• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Rainbow's New Child/ Goofy and Donald's Arrival

*Rainbow Dash’s POV*

Hehe, I can’t believe Raptor and I are having another race.

Danyelle and Twilight were talking about their plan to prank Ein.

“Heh, you’re like a brother I never had.” I smirked at Raptor.

Raptor spoke "Ha, and you’re like a twin sister to me."

Danyelle spoke "Hey Skittles, I'm gonna need your help for a prank I'm gonna pull on Ein."

“Really?” I asked, excited.

Danyelle snickers "Yeah, I'm planning to pull it off on the 31st."

Danyelle whispers her plan into my ear.

“Ooh! That’ll be so awesome!” I smirked.

A rather tired mewl was heard from a bush near me.

“Huh?” I noticed.

Rani was curious about the noise so she used Psychic to move the bush elsewhere, thus revealing a shiny baby Mewtwo with a tired look in his eyes.

“Who’s this little guy?” I asked.

Danyelle spoke "No idea but his defense stat is like a tank. His speed on the other claw is rather low."

“Like a tank, huh?” I wondered.

The newly named Tank was looking at me before smiling slowly.

That made me giggle.

Carrying a border collie colored female babytwo on her back, Applejack spoke "Would'ya look at that, he even smiles slow."

Pinkie and Rarity showed up while carrying babytwos too.

Twilight asks "Am I the only one with a normal pet along with a babytwo?"

Danyelle giggles "Seems babytwo fever has begun."

“Say what now?” Raptor and I asked, lost.

Danyelle spoke "Nara, Rouge and I have been raiding various Team Rocket bases lately and finding that more Mewtwos have been created."

Rouge flew in. “And I found some interesting info.”

Rouge spoke "Mewtwos that aren’t purebred may change, evolve or mutate as they grow."

Haru spoke "I'm still an Eevee-Mewtwo hybrid though. I chose to stay as I am."

Narancia spoke "Yep."

Danyelle spoke "Even though I look like a nekomata-gryphon hybrid, I have diluted Mew blood and Plasmeon blood in my veins."

Twilight snickers "So Nara, when will you and Rouge have a babytwo of your own?"

Narancia and Rouge blushed at that.

Narancia spoke "H-Hey! Mind your own business!"

All of the other 'Twos were snickering.

Haru snickers "You're one to talk Nara, you can be rather batty at times."

Twilight was on her back while laughing.

Asuna giggles "Good one Haru!"

But it looked like Narancia was about to lose his temper.

Indigo chuckles "We're just teasing ya man."

Narancia then grumbled in Italian.

Danyelle spoke "It took me some time but I was able to translate that scroll to Equish but the bad news is... Scootaloo's parents are trapped... There's no way I can get them out even with a warp ring..."

That only made me laugh. “Come on! We can get them out!”

Danyelle spoke "According to the scroll I decoded, the portal that the two fell into was a one way portal. Plus warp rings aren't able to pinpoint them... Not unless I knew their names."

“Scootaloo obviously knows her own parents’ names.” I pointed out.

Danyelle spoke "As does Mayor Mare, we could ask her."

Lan showed up with his PET. “Guys, Megaman found something.”

Roll asks "Uh, who are you?"

To Lan's surprise, the yellow hedgefox had the same jade green eyes as Roll.exe had which had caused him to freak out and faint.

Megaman asks "Lan? You okay? Lan?"

Danyelle spoke "I think he fainted..."

Megaman asks "Wait a minute, what’s going on?"

Sonic spoke "I'm just as confused as you are dude. My guess would be that he fainted at the sight of one of my three wives."

Megaman spoke "Nevermind, I found something strange in the net. Some kind of digital circus."

Danyelle spoke "Sorry but we can't help."

Discord suddenly popped up. “What’s going on here?”

All of the babytwos started crying, causing the other females and I to glare at Discord.

Discord vanished as quickly as he showed up.

Calming Irene and Rani down, Danyelle spoke "He should have known better than to spook a group of babies..."

Megaman spoke "I think he realized he was at the wrong place at the wrong time, so I don’t think it’s his fault."

Rarity was trying to calm Opal back down.

Tank was already tired as he gave out a sleepy yawn.

Danyelle's ears twitch before she started growling.

Heartless suddenly appeared.

Danyelle lets several blades of air fly at the Heartless, destroying them instantly.

Danyelle spoke "Seems like I'm gonna have to contact Sora, let him know what just happened."

*After a letter was sent to Sora,*

Danyelle spoke "Good thing I was on high alert the whole time."

But then we heard a goofy yell and angry quacking.

Twilight and the others grab their kids before scattering.

But then two figures crashed on the ground.

Danyelle spoke "Well if it isn't the goofball and the short fuse."

The gryphon's head immediately turned red while we heard steam kettle whistles.

The gryphon squawks "Why I oughta-!? *Angry quacking while furiously flailing around*"

Danyelle drenches the new gryphon with waterbending, cooling his temper.

Danyelle growls "Cool it Donald! Your temper is scaring the babies!"

The diamond dog was making funny faces as the babytwos started laughing joyfully.

The Diamond Dog spoke "Aww... Ain't you little fellers cute."

Danyelle spoke "I should warn you Goofy, Pigment has a habit of phasing through things."

Pigment showed up, phasing through Goofy as he chuckled.

Goofy chuckles "That tickles."

Zoey spoke "I do apologize for Pig, she is a Ghost-Psychic type Mewtwo after all."

Goofy spoke "Aww, kind of reminds me of Zero."

The Mane Six ask "Who?"

Danyelle spoke "Ghost dog."

Fluttershy asks "*Excited* Dog?!"

Danyelle spoke "Down Fluttershy."

Goofy spoke "Oh! Halloween’s comin’ up soon! That means we might see Zero again!"

Danyelle spoke "Here in Equestria, we call it Nightmare Night."

Goofy asks "Really? Huh, why’s it called that?"

Twilight spoke "It's best if you ask my mentor about it."


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