• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Tartarus Terror/ Perilous Peaks/ Cloudsdale Confusion

*Shirou’s POV*

Well, we’re on our way down to Tartarus, which is hell for creatures with fur.

Crosswind spoke "Yer one ta talk wolfboy, Ah've got short fur."

“Tch, count yourself lucky for that.” I scoffed.

Crosswind spoke "Don't make me call Luna down here."

Applejack spoke "Both of ya calm down. The heat down here’s messin’ with us."

Crosswind spoke "The sooner we find the temple, the sooner we can git outta this hellhole!"

Applejack spoke "Won’t be as easy as we think. Cerberus might be controlled by Dark Gaia right now, putting him in his true form too while twistin’ it."

Crosswind groans "Of all times ta not have Flowerstep or Fluttershy with us..."

“Who knows, he might have four heads, the fourth being the tail.” I noted.

Crosswind growls as shi pulled Applejack close.

“And speak of the devil.” I noted as the Dark Gaia Cerberus appeared in its true form, with its tail looking similar to a snake.

Crosswind rears up before slamming hir front paws down, sending earth spikes towards the dark cerberus.

But the three heads on front suddenly released noxious breath, putting them on alert as I could tell that breath could hurt us.

A Swampert-Mewtwo hybrid shows up before firing hydro pump from his mouth at the three heads, drenching them.

But then the tail/snake head spat venom at the hybrid, paralyzing it.

The Swampert-Mewtwo hybrid ate a cheri berry thus getting rid of the paralysis.

The Swampert-Mewtwo hybrid scoffs "Didn't your mother tell you not to spit at others?"

But then Dark Gaia Cerberus leapt at us and pounded the ground before we saw clear see-through doubles of us that were being dragged toward Cerberus in fear. We then realized those were our souls, so we couldn't let Cerberus eat them!

I tore my collar off as I switched to my other form before howling loud at the Cerberus, negating its attack.

But then Dark Gaia Cerberus let out a haunting wail before we were knocked up by souls as we suddenly became linked to the controlled dog. Cerberus then pulled us in with the links before knocking us back as all three heads on front became alert again.

A tri blast of energy hits the Dark Gaia Cerberus, severing the link.

A tri-layered voice laughs "Oh my, how the mighty Ginrou has fallen victim to a mere three headed mutt!"

But then all four of Dark Gaia Cerberus' heads were looking at the newcomer with angered growls and hisses.

Flying on a pair of pink wings, Nazuna flies into a spindash thus chopping off the tail-head.

I spoke "Nice one Nazuna!"

Nazuna spoke "Thanks!"

But then the snake grew its head back before it and all three heads on the front spat venom at Nazuna, hitting her while stunning her from the paralysis.

Nazuna shapeshifted to her false Ginrou form before roaring at the monster.

"Looks like we'll need to knock Cerberus out cold." I noted.

Nazuna spoke "Exactly Shirou since you and I along with Alan have the size and strength advantage while Applejack and Cross have the speed advantage."

Nazuna shot fire from her mouth at the Cerberus before it could spit more acid.

Dark Gaia Cerberus was stunned by the sudden and quick attack.

Nazuna leapt high into the air, grabbing onto a rock on the ceiling thus pulling it down.

The Cerberus was knocked out cold after it had spat up a female Vulpix Poké-Mobian with a bloodied dress and chains around the neck.

But then Cerberus suddenly transformed back to normal.

The blood-stained Vulpix Poké-Mobian was soon yelling at the Cerberus.

The Poke-Mobian then placed her fingers on all three necks before she sighed in relief. "Thank goodness he's only unconscious."

Nazuna asks "Who are you?"

After the Element of Honesty was restored, the others and I headed back.

I had dropped Applejack and Crosswind through a portal to the Chuddle Hotel as a piece of the planet went back to normal.

I was slack jawed when I saw my wife's marewolf form.

Alan laughs "Oh man! You're a horny wolf, you know that right Shirou?"

I didn't hear any of that as I found myself only focusing on Luna.

Lightning laughs as he sent me and Luna through a warp ring to the hotel.

Nazuna heads off towards the Peaks of Peril.

*Michiru's POV*

I was airlifting Pinkie and Kiki over the rocky walls.

I ask "You sure there's a temple here Pinkie?"

Pinkie spoke "Yessiree! And I have a feeling someone will be there to help us! Two someones!"

I ask "Is one of them a wolf?"

Kiki spoke "I may not have Danyelle's longsight but I see a pink blur in the distance... It's not Amy though."

Pinkie spoke "Huh, make that three, ‘cause I think that cyborg wolf couple will be there to help us."

I spoke "Alan's not traveling with anyone else, he's alone."

Pinkie spoke "I didn't say that. That couple's waiting ahead of us."

I groan "For Ginrou's sake... This isn't their problem, it's our problem..."

Pinkie asks "Come on! They can help us! Please?"

I spoke "Danyelle told them to protect the children. And Pinkie, don't make me drop you."

Pinkie spoke "But Jasmine said she has that all covered and protecting the kids."

Kiki spoke "But the Crusaders are a real handful since one is half ghost and three are the eldest children of the Blue Blur..."

True to Kiki's word, the Crusaders were hopped up on sugar and zooming all over the hotel.

But Jasmine was doing a great job of keeping the damage to a minimum.

We soon arrived to see Nazuna and what Pinkie said was true. That couple did get here before Nazuna.

Nazuna growls "How and why are you here?"

The anthro cyborg she-wolf spoke "Jasmine teleported us here, plus Pico and I really wanted to help the others here."

I spoke "Danyelle told you no!"

Pico spoke "Don't worry. Once this temple's done, Candy and I will head back to help Jasmine."

I spoke "Bad idea... I heard rumors that the Peaks of Peril are really hard to climb over."

Candy asks "Huh, I think Pico and I can handle that. Besides, it's a full moon tonight, right?"

I looked up and indeed saw a full moon.

Kiki asks "Is it just me or does the moon look a bit bigger than it should be?"

A howl rang clear all over the world as a dark yellow almost orange furred nine tailed werefox was running up through the sky with balls of air under his hands and feet as he rams headfirst into the moon, pushing it back into the sky.

I spoke "GO TAILS!!!"

Pinkie spoke "Huh, gives us more time."

Candy and Pico looked at the moon before the female's face faded on her visor with a green circle and "!" appeared, then faded as her mouth and eyes became green with her mouth looking more jagged while her eyelashes, eyelids, pupils and lips becoming blue as Pico's face faded on his visor with an orange circle and "!" appeared, then faded while his mouth and eyes became red with his mouth looking more jagged while his eyebrows, eyelids, pupils and lips became yellow. But then something weird happened; the two anthro cyborg wolfves started getting bigger, like they were inflating, as their bodies and limbs looked like they were gaining weight while we heard air hissing. When they stopped growing, they were each as big as Celestia.

Candy asks "Surprised?"

Kiki spoke "He's just one fox though."

"So we have no time to waste." I said as all of us started climbing the Peaks of Peril, and surprisingly, Candy and Pico were keeping up with us just fine.

Kiki spoke "Hold on a minute tanuki! We might be dealing with some unknown creatures."

"Like what?" I asked as we kept going.

Kiki spoke "I heard Swift Strike mention something about niriks."

"Niriks?" I asked in confusion.

Kiki spoke "I don't know much about them either."

A warp ring opens up as Danyelle walked out with Swift Strike following.

Swift asks "Did someone call me?"

Danyelle noticed Pico and Candy, but stayed calm.

Danyelle asks "Normally, I'd be angry right now. But see that you two have some kind of wereform and keeping up with the others so well, I'll let it go this time. But when this piece of the planet is back in place, you two are heading back to the hotel to help Jasmine with the Crusaders. Am I clear?"

Candy and Pico spoke "*Gladly* Crystal."

I ask "Say Danyelle, do you know anything about niriks?"

Danyelle spoke "Not directly but from what I heard... They're know for short tempers."

*after arriving in the village,*

Danyelle asks "Is it just me? Or are there no niriks here?"

One of the kirins was curious about the three Mobians.

Pinkie spoke "Huh, wonder what happens when you spell and say nirik backwards."

Danyelle spoke "For the love of StarClan... shut up Pinkie."

But then I realized something. "Wait a minute... I think Pinkie's actually onto something."

Danyelle uses sign language to ask the kirin what happened.

"This might take a while." I noted.

Danyelle's ears twitch in a pattern as if to ask the kirin what happened.

Danyelle spoke "No good, the kirin are refusing to talk to us."

Pinkie asks "Hmm... Maybe there's one outside the village?"

Danyelle puts duct tape on Pinkie's mouth to shut her up.

"Was that really necessary, Dany?" I asked.

Danyelle spoke "You see that stream over there? I think that's why the kirin here aren't talking... And since Pinkie was being noisy, they would have put her into the stream thus silencing her... So I had to duct tape Pinkie's mouth."

"Why?" I questioned.

Danyelle leads me and Kiki someplace else.

Danyelle spoke "My guess would be that the kirin are supressing their emotions..."

“Why would they do that?” Kiki asked.

A voice spoke "Perhaps I can answer that!"

I ask "Who are you?"

The kirin happily spoke "I’m Autumn Blaze and I’m SOOO happy to meet new creatures here!"

Pinkie, Nazuna, Candy and Pico caught up with us as Pinkie’s words were muffled.

Danyelle snickers since she was the one that had duct taped Pinkie's mouth.

I spoke "I'm Michiru Kagetashi, tanuki. The others are Danyelle Hikari, Nazuna Kagetashi, Candy and Pico. The kinda mute pony is Pinkie Pie."

Autumn Blaze asks "*Serious* You did that, didn't you?"

Danyelle spoke "The other kirin would have thrown Pinkie into the stream if she didn't stop talking."

Autumn spoke "That's still wrong. Here, let me help."

Autumn used her horn to take the duct tape off Pinkie's muzzle.

Pinkie spoke "Whew! Thanks."

Danyelle was on her back while laughing since the tape had torn some fur off Pinkie's muzzle.

Pinkie noticed that and shrugged. "Eh. It'll grow back."

Danyelle's left ear twitches before she started growling.

Even Nazuna was growling.

Pico spoke "Looks like we got trouble."

Candy spoke "Definitely."

Pico and Candy readied themselves.

Right after the sun had set, Danyelle had gone into werecat form before howling.

Pico and Candy went back into their wereforms as they howled as well. I think Candy told me those were their Wereloon forms.

I glow a bright green as I used my shapeshifting to transform into a wolf-like creature, my clothes were stored in my hammerspace.

I howl loud.

Kiki, Pinkie and Autumn spoke "WOW!!!"

A flash of pink light was seen as a dark gaia minion was knocked out with a headbutt.

My tail wags happily before I headbutt another minion, knocking it out cold.

Kiki spoke "Pinkie! You and Michiru have to get to the temple!"

I pick Pinkie up by the body with my mouth, minding my strength as I dart off to the temple.

Danyelle knocks Dark Gaia Rain Shine out cold, freeing the kirin leader from the monster's influence.

Candy spoke "Alright!"

Right after the Element of Laughter was restored, the ground shook thus indicating that a piece of Equis has been restored.

Carrying Pinkie on my back, I spoke "It's all on the speedsters now."

Nazuna shook the dust off her fur, revealing the foal's breath flower.

Danyelle spoke "Nice one Nazuna, you figured out the cure before Applejack and Fluttershy did."

Pico spoke "You girls did a great job."

Danyelle contacted Sonic to let him know of the progress.

*Sonic's POV*

I spoke "Hey Rainbows, I just got a telepathic call from Danyelle. The element of laughter and another piece of Equis has been restored!"

Rainbow asks "Awesome! How's Corina holding up?"

Corina spoke "*pant* I'm barely keeping up..."

Rainbow spoke "Man, you need to fly and exercise more."

Corina spoke "Oh bite me Skittles, I've got eggs on the way!"

Rainbow spoke "Oh, right. Forgot about that."

Corina counters "So, when will YOU be having kids Rainbow?"

That definitely made Rainbow blush madly and off guard.

I chuckle "She got you good Skittles."

But then Rainbow remembered something, which made her laugh.

Corina chitters "You're one to talk Blue Boy, I heard rumors that the captain of the Wonderbolts has it bad for you."

I stammer "Wh-what?!?!?!"

Rainbow giggles "I know! That's what I remembered! And if it's true, Sonic's amount will go from 2 to 3!"

Corina spoke "He is half pony after all and it's only natural that mares rule the roost since there are more of them than stallions."

I spoke "Shut up birdie..."

Corina snickers "And speaking of, I see Spitfire right now! Hey Spits! Over here!"

Spitfire spoke "Whew! Am I glad I found you three! Something strange is happening in Cloudsdale!"

Hiding a faint blush with the scarf I took from Orion, I spoke "It happened in five other places too. I know what caused this all to happen, Dark Gaia."

Spitfire spoke "Wow! But-GAH!"

Some kind of black tendril got hold of Spitfire before it pulled her back to Cloudsdale.

Spitfire shouts "Oh no! It got me too!"

I flew into a spindash, ripping the black tendril in half thus freeing Spitfire.

Holding the Pegasus in my arms, I ask "You okay?"

Spitfire stammers "Y-Yeah…"

Corina and Rainbow were both laughing their tail off.

Rainbow laughs "Wow Spitfire! If I hadn't seen it for myself, I wouldn't have known that you had a crush on Princess Luna's eldest grandson!"

Corina laughs "Oh cuss! Luna's gonna spit her bridle once she finds out about this!!!"

Rainbow laughs "Hey! That’s what I said earlier!"

Corina spoke "Wait until Roll and Blaze find out!"

Rainbow giggles "Hehe! I bet Roll, Blaze and Spitfire will triple tackle him."

Corina spoke "I heard rumors that some other counterpart of you is dating a Pegasus version of Sonic."

Rainbow asks "*Surprised blush* Say what now?"

Corina spoke "It's just a rumor I heard though."

Rainbow spoke "Oh. Okay, cool."

Corina teases "And Spitfire, you're blushing!"

Spitfire’s wings shot on end like that.

I spoke "Don't make me hit you Birdie."

Corina spoke "Try me hedgehog, you wouldn't want to piss Jet off."

Rainbow asks "Guys, Cloudsdale, remember?"

I soon notice darkened bruise-like spots on both of Spitfire's wings.

I ask "Did you get beaten up by something Captain?"

Spitfire spoke "Wait-what? *Looks at bruises* Oh no! It still got me!"

I used Chaos Heal to cure the bruises on Spitfire's wings.

Spitfire spoke "Thanks, but I'm still feeling weird."

Rainbow spoke "I'm no Cadence but even I can see that you have it bad for the Blue Blur."

Spitfire stammers "*Blushing* Wh-What're you talking about?!"

I chuckle "It might be because of my stallion half."

Corina spoke "The last temple is just ahead!"

But then we heard a dark and ghastly neigh.

Corina spoke "Th-that sounded like Soarin!"

But then we felt really cold winds blow in.

Corina was shivering since she had an aversion to ice.

Rainbow spoke "Oh no...!"

Spitfire spoke "This can't be good.... Since we're dealing with an ice elemental, we need someone that can use fire!"

Rainbow spoke "I'll take care of this."

Twilight was in her Deep Lilac form as she flew through the sky.

Deep Lilac spoke "I'll help you out Rainbow!"

Rainbow spoke "Thanks, Twi. Or Lilac."

Deep Lilac spoke "Flew all the way from Canterlot once the Element of Magic had been restored."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Awesome!"

I chuckle "And I suppose my grandpa's a horny wolf..."

Deep Lilac spoke "You could say that."

"What happened exactly?" I asked with a smirk.

Deep Lilac giggles "Long story short, Luna's a marewolf now."

"Whoa, really? Hehe, wow." I said in surprise.

Rainbow spoke "The sooner we stop that thing, the sooner we can fix the Element of Loyalty!"

Deep Lilac spoke "Right."

Rainbow flew at the windigo while cloaked in fire, ramming head first into the icy creature.

Sonia was on Adagio's back as the yellow siren flew through the sky.

Adagio shot fire from her mouth at the windigo.

"Whoa! Nice!" I smiled.

Sonia spoke "Yep."

Adagio roars loud.

Rainbow spoke "Let’s do this!"

Adagio spoke "WE GOT THIS!!!!"

Deep Lilac spoke "No doubt about it!"

I spoke "You got this girls!"

Rainbow shot fire at the windigo.

The windigo howled/neighed in pain.

Deep Lilac spoke "That sounded like...."

Spitfire spoke "Fleetfoot!"

“Thought so. Dark Gaia is controlling them.” I noted.

Deep Lilac spoke "We have to break them free!"

Rainbow spoke "But that means we’ll have to knock ‘em out cold."

A howl rings clear before a pink blur slams headfirst into the windigo, knocking it out cold with a fiery spindash.

I ask "Was that Amy?"

Sonia spoke "I don't think so Sonic, she doesn't know how to use the spindash."

Rainbow spoke "Hold on, maybe she does, and with her hammer too."

Sturdy pink wings were heard flapping.

The female giggles "I don't think Amy can manifest a pair of wings unless she was a Changeling, no offense to Chrysalis and Thorax."

“Whoa! Nice one, Nazuna!” I cheered.

Nazuna spoke "I had NO idea I could even pull that off!"

Rainbow and I flew to the temple to restore the Element of Loyalty, causing another piece of Equis to be restored to normal.

Nazuna spoke "We should meet up with the others in Canterlot."

"Now we gotta go down after that. WAY down." I said as Chip appeared.

Chip spoke "Sonic's right about that, Dark Gaia's in the center of the planet."

Rainbow spoke "Knowing Rarity, she'd whine and complain about the amount of dirt on the way to Dark Gaia."

Nazuna's right ear twitches before she giggled.

Nazuna spoke "You're not gonna believe this Sonic but we've got two more werebeasts, both male this time."

To be concluded...

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