• Published 25th Dec 2020
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers - Lucar

Several months after her adventures on Popstar, Sweetie Belle decides it's time to start new adventures in new universes

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Chapter 121: The Enemy

Master Hand... was a member of the Subspace Army? And more exactly, the leader?


Before she could even recover from the shock of learning that, Sweetie Void was suddenly punched by Master Hand who was coated in so much energy that an aura was visible around him, and the filly was sent away at a speed nearing the one of light.

If it hadn't been for her reacting at the very last moment and boosting herself defensively, she would have purely and simply exploded, and this would have been the end. Instead, she was merely flattened into a bloody pulp that still was alive enough that she was able to regenerate before she stopped her course.

She was still knocked so far away that she couldn't see the arena anymore. No doubt that she passed the Ring Out Barrier, but it was the last thing in anyone's mind right now. Also, the wormhole was gone, and Sweetie was back in the middle of space.

The punch knocked Sweetie Void out of her shock, which was replaced by anger and hate as everything finally settled.

Master Hand was the leader of the Subspace Army. He was the one who was putting in danger so many universes, so many lives. He was Porky's master, and so, indirectly responsible of what the brat did. Paula's death, Onett's state...

He was the Enemy to slain.

But then, Sweetie Void remarked something. She was trying to absorb energy from around to replenish what she used to heal herself, but there was nothing to absorb! Not even Void Energy!

"Judging by your expression, you found out," she heard from behind her. Quickly turning, she saw Master Hand now present. "This pocket universe is my personal sandbox. I can modify it as I wish. And right now, I made it so there is absolutely no energy for you to absorb. And don't try to escape out of this universe. Rifts and portals to exit it won't work, they will immediately disappear upon creation. Same for your friends actually trying to enter. No interference. This is between you and me."

"Oh... Buck... But I can do this!"

Sweetie Void teleported right beside Master Hand and proceeded to start absorbing his own energy. Master Hand quickly reacted to this however and tried to slap her away, only for her to teleport again to avoid it before she continued.

"As expected. But will absorbing my energy like that be enough? It's merely a river compared to the ocean that you need to fight."

Ugh... He's right... But at least, it was enough to replace what I used to heal, so it's not useless. Also, it weakens him a bit.

Suddenly, Master Hand snapped his fingers, and the next instant, they were in the middle of an asteroid field. Among them, the bigger ones were easily the size of mountains. Then, with a hand movement, he made all the giant boulders move to his right. They "miraculously" all avoided Master Hand, but Sweetie Void had to stop sucking up energy to deal with them. There were so many, and they were so fast, that it was impossible to avoid all of them, so she had to destroy some while keeping an eye on Master Hand who rose a finger.

The next instant, a blue supergiant star appeared above. Sweetie Void barely had time to augment her resistances before the heat of the star hit, stopping herself from being disintegrated like all the asteroids around. She then proceeded to heal her eyes which had been destroyed by the star's intense luminosity when it appeared.

The blindness, however, opened her enough that Master Hand cut her in half with a materialized sword like he used earlier.


The filly quickly glued herself back together before her mane and tail and even her eyes turned into pure darkness. Some darkness was even leaking out of her mouth. She was very close to turn into her Soul form.

Master Hand decided to launch the supergiant star at Sweetie Void before he disappeared. Instead of trying to destroy the star, which would ask a very powerful Ultimate Doom Laser and wast a huge quantity of energy as a result, she flew as fast as she could to avoid it. She didn't want to try her luck going through its core. At least, this star was one of these that didn't have a corona, or this would have been ugly. Blue and white stars didn't have coronae.

By the same occasion, she flew in the direction of where she felt Master Hand reappeared. Leaving the star behind to continue its course, she quickly approached Master Hand's position only to, in a flash, find herself facing a planet field. As in, a field not made of asteroids like earlier, but of boulders the size of planets. And they were all sent right toward her.

Not that this stopped her. Readying her ten swords, now darkness swords instead of beam swords, she continued and quickly reached the first planet.

The next instant, the planet was split in two.

The one that followed got the same fate. As well as the one after, and the one after.

Then, Sweetie Void reached Master Hand and, in a fraction of a second, slashed him. She opened a large gash at his side from which a jet of some strange black particles briefly came out before it closed.

"That's more like it."

Master Hand sent a storm of very powerful and fast waves in Sweetie's direction, and the filly had to teleport to avoid being cut into little cubes. They weren't waves of energy, they were literally waves of solidified space. However, when Sweetie Void reappeared further away, he then snapped his fingers and stopped time for the filly before he sent more waves. But Sweetie Void was able to break out of the time stop and teleported again, only getting a sliced leg that was quickly regrown.

When she reappeared again, Master Hand was nowhere to be seen, only for him to break through the fabric of space to punch her. But Sweetie was prepared and stopped him with her ten swords. After a bit of struggle, she was able to push him away before she slashed him several times and also hit him with dozens of beams fired from all around. But then, Master Hand took his finger-gun position and began to fire giant bullets at a speed close to a gattling gun.

And to make it worse, these ones were homing bullets, and very effective ones at that. They continued to go after Sweetie even when she teleported. She had no other choice but to destroy them to get them off her tail.

She decided to stop messing around and started singing. She intended to end the fight rapidly before her energy was depleted.

"The Enemy appears!
Rising up, I stand tall
I won't stop 'til you fall!

The Enemy appears!
Through the day, and the night
I'll continue to fight!"

She began by sending a double of herself using two of her cannons to destroy the bullets, allowing her to fully focus on Master Hand. Then, she readied her eight other cannons which were put into sword mode, accumulated energy into the blades for a few seconds, and launched herself toward her enemy.

Master Hand stopped firing his bullets and began to fly away from Sweetie Void while sending the planets that were still around at the filly from all directions. Sweetie Void didn't mind the planets as she chased Master Hand and began to attack him with all manners of projectiles. She also merged back with her double because she didn't have any use for it anymore now that the hand had stopped firing his bullets. Using her ten cannons, she fired beams powerful enough at the planets that were closing in to blow them up while also firing at Master Hand. This created a giant field of boulders of all sizes all around Sweetie Void.

Master Hand clenched his fist, making all the boulders rapidly move toward Sweetie Void only for her to teleport right before him before she slashed him, opening another big gash that leaked black particles before it closed too. He then retaliated by doing twirls with one of his fingers, making everything circle him, excepted Sweetie Void who was able to resist being manipulated around. The filly had to avoid or destroy the moving space boulders however, as a result, but it was no problem. But then, without warning, Master Hand began to twirl his finger in the opposite direction, making the boulders brusquely do the same, almost making Sweetie being rammed by one the size of Twilight's castle. Then, Master Hand changed his finger's direction again, only, this time, he made it so the boulders moved mostly vertically instead of mostly horizontally (from Sweetie's point of view. Directions didn't really in space). This time, it was a planet that was about to ram her from below only to be cut in two.

Having enough, Sweetie Void lit her horn and magically took control of ALL the boulders, including the planets, and threw them all at Master Hand. He was seemingly buried under billions of billions of billions of tons of rocks, but he then reappeared not far and punched the rocky agglomeration toward Sweetie Void. He wasn't prepared for the filly drilling her way through it and blasting out at blinding speed, and ended up with a big gash for the third time.

Before the wound could even close again, Sweetie then pierced Master Hand with her ten swords, turning him into a pincushion, and then punched him from below, the punch unleashing a huge amount of energy that blasted him very, very, VERY far away.

Gathering her ten cannons while still singing, she then readied her most powerful Ultimate Doom Laser and fired.

Far away, Master Hand barely moved out of the way of the laser.

Only for Sweetie to command the laser to explode.

The resulting explosion had the force of a supernova, and Master Hand was caught right in the center. The explosion even reached Sweetie Void who had to protect herself while everything around her was disintegrated.

When everything cleared, she was breathing heavily, but still teleported to Master Hand's position, seeing that he was still alive but very badly burned, and contrary to before, his injuries had difficulty healing.

And yet, he spoke as if he wasn't at death's doorstep.

"Amazing. For one who isn't even a God, your powers are breathtaking. I am not disappointed. I admit my defeat. Now I have no doubt, if we allied, our chances of victory against them would rise a lot."

"Them? Oh. You mean the God of Light and the God of Darkness?"

"So you somehow learned about them too. That's right. Galeem and Dharkon.

Respectively Light and Darkness, they are mortal enemies since countless eternities. They are opposites in almost everything. However, there are two things that they have in common: they are both evil, and they are both unbelievably powerful for First Category Gods. Their dimension-prisons are weakening as we speak, and when freedom will be theirs, calamity will befall countless universes. They must be stopped, one way or another.

So, I ask you, join me, you and your allies, so we can work together to end their threat."

Sweetie Void glared at Master Hand. "You really expect me to agree just like that? Your goal is noble, but so far, your army hasn't shown you to be any better. One of your subordinates used one of your bombs to trap a town in some pocket dimensional bubble and killed an innocent girl just for the heck of it! Explain yourself!"

"As I am, I am not powerful enough to face Galeem and Dharkon. In order to gain more power, I have to trap special places of interest into dimensional bubbles as you called it to use them as power boosters when the time will come. They will allow me to become even more powerful than I am now so I should be able to fight at least one of the Gods in a duel."

"Something tells me that, when you mean "special places of interest", you don't simply mean desert planets."

"You are right. The places in question must be fatefully important. Porky didn't target Onett just because he wanted to. Onett was the place where Ness was born and grew up, and where his quest started, ending up with him saving his universe. The town had a primordial role, and as a result, my power will be boosted a lot. Ponyville, Peach's castle, Dedede's castle, Corneria City, or even the Space Station ARK among many others will work just as well if I end up targeting them. And if these places have people in them, especially just as important people, then all the better. Ness' family, to retake the exemple of Onett, will help boosting the power output even more. The drawback is that these places will risk to be destroyed if I end up having to go too hard when I use them, but those are sacrifices that I am willing to make to save the decillions of lives that will be threatened by Galeem and Dharkon.

This is why I have Porky as a subordinate. "Villains" are generally very easy to convince. They lack the moral, and a few promises are all that are needed for them to agree to help. But once Galeem and Dharkon are either killed or imprisoned again, then I will eliminate them.

You understand, now? I'm not your enemy. Circumstances are just forcing me to take difficult decisions. I don't want to enter a war against you and your allies. I even promise you this: if you join me, then I will not target your universes. I will deal with Porky and any other villains currently working for me. I will even restore Onett. Just know that, if you decide to oppose me, then you will be at a terrible disadvantage. I now know the emplacement of all your universes, and through this tournament, I observed everyone's abilities. We WILL be ready to face you. So, think well before you answer."


Sweetie wanted so much to say "No." She didn't want to join Master Hand in trapping people to be used to boost his power at the risk of killing them, even if it was to fight two Gods that threatened countless universes. But the others...

"Why not simply ask an omnipotent God to go deal with them?!"

"I would need to find an omnipotent God that would be willing to do it first, and the great majority of them only care for what happens within their universes. As long as Galeem and Dharkon don't threaten their universes, then they won't do anything. And Galeem and Dharkon know to avoid such universes until they manage to find a mean to actually deal with these Gods. Just so you know, we have such means."

Sweetie gulped. She could tell that he wasn't bluffing.

"I... cannot take this decision alone..." she eventually said.

"Understandable. I will let you return to your friends so you can all discuss this. I will give you one month, local world's time, to decide. I will await your answer."

At this, Master Hand snapped his fingers. Then, there was a flash, and Sweetie Void found herself back among her friends, in Sinnoh.

Master Hand was nowhere to be seen.

And everyone could only look at each others in total silence at this ultimatum.

Writer, I REALLY hate you!

Author's Note:

Merry Christmas!

A short chapter this time, but very important.

For the lyrics, I thank The Kelduo, like always.

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