• Published 25th Aug 2013
  • 12,740 Views, 348 Comments

Just Horsing Around - Darkness Shade

Seemingly lost in his life, a young man finds himself waking up in a strange new land populated by some curious residents. When certain truths are revealed and he finds there's more to his appearing there, how will he adjust to his new life?

  • ...

21st Harvest

"Big bro? Big bro are you okay?"

"...Dark is not...doing too well."


Ryan groaned slightly before coughing as he pulled himself off the ground, "Oh man...but yeah it's me."

"Are you alright?" Spike eyed him oddly, "Do you know what happened?"

"Sort of. Dark had to fight Sombra...couldn't stop him...and then you two decided to borrow some memories of mah world to finish him with an epic friendship based maneuver." Ryan grunted as he looked at his hands, "...so, am Ah crazy or am Ah twinkling like Ah'm a damn star? Well...save for where mah knuckles are bleeding. Wait. Apparently mah blood is shiny too...this is trippy."


"Huh?" Ryan gasped before getting tackled by Rarity, "Rares? Girls? Yer all shiny too! What...why?"

"It's because of the Crystal Heart." Princess Cadance explained, having finally caught up to her sister-in-law and the others, "I'm glad to see you're okay Ryan and I'm sorry we couldn't offer more assistance."

"It's okay, y'all did what ya could. Especially you Cadance, you held out as long as you could." Ryan grunted for a moment, "Ugh..."

"Ryan?" Lyra gasped as she saw his hands, "Your hands! You're bleeding! Fluttershy, quick!"

"Uhm, right!" Fluttershy nodded, pulling out a first-aid kit and quickly wrapping his hands, "Does it hurt much?"

"My hands?" Ryan shook his head, "No. My heart though..."

"What's wrong with yer heart?" AppleJack ran over and hopped up to give it a listen, "It sounds like it's ticking alright ta me."

"You silly apple pone." Ryan laughed softly, "It hurts because Dark's hurting...and he went and sequestered himself away in mah mind. Ah can't reach him...but he shouldn't be alone right now."

"Isn't there anything we can do to help him?" Twilight frowned, "He's helped us with so much...and all he's gotten in return is a bunch of heart ache for it. It doesn't seem right that he'd be all alone with his grief."

"My thoughts exactly!"

Whirling around, the group saw none other than Luna and Celestia now standing there with determined looks on their faces.

"Cellie? Lunes? When did y'all get here?"

"As soon as we detected Sombra's presence had moved on from this world, we knew you had succeeded." Celestia explained as she walked over to Twilight, "As for you my dear student..."

"Oh yes...the test so to speak."

"Indeed. I am very proud of how you handled yourself and you did exactly as I had hoped." Celestia smiled briefly before frowning, "Although...I had hoped that perhaps Darkness would be spared more agony. However, that is why we are here, right sister?"

"That is correct. If he is hidden away in his mind to where even Ryan cannot sense him, then the only way to reach him is to travel into his subconscious."

Lyra seemed a bit puzzled, "You...you can do that Princess?"

"Yes Miss Heartstrings. It is a simple task, no different than the powers that allow me to go into dreams. However, we need a stable, safe spot to use it." Luna turned to Shining Armor, "I believe the throne room would suffice. May we borrow it Prince Armor?"

"If it'll help my buddy Darkness then by all means. Follow me your majesties."

After having them sit in a circle, Ryan seemed a bit unsure, "...yer sure this is safe Lunes?"

"Of course. I dive into pony minds all the time while they sleep if they require help. You will all be nice and safe as we enter the subconscious."

"As long as this doesn't turn into one of those 'you die in the dream, you die for real things' then Ah'm ready then." Ryan nodded as he looked at his herd, "Come on. Let's go snap Dark out of his funk."

"Don't worry about things on this end. I'll make sure your bodies will stay safe."

"Thanks big brother." Twilight smiled as she watched Luna begin her spell, "I'm most interested in seeing what your mind looks like Ryan."

"Haha...well, that makes two of us. Hopefully it's not just an empty field again."

With that Luna finished her spell and like that they were out like a light...

...Ryan found himself somewhere quite dark and it was a bit hard to see much in front of his eyes. Lighting up his wand, he was glad to at least see somewhat in front of him before calling out to the others, "Gals? Where are ya?"

Hearing some grunting coming from his right, he headed in that direction before finally illuminating many colorful ponies all lying in a pile. Helping them off one another, he was relieved when Twilight cast a better illumination spell and they could see much clearer, "A bit of a rough landing eh?"

"That's an understatement darling." Rarity sighed, "Where are we anyway? It's so dreadfully dark and...lonely feeling."

"I have to wonder where the Princesses are." Twilight added, "They weren't with us when we "woke" up."

"...something tells me they're just ahead." Ryan motioned for them to follow along, "Let's keep moving. Stay close."

Moving down the strange, lightless corridor they found themselves in they began to wonder just where it was leading them to. Eventually they finally came upon an opening and were stunned to see where they are, "Ah don't think we need that spell anymore T-Sparks."

Ending her light spell, the group stared upwards in awe at the beautiful star-lit sky shining down on them; with the earth staring at them, however, it was suddenly quite clear where they were at.

"...we're...we're on the moon aren't we?"

"It would seem that way Apple Ryder...but why the moon? And where on the moon exactly?"

"We are currently in the Lunar Palace's main courtyard."


"I am glad to see you all okay. I must admit I was a little concerned when my sister and I appeared without you near but it seems you were able to find your way here easily enough." Celestia looked up at a tall tower and frowned, "Why would Dark chose here though? And it looks different than I remember."

Luna lowered her head in thought, "No doubt it looks different simply because Dark's memories only know how it once looked, not how it has changed since my return. And I believe I know why he would chose this as his safe haven in Ryan's subconscious but I would rather hear it from him directly. If you would all follow me, I think I know where we can find him."

Not saying anything and nodding in agreement, the group slowly followed Luna into and up the tower before finally coming to the top and entering a rather large, elegant looking bedroom. Ryan wasn't sure why, but something told him this place held many dear memories between Dark and Luna. Memories of happiness, memories of sadness, and memories of love. As he went to say something, he paused as he caught sight of the door leading to the balcony spread wide-open. Walking over to them, he stepped on to the balcony...and there he was.

Dark was currently resting on a lounge chair of sorts, reclined backed and looking up at the stars, "...so, y'all came after me huh?"

"Of course we would my love. You know we wouldn't just leave you be in your grief."

To that Dark simply laughed quietly, not bothering to turn to look at them, "Yes...I knew as much but I still came here to hide away from you. To keep my grief from being yours..."


"I always felt the most calm here, away from all the hustle and bustle on our Earth...especially when I had you with me as well." Dark sighed softly at his thoughts, "Looking at the stars, with you curled up in my lap...it was as if nothing else mattered."

"I remember that well. We always had this as our little retreat when life became a bit overwhelming for us."

"Heh, yeah. Or when it was a special day. Like our second anniversary of being together. Do you remember what you gave me as a gift? Even to this day I'm still so blown away how much I meant to you." Dark lifted his hand and pointed towards a certain arrangement of stars, "Which is why that constellation has always been my favorite."

"Constellation?" AppleJack seemed puzzled, "Where's he pointing?"

"...it's that one." Ryan looked up, "And it makes me think I truly underestimated just how much you two loved each other."

"Is...is that a human riding an alicorn?!" Twilight gasped, "I...I've never seen a constellation like that one though!"

"I don't find any surprise in that. Without the humans around, it would be a bit odd to see such a sight in the sky...and cause many questions." Dark's voice sounded off for some reason, "Woona created it to represent how well we worked together, how well we seemed able to read each other's thoughts, and how close we'd become."

"Ah yes, I remember now." Celestia nodded, "When we had disputes with the other kingdoms that required more physical intervention, the sight of Dark riding into battle with Luna with his sword drawn always inspired our forces. No matter how dire the odds, the two of them always seemed to change the tide of battle."

"But wait...that sounds like some old legend that granny used to tell us when we were younguns. Something about the Pegasus and her loyal knight?"

Dark laughed softly at that, "So...the old myth still persists even with us gone? Curious. I wonder how Granny Smith knows about that one. But yes...The Pegasus and her knight. They fought as one, protecting the other no matter what. Even when one fell, the other would refuse to abandon them for anything. They say that such compassion, such loyalty swayed the hearts of those they fought to seek peace and no longer fight. It's funny to think that such a legend came from Woona's gift of love."

"Darkness." Luna walked over to him and nuzzled his cheek, "In all honesty, I could never have removed it from the sky. You meant too much to me...so I made it hidden to all but us. As with all that we did to erase the existence of our human friends in order to ease the ache in pony kind's heart, it pained us greatly to hide such a strong sign of our love. So please do not be mad with us..."

"If anything Woona, I'm angry with myself." Dark growled softly, "I could've prevented all of this..."

"Darkness, there is no need to beat yourself up over what happened." Celestia frowned, "None of us could have predicted what happened...or what would happen with you gone."

"...Woona never told you, did she? I know my mentor wouldn't have...but there was something I could've done that would've changed everything." Dark noted her confused look, "So she didn't...it was something Star-Swirled came up with after noting that it pained Woona that one day I would die long before she would."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa....wait a minute." Rainbow Dash butted in before waving her hooves all about, "Are you saying that he found a way to make you immortal?"

"Haha, of course not. Even pure alicorns like Tia and Woona aren't immortal: they simply live very, very, very long lives thanks to their magic. And of course, there is no such thing as a magical object that grants you immortality." Dark chuckled at such a thought, "So you can see why she would have such sad thoughts."

"Wait now, didn't ya tell me once Dark that because of the innate magic of this world that the beings inhabiting it naturally lived longer lives?" Ryan was trying to piece together just what exactly was eating at Dark deep down in his heart and he felt he nearly had it figured out, "Ah mean, isn't that why Granny is like over a hundred but acts like she's half that age?"

"Exactly! And that applied to humans as well. From what I gathered, most humans only lived to be about seventy in your world even with all your technology, right?"

"Yeah, that's right. That's pretty much the average expectancy."

"Well, the magic of this world allowed for that number to be about double...though for certain master magicians that number could be much higher. According to my mentor, I would've probably hung around for a while...though mostly because he said I was too stubborn to die. Haha." Dark's smile faded as he balled up his fists, "But still...I would've died long before Woona so, one day, he presented us with a gift. A spell he had created that would allow two people's spirits to be interconnected."

Twilight tapped her chin, "Like...a familiar spell?"

"Not really, but since nothing like that really existed or even exists to this day that's probably the easiest way to explain it." Dark slowly stood up and turned to face his friends, "It would've allowed her strength to be mine and mine hers. In essence, as long as she was around, I would be too. I could've aged as she did, and lived my life with her to its fullest extent."

Upon hearing this, Celestia gasped before it finally dawned on her, "Of course...this is why all that happened has hit you so much harder than I thought it would."

"Exactly Tia. Had I not hesitated on accepting his plan and allowing Woona to cast the spell, then life may have turned out much differently for us. Of course..." Dark stared at the ground, "If my mentor had not died at such a terrible time...who knows how things may have gone?"

"Darky-warky, I don't understand." Pinkie pouted, "What do you mean?"

"He was not sure whether to accept near immortality or not...but that is reasonable. After all, if anypony or anyone was told they could live nearly forever I doubt they would immediately accept." Luna explained, hugging Dark in an attempt to comfort him, "Much like Dark, they would think on it till they were sure."

"I did...but sadly before I could come to a decision, he returned and then...nothing but sorrow followed. One thing I still don't understand is why my mentor said what he did on his death bed...about why...why it would be okay. Why he felt so hopeful about what was to come."

"Wait...that nightmare we've been having lately." Ryan began walking towards Dark as it all fell into place, "Is that...is that what it's been about? It seems to fit: a dark, rainy night with ponies and people standing around a bed. Most are faceless, but a few stand out: a white alicorn, a midnight blue one, a human with jet-black wings...and a dark grey unicorn with no cutie mark."

Dark clutched his chest and leaned against Luna, "Yes...that night was when it all went so horribly wrong..."


Star-Swirled coughed slightly before smiling, "Darkness...Sombra...you two have made this old stallion so very proud. Not only as my pupils, but as my friends. I'm sorry that it would seem my ability to aide you is slowly coming to an end."

"Master, don't say that. You'll...you'll be okay."

"Haha, Sombra...you know as well as I do that I've lived a long life and done many things to help my fellow ponies and humans as well as all those that I have lived amongst. But even I cannot ignore that I am old and my time is short." Star-Swirled went into a coughing fit, drawing worried looks from those around him, "Come now my friends...where are those smiles I love?"

Dark put on as best a smile as he could, but the tears in his eyes spoke his true feelings, "Master...what about our friend? Disky...he..."

"Yes...he still needs your help. He's so lost in his own sorrow and madness."

"But Master! The...the spell we were working on to..."

"Yes...I know. I have faith you can finish it. After all..." Star-Swirled smirked before laughing, "You are my pupil after all. Don't tell me the awesome Darkness Shade isn't confident he can succeed?"

"Wha—of course I will! I'll make you proud! You'll see!"

"Haha, I know I will...ugh!"


Star-Swirled began to pant heavily until his breathing began to slow, "Just remember...of all that you've learned...the greatest asset....you have...is the friendship you..share."

"...Master?" Dark and Sombra were close by his side now, worry on their faces.

"As long...as you don't...forget that...then...it will...all turn...out...alright." Star-Swirled began to cough violently, "And save...those...you...care...f-for. I...will always...be...with...you......."

Dark's eyes widened before he gently shook his mentor, "Master? Master?! Master! MASTER!"

"...I failed him....I couldn't finish my Pegasus Barrier spell...couldn't save my friend Cordy....and then died leaving so many to suffer from it." Dark was crying at this point, "Why? Why did I hesitate? Why did I not make the choice that would have saved so many I cared for from their fates?"

At this point, despite really feeling for Dark, Ryan knew he needed a heck of a shock to snap him out of it...which is why he pulled back and decked him right across the face, "You idiot!"


"Apple Ryder!"

"Have you lost your mind darling?!"

"Ugh....no...no he's right. I needed that." Dark groaned, rubbing his jaw, "Damn man...when the hell did you get so strong?"

"Hey, when you hang around with these ponies you kinda have to if'n ya wanna survive." Ryan joked, "But seriously, ain't ya the one always saying Ah don't need to hide mah problems and Ah shouldn't get caught up in the past? The what if's and all that jazz? If so, why the hell did ya try to hide from us like this?"

"...I don't know to be honest. Even if I did get to say goodbye to Sombrero properly, the fact that he had to die to be freed just reminded me of all the other failures." Dark gave a shrug, "I know I can't change the past and should only live in the present, but..."

"...nopony is strong enough to ignore the thoughts of what if's." Celestia finished his thoughts for him, "I too had my times like that after all that transpired following your death Darkness. Could we have done something other than trap Sombra in the frozen ice? Could...could I have calmed my sister's rage and not resort to banishing her? Thoughts like that consumed me for many years but I eventually came to terms with them when I realized that what happened did so for a reason."


"And in the end, it turned out alright...mostly. My student and her friends saved my sister, and allowed you to save your friend's soul."

Dark nodded before staring at her, "...and what about Cordy?"

"Yes...Discord is still a lose string in the history we've weaved but for now he is contained till we find a way to help him." Celestia turned to her friend, "And we will Dark...somehow we will find a way to get through to who he once was."

Dark looked at his loved ones from both the past and present and felt a calm settle in his heart at how they always knew just what needed to be said...or in Ryan's case done as he still rubbed his jaw. Realizing there wasn't much reason to continue hiding out in his little sanctuary, he took one more glance at the stars before smiling and striking a pose, "Come on everypony...I think it's time our herd got back to the real world. There's still plenty we've yet to experience!"

"Huzzah! He is his old self once more!" Luna happily shouted before magically tossing him on her back, "Before we go though...would you care for a ride through the sky like old times?"

Dark laughed softly before getting settled and grabbing hold of her starry mane, "Well, if you insist my lady. Onward! Let the heavens be our guide!"

With that the group watched as they took off, happy that their friend was feeling like himself once more...especially if his excited shouts of glee were anything to go off of as Luna did a few aerial maneuvers.

"Well that certainly is a curious sight, that's fer sure."

Lyra chuckled before nudging AppleJack, "Interesting to see how it really looks, eh? Still, I think my version of it was more fun."

AppleJack rolled her eyes, "Ya know...didn't we agree way back when to never mention that again?"

"I suppose we did...but seeing Dark and Luna like that really brings it home how well humans and ponies could connect and rely on one another. The historian in me is absolutely thrilled to get to see such a thing with my own eyes."

Ryan, feeling he just had to be silly, scratched Lyra's ears before snickering, "Well if ya wanted to see a human ride a pony that badly ya could've just given me a ride. Ah wouldn't have objected to that."

"Yeah, that is true." Lyra nodded...before realizing how else his words could be taken and blushing profusely, "Rys!"

"Rysy-Wysy, that was so bad!"

"I agree Pinkie." Rarity nodded, "Our gentleman, while funny, can pick the worst times for innuendo."

"Innuewhatsie? I thought it was bad because he didn't make the same offer to the rest of us."

The herd all turned to Pinkie before collectively face-hoofing all while Dark and Luna continued laughing in the night sky. Eventually, the stars began to fade one by one as they found themselves waking from the dream...

Shining Armor stood ever vigilant, watching over his unconscious friends as he hoped they could help sort out whatever was eating at Dark. Wondering how long it might take to even find him let alone help coax him out of hiding, he was a bit surprised when only thirty minutes later he heard groaning as one by one they slowly came too.

"So....ya gonna go hiding in mah noggin anymore?"

'Nope. I think it's clear that there's no need to hide how I feel from y'all...especially when you're pretty good at making me forget what was bothering me.'

"Darkness! Good to hear from ya buddy!"

'Heh, well I'm glad to be back Shiny...things are okay here, right? I mean, pretty sure the Crystal Heart all glowing and stuff was a pretty good sign of that.'

Cadance giggled, pleased to see Dark acting as his usual self, "Yes. The Heart is indeed once more protecting this kingdom from evil thanks to the courage of you all."

"Well what are we waiting for then?" Pinkie suddenly shouted, pulling out her party cannon, "We saved the day so now LET'S PARTY!"

And party they did for many an hour, the crystal ponies having a proper faire this time now that the true Heart was where it belonged and they no longer need fear King Sombra's wrath. As it was Ryan was currently sitting around a bonfire trying his hardest to deduce just how the hell he was able to eat a crystal pretzel of all things.

'Really Ry? After all this time you're still trying to question how things work here?'

Ryan swallowed the bite of pretzel he had before smirking, "It's just that inquisitive human spirit Dark. I will say, though, this is pretty tasty...although...am Ah gonna stop twinkling at some point? Not that Ah mind mah inner shine being reflected so well but Ah kinda wanna just be normal human Ryan. Well, as normal as Ah get in this strangely cartoony world anyway."

'I wouldn't sweat it. The side-effects of the Crystal Heart should wear off since you aren't natives to this kingdom....'

Noting him trail off, Ryan glanced over to see Luna and Celestia laughing around the bonfire along with his herd and a few other ponies that had joined them, '...you miss being with her a lot.'

'Yes...the way we were in the dreamscape. It reminded me of just how happy I was with her...especially when we just flew through the sky, not a care in the world.'

'If'n ya want, we can fire up our Soul Cross and Ah can let ya have some time with her now.'

'...heh, you really are such a strange man offering something like that. But could your body even handle it after being that way for the fight?'

Ryan shrugged, his hand slowly rubbing over the scar on his chest, 'Well, ever since Ah got this thing, the after-effects don't seem to hurt as much. After all, Ah'm actually becoming aware of what's going on when we swap like that so Ah figure either Ah'm getting accustomed to the spell after using it so many times or mah magical abilities are adapting to make it more effective.'

Dark let out a growly chuckle before sighing, 'Always overthinking things...but for now it's okay.'

'Well, just remember partner, if'n ya ever wanna spend some time with her just let me know and we'll make it happen. After all, Ah'm sure you'd love to spend some flight time with her that's not dream based.'

'...thanks Ryan.'

Not long after that the celebration began to wind down and so our heroes made their way to bed. Early the next morning they bid farewell to their friends as they boarded the train for home.

"Aren't you coming with us Princess?"

Celestia shook her head before smiling, "No, Twilight Sparkle. We have a few things we wish to finish checking over with Princess Cadance and Prince Shining before heading home to Canterlot ourselves."

'Don't overwork yourselves ladies...I'd hate to have to come back and carry you home after all.'

Luna snorted before laughing, "Somehow I doubt that Darkness."

'...can't even let me have just a little fun huh?'


The group laughed at this exchange before finally having to board the train and head back home. As they headed off, Celestia and Luna looked at one another before Luna materialized a mysterious looking book bearing a swirled mark on it. The two sisters nodded as they watched the horizon, the train soon vanishing from sight marking the end of yet another chapter in their lives...

Time marches on as it's apt to do and with it a slight healing of wounds both large and small. For Dark it meant thoughts about his past friends eating at him less, mostly thanks to Ryan making sure they kept busy with all sorts of stuff whether it be the continued work on their new home or, as they were currently doing, working on a secret project with Big Mac that had been put off for a bit with everything being so crazy.

"So...are ya sure we're ready to try and turn this thing over?"

Big Mac shifted the piece of straw in his mouth a few times before looking over the contraption they—well, mostly Mac in all honesty since Ryan didn't really know the first thing about engines, let alone magical engines—had collaborated together on before nodding his head, "Eyup. Might explode though. Never tried modifying an airship engine to do...this before."

"Well Ah'm just impressed mah silly off the cuff idea actually was viable." Ryan laughed before pulling out a key and staring at how shiny it was, "At first Ah thought you were pulling mah leg but then ya just stared at me before nodding again. So..."


"Let's start up the first truck in Equestrian history!"

'...if it doesn't explode!'


Ryan rolled his eyes before sitting down and putting in the key, "You guys are just such optimists. Sure, yeah, the other things that T-Sparks and Ah have tried to use magic means to reproduce from mah world have all blown up multiple times till we got better prototypes but come on! Mac, bro, you know yer engines so how could this not work?"

Glancing up after his little speech, he could see Big Mac wearing a hard hat and hiding behind a giant piece of metal with an apple on it, "Of course. So go ahead and set her off."

"...Ah...what's with the getup?"

"Safety precaution. Besides, ya got yer goggles on so..."

'Sounds legit to me! Let's do this Ryan!'

Figuring there was no real reason to stop now, Ryan turned the key and heard the engine try to start up...and try...and try, "Come on baby! Turn over for us! Let's hear that delightful noise!"

Trying once again, the engine sputtered a bit and whined before finally, "Yes! Listen to that purr!"

And then, predictably, it groaned and wheezed before filling the barn with smoke. Ryan and Big Mac coughed as they ran out of the barn as quickly as possible and took deep breaths of fresh air as they looked at one another.

Mac was the first to speak, "Well, at least it started."

"Eyup...." Ryan groaned, "Like ya said though, it's definitely an odd change for this type of engine....perhaps we're just not meant to succeed."

Big Mac frowned before shaking his head, "Hey now, we can't stop after this. If we can get this thing to work how ya want, it could change how ponies travel Equestria. Mah uncle seemed pretty excited when I sent him that letter detailing him yer "crazy" idea."

"Yeah, but only because of those blueprints ya drew up making it seem not so crazy. Ah still don't understand that bit though."

"Which one?"

"How it would change things. Ah mean, y'all have airships for crying out loud. Those are a bit more versatile than something like a truck."

"Well...ta be honest, that's true. But airships are pretty costly. Not everypony can afford one and if ya wanna ship on them it's pretty expensive. Why do ya think a lot of our delivers are made by us personally dragging carts?"

'What about the train ones?'

"Actually, that one Ah get Dark. Trains don't go everywhere after all, even here."

"Eeeeeyup. So believe me Ryan, when Ah say it'll make things better I truly mean it."

"Hahaha, okay Mac, Ah hear ya. Ugh...Ah think that's enough tampering with world dynamics for now, though. I should probably go check on the girls." Ryan dusted off his clothing before stretching, "T-Sparks is all flustered with those delegates from...Saddle Arabia? Ah think that was it, with them coming so I—"

Suddenly a rainbow blur cut across the sky, heading towards Fluttershy's cottage where Twilight had been practicing, 'Was that Rainbow?'

"Ah think so...but what in tarnation could have her going that fast?"

"Here!" Big Mac shouted, tossing Ryan his sword, "Something tells me ya might be needing that."

Strapping it on, Ryan gave a nod before pulling on the new hat Apps had given him, "Thanks Mac. Keep an eye on the others while we go check this out."

Hearing an 'Eyup' in reply, Ryan snapped his fingers, flapped his wings, and headed off in the same direction Dashie had.

...only to nearly get hit by her heading back towards town.

"Whoa! Dashie, what's up?" Ryan did his best to catch up to her but wasn't doing too well.

"No time! Ponyville! Trouble! Come on!"

'...there's the foreboding feeling again.'

"Tell me about it."

With that Ryan followed her towards town before landing and seeing a strange, hooded figure conversing with Rarity, "...yeah, that's not foreboding. Not at all."

"Now listen here, you can't just come in here and start waving magic all about and causing trouble for everypony. That's certainly not how you make friends darling, furthermore—"

And that was when Ryan saw Rarity's outfit turn into the most ghastly combination of colors that nearly made him go blind. Watching as Pinkie quickly grabbed her and noted something about an emergency need for soothing pink, Ryan furrowed his brow before walking over towards this new stranger, "Ah don't know who you are, but Ah don't appreciate ya causing trouble in mah town. And Ah especially don't like you messing with mah herd."

The figure looked at Ryan before grimacing, "...the ape. Of course."

"...ape? Wait...there was only one pony other than Filthy that called me that before. What was her name?"


"Yeah! That was it! T-Sparks?" Ryan glanced over his shoulder to see Twilight running up from behind, "Guess we know what the mystery was now, huh Dark?"

'Indeed but...' Dark thought he saw a glance of something that filled him with dread, '...she's wearing something...something I hope is not what I think it is.'

Of course, that was when the mysterious mare did indeed remove her hood to show none other than self-proclaimed "Great and Powerful" Trixie wearing a very curious amulet.

"...self-proclaimed? Perhaps you foals aren't the only one I need to get some revenge on."

Heh, I'd like to see you try. Anyway, Twilight ran up just as Ryan felt Dark go quite silent and a chill ran up his back, "Dark...what's wrong?"

'That...that amulet! It can't be! There's...there's no way! I could've sworn Cellie and Woona had that thing destroyed!'

Trixie huffed before stamping the ground, "...I will not be ignored! I did not track down this powerful artifact just to be ignored!"

Twilight rolled her eyes before sighing, "Then why did you come here Trixie? When we last met in Manehatten you made it clear we were the last ponies you wanted to see."

"Ah yes, that was the case." Trixie smirked, "After the humiliating way you chased me from town, I did not want to see you again. That is...until I found a way to have my revenge! And as your strange ape's disembodied voice shows, you should all be very afraid."

"Yeah right!" Rainbow Dash huffed, "Why would we be afraid of a phony like you?"

Glaring at Rainbow, Trixie grinned evilly before zapping one of her wings and enlarging it, making her lob-sided as she spun about before hitting the ground.

"Hey! That was really mean of you! You're such a mean-butt!"

"Silence!" Trixie shouted, somehow summoning an arrow and clicking Pinkie's mouth off her face before tossing it in a garbage bin.

"I've seen enough!" Ryan growled, pulling out Malus Domestica, "I won't let ya keep harming mah herd!"

Trixie chuckled at his bravado, "While I am most amused an ape such as you wishes to take me on...the one that I am here for is Twilight Sparkle."

"What? You want to duel me? Trixie, I'm not going to fall for your tricks." Twilight shook her head, "I will not fight you for such petty reasons."

"Oh really? Then how about this?" Trixie turned her attention to Spike whom she turned into a giant gemstone.

"Is...is it wrong that I kinda want to eat myself?"

Ryan facepalmed at his little brother's reaction before tightening his hold on his sword, "Come on T-Sparks! We can't let this brat keep messing with those we care about."

"Hmmmm? Not enough? Then again, I shouldn't expect any less from you Twilight Sparkle." Trixie seemed to concentrate for a bit though it wasn't readily obvious what she did, "Ah yes...perhaps this will entice you?"

"What in tarnation....? Where's the sun gone?" AppleJack slowly looked up and gasped, "Ack!"

"What's got you so wor—our house!" Ryan gasped, seeing the house they'd waited so long for just floating above them.


"Yes Twilight Sparkle. Get upset! That is how I wish you to feel!" With that Trixie focused her magic before turning the house into a massive amount of popcorn that fell on to the town burying it under three feet of salty snack food.

Ryan fell to his knees, staring at the popcorn kernels, "Mah...mah house. That Ah worked so hard on designing...so we'd all be comfy and happy. Rawr! Cascading Wind! Violent Apple Vortex!"

Swiping at the popcorn, Ryan swung Malus Domestica and sent forth a large vortex that swept away all the popcorn and cleared the town of it leaving a very pissed human to glare at Trixie...though Twilight was still refusing to do anything.

"Hmph...not enough huh? Well then...how about this?" With that Trixie merely flicked her horn upwards and waited. The others looked around trying to figure out what exactly she had done and...



"Oh, I'm sorry, I just figured I should include everyone in my revenge." Trixie smugly...even with this!? Ugh...Twilight Sparkle!



"...I suppose we can't have whatever is happening happen so fine. Fix things and I will face you Trixie."

"Very well!" With a wave of her—hey! It's back to normal! Anyway, with a wave of her horn she undid the damage she had wrought...well, save for Pinkie who still was not given back her mouth.

What followed was an amazing display of magical talent and prowess as the two unicorns continued testing one another's skill...and leaving Ryan to play hero as he rescued the poor background ponies from getting caught in the crossfire. Huffing to catch his breath, he could see the two were now at a stalemate, "Dude...what....what the hell? I was told Trixie was an illusionist who's magic was just like a normal magician's."

'...It's that amulet. It's how she's so powerful.'

"What is it about that amulet that's got you so worried?" Ryan asked before turning to see Twilight in Trixie's grasp, "T-Sparks!"

"You've lost Twilight Sparkle...and thus, I banish you from Ponyville!"

With that Twilight was tossed out of the town as Ryan chased after her. Unfortunately he could do nothing as he ran into a force-field of some kind and bounced back hard on to the ground, "Ow...the hell?"

Standing up, he placed a hand on the invisible wall and watched as Twilight did the same with her hoof, "T-Sparks..."

"This is my town now! Further more...what?" Trixie was puzzled as Ryan began smashing away at the force-field with his sword, "Stupid ape...what hope does he have to best me when even Twilight Sparkle couldn't best me?"

"Rawr! Let! Us! Out!" Ryan practically growled as each strike was deflected with ease, "What the hell is this?"

"...oh now, what's this?" Trixie smirked, a creepy grin on her face, "Do you...wish to try your hand as well?"

Ryan glared at Trixie before shouting one thing, "Propogate! Malus Domestica!"

Trixie tilted her head at his curious actions, "Why would you wish to multiply the trees of the apple variety?"

Ryan gave no reply as he split his sword into two before rushing at Trixie who wasted no time in firing a blast of magic at him. Side-stepping the blast, Ryan was upon Trixie before she gasped and in desperation kicked her hoof out...and right into Ryan's weak spot!

"Ugh!" Ryan gasped, his voice raising in pitch slightly as his hands went to his crotch, "Ahhhhhh...."

'Ryan! Dammit! Of all the lucky shots!' Dark growled before watching as AppleJack took advantage of the situation, grabbing Ryan while Rainbow Dash grabbed his sword, '...quickly! She still seems stunned that he was able to get so close!'

The rest of his herd took Dark's advice and skedaddled before Trixie could collect herself. Twilight could do nothing but watch as her herdmates ran off and while she was worried about them—Lyra specifically as she was in their house when Trixie had picked it up—she knew she didn't have much she could do until that barrier was down.

"...I need help...and there may be only one pony that can help me."

Ryan slowly groaned as he came too, the pain between his legs still lingering, "...dammit. Ugh...roll call!"






"...oh right, yer mouth. Ugh...well that's...wait...wait...girls, where's Lyra?" Ryan looked around frantically, noting they were in the Treebary, "She said something about a surprise and then..."

There was a noise from the top most level of the library and then, rather timidly, a voice cried out, "H-heartsy...present."

"Lyra?!" Ryan looked up to see Lyra dangling from the ceiling, "Umm...okay! Just...drop! Ah've gotcha!"

"Drop?! Well..." Lyra looked nervous as she stared at Ryan, "Well...okay Rys. I trust you."

With that she let go and fell, her eyes shut tight as she awaited an impact with the ground...an impact that never came as she felt herself land on something warm that grunted upon said impact. Opening her eyes she could see Ryan had indeed caught her as he said he would, only not in the way she'd expected, "Rys...I don't think falling on you is all that good an idea."

Ryan simple groaned softly at the light mint mare currently crashed on his chest, "It's all good Heartsy...besides, at least the pain from you falling on me is distracting me from the still paralyzing pain of getting kicked in the nards."

Fluttershy walked over to Ryan before smiling sweetly at him, "Uhm, would...would it help if I nuzzled you there Ry?"

"What?!" Ryan gasped, his face flushing at her rather bold comment, "W-why would you suggest that?"

"W-well, when my little animal friends are hurting they always seem more relaxed with a good nuzzle so I figured it would work the same with this?"

'Hahahaha, you crazy, innocent butter pone. While I'm sure he wouldn't fight you on that, it's probably best we help him keep a level head right now...especially with Trixie still out there wearing the Alicorn Amulet.'

AppleJack looked at the others before staring at him, "Wait...ya mean ta tell me ya know what that thing was Dark?"

'Ryan, if you would?'

"Huh? Oh, okay...Soul Cross." Ryan casually stated, as he swapped control with Dark in the most non-fanfare way possible.

"Okay! So, quick history lesson." Dark paused for a moment before donning his wings, "Sorry, just doesn't feel right without them. Also...helps distract from the pain down south; Trixie really did a number on poor Ryan's body. Ahem! Anyway...all that aside yes I do know about this artifact she found. It, like a lot of things that seem eager to cause trouble, is from long ago."

With a flick of his wrist, Dark opened up a odd magical portal before pulling out a television of all things. Setting it down he turned it on...before giving it a swift kick when all it would show is snow, "Hold on...these things are a bit tricky."

Banging on it once more and messing with the rabbit ears, a crudely drawn animation finally began showing to which Dark narrated, "Long ago, sometime after I had made the acquaintance of Tia and Woona, there came reports of a group of unicorns and human mages that were envious of the powers those two had. It was a secret order that practiced magic of the darker variety, all in an attempt to find a way to be as strong as they were. My mentor sent a small group of his most trustworthy ponies to find them and stop them from potentially unleashing something awful on our world."

"So I'd wager they didn't succeed with that one, darling?"

"Unfortunately Rares, we did not." Dark flicked a switch on the channel to show another animation, this one depicting him, another human, and two other ponies watching in horror, "Sombra, Hurricane, Cecil, and I arrived too late to stop their plans and could only watch in horror as their efforts bore fruit."

"Wait, wait, wait...I thought you said ponies!"

Dark rolled his eyes, "Dashie...remember how it got to where I didn't see a difference between human and pony?"


"Exactly! We all saw each other that way...but getting back to the story, we waited to see just what they'd done before making a move." Dark changed the channel again before frowning, "Sadly, they all began to fight with one another over who should have control of the Amulet and...it got pretty messy."

The others watched as the brightness of the television faded before Dark shut it off, "In the end, the only one left was too worn out to fight against us and so we brought him back to find out what he knew. Unfortunately, he was not cooperative and eventually broke free before using the enhanced magic it granted him to wreak havoc. Only with the added help of Tia, Woona, and my mentor did we hold him at bay long enough..."

"...D-Dark?" Fluttershy nuzzled his side, "Long enough for what?"

"...for the Amulet to extract its toll...for him to die." Dark shook his head, "The Alicorn Amulet does indeed grant any magic user untold increases in power to the point where they can do almost anything. Granted, it's still limited to things that even magic can't do...yet. But it does so at a terrible price: it corrupts the one wearing it, making them unaware as it slowly drains the life-force away until finally...well, you know. That's the only way we even recovered it to hide away as only the one that puts it on can remove it."

With that explanation over, Dark switched back with Ryan as he looked at the television, "That...that TV looks oddly familiar. Ahem, but you're saying she's the only one that can remove it then?"

'Pretty much...unless she expends all her energy and ya know...but I get the feeling we'd rather avoid that.'

Rarity huffed, "Yes, darling. While Trixie is a bit of an...annoyance, she certainly doesn't deserve that kind of fate."

"Sooo...hey wait!" Ryan snapped his fingers, "Spike!"


"Why don't we just send a letter to Cellie telling her what's happening? She and Lunes could help right?"

'Eeeeenope.' Dark noted, 'Forgetting the fact they're off on a diplomatic mission to Saddle Arabia—'

At this Ryan snickered before laughing, "Sorry, sorry...Ah just love the puns in this world so much."

'Anyway, not counting that fact in meaning they'd be quite a distance away, that force-field Trixster has put up probably wouldn't allow anything through it, magic or otherwise. Remember how your sword didn't do much?'

"...yes. So then what? We just sit around and do nothing? We're lucky she doesn't know where to look for us because knowing how villains are she'd come after us first because of T-Sparks."

And it was at that exact moment Trixie's voice began to ring out throughout the town, "Citizens of Ponyville...this is your new leader speaking. As long as you all do as I say, no harm will come to any of you....but I know there are some out there that would be foolish enough to fight me and that's why if you help turn them in to me I will be lenient and only take my wrath out on them. Should you refuse to....well let's just say things will get much worse now that I'm in charge."

At that the weather outside turned and became quite dark, lighting flashing and striking everywhere as Trixie's evil laughter echoed in the background.

"That evil little...." Ryan grumbled, clenching his fist.

"However, should said individuals come to me on their own I will leave their little townsfolk friends alone. For every hour that passes they do not show up, I will be left with no choice but to choose a random pony and do something...unpleasant." Trixie cackled as she let her message fade out, "The choice is yours friends and ape of Twilight Sparkle...."

"Dude, that's not cool." Spike huffed, "We can't just let her get away with that can we?"

"B-but Twilight couldn't even best her and she's the strongest magic user we know." Fluttershy frowned, curling around Ryan's leg, "Ry? What are we going to do?"


Rainbow Dash smirked as she flapped over and plopped her head on top of his, "I know that look big guy. You're gonna go face her even though you know you probably can't match that Amulet's power huh?"

Ryan laughed softly, "You mares know me well. No wonder we make such a great herd."

"Apple Ryder...." AppleJack sighed before readjusting her hat, "Oh tarnation, you and yer hero qualities. Heh, count me in. Ah can't let the other ponyfolk get hurt just because Trixie has some stupid grudge against Twi."

"So, not to interrupt, but what exactly are we going to do?" Lyra shot Ryan a puzzled look, "It's all well and good we're doing what we should but we can't fight her directly. Only three of us use magic and I doubt even combined it'll be enough."

'Not to worry sweet lyre of ours, there is a fail-safe spell Star-Swirled came up with to counteract the amplification of the Amulet. Unfortunately...'

The group seemed worried by his pause, "...unfortunately?"

'It has a limit...and can only work for so long before overwhelming the caster of it.'

"So what yer saying Dark is that Ah could probably be the tank using it but try not to get zapped too many times?" Ryan gulped, "Should Ah ask what happens if yer hit by the amplified magic?"

'Depends on the spell caster's desire. But since Trixie seems to not be in a right state of mind...'

"Basically a hit most likely equals pain. Lots and lots of pain." Ryan readjusted Malus Domestica before nodding, "Come on ladies, we've got a mare that's been bad and needs some punishing."

Pinkie giggled before wiggling her eyebrows.

"...Pinks, no. Just..." Ryan laughed loudly, "Oh man...even without a mouth you still make innuendo."

'Just be careful everypone...while I can do what I can to keep the spell covering you all, it's a big drain on the caster.' Dark sounded strangely serious, 'So just do your best to avoid any hits....'

"...Dark, Ah hate to say this, but the fact that yer worried has got me feeling pretty uneasy."

"I have to admit I agree with AppleJack, darling."

'Hey, it's me guys! I've kept Ryan and y'all safe since the beginning right?' Dark let out a growly laugh, 'So don't worry...I'll keep our herd safe. Now come on! We can't let her hurt innocent ponies!'

Trixie was bored. She was so very bored as she forced Snails and Snips to do some menial task for her amusement as she watched the clock tick minute by minute. It had been nearly an hour since her little proclamation and she was starting to wonder if perhaps they weren't as stupid as she thought they were.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie is losing patience with how quiet things are." Trixie watched as the hour hand finally shifted and signified the time limit was up, "Oh well...I suppose they've given me no choice. Time to single out some unlucky pony to torture!"

Snails and Snips gulped as she glanced their way before sighing in relief as she trotted over to the door of the slightly reshaped City Hall. Smirking a smile that would haunt the reaches of your nightmares, she flung it open and saw a poor, hapless pony that was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"Oh dear me, you poor, poor mare." Trixie cackled as her eyes began to glow, "It looks like you'll be the first victim due to their cowardice. Ta-ta!"

The poor pony was frozen on the spot as she watched what was most likely her end come barreling towards her but then...

"Ah don't think so!" Ryan crashed in front of her, slicing Trixie's attack in half and smirking as it exploded harmlessly against the ground, "You okay Roseluck?"

"I...I...I should run yes?"

"That would be correct." Ryan laughed nervously as he watched her scamper off before glaring at Trixie, "What the hell you crazy pone? Ya trying to kill someone?"

"If the mood strikes me...but seeing as you're here perhaps I can find some other way to entertain myself." Trixie waggled her eyebrows before laughing, "I knew you'd come out of hiding if I threatened innocent ponies. Peh, you're so predictable...leave it to that fool Twilight Sparkle to find such ridiculous pets."

Ryan's eye twitched at that comment, "Pet? Heh, Ah ain't a pet to her....Ah'm something you could only hope to have from what Ah've been told."

Trixie scoffed at his words, unaware that the others were getting into their positions to try and surround her, "And what might that be you overgrown ape? If you aren't her pet then just what exactly are you to her?"

"Heh, that's easy." Ryan winked before striking a pose, "Ah'm her stallion...or more specifically, the stallion to the herd she is a part of."

Trixie stared at Ryan, trying to process exactly what he'd said. After a few moments she eyed him curiously once again before laughing loudly, "You?! A stallion? Oh please...maybe if stallion's were some strange type of ape and had a bizarre disease that made their fur fall off."

'Oh my...I do believe she has struck a nerve with you Ryan.'

"Why, whatever do you mean Darkness?" Ryan's head twitched slightly, "She simply said that a pony would only find me attractive if they had a thing for sickly, mutated stallions. Why would Ah take offense to that? Haha, especially when it comes from the kind of mare that would only get a stallion if they were into insecure, pompous, phony-baloney magicians that could be outshined by a grade school magic show?"

Trixie, predictably, didn't take that very well, "What? How dare you! How dare you even suggest that the Great, Powerful, And Sexy Trixie couldn't have any stallion she wanted? I'm going to enjoy putting you into your place."

Laughing softly, Ryan took his fighting stance before motioning at her, "Let's see what you've got then."

'Girls! Now!'

"What?" Trixie gasped as she felt something wrap around her leg and yank her off her feet, "Hey! Trixie does not approve of these shenanigans!"

And yet they didn't stop as AppleJack lifted her off the ground, flinging her towards Rarity and Lyra who quickly tied her up with a multitude of ribbons. With that done, Ryan levitated her in the air as Spike quickly flew in and blindfolded her while Pinkie hopped up to put what appeared to be a comically large cork on her horn. Helping Fluttershy after she pulled in a cloud, Rainbow Dash manipulated it so it completely surrounded Trixie, effectively hiding her from sight.

'Now Ryan!'

"Right, Dark!" Ryan shouted, casting a spell on the cloud to freeze it solid. Watching as it fell with a clank to the ground, the group watched as a quiet began to fall over the town now that they had apparently contained Trixie.

"Even if it is her, darling, I do hate to be so extreme with somepony."

"Ah wouldn't worry too much Rares, Dark did say she'd be okay despite all this."

"Apps is right but....partner?"

'Yeah Ryan?'

"...is she really gonna be okay frozen like that? Ah mean, Ah'm no scientist, but Ah'm pretty sure unless it's done right flash-freezing someone like that usually kills them."

'I already told you, using the spell the way I showed you keeps that from happening.' Dark let out a quiet 'hmmm', '...odd. Doing that should've cut off the source of her shield and yet...'

"...it's still active." Fluttershy hid behind Ryan, "Ry...I'm worried."

"I hate to say it...." Spike drummed his fingers nervously on his side, "But I'm getting that odd sense of impending doom as well."

"Apple Ryder, ya don't think that..."

Ryan went to say something before watching as the block of ice shook, "...dammit. Look out everypony!"

'Disharmonic Resonance!'

Dark barely got the words out before Trixie unleashed her wrath, shattering her temporary prison and striking those around her with the amplified power of the Alicorn Amulet. Groaning, Dark coughed a bit before laughing, '...almost didn't get that out in time. Everypone okay?'

"Ah think we're okay but....well, Trixie looks a might pissed."

"Ooooh, you insignificant worms! How dare you try to pull one over on the Great and Exceedingly Beautiful Trixie!"

Ryan blinked slightly before smirking, "...looks like mah comment about her looks is eating her more than she's letting on."

"Silence you stupid ape!" Trixie shouted, zapping the ground in front of him with magic, "Perhaps I should do to you what I did to the pink one?"

Ryan gasped as he saw the mouse arrow come flying at him before he blocked it with Malus Domestica. Holding it at bay, he snickered at something Dark was doing before he watched the cursor shake a bit and then change color before gaining black wings as it floated over towards Trixie, clicked on her butt, and changed her cutie mark into a badly drawn picture of her going 'blah, blah, blah'.

"My! My magnificent flanks! How dare you sully such beauty?!"

'...man, and I thought me and Dash had egos. Then again, it could just be the Amulet doing this.'

"...Oh, I'm afraid it isn't. Trixie was definitely this full of herself when she first showed up." Fluttershy meeped when Trixie glared at her, "R-Ryan!"

Gently patting her head as she hid behind him, Ryan took a deep breath before staring at her, "We'll give you one chance to end this nonsense Trixie. Take off the Amulet, give it to us to hide away from the world, and we'll let what's happened slide...mostly. You still owe us a new house and Ah expect help in fixing that situation."

Trixie scoffed before rolling her eyes, "Why would Trixie accept such an offer when she clearly has the upper hand? Ugly and stupid....whatever does Twilight Sparkle see in you?"

'We might not be able to avoid fighting her, partner.'

"Ah know...which means we've got to just hold on. If'n Ah know T-Sparks, she's working on her own plan somehow." Ryan winked at Fluttershy, shooing her over to the others before holding his other hand over Malus Domestica, "Ya wanna rumble Trix, then fine! Propogate! Malus Domestica!"

Trixie snorted for a bit, amused by his antics, "What ridiculous idea is that? Shouting about apple trees and their making of offspring...has the situation driven you to madness again?"


"Heh, this is Ponyville!" Ryan roared as he ran at her, "We're all a little mad here...especially when some pompous little fool wants to ruin our town!"

"Peh! So quick to rush to your end are you?" Trixie scoffed, igniting her horn until it resembled a beam saber as she blocked Ryan's attack with it, "And what exactly makes you think you can even possibly last long enough for Twilight Sparkle to return? If she even does that is~"

"Ah've fought against the God of Chaos himself...survived being stabbed by the Changeling Queen...and cheated death more times than Ah can count." Ryan lashed at her over and over with both swords, "But most of all, the thing that drives me on is those Ah wish to protect. The ones Ah love are what gives me strength and makes any challenge seem possible!"

Trixie gasped as Ryan knocked her back before she scoffed at such ramblings, "Other ponies are the source of your resolve? How ridiculous! Having someone like that is a liability!"

Watching in horror as Trixie lined up and fired a shot at Rarity and Spike, Ryan heard Dark shout out the same spell from before...but this time it was followed by Dark grunting as well.



"Oh my...it would seem that while your little voice can protect you, it comes at a cost." Trixie smirked cruelly, "I wonder then, just how much of an assault from the Great and Powerful Trixie you could handle?!"

"Oh no you don't!" Ryan ran towards her again, swords drawn, but found only empty air as she teleported away and fired at his friends once more.

'Disharmonic Resonance!'

Once again Dark's spell kept their friends safe from the Amulet's power, but it became apparent that the cost was increasing with each use.


'...I'm okay. Can't let her hurt the others...just have to hold out.'

Trixie cackled loudly before shaking her head, "Such bravado from one without a body of their own...but if that's not enough, then how about this!"

Now glowing from her amplified magic, Trixie unleashed a blast of magic that scattered in multiple directions and was, obviously, aimed at his loved ones that weren't sure what to do. In the blink of an eye the attack hit, though only one voice cried out in anguish, '....ARGH!'

AppleJack slowly opened her eyes, surprised to see they were okay, "He...Dark managed to protect us all at the same time!"

Even Trixie was somewhat surprised by this, "Well...it would seem there's more to you than your appearance would lead me to believe. However....how many times can you handle that?"

With that she launched the same attack over and over and over as Dark did his best to counter it and protect his loved ones. Despite their best efforts, the others couldn't shake the spell no matter how much they moved and so each time they were protected from a hit Dark growled in pain until finally, with one last attack, there was a shattering noise and Ryan clutched his chest before falling to his knees.


"Apple Ryder!"

Ryan panted heavily, feeling the fatigue his other self felt quite clearly, "Ah'm...Ah'm okay but Dark....ugh....damn you Trixie."

Trixie gave a hearty laugh as she slowly sauntered towards Ryan's prone form. Leaning down and looking into his eyes, she slowly charged her horn before glaring at him, "You stupid ape...even if you knew what this was, it would never save you. For no matter how strong that spell was, it did not help you or your master all those years ago...so why would it help you now when so many more require it's protection?"

Realizing what Trixie intended to do, those in Ryan's herd charged forward to try and do something to stop her but as they closed in time seemed to drag and stand still. As Trixie released her attack, Ryan heard but one voice over all of them, 'I'm sorry partner, goodbye....SOUL CRASH!"

Only managing to utter a horrified 'What? No!', Ryan felt the impact from the blast send him flying and skidding along the ground before he came to a stop amongst some rubble. The group watched in horror as he lay there unmoving before glaring at the smug Trixie.

"Heh, what else did you expect? I'm not sure what that weird voice was trying to do, but it clearly failed. And now that the unexpected annoyance is taken care of, I do believe I have some use for all of you. After all, the Great and Powerful Trixie has need of an equally Great and Powerful throne for her kingdom....and her Great and Powerful hunger needs sated as well." Glancing at those there, she cackled evilly as the Amulet glowed brighter and brighter, "Any volunteers?"

With only the laughter from Trixie echoing about, it could be forgiven if nopony heard the slight shifting of rubble as Ryan's arms twitched slightly, his fingers curling as if trying to grasp something. Nearby, the two components of Malus Domestica stuck up from the ground as something oddly curious happened: the apple jewel on both shifted from its normal colors of red and orange to a dark, icy black. Feeling a renewed strength, Ryan slowly rose from the rubble but looked different: his normal cheery composure and cocky smile were gone, replaced by a very cold, calculated scowl and his hair was no longer it's normal dirty blonde color. Instead, it appeared to be made of ice as it stood straight up in spikes, "TRIXIE!"

"Apple Ry—holy ponyfeathers! What's wrong with him?!"

"What do you mean AJ—is his hair made of ice? Brrr....and it feels really cold all of a sudden." Rainbow Dash shivered, "....Rys?"

"TRIXIE!" Ryan threw his hands to his sides and waited as the now apparently corrupted components of Malus Domestica shot to his side.

"Well, well, it would seem that the ape is still with us....perhaps that spell did do some good after all. Heh...at least in delaying the inevitable anyway—what?" Trixie gasped as Ryan was upon her faster than she could deal with, "How did you...?"

"YOU. KILLED. DARKNESS!" Ryan growled, seemingly not himself as he kicked Trixie in the face, sending her reeling slightly, "I WILL NOT...LET YOU GET AWAY WITH THAT!"

"Wha...what are you talking abou—ACK!" Trixie screamed as Ryan hit her once again, this time drawing blood as she tumbled along the ground, "...where did you get....this power?"

"...Ry-Ryan?" Fluttershy timidly whispered before shrieking as a blast of cold air wrapped around her, "...Ryan."

"What happened to him?" Spike looked about hoping for some answer, "It's like...Trixie broke him somehow."

As they watched Trixie try to avoid Ryan's wrath, they could sense that something was amiss with their human and that he was lost in his sorrowful anger. Unsure of just how the heck they could break him out of this, they could only continue watching in horror as he pummeled the ever-living crap out of Trixie.

"Oh darling..." Rarity bit her hoof, tears in her eyes, "...I can't stand seeing him like this."

"...I'm also worried about what he said." Lyra frowned, "He said she killed Dark? But...but that can't be! How could she...?"

Not sure the answer to that either, they could only watch as it seemed that Ryan had finally cornered Trixie where he wanted her as she lay in a heap on the ground with him standing over her prone form.

"Wait! Wait!" Trixie gasped in agony before reaching up and unclasping the Alicorn Amulet from her neck, handing it to Ryan, "Here! P-Please....s-stop....n-no more...."

Ryan looked at the Amulet indifferently before chucking it over his shoulder. He leaned down till he was face-to-face with her as he narrowed his eyes before uttering words that chilled her very soul, "It. Ain't. Enough."

Lifting up his two swords, he threw them down so they embedded on either side of Trixie in a x-shaped pattern. Roaring loudly in anger and clenching his fists he prepared to release his full rage upon the hapless blue unicorn, "Suffer in an Arctic Wasteland! Frozen Apple Avalan—"

For some reason, Ryan couldn't bring himself to finish his attack, "Frozen! A-Apple! A-va-lan—"

His mind was unable to comprehend what was holding him back until he felt a hoof touch his shoulder and a gentle, calming aura surround him. Trying to settle his breathing he turned to his right to see none other than one Twilight Sparkle, "...T...T-Sparks?"

"Ryan. Shhh...it's okay. Let it go...don't...don't let it consume you."

"But! She...what she did...."

Twilight looked into his eyes, "I know...but don't become lost to your rage. It...it is not something you want happening. Trust me. So please...come back to us and let it go."

At her words, Ryan felt all his new-found energy drain away. His hair melted back to its normal form as he began to cry not only for the pain he felt at Dark's loss but at what he'd become in his rage...and the results of that rage. Crying out loud in anguish, Malus Domestica's apple jewels finally could not take the stress any further and cracked before Ryan finally collapsed backwards and passed out.


Twilight was worried for a moment before placing her hoof on his chest, "He's okay...he just couldn't take it anymore. What...what happened? What could have possibly hurt our human so much that he...he became that and did this to Trixie?"

The others weren't really sure how to best say it, but Lyra stepped forward, "If I had to make a guess Twilight, something happened to Dark while we were trying to stop her. He used this spell to protect us from the Alicorn Amulet's effects but then...it was too much and Dark used some other spell."

"It was some kinda spell Ah'd never heard those two use before Twi." AppleJack shook her head, "It sounded a lot like that there Soul Cross thing they used before but...Ah couldn't make out what the other word was. It started with a 'C' but...Ry-Ry seemed mighty worried when he heard it."


The others looked at Rainbow Dash who seemed a bit nervous, "What? The word he used instead was crash. Dark used some spell called Soul Crash and then...well you know what happened."

Twilight frowned before sighing, "Sorry Zecora...but it looks like we were just a little too late."

"While what you say may be true, there is still much we must do." Zecora nodded, "The Amulet for one we must hide, so that no other may be corrupted to the dark side."

Seeing it lying in the grass not far from where both Ryan and Trixie were passed out, Twilight collected it up before placing it in a box. After that she went into her usual serious mode, organizing everypony to get things rolling on fixing the situation as best they could.

Still, one thought worried her as they carried their human and Trixie to the hospital, 'Darkness...could you...could you really be gone?'

"Dark...Dark....why...why did you use that spell?"

Ryan twisted in anguish, "Why did you give your life like that? Like it...it was nothing to decide? I told you...to never use that spell...never....never..."

Ryan's herd frowned as he mumbled in his sleep, sweating terribly at whatever had a hold on him in his dreams as he continued to toss in his hospital bed.


Ryan gasped as he was...where was this? It...no, this green field...the clear blue sky. It couldn't be.

"No...not like this....Dark please....don't...." Ryan turned to see Dark staring up at the sky with a sad look on his face, "Please..."

"...I did what I needed to. With all that you gladly did to give me some semblance of normalcy, what kind of guy...what kind of friend...no, what kind of brother would I be if I didn't do my all to protect you from harm?"

"But....you told me that spell..."

"I know, I told you to never use it because of how dangerous it can be towards the caster's well-being." Dark let out a sad laugh, "Of course, you have your body so there was even more reason for you to not use it....but as for me..."

"Dark..." Ryan walked slowly towards him, "What...what do we do without you? Ah...Ah've only come as far as Ah did thanks to yer guidance. You...you can't be gone...we need you...Ah need you..."

Dark shook his head, "You've become quite strong Ryan...y'all will do fine without an old fossil like me."

"...and what about Lunes?"

"Woona..." Dark clutched his chest, "I..."

"Even if it's only through me, being able to be with you again in some way has made her much happier. Cellie's made it pretty clear about that..."

"...though I'm sure she's happier seeing me again too." Dark shrugged, "It doesn't matter though. In the end, I did what I had to in order to protect you Ryan....and so I used Soul Crash despite the risks. In the end, I just didn't have enough...tell the others I'm sorry and as for Woona..."

Ryan watched as Dark began to fade away from sight and, despite his best efforts to catch him, he merely fell forward on to the grass. With that he was the only sign of life left in this curious landscape.

"Dark!!" Ryan gasped as he shot up in bed, scaring the hell out of his herd in the process, "...ugh...Dark..."

"Apple Ryder!" AppleJack gasped as she hugged him tight...followed by the others as well.

"Gals...little bro....in the hospital again huh?" Ryan laughed into a cough, "So...."

"It's been two days. Once we were sure those hurt were stabilized we contacted the Princesses and they took care of things with the delegates." Twilight nuzzled his side, "When they came back they were shocked to see the Amulet again but they assure me they've taken care of it this time...and are looking to see who Trixie got this from and just how this pony came to possess it in the first place."

"...it's...so weird now."

"W-what is Ryan?"

"The quiet, Flutters." Ryan gently tapped his head, "Ah'm so used to his...his voice, his presence up there. It was...comforting after all this time. And....and now he's...he's...."

Ryan nearly lost it again, his tears only being held back by the comforting nuzzles of his herd. Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he sighed, "I just...he didn't deserve to go out like that."

"...he went out like a hero, right?"

"Ah know Spike but...Ah'd always hoped that one day Ah could help him get his body back so...so he and Lunes could have what they never got to." Ryan gripped the sheets of his bed tightly, "And now...now that can never be...."

Unsure as to what to say, they all sat there in silence as they did their best to give Ryan the comfort he needed after all that had happend. As it was, they were a bit startled when there was a knock at the door and in strolled, "...Doctor?"

"Oh! I do say, it's nice to see you are up and about now!"

"...yeah. Another fun adventure."

"At least you're attempting humor, that's always a good sign with you. Haha." The Doctor fiddled around in his saddlebag before pulling something out, "Here. I noted it had a bit of a rough time with that whole incident following Dark's removal from your head, so not only did I fix it for you but I improved it some as well. Consider it my way of trying to make up for not being here to help you deal with that nasty little Amulet."

"...Malus Domestica...thank you. But...heh, that's a peculiar way to say Dark's dead Mr. Pony Master of Time and Space."

The Doctor tilted his head before raising an eyebrow, "Dead? Is that what has you so down in the dumps? You think he's dead. You're...you're serious aren't you? Well then, good man, let me be the first to tell you he's perfectly safe....somewhere."


"Ah, yes. Well, after being informed of what happened by the dear Twilight Sparkle I began searching for the unique aura you shared with Dark. It was a bit difficult at first, but after giving her the best pep-talk ever the Tardis found it." At this The Doctor frowned, "Unfortunately, she can't exactly pin-point where he is given his whole lack of a physical body at the moment but...she assures me he is still in Equestria somewhere."

"This almost sounds too good ta be true."

"Darling, not that I doubt him but..."

"Oh come on Rare-bear, this is the Doctor we're talking about. You can always trust him." Ryan looked up at the ceiling, "I know it does sound too good to be true, but if the Doctor says Dark is out there somewhere...then by God we're going to find him!"

"While your Doctor friend is indeed quite skilled, perhaps I may assist in finding the one thought killed."

"Zecora. Heh, as always your rhymes are performed on time. To what do we owe this visit?"

"First off it is to check up on you my friend, and the second is my help I shall lend."

"Zecora, darling, are you say you could help us find Dark?"

"Your friend is still alive, of this is true, but to find where he was sent we must use a stronger brew."

The Doctor regarded her curiously before shrugging, "Well I must admit the magic of this world is still unknown to me so perhaps Zecora may be able to give the assistance I cannot....as long as I may study whatever she plans to do that is. Not too good if I don't learn more about magic after all."

"Well what are we waiting for then?" Spike looked at Ryan, "You do seem to be okay now."

"Of course Ah am! I can't sit by while Dark languishes somewhere." Ryan went to get up before groaning as a blur rushed in and pushed him back into bed, "What? Redheart?"

"You are staying right where you are young man!"

"...we're all roughly the same age, Redheart."

"Shush! You just woke up from another one of those incidents you seem fond of getting dragged into. What kind of nurse would I be if I just let you go wandering off into another one without making sure you're at the best you can be?"

Ryan looked into her eyes before sighing, "Okay, okay, you win. So...how long do I need to stay here this time?"

After another day in the hospital for them to run various tests and make sure he was okay, Ryan was cleared to go...but not before he requested checking up on Trixie. Redheart figured it was okay, but told him she was still not awake after everything that had happened. He had figured as much and sighed as he walked into her hospital room to see her all patched up, her vitals beeping rhythmically as she slept.

"God...Ah can't believe Ah did this to her." Ryan frowned as he looked over her bruised face, "Trixie...Ah'm sorry..."

Reaching out towards her, he gently ran his hand down her bandaged muzzle before feeling a deep ache in his chest. Shaking his head, he took one last look at her, "Ah can only hope you'll forgive me. Ah...Ah still don't know what that all was...Ah just wanted to protect mah loved ones but losing Dark like that. Anyway, get better soon Trixie...yer just another victim of the past like Dark it seems."

Realizing it was time to get things ready to meet with Zecora, he took her hoof and softly kissed it, "Ah'm sorry for those things Ah said too...yer actually quite pretty so, ya know, Ah'm sure you'll find a stallion someday. Anyway, Ah gotta go so...rest up Trix."

As he left the room, a small smile made its way across Trixie's sleeping face as a single tear fell down her cheek...

"Ah'll never understand how ya can tolerate living out here in the Everfree, Zecora."

"The forest does hold dangers many, but my survival skills are most uncanny."

Ryan laughed softly, "Well, you are very skilled in many mystical things...but...you say you can find where Dark is?"

"Finding Darkness is no hard task, but there is one small thing of you I must ask."

"Oh yes, a trade." Ryan glanced at those gathered there before shrugging, "But what could Ah have that you'd possibly want, Cora?"

"I can see you are no dummy, but from you Ryan..."


"I wish for those hands to rub my tummy."

Ryan, his herd, his little brother, and Doctor Whooves as well all looked at her with blank expressions before simultaneously face palming/hoofing.

"Once again, it's always with the this—"At this he took his hands, waved them, then placed them on his stomach"—followed by the rubbing. Heh, oh well...were Dark here he'd probably say something about in a land of hooves, the man with hands is king."

"They are quite useful, darling."

"And they do know just where to scratch perfectly."

"Dashie's right, Rysy-Wysy! You always know just where those digits need to go to scratch that itch."

Ryan coughed a bit, "Pinks! Anyway, yes, yes Zecora, if mah friend would like some belly rubs in exchange for finding mah buddy Dark Ah can accept those terms."

"Very well, to this I am pleased. To find Dark will be done with such ease." Zecora pulled out a few things and began to mix them together in her pot, "And one last thing so this spell's not a dud, and that would be a bit of Ryan's blood."

"Uhm, why in tarnation would ya need some of Apple Ryder's blood?"

"The answer is simple, AppleJack dear....and that is the connection Dark has with Ryan here."

Twilight twitched her nose before speaking up, "I think I get what she's saying: basically because those two are linked, we need something concrete that would have their....magical essence for lack of a better word."

"Well, if it'll help us find him faster." Ryan took a needle and pricked his finger, wincing slightly as a drop of his blood fell into the pot and it flared up in multiple colors, "Well...did it work?"

"Haha, indeed it did and quite so well....oh, but this is..."

"What? What did you find out, Cora?"

"Darkness Shade...he is in hell."

After talking with Zecora for a few minutes more and being assured that, yes, Darkness was somehow in the underworld, the group was walking back to Ponyville while attempting to figure out their next game plan.

"This is just simply insane! Ah mean, Ah know y'all said that Tartarus was real here but....are ya telling me there's an entrance to hell near our quiet little town?"

"I do believe that's what they've explained to you, old chap." The Doctor seemed a bit puzzled, "But I have to wonder, why would Dark end up there of all places?"

"P-perhaps it's whatever spell Trixie tried to cast?"

"Fluttershy might have a point; we don't know what her intent was with that last spell or how Dark's use of that Soul Crash spell may have altered it." Spike shrugged, "I'm nowhere near as knowledgeable in magic as Twilight is, but I figure that's a good guess."

"Hmmm...maybe but...if he truly is there..."

Stopping just outside of town, Ryan turned to face his herd, "We're not leaving him there...Ah don't know what Ah might face there and Ah don't care. Dark is...family. And Ah won't leave family to suffer."

"Awwww, yeah! Time to go kick some more butt again!" Rainbow Dash pounded her hooves and laughed, "Right big guy?"

"Well....Ah would say y'all shouldn't follow me but...Ah know that won't get me anywhere." He laughed heartily, "And besides, y'all wanna save him too. Care to join us as well, Doctor?"

"I don't mind being backup, but something like the Underworld...I get this bad feeling that going there might not be the best idea for me."

Ryan gave a nod, "Ah understand. Considering who and what you are, if you get the heebie-jeebies from it best to follow that instinct. The only problem is..."

"You don't think the nine of us are enough, do you?"

Turning to Lyra, he smiled before ruffling her mane, "On the money honey. Ah know Lunes and Cellie would be more than eager to give us some backup but..."

"We can't risk the Princesses, right?"

"Exactly, T-Sparks." Ryan was lost in his thoughts for a few moments before an idea crept into his mind...and refused to leave, "...."

"...darling, I know that look. You've thought of something, haven't you?"

"Yeah, Ah have Rare-bear—"


"—but it needs to stew a little more before Ah decide on it. For now Ah need to rest and...seeing as Trixie destroyed our precious home...hmmm, who's turn would it be?"

Before he could make a decision, the other six of his herdmates pushed Twilight Sparkle right up against him before smiling sweetly.

"...did...did Ah miss something?"

"Of course not, darling! You and Twilight are the ones that always have the plan, right?"

"Yes but..."

"And Ah know y'all will come up with something really helpful..."

"Well, yes Apps...."

"So ya see, Rysy-Wysy, this is our decision. Now go to the library, work on a plan, and then snuggle the ever-loving friendship outta Twilight!"

Ryan shrugged and grinned, "Well Pinks, when ya put it that way. Come on, T-Sparks, let's go...plan and snuggle or something. Maybe both at once....pluggle? Snugglan? Hmmm...needs work."

The Doctor could only laugh before bidding farewell and heading back to his home, "I dare say that human is something else...but he does remind me why I find them so remarkably curious."

After going over exactly where the entrance was, what might be awaiting them there, and what their best approach might be, Ryan was currently crashed on the couch with Twilight completely flat-out on top of him. His hand was idly tracing up and down her back as she snuggled close, softly kissing his neck as he tried to relax his mind after the series of events that had occurred.

"Mmmm, you gals always know just the right thing to help me chill out." Ryan paused, those particular words reminding him of something, "Hey...T-Sparks?"

"Hmmmm?" She opened her eyes slowly, staring at him, "What is it my big, warm peach?"

"Heh, peach...because most of mah "fur" is very short and fine. Yer such a nerd." Ryan gave her a loving kiss, "Ah love that though...but Ah was thinking about what happened to me. That weird transformation? Ya said ya knew all about it..."

Twilight frowned before nodding against him, "Yes. I do know about it...and that's because I had an incident like that myself some time ago only...mine involved fire instead."


"Yes...my rage became more than I could control and, much like how you iced over, I burst into flames." Twilight motioned with her head, "My tail, my mane, my whole appearance changed instantly. Just like yours changed you."

"...so...what is it then? Ah...Ah really hurt Trixie. It was...like Ah wasn't me. Or...maybe Ah was, but...but without restraint."

"First off, know that you couldn't have known that would happen." Twilight touched her forehead to his, "Okay? I don't want you letting this eat away at your heart like I'm sure you're trying to."

"Heh, okay, okay...but what is it then? It was weird...it was like a different state of being or something."

"After it first happened we were all a bit freaked out, myself more than the others of course. So naturally..."

"You sent a letter to Cellie asking her what the deal was?"

"Yes. She told me that for magic users when...when we reach a point where our rage nearly breaks us something resonates with whatever element we're in tune with most at the base level. As you've seen for yourself Ryan, it greatly enhances one's abilities but if you are not prepared for it—"

"—then it can overwhelm you and greatly alter yer personality."

"Precisely. I was scared of how I felt...but more so that I kind of liked the power too. The Princess was very reassuring though and, to be honest, she actually coached me so that I could—mostly—control that state."

Ryan smirked as he reached up and scratched behind her ear, "So then tell me mah bookworm, why did ya never think ta use that in any of our past battles?"

Twilight hummed softly before nuzzling against him, "Because in all those time I was in control, they were non-combat related. I...I just don't trust myself to be able to maintain full control in a fight."

"Hmmm, Ah can understand that worry. Just look at what happened when Ah hit that state fighting against Trixie. If you hadn't shown up when you did, Ah would've..."

"Hey, no need to think on that remember? You didn't...and I managed to snap you out of it." Twilight smirked before licking his cheek.

"Hey! Goober." Ryan wiped his cheek clean before licking hers in return, "Such silly pones Ah have."

"Indeed we are, your fault though. Haha, but yes...despite the Princess saying she fully believes I can control that state I refuse to use it in any fight we find ourselves in. However..."


"If you wish, I believe I can help train you to harness that state."

Ryan thought over it before noting Twilight's face hovering right over his, "T-Sparks?"

"After all, I believe that with enough practice you can harness it. Your silliness alone would be enough to counteract the change in personality it brings on."

Laughing quietly, he nodded, "Well...it couldn't hurt. As long as it's in a controlled situation, nopony should get hurt right? Now then...there's only one thing Ah figure ya wanna do that involves ya getting this face-to-face mah bookworm cuddle-bug."

With that Ryan exhaled slowly, smiling as he watched Twilight breathe in slowly before they switched off.



Ryan smiled warmly as he thought back to the first time he had found out about this particular show of intimacy they had in Equestria. AppleJack had shared it with him after they'd been dating for three months and while he initially didn't fully understand it, he had to admit he could see the appeal of it. After all, he likened sharing the same breath as a sign wishing to share the same soul...in short, to be one with the one you deeply love. Though he had done such an act with all of his marefriends by now, it always seemed as if Twilight in particular enjoyed it the most...as well as took any opportunity she could when they were alone to partake in it. Which is why he always indulged her but that could also be attributed to the fact that he just loved spoiling his herd and loved ones as much as he reasonably could.

"Ryan, heh...even to this day it still surprises me how things have turned out." Twilight gave a short laugh before kissing him, "Thinking back on that day so many months ago when we found you in the forest, I had no idea what to make of you. I was curious because you were new, unknown...I almost have to wonder, though, when exactly those thoughts of curiosity became more than just that. At least, enough so that when I found out about that talk you had with AJ and Rainbow they developed into something more than friendship and curiosity."

"Heh, perhaps all those cuddle puddles we made had a hand in that." Ryan laughed softly, "Ah suppose when you've got a big, warm human to snuggle with it's a bit inevitable."

"Hee, I suppose so. I wasn't sure of my feelings at first, but something inside my heart told me to go along with it and I certainly wasn't disappointed." Twilight nuzzled Ryan's chest happily, "I have to wonder if the others had similar lines of thought as we all became closer to you."

"That's as good a theory as any, hon. Perhaps so, but Ah'm sure Dark was right in saying that one event on Dashie's birthday changed things quite a bit. It's funny how you never know what life has in store for you." Ryan wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tight, "I never thought my life would bring me here and, despite missing mah family something fierce, Ah'm glad Ah ended up here of all places with y'all and found the love that Ah did."

"My sweet peach~"

With that Twilight and Ryan lay in silence, enjoying one another's company as they noted the light outside slowly fading as another day was coming to a close. After a short while, when the two had nearly fallen asleep in each other's arms, they were startled by a strange noise.

"Wha-what was that?" Twilight looked about before feeling a rumble underneath her, "...is that your stomach?"

"Haha, guilty as charged, mah bookworm."

"Well, I better fix that situation or it'll keep us up all night." Twilight rolled off of Ryan before poking his stomach, "I swear this keeps getting smaller over time but still makes the same amount of noise. So...what might you be in the mood for?"

Realizing this was the perfect opportunity, Ryan moved so he was sitting up, gave a short snort, and then stomped the ground before shooting a smirk Twilight's way. Twilight blinked before her cheeks flushed and she coughed to quickly regain her composure. Taking a deep breath, she rolled her eyes before attempting to speak, "W-well, it would seem you have been reading that book on Ancient Equestrian Languages I got you."

"I treasure gifts I receive from loved ones, and besides it did prove an interesting read alongside the other book ya gave me." Ryan scratched his head while laughing, "Ah think Ah was close enough to what Ah wanted to say."

"...I think I got the gist. I suppose that's my fault for giving you such a big opening though." Twilight giggled as Ryan followed her into the kitchen, "So, while we get some dinner made...would you care to share that idea you said had to develop some more?"

Three days later...

Our heroes were waiting in the outskirts of Ponyville for the Princesses to arrive. Certain members of the herd were getting impatient and made such thoughts known, "Rys! Why are we just standing around like this?"

"Ah told ya Dashie, we're waiting for our backup."

"...but you said the Princesses couldn't come with us."

"So Ah did..."

"Darling...what are we waiting for then?" Rarity touched her necklace, "And why are we wearing the Elements?"

"All part of mah plan. Now then, they should be..." Ryan looked up and spotted their chariot, "Ah! There they are, right on time!"

Descending from the heavens was Celestia and Luna's royal chariot...though something was being pulled along from behind. A certain...statue.

"...wait a minute."

"What is it Rainbow?"

"AJ...is that...does that look like what I think it is?"

"If you're meaning to say it looks like that dreadful Discord's statue, then I see it as well, darling."

"B-but why would they bring his statue here?" At this point Fluttershy, as well as the others in his herd, all turned to look at Ryan.

"...yes? You ladies seem to have something on yer mind."

"Are you crazy?!"

Ryan gasped as Lyra yanked him down to face-level with her magic, "Whoa...hey now, none of that."

Lyra squeaked as Ryan lightly flicked her horn and whined, "Hey....okay, okay, but why does your idea involve him? Do you wanna make things worse?"

"Hey, Ah've got mah reasons and you'll hear them soon enough." Ryan shrugged, "Besides, ya got yer Elements...and T-Sparks knew what Ah had planned and seemed okay with going along with it."

"Is this true, darling?"

"Yes, Rarity, it is." Twilight watched with the others as they landed just in front of them, "I had the same reaction at Ryan's plan but, after he explained things to me, I realized it might be our only chance of saving Dark."

"Well if Rysy-Wysy knows what he's doing, we should be okay!" Pinkie chuckled, "Besides, it's not like we don't have the Elements and what are the odds that somehow we get separated and Discord decides to betray us and ends up killing us all?"

The others were silent until Luna and Celestia cleared their throats, "Did we show up at a bad time?"

"No, no. We're all good Cellie. The others are just trying to take in what my plan entails."

"Very well then, allow us to place Discord down so we can get this plan in motion."

Luna and Celestia used their magic to carefully set the God of Chaos' petrified self down before turning to the Element bearers.

"One second y'all." Ryan pulled out Malus Domestica, "Propogate! Malus Domestica!"

Splitting his sword into its three parts he placed them strategically around Discord before nodding at his herd, signaling they could continue.

Twilight watched as the others turned to her before she nodded her head and focused, joining her powers with the others in order to free him from his prison. As the concentrated burst of rainbow magic connected with Discord, there was a loud explosion and a massive amount of dust kicked up obscuring him from view.

"Did...did it work? Did we set him free?"

"I don't know Fluttershy but..." Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes, "Wait...do you guys hear something?"

"Hmmm?" Ryan strained his ears, "It almost sounds like the kind of feedback one would get at a concert but that...doesn't...make...any...sense."

Wondering just why he trailed off like that, the others watched as the dust cleared and there, standing on a large stage that had appeared from nowhere was the one, the only, the God of Chaos himself: Discord!

"Please excuse me, I don't mean to alarm, And certainly I don't mean you any physical harm~"

With a large burst of fireworks emanating from seemingly everywhere, the others could only stare in disbelief and confusion as he kept singing...though Ryan was visibly annoyed, "Discord...."

"I'm just the reigning king of chaos here to rock your world, So just sit tight and let this little story unfurl~!"


"My mission is simple: Neverending Strife!" With this Discord leapt from the stage before moving about the confused group as he kept singing and playing, "I'll worm into your heart and then I'll cut like a knife!"

"Ack!" Ryan gasped, watching as he felt something thrust through his chest...but when he checked it was all an illusion, "...just the scar.....Disky."

"My intentions are clear, so just surrender your will. I'm a predator, and I'm going in for the kill!"

Twilight rolled her eyes, "Subtle as always...Ryan?"


Discord gave a laugh before hopping back on to the stage and rocking back and forth, "Don't hate me cause I'm funny, Don't hate me cause I'm beautiful! You should hate me cause I'm better than you!"

At this Ryan began twitching furiously in annoyance, his patience slowly running out, "...Disky!"

"I only want to party, I only want to play it cool! I'm beholden to seeing this through~"


"I could trot around your little pony head—"Which he did, somehow, before hopping back on the stage once more—"Spreading white lies and whispers! I'm gonna tell you about your fickle pony friends, Your rage is so hot, it blisters~"

As Discord played a solo on his guitar he clearly should not have been able to, Ryan had finally had enough of his antics, "Bloom! Arbor Pomifera!"

As the shining walls of his attack came together, Discord ran smack into the wall, interrupting his performance and destroying his guitar in the process. As the draconequus composed himself, he heaved an annoyed sigh before turning to his "audience", "You could've at least let me do the second verse, boy. So...for what reason have you released me? It can't possibly be to "murder my ass" seeing as your precious dragon brother is alive and kicking. The wings are nice though, quite unexpected."

Spike scoffed, "No thanks to you and your cheap shots."

"Well now, it appears you've developed some more bite to you. Ha, I find it most amusing that is a result of my handiwork." Discord smirked, "You're welcome."


"Oh yes, yes, the human is growing impatient. Perhaps his little herd should soothe his nerves lest he pop a blood vessel." Discord walked over to one of the walls and tapped it, "So then, Ryan, what exactly is the reason for bringing me back? And why haven't I heard a word from that delightful, old friend of mine?"

"That's exactly why yer here. So, as much as it goes against who you are, can you just sit there and listen for a few moments?"

Discord rolled his eyes before pulling off his ear and throwing it at the wall of magic where it promptly adhered, "Very well, I can lend you my ear for a few moments if you wish. Just try to make it not boring."

Exhaling deeply, Ryan composed himself before beginning, "Okay...so basically we were attacked by somepony that had acquired the Alicorn Amulet."

At this Discord's eyebrows raised right off his face, "...I thought that was destroyed by Tia and Lulu?"

"We had thought so as well, Discord, but it would appear it was more than we could handle." Luna growled softly, "Rest assured, it will be dealt with this time so that no other may suffer it's effects."

"Okay, but what does that have to do with Darkness? And hurry up, I'm getting antsy." At this Discord grew a pair of antennae before crawling all over the magical walls.

"I'm getting to it." Ryan groaned, "Basically Dark used Soul Crash to protect me after his Disharmonic Resonance spell took too much of a toll on him."

"...Soul Crash?" Discord seemed oddly serious at mention of that, "That spell...you foolish human...why?"

"We thought he was dead...but apparently he's alive." Ryan walked up till he was facing Discord, the only thing between them the magic of Malus Domestica, "And where he's at, we need backup."

"Oh, I see then. And I assume you can't risk the dear Princesses with where he is at, so you decided to bring me into the picture." Discord scoffed, "And just why do you think I would help you? I hate humans, remember? Or do I need to choke you to death again to get the point across?"

Looking up at Discord, Ryan moved his hand to dissipate Arbor Pomifera before walking even closer to him, "If that's true, then do it now. Show me Ah'm wrong in thinking you'll help. Show me that Ah was wrong thinking that the things you've heard from both me and Dark since then hasn't made you think."

Discord looked at him in surprise, something Ryan was quick to notice.

"That's right Disky, Ah knew ya had to be aware of what was going on. Just because yer trapped in stone doesn't mean you're still not awake in there. Heh, come on, that was obvious way back when. Ya know, when we first "met" and ya lost yer poker face for a split-second?"

"Do not test me boy..." Discord leaned down to look at him, "Even if that were to be all true, why do you think I would help you save him?"

"Simple...because deep down inside that chaos you call a heart, you still treasure him as a friend. You wish it could be like old times, but the hatred and anger that's built up after whatever happened all those years ago has clouded all that...it's made you think that can never be. Not because you think they wouldn't forgive you; no, it's because you can't forgive yerself." Ryan narrowed his eyes, "Tell me Ah'm wrong. Tell me you don't wish for things to be how they once were within the deepest depths of yer soul."

"..." Discord wasn't sure what to say so he simply laughed before adopting his usual smirk, "You always do surprise me Ryan, being as gutsy as you are. I suppose it would be interesting to go rescue Darkness. Besides, from the sound of things you would simply be lost without me~"

Ryan shook his head before offering his hand, "Well then..."

"Quite." Discord took Ryan's hand before shaking it vigorously, "Very well, boy, I will assist you in saving that goofball of a human."

"Heh, good ta hear. So get ready, Disky, it's time for us to go to Hell."

Author's Note:

Well it's finally here, even though it's May now. Kinda missed the once a month window but oh well.
So...it finally starts! Discord's big return and hopefully y'all didn't see anything like this coming.
Then again, Ah doubt many people would've expected a trip to Hell being in the forecast for this story.
And, once again, mah good buddy Andrea has supplied a nice picture to go with the chapter! It was his first time drawing Disky and Ah think he did a pretty good job. Hahaha, so make sure to check him out here!
Anyhow, now the wait begins anew to read of the coming adventure: The rescue of Darkness Shade begins next time on JHA! Bye till then! :pinkiehappy: