• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Rainbows, Snags and Ciphers?! Oh my!

*Kazuto's POV*

We’re back in Ponyville, since we had to pause the tour.

Myth was nowhere to be seen.

“Something’s not right here.” I noticed.

Rainbow scoffs "Ya think?!?"

Danyelle spoke "This isn’t good."

Danytwo spoke "Last thing any of us need is a repeat of Orion's tantrum.... Uh, no offense Orion."

Orion spoke "None taken."

A bush rustles near the group before Zelda pokes her head out.

Zelda spoke in a quiet voice "Down here."

The others and I enter into the tunnel, only to find a huge underground base that was dug out by Erza and a few other friendly Diamond Dogs.

Zelda spoke "It's as I had said on the telepath line... Teams Rainbow Rocket, Snagem and Cipher have taken full control of Canterlot City and I fear they plan to use any Mewtwo they find for sick experiments. I had to go to the Diamond Dog kingdom to get help in digging out a hidden bunker to evacuate the non fighters."

Danyelle spoke "Smart thinking."

Zelda spoke "It's bad enough that most of the Smashers got captured. The only ones left are Bowser, Luigi, Link, the other Zelda, Banjo, Kazooie, Bayonetta..."

Sonic spoke "And myself."

But then a portal made of fire appeared as Liu Kang and Geras came out of it.

Asuna asks "But what can eight Smashers, 50 adult Mewtwo, an Ancient Mew, an Ancient Mewtwo, a nekomata-gryphon hybrid with Mew blood, five demonic dogs, two alicorns, two earth ponies, a unicorn, two Pegasi, three chakats, a cat-alicorn hybrid, a bird, a dolphin, a monkey, three wolves, two tigers, a cat with Cyniclon powers, a monkey with Cyniclon powers, a fox with Cyniclon powers and a few dozen non-fighters do against Team Rainbow Rocket?"

Danyelle spoke "SNAP OUT OF IT, ASUNA! I know we may not be much, but I know we CAN beat them!"

Rainbow spoke "So says the cat that destroyed a stupid triangle! Which was awesome by the way!"

Danyelle and Rainbow Dash fist/hoofbumped.

Serena spoke "I helped out too though."

Danyelle spoke "Exactly!"

Celestia spoke "I'm worried about my sister and my parents."

Then Splinter and the four Turtles showed up.

Clarity pops up suddenly.

Clarity spoke "Mother!"

Celestia spoke "Clarity!"

The half demonic alicorn snuggled up against Celestia.

Clarity spoke "It's just like the Espeon said, Team Rainbow Rocket has taken control of Canterlot. I was able to get out with Moonlight in tow but I couldn't get auntie Luna or cousin Lightning or my grandparents out."

Celestia started getting angry as I noticed a flame or two starting to spark on her mane and tail.

Tama spoke "Cool it Celly."

Celestia immediately calms back down.

Celestia spoke "Thanks, Tama."

Tama chuckles "I got something planned for you sunbutt."

Celestia giggles "Well, ya better bring out the fire in me when that happens, demon dog."

Tama tickles his wife.

Celestia then started tickling her husband back with her feathers and while nuzzling him.

Clarity fake-gags.

Celestia giggles "Let’s save our loving energy for when this is over, my lusty-puppy."

Danyelle spoke "Given that we can't call in backup from some other universe... We're on our own."

Liu Kang spoke "Do not lose hope, Danyelle."

Danyelle spoke "I may have the Roar but it alone will not be enough to stop Team Snagem or Team Cipher."

Twilight spoke "DANYELLE! GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!!! Don’t forget you have us!"

Danyelle growls "Right! Let's stop them once and for all! NOW WHO'S WITH ME?!?"

Liu Kang, Geras and Celestia smiled with nods as the rest of us cheered.

Danyelle laughs "I can't hear you! I said WHO'S WITH ME?!?!?!"

The rest of us cheered again, louder this time.

Kai and Kara roar loud.

Danyelle yowls loud as Raising Fighting Spirit was heard, boosting the morale of everyone gathered.

Danyelle yowls "LET'S TAKE BACK CANTERLOT!!!"

Danyelle lead the fighters out to the surface before making their way to Canterlot on foot since the trains couldn't get to the city due to Team Rainbow Rocket and the other two groups.

The non-fighters stayed behind with the children.

The orange and white Mobian hamster male asks "How are we gonna stop them?"

Sonic spoke "I don't know Hamtaro but we're gonna try!"

Midnight spoke "Exactly!"

Danyelle spoke "LET’S GO!"

Danyelle flings an air blade at a tree, forcing an Inteleon Poké-Mobian male out of hiding.

Sonic spoke "Jeeze Chameleo! You nearly gave the lot of us a heart attack! And I'd rather not get yelled at by Bijou if Hamtaro had a heart attack."

Chameleo chuckles "Excuse me for wanting to join the fun!"

The Swampert-Mewtwo hybrid groans "Oh great, the bonehead's here."

Chameleo asks "What was that, Swampsuke?!"


The brunt of Sonic's Royal Voice sent the two males skidding backwards.

The scarred Vulpix Poké-Mobian female with dried blood around the neck silently growls.

Danyelle spoke "We better get moving."

The scarred Vulpix Poké-Mobian female silently nods since she couldn't talk.

Zoey spoke "When this is over, we should try the blue aqua."

The scarred Vulpix Poké-Mobian female silently gasps with her eyes wide.

Tails spoke "What worries me the most are those chains..."

Zoey spoke "Yeah, we’ll need to get them off her while doing that so those chains don’t dig into her neck."

Tails pulls out some metal cutters from the tail on his far left.

Tails spoke "Good thing I had these on hand."

Zoey spoke "On second thought, better get those chains off now."

Tails spoke "Right, we don't want the bad guys use them against us."

After Tails had cut the chains off, Danyelle melted them with her flames.

Zoey asks "Your neck feeling looser?"

The scarred Vulpix Poké-Mobian female silently nods before trying to use Flamethrower but couldn't due to how damaged her vocal chords were.

The scarred Vulpix Poké-Mobian female silently coughs out weak flames.

Zoey spoke "Yeah, I don’t think you can use moves that requires the throat right now."

Danyelle spoke "Her flame sac's ruptured, it's why she can't use any fire attacks."

Zoey spoke "She can’t use any vocal attacks either, like Roar."

Tails spoke "According to the pokedex... Her moves are Sand Attack, Flame Wheel, Dig and Flamethrower. Since Danyelle said the Vulpix's flame sac is damaged, that renders Flame Wheel and Flamethrower useless."

Chameleo spoke "Dang…"

Dren spoke "Perhaps the blue aqua can fix all that!"

Zoey spoke "Yeah, better take care of that now."

Zoey dug around in her hammerspace but only pulled out one piece of the blue aqua.

Zoey spoke "Bummer, this is all I have left."

Sonic spoke "We’ll need to find more at other places."

Zoey spoke "That may be so cuz but I'd have to talk to Wesley since I can't hide my cat and alicorn features that well when in Tokyo."

Zoey uses the last piece of blue aqua on the scarred Vulpix, removing the scars and dried blood while restoring the vocal chords and flame sac back to normal.

The Vulpix spoke "*raspy* Th-thank you."

Pinkie asks "*Brings out a jar of honey* Need some?"

A brown maned unicorn stallion spoke "I don't think it'd be needed, the six-tailed fox never talked before though."

Pinkie spoke "Just offerin’."

Zoey spoke "Hold on Pinkie, something about that stallion seems familiar..."

The stallion chuckles "Surprised you don’t recognize me, Zoey."

Zoey gasps "When did YOU become a unicorn Wesley?"

Blizzardstar chuckles as shi held Rarity back.

Chameleo asks "Huh? Is she alright?"

Blizzardstar chuckles "Long story."

Zoey giggles "Basically, Wesley's the opposite of Blueblood when it comes to personality."

Danyelle spoke "Now isn't the time to dawdle!"

Chameleo spoke "Yeah! Time we got some action!"

Kai roars "YEAH!!!!"

Danyelle spoke "Keep your voice down Kai or you and Midnight will give our location away."

Kai spoke "Whoops."

Midnight used his amulet to shrink down to Big Mac's size thus reducing the volume of his voice.

Danyelle spoke "There's grunts all over the place, more than what we can handle."

There were about 80 or so Mightyena Poké-Mobian grunt guards.

Chameleo asks "Mightyenas. I hate Mightyenas. *To Danyelle, whispering* So what's your plan for gettin' past those guys?"

Danyelle spoke "Live bait."

Chameleo spoke "Good idea. *Realizing* Heeey."

Danyelle spoke "Come on, Chameleo-- you guys have to create a diversion."

Chameleo asks "*incredulous* What do you want me to do? Use my Sexy Jutsu and do the hula?

Midnight spoke "*sweatdrop* This is so not gonna end well..."

Danyelle and the others kept downwind as they snuck past the grunt guards while Midnight and Chameleo created a distraction.

“Good thing all the guards outside look like carnivorous Poké-Mobians, even though they might prefer berries.” I whispered.

Ash whispers "I agree with you on that Indigo."

A minute later, Chameleo used his Sexy Jutsu, turning into a sexy female Inteleon wearing a grass skirt, coconut bra and a hibiscus flower on his head, while Midnight was in a giant warthog outfit, smelling like cooked pig and having an apple in his mouth.

Chameleo: Luau!
If you're hungry for a hunk of fat and juicy meat
Eat my buddy, Midnight, here, because he is a treat
Come on down and dine
On this tasty swine
All you have to do is get in line

Are ya achin'

Midnight: Yup, yup, yup

Chameleo: For some bacon?

Midnight: Yup, yup, yup

Chameleo: He’s a big pig

Midnight: Yup, yup

Chameleo: You can be a big pig, too

The 80 guards snarl as they chase after the two males.

Danyelle whispers "Celestia, you and the others find Luna and rally the guardsponies. *determinedly* Jessie, James and I'll look for Proton."

Celestia spoke "*Whispers back* Right."

Danyelle sneaks off with the trio of hedgehogs as Celestia went to look for Luna while the others and I look for the guardsponies.

“What about the rest of us?” I whispered.

Ash whispers "We should find the guardsponies."

“Question’s where.” I pointed out.

Ash spoke "I sense them in the caves below us."

Swampsuke spoke "Good. Let’s move."

Haru held up a hand to stop the other Mewtwos and the ponies.

Haru spoke "Hold on, I hear shouting..."

Danyelle was in her Mew form since it was small enough to fit into small spaces before using a size spell on the three hedgehogs to make them the same size as her before the four of them crawl through a vent.

Ash asks "What was that?"

Haru spoke "I may not have Danyelle's keen ears but I hear that Proton jerk barking out commands."

*Meanwhile with Danyelle and the three hedgehogs in the vents*

Danyelle whispers "Hey Jessie, James... Do you know that guy?"

Jessie groaned at that.

Danyelle whispers "*ears twitch* Hold on, I just heard him shout Luna's name."

James whispers "Really now?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, I have keen hearing."

After turning around to face the three hedgehogs, Danyelle kicks the vent grate off which had hit Proton square in the face.


Luna froze at that.

Danyelle's shout echoes throughout the entire castle, scaring anyone from Team Rainbow Rocket or the other two teams into submission.

Jessie spoke "Good thing neither of the leaders are here."

Danyelle spoke "Given that Giovanni's dead anyway, Team Rainbow Rocket will be easy to crush."

Luna asks "Sorry, but did I hear that right?"

Danyelle spoke "It's all true Luna, I only just found out since my real dad had let slip about the Ransei region."

Luna asks "Does that mean you’re an heir?"

Danyelle spoke "I lost that right years ago since my real parents abandoned their kingdom. Plus warlords are the closest thing that the Ransei region has to royalty."

Luna spoke "But that kingdom could be in ruins already."

Danyelle spoke "And since my real parents aren't nekomatas anymore, they're no longer in charge of the Aurora kingdom. It's been 30 years anyway but I still worry about my homeland."

Luna spoke "Then when you have the chance, go to that homeland."

Danyelle spoke "I'm going back to my homeland with my kids and my husband but I can't take Bluestar with me, she'll revert back to a regular plushie if I did."


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