• Published 25th Dec 2020
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers - Lucar

Several months after her adventures on Popstar, Sweetie Belle decides it's time to start new adventures in new universes

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Chapter 112: Tournament Part 5

"For the next battle, we will have... EMPOLEON! Versus... ZOROARK!" Master Hand announced as the two Pokémon were selected.

"Uh. So this will be pretty much a Pokémon battle, but with items and an unconventional arena," Blue commented. "This promises to be interesting. I'm curious to see how this will go."

"A lot will depend of the arena," Dawn said.

As they talked, the arena was selected, revealing it to be some platform flying alongside the Halberd.

"The Halberd?" Sweetie Void questioned. "Now I wonder what will be the role of the ship. Will it be like with the New Donk City Hall and they will move around it to board it at different places? Or will they simply fly around and it will fire at them with its cannons? If they end up fighting the Heavy Lobster, then all bets are off."

"Or this could be none of it and the ship will just be there for the show," Phantom said.

Sweetie Void simply answered with a shrug as Dawn and Rosa entered the arena.

They appeared in the Halberd's hangar, with the battleship resting just behind them, its bow facing them. Both Dawn and Rosa actually appeared on their own small platforms floating above the floor, and after marveling at the battleship a bit, they let out Empoleon and Zoroark. Master Hand then began the countdown while an alarm began to blare, an holographic window with "WARNING" on it appearing and the domed roof opening.


Almost immediately, a part of the floor under the two fighters opened to let out two circular platforms, a smaller one floating above the center of a larger one. Guessing what will happen next, Empoleon and Zoroark made sure to jump down from the opening floor on them, although Empoleon used this to try to get an easy win by attempting to push Zoroark away with Hydro Pump, but Zoroark was able to avoid the attack.

The Halberd then took off, and the platforms followed it into the sky as the battleship unfolded its bat wings, finally giving everyone a very good view of the battleship. The platforms then moved aside to let the ship pass as the engines kicked in and made it fly away above Orange Ocean into the sunset, and it managed to go quite far away before they began to catch up to it.

It was at this moment that everyone, trainers and Pokémon, remembered that they were supposed to battle instead of admiring the show.

"Agility!" Rosa shouted.

"Brick Break!" Dawn shouted at the same time.

Zoroark was known as a glass cannon. It could hit hard, both in physique and in spécial, but it didn't have a lot of defense and a strong attack could easily knock it out. Zoroark was also weak to Fighting type moves, so it was out of the question for it to be hit by Brick Break. While it could certainly tank the move thanks to Empoleon not having a lot of physical attack, it would weaken it a lot.

So Zoroark played on another of its advantages: its speed. It easily jumped out of the way of the Brick Break and immediately countered with a Low Kick that made Empoleon fall over while giving it heavy damage, Empoleon being also weak to Fighting and Low Kick causing more damage the more the target is heavy (and Empoleon was heavy).

Dawn thought of what to do. She could make Empoleon use Sword Dance to increase its attack, but Zoroark certainly knew Foul Play which caused more damage the higher the target's attack was, and while Empoleon wasn't weak to Dark, this would still hurt a lot.

The platform didn't give a lot of place for Zoroark to move around, so Empoleon would probably manage to eventually hit it if she made it repeat Brick Break. Or she could use Empoleon's huge amount of Spe Attack and try to hit her foe with a Spe move, preferably one that would be hard to dodge.


"Use Night Slash!" Rosa shouted.

"Protect followed by Brick Break!" Dawn answered to that, making Rosa panic.

Empoleon surrounded itself in a green translucent shield that entirely protected it from Zoroark's Night Slash, allowing it to immediately counterattack with Brick Break which successfully hit its foe very badly on the jaw, sending Zoroark on the floor. Empoleon immediately followed with another Brick Break in hope of finishing Zoroark before it could recover, but Zoroark was able to roll out of the way, and Empoleon jumped backward to avoid another Low Kick. Zoroark then used Night Daze, but Empoleon jumped above the dark shockwave before it used Surf, creating a wave of water that it sent toward Zoroark while riding it. Zoroark easily avoided it by jumping and landing on the smaller platform before attempting another Night Daze, but Empoleon used Protect again against it.

"Attack again, Zoroark!" Rosa shouted, knowing that the more you used Protect without using other moves between each uses, the less it had a chance to work.

But Rosa wasn't the only one to know that and Empoleon used Brick Break again instead of Protect as Zoroark used Night Slash. However, instead of attacking Zoroark, Empoleon used Brick Break on the attacking claw, making the two moves clash a moment before Empoleon was able to push Zoroark back. As Zoroark landed after that, Empoleon then followed with an Ice Beam that fox-like Pokémon barely avoided by leaping before sending a Shadow Ball that Empoleon also avoided by shifting its body aside. But then, Zoroark jumped toward a barrel that had appeared and threw it toward Empoleon, the barrel rolling on the floor toward the penguin who had no problem destroying it with a Brick Break, followed by a second Brick Break with the other wing clashing with Zoroark's Night Slash as the fox had been just behind the barrel ready to attack.

Once Zoroark was pushed back again, Empoleon then grabbed a winged spiked blue shell that came out of the barrel and threw it toward its foe. Zoroark avoided the shell by ducking, but then, the shell began to fly above Zoroark's head. Both Rosa and Zoroark got a bad feeling, and Zoroark began to run and jump around to get rid of the blue shell which constantly followed it, always remaining above its head. Because it was focused on the shell, it almost didn't see the Water Pump fired at it by Empoleon by surprise anticipating its movements, and it stopped itself from moving at the last moment, letting the powerful stream of water pass before it.

But the shell chose this moment to drop on Zoroark before exploding, and it propelled Zoroark upward.

Thankfully, despite the platform moving very rapidly around the Halberd, the Pokémon continued moving alongside it despite the explosion so it didn't end up left behind to fall into the ocean.

As Zoroark fell back on the platform and quickly recovered before Empoleon could use the occasion to attack it, the platform then stopped above the deck of the Halberd, above the circular part facing the dreaded Combo Cannon, and lowered itself into it until only the smaller platform remained floating in the air above the center. This made the arena much bigger, taking the totality of the circular deck, but this also added an hazard: the Combo Cannon itself.

Barely the fighters landed that the bottom cannon began to charge a laser while the top cannon fired a big explosive cannonball on Empoleon. And the Pokémon could do nothing to it in return because it was outside of the Ring Out Barrier. So all Empoleon and Zoroark could do was to avoid the cannon's attacks while fighting each other. Empoleon had no problem avoiding the cannonball and the resulting explosion while Zoroark easily avoided the claw attacking it. Then, as the two had another clash, they quickly had to jump away to avoid the laser fired by the bottom cannon.

And then there were the items, always present. The Pokémon didn't mind them much in the action, but whenever they had the occasion, they used one. Zoroark was almost caught in the blast of a Bob-Omb, and a Red Shell caused a lot of problems to both fighters. At a moment, Zoroark even got its claws on a modified Franklin Badge that could deflect ALL projectiles instead of just electricity, allowing it to catch Empoleon off guard by deflecting a Water Pump back at it. Just before the badge disappeared, it even managed to deflect the Combo Cannon's laser. If it hadn't been for that whole "the arena is indestructible unless elements are purposely made destructible", the cannon would have been destroyed, which would have resulted in the whole deck blowing up.

"I wonder if Meta Knight did something about this since then," Sweetie Void wondered aloud at that thought. "It was kind of a big weak point of the Halberd. Destroy the Combo Cannon, and a third of the ship blows up with it, losing a huge amount of firepower by the same occasion."

Still, Pokémon duels weren't known for their longevity, and it was very rare for a duel to last more than a couple of minutes. It was already a miracle, and a show of the Pokémon's skills, that this one lasted that long. Even the two Pokémon using their Z-Move at the same time didn't end the fight.

Victory was decided during another clash between Empoleon and Zoroark respectively using Brick Break and Night Slash. Like always during these clashes, Empoleon's greater strength won out and the penguin was able to push back the fox. But this time, Empoleon made it so Zoroark was pushed right into an explosive cannonball, right above a Smart Bomb.

Needless to say, after the resulting explosion, Zoroark didn't get up.

"And the victor is: Empoleon!"

"I shouldn't have expected less from the one who defeated the Cynthia," Rosa said with a happy sigh.

"Trust me, it could have been worse. The Combo Cannon is okay compared to the Heavy Lobster. Feel lucky that you didn't face it," Sweetie Void said to Dawn and Rosa.

"The two were as bad as the other. They both almost succeeded in killing you. Especially the cannon. If it hadn't been for that Invincibility Candy..." her Rarity said.

"But once the initial surprise passed, the cannon was rather easy to destroy compared to the Lobster. And then there was the Reactor. Having to juggle avoiding the burners, the laser gun, and the pulse cannon while fighting each other would have been very difficult."

"So... That Combo Cannon was the "easy" part of this ship?" Rosa asked hesitantly.

"Yep! And again, Master Hand didn't bring in the crew. Or he could have been a jerk and brought in the Lobster with the Combo Cannon. Now this would have been too much. Or heck, Meta Knight could have come out of the bridge to attack you."

All the ponies from Sweetie Void's universe flinched at that. Even if this had been the Meta Knight from back then, this would have resulted in a slaughter.

Meanwhile, Master Hand selected the fighters and the arena for the next battle.

"DONKEY KONG! Versus... PIKACHU!" he announced.

Well, now that was one match up where nobody was sure how this will end. Pikachu was very fast while Donkey Kong was extremely strong.

Speed versus strength.

Of course, some could already say that Donkey Kong won't be able to hit Pikachu which will result in his lost, but Donkey Kong wasn't just strong. He was also resourceful. When he couldn't punch someone right away, he always found a way.

As for the arena...

It turned out to be the Egg Fortress, the fortress into which the Badlands was turned into by Past Eggman when he invaded Phantom's Equestria, with the Egg Tower easily identified in the background. And it seemed to be in the middle of a huge battle.

When DK and Red with his Pikachu entered the arena, it turned out that they were actually on some robotic platform flying above the fortress, giving them a very good view of it and of how huge it actually was. The platform itself was composed of nice squares currently forming a bigger one, but it wasn't hard to guess that these squares will be able to move independently to change the layout of the arena while they will obviously fly around the fortress. Again, Red was on a platform of his own while Pikachu jumped on the main one. Observant people remarked that it was now equipped with a small bracelet with a Z-Crystal.

"Uh. I shouldn't be surprised that he can use Z-Moves too, but why didn't he use one when he fought me?" Sweetie Void wondered.

"He probably didn't think that it would be needed. In most cases, after all, Mega Mewtwo is more than enough," Blue answered.


Pikachu immediately started with its usual tactic of running and zip zapping around with Agility and Quick Attack while regularly attacking with Thunderbolt and Iron Tail. Mostly Thunderbolt this time. Pikachu didn't dare getting too close in risk of getting punched. It had no doubt that it would hurt a lot, like being punched by a Machamp.

However, DK easily tanked the electricity and didn't even attempt to punch the mouse. Instead, he glared around, trying to follow Pikachu with his eyes, before he began to repeatedly slap the floor, causing vibrations that made the whole platform violently shake. This destabilized Pikachu who lost its balance and fell down, opening it to the ape who immediately closed the distance with a bounce, fist ready.

This would have been the end of the fight right then and there if it hadn't been for the arena. The squares began to move up or down, and the one Pikachu was on was among the last ones. As a result, DK's punch passed just a few millimeters above Pikachu's head. But DK didn't let this upset him and instead put his fists beside each other and attempted to smash Pikachu who barely jumped out of the way onto another square in time, the fists instead violently hitting the platform and making it shake. Pikachu then immediately decided to play it safer by putting up a Reflect.

By now, the nine squares were separated and floated at various heights, and they then proceeded to move away form each others, reorganising themselves, while the arena itself moved down toward the fortress. They finally stopped above the triangular roof of some storage building, and the squares formed three groups of three platforms, one above the tip of the roof and two at the sides, all three parallel to the length of the building. The two platforms at the sides were also moving back and forth alongside the building while the one above the roof was moving left and right.

Pikachu used this new layout to his advantage by jumping from platform to platform (including the roof) while attacking, making sure to not remain on the same platform than Donkey Kong in case he decided to repeat what he did earlier.

DK, however, starting to feel the effects of all that electricity, moved toward a crate and destroyed it with a punch, revealing a green shell, a beam sword, and a ray gun. The ape took the shell, then took a position like a pitcher in a baseball game, made sure to keep following Pikachu with his eyes as the mouse continued to jump around, and then threw the shell like a cannonball. He perfectly anticipated Pikachu mid-jump and the shell hit the mouse right in the face, making it spin in the air before it crashed on the roof.

Miraculously, this didn't knock Pikachu out, and it immediately moved to get up with some difficulty before it jumped out of the way as DK attempted to smash it again, then quickly used Grass Knot to make DK trip at the ape charged at it again

Red frowned. It seemed like he had no choice. Making sure that Pikachu could see him, he gave it a silent nod as he showed his Z-Ring. Understanding, Pikachu began to run toward Red, but the arena choose this moment to change its layout again as the squares separated and the arena began to move away from the roof. Both Pikachu and DK made sure to jump on one of the squares to not be left behind.

It wasn't long before they stopped on two Eggman airships side by side with the squares forming a bridge between the two ships. To add more difficulty, there were various kinds of flying robots around, especially Buzz Bombers, the wasp-like ones, and some of them began to attack the two fighters who had no difficulty destroying them (even if DK had to wait for them to get close enough so he could reach them with a jump before smashing them).

Once it had the clear while DK was busy destroying a last Buzz Bomber, Pikachu ran toward Red whose platform was just beside one of the airships and jumped so Red could put his cap on its head before Pikachu gave him a fist bump followed by a "high five" with its tail, causing energy to start to accumulate, before Pikachu landed back on the airship and the two of them pumped their fist forward. With this, Pikachu was ready to unleash its Z-Move while it saw DK approaching.

"Now, Pikachu! 10 000 000 Volt Thunderbolt!" Red yelled.

Readying itself, Pikachu suddenly jumped very high just before DK could punch it, and the sky was suddenly covered by a powerful thunderstorm. Pikachu then gathered all the electricity inside its body before unleashing with the Z-Power into seven lightning bolts in the colors of the rainbow.

DK could only look in panic and horror at the approaching bolts before he braced himself and the bolts hit him in an explosion of electricity that would have certainly destroyed the airship he was on in a normal situation.

Pikachu remained on guard however as it landed, Red's cap still on its head. And it did right because a now very blackened DK jumped out of the smoke left by the explosion. However, as it jumped away, DK was able to catch it by the tail before he tossed the Pokémon into the air. Touching Pikachu caused its Ability Static to take effect, paralysing DK, but the ape was now in some kind of berserk mode where he brushed off the electricity, and then brushed off the Thunder that Pikachu quickly unleashed while it dropped back, before he performed a long series of punches that were so fast that they could barely be followed by the naked eyes, all of them hitting Pikachu all over its body like small meteors. One final powerful uppercut then sent Pikachu flying into the sky until it was a twinkling star.

DK then finally fainted, his body giving out.

"Ring Out! The victor is: Donkey Kong!"

Author's Note:

I discovered just before finishing this chapter that I made a big error when I made Volta a Speaky-Eared Pichu. Yeah, at the time, I didn't understand The Kelduo's comment about the Pichu and Celebi because I didn't know that the two were related. I just thought that the SE Pichu was just a nice alternative skin, but then I finally found out that it wasn't just that. Because of some timey wimey stuff with Celebi, a Pichu physically changed to become the SE Pichu, leading to it losing its ability to evolve into a Pikachu. And obviously, in my story, this is not something that has happened to Volta, and I made her evolve in the middle of the F-Zero arc. So I will have to correct this and turn Volta into a normal Pichu (or a shiny one, I'm not yet decided).

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