• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Disaster Strikes!

*Danyelle's POV*

Due to the recent vision I had, I had gone up to Canterlot to talk with Celestia and Tama.

I spoke "Celestia, I bring bad news. A comet is approaching Equis and none of the Ghost type Poké-Mobians can touch it... Plus Ray can't touch the rock either since it might be radioactive..."

Ray was suddenly behind me, spooking me a bit. “C’mon, you’re joking, right? I’m a dragon type, the toughest type of Poke-Mobian there is. I’m also a flying type, so you can see how I survive in space like that.”

Clarity spoke "Not against the grim comet though since according to dad, it appears once every 500 years. Plus there's a shit-ton of demons inside it."

Sonic spoke "*Shows up* You don’t remember, Dany? Us Mobians can breathe fine in space."

Tama spoke "I'm sorry grandnephew but the grim comet is far too dangerous to deal with. Both of my nephews had dealt with a fragment before, as did my brother countless times before he died."

Sonic spoke "Shadow dealt with the Black Comet, ya know."

A new voice asks "Black Comet?"

Zoey spoke "Ugh… Sorry I was gone for a while, or years, or… I don’t know how long it’s been."

I ask "Unstable magic on the fritz?"

Zoey spoke "Yeah, and you won’t believe where and when it sent me, but I’m glad that happened since I had some Blue Aqua on me."

I spoke "You dumbass cat, you do realize that you changed the course of history with one piece of blue aqua..."

Clarity spoke "Not only that, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha are gonna freak the hell out..."

Zoey spoke "Hey, he told me he was going into hiding until today."

I wingslap Zoey on the back of the head.

Then Beetlo the Scarabeon showed up. "Everything alright?"

I spoke "This dumbass cat altered history..."

Beetlo spoke "Wait, I don't see any major changes, so maybe she didn't change much."

I spoke "Many thought that the guy was dead though..."

I teleport before reappearing with Sesshomaru, Rin, Towa, Setsuna, Inuyasha, Kagome and Moroha.

I teleport yet again before returning with a slender demonic Mobian female dog.

Kimi asks "Tamashi! What is going on... here?"

The group noticed the new face as their jaws dropped.

Inuyasha asks "Do I know you?"

The male spoke "Yeah, but it'd be hard to remember me since you were only an infant the last time I saw you."

Kimi asks "Toga, is that really you?"

Toga spoke "You bet I am, Kimi."

Rin and Kagome both back off with their daughters since they knew how pissy Kimi can get.

Kimi starts strangling Toga.

Toga spoke "*Choking* Kimi! Please calm down!"

Tama spoke "You kinda had that one coming bro."

Sesshomaru spoke "Stop it mother."

Kimi didn't hear that.


Kimi stopped at that.

Clarity spoke "Talk about alpha behavior!"

Beetlo spoke "You’re telling me."

But then I sensed a Changeling hiding here, making me giggle.

Kagome's ears flatten since she sensed something bad coming.

“I know you’re here, Ocellus.” I smiled as a nearby chair shook with an “Eep!”

Twilight pops up suddenly.

Twilight spoke "Danyelle! We got trouble! A hostile Changeling Queen has attacked Ponyville! Chrysalis is doing what she can to hold the other queen off!"

I couldn’t help but facepalm. “First meteors, now this? Can’t I catch a break?”

Tama spoke "Let us demons deal with the comet, you should deal with the bug."

I spoke "Right, come on Twilight!"

Twilight spoke "Okay!"

Beetlo "I’m coming along too!"

I teleport with the trio back to Ponyville.

To my horror, Jessie and James were no bigger than Bluestar since Fylifa had turned them into kids.

I spoke "Twilight, you find a way to reverse what happened. I'll deal with the Changeling!"

Twilight spoke "This is gonna be tough."

I spoke "I'm tougher than I look!"

A timid voice spoke "W-Wait! I-I wanna help too."

Ocellus showed up, revealing herself.

I spoke "Sorry but Changeling queens can be dangerous if provoked."

Ocellus spoke "I know... B-But I don't wanna be useless."

I spoke "But you can help Ben protect my little ones."

Ocellus spoke "But... I can't stand on the sidelines this time."

An injured Chrysalis spoke "No means no Ocellus."

Fylifa laughs "You are such a disgrace to all Changelings Chrysalis! I'm gonna ENJOY TEARING YOU AND YOUR PATHETIC HIVE APART!!! STARTING WITH THAT PINK RAT!!!"

Amy's left eye was twitching in anger.

Amy asks "Are you talking to me?"

I spoke "Uh-oh... She called Amy a pink rat...."

I pull Ocellus back since I knew how mad Amy can get when pissed off.

Amy asks "Are you talking to me?"

I spoke "She shouldn't have said that."

Amy shouts "ARE YOU TALKING TO ME?!?"

I spoke "Now she's in for it!"

Amy screams "MY NAME IS AMY ROSE!!!!"

Amy and Fylifa were soon in a fight cloud.

Beetlo asks "Should we do something?"

Sonic spoke "Unless you want to be on the receiving end of Amy's hammer, it's best not to interfere."

"Yeah, this could take a while." I agreed.

I tend to Chrysalis' injuries.

Chrysalis spoke "Thank you Danyelle. I was on my way to visit Fylifa to help reform her and her hive when she all of a sudden snapped, like she was a whole different Changeling."

I spoke "My guess would be that she somehow got tarkat."

Chrysalis asks "Hold on, that makes no sense. What if something's going on inside her head?"

I spoke "If my theory is correct, Sonic should have dreamwalking magic since he is Luna's eldest grandson."

Fylifa was soon knocked out cold.

I spoke "NOW SONIC!!!"

Sonic used his magic to enter Fylifa's subconscious.

*Sonic's POV*

I look around to find what caused the Changeling queen to snap in the first place.

And yeesh, looks a dark personality was in there and took control as I ran into the real Fylifa.

Fylifa spoke "You have to help me break my mind out of Trista's control!"

I shifted to werehog form.

I growl "Who is Trista?"

Fylifa spoke "A dark personality of mine that finally took control over when I was sad that Chrysalis stopped visiting. I've been trapped in my own head for years, at least I managed to break free now. But now we gotta head to that tower."

I looked at said tower and saw Fylifa's head smirking on top of it, but her manestyle was different, more sinister.

I spoke "I wouldn't call myself the Mobian Element of Loyalty if I turned my back on someone in need."

Fylifa spoke "Thanks. I appreciate it."

I spoke "Seems like you have split personality disorder."

Fylifa asks "Know what would've been crazier than having an evil personality? Having a personality of an angry old mare when I get frustrated, a personality of a gymnastic stallion in acrobatically difficult situation, a personality of a tough and strong mafia mare when I wear a bra, and a personality of an Austallian mare whose a tracker and explorer when I wear a fedora. Wouldn't that be insane?"

I spoke "My grandmother's an alicorn though."

Fylifa spoke "Okay, that's more crazy."

I chuckle "I've also got a demonic cousin too. And she's just as bad as my great aunt is when it comes to cake."

Fylifa spoke "I'm not gonna question it. Let's go!"

I growl since I sensed powerful magic approaching.

I spoke "Since Danyelle and my fellow Element bearers can't help in this case, I have to handle this alone."

Fylifa spoke "Sorry, but since this is my mind, I’m helping you."

Okay, she does have a point.

I spoke "My adopted sister's put your body in a sleep state so that Trista can't lash out and kill someone. I'd rather not get a shadow ball to the face from Orion if Rainbowtwo or Rosebud got hurt or worse."

But then giant changelings emerged, ready to attack us.


Blades of wind magic slice the giant changelings to pieces.

I spoke "Good thing my airbending still works!"

Fylifa spoke "Be glad those were only mental projections."

I spoke "Whatever it was, it's gonna slow us down more since I don't have my speed at night."

The two of us moved forward as we later arrived at the tower, finding a push door.

Fylifa spoke "Huh, guess Trista never expected me to get this far."

I spoke "I may not have Danyelle's Dimensional Scream or Indigo's danger sense but I can tell there's a huge trap waiting for us."

Fylifa opened the door and looked inside before looking up, causing her jaw to drop. “If by trap, you mean a ridiculously high and seemingly endless spiral staircase, then yeah, you’re right about that.”

I spoke "There goes teleportation magic and Chaos Control..."

It took a real long time to get to the top, and I thought that amount of boredom would drive me crazy. We then noticed a button on a pedestal as Luna appeared.

Luna spoke "I’m glad I have a connection to my grandson."

I could help but chuckle at that.

I spoke "I just learned how to use dreamwalking magic though."

Luna spoke "Indeed. But you’ll get better."

Fylifa asks "Okay, but what’s that?"

Luna spoke "That’s your reset button. If you press it, you’re yourself again, just you, just Fylifa."

Zoey suddenly pops up since she had just unlocked dreamwalking magic.

Zoey spoke "I sense there's more to all this...."

Luna spoke "Yeah, it’ll also prevent Fylifa from getting anymore alternative personalities."

I spoke "Wow grandma, I'm surprised you're not freaking out that the catgirl's got dreamwalking magic now."

Luna asks "I’ll explain later. Well Fylifa, what’s your decision?"

Fylifa spoke "Well… thanks for helping me, guys. It really means a lot."

Fylifa pressed the button before Luna teleported us to outside the tower, away from it as the tower exploded.

Zoey asks "Who am I really?"

Before Luna could answer, Trista fell and crashed onto where the tower used to be.

Trista asks "How did this happen? Where’s my tower?!"

Fylifa spoke "It’s gone, Trista. It’s gone for good."

Trista screams "No! How did you do it?"

Fylifa spoke "I did something you’d never do."

Fylifa showed Trista what happened, making her angry.

Trista growls "You…!"

Trista charged at Fylifa, only to get blocked by a mental barrier she set up as the dark personality started becoming clear.

Trista spoke "W-Wait! I can help you! No one will ever mess with you again while I’m around! I’m a part of you!"

Fylifa spoke "Yeah, a part of me, I don’t need anymore."

Trista spoke "No! It’s my time! MIIIIIIIIIInnnnnnneeeeee…!"

That last word roared and echoed as Trista fully faded away, completely erased from Fylifa’s mind.

Zoey spoke "That was rather... anti-climatic."

Luna spoke "Not everything is about action, Zoey. But I do agree with you on that."

Zoey asks "Say Luna, do you know someone named Cherry Petals?"

Luna froze at that.

I spoke "You're obviously hiding something grandma."

Luna sighs "Why don’t we talk outside?"

Zoey spoke "Preferably at my parents' house, they deserve to know."

“Hmm… Think they should know about me and my wives?” I asked.

Zoey spoke "Not yet Sonic, my dad doesn't know you. Plus he'll think you're another boy I brought home and thus attempt to challenge you to a fight."

“You sure? Because we’ll also have to tell him about me and my wives being able to do… this.” I added as I went into my 1,000 pound form.

Zoey spoke "No Sonic! To my parents, you're just a video game character. And abnormal speed or not, my dad will try to fight you! It's bad enough I had to soften him up when Dren and I first started dating."

“If ya say so.” I shrugged before going back into my restraint form.

*Some time later*

*Tokyo City, outside Zoey's house*

*Zoey's POV*

I was back in my Mobini form while hiding my ears and wings with a long jacket.

Luna was in a human form.

Luna spoke "Being on two legs is weird..."

“You’ll learn to get used to it.” I assured Luna.

I knock on the door.

Mr Hanson spoke "Come in.

After entering with Luna, I spoke "Hi dad."

Shintaro asks "Hello, Zoey. What adventures did you have this time?"

I spoke "Well...."

I removed the jacket I was wearing thus revealing my wings, cat ears and tail to my dad.

I spoke "I need to talk to mom about something... important."

Shintaro spoke "I can't doubt that."

I spoke "It's about my alicorn half..."

Cherry asks "*Showing up* Zoey? Home already?"

I spoke "Yeah mom and I brought a friend with me. And before dad says something, it's not a guy. I refuse to cheat on Dren."

Luna then walked in, revealing herself as mom just froze.

I ask "Uh mom? You okay?"

Shintaro spoke "Oh boy."

Shintaro put on some earmuffs before giving me and Luna each a pair.

I put a soundproof barrier around my mother before she started screaming.

I spoke "Dad, I don't think earmuffs will work against the royal voice..."

Shintaro asks "The Royal… what?"

Luna spoke "Though I'm currently in human form, I'm actually an alicorn. Twilight Sparkle, her daughter, my parents, elder sister, son and adopted niece are all alicorns but we're not the only eight. There are others but they're half alicorn. My niece, Crystal Clarity is half dog demon. My two grandsons and my granddaughter are one third alicorn. My eldest grandson has several children of his own yet Lance and the others are all quarter alicorn. But them aside, I believe that Zoey Ikisatashi here is the daughter of my missing daughter."

Shintaro spoke "What?! But that would mean…"

I spoke "It's true dad, I'm half immortal..."

Shintaro was as still as a statue before he fell backwards, unconscious with his eyes open as his legs flew up a bit before coming back down.

I asks "Think we overdid it grandma?"

My phone soon rings since Wesley was calling.

I ask "Zoey speaking, what's up Wesley?"

Wesley spoke "The demon meteor's gone! And no lives were lost!"

I couldn't help but smile at that.

Elliot spoke "*in background* Wesley, you're an idiot! That was only a fragment that got destroyed! The rest is still approaching! And since Zoey's the only Mew Mew in the crashdown site, only she can stop it!"

Oh geez... It always falls to me, doesn't it?

Elliot spoke "*in background* It's worse than Wesley and I imagine. The main comet itself is indestructible but if you can get enough power, you might be able to make all of Earth intangible so that the comet passes by and nobody gets killed."

This is gonna be tougher than I thought.

Pigment soon pops up with a hugs army of ghosts following her.

Luna spoke "Seems Pigment's got a bunch of allies to help you out Zoey."

Biting back my fears, I spoke "I'm sure that many of you are already aware of the oncoming threat so I need help from all of you to stop it."

Pigment relays my message to Skulker and the other ghosts.

Pigment spoke "Wada! Wadala! {Come on! A half alicorn and a Psychic-Ghost type Mewtwo aren't enough to turn the world intangible!}"

Skulker scoffs "Tch, another half-ghost. But all the more valuable after this is over."

I punch Skulker hard with a fiery fist.

I growl "Touch my daughters and I'LL MELT YOUR ARMOR! Got that Skulker?"

Skulker spoke "Don't worry yourself, I'm not hunting her now. Hunting an unprepared infant wouldn't be sporting."

I growl "Mess with a half cat and you'll get the claws but I happen to know someone much more scarier than me when he gets pissed!"

Luna spoke "Now is not the time, Zoey."

I spoke "Right grandma and since my mom's not a fighter, I'll have to protect her."

I focused all my magic and pour it into the ground as Pigment turns with the ghosts following suit as they all worked to turn all of Earth and by extension, Mobius and Equis as well as Dren's home planet invisible thus causing the grim comet to pass harmless through the four worlds.

The Ecto-ranium comet harmlessly passed through the planets as well.

I spoke "Phew! That was freaking close!"

Luna spoke "You’re telling me."

Pigment spoke "Wada. {Yeah.}"

I ask "You okay mom?"

Cherry was silent.

Mom definitely looked guilty.

I spoke "Spit it out mom, I'm not going to wait long since I have to check on Dren's homeworld shortly."

Cherry spoke "Okay… The truth is… I’m a long-lost princess of Equestria AND Luna’s daughter."

I spoke "So THAT explains why I'm half alicorn!"

Cherry spoke "I’m really sorry I kept this from you, I just wanted to help you live a normal life."

I spoke "My life took a turn for the worst when I got cat DNA at age 16... Then I got alicorn wings and magic rather recently which messed up my cat DNA to the point I'm a Mobini now. I can't hide my ears, wings and tail anymore in Tokyo."

Cherry spoke "I’m really sorry all of that happened to you, Zoey."

I spoke "The cat DNA was Elliot's fault though but if I hadn't become a Mew Mew in the first place, I wouldn't have met Dren. Oh and you got a granddaughter now mom."

Cherry asks "I’m sorry, what?"

I spoke "I never told you though because I was scared that dad would beat Dren up, weapons or not. Anzu's 10 while Pigment's roundabout 2 in human years."

But then mom hugged me, much to my surprise, before I hugged her back.

Pigment was on my head.

Cherry asks "Is this Pigment?"

I spoke "Yeah, she's also a preemie since she's a bit smaller than most young Mewtwo."

Cherry spoke "Aww! She is so adorable!"

I giggle "I know at least 30 other Mewtwo but the only problem is... Orion and Jericho both hate people with lab coats, I had to grab Orion by the secondary neck thing when he tried to attack Elliot."

Cherry asks "Oh dear. Wait, is Pigment half-ghost?"

I giggle "Yes but she got the alicorn gene from me since she wanted to survive after the glass tube she had been in got shattered. So in a way, I was a surrogate mother but I don't mind one bit. Plus it was Pigment that helped me overcome my fear of ghosts since come on, how can such a little cutie pie be a scary ghost?"

A warp ring opens up before a wolf beastman with alicorn wings on the back steps out.

Lightning gasps "*eyes wide* Little sis?"

Cherry immediately hugged Lightning with happy tears.

My tail swishes happily.

Cherry giggles "Oh! How did you do all this, Bolt-boy?"

Lightning chuckles "Really? That old nickname?"

Pigment giggles.

I giggle "You think that's weird mom, just wait until you see the amount of nieces in law you have!"

Mom then gave me a bear hug. “Oh, I don’t care how many there is, I’m just so happy and proud!”

Lightning spoke "I freaked out after hearing that the captain of the Wonderbolts fell in love with my eldest son... As it stands now... Sonic's got a hedgefox, a half cat half Litten hybrid, two Pegasi, a siren, a chipmunk, a Kantonian Ninetales, a Pidgeot-Mewtwo and a Moltres."

Cherry spoke "*Right in Lightning’s face* I MUST MEET THEM!!! I gotta meet the rest of my family!"

Lightning chuckles "Easy there! You're as hyper as Pinkie."

"How did you expect it to go since mom was away from Equestria for a LONG time?" I pointed out to my uncle.

Lightning spoke "Faust above... It's been a thousand years since Cherry was last in Equestria."


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