• Published 25th Dec 2020
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers - Lucar

Several months after her adventures on Popstar, Sweetie Belle decides it's time to start new adventures in new universes

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Chapter 78: Meeting Team Star Fox

Upon seeing the fillies, the anthro animals' expression went from suspicious to surprised or bemused (excepted the frog who had been too busy getting up from his fall before he saw the fillies and went straight to shock). Sweetie Belle wasn't sure what they had expected to see come out of the rift (she refused to look into their mind), but clearly three adorable, seemingly harmless little fillies must have been at the bottom of the list. And they must look very alien to them too. If anthro equines exist in their universe, then seeing quadrupedal ones must be weird for them. At least, Apple Bloom had her illusion on so she looked like a normal filly instead of how she looked now with the skeleton visible through the skin and all.

"Who the heck are you? Why are you here?" the bird asked.

Before any of them could answer, Sweetie Belle felt someone trying to enter her mind, probably to determine if they were a threat, and felt that it was the vixen. Instead of pushing her back, she let her see some images of who they were and where they came from. The vixen looked a bit suspicious, probably thinking that Sweetie Belle could be tricking her, but she sighed and lowered her staff.

"I don't feel any ill intend from them. But be careful, the white one seems to have similar powers to me."

"Don't worry, I don't intend to invade the privacy of your minds," Sweetie Belle reassured.

The bird smirked. "I especially advise you not to enter Fox's mind there. His must be full of lewd thoughts about Krystal."

The fox (named Fox? Seriously?) stuttered a bit, becoming red, before he yelled, "Shut up Falco!"

The vixen, presumably Krystal, giggled. "I confirm."

Under an indignant (and whining) "Hey!" from the fox, Falco exploded into laughter and the frog was trying his best to avoid laughing too while the rabbit just shook his head in exasperation before he yelled, "This is not something to talk about in front of new guests!"

Falco rolled his eyes. "You should really learn to pull out that stick, gramp."

"Ahem!" Fox loudly faked clearing his throat before the old rabbit could explode on Falco, using this to also regain his composure as he fought down the blush. "So, you think we can trust them, Krystal?"

"I think, yes," Krystal answered. But silently, her expression clearly added "But let's remain careful," to which Fox nodded.

All the while, the fillies had remained silent. Sweetie Belle was very amused by the exchange but couldn't help cringing with a silent "Eww" alongside Apple Bloom. While the alicorn was the more romantic of the CMC, she still was a child. Scootaloo was divided between sadistic amusement at the poor fox's embarrassment and exasperation at Falco. This guy was really mature, uh? Reminded her of Sonic.

"So, uh... To answer Mr. Birdy's questions..." Sweetie Belle began after a couple seconds of silence.

Falco spluttered. "Mr. Birdy?"

"I'm Sweetie Belle."

"Apple Bloom."


"As for why out of all the space in this universe, we appeared here and almost gave you a heart attack, that's because someone seems to like messing with us." Sweetie Belle glared upward at nothing at this last part. Upon seeing their stares, she added, "Short story, when we cross a rift, an... acquaintance ensures that we always land somewhere of interest instead of, say, on a desert planet with no idea of where to go."

"Makes sense. But how does this work?" the frog asked. "Some portal technology?"

"Nope. A being of power beyond imagination transcending everything you can think of," Sweetie Belle answered.

"In two words, a God," Scootaloo clarified.

"What? A God's helping us?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Right. I forgot to tell you about DD. They're the one who warned me about these threats I told you about. I will tell you more about them later."

Falco snorted. "A god? You must be kidding."

His words only made the fillies chuckle, making the bird look at them with suspicion not sure if he was being made fun of.

"I don't know if this god story is true or not, but right now, let me welcome you to the Great Fox, our team's home sweet home," the rabbit said.

Fox nodded. "We are Star Fox, and I am the leader, Fox Mccloud," he presented himself before he put a hand on Krystal's shoulder. "And this is Krystal, our newest recruit."

"Wait, so you really are named Fox?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"... Wow. And I thought Asgore had been bad with names. At least, he didn't name his kid "Goat"."

"That's what I said to James!" the rabbit shouted. "No imagination at all! He should have left the naming to his wife!"

Fox groaned. "Please, let's not bring that up again..."

Scootaloo chuckled. "Poor guy must have constantly been teased about it."

"For having spent most of my life at his side, I confirm," the frog said with a big teasing grin at the fox.

"Enough about my name!" Fox yelled, making most of the people in the room laugh.

"By the way, I'm Slippy Toad, the mechanic and engineer of Star Fox," the frog presented himself.

Falco was next. "Falco Lombardi, the team's ace pilote."

"And biggest hothead of the Lylat System," Slippy added.

"Shut up, Frog Boy!"

"Remind me how many time Fox had to save your butt because you charged head first without thinking?" Slippy asked.

"You are one to talk! I wasn't the one screaming "Help me!" not even ten seconds after the beginning of our first mission!" Falco shouted back, promptly shutting the frog up in embarrassment.

The rabbit mumbled something about maturity before he said out loud, "And I'm Peppy Hare. Nowadays, I mostly remain in the Great Fox supervising and giving advice, trying to ensure that these boys don't kill themselves. It's harder than it sounds."

"What about the robot?" Apple Bloom asked.

"That's ROB 64, the operator of the Great Fox," Slippy answered. "You can return to your duty, ROB. Everything is fine."

"Affirmative," the robot answered before he turned back to his computer.

All the other members of Star Fox returned on their sits while the fillies simply decided to sit on one of the tables, making sure to avoid where there were buttons and screens.

"So, where do you three come from? You are clearly not from the Lylat System," Fox asked.

"And you said earlier that your acquaintance makes sure that you land only, to use your words, somewhere of interest. So this means that we are of interest. Why?" Peppy asked.

"We come from other universes, and we're here in search of allies to help us fight some future threats," Sweetie Belle answered. "And if we're here, it means that you guys could potentially help."

Slippy's eyes widened. "Visitors from outside the universe?!"

"That's something I didn't expect to see," Peppy said.

"She showed me some images of her homeworld," Krystal then informed. "They come from a land of magic but far behind us technologically-wise. They haven't even developed yet space travel. But it seems they have been entering in contact with other, sometimes more advanced civilizations." She looked back at the fillies. "However, while I understand that you seem to have some powers, I don't understand why you, who are just children, are the ones going out to search for allies instead of someone like a diplomat."

"So they really are just kids? I wasn't certain since they're from an unknown species," Fox said.

Krystal confirmed it with a nod.

"We may just be kids..." Scootaloo began.

"And again, fer Scoot, that can be put into debate," Apple Bloom briefly interrupted.

"But if you learned what we are capable of, I'm sure that you wouldn't be thinking that. For example, we aren't as innocent as we look."

This made several members of Star Fox raise an eyebrow before ROB suddenly interrupted.

"Receiving call from General Pepper."

All the members of Star Fox perked up.

"Answer!" Fox shouted

An holographic screen showing the image of an aged anthropomorphic dog in fancy red military uniform appeared above the main computer.

"Star Fox, the Cornerian Army requires your help. We are battling an army that has reformed from Andross' remnants on Fortuna, and we require you to come right away."

"We are coming right away, General!" Fox said before ending the communication. "Everyone, ready for warping to Fortuna!" He turned back to the fillies. "Sorry, but we will have to put on hold our discussion until this is over."

"No problem," Scootaloo said.

"We could help!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

Fox raised an eyebrow. "How?"

The three grinned and said in unisson, "You will see," chilling the fox for some reason.

It wasn't long before the Great Fox was able to warp to a giant structure above a planet that opened a green portal for them. The Great Fox crossed it, allowing it to reach the planet Fortuna in just a few seconds, the planet revealing to have a lot of green on its surface. Already, they could see the battle taking place above the planet between the Cornerian armada and the armada made of Andross' remnants as the General said, and it seemed that the Cornerian armada was having problems.

Transmission was opened with the Cornerian army before Fox said, "Team Star Fox... ready for duty!

"Aw, leave these losers to the pros. We'll beat'em in no time!" Slippy confidently exclaimed.

General Pepper then entered communication again, starting a small briefing.

"Well, Fox, looks like we're not too late."

"Yup! Of course General."

"It's just so crazy..." Slippy began. "I can't believe Andross had so darn many troops left behind."

"They're almost all common scum in it for the money," Peppy informed.

"They're quite dedicated for a bunch of hired guns," Krystal commented.

An image of an anthro ape in some uniform and yelling at a mic then appeared, revealing the ape's name to be Andrew Oikonny, as the general said, "The leader of this rebellion is none other than Oikonny."

Fox nodded. "Ok, I see now. Se we're here because..."

"We're here because we gotta put this creep on ice," Falco put in.

Pepper confirmed it with a nod. "Yes, you must take him down. I'm counting on you... now get prepped and go!" he shouted before he ended the communication.

Fox turned to the other members of Star fox. "Let's go, team!"

Fox, Krystal, Falco, and Slippy then ran out of the room, leaving Peppy, ROB, and the fillies behind.

The rabbit turned to look at the three little equines who had remained silent. "So, what are you three going to do?"

"Well, I have an idea," Sweetie Belle said as she looked at the space battle with a grin. "But I must return to my home universe first. I should be back quickly. Wait, that makes me think that I forgot to verify the time difference between our two universes. I hope it isn't too much. I will take the occasion to do it."

At this, she opened a rift, making Peppy's jaw drop, and duplicated herself, sending her double through it. She then proceeded to use the usual method to see how much time passed in one universe compared to the other and was relieved to see that it was just a bit faster in Equestria. Eight days in Equestria for six days in this universe. The usual, twenty four hours day, of course. No doubt that the length of a day differed from planet to planet, and there wasn't even a day properly speaking while being inside a spaceship. Once she was done, she made her double disappear and crossed the rift for good, the rift closing behind her.

Once she was gone, Scootaloo used her Phantom powers to take on her anthro form, taking an appearance closer to the one of the animals in this universe by the same occasion instead of the usual Mobian look. At the same time, Apple Bloom took her ghostly form, almost making Peppy topple his chair in fright.

"I don't know what is her idea, but I hope that she won't mind if we go ahead," Phantom said.

"As long as we leave some fer her, Ah guess it'll be alright."

Phantom looked at Apple Bloom with some worry. "Will you be good? Those are real flesh and blood people we're about to fight and kill. Nothing to do with the Cankens and Crakkthulx."

Apple Bloom simply gave a nod in return.

At this, Phantom placed a hand on Apple Bloom's back with a reassuring smile before she teleported out of the Great Fox while Apple Bloom phased through the wall, leaving a gawking Peppy alone with ROB.

Then, he laughed. ""We aren't as innocent as we look," she said... She sure wasn't kidding. Definitively not just children."

It wasn't long after that that four spaceship fighters with a white and blue avian-esque design came out of the belly of the Great Fox which revealed to be a large ship with an avian design, possessing two wings as well as a dorsal wing with the symbol of Star Fox: a red fox with what seemed to be a wing. The ship had a long neck ending in a head which was where the bridge was situated, and below it was a pair of laser cannons above the hatch out of which came the fighters.

"The fillies went ahead," Peppy eventually informed them through the communication line as the Star Fox members started firing at enemy fighters.

"What? How? They don't have ships of their own!" Falco shouted.

"You will see. Just focus on the mission. I already warned the Cornerian army about them."

It wasn't long before Star Fox spotted who they recognized was Scootaloo now looking more like them and somehow flying in space by herself. The filly was easily destroying enemy fighters by creating out of nowhere various weapons. Sometimes, fighters were even destroyed by unknown means, as if they were teared apart or they crashed into something invisible. Obviously had something to do with these cubes she sent at them.

"I don't know how she's doing all this, but I'm glad she's at our side," Slippy said.

At this moment, before their eyes, Phantom sliced an Androssian ship in two with just a swing of a sword.

"Hod did...?! That can't be just magic!" Falco shouted.

"I'm reading some unknown energy. I don't know if it's her version of magic or something else, but this seems powerful. I will ask more once the battle is over," Slippy said.

"Mmh... Where are the other two?" Krystal wondered.

"I saw Apple Bloom enter one of the Androssian ships," Peppy told them. "Hasn't come out since then, but she must be preparing something."

"How did she enter an enemy ship? Does she have the same powers than Scootaloo?" Slippy asked.

"Not at all. The three of them seem to be very different. By the way, the ship she entered is the one right before you, Fox."

Suddenly, the ship's cannon turned to fire at the other Androssian ships.

"Uh. The ship is now attacking its allies. What did she do to it?" Fox wondered.

"Frankly, I don't think that I want to know," Peppy said.

What Apple Bloom did was that she killed the crew and turned them into zombies that took over the ship. Now that the ship was under her control and attacking other enemies, she left it, allowing everyone to see her skeletal, ghostly form before she flew further into the enemy armada.

"She's a ghost?!" Falco yelled in shock.

"But she looked very alive when we saw her!" Slippy shouted.

"She took this form just before my eyes. I don't know if she's alive or dead, but this clearly has nothing to do with Scootaloo's powers."

"What about Sweetie Belle? Do you see her?" Krystal asked.

"She returned to her home universe. She's preparing something. I don't know what this is, but seeing what her friends can do, I'm ready to see anything."

Sweetie Belle came out of the rift right beside the Lor Starcutter which she immediately entered. The ship then took off and opened a portal to Floralia, not far of a large group of islands stuck together by metallic parts. Sweetie Belle then opened a window on the screen, showing a Lord Antler with an uniform similar to the one of Captain Vul.

"Queen Sweetie Belle!" the Antler shouted happily.

"Hi Admiral Stinger! Open the roof of the hangar, it's time for the Unique Horn's first battle!"

"Finally! I thought that I would be dust before we would get our first flight!"

A huge part of the ground of the islands and the metal linking them together then opened to reveal the hangar that had been built inside them, and the battleship in it.

As the Lor went to hover over it, Sweetie Belle said, "Starting the docking process." Then, the Lor slowly lowered itself, entering the bridge of the Unique Horn through an opening made especially for it. Once it was fully inside, the opening closed while cables attached themselves onto the Lor's hull and a footbridge was put in place to link the bridge to the Lor's main entrance. An especially large cable attached itself to the big star at the Lor's bow. With this, the Lor was fully linked to the Unique Horn, becoming a part of it. The Lor's control headpiece then placed itself on Sweetie Belle's head.

Under Admiral Stinger's orders, everyone then started the process for the Unique Horn to take off, turning on the three main reactors as well as the many engines. In the following minutes, the Unique Horn slowly floated upward, three pairs of wings deploying. Once it was high enough, the Unique Horn used the Lor Starcutter's power to fire a beam from its horn and open a star-shaped portal large enough to allow it to cross.

When a star-shaped portal suddenly appeared away from the two warring armadas, it took everyone by surprise. When they saw it, Phantom and Apple Bloom assumed that it was the Lor Starcutter, so they were in for a surprise when they saw instead a humongous battleship cross it.

The battleship was designed very similarly to the Halberd, but was easily two times bigger and was white, pink and purple. The bow also didn't have a mask but was shaped to roughly look like the head of a pony with a very long horn coming out of above the window that served as the eyes. Three pairs of angelic wings were present instead of the two pairs of bat-like wings, and the ship had a total of ten thrusters, two huge ones surrounded by eight smaller ones. Where the Halberd had a claw, this battleship had two, and instead of being on the deck, the claws were at the sides of the ship. And finally, all kinds of cannons could be seen all over it, from simple anti-fighters turrets to rocket launchers passing by a set of three large cannons in the middle of the deck before the bridge that looked very dangerous.

Inside the bridge, inside the Lor Starcutter, Sweetie Belle grinned as she looked at the window showing the battle going on. "Hey everyone! Say hello to Big Mama Ship! She's here to give the naughty boys a good spanking they won't forget anytime soon! Unique Horn..."

Her grin turned evil.

"Make them cry."

Author's Note:

Anyone has ever seen Space Pirate Captain Harlock? Then I think that you know what is coming next chapter.

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