking out from where he had changed, "I mean, I like the design and Rarity got the gist of it right but..."

"Yer looking pretty good to me sugah; I don't know why it is, but purple and black just look so very good on ya. Now come on, it's time to cannonball into the watering hole!" AppleJack stated, nudging Ryan and getting him running towards the water.

"Hey! Apps! I can't....ack!" Ryan shouted, suddenly tumbling end over end before rolling down, up, and then into the water with a loud splash, "....bleck. Well, that's one way to make an entrance."

"Hmmm...I give it a 7." Rainbow Dash remarked from the tire-swing, "It was original, but mostly out of chance and dumb luck."

"Oh yeah? Like you could do better Dashie?"


"Uh....she's building up a lot of speed." Ryan noted, before seeing Pinkie grinning widely in the water next to him, AppleJack tossing her hat aside and jumping into the lake, and then the other ladies and Spike hunkering down and pulling out a massive umbrella, "Uhm...I can't help but feel like I'm missing something here."

"Y'all best hold on to yer britches Ry."

"And what is that?" Ryan asked, doing such and making sure his swimsuit was on tightly.

"It's only because she's gonna do her awesome maneuver!" Pinkie explained, laughing giddily, "Her Sonic Rainbomb!"

"Oh no." Ryan stated in bleak thought, "She's going to cannonball at supersonic speeds? Isn't that DANGEROUS?!"

"Well, the only time she's done it before sent us flying in a giant wave and had Twilight so angry she made her fill the lake back up by fetching some rainclouds but...IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!"

Ryan could naught but watch as Rainbow Dash indeed flung herself high up into the sky, going super far before finally heading back down towards the Earth; seeing a buildup of energy forming around here, he was dazzled when she finally achieved the crazy speed that set off her trademark skill.

"It's....beautiful." Ryan gasped, staring in wide-eyed wonder, "So. Inspiring!"

"Yeehaw! Here we go!" AppleJack laughed as Rainbow Dash impacted with the lake, sending out a huge shockwave of water that lifted the three of them up and sent them flying forwards.

"Oh dear God!" Ryan shouted, making sure to hold on to something as they went flying, "...ya know, once the fear of death subsides, this is actually pretty cool."

"Yep! I wonder if we'll go farther than we did last time!" Pinkie giggled.

"Is, uhm...is Dashie going to be okay? That seemed like quite an impact." Ryan asked, looking back to see if she'd surfaced, "...huh...interesting."

"What is Ry-Ry?"

"The fact that because she was going so fast, her voice finally caught up to us. So she can break the sound barrier...fascinating." Ryan explained, before noting their movement was slowing down, "Ya know...I hope the others are alright."

"Ry...aren't those yer fancy swim trunks floating there?"

"...what?" Ryan quickly turned and saw them floating in front of them, "Oh God!"

Quickly grabbing them Ryan pulled them back on before the water finally subsided and set them down quite a distance from where the lake was.

"...do not tell Dashie that she literally knocked my shorts off; I could not live that down if she did."

"Hee-hee, don't worry Rysy-wysy, your secret is safe with us!"

After hiking back towards the others, who were a bit water-logged no thanks to Rainbow Dash's brash moves, Ryan could see that his regular clothing was indeed just as wet; seeing no sign of Dashie, he figured T-Sparks had sent her off to fill the lake back up.

"Everypony alright?"

"We're okay Ryan...I just wish Rainbow Dash hadn't done that." Spike groaned, "Dragon fire and water doesn't exactly mix."

"...I'm just so utterly wet! This is only acceptable at the spa or in the shower! Ahhh!" Rarity bemoaned, falling back on a conveniently placed sofa, "...what?"

"Well, she's paying for her reckless move by having to go round up some rain clouds to fill the lake back up; I can't believe she did something so crazy again." Twilight sighed, "Are you three alright?"

"Wooheee, of course I am! That was one heck of a ride!"

"Of course Twilight! Surfing like that is just super fun!"

"...while it was certainly an experience, and an enjoyable one once the whole "Oh crap!" moment passed, I don't know if I wanna do that again." Ryan laughed softly into a sigh, "Especially since all our clothing, and well your persons, are totally soaked. However...this is not an issue."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well Flutters." Ryan remarked, walking over to his clothing and pulling his wand from the makeshift holster he'd put together, "I have been practicing with T-Sparks for the last few weeks; while I haven't gotten anything super powerful down I do know a lot of practical stuff so it's time I tested it!"

"Just be careful!" Spike quickly added, "I don't want to have another accident like last time..."

"Oh please little dude, that was an honest mistake and besides, we stopped using you as the guinea pig didn't we?" Ryan remarked, "Now then...let's see if I can fix the water-logged issue."

Focusing intently with his wand, Ryan felt the strange aura surround it before he thought of his intent and then pointed at his clothing; in moments they were instantly dry and ready for wear again.

"And now for everyone else!" Ryan remarked, focusing on the others and going through the same motions before they too were dry, "Heh, it still surprises me not so much that magic exists, but that I can wield it. Fascinating."

"I must say you are coming along well my fellow apprentice." Twilight beamed, "You seem incredibly adept at learning so you'll be catching up to me in no time."

"Heh, well, it helps that I'm a hands-on type of learner though. Now then, since I seemed to have dried everything out well enough, and I've had enough swimming for the moment what with the lake waving goodbye to us, I believe Spike mentioned a special dessert?"

"Heh, thinking with your stomach again huh big guy?"

"Ack! Dashie!" Ryan gasped, feeling her dash in and poke his bare tummy, "Do you mind?"

"Nope! So then, how'd ya like my Sonic Rainbomb?"

"It was cool, and the rainbow effect is indeed awe-inspiring; I give it a nine." Ryan smirked, "...don't do it again though."

"Only a nine? Sheesh, you're such a hard person to impress." Rainbow Dash huffed, "Oh well, I heard dessert so let's do this!"

After having a slice of a delicious cake that was adorned by a picture of Ryan and all his friends, the group had taken the moment to relax and enjoy the peaceful afternoon before moving on the next part of their excursion.

"Oh man, I don't know how the Cakes do it but everything from there is just so good. I'm surprised I haven't gotten fatter from all the sweets we get from there." Ryan joked, laying in a pile with the others on the blanket, "Ya know, that is something I've wondered about."

Twilight turned her head slightly to look at him, "Hmmm? Wondered what?"

"About how I haven't had any weird effects from eating things here or any other differences that might have existed between our worlds. I mean, in all honesty, the moment I got here, other than that headache from landing in the forest, I've felt the best I have in a long time; it's almost as if the magical ability that latched on to me (or apparently manifested from me given all the weird relations to Darkness Shade I seem to have) did something to improve my health and make me as if I was always from Equestria."

"...darling, I'm afraid that hurt my noggin a bit." Rarity commented, adjusting a bit as she was caressing Spike's head, "Can you make that simpler?"

"He's basically saying his magic adjusted his body so it could live in Equestria without any issue." AppleJack remarked, much to her friends' surprise, "What?"

"Nothing, I guess that living with him has basically made it so you understand his crazy long talking." Rainbow Dash added from her position curled up against Ryan's right side, "Still, I guess ya have to if you live with him."

"Brat." Ryan laughed softly.

"Says you."

"I guess as long as it means Ryan can be here with us, then that's all that matters. Oh!" Fluttershy sighed, as Ryan was scratching just behind her wings for her, "Yeah...right there thanks."

"This is just too relaxing girls." Ryan sighed happily, "I can't remember the last time a birthday just felt so...right for me."

"Well, we still got plenty of time left mah Apple Ryder so let's keep making it a good one."

"Heh, thanks Apps."

After a short while, and a short nap as well, the friends cleaned up their picnic before heading back to town; after returning the picnic baskets to Rarity's house, Ryan was given her gift for him which was a very stylish holster for his wand that, as he happily found out, was designed so he would wear it along his hip like a sword.

"This is very nice Rarity, thank you very much." He stated, taking her in a big hug.

"Oh my! Heh, you are quite welcome dearie; I was more than happy to make you a much nicer one to replace that quick and dirty one you put together." Rarity explained, a bit flustered by Ryan's bear hug, "Now then...we've had our fun, so now it's time to relax and unwind."

"...huh? What are ya talking about?" Ryan asked, tilting his head in puzzlement.

"Are you sure he's gonna want to do this? I mean, he is a guy."

"Rainbow Dash, I'm a guy and I don't mind going there; it's so relaxing." Spike noted, though Dashie just laughed, "What?"

"Spike, you're a little different so, while that's true, I'm not sure if Ryan's gonna be the same."

"Hmmm? What are you guys talking about? Where are we heading next?"

"...a spa?"

"Yes darling; we thought you'd like a little relaxation. Is that okay?"

"A steam, a soak, and a massage? Name me somepony that wouldn't like that." Ryan joked, "I don't see why you'd think I wouldn't be okay with that Dashie; even us guys like being pampered sometimes...it's just that not all of us would admit such."

"...huh, so he's a bit different like you Spike."

"...I don't really appreciate what's being said there."

"Neither do I little buddy, neither do I." Ryan huffed, "Anyway, hopefully nothing crazy happens here."

"Well, I mean the workers here have seen you around." Twilight noted as they walked in, "So I mean, they won't be surprised; though I'm sure they'll find it challenging working on a human."

"This is where you and Rarity come once a week, right Flutters?" Ryan asked, looking around and noting that it pretty much looked like any spa he'd seen before.

"Yes, it's very relaxing and it should totally energize you too."

"Well then, where do we....ack!" Ryan gasped as he was suddenly grabbed by two ponies.

"We're so glad to have you here Birthday Boy!"

"Yes, you and your friends are right on time for your appointment!"

"Uhm, well that's good to hear ladies, so then...uhm..."

"Ah yes, your friend Rarity made this outfit for you based on what they have so we finally get to try it out."

"Outfit?" Ryan looked and saw a robe and light clothing wear outfit being held out to him, "Oh...well, okay then...I guess I'll go get ready."

"Heh, you're so adorably awkward; I never would've guessed it from seeing you walking about with your friends every day."

"Oh yes, well miss..."


"...Aloe. Right, that makes sense then. Anyway, yes Aloe I'm usually not so charmingly befuddled but something about situations like this tend to catch me off guard." Ryan laughed sheepishly, "Anyway..."

"Yes, go get ready while we get everything set."

A few moments later...

"Hmmm, comfortable yet functional. Perfect. Though I must admit I look like some fancy-smancy rich person at an expensive resort."

"Hee, well darling I must say you could play the part well."

"Thanks Rarity. Heh...now then...whoa!" Ryan tried to speak before he noted Aloe leading him over to the girls and then to a large room, "...where's the rush?"

"No rush, just have to get the Birthday Boy and his guests going." Aloe remarked as she let them get settled, "A good steam will do you good."

With that the group got settled in as the heat of the room went to work cleansing them.

"Phew, I have to say this kind of heat puts the summers back home to shame."

"What was it like in yer hometown sugah?"

"Well Apps, it wasn't a bad place; it was fairly quiet, had about a million or so people living in it but it was a fairly spread out. My childhood was a bit rough, which is pretty much why I look how I do but my family was pretty caring and I never had to worry about much growing up except being picked on and stuff."

"That's awful."

"Yeah Flutters, but humans can be pretty harsh towards one another, especially children. I've seen it here too sadly but...anyway, not really much to say otherwise; the town had a lot of what most did and I had my fun when I could. I lived somewhere else for a while, it was nice, a little colder and different, but the people out there were a lot different. Not as friendly in the ways that matter I suppose."

"I guess I can see why you wouldn't really be eager to go back home then."

"That's true enough, but as I can tell from the look on Pinkie Pie's face, this isn't the best party talk." Ryan smirked, laughing heartily at the crazy faces she was giving him.

"That's right ponies! I know we're letting all the toxics out and stuff with this steam, but hearing about Ryan's past just makes me feel all mopey and that's not fun!" Pinkie declared, before grinning and pouring a lot of water on the hot stones, "STEAM POWER!"




"Darling, what was that for?"

"I can't see!"

"Spike, the heat shouldn't affect you."

"Oh yeah."

After thoroughly feeling the same things a potato goes through when being baked, Ryan and the girls were enjoying some fresh, cold water before continuing.

"Pinkie...that was crazy."

"You're welcome!"

"That...I....ugh...." Ryan sighed, flopping back on to his chair and laughing, "I just can't get angry at you."

"That's cause I'm just super loveable!"

"Okay! Phase two!" Aloe shouted, walking in with a few other ponies, "Time to work those muscles and get them all super relaxed."

"Now that sounds like a pleasant idea." Ryan turned around in his chair, "...if you weren't professionals, I'd be a bit more worried that I'm the first human you've done this too."

"Relax dear, you'll be perfectly fine." Aloe reassured Ryan before motioning for another pony to come over, "Lotus Blossom here will take good care of you."

"Right! I'm super honored to meet you Mr. Ryan. You're a big talk of the town after all."

"Oh I'm not really that.....ohhhh." Ryan couldn't talk as her massage had instantly put him into the most pleasant of states, "I....my goodness yer good at this."

"Heh, looks like we know one of Ryan's weak spots."

"Rainbow Dash, that would be completely irresponsible to take advantage of Ryan like that."

"Rarity's right, don't go causing trouble for mah Ry-Ry."

"Apps...." Ryan blushed slightly, but you couldn't tell with his head completely limp in the chair as Lotus Blossom worked her magic, "Sweet heavens..."

"Goodness! There's a lot of tension in your back...especially your shoulders."

"Well, takes a lot of muscle to work those arms of....oh right there!"



"Goodness, he's acting just like Spike does."

"What are you talking about Fluttershy, I don't....oooooh~" Spike attempted to get out a retort, but it was apparent by his words that Fluttershy was right.

"Hmm, I wonder if all humans get so docile when pampered like this?" Twilight dared to ask before looking at Ryan's limp, happy self, "...if that's so, then I wonder why they're so uptight from what he tells us."

"So then, is that...hmmm?" Lotus Blossom took a moment when she noticed Ryan had relaxed quite a bit, "Oh my, he's fallen asleep. I didn't know I was that good."

"That just means he's really happy! He's reached party bliss!"

"Pinkie...I don't think that's such a thing. At least...not like that."

"I think AppleJack's right, besides if the big guy is so peaceful he's resting, then let him. We'll wake him up before we take a soak." Rainbow Dash remarked, before sighing, "Yeah, right there on the wings is perfect."

"Hmmm, if you all say so; I guess I'll continue till I'm done then."

About twenty minutes later, Ryan was aware of someone softly shaking him out of the sleeping state he'd been put into and with a yawn he stretched and turned around.

"Did I...I fell asleep didn't I? Heh, I always do that when I get a good massage." Ryan remarked, "Sorry about that."

"Thank nothing of it sir, it's just a testament of my skills if I can relax you that much." Lotus Blossom explained, "Now then, your friends have just left to have a soak to finish up."

"Ah, I'm lagging behind huh?" Ryan joked, standing up and stretching again, "Man, do I feel limber now; thanks Lotus Blossom."

"You're welcome; now quickly, you should join your friends."

"Right, right." Ryan noted, walking a bit and then giving a wave to everypony when he made it to the hot baths.

"Looks like the sleepy head finally woke up."

"It's nice to see you too Dashie." Ryan stuck his tongue out at her as he sank into the hot water, "Oooh! Hmmmm..."

"Relaxing isn't it dearie? And it'll leave your fur so smooth and silky."

"Uhm...." Ryan pointed at his head, "Not much fur, er, hair on me..."

"Oh, well...then I guess it'll help your skin then."

"I guess that works." Ryan laughed softly before sliding down until just his nose up was showing, "Blub-blub-blub-blub."

"I agree Ryan, this is relaxing!" Pinkie replied, laughing softly, "Are you having fun?"


"That's good to hear!"

"...how do you know what he's saying Pinkie?"

"That's easy Twilight: I speak bubble!"


"Twilight, let it go." Spike sighed, gently patting her shoulder, "Pinkie is as Pinkie does remember."

"Yes, yes...you're right."


"Ryan, that was an awful pun!"

"...do I even wanna know what ya said Ry-Ry?"


"I'mma guess that's a no."

Twenty minutes later~

"Mmmmm, I feel like I could take on the world now!" Ryan remarked, now dressed in his clothes again and striking a pose, "I might have to make this a regular thing."

"Heh, you and Spike could make it a guys outing." Rainbow Dash teased, though Ryan's smirk told her it wasn't going as planned, "Oh no...."

"That's actually a really nice idea there Dashie, would give the little dude and me a chance to bond like bronies should."

"B-brony?" Twilight asked, "Another odd word you're coming up with."

"Well, I figure y'all see me as one of you, and I'd like to think I'd be a total bro so...bro plus pony equals brony. See?" Ryan explained, "It does make the most sense."

Twilight merely face-hoofed in response before shaking her head.

"I do hope to see you again Mr. Ryan. And Happy Birthday!"

"I'm sure you will Aloe, you run a very relaxing service here. Later." Ryan said his goodbyes as they left and began walking, "Well then, where to next?"

"You...you have arcades?" Ryan paused in his steps and thought for a moment, "You mean like them old fashioned arcades right? Like the fair?"

"No, I assume since you know the word that they're the same; I'm honestly surprised you've never seen it in town."

"Well T-Sparks, to be honest, between working with you on the whole computer thing and helping buck apples...and making sure there's time to spend with family."

"And your sweet little Apps~"

"Yes Dashie, and my sweet little....hey!" Ryan frowned at Dashie's snickering sneakiness, "Anyway, yeah, I haven't had much time to explore all of Ponyville. But...wait...then if you have arcade games then...hmmm...perhaps analyzing those would help us with the computer issue!"

"Even when he's having fun he's still thinking on things like this! Amazing!" Twilight remarked with a grin.

"Only you would be all happy if he was turning something fun into something useful and boring."

"Now now Dashie, electronics are cool...you remember my little device."

"Yeah, yeah...let's just go see if you have any moves with the games. There's one in particular I'd just love to see you try out....and here it is."

Ryan walked up to a rather loud, rather noisy, but rather...familiar looking arcade machine; the flashy lights, the panels on the ground, the pulse-pounding beats; all these things seemed to remind him of a certain something.

"Oh my...this looks ever so complicated." Ryan remarked with a snicker, "How will I succeed in playing this Hoove Hoove Revolution?"

"Heh, I'd like to see if you could keep up with me. There's no way with just those two legs of yours that you could ever beat me." Rainbow Dash admitted as she stepped on to one side of the pad, "In fact, I'll even pay for the round..."

"And if I win?" Ryan asked, still smirking confidently as he stepped up, "What happens if I win?"

"Well, we'll see if that happens...then we'll figure that out."

"Darlin', ain't none of us ever been able to top RD at this game. So...why ya grinning so much?"

"Haha, you'll see Apps; I'm just full of surprises."

With that Rainbow Dash put in the bits and up came the song select wheel; while Ryan obviously didn't recognize many of the songs, a few of the genres were quite familiar and he recognized at least one artist he'd seen before.

"Oh cool, Vinyl Scratch has some stuff on here; any good DJ PON3 song that'll be a worthy start for us?"

"How about this one?"

"Oh hey, Bass Cannon; that's a good one. Interesting though to see dubstep in a rhythm game. Let's do this!"

Selecting the song and the difficulty, Ryan took a moment to note the layout as the announcer began commentating as the song started.

"All right Everypony! Show us that skill!"

As the song started, Ryan was still smirking, and for good reason, as he had quickly determined the timing of said game and, despite the machine having the panels arranged oddly due to the difference between human and pony physiology, he had no problem keeping up the onslaught of notes as they rose up the screen.

"I was going to call Rainbow Dash out on being unfair for picking such a non-beginner friendly song, but seeing as Ryan is actually making her work for a win I'm just going to sit here and enjoy this."

"Twilight, that sounds a bit...odd coming from you."

"Well Spike, don't you think it would've been unfair?"

"Well, yeah...I guess it wouldn't hurt RD too much to get knocked down a peg or two so she stays somewhat humble."

"Yeehaw! Show her how a human gets their groove going hon!"

Laughing confidently, Ryan decided to make things a bit more interesting and started adding some smooth moves as he transitioned from note to note before the song was over and up came the grading.

"Wha-wha-wha-what?! How did I lose the first song? I never lose on that one!"

"Shall we continue?"

Rainbow Dash merely grumbled at the smug look of amusement on Ryan's face, determined to knock it off him in any way she could.

"Of course! I won't lose to you! Let's play...this one!"

"...Rainbow Factory?" Ryan titled his head, "That cover seems somewhat chilling...what the hell is the Rainbow Factory?"

"Somepony was a bit crazy one day and wrote something all creepy where I'm like an evil version of myself and rainbows are made out of ponies that can't learn to fly in Cloudsdale...I never really read the whole thing but poor Scootaloo was terrified of me for weeks after she stumbled on it." Rainbow Dash explained, "However, some awesome-sauce stuff came from that, what was it called, creepypasta I think; anyway, some awesome things did come of it, like this song."

"...right; well creepypasta exists in my world too but...that's weird having it based on you directly." Ryan cleared his throat, "So then...shall we?"

"Of course!"

With that the second song started, and this one, while slower, seemed to have more complex patterns and a lot of odd speed and timing changes that did throw Ryan off a bit as he wasn't expecting them when they happened.

Of course, he also had a bit of a time paying attention as the video playing in the background was a little creepy with what it was showing/implying as he tried to ignore that imagery.

"I don't know why she insists on playing such a ghastly song." Rarity sighed, turning away from the screen, "How she can like something that paints her in such an awful light I just can't comprehend."

"Well it's just like that cupcake one they wrote about me! That freaked me out forever when I found it! At least it only seems like a few of us were targeted with that not-so-fun nastiness."

"Well, y'all have a point but this is RD we're talking about. It doesn't surprise me that her ego looks pass that type of thing." AppleJack remarked before watching Ryan misjudge a stop and groan slightly in pain, "Ry-Ry?"

"Heh, I'm okay; I lost that one though. Sneaky Dashie, sneaky." Ryan laughed through a groan, rotating his ankle a bit, "So then, final stage..."

"Ya sure you don't want to call it a draw? I'd hate fer ya to get injured again."

"Oh don't worry about me Apps, I've got the mechanics of this game down....bring on a Boss Song."

"...you sure ya want that?" Rainbow Dash asked as she scrolled through the list before ending up on a number of songs that were flashing red, "You can still back out."

"Bring it!" He stated, grinning widely, "In fact...how about that one?"

"Vinyl Scratch's Battle Theme? Well, I..."

"Are you afraid? I can tell that based on the diamond scale this game uses, this song will be most challenging. Even I'm not sure I can pass it...but that simple fact thrills me for the chance to try!"

"Fine then! I'll show you I'm the best!" Rainbow Dash shouted, stamping her hoove and selecting the song, "Let's HHR!"


The song started off quite quick but repetitive before it slowed slightly and then ramped back up to speed with the notes flying everywhere, as it was Ryan was doing his best to keep up but he noted Dashie having troubles of her own.

As the pattern looped for a bit he was able to follow it before it slowed again and did a whole mess of complicated hops and gallop steps that left him hustling; still he wouldn't give up as it seemed he and Rainbow Dash were maintaining their life bars just enough.

"This is too much to take!" Fluttershy remarked, hiding behind Twilight at how intense it was getting.

"I must say that I'm having trouble following all this...who knew someone that could keep up with RD would show up."

"I can follow it Twilight!"

"Well Pinkie, I reckon anyone as hyper as you should be able to follow those hyper-kinetic notes."

"Oh God....huff, how long...huff, is this song?" Ryan gasped, limping about but still hanging on as the song slowed down yet again.

"Heh, give up...yet?"

"Never!" Ryan declared as the music sped up one more time, "Oh God! Hustle Hustle!"

He felt his stamina giving up, but from the sounds of things the song was just about over and, sure enough, he saw the final hold and held tight as the song ended...and then he and Rainbow Dash collapsed against one another.

"Huff...huff....so...who won?" Ryan asked, too tired to look at the screen.

The other ponies, and Spike, gasped as they looked at the screen and couldn't bring themselves to tell either one what had occurred.

"Ladies? What is it?" Ryan asked before finally turning to look at the screen, "...what? How?!"

"What are you getting all bent out of shape about? Did I win?"

"No...we tied."

"TIED?! That can't be!"

Sure enough though, when she looked at the screen Rainbow Dash was beside herself at the fact that Ryan had actually tied her score...which meant they had tied overall.

"Heh, guess we don't owe each other any favors then. Oh well, I guess that means I'm a little more awesome now, right?"

"...maybe." Rainbow Dash smirked, before blushing and shrugging, "And, uhm, you can stop leaning on me at anytime okay?"

After acquiring a cool, refreshing smoothie and getting soundly defeated by everyone in air hockey, Ryan wasn't sure what else today would bring.

"This is...the best day ever." Ryan remarked, before looking around curiously, "Uhm...doesn't it seem as if...I don't know, the town is really quiet fer some reason. Where is everypony?"

"Oh, well...maybe they're all napping?" Twilight sort of hastily said before face-hooving, "I mean...making dinner?"

"...right. Something is going on here, and I think y'all are behind it and I'd more curious as to why it seems Twilight is attempting to lie to me were it not for the fact it's mah birthday." Ryan laughed softly before ruffling Twilight's mane, "I'm quite curious to see what's next."

"Well then what are we waiting for!" Pinkie replied, butting her head into Ryan and pushing him along, "Our next stop is back home, at least for you!"

"...Pinkie!" Ryan gasped, trying his best to keep from being pushed over, "What do you mean home? You mean back at Sweet Apple Acres?"

"Well do ya call anywhere else home Ry-Ry?" AppleJack asked, laughing softly.

"Well, no....okay, you can stop pushing Pinks, I can walk on my own!" Ryan laughed before finally feeling her stop pushing, "So then...if I were a betting man, I'd say we're heading towards the really large barn then. It would seem the most logical place to hold a party."

"Quit thinking, you'll ruin it!" Pinkie lamented.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, I'll stop thinking about it."

And so the group walked along making chit-chat, with Pinkie pushing Ryan every so often to get him moving faster; eventually they got to the farm as early evening set in and, with her hooves over Ryan's eyes, AppleJack helped guide him into the barn before the lights were turned on.

"Surprise sugah!" AppleJack stated before letting him open his eyes.

Ryan looked and noted that, as he'd thought, the people that normally would've been milling about had indeed been helping get the decorations and stuff up; it humbled him a bit knowing that everyone (even the mayor he could see) had come to his birthday party.

"Heh, I had a feeling everypony was in on this." Ryan laughed loudly as they all shouted 'Happy Birthday' as loud as they could, "Thanks everypony, it looks fantastic."

Hearing the general chatter of everypony there slowly building as the party got started, Ryan couldn't help but be drawn to the massive cake that was situated on the center table; eyeing it from top to bottom it just looked amazing.

"So this must've been Pinks thingy-ma-bob Spike mentioned early this morning. Her and the Cakes really outdid themselves this time."

"Well that's nice of you to say."

"That's right, nothing better for us to hear than the words of appreciation for our treats."

"It really is amazing, thank you both." Ryan warmly replied, before feeling the Mayor tugging his arm, "Ah, Mayor, glad you could be here."

"And miss my town's most unique resident's first birthday celebration here? Out of the question; how couldn't I be here, especially when I wish to present you this."

A bit puzzled by what she meant, he watched as she pulled out a card and handed it to him; looking it over it appeared to be...

"Is this...you're making me an official citizen of Ponyville?"

"Of course; as it seems your quite taken with our fair town." The Mayor laughed softly as she glanced over to AppleJack, "As well as its residents, it only seems right to make it official."

"Thank you...I'm...I'm touched."

"Heh, think nothing of it young man; now go, have some fun! It's a party after all!"

As the mayor walked off to join some karaoke, Ryan could only smirk and chuckle to himself, "She's such a crazy pony...but I doubt anyone else could run this town as well as she does."

And so the party was rolling pretty well, music pumping, people laughing, awesome food to be enjoyed though Pinkie had brought Ryan something rather curious that made him give pause.


"Yes Rysy-wysy?"

"Is this...this is a hot dog isn't it?"

"Yep! I found a way to get you one ever since I heard you mention it wayback when we saw the Princess! Happy Birthday!"

With that Pinkie put a mini-party hat on his hot dog before sticking her tongue out at him, winking, then bouncing off to join a conga line.

"...it's bliss." Ryan sighed, enjoying said hot dog after removing the party hat and putting it on his wand, "Heh, those gals are something else."

Looking about and relaxing for a moment, Ryan could see AppleBloom and her friends off and talking with one another...while occasionally pointing at him and then at AppleJack; Ryan smirked and laughed softly, all too aware that they were up to mischief again.

"Something funny mah Apple Ryder?"

"Heh, just little sis and her friends being silly again." Ryan remarked, downing a glass of apple juice, "Hmmm...I feel like I should say some words to everypony."

"It's funny you should say that sugah...as Twilight had the notion you would so, if you reckon yer ready."

With that AppleJack led Ryan over to the cake where Twilight and the others of the Mane Six were waiting; as for Spike, Ryan saw he was currently crashed against a pile of hay with his face covered in frosting and...where those sapphire remnants?

Picking up a glass and tapping on it to get everypony's attention, Ryan waited a moment for the silence to settle before gathering his thoughts.

"First off, I just want to say thank you to everypony for this party...but more so fer being so accepting of someone that's so radically different to y'all."

"Oh darling, it was nothing; you know we aren't so petty as to let something like that affect our judgment."

"Indeed Rarity, though I think that the fact I make such a fantastic model for you plays into that too."

That drew forth a chorus of laughs from everyone, including Rarity who had to admit he was right in that regard.

"Haha, all kidding aside you've all been very welcoming with everything; from the Apple family that kindly gave me a home here." He stated before smiling at AppleJack, "As well as comfort I'd not had in such a long time."

"Whooooo! Ryan and AJ forever!"


This brought forth another round of laughter from everyone as Ryan and AppleJack both blushed before he composed himself.

"Thank you Rainbow Dash, for being a gooberish prankster as always. And no doubt, the Cutie Mark Crusaders had a hand in provoking you to say that." Ryan laughed softly, glancing at the three fillies trying to hide in the crowd, "Even your Princesses have welcomed me to your world with open arms and even revealed some things that I never would've guessed could be true. Things like my own magical abilities, that thanks to T-Sparks I'm getting pretty good at."

"...ugh, not when you turn me into a plant." Spike grumbled, "Oh, too may sapphires..."

"Heh, well, can't make an omlette without breaking eggs little buddy. And, of course, despite the fact that thanks to Rarity I've become sort of unintentionally popular you've all done yer best to keep my location here a secret."

"Well, fame is a tough job after all."

"That's right Flutters, it's very stressful, but great cardio. Heh, with all that, given that you don't even treat me different it's almost like you see me as one of you, as a pony...or well brony if you will." Ryan laughed softly, "Even the Mayor has made it so that, as of today, I'm officially proud to call Ponyville my hometown."

To that everyone gave a large cheer and there was a round of applause...or at least the approximate to it with everypony stamping their hooves.

"Thank you. And I mean that, thank you from the bottom of my heart; if T-Sparks and her friends hadn't pulled me from the Everfree Forest, who knows what might've befallen me? I'm only here due to the kindness and friendship they're so capable of. Now then, seeing as I've said my little words of gratitude, and we have this totally awesome confectionary masterpiece made by Pinks and the Cakes just sitting here waiting to be eaten, I say we cut this sucker up and dig in!" Ryan shouted, raising his fist into the air energetically, "Yeehaw!"

And like that, almost instantly, Pinkie went all ninja state as she deftly cut the cake into enough pieces for all those gathered; after having cake the party slowly wound down and the noise in the barn became quieter than before...which Ryan was quite thankful for as he finished his cake and merely sat enjoying the moment.

Looking about he could see those he now came to call friends doing various things: Rainbow Dash was sort of spying on him, but not really as she chatted with Fluttershy about something, Twilight was trying to help Spike after the latter had gotten a tummy ache from eating too many sapphire cupcakes, Rarity was chatting up Aloe and Lotus Blossom and, judging from how Aloe kept glancing over towards where he was sitting, it was either about earlier today or just involved him in some way.

Not that Ryan minded, his friends could talk about him if they wanted, and he even waved at Aloe who grinned and waved back at him; Pinkie Pie was having a blast, literally, with her Party Cannon but he suddenly noticed that AppleJack was apparently missing.

"Now where do ya suppose that sweet lass got off to?"

Standing up, and wincing as his back cracked a bit, he looked left and right but saw hide nor hair of that certain orange pony; seeing AppleBloom and her friends chatting it up he figured perhaps they knew where she went and so he hopped over the fencing they were sitting behind and walked up to them.

"Hey there CMC's, how's it going?"

"...good. It's good."

"...Scootaloo, why do I get the feeling something's up? You're sweating like a nervous chicken."

"Why would you say that?"

"Because she's being awkward when she talks Sweetie Belle." Ryan laughed softly, "Little Sis, have ya seen Apps? She seems to have wandered off and I can't rightly find her; and well, if she's not here mah birthday doesn't feel complete ya know?"

"Mah sister? She should be around here...oh! There she is!"

Turning around, Ryan could see that she had indeed shown back up but she looked a little different: her ponytail was done up all fancy like, her mane wasn't in the ponytail she usually wore, and he wasn't sure how but he swore her coat was almost glowing.

AppleJack looked up from under her hat and met eyes with him, which brought forth a smile that just seemed right on both their faces; going to say his goodbyes to the Cutie Mark Crusaders but noting they'd run out the back door he gave a shrug before hopping back over the fence and walking over to AppleJack.

"Hey there Apps. I was looking for ya."

"You were huh? Uhm..."

"AppleJack, are you okay?" He asked, noting her uncharacteristically nervous stance, "What's on yer mind?"



"Would you like to..."


"To...come with me?"

"Sure, the others seem to be enjoying the remnants of the party so I don't think it'll matter much if the birthday boy disappears for a bit."

"Sure, okay, cool. Follow me then sugah." AppleJack remarked, still feeling tense but relaxing as she felt Ryan place his hand on her mane and start caressing it, "Mmmmm."

"So what's got ya so tense Apps?" Ryan asked after they'd headed deeper into the farm and had ended up, as he might've expected, at the Cutie Mark Crusaders clubhouse before sitting down as the moonlight filtered in through the windows.

"...have ya been enjoying yer birthday?"

"Yeah, it was a lot of fun; the most I've had in a long time on that day. But Apps..."

"Yeah Ry-Ry?"

"I know ya didn't invite me out here just to ask if I had fun today. What's really on yer mind sweetie?"

AppleJack looked to the floor a bit, slowly running a hoove over the wood flooring before gulping and looking back up at Ryan.

"I...I kind of have been having some thoughts on mah mind darlin' and..."

"And?" He asked, smiling kindly as he looked into her green eyes.

"And...well, I know we've gotten pretty taken with one another over the last few weeks." AppleJack stuttered slightly, staring back into his hazel eyes, "So...I was wondering if...maybe..."


"Maybe if ya are feeling the same way as I am that...you'd be open to the idea of."

"Of?" He asked, already knowing too well what she was going to ask.

"If'n you'd like to officially date?" AppleJack asked, blinking and staring at Ryan in the silence as he simply smiled, "...ah shoot, I knew I..."

"Shhhh." Ryan quietly stated, putting a finger to her lips, "Apps, if mah heart were an apple, you've more than wormed yer way into it since that first night you were so kind to me."

"So...yes Ry-Ry?"

"Heh, yes my sweet little Apps...we might be different, but I sense that doesn't really matter much here. Heh, not like I'd let it bother me anyway." Ryan laughed softly, "So yes, I'm more than happy to officially be yer Apple Ryder as long as yer my sweet southern Apps."



Meanwhile, outside peeking through one of the windows was AppleBloom and her friends waiting for them to finally seal the deal.

"Come on Ry, don't leave a pony hanging."

"What's she talking about Scootaloo?"

"I think she wants them to kiss."

"Shhh, we can't let them hear us." AppleBloom quietly hushed them before watching, "I just knew they'd be good for each other."

Inside Ryan and AppleJack had been staring at each other, in that way that those who have come to recognize their mutual love do as they try to figure out what, of the myriad things running through their minds, to do next, which was why he hadn't noted the CMC's snooping outside.

As it was Ryan knew what he wanted to do, but was trying to figure out the best way to do it; finally figuring he'd just go for it he put one hand around her waist and another around her neck before leaning in and kissing her.

AppleJack's eyes went wide when she realized he was actually going to do what she'd secretly hoped he would and she relaxed when she felt his warm lips press against hers; she wasn't sure what it would feel like, especially with him being a human and all but, as far as she could tell she liked it...a lot.

"Yes!" AppleBloom shouted which caused her to lose her balance and fall down with her friends to the ground, "Anyway, mission accomplished CMC's! Now then...let us be proper and give the two of them their privacy."