• Published 25th Aug 2013
  • 12,741 Views, 348 Comments

Just Horsing Around - Darkness Shade

Seemingly lost in his life, a young man finds himself waking up in a strange new land populated by some curious residents. When certain truths are revealed and he finds there's more to his appearing there, how will he adjust to his new life?

  • ...

19th Harvest

Ryan wasn't sure where he was, but for some reason he felt...warm? Almost like the sun was shining down on him on a clear, spring day. Testing to see if he could, he was surprised that his eyes opened and he slowly turned his head to see he was lying in a field of some kind. Grunting as his body creaked and groaned in pain, he slowly pushed up so that he was sitting as he stared with a puzzled look on his face.

"The last thing Ah remember was...Chrissy."

Glancing down at his chest he could see his wound was not there for some reason and that only further puzzled him. Looking at his surroundings again, he noted a grassy plain that seemed to stretch on beyond the horizon. In fact, as he slowly made his way to his feet, he could see that other than a small lake nearby, there was nothing but grass accompanied by a gentle breeze as far as the eye could see. Pulling his shirt aside, he ran a hand over the right side of his chest and still couldn't figure out what was going on, "Ah should have a scar at the least, Chrissy flippin' ran me through with her horn so...hmmm."

Walking over to the lake, Ryan looked down at the crystal waters and was a bit spooked when his reflection began to move on its own...until he noted it looked rather familiar. Reaching down, he wasn't too surprised when he felt a hand grip his and with a tug and a fall out came Darkness Shade...who Ryan was quick to push off of him, "Sheesh...ya could've at least not landed on me when Ah pulled ya out."

"Sorry, sorry." Dark laughed at the awkwardness, "...something about this place has a familiar feeling to it."


"Yeah...how odd." Dark looked about but in the end just sat down next to Ryan, "So...did we die again or something?"

"Ah thought so but...Ah sure don't feel dead. Speaking of though...last time, when Disky tried to put me six feet under I know for certain Ah lost consciousness."


Ryan turned to his other half, "So then how did Ah not die?"

Dark gave a long sigh before smirking, "It's kind of complicated and has to do with something I took a gamble on. Something my old mentor deduced was possible but could never test."

"Mentor? You mean Star-Swirled?"

"Yeah. He figured that if there was some way to keep a body going while the soul was in flux, then theoretically someone could pretty much never die if given the right circumstances." Dark pulled up a few blades of grass and let them go in the wind, "When Cordy went to kill you, I did what I could to test his theory. Thankfully enough, it seemed the old man was on to something."

"Yeah, because right after you gave that nice little one liner Ah got up and kicked his butt. Ah suppose that the whole Justice Blitz move was an after-effect ability of that?"

Dark shrugged, "Ah suppose so. He theorized that doing something like that to a person's body and soul would cause a change in their abilities. Something about resounding harmonics and...realigning one's magics. He always had an odd way of speaking about him so Ah never really got the details."

Ryan figured that was a good enough answer for him, "Fair enough. So then, assuming we aren't dead where in tarnation are we then? This place certainly doesn't feel natural at all..."

"You are simply residing in-between what we know as life and that which is beyond."

The two looked at each other before sensing a third presence was behind them. Turning simultaneously, they saw a blinding light that slowly but surely faded until they saw...an alicorn? And looking closely Ryan could make out that her cutie mark was a...well, it almost appeared to be a supernova of some kind.

"Curious. Excuse me but...who are you if I may ask?"

"Ah yes, Ryan is it? Always so inquisitive...it has been a long time since I've been lucky to meet with one of your kind."

"You mean humans...?"

The alicorn smiled and nodded, "Yes. It has been many years since there has been a human that needed guidance in the beyond. Although..."

Dark noticed she had turned to look at him, "Hmmm? Is there something on my face?"

"No, but I..." She shook her head, "It's not important. What is important is that you are not dead. Once again you came quite close and for all intents you should've been, but it would seem you have some very determined and loving people in your life. I believe you know who I speak of."

"Heh...yeah, Ah think Ah do." Ryan blushed slightly, "Mah family."

"Indeed. Besides, you have much still to accomplish and experience my little human before we meet here for your final journey."

"I'm sorry. I hate to interrupt." Dark looked at her with a puzzled face, "For some reason, and it's bugging me, I feel like I know you. Have we...met before?"

The alicorn simply laughed a very motherly type of laugh before smiling at Dark, "Perhaps...or perhaps not. Who can truly say?"

"That grin looks awful familiar." Ryan gave a shrug, "Ah wonder why...oh well. So, if Ah might ask, how long are we gonna be like this?"

"Oh, not much longer now. You've been resting for quite some time, Ryan. Your loved ones are quite worried about you. When you finally regain consciousness, it will have been nearly a week since the invasion by the Queen of the Changelings."

"...Chrissy." Ryan glanced at the ground and balled up his fist, "Again, Ah failed somepony..."

The alicorn smiled before walking over and nuzzling the side of his face, "You should not be so hard on yourself for things you could not have foreseen. You have a heart that would show kindness and mercy to even those that would call you their enemy. A rare gift indeed, so it pains me to see it hurt you so."

"Ah just....Ah just wanted ta help her because we couldn't..."

"Ah yes, you refer to the whole fiasco involving Discord, right?"

Dark narrowed his eyes, "How do you know about that?"

"Heh, there is much I know my little human, but now is not the time for that. Just know that you may get your chance yet."

Ryan felt a bit woozy as he noted her form beginning to blur, "What in tarnation...does that mean?"

"That kind heart of yours will always guide you, never forget that. You will find out soon enough, so never change and continue protecting those you love. " The alicorn remarked as her voice began to echo, "...including my daughters."

Dark felt his eyes grow heavy before everything faded to black, managing to get off only one word before passing out again, "...Solaris?"

Ryan slowly opened his eyes only to see darkness surrounding him. At first he wasn't sure what to make of it, but then he heard a rhythmic beeping sound and saw bright points of light to his right. After a few moments his eyes finally focused and he saw that he was once again in a recovery room hooked up to a few machines that no doubt we're helping him heal. He went to test his limbs to see how much everything hurt and how well they would move but found them to be heavy. Though, as he slowly adjusted to the feeling of being awake, he could see the reason why and it made him smile: for there, spread out on either side of him, was his little sisters no doubt watching over him in the only way they figured they could.

'Those kids are cute, aren't they?'

'Yep...but if'n they're here then...' Ryan slowly turned his head only to grit his teeth, the muscles a bit sore at having not moved for a while. To his right he saw a few ponies curled up sleeping though he wasn't able to make out who they were as he wasn't sure where his glasses were and thus they were too far away for him to properly see, let alone in the dark of night. Hearing sounds to his left, he could deduce there were others there too and he realized that alicorn was right about how many people truly did care for him.

"Heh...family's an awesome thing, isn't it?"

'You said it partner...but I wonder. Solaris...'


'That alicorn...I think it was her but I'm not sure."

"Dark...who is Solaris any—" Ryan paused when he felt AppleBloom stir before nuzzling his stomach, "Lil Sis?"

"Mmm, Big bro...yer too noisy and Ah'm tired. Shhh..." AppleBloom shifted before closing her eyes, "...huh? Big bro?"


At that AppleBloom's eyes flew open before she crawled up on to his chest, "Yer awake! Heh! Big Bro's awake!"

Scootaloo moaned softly before grumbling, "AppleBloom...what's all that noise? I'm tired..."

"It's Ryan! He's awake!"

"...what?" Scootaloo turned and saw that his eyes were indeed apparently open, "Big bro?"

"Heh, heya Scoots...hope ya haven't been too worried."

"Worried?" Scootaloo began nuzzling his face, "We thought we'd lost ya after what Rainbow Dash and the others told us."

"Hey, it's gonna take a lot more than a horn through my chest to kill me...though to be honest, I wouldn't care to try that again. It really hurt."

"Scootaloo? AppleBloom? What's with all that noise?"

"And that would be Sweetie Belle, yes?" Ryan slowly reached a hand up to scratch her mane, "You three are sweet fer keeping me company."

"Mmmm...yep. Hey...wait a minute." Sweetie Belle seemed puzzled, "Are you really awake or am I dreaming?"

"Does this feel like a dream?" Ryan smirked as he scratched the one spot behind her ears he knew she really liked.

"Oooooh, honestly yes. Though there's no way we're all having the same dream. I'm so happy you're finally awake again!"

As the three fillies began to lose a hold on containing their excitement, the others still sleeping in the room began to wake up questioning what was going on. It took them all of a few seconds after they heard Ryan's voice before somepony turned on a light and Ryan grunted at the brightness.


Slowly cracking his eyes open, Ryan couldn't help but laugh slightly, "It's okay T-Sparks; Ah know how eager mah bookworm can be. Ah still can't see all that well, with mah glasses missing and all, but is everypony here?"

"Yer herd is certainly here if'n that's what yer asking, Apple Ryder."

"Apps...heh, Ah had thought Ah'd never hear any of yer voices again." Ryan noted something floating towards him before it landed on his face, "Oh hey, Ah can see again."

"Yes. I figured you'd want those darling so you can see us clearly." Rarity stated, though she was hiding slightly behind Rainbow Dash, "...even if not all of us are looking our best."

"Rares...quit hiding. Ya know Ah don't care if'n yer a bit unkempt. Considering how long Ah must've been out, some things do fall by the wayside when yer worrying over someone ya love."

"Well, I do suppose you're right. A gentleman wouldn't lead a lady astray with his words after all."

'Haha, ain't that the truth.'

"I see Dark managed to survive too." Rainbow Dash snickered, "Good, good...wouldn't want things to get too boring after all."

'Awww, I love you too Dashie-kins!'

"...yeah, yeah." Rainbow Dash hid her blushing self with her right wing, "I'm just...really happy you finally woke up Rys."

"That makes two of us...or should I say—"He counted mentally real quick"—ya know what, it's too much math right now considerin' how out of it Ah still feel. Let's just say it's a lot. Haha....ugh..."


"Heh, Ah'm okay Flutters. Just been lying still for far too long." Ryan looked about, "Where's little bro at? And...well, Ah suppose Ah might already know the answer after seeing y'all are still here but..."

"What happened after you kind of...died again?"

"Yeah, T-Sparks. That. Also...Pinks is being really calm which is...odd."

"Oh, well Rysy-Wysy that's a simple one. The doctors told me that you might not be fully capable of receiving my usual super perky self so just for my human, you get Pinkie Pie Lite!" Pinkie giggled softly, "All the smile and all the happy, just a bit calmer till you're fully healed."

"Heh, just seeing that smile is making me feel better already. So anyway...what happened after Ah went down and y'all showed up?"

The six members of his herd looked at each other briefly before five of them nodded at Twilight. Nodding in reply she cleared her throat, "Well, needless to say, we were pretty shocked when we saw that she...she...she'd run you through like that."

"Yeah...Ah'm just lucky she clearly didn't know human anatomy and thought mah heart was on the right side of my chest."

"Didn't ya say somethin' like that there Twi?" AppleJack looked at her, "Ya said it didn't match up with what ya read in those books Luna gave ya."

"That's right; apparently you share some key differences in anatomy with the humans from our world. Namely, your internal systems are flipped." Twilight explained, "So Chrysalis thought she was right because she should've been. If it wasn't for you being from another world, she would've stabbed you right through the heart."

"Oh...well, shit. Chalk one up to luck then. Though instead of dying, Ah just slowly bled to death...it's not dying though so y-yay?" Ryan cleared his throat, "Anyway T-Sparks...tell me what happened."

"Well...it was like this..."


<"...what was that weird squiggle motion?">

<'Nothing to be worried about Lady Rarity, just Twily setting up the flashback.'>

<"Oh...well I suppose that makes sense Dark. If you will then Twilight...">

<"Right! After we saw the two of you go down and pass out...">

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! That was so satisfying my only regret is I can't do it again just to get the thrill of that feeling!" Chrysalis gloated over Ryan's fallen form as she started at the others, "And to think, if only you had shown up a few moments earlier...you might've saved him. Instead, you got to watch your beloved die by my hooves. I wouldn't worry too much however...you'll be seeing him soon enough."

The others stood there, still too stunned by the death of their friend and lover who now lay in a pool of his own blood. With them shocked by grief, it would seem they were easy pickings for the Changeling Queen until...

"You condescending...sadistic...callous motherbucker!"

"..Pardon?" Was all Chrysalis was able to get out before Spike was on her, his gauntlet covered in flames connecting upside her head and sending her flying back. The others could only stare in shock at his actions, stunned that this was there little Spikey-Wikey that was pretty much beating the ever-loving crap out of the Changeling Queen. Landing a large number of blows to her person, Spike roared as he charged up a fireball and sent it hurtling towards her, "Spike squash evil bug! Spike strongest there is!"

With an impressive explosion, the others covered their eyes at the dust that flew upwards from Chrysalis' location. Spike panted in exhaustion before falling to the ground and coughing, "That...was for my big bro....ugh...."

"Spike!" Twilight ran over to him, concerned when his eyes shut, "...it's okay. It's okay, he's just fainted."

"But what about her?" Rainbow Dash motioned at the still motionless Chrysalis, "I mean, don't get me wrong here, that was pretty awesome what Spike just did. I didn't know the little guy had it in him but I'm not sure that's enough to stop her."

"Well she's not moving so for the meantime maybe we should focus on our human? The one that's lying in a puddle of his own blood?!"

"Rarity's right! Isn't there something we can do Princess? He can't really be dead?!"

Celestia placed a hoof over Ryan's chest before lowering her head, "I'm afraid he is AppleJack. I can no longer feel a pulse...he's lost too much blood."

"Nooooooooooooo!" AppleJack cried out, pounding her hoof hard enough to crack the ground, "Let me at that bitch! Ah'm gonna tear her a new everything by the time Ah'm done with her!"

Luna held AppleJack back with her magic, "I understand your pain dear AppleJack, but doing that to her will not bring him back."

Twilight looked at the situation, her eyes watery from tears as she tried to think of something. What was the point of wielding the Elements, she thought, if they couldn't be used to save somepony she loved?

"I see that look in your eyes my student."

"How did you...?"

"Heh, lest you have forgotten, both my sister and myself have had that same look before...back when we lost Darkness." Celestia sighed softly, "The Elements are indeed strong, but..."

Luna narrowed her eyes for a moment before placing a hoof on her sister's shoulder, "Sister...perhaps they might help this time. Ryan's body is still here after all, unlike...unlike Darkness' was."

Celestia looked at the hopeful faces of her student and her other little ponies and seemed uneasy, "Your words do hold logic sister but...if we are to do this we must hurry. The longer we wait, the more likely we lose what hope we have. I can only pray their magic is strong enough."

Cadance, who had finally gotten through to Shining Armor, had finally joined the others, "If it'll help, I'm more than happy to add my strength to yours. Though he did not know me, Ryan gave his all to set things straight. It's only fair that I do the same in return."

"...I know you told me I'd be shocked but..." Shining Armor seemed a bit sick at seeing the scene in front of him, "Ryan...if there's any way for me to help as well, just tell me!"

"Very well my little ponies, if you'll focus with the Element Bearers we can—"

And that's when a groaning noise drew their attention for Chrysalis had finally come to. The group watched with bated breath as she slowly stood up before facing them, "...what is going on? Why are you all just standing there? And where is that human of yours?"

"...what are you going on about?" Twilight seemed puzzled by her words, "Where is our human? Where is Ryan?! He's dead! Because of you! You killed him! How could you forget that?!"

Chrysalis seemed shocked, "What?! No! I wouldn't....I mean I don't care for their kind but even I know that the stories we were told were exaggerated! I just wanted him out of the way, not...you're lying!"

"Are we!?" Rainbow Dash practically growled at her before pointing a hoof at Ryan's body, "You look there and tell me we are!"

Chrysalis looked where she was pointing before her face twisted into one of horror, "...no. No-I! I wouldn't....I didn't...I never intended to....this isn't how it was supposed to go! I was going to take over, but nopony was going to get hurt! I never wanted to hurt anyone! I just wanted to protect my children! To make sure they lived! No! No! No! Nonononono! What have I done?!"

With tears in her eyes and her mind gone at seeing what she'd wrought, Chrysalis ran off out of the wedding hall lost in the fact that she had done something horrible that she could never undo.

The others watched this curiously for a moment before Lyra finally spoke up, "You want us to chase after her? She might get away."

Twilight shook her head, "No. I don't think she'll be causing any trouble...we have a bigger issue to deal with right now! So hurry! Focus on Ryan and...and hope!"

Twilight and her friends concentrated deeply, connecting with one another via their elements as they had but one thought on their minds: Bring Ryan back to us! As the glow of their bond began to surround Ryan, Cadance helped focus the love of those there to hopefully aid in such an improbable task.

As the magic began to fade, the others watched with bated breath as nothing seemed to happen. Second after second ticked by until time seemed to rewind, Ryan's blood slowly returning to his body as the spell took effect. Eventually the only reminder of what had happened was a very nasty gash that was more than likely going to scar something fierce. After that it was quiet, almost too quiet, until Princess Celestia finally spoke up, "...he has a pulse."

At that everyone cheered happily...at least till Celestia cleared her throat, "He has a pulse but he's not out of the woods yet! We must get him medical attention immediately! Hurry my little ponies!"


"...and that's basically it." Twilight shook her head, "You've been unconscious for three weeks. Spike's been busy researching stuff and...training of all things."

'...three weeks?'

"Yes. Why?"

'Nothing it's just...never mind.'

"Are you sure you're okay, Darkness?"

'Yeah, yeah...'

Ryan knew exactly why Dark felt something was off, and it had to do with a discrepancy in the time that alicorn had noted and what apparently had actually passed.

Figuring that perhaps it just had to do with some weird difference of how time passes in that which is beyond this world he decided it really wasn't too much to worry on right now as he thought about what they'd said about Spike.

"Ah see...odds are he's just trying to keep his mind occupied after all that happened." Ryan mused before slowly assuming a sitting position, "Oh sweet Cellie that hurt something fierce. Three weeks, ya said? Ah guess that means Cadance and Shining tied the knot already then huh?"


With that the door opened and Ryan was soon assaulted by a deep-blue blur that blocked his view, "...Lunes?"


"Oh as soon as we got Twilight Sparkle's note we rushed right over! We even made sure to grab Spike as well since we knew he'd be thrilled!"


"And Cadance and Shining came along as well and..."

"Lunes! Can't breathe! Crushing chest!"

Luna laughed sheepishly before relinquishing her hold, "...sorry. I just...sorry."

Ryan gasped slightly before holding his chest. Frowning, he ran his hand over the right side and felt something unpleasant under his shirt.

"...we tried our best to help it heal but unfortunately your wound will be leaving you a nasty scar." Celestia explained, "Though I am more restrained than my sister, I am quite relieved that you are finally awake my little human."

Ryan smiled as he wrapped an arm around her neck to pull her into a hug, "Ah'm glad to be back with y'all too Cellie. And Spike, Ah heard about how ya went all super hero after Ah went down!"

"Haha, well I just figured...you know, couldn't let you go down like that so..." Spike blushed as he rubbed the back of his head, "I guess I kind of overdid it myself seeing as I passed out from it all."

"Eh, yer still a hero in training." Ryan laughed softly before clutching his chest, "Okay, laughing hurts at the moment...but what's this Ah heard about the lovebirds not getting married? What's the deal?"

"Well Ryan, you are my best man after all. We couldn't exactly get married without the whole wedding party there." Shining laughed, "It just wouldn't be right..."

"You guys...thank you."

"That's all well and good, but something still bothers me about this whole thing."

Ryan looked at Spike before frowning, "What's still bothering ya, little bro?"

"The whole flip-flop that Chrysalis had. She just completely turned her whole attitude around after I, well, after I lost my mind and just wailed on her."

"I must admit that did puzzle me as well." Rarity nodded in agreement, "It seemed completely unrealistic to believe she felt regret."

Ryan was quiet for a moment as he thought and then something came to him, "Ah'm not sure if Ah'm completely right on this, but Ah think Ah have an explanation that might work. Now from the events that preceded mah getting impaled Ah would like to think Ah was talking to who Chrissy really was."

"You're talking about before we showed up?"

"That's right Twilight. Lunes and Cellie were there so they know what Ah'm talking about."

"Ryan is correct. After immobilizing her he had quite a discussion and offered her a peaceful do over to make things right." Celestia's smile slowly faded, "Until that soldier flew in and..."

"And unfortunately he dive-bombed right onto Malus Domestica." Ryan felt an ache in his heart as he looked at his sword leaning against the wall, "...after that she lost all reason. She was suffering a mother's grief after all, so who could blame her?"

"Ah don't get it though, that might explain why she got enraged like she did but she said she didn't plan to hurt anypony at all." AppleJack scratched her head, "But it sure seemed as if she was tryin' to plant us six feet under fer sure."

"Ah have a theory on that too, Apps, and from what Dark informed me of Changelings before our confrontation Ah think it might be right. You all know by now that Changelings feed on love, yes?"

"Of course. It's pretty obvious after what she did to me." Shining nodded, "Are you trying to say that played a part in this?"

"Something like that. Remember how power crazy she was acting after she knocked Cellie down with one blast? Well Ah think the love she got was perhaps more than she could handle...that and Ah don't think she was fully prepared to siphon such energy from a species she had never encountered before." Ryan pointed at himself, "Namely me."

"Of course!" Twilight began rambling, "Even though she knew about humans there's no way she could possibly have had contact with one before. So the only species she's siphoned love from would be ones that have been around within...how long do Changelings usually live?"

'As I recall, they're normal life-span is usually somewhere between a hundred and two hundred years depending on the Changelings build, rank, and own power and ability.'

"Thanks Dark. So seeing as humans haven't existed in a thousand years, she's never known how to handle taking love energy from one. So then if I'm following your logic right Ryan then...are you trying to say she got drunk on the love you have for us?"

"Something like that...though Ah imagine what she took from y'all probably didn't help either." Ryan shook his head and sighed, "It was probably more than she could handle...and she got lost in it. Ah thought Ah had reeled her back in after talking to her calmly but..."

"Ryan?" Fluttershy was worried at the pained look he wore, "What's wrong?"

"...mah heart aches from both physical pain...and worry that Ah may never get to tell her that Ah'm okay." Ryan gripped his bed sheets tightly, "The way she reacted, the horror ya said was on her face...Ah'm afraid it'll scar her for life. And then who knows how that might affect her...Chrissy."

Ryan was quiet for awhile until he felt the warmth of his loved ones embrace, something he needed to help ease his heart. After a few moments he smiled, "Thank you everypony. Maybe...maybe one day Ah'll find her and set things right."

"We will do all we can to assist you." Celesta softly nuzzled his cheek, "My sister and I will help try to find them...as well as continue to assist you in any other way we can."

'Tia...Woona...heh, you two are still awesome.'

"Ah share Dark's sentiments but...Ah still feel really tired. Right now Ah just wanna rest up some more."

"You won't stay asleep for too long, right big brother?"

Ryan looked at the CMC's and laughed softly, "Of course not little sisters. Ah won't be sleeping like that for a long time."

With that they let Ryan relax and continue to heal happy in the knowledge that he would be okay. As such they finally allowed themselves to stretch their legs and no longer stay huddled up in his room.

"Hey wait! He was awake?" Lyra gasped at hearing such things when she bumped into Twilight, "Oh it figures that he wakes up when I have to use the little pony's room."

"Relax, Lyra. Yer getting all bent out of shape." Vinyl snickered, "Like I told my agent when he asked why I was still here, sometimes you just gotta wait a little longer before something good happens. Let the big guy rest up, he's been through a lot remember?"

"Yeah, yeah...I know." Lyra pawed the ground slightly, "I just...it would just relax my mind to hear his voice again."

"Don't worry." Twilight patted her shoulder, "The moment he's up again I'll let you know. I'm sure he'll find it nice to hear from his other friends too."

Lyra smiled though it was an awkward one, "...right. Friends..."

And so time slowly passed and Ryan's recovery was not as quick as it had been the last time thanks to the type of wounds he'd received....as well as the unusual way he was brought back. As it was, it was another week before he was moving about well enough to try and get back into a routine. Lyra had been quite relieved when she finally saw him awake and pretty much spent that whole day with him...despite Ryan telling her she didn't need to. Eventually he felt healthy enough to finally take his place in the wedding and that was where they found themselves now. Though the repairs to the castle and town had not been completely finished, the wedding hall was bright and shining as it was before the invasion...or at least enough so for Cadance and Shining Armor anyway.

Thankfully things went well and soon the two were wed to the joy of everypony there. With that the after-party finally began with all sorts of music, merriment, and good times by all.

"How come you're not out there dancing? I know you want to."

Ryan turned to Twilight and smirked, "Ah know but Ah'm still not one hundred percent, T-Sparks. I really want to, especially with those sick beats that Vinyl is laying out but..."

Twilight frowned as Ryan gripped his chest, "I'm sorry..."

"Fer what? You didn't do this. In fact the only thing to blame for any of what happened was misunderstanding and the twisted facts of history."

"I suppose that's true...but if you aren't going to dance, perhaps you'd like to come meet my parents? They seemed rather interested in meeting you at last after hearing so much about you."

Ryan choked on the punch he was sipping, "Yer parents? Well Ah reckon that's only right, seein' as we're close and all. Sure. Lead the way."

With that Ryan followed Twilight over to where two ponies were standing and watching Cadance and Shining dance with one another.

"Ryan, let me introduce you to my mother and father." Twilight motioned at them, "Twilight Velvet and Night Light."

Ryan shook Night Light's hoof when offered, "A pleasure to meet you, sir."

"And likewise. So you're the famous human we heard all about."

"Guilty as charged." Ryan laughed softly as he kissed Velvet's hoof, "And might Ah say madam that Ah can clearly see where T-Sparks gets her good looks from."

Twilight Velvet giggled, "Such a charmer too...no wonder my little Twily speaks so highly of you."

"Mom! You're gonna embarrass me."

"Aw, Ah think it's cute yer mother likes teasing you." Ryan gently pinched Twilight's cheeks, "It's just so cute when you blush!"

Night Light smirked, "Ah, so it is true...you're quite smitten with our daughter."

Ryan gulped and laughed sheepishly, "Yes...though..."

"Though that's not the whole truth huh?" Twilight Velvet raised an eyebrow, "Our Shiny told us some interesting things...that your other friends confirmed to be true."

Ryan gulped as T-Sparks' father gave him the once over, "Well yes...things just kind of went that way without any of us really realizing it until one day it just...happened."

"Do you love our daughter?"

"Of course! As Ah told Shiny Ah love your daughter as well as the others. Heh, so much so Ah'd probably even give mah life to protect them."

Night Light smirked, "I think that was obvious seeing what happened recently. While I can't say it's what I expected, from all I've heard and seen you are a rather stand-up pony...er, person. So we know you'll treat her right."

"Thank you. Both of you. That means a lot to me, it truly does." Ryan smiled and then laughed when the two took him in a hug, "Heh, perhaps one day Ah'll get to call ya mom and dad too eh?"

"Hahahahaha, you're so silly Ryan!" Twilight laughed nervously, "Why don't we go dance and not talk about such serious things?"

With that Twilight dragged Ryan off to the dance floor leaving behind her very amused parents.

"Hmmm, I wonder where he gets the energy to deal with six of them? Our daughter alone must be a handful." Twilight Velvet chuckled, "Wouldn't you agree, dear?"

"Certainly." Night Light watched as Ryan wound up the head of a conga line, "But the way he smiles, and how they smile in return...well, how could anypony be upset with how happy they make one another? Heh, now that will be a wedding."

As the party drew to a close, the guests all threw confetti as Cadance and Shining boarded their chariot and took off...all to the backdrop of a Sonic Rainboom and Malus Domestica's scattering petals.

"Well, there they go. Ah hope they enjoy themselves." AppleJack turned to her friends, "Ah guess this means things can get back to normal now, right?"

"I certainly hope so." Rarity sighed, "This has been far more excitement than I expected or could handle. I just look forward to a nice relaxing shower and then snuggling up with our human."

"That sounds like a great plan! But there's still some cake! So cake! Shower! Snuggle!" Pinkie giggled, "How does that grab you, Rysy-Wysy? Rysy-Wysy?"

Rainbow Dash snickered before pointing at Ryan's sleeping form, "I think he might be skipping two steps. Come on AJ, help me carry him to our room."

With that the group of friends shared a laugh before heading off with their human, happy that things were finally as they should be and that life could resume it's normal pace...but knowing this bunch there's no way that's happening anytime soon.

Ryan groaned softly as he awoke and rolled to his side...only to get a faceful of purple mane. He smiled as he brushed it aside to see Rarity, still sleeping soundly. It was a bit crazy how they had all worked out the schedule for sleeping arrangements, seeing as they couldn't all sleep together every night after all, but he knew it wasn't perfect.

Lightly kissing her cheek he got up and headed downstairs to work on cooking some breakfast.

"All the more reason as to why Ah've started the motions to get that house of ours built." He mumbled as he started scrambling some eggs.

'I'll say. While I'm sure the girls will be surprised, will they really feel okay leaving behind what they've called home now?'

"Haha, well Ah'm sure it'll work out. Everypony's covered in terms of design so they feel like they're at home. We're close to the forest and Sweet Apple Acres, we've incorporated the cloud architecture of Cloudsdale, there's a decent sized library going in as well as a reasonably sized workplace for making clothes and all sorts of other designer goods, and the kitchen to bake up all sorts of goodies. Heh, they'll definitely feel at home when they're there but the way Ah see it most of their homes are their workplaces too so it's not like they'll be leaving them behind. They just won't be there as much." Ryan sprinkled a little cheese on the eggs before sliding them on to two plates, "And there's enough extra room for little bro to tag along and our cute little sisters to stay the night if they choose. As you'll recall, family is important to me. Probably to the same level as it is Apps if we're bein' honest. Ah'm just glad everypony seems cool with our situation...even if'n some of them played some awful trick on me. Like Big Mac..."

Dark laughed loudly, 'Oh yeah! That was priceless.'

Ryan sighed as he thought back on what had occurred when he and AppleJack had explained their situation to the other Apples on the farm. While Granny Smith had been pretty understanding and, truth be told, ribbed him something fierce about being a "ladies man", Big Mac had been quiet. Almost too quiet...which led to Ryan running out of the house and looking for somewhere to hide. Eventually Big Mac came chasing after him and followed him all over the farm before he finally cornered him on top of the barn. Just when Ryan thought he was done for, Big Mac took him in a bro-hug and laughed.

'As I recall he was "Glad that ya finally just told them about it and stopped hidin' it like it was some dirty secret." There was an 'Eyup' in there somewhere too.'

"Yes, he also said that as long as Ah loved them all the same way Ah showed how much Ah loved his sister then he knew they were in good hands." Ryan shook his head, "Big Mac has a terrible sense of humor considering how much he scared me with that prank. Oh well, he's family so Ah guess that's okay."

'You certainly are something else...heh, then again I wouldn't have my host be anyone else.'

"That's a hell of a compliment coming from you, Darkness. Thanks."

Just as Ryan was finishing the toast and pouring the juice he felt a tug of magic on his robe before he scooted backwards and felt hooves wrap around him.

"Heh, howdy Rares."

"Mmmm, good morning to you too darling. Such a thoughtful gentleman, letting me sleep in and making breakfast."

"Well, you know me. More than happy to make mah mares feel special."

"Of that I have no doubt, darling." Rarity laughed softly before sitting down, "As always, you know just what a lady needs in the morning."

"Haha, it's just breakfast." Ryan gave a shrug, "But Ah do mah best to make y'all happy so..."

"You certainly do...which is why I hope your prepared for what's in two weeks."

Ryan smirked, "Two weeks huh? Hmmm...what could possibly be coming up in two weeks that would involve mah ladies and mahself? Some type of special day...what was it, what was it?"

Rarity laughed daintily before rolling her eyes, "Oh you are ever the mischievous gentleman Ryan, always making such jokes."

"Quite...although the plans are in motion, Ah'm still uncertain on one factor."

Rarity finished her juice before nodding, "I believe you are referring to the request of one Ms. Heartstrings, yes?"

"Yes. It's certainly a delicate issue and y'all have been thinking on it ever since after the wedding." Ryan finished his eggs before frowning, "Ah know Ah could've just told Lyra no but..."

"As you have said, she certainly knows how to tug at the heart." Rarity giggled, "It's okay my gentleman, you merely wish to make all your friends happy too."

"Heh, Ah know." Ryan gave her a kiss before picking up their plates and clearing the table, "So any plans for today? Have you picked out something nice to wear for Valentine's Day?"

"Valenti—oh, you mean Hearts and Hooves Day. Haha, I forgot you have such an unusual name for it."

"To me it's the other way around." Ryan laughed softly, "But yes, have you gotten what you're going to wear picked out yet?"

"Now now, why would I ruin the surprise? Needless to say I have things covered for all of us." Rarity nodded, "Speaking of, after you get dressed would you go and acquire Ms. Heartstrings and meet us at Twilight's Library?"

"Lyra? Hmmm...does this mean you've come to a decision with her?"

"You'll just to wait and see my dear."

"Oh, yer teasing me aren't you?" Ryan smirked before marching towards her.

"Oh no you don't! I know that look all too well Ryan!"

Try as she might, Rarity couldn't move fast enough and Ryan had her in his grasp as he began tickling her stomach over and over. Rarity wiggled and laughed, trying her best to break free until finally she smacked Ryan telekinetically with a glass of water.

Ryan sputtered before grinning, "Ah guess you could say Ah always make a splash."

"You and your puns...now go dry off and get dressed you mischievous devil you."

"Devil am I?" Ryan grinned, lightly slapping her rear before heading upstairs to get dressed, "Plot-Man strikes again!"

"I'll strike you if you don't get dressed and quit goofing around." Rarity huffed before blushing, "Seriously, how that man can go from gentleman to fresh like that I will never understand! Hmph. Although...it's not as if I don't like the attention."

"Ah heard that!"

"Oh will you get dressed already!" Rarity huffed, "Goodness me..."

Having decided to get dressed in a lovely mint-green ensemble considering who he was going to pick up, Ryan had teased Rarity one last time before making a mad dash out of the boutique and away from his beloved marshmallow who he may have had a bit too much fun with. Shrugging, he figured everything would be fine by the time he got to Twilight's so with that he made his way through town towards the abode of Bon-Bon and Lyra. He made rather good time, despite stopping to help Derpy collect a bunch of packages that had fallen out of her bag, and so soon arrived at their house before giving a knock.

"Hello? Lyra? Bon-Bon? Y'all home? It's Ryan!"

There was no answer and Ryan had begun to think perhaps they were both out until the door finally cracked open.

"Oh hey, somepony is home! But just who—Oh God!" Ryan gasped as he was tackled by the very pony he was looking for, "Lyra, we've really gotta stop meeting like this."

"Hee, I'm sorry Ryan." Lyra hugged him tight, "You know I love getting visits from you...and then seeing that outfit you were wearing. It all overwhelmed me a bit."

"A bit she says...Hahaha." Ryan slowly got up despite Lyra's continued attachment to him, "Anyway, Ah have been sent to acquire you."

"Acquire me?" Lyra gave him a puzzled look, "What does that—hey!"

Having picked her up and hoisted her on his shoulder, Ryan laughed as he began making tracks for Twilight's house, "In a way it means simply this: Ah'm kidnapping you and ya can't do a thing about it!"

"You make it sound as if that's a bad thing." Lyra giggled, watching the confused looks on the ponies they passed by, "It's a good thing the town is used to you causing mischief, otherwise they'd probably be more worried."

Laughing in response, he continued on till all too soon he arrived in front of Twilight's house. Setting Lyra down, he gave a knock before opening up and walking in with her. As he expected, the six mares that meant the world to him were gathered together and all smiled as he walked in.

"Ah, there he is at last. You sure took your time Rys!"

"Haha, sorry Dashie but Ah was having a bit of fun with Lyra. Kidnapping a pony is hard work ya know."

"Well we're just glad you could finally join us." Twilight motioned to a chair by her, "Ryan, if you would sit here next to me. And then Lyra..."

"Yes, I'm pretty sure I sit in the chair facing all of you." Lyra walked over and took a seat, sitting in a style very similar to Ryan's, "Before you say anything, let me just say thank you for even taking my feelings into consideration. You didn't have to, none of you did, but the fact you'd even think on it just fills me with such a warmth. Whatever you've decided, I'm just glad we'll always be friends."

'Awww, that's just so sweet.'

"Ignoring Dark, we can begin."


"Haha, anyway we've all been thinkin' on this fer quite a while now after Apple Ryder informed us that ya apparently knew about our situation." AppleJack eyed Lyra intensely, "And then when he said you asked him if ya could be in, well, us gals were a bit shocked at how bold ya were being."

"So bold! Just like those spicy cupcakes I tried making but then I put too much chipotle and peppers and everypony that I got to try them learned to breathe fire! It was such an awesome time!" Pinkie giggled before making as serious a face she could, "But yes, that was quite bold saying such a thing to our human."

"Well, it's just that....I." Lyra rubbed her hooves together, "When he was just with AppleJack I didn't think the fact that I had developed feelings for him would bother me all that much. Sure I wished we had a closer connection, especially when we would hang out and he'd be silly and stuff but..."

"Please relax darling, no need to be nervous." Rarity smiled kindly, "Now, our situation is delicate as it is seeing as even we were caught off-guard by how quickly it snow-balled into what we have."

"Ah reckon Dashie wasn't."

"AJ!" Rainbow Dash gasped before sticking out her tongue, "As I recall, it was your idea to even ask him to begin with."

"Now Ah didn't say it wasn't, did Ah?" AppleJack smirked, "Ah just wanted mah friends to be happy too and, well, Ah could tell we were all getting pretty close."

Twilight nodded, "Yes. Even if we weren't aware of it fully, we had gotten quite close with the adventures and fun we shared. I most likely feel it's Ryan to blame given the fact he seems to make situations crazier without even trying."

"Hey! You make it sound as if by just being human shenanigans follow me around!"

Lyra smirked, "You mean it doesn't work that way?"

At that Twilight and the others fell into snickers and giggles while Ryan just rolled his eyes and sighed, "Okay, okay, hahahahaha. Let's all make fun of the human we love because he's just so easy to rile up."

"Sorry Ryan, sorry." Twilight took a calming breath, "Anyway at first we weren't sure you truly did have the same feelings for him that we did...but then AppleJack brought up an interesting point."

"Ah simply said that, other than the six of us, the only other pony he spends a lot of time with when he can is you. Whether yer asking him questions about his world and the humans there, asking Dark to fill in gaps about the humans from his time, or even just sitting and enjoying a peaceful moment while he uses those illegally good feeling hands of his with a belly rub—"

Lyra's eyes widened, "How did you know about those?"

"I-it's not too hard to tell." Fluttershy smiled shyly, "We all know that smile you would wear sometimes."


"Yes, Lyra darling, the one that seems to only come about after those fingers of his turn us into a melty puddle."

"Hee-hee, Rarity's right! It's even better when he's feeding you candy and watching cartoons at the same time!" Pinkie's eyes were closed as she bit her bottom lip, "Those times are just amazing."

'And there goes Ryan's blush meter! It's off the charts! He's redder than a Sweet Apple Acre apple!'

Ryan could only sigh and shake his head, "Ah thought we were here to discuss thing with Lyra, not turn me into a bashful mess?"

"Can't we do both, Rys?"

Ryan rolled his eyes at Rainbow Dash's comment before clearing his throat, "Anyway, Ah'm sure Lyra is just as curious as Ah am to hear yer final decision. So, if'n you've all had yer fill of teasing me..."

"Oh I could never have enough of experimenting in those regards Ryan." Twilight giggled, "But seeing as that is why we asked her here, I do suppose we should get on with it. After a long discussion about it—that may or may not have broken into very heated arguments—the six of us have decided that we will grant the request of one Lyra Heartstrings and allow her into our herd."

'Hmmm, well that's—wait, what? You're letting her in? Well, I didn't see that coming.'

"Heh, funny you wouldn't Darky when Ah reckon you'd be all for such a thing." AppleJack smirked, "We decided that after looking at the whole picture she deserves a chance..."

At that Rainbow Dash flew over and hovered so close to Lyra the poor unicorn about fell out of her chair, "But if you ever stray or do anything that otherwise shows you're love to Ryan isn't true and you hurt him, you're chance is through...and there won't be anywhere you can hide from me in all of Equestria."

Lyra was a bit startled and looked for the words to reply until she saw Ryan grab Dashie by the shoulder and clear his throat, "Relax there, Dashie-kins, no need to worry poor Lyra like that. Ah highly doubt she'd ruin a chance like this...and she hasn't ever struck me as the one to let her heart stray. Now please, calm yer wings."

"...okay." Rainbow Dash huffed before smiling at Lyra, "Maybe I did get a bit out of line there but just don't hurt him."

"I won't. I promise." Lyra grinned before hopping up and clapping her hooves together, "Oh I'm so glad you're giving me a chance. I just feel so happy, like my heart could explode."

Feeling a nudge from Rarity, Ryan was soon pushed over towards the standing Lyra, "Well darling, don't leave a lady waiting. Do help her heart relax some, would you?"

Ryan seemed puzzled for a moment before he got the picture and knelt down to take Lyra's face in his hands. Before she even had a moment to question what he was doing, she about melted as he did something she'd desired for some time: he kissed her. After what seemed all too brief a time she felt him release her as she stood there in a daze, "Wow...that...that was more than I imagined it could ever be."

Pinkie giggled before hugging her, "Oh it gets even better! That's just kisses! Wait till you get snuggles and cuddle-puddle times and sharing sweet treats and when he uses those fingers to—"

"Hahaha! Gonna have ta cut ya off there Pinkie." AppleJack sheepishly laughed, "No need overwhelming her poor mind too quickly. Ah reckon she'll fill in the gaps soon enough."

'Heh, if Ryan doesn't beat her to it that is.'

"Dark!" Ryan groaned, his cheeks once again a bright red, "Anyway, with our little group now plussed—"

"That's not a word Ryan..."

"It can be if'n Ah want it to be T-Sparks. Ahem, anyway, with this little expansion Ah must go make sure the plans are now how they should be."

"U-uhm...what...what plans Ryan?"

"Haha." Ryan struck a pose, "Why the plans for our very relaxing and very awesome Hearts and Hooves Day romantic trip, mah dear butter pony! So get ready ladies, we're going to have some fun when we hit the town!"

And like that, just a short while later when it was two days before said Hearts and Hooves Day, Ryan was waiting patiently for the others at the train station with a bag in tow.

'Soooo, why aren't we just teleporting to Manehatten?'

"Simple: Ah would rather enjoy a nice train ride with the mares Ah love. Would you deny me that by saying we should just 'poof' there?"

'Hmmm, point taken. Gotcha. I'm down with that plan.'

"You would be." Ryan laughed softly before seeing Lyra come skipping along with her suitcase, "Haha, someone's eager for fun."

'So are you, ya know.'

"Heh, and?" Ryan smirked when she finally stopped by his side, "Hello there Heartsy. Ready to have some fun with everypony else?"

"Hee, as long as that means you too." Lyra shook her rear in happiness, "I haven't ever had a special somepony on Hearts and Hooves Day so I'm just so excited! Especially since I get to spend it with my human! Tee-hee!"

Ryan had to admit it was pretty adorable how she gave a little hop and tapped her hooves together, and all because she got to be with him. It certainly made him feel important, that's for sure. Just as he was about to tease her, however, he heard a voice that signaled the others were showing up as well.

"Dang it, AJ! She is here first!"

"Whooo-e! That means you owe me a round of cider Rainbow Dash!" AppleJack laughed as the two of them walked up to Ryan, "Thanks for that Lyra."

"Oh, uhm...you're welcome?" Lyra seemed a bit confused, "I just was so excited I could barely sleep!"

"I know right! This is going to be so much fun!"

Ryan gasped as Pinkie hopped out of his bag, "Pinks! How in...Ah just....that...."

"Oh he's so adorable when he's confused, isn't he?"

"Ah...." Ryan facepalmed just as the rest of their group arrived, "This is going to be one of those crazy adventures, isn't it?"

"Well it does involve you dear human of ours." Twilight smirked, "So signs point to yes."

"Brat." Ryan shook his head before hearing the train whistle, "Okay everypony. Bags packed?"


"Things taken care of while we're away?"


"Ready for Fun?"




"And most importantly, snuggles?"

"Double YES!"

"Hahaha, then what are we waiting for? Let's get onboard!"

After having boarded and stowed their luggage in the train car, the group was spending some time watching the landscape go by whilst doing various things: Rainbow Dash and AppleJack were playing a round of 'Go Fish' that Pinkie was also playing but taking too literally, Rarity and Fluttershy were chatting about a play they'd like to go see, and as for Twilight and Lyra those two were taking the time to have a nice chat with their human. And if said chat also happend to occur at the same time as tummy rubs then that was what one calls a happy coincidence.

"Lyra? You're drooling a bit there."

"Huh?! Oh, sorry Twilight, Ryan....it's just...those fingers are so good. How are you even paying attention while he's doing this Twilight?"

Twilight simply winked in reply, "Lots of practice, Lyra. Now then, I believe you were telling us of the plans you have for us in Manehatten? It's your first time there so hopefully it goes about as smoothly as things did when we visited Cloudsdale."

"Well, unless some other menace has been causing issues with landmarks in Manehatten Ah'm pretty sure we'll be alright." Ryan nodded, "As for the plans, we're first going to have to check into our hotel. Ah just hope we have enough room, this hotel was the only one that had a room big enough for eight full grown ponies...and even at that it's because it's two large rooms joined together. Once we're settled I figured we'd have a day to just tour around and have fun doing whatever, taking in the sights and all that. But the day after that, on the fourteenth. Hahaha..."

"Oh, have you planned something quite romantic for us darling?"

Ryan glanced over at Rarity who had been eavesdropping, "Perhaps Ah do...perhaps Ah don't. Y'all will just have to wait and see won't ya? Hahaha, either way it's going to be fun. Ah hope so anyway, haven't had to plan something like this in a long while so Ah might be a bit rusty."

"It's always fun with you Rysy-wysy, especially because you seem drawn to it!"

"Yeah, but this is the big city..." Rainbow huffed, "You're not dragging us to some stage show are you?"

"Heh, always so predictable Dashie. You're not a fan of stuffy things, but Ah think you'll enjoy yerself."

"Well Ah think the fact that we're just going off the cuff with what we do is kind of nice, makes it relaxin' and such. Not being pressured and such." AppleJack suddenly grinned, "Oh...Ah know something that would just be the best to see happen."

"Huh?" Ryan watched as she whispered to the others—save for Lyra and Twilight who were still keeping Ryan's hands occupied—and seemed a bit worried by their grins, "Ladies...what in tarnation are ya thinkin' now?"

"W-well, we can't spoil our surprises either, right?" Fluttershy giggled softly, "I mean, if you aren't it's only fair yes?"

Ryan sighed before laughing softly, "Of course, of course. Ah look forward to what you apparently wish to put me through. To the Big City and a Romantic weekend!"


After a nice peaceful ride and a quiet night—well, as quiet as it can get when you've got seven ponies all vying for a piece of the snuggle pie that is—the train soon pulled into Manehatten's Mane Station allowing them to disembark. After that it was a short walk to the Four Princesses hotel to check in, though thankfully it was with a surprising ease despite this being the first exposure to a human they'd had. Apparently word of his exploits had more than circulated this far north which didn't really surprise him too much: after all, news travels fast through the urban jungles and apparently that held true even in Equestria. After thanking the bellboy for his assistance and tipping him generously, the group unpacked before getting dressed and ready for their day of unplanned adventure and fun.

"Especially fun! That's the part I totally can't wait for!" Pinkie giggled as she hopped about, waiting for Ryan to finish getting dressed, "Come on, come on! You always seem to take so long getting dressed. All those pesky clothes you wear are getting in the way of fun!"

"Heh, Ah have to agree. They do tend to get in the way of fun."

"Apps!" Ryan gasped before noting Lyra seeming a bit out of it, "Ya okay Heartsy?"

"Oh, well...I guess I don't really have a reference for this fun that AppleJack is talking about so my mind is just going a bit wild in imagination land." Lyra admitted, her cheeks turning redder by the second.

"Just let it run!" Pinkie nodded before putting an arm around her, "Odds are where it ends up is probably perfectly on point!"

'So smooth...such a ladies' man~'

"And you...keep quiet you." Ryan rolled his eyes before pulling on his jacket and straightening his scarf, "Alright y'all, let's go hit the town! But...but not literally. That would kind of hurt and not really be fun."

"Finally!" Rainbow Dash let out a yell, "Sheesh, I thought you were going to take forever!"

"Oh now darling, you can't rush our human. We have to make sure he looks his best after all, otherwise he'll just clash with the rest of us. Haha."

Ryan smirked before turning to Twilight, "Still waiting for yer two cents, T-Sparks."

"Oh, well, I figured you had enough change as it is from the others so..." She giggled softly, "Let's go! My checklist is ready!"

"...Ah thought we were gonna go off the cuff."

"We are! See?" Twilight pointed at the list which had one thing on it, "Go do lots of fun stuff with our special somepony! That way I'm on task and still goofing off! It's brilliant!"

'Oh sweet Woona, Twily found a way to both be on task and run free...let the party COMMMENCE!'

After that little outburst of Dark's, the rather large group headed off and the first stop was what they had apparently been talking about secretly on the train trip. Ryan was still a bit unsure what they were planning as they headed to a large open park but the moment he saw a frozen lake in the middle of it all he quickly put two and two together.

"...Yer getting on the ice, aren't ya?"

"Yup! We wanna see how nimble ya can be on skates!"

"It'll totally be fun...even if ya fall on yer bottom!"

'...judging by his thoughts, ladies, I reckon that's gonna happen quite a bit.'

Lyra, deciding to try her hand at the whole teasing thing, cantered over and nuzzled against Ryan, "Oh Ry, if you do fall on yer plot I can help ya make it feel better."

"..." Ryan gasped, his breath catching in his throat before laughing nervously, "...Ah think it's safe to say she's catching on to how this all works."

Looking at all of them with their happy and expectant faces, Ryan knew he was not gonna win this one either. Sighing and throwing his hands up in defeat he gave a nod before being led to the lake's edge...but he immediately thought of something.

"So...Ah doubt they'll have any kind of skates that will fit me so how do Ah—"

He was interrupted by a pair of ice skates being tossed in his lap. Looking at Rarity he raised an eyebrow, "Ah...how?"

"Oh darling, while we would leave you to believe we only just had this idea we've secretly wanted to get you out on the ice for a while. We felt it would be amazing to watch..."

"But mostly funny, seeing as you've never mentioned skating before."

Ryan glared at Rainbow Dash before rolling his eyes, "Dashie, yer getting too much enjoyment out of this."

"Hey, I just know what's awesome...and you skating and fallin' on yer butt? That's awesome." Rainbow snickered, "Besides, Fluttershy was the one to originally think of asking you."

"Oh, well....I mean, it just seemed like something fun. You said it never got cold like this where you lived so I figured maybe you hadn't ever tried it."

"Ugh, right in mah cute." Ryan gasped before scratching her ears, "You'd be right Flutters...but if'n Ah do fall, Ah expect Heartsy to follow through on her promise."

Lyra, who had been pulling on her skates, suddenly froze and stared at Ryan with wide eyes, "Uhm...uh...okay."

With that little exchange over, the group headed on to the ice with various success. While the girls all seemed to be able to skate to some degree, Ryan was....well let's just say it was pretty damn funny how he kept falling down. The girls definitely thought as much with how they kept giggling in their own ways.

'...where's all that coordination you have? How does a man that can move as smooth as you do on his feet not know how to balance enough to ice skate?'

"Ah don't see you helping!" Ryan grumbled before falling down again, "...ow. Ice equals pain...so much pain."

"Oh come now, darling, it's not that hard is it?"

Ryan looked to his right to see Rarity standing over him with a smirk on her face, "Never took you to enjoy another's folly mah lady."

"If you can be mischievous my gentleman, then why not I as well?"

And so on it went, with Ryan doing his best to at the very least stand up and move slowly...which he did manage to do after an hour of trying.

"Yes! Ah'm doing it!"

And then Rainbow Dash came dashing by and knocked him flat on his ass again as he skid along the ice before coming to a stop.

"Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh. I didn't think that would happen. I thought I was farther away from you than that!"

Ryan seemed a bit dazed as he looked up at everypony standing over him, "Did anyone get the number of that rainbow that hit me? Ah feel like a hockey puck...."

"Is he...going to be okay?" Lyra gently nudged him with her muzzle before looking at the others, "He's acting weird...well, weirder than usual."

"Oh he gets like that, usually when things are getting a bit crazy for him." Twilight waved a hoof about, "He seems prone to silly when in situations so we're all used to it by now."

Lyra gave another glance at Ryan and shrugged, "Well, if you say so...maybe it's a human thing."

'No, it's just a Ryan thing.'

"Oh, well okay Dark...if you say so."

"Ice ice baby, come on...." Ryan began singing as they pulled him back to the bank, "Sheesh...well that went well."

"Ah shucks, yer just not used to having to balance on such thin points is all Apple Ryder. You'll get it in no time once ya try some more." AppleJack gave him a hand sitting up, "Now then, how's about we go get something to warm up with before we continue on?"

After a quick pick-me-up of hot cocoa—which Apps completely gave Ryan a hard time over because it wasn't cider much to everypony's amusement—he found himself following behind his mares as they continued on a little shopping spree of sorts. And he, being their strong and ever helpful stallion, was tasked with carrying the multitude of boxes they were getting.

"Uhm...not that this isn't fun, shopping with you and all but..." Ryan glanced up and down at the packages he was carrying, "Don't y'all think ya might be buying too much?"

"It's a vacation Rys!" Rainbow Dash flapped next to him and grinned, "You can splurge a little, it's not like we come to Manehatten all that often anyway. Besides, smart guy, if it's too much to hold in those strong hands of yours, why don't you just use your magic?"

'...she does have a point.'

"Darkness....." Ryan shook his head, "Mostly to keep a low profile, but if you guys get anything else Ah might have to forget that idea."

"Oh, w-well I guess we don't have to go to that one store then."

Ryan shifted sideways so he could look at Fluttershy, "What store?"

"Oh, the one that has the really nice outfits...that we were going to try on for you." Fluttershy explained before putting on the most adorable smirk ever, "But, I guess if you're getting tired..."

'Hold the Pone! Now he never said that.'

"While usually he doesn't do such, in this case this man does speak for me." Ryan slowly grinned, "A-ah suppose if y'all wanna go to one more store, Ah can hang in there. Ah mean, Ah get to hang out with mah ladies so it's not like Ah'm not enjoying mahself too. Haha."

Just outside of Ryan's eyesight, AppleJack and Rainbow Dash winked at Fluttershy before laughing softly as they carried on.

'...ya know, somehow I think we got tricked there.'

"Hmmm? Maybe, but it doesn't hurt to let them win every so often, does it?" Ryan laughed knowingly, "Besides, we win too right?"

'Well, yes...just don't blame me when ya pass out because all the blood rushed to your head partner.'

"...ya know, Ah swear yer setting me up for a really bad joke there...but Ah'm not taking the bait."

And with that they continued on without much of a problem; suffice to say the little show they gave Ryan left him a bit dazed as he carried on with an even larger amount of boxes. Though he somehow still managed to do it all without using his magic, it was all for naught as suddenly somepony crashed into him before yelling loudly, "You should watch where you're going! Do you know who I am?!"


"That's the Great and Powerful Tri—" And that's when she spun around to see none other than Twilight standing there looking quiet perplexed, "...Twilight Sparkle!? Of all the ponies to run into! And your little group of friends as well."

"Oh great, it's the illusionist phony again."

"How dare you say such a thing, you rainbow-haired brat!"

"Now, now, we ain't lookin' fer a fight. Just apologize fer bumping into Apple Ryder there and let's move on." AppleJack narrowed her eyes, "We ain't lookin' to bear ya any ill will Trixie...but Ah don't take kindly to ya doin that to our boyfriend and then actin' as if he was the one at fault."

"Boyfriend? Wait, what do you mean by our?"

At that Ryan groaned, finally pushing the boxes off of him so he could stand up, "Sheesh...who's the one in such a hurry? Ah know it's the big city but come on..."

"...wh-wh-what are you?!"

"Hi to you too blue pony." Ryan sighed, "The name is Ryan....and Ah'm a human."

"A...human? What a strange word....and an even stranger creature you are. More like an overgrown ape if you ask me. And all that clothing...how bizarre."


'That's just rude!'

"What what? Where was that voice from?" Trixie sighed before frowning, "You all are causing me such grief here! To think the Great and Powerful Trixie came to the city to get away from ponies like you!"

"...as I recall, despite running in terror at the time, you were the one that was causing trouble." Lyra shook her head, "We don't want any trouble. Just move on, Trixie, and try to have a good day, okay?"

"Well spoken, Lyra." Twilight nodded before walking over to Trixie, "Unless you wish to join us and catch up. It's been quite some time since we last saw each other...I had kind of hoped you might have gotten a bit friendlier after everything."

"Twilight Sparkle...." Trixie closed her eyes in thought before shaking her head, "No...even if I entertained such an idea, being around you all is not my idea of fun...especially since all it does is remind me of that day. That and for some reason the sight of"—she motioned at Ryan—"just irritates me though I know not why. Besides, the Great and Powerful Trixie has much better things to worry about...now then, seeing as you rudely distracted me from my plans!"

And without even so much as a goodbye, the Somewhat Annoying but Still Likeable For Some Reason Trixie ran off in a huff leaving them to just stand there a bit stunned. Ryan was the first to shake it off before asking one simple question, "Who the hay was that?"

After collecting up their purchases—and foregoing any semblance of a cover and just using magic because Ryan just wanted to get them back in one piece at this point—the group of ponies and their human returned to the hotel...though not in time to avoid a sudden, chilly rainstorm. Making a mad dash the last distance, they got into the lobby only somewhat soaked.

"Somewhat soaked he says. He's totally underselling it, right Rysy-Wysy?"

"Ah'll say." Ryan shook his hair a bit, "Sheesh..."

Lyra seemed puzzled as she leaned over to whisper to Twilight, "So...what are those two talking about? Who is this "he"?"

"...the less you ask questions about some of the things they talk about, Lyra, the better your mental health will be." Twilight sighed as they boarded the elevator and headed up, "At this point we just kick back, let them have their fun, and then wait for snuggle time."

"R-really?" Lyra was a bit surprised by that response as she followed them into the room.

"Well, it's not always snuggle time but Twi certainly did pick the best option of the bunch."

"Apps, what are you two talking about?" Ryan smirked as he glanced at the three mares, "Anyway, everypony get dried off and stuff. What with the cold and wet the last thing we need is for one of us to get sick."


"Now then who's first—AH!" Ryan gasped as he was practically manhandled by AppleJack and the others before being tossed into the bathroom, "What in the hay was that about?!"

Giving a shrug when he got no response he just figured they wanted to make sure he didn't get sick again and so hopped in the shower...and then heard more odd things happening.

"What are you...why are you pushing...HEY!"

With soap in his hair—and now his eyes due to him not paying attention—Ryan tried to rinse his eyes out before reaching for a towel, "What are you gals doing out there to Lyra? Hmmm..."

Ryan felt like he had a towel but it was...softer?

"Hmmm...Ah've heard of plush towels but this seems a bit crazy." And yet he continued to feel it, rather oblivious to one simple fact.

"...that's not a towel, Ryan. That's my tail."

Finally blinking his eyes enough to see, he got a blurry faceful of a certain mint pony that was turning many shades of red.

"Ack! Lyra! What are you..."

"Uhm...apparently as the newest member, I was elected to get some private time with you." Lyra laughed nervously, "I didn't exactly have a choice so...they just shoved me in and said "Enjoy!". Yeah...hahaha. Ha...I'm so nervous. Why am I nervous?"

Ryan smirked, finding her actions just so adorable, "It's because ya like me."

"Stop teasing me!" She shook her head back and forth, "...I am happy they're treating me as a member of the group though. I was sort of worried it would be awkward and all but...it's actually been pretty fun so far."

Seeing that smile on her face warmed his heart and he would've given her a kiss to calm her mind, but as he closed in to do such she sneezed as he just stood there in shock from it.

"Oh gosh, I'm sorry."

"Hahahahahaha. That's some odd timing ya got there Heartsy. But come on, get in here before ya catch cold. It's nice and hot!"

'I'll say!'

"Heh." Lyra smirked before joining Ryan, "I wouldn't doubt that Darkness."

After getting cleaned up, having a late dinner of some pizza, and then somehow working out a sleeping arrangement that everypony was happy with, the group found themselves sleeping peacefully enough despite eagerly awaiting what plans Ryan had in store for them once the following day had rolled around.

Giving a yawn, said human slowly awoke and smiled seeing the mares he cared for still happily snoozing about...well, what he could see anyway as he was completely surrounded by them. Realizing his first surprise was soon to arrive judging by the time on the clock he could barely see, he pulled off a little magic of his own to slip out of bed and get dressed in preparation. Hearing a slight knock at the door, he opened to see his delivery right on time.

"Shhh, they're still sleepin' so quietly if you would."

Giving a nod, the two ponies brought in a number of bouquets of flowers all arranged in beautiful designs and set them on the table before leaving as quietly as they came. Still hearing snores coming from the bedroom, Ryan set about making a heartfelt breakfast for his gals. Just as he was about done he heard murmuring before seven ponies stumbled in looking a little sleepy-eyed; this of course changed when they immediately noticed the floral arrangements before locking eyes with Ryan.

"Oh God!" He gasped before getting glomped by all of them, "Ladies! Please! The pancakes will burn!"

Twilight and Lyra looked at each other before moving the pan off the stove, "Now they won't!"

"...well then, continue as you were. Hahaha, fitting though this on today of all days, seeing as the floor and Ah tend to get rather intimate as it is."

"...darling, we're trying to have a romantic moment with you. So while I do always find your goofy self charming, perhaps just once you can let the jokes sit in your mind till later?"

"Yes m'lady."

"Good." And with that he happily accepted their appreciation.

'Ladies, ladies...so many kisses...and that's just from flowers and breakfast. Heh, I can only imagine how yer gonna act once ya see what else he's got cooked up.'


'Yes, Pinkie?'

"Be quiet and take the kisses too, okie-dokie-lokie?"

'Yes, Pinkie.'

After breakfast—and a few other moments as well—Ryan was busy getting a nice outfit on while his ladies were doing the same. Making sure he looked his sharpest for them, he winked at his reflection, seemed a bit puzzled when it winked back, decided to not ask questions, and then headed into the living room to wait for the others.

'So you seem pretty prepared for this.'

"If Ah do that's surprising; Ah haven't exactly been on many dates before Ah got here and, well, this is only the second time Ah've actually been able to spend Valentine's Day with someone Ah'm in a relationship with."

'...the second time?'

"Yeah, the first....you know about that, seeing as you've been pokin' about mah memories here and there." Ryan frowned slightly, "Even then, with all mah plannin', it was a...not disaster mind ya but let's just say mah efforts were not appreciated. But! Ah have a feelin' this will be different seeing as the gals seemed to really be enjoying themselves already."

'Well, I can honestly say the looks they're giving you speak that. And—'

"Dark? Dark why did you—" Ryan needed but look up to see just why Dark had cut himself off, as AppleJack and the others were standing there in the most amazing dresses and looking just simply fantastic, "Wow."

"Hahaha, do you like darling? It's just something I've been working on for us ever since you mentioned your little plans for this getaway." Rarity bounced her hair before winking at him, "And even though it was a bit tight for me, I still managed to make one for Ms. Heartstrings as well."

Lyra cantered over to Ryan before batting her eyelashes at him, "So what do you think? Do I look pretty Ry?"

"Heh, y'all always look pretty to me...but in them dresses." Ryan whistled, "Goodness me...you've really outdone yerself again ladies."

"Aw, the big guy's blushing like crazy." Rainbow Dash laughed softly, "It's nice to see somepony else feeling the heat for a change."

Ryan simply smirked and ran a hand through her wings, "Oh Ah'll make ya feel the heat if'n ya want Dashie. Ah have no qualms about that."

"Gah!" Rainbow Dash's cheeks flushed as her wings pomfed out, "...that's so not fair!"

"All is fair in love, is it not?" Twilight teased, "Besides, you brought it on yourself by teasing our human. You know that when he's teased he gets the teaser back tenfold."

"Quite right mah bookworm." Ryan winked before striking a pose, "Now then...shall we hit the town and begin our most wonderful day together?"

Seeing as their destination was not that far, the group enjoyed a pleasant walk in the very clear weather as they made their way towards the theater.

"Getting tickets for 'The Mare and the Meadows'...how did you know we'd want to see that?"

Ryan shrugged before motioning at Lyra, "Well, ta be honest, Heartsy helped me plan things with y'all since she was someone Ah could confide in to help me out. Haha, of course Ah never figured she'd end up a part of them plans but hey, Ah'm all for surprises if they're nice like that."

"Oh this is just marevlous darling. A wonderful Bridleway play and on Hearts and Hooves Day as well...it's so romantic!" Rarity sighed before leaning against Ryan, "You sneaky man you, planning all these things behind our backs."

"...don't think Ah didn't notice that pun. Heh and, well, Ah gotta have some surprises for y'all." Ryan laughed softly before glancing at Lyra, "Lyra...you okay hon? Yer lookin' a bit out of it."

"Uhm, yeah. I'm okay. It's probably just a little warm in this dress."

"Are you sure?"

Lyra went to respond before sneezing, "Goodness...but yes I'm okay. I'm probably just nervous and excited because I get to spend today with all of you."

"Well, if'n that's all it is." Ryan, though still worried, decided to let things be as they arrived at the theater, "Okay...tickets!"

Pulling out said tickets, Ryan offered them to the ticket taker who glanced at him curiously for a few moments before looking over the gals, looking back at him, and smirking.

"Enjoy the show!"

"Oh Ah know we will so thank ya." AppleJack grinned as they walked in...though she noticed Lyra seemed to be dragging behind, "Lyra? Are ya sure yer alright? Yer looking flushed or somethin'..."

Lyra laughed softly, "Oh you guys, I'm fine. I told you it's just a little warm in this dress."

"B-but you're sweating a bit for that. A-and you look uneasy..."

"Fluttershy has a point." Twilight stopped in her tracks before looking over her carefully, "If you don't feel well, you don't have to play tough."

"I'm not!" Lyra huffed, though she felt a bit winded at doing such, "It's fine, I'm probably just tired...and...stuff."

Ryan and the others tried not to worry about how oddly Lyra was acting as they sat down and awaited the start of the play. About halfway into the first act of the play Lyra had leaned against Ryan as she tried to focus on the play...but she could tell that perhaps something was a bit off as her eyelids became heavy and she felt as if in a daze. It wasn't until Ryan was gently shaking her that she discovered she'd fallen asleep and missed the whole first act. With intermission on, Ryan put a hand to her forehead and wasn't sure what to make of things, "Ya feel warm...Lyra, be honest with us, with me. Do you feel sick?"

"I...I feel..."

"Darling, if you feel a bit off it's okay. We don't want you to push yourself if you're not feeling a hundred percent."

"Rares is right, sugarcube. Ah know all of us would hate it if ya did something like that just so we could continue with our plans for today."

Lyra huffed and shook her head, "I told you...I'm...just...fine..."

Ryan jumped as he went to catch her swaggering self before sighing, "No you aren't. I'm taking you back to the hotel."

"What? No! The plans! Today...it was supposed to be perfect!"

Ignoring her ranting, Ryan picked her up before turning to the others in his herd, "Ladies, I've got things handled so if you wish to continue enjoying your play I would like you to stay."

"But...Rysy-Wysy...without you it's not as special."

"Heh, Ah know Pinks but y'all are having fun and Ah don't mind. Ah wanna make sure Heartsy is okay after all." Ryan pulled out a slip of paper and handed it to Rarity, "Here. Ah was gonna take us to this restaurant afterwards since Ah heard it was quite popular. There's a reservation for us so please."

"Oh, now darling...we couldn't." Rarity looked at the paper and gasped, "The...The Gilded Griffon?! How did..."

Ryan simply smirked, "Our usual contacts of the sun and moon...apparently they suggested it as the griffon that owns it is rather well known for being a culinary master. Uhm...Gis? Goose? No...uh...oh! Gustave Le Grand."

"Oh hey! That was the guy with the tasty éclairs!"

Ryan eyed Pinkie curiously, "You've met him then Ah take it?"

"Yep! It was pretty fun and tasty on the Friendship Express that day."

"Right." Ryan blinked before noting Lyra had passed out and was sleeping, "So yes! I want you six to enjoy yourselves, enjoy dinner at the nice place, and that is that."


"No buts Dashie." Ryan handed a bag to Twilight, "Here T-Sparks, that should be plenty to cover whatever y'all want there...assuming Lunes and Cellie were correct in what they told me. Now then...Ah have what appears to be a sick pony that needs some rest and care."

With that being said, Ryan kissed them each before waving goodbye and heading back to the hotel, "Come on Lyra...let's see if we can't make you a bit more comfortable."

"Ugh....Ryan...." Lyra grumbled in her sleep, "Sorry....ruin..."

"Heh, poor girl is being too hard on herself. Things happen, and that's all there is to it."

After getting back to the hotel and checking her temperature again, he could see she wasn't as bad as he'd thought but she still had some kind of bug hitting her.

"Probably from being caught in that freezing rain yesterday...heh, go figure Ah don't get sick from it but she does." Ryan shrugged, heading to leave before he felt a tug on his sleeve, "Heartsy?"

"Ryan...I feel awful. I'm sorry."

"Oh for what? You didn't wanna get sick."

"I know but...can't really enjoy today if we're not all together."

"Heh, Ah'll share something with ya Heartsy." Ryan sat down on the bed and gently ran his hand through her mane, "As off-plan as things may have gone today, it's still the best Valentine's Day Ah've ever had."

"Really?" Lyra sighed as she leaned into his caress, "Well...as long as you're happy."

"Ah am. Now...you need more rest but is there anything Ah can get ya?"

Lyra thought for a second before nodding, "Some juice. Orange or apple, it doesn't matter."

"Heh, how about both combined?"

"...if AppleJack heard you say that she'd be having words with you right about now."

Ryan chuckled at her teasing, "You silly goober...Ah'll be right back with some."

After getting her some juice and making sure she was comfy, he kissed her on the forehead before closing the blinds so that she could rest peacefully in the dark. With that done he headed back into the living room and began reading a book that Twilight had suggested he give a look. As he began reading it, he found it curious but par for the course that she would suggest such a subject as apparently she felt that the more he knew about the times when situations like theirs were needed/common it would help him handle things a bit better.

'Not sure how you could handle things any better than you have.'

Ryan rolled his eyes, surprised that two hours had flown by just like that, "Ah was wondering when ya might be making a comment there partner. You've been pretty quiet."

'Oh, just lost in my own memories is all. I imagine the girls are done with the play and heading towards the restaurant right about now.'

Glancing at the clock Ryan gave a nod before getting up to go check on Lyra. Seeing that she was still sleeping peacefully, he was glad to see she no longer was sweating. Giving her another kiss he returned to his book and wiled the time away until he heard a knock at the door.

"Room Service!"

Setting the book back down he frowned before standing up to answer the door, "Room Service? But Ah don't even remember ordering anything...Ah think you guys have the wr—"

Opening the door he could see all the girls there, being led in by...Vinyl and Octavia?!

"What...what are y'all doing here? Ya should be at the restaurant. And Vinyl? Tavi? What brings you here?"

Ryan gasped as he was pushed back before they walked in carrying a few items that looked like fancy to-go boxes.

"Ugh, must you use that nickname as well?" Octavia sighed before smirking, "While Vinyl and I were out celebrating Hearts and Hooves Day we happend to bump into your herd at The Gilded Griffon."

"Yeah man, but you weren't with them and it seemed weird. They seemed a bit unhappy being there too and that griffon dude could totally tell. Sooooo...."

"So darling, after talking to that dear gentleman he was quite touched by your concern for Lyra and so was more than happy to "cater" as it were." Rarity set the boxes on the table, "That way, we could all still spend Hearts and Hooves Day together while having our fancy meal."

"As for us, Vinyl thought it would be a nice idea to join you." Octavia rolled her eyes before nuzzling Vinyl, "But as infuriating as this mare can be, I just can't find myself saying no to her all that often."

"Aw Tavi, I love you too man!"

'Wait...oh ho...so you two are a couple. That's just so cute. I love it! Star-crossed lovers from opposite music spectrums: The Wubs and The Cellos."

Octavia face-hoofed, "Oh Dark...now I remember why I limit my time around you."

Vinyl, sensing her marefriend was a bit distraught, gave her a kiss to settle her nerves, "Relax, Tavi. He's just teasing ya because he's happy for us."

"...I suppose I can humor him just this once."

'Aw, thanks Tavi.'

"...that nickname."

"Ugh...what's with all the noise?" Lyra stumbled out of the bedroom to see all of them there, "Huh? Am I having some kind of hallucination from the cold? You should be at the restaurant and....is that DJ PON3 and Octavia? Now I know I'm hallucinating."

Ryan laughed softly before walking over and helping her to the couch, "No, yer not halluciantin' Heartsy. Our dear musical friends saw the rest of our herd and, after a few very kind actions by the great Gustave, we are to still have our romantic dinner together after all."

"Ain't that the truth! That fancy pants even worked up a special soup he said should help ya be back on yer hooves by tomorrow morning!"

"Wow...that...that's amazing." Lyra looked as if she could cry, "I'm touched that you would do all you could to keep us together."

"Hahaha, that's Ryan's herd for you!" Vinyl laughed heartily, "All those big hearts...it's no wonder the big guy is always grinning when we see him."

"Hey! I'm not always grinning..."

'That's true! He's also blushing and fumbling over words and getting flustered and being adorably dorky and....'

"...Dark...stop...please. You've done enough damage."

"Pardon me for asking though, but when exactly did Miss Heartstrings fall for your...oh, what did Darkness call it?" Octavia tapped her chin before smirking, "Oh yes...that "sexy charm" and become one of yours as well?"

"Haha, well...it's a curious series of events dating back to the wedding but..." Ryan bent down to smooch Lyra, "Things seem to be working out okay...save for her getting sick."

"Ry...ya shouldn't kiss me." Lyra moaned softly as she shook her head, "I'm all sick and I don't want you catching it."

"Oh Ah'll be fine. Besides..." He winked at his mares, "If'n Ah do get sick, Ah've got just the loveliest bunch of ladies to nurse me back to health."

'Now that's an idea I can get behind.'

Octavia rolled her eyes before grinning, "Though I'm quite certain that's not the only thing you'd wish to get behind, eh Darkness?"

"Damn, girl!" Vinyl began rolling about in laughter, "That is some unexpected bite from you, Tavi. And no retort either? You did what most can't....you made Darkness Shade speechless."

"While this is all fun and stuff and just full of laughs we should eat before it gets cold!" Pinkie gasped, "Unless...it already is! Oh no! The deliciousness!"

"...uhm, Pinkie? We have it sealed by magic ya know? It's not gonna get cold till we let it free."

"Oh...I knew that, Twilight!"

"Then why did you?"

"Because with everyone else being all excited and noisy, I just wanted to join in too." Pinkie suddenly gasped...again, "Oh, but we should be a bit quieter with Lyra-Wyra being all sicky-sick. So shhhh...indoor voices everypony."

'Let this be a red-letter day in Equestrian history: Pinkamena Diane Pie has told somepony else that they need to be more quiet.'

"And there's the witty comment from Dark! Good, he's still with us. Now then everypony, let's eat! Woooo!"

As the group enjoyed their meal before settling into a loving snuggle session the likes of which not many have seen—let alone been part of—another couple was currently on a train barreling towards their destination. As the train neared its arrival point, the driving snow soon began to intensify before the station came into view.

"Heh, fresh from our honeymoon and right into the thick of world matters. I guess this means my life is going to be a little more exciting now that I'm royalty. What a way to spend Hearts and Hooves Day."

"Haha, having some regrets my love?"

Hefting up their saddlebags, the first pony lifted up his goggles to wink at the second, "Cadance my dear, anything involving us will never be a regret. But I have to wonder..."

Cadance nodded before looking forward at the seemingly endless snowscape, "Whether or not the reports from my aunts are true?"

"Yes." Seeing that their traveling party was finally prepared, Shining gave a nod before they headed out into the frozen fields, "To think a city that disappeared a thousand years ago has finally reappeared. Do you think we'll find anything or anypony there?"

"Well, we don't know exactly what this curse was that he used before he himself was sealed away." Cadance shivered a bit as they ran, "I certainly hope the city is truly here but I have this nagging feeling that worries me."

Shining glanced at his wife before frowning, "You're thinking what I'm probably thinking aren't you? That if the Crystal Kingdom is truly back...then does that also mean he is back?"

"I can only hope that whatever magic my aunts used to stop him has not weakened after all this time. We'll have our hoofs full as it is helping the kingdom get back in order. Having to protect it from someone as evil as he was as well..."

"Hey. No need to worry; if things get dicey enough we can always call for backup." Shining laughed softly, "I'm pretty sure there's a certain few ponies—and a human—that would be more than eager to lend a hand. Speaking of, I do wonder how Ryan is getting along with his herd on today of all days. He better be treating all of them right."

Cadance wore a knowing smile as she laughed softly, "Oh trust me, he's certainly having no trouble working that love magic of his."

Shining smirked at that before laughing himself, "Is that so? Haha, well then, good for them. They do deserve some time to relax now and then...especially after all that nasty business last month. So then, seeing as we haven't found it yet perhaps we should—"

"Your majesties! Come quickly! We've discovered something you'll want to see just ahead of that ice hill!"

Glancing at each other and then back to the guard, the two of them nodded before running behind him. As they cleared the hill they were stunned as they saw it shining like a beacon of hope in this wintery wasteland.

"The Crystal Kingdom. It has returned at last..."

Author's Note:

Soooooo, to those that had to wait the...*looks at watch* Two and a half months? Huh...man time gets away from ya if'n yer not careful, doesn't it? Hahaha.
Anyway, to those that have been waiting for this for like...forever here it is! No more cliffhanger to be all evil on ya and such.:trollestia:
Ah hope it was worth the wait, seeing as Ah pretty much wrote whenever Ah got a spare moment to. Ah normally don't like typing like that since sometimes it can mess the flow but Ah enjoy the chapter so here's hoping y'all do too!
At the very least, we hope the more light-hearted mood and Ryan's attempts at being such a smooth lady's man is entertaining to some degree. Haha.

And Happy Hearts and Hooves Day to you all as well! :heart: While Ah might not have somepony special to spend it with (why must Ah be forever apone? :ajsleepy:), if'n ya do Ah hope all yer plans go off without a hitch and it turns out perfect. :yay:

So then, with that being said...the big number 20 is next and Ah'm pretty sure y'all can guess at least one thing that'll go down in it. Right? :rainbowwild: