• Published 25th Dec 2020
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers - Lucar

Several months after her adventures on Popstar, Sweetie Belle decides it's time to start new adventures in new universes

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Chapter 165: Maridia

Author's Note:

I added lines in chapters 101, 102, 106, and 121 where Sweetie talks to the Writer in reaction to what happens in these chapters. Also added one near the end of chapter 145.

Cyrus Colter has started publishing a retelling of UME. I recommend to give it a look, here.

And don't forget that Edguy0009 also has a retelling, this time of the Apple Bloom's Mansion saga, here.

The path to Maridia was revealed to be linear. From the moment they entered the cavern with the scaffoldings, they just had to follow the path while fighting the various hostile critters, starting with Choots. These green creatures were more a nuisance than a problem. They remained dormant wherever they were, waiting for a prey to approach. If something got too close, they jumped, then used their flat, parachute-like body to sway from side to side as they glided down with the goal to land on the prey to devour them, their mouth being in their underside. This made them easy to eliminate. Even if one managed to fall on Samus, she could easily counter them with a melee attack.

The scaffoldings led into water. With the Gravity Suit, Samus didn’t have any problem moving in it, allowing her to easily avoid and kill some fishes with bony frames named Skulteras. They exited the water at the end of the cavern by jumping on ledges to reach the exit door.

They entered a shaft that was empty except for two Cagos. It led to a partially submerged tunnel with many small passages for the Morph Ball, making it maze-like, but not really because the path was rather forward. Scisers, crab-like creatures already encountered here and there in Crateria, were present in the passages, forcing Samus to deal with some of them with her bombs unless she let Sweetie do the job. These passages led to a door to a small room with a yellow door in the ground. After the yellow door was an elevator.

They arrived in a shaft with Rippers present right away.

“And here is Maridia. Be careful with these tunnels. The hardened sand is fragile. It shouldn’t be long before we find water,” Samus said.

“If I have to, I can turn the sand into glass.”

Under the elevator was a narrow tunnel going down. Inside it were more Rippers that Sweetie eliminated to open the way and allow them to jump. They landed before a red door to a recharge station. Another jump down and they reached the bottom of the shaft which was submerged (“Told you we would quickly find water.”) with a spiked-shelled creature named Owtch. It was buried in the sand so it tried to ambush Sweetie and Samus, but as soon as they saw it come out, they moved aside and killed it.

Passing the door, they entered a partially submerged tunnel with lots of platforms made of grass with Choots and weird elastic yellow blobs named Puyos (on which a melee counter worked very well). Numerous Primids were also present, as well as flying cyclops fishes and a couple of golden-helmeted flying ammonites, respectively known as Feyeshes (Sweetie laughed at that one) and Armights. Sweetie had the idea of controlling with her telekinesis the javelin-swords of the Armights to attack the others while Samus fired at anything that got too close while avoiding the Feyeshes’ projectiles.

“I would think they’d be a little less organized with their commanders gone,” Sweetie Void commented.

Samus gave a chuckle at that. “Well, I can’t say for the Subspace creatures, but I have it on personal experience that the Pirates have spent enough time without Ridley to stay organized until he returns. Under normal circumstances at least.”

The filly chuckled at the bounty hunter’s reply.

After the tunnel was a small room with quicksand underwater out of which came blue shrimp-like creatures, Zoas, that swam backward toward Samus and Sweetie Void. There were also two Yapping Maws coming out of the sand, trying to drag the girls into it. The girls easily eliminated all of them and jumped above the quicksand to reach the other side where they took the exit door.

They arrived in a cavern with a shaft in the ceiling and two holes into water before the girls. There were some Choots and a few Puppits. When Sweetie and Samus jumped into the water, they were welcomed by Skulteras and Feyeshes. This underwater section led, after a couple of Owtches, to a tunnel passing under it and to another shaft leading out of the water. They explored the tunnel first, leading to a door to a small room which, according to the map, was just under the quicksand they passed earlier. The exit was blocked by a metal door however, so this was a dead end.

So they went to climb the shaft out of water and entered a small tunnel to a green door in the ground.

As they approached the door, however, they walked near a red thing poking out of the sand. Suddenly, something jumped out of the sand and Sweetie found herself with a pair of spiky lips on her face.

“AAAH GETITOFFMEGETITOFFME GET IT THE F#$% OFF OF ME!” the filly said as she tore the thing apart to… well, get it off of her. Samus helped by grabbing the plant-like creature attached to the fillies’ face and pulling as Sweetie shredded the lips of the creature. The two then took a moment to breathe as the sudden encounter processed for the both of them.

Samus started chuckling at Sweetie Void’s reaction, until the latter glared at her, silencing the laughter.

“What was that thing?” the filly asked.

“It’s called a Bucculus, it apparently absorbs life energy to fuel an organ of some kind. They also tend to hide in ambush,” Samus answered as she suddenly blasted a section of the floor with a charge shot, sending another Bucculus into the air and onto the ground, where it flopped around for a bit before jumping at the girls. Sweetie promptly skewered it on an energy blade and absorbed what she could of the fading Void Energy.

“Moving on,” the filly said before turning back to the door.

“By the way, did you seriously censor yourself?” Samus asked.

“Well, I’m still a filly. What would Rarity think if she heard me say that?”

Also, Writer, I’m totally somehow getting you back for that.

Looking at the door, they decided to not take it right away, instead climbing the shaft to the top to see where it led. At the top, after fighting an Armight, was a pit which led to the top of the first shaft they saw earlier in the ceiling of the cavern. Riding on a shield as they descended into it, they found a metal door. With all paths but one blocked by metal doors, this forced the girls to take the green door which revealed to lead into a vertical tube.

They jumped into it.

They fell down the tube for a while before they were launched out at the other side, right into a shaft in a purple metallic structure which was underwater.

We must have gone through all of Maridia with this tube. It will be a nice shortcut from top to bottom, Sweetie Void said through a telepathic link now that they were underwater.

Samus nodded. I confirm, we are at the bottom of Maridia. The map says we are above Kraid’s lair.

They moved to the bottom of the shaft where Samus used a bomb to destroy part of the floor, allowing them to enter a corridor where they had to choose between two blue doors.

Samus pointed at a door. This one leads in the direction of the glass tube before the elevator to Norfair.

Then let’s see what we have this way first.

So they passed the door, exiting the purple structure and entering a big underwater tunnel full of quicksands and sandfalls.

Samus groaned. Sandfalls. They will hinder my jumps.

Despite this, they advanced, carefully jumping on purple blocks and pillars while being mindful of the sandfalls. Giant armored gray crayfish-like creatures (without the pincers) named Evirs that didn’t seem natural were present. They didn’t seem natural because their tail was a cannon launching spiked balls of the same color, so they were probably a result of pirate experiments. Maybe they even served them. Now that they remembered, one of the golden statues showed one such creature, pretty much confirming this hypothesis.

The Evirs were hidden in the sand and jumped out to fire with their cannon. In addition, their armor was solid so only Samus’ missiles worked on them. Thankfully, the Ice Beam could easily freeze them, turning them into easy targets. But supporting them were more Feyeshes and some Puppits, so they were priority after freezing the Evirs. After all these obstacles, they arrived at the exit door which led to a small tunnel with a single red Sciser, then to a room with two broken pipe halves, as if there had once been a glass tube here but it was now destroyed. There were two purple blocks under which was a hole. After dealing with Scisers, they took the door in the opposite broken pipe halve only to enter a tunnel blocked by a metal gate which the Wave Beam couldn’t open, meaning it must have a green light that needed a Super Missile to open on the other side. A small red robotic helmeted tank was here, launching a lance at them. Sweetie stopped the lance with her magic while Samus fired at it, destroying the helmet and revealing a yellow light. Guessing that it was the tank’s weakness, Sweetie pierced it with her swords, destroying the tank which Samus revealed was an Autolance.

They returned to the previous room and dropped down the hole under the blocks, Samus having to be in Morph Ball to reach it. Entering another purple metallic room with some Scisers and a wheel expelling electricity known as a Glunder, they found themselves having to choose between a blue door and a red door. They opened the red door first which led to Maridia’s map room.

Samus groaned. According to the map, the door we haven’t taken leads to a dead end with probably an upgrade.

Sweetie Void sighed. And the area before we fell down that hole, we can’t return there, unless you want me to teleport us.

No, we will certainly manage to return there eventually.


They left the map room and took the blue door, entering a tunnel out of water with uneven floor divided into pits, some of which had Boyons and Zebbos. After traversing a first part of the tunnel, they reached a metal gate that Samus opened with a Super Missile, allowing them to continue into a similar second part of the tunnel where, in addition to the previous critters, there were also Feyeshes. At the end, Samus jumped into a small hole which led back into the passage between the glass tube and the entrance to Kraid’s lair with the elevator to Norfair.

"And now, watch the magic," Samus said before she led Sweetie into the glass tube.

Then, she used a Power Bomb. When it exploded, it destroyed the glass tube so, now, they were underwater..

Nice! Sweetie shouted.

Now in a shaft, Samus moved down toward a red door to a recharge station. Then, they climbed the shaft and entered a much bigger shaft with diamond-esque structures with a square pattern in the background and a red door right at the bottom. The door led back to the metal gate they couldn’t open back then.

So, time to see what is behind that door, Sweetie Void said.

Samus nodded. Even if it means traversing that sand room again.

So they returned to the purple shaft (fighting more Feyeshes) and took the door they didn’t choose earlier, entering another sand room with larger sandfalls, larger gaps between pillars (too large to cross in one jump), and more Evirs and Feyeshes as well as several Cymuls. Because of the large gaps, Samus had no choice but to go in the sand.

After that was a small purple room with more sand and a single grapple point which was damaged. A door led to a similar room, but without a grapple point. Instead, in this room, the ceiling could be damaged, but it led to a dead end where the ceiling would collapse under someone’s weight. Back in the room with the grapple point, Samus had an idea and used the grapple. However, this time, she remained attached to the grapple point until it was destroyed by her weight. This left a hole through which she could jump, entering a shaft.

She had to wall jump to reach the top of this shaft, exiting the water. There were many flying robotic bugs called Menus swooping at them, but Sweetie easily eliminated them, allowing Samus to land safe and sound. They then dropped on a metallic purple floor which collapsed under them, making them drop to another purple floor with a Puyo. This repeated a couple more times, fighting a Glunder, until they landed in a room with a blue door.

Behind the door was a partially submerged room with some spherical robot with two arms ending in excavating gears. The robot, a Shaktool, wasn’t hostile, it just moved around in the room, so Samus decided to leave it alone and to scan the room which seemed to be a dead end. However, this revealed to not be the case because the back wall could be destroyed with a Power Bomb. And the Shaktool wasn’t even affected by the bomb.

Destroying the wall revealed a wall of sand toward which the Shaktool moved. The robot then began to break through it, opening the way. It took some time to move through what revealed to be a tunnel filled with sand, but they eventually reached the other side where two snail-like creatures with pincers, Yards, awaited them. Once the snails were killed, Sweetie and Samus moved around the Shaktool and exited the room.

In the next room was a passage for the Morph Ball leading to a Chozo statue holding an orb containing the Spring Ball upgrade.

“Something I would have loved to have right from the start. Now, I will be able to jump while in Morph Ball,” Samus said.

“Great! No need to use bombs anymore! Well, now that we are done here, I guess that we can return to that shaft that we haven’t explored yet.”


So they returned to the underwater shaft and climbed it, dealing with more Scisers and a Skultera before they reached a tunnel with a blue door. However, it led to another shaft that was a dead end with a Floow welcoming them, so they returned to the previous shaft and continued to climb, dealing with more Scisers, Skulteras, Feyeshes, and a couple of Shaydas. At a moment, Samus’ scanner revealed a ceiling section that could be destroyed only with the Speed Booster, meaning that the Shinespark had to be used.

“Oh. We have to return to the tunnel with the gate,” Samus said. “That tunnel is the only place in this area where I will be able to activate the Shinespark.”

So they returned at the bottom of the shaft and opened the door, then the gate. After dealing with all the Scisers in the tunnel, Samus went to the end, then began to run. Just before reaching the door back to the shaft, she stopped to charge the Shinespark. She then went through the door, then went to a precise spot right under the ceiling section that could be destroyed, and jumped. She was successful, getting a Missile Expansion. With that done, they resumed climbing the shaft which was narrowing. At the top was a blue door.

They now entered a huge cavern with the same mysterious background as in the shaft. There was a huge gap with three rock formations above which with floating balloon-like creatures called Powamps. To traverse the gap, there were grapple points. Instead of traversing it, Samus jumped into the gap and landed on the first rock formation from which she spotted a small passage into the wall beside the formation. Before jumping into it, they had to deal with Feyeshes and Floows and even a skull turret known as a Roturret. They had to be careful to not fire at the Powamps. Once done, Samus curled into her Morph Ball and jumped toward the wall so she could enter the passage which led to a Super Missile Expansion.

Leaving the passage, she ignored the blue door in the floor at the bottom of the wall, Wall Jumped to return to the rock formation and jumped on the two other formations to join another blue door in the floor. In the cavern under, which was a succession of pits, they faced more Skulteras and encountered pink Space Pirates that revealed to resist everything that Samus possessed except the Speed Booster and something called the Charge attack which puzzled Samus. This left Sweetie to deal with the pink Space Pirates while Samus searched what was the Charge Attack within the database of the Suit.

She found it.

Huh. Listen to this. Apparently, I can charge my beam, and then spin jump which results in a weaker version of the Screw Attack. Why am I learning that only now?

You never give a look at your database, uh? Sweetie asked.

Samus sighed. I never bothered.

Well, it’s nice to know that you have this option until you find the real Screw Attack.


With all the pirates eliminated, they found a tunnel leading to a red door. Behind was a large room with a high ceiling. Far near the top, they could see a single grapple point, and Samus identified a piece of wall that could be destroyed. Those were too high for her to reach however.

Before them was a large tortoise-like creature currently in its shell which was covered in mushrooms, around which were a bunch of smaller turtles.

Tatoris. If I manage to make the mother angry, I could stand on its shell while it’s spinning and make it jump very high to reach that grapple point, Samus explained.

And the best way to make a mother angry is to attack its children. No! Way! Let’s use one of my shields.

So they used one of Sweetie’s shields to move up and reach the grapple point on which was an Energy Tank. On the way was another Roturret. Samus then destroyed the fragile piece of wall and got a Missile Expansion.

They found nothing else in this room, and there was no other exit, so they left and returned to the cavern with the three rock formations. Here, after dealing with more Feyeshes and a couple of Glunders moving around the rock formations, careful again to not hit the Powamps, Samus used the grapple on one of the Powamps so it could transport her to the grapple points. They then reached a door in the ceiling to a small shaft with a red Skultera that revealed to be a shortcut to Brinstar, passing by that room with a metal gate they hadn’t been able to open back then, beside the red shaft with the elevator to Crateria, behind a small passage for the Morph Ball.

They didn’t want to return to Brinstar however so they returned to the cavern and traversed the gap to the blue door at the end, entering a purple metallic structure with a Sciser. Here, part of the ground could be destroyed, but first, they climbed the shaft to a blue door in the ceiling, leaving the structure and returning to the top part of Maridia with the hardened sand, in a different cavern just beside the one with the tube they took.

Still underwater, after dealing with some Skulteras, Feyeshes, and an Owtch, they found a Missile Expansion. After that, they exited the water, dealing with some Choots before they took a blue door to a tunnel partially submerged. Some Menus and lots of Owtches were present but were easily dealt with. At the end was a shaft leading to a blue door.

They followed a passage with two fissures out of which came Geegas and eliminated two Bucculus before they reached another shaft leading down to a Missile Expansion and a Super Missile Expansion back underwater defended by a well placed Choot.

How is it that these expansions seem specifically placed? Sweetie Void asked, thinking out loud through the telepathic link.

Knowing the Chozo, they likely hid them here for me to find, in their ‘infinite wisdom," Samus replied, a mix of nostalgia and annoyance in her voice.

I’m surprised the pirates didn’t remove them.

Fair enough. Some of the Missile Expansions, at least, I can confirm, are from the Pirates’ own munitions, so make of that what you will.

What about the upgrades? Kraid’s room was just beside the Varia Suit.

They couldn’t open the orbs, so they didn’t know what were in them, and so, they didn’t care about them.

There were no other paths, so they returned to the purple structure and, this time, destroyed the fragile floor to reveal a secret room filled with Scisers with a green door.

Behind it was a small room with a piece of floor that could be destroyed with the Power Bomb. They dropped down the formed hole and found themselves in front of a red door leading to a recharge station. Back outside, they followed the corridor to a giant room, Sweetie dealing with the Yard in the way.

It was surprisingly cold here, icicles had formed on the ceiling. The tube they used earlier could be seen in the center of the room, between two walls made of grapple points. Three Roturrets were present, as well as Glunders, an Autolance, two red monocycles known as Roaders, Feyeshes, Floows, and Armights. Sweetie Void had to get out her ten cannon to deal with all of them while Samus used Power Bombs, dealing heavy damage to groups. The Roturrets were too far above ground to reach even with the Power Bombs’ explosions, so Sweetie was the one destroying them, targeting them rapidly to stop them from firing.

After all the enemies were gone, some exploration revealed the presence of a section that could be destroyed with the Shinespark, so Samus ran and jumped, reaching a secret room with a Missile Expansion and a Super Missile Expansion. Samus then let part of the floor collapse under her to lead her to another small room with a blue door which led to a dead end with sandfalls.

They returned to the giant room through a tunnel and Samus bombed a part of the floor to reveal a hole leading to a section under the room with two quicksands. Nothing was here however. So they returned to the room and Samus climbed the grapple point walls, then used the Grappling Beam on more grapple points in the ceiling to reach a blue door.

They were now in a narrow passage with pipes blocking the way. Parts of the pipes could be destroyed, only to reveal what looked like Metroids, but with a single nucleus and a lack of muscle-like tissues above the fangs. The Metroid lookalikes were very easily killed, showing that they were very fragile compared to actual Metroids.

Samus scanned one and tsked. Damn. They already cloned it. These things are failed clones of the baby. Mochtroids.

I guess that this is bad. At least, you have the Ice Beam if we encounter successful clones.

As they advanced in the passage, destroying more pipes and killing more Mochtroids, they encountered Puyos before reaching the door at the end.

The new room was rather small but had lots of holes in the green, porous wall at the left. There was a pipe in the back with cracks. out of one of the holes came an orange sea-serpent that swam around a bit before entering another hole.

A Botwoon. It can fire spores from its mouth, Samus described.

Not a problem then, Sweetie said as they avoided said spores fired by the Botwoon’s head poking out of a hole.

Samus fired a Super Missile at the head before it could return in the hole, dealing a lot of damage. This repeated a couple more times, the snake’s head poking out of a hole to fire spores only to be hit by a Super Missile from Samus and a beam from Sweetie. The snake then came out to swim around, trying to ram the girls.

As the snake passed beside Sweetie, the filly turned into a human two times Samus’ size and grabbed it. Then, she used it as a rope to do some jump rope.

Why miss an opportunity to have some fun at work? she questioned.

Samus laughed. It kills the monotony. Hey, how about you throw it at this pipe? I have a feeling.


So Sweetie stopped and threw the Botwoon at the cracked pipe, destroying it and stunning the no doubt dizzied snake by the same occasion. Before it could recover, Samus approached the head, opened the mouth, and fired Super Missiles in it until it died.

The destroyed pipe revealed another part of the room with a blue door.

Something to hide? Sweetie Void questioned with a big smile.

Certainly. Either a big upgrade or a target. Maybe both, Samus said.

They traversed the newly revealed section of room and took the door, entering a long corridor with some Puyos easily killed. After advancing a bit, they encountered quicksands and a wall blocking the path unless Samus curled into her Morph Ball which would be risky because of the quicksands. If the map was right, the quicksands would make them fall into the dead end room with the sandfalls after the giant freezing purple room. Not that it wasn’t freezing here too. It hadn’t stopped freezing since they left the room. It seemed like everywhere inside these purple ruins was freezing.

The wall could be destroyed by the Speed Booster, but before that, Samus spotted above the entrance a passage for the Morph Ball. The problem was that the entrance was right above the quicksands. So Samus would have to do a big jump and turn into her Morph Ball midair to enter it.

She was successful and she ended up finding an Energy Tank. Not only that, but the passage continued above the quicksands and went all the way to the other side, meaning that they didn’t have to destroy the wall.

So they left the passage and took the blue door at the end of the corridor, entering a shaft with walls made of grapple points and some Mochtroids. Mid-climb, there was a metal door. They will have to return here later. Before climbing, they found a small passage leading to a corridor with, at the end, a room with a Super Missile Recharge Unit. To return to the shaft faster, they could destroy part of a pipe and use the Speed Booster to run through more pipes.

At the top of the shaft, they left by a blue door and entered a large and especially long room filled with quicksands and with many grapple points, many of which formed walls. More Mochtroids were present here. Traversing the room asked for a lot of precision with the Grappling Beam and some jumps for Samus who had to be careful of some spikes while Sweetie dealt with the Mochtroids, but they eventually reached two doors: a red one at the top and a green one at the bottom, both in the opposite side of the room from the entrance.

The red door led to a recharge station and a Power Bomb Recharge Unit while the green door led to the next step of the exploration: a shaft with spikes. Among them was a hole to descend. There were also grapple points leading to a Missile Expansion. At the bottom of the shaft was one of these one-eyed door-creatures. Some missiles in the eye and they entered.

They arrived on a ledge in a large room, at the top. The room’s floor had sand, thankfully not quicksand, and was littered with dried husks of Scisers as well as pipes half burried. In the wall facing them, they could see two turrets, including one that was already destroyed and that sparked electricity as a result. There were some boxes floating in the background, in the darkness.

They saw right away the giant ape-like purple robot, or cyborg?

They jumped from the ledge, spotting two more turrets in the wall under it. Samus immediately worked to destroy the turrets with her missiles so they would stop firing electrical bullets at them while Sweetie attacked the robot. While this happened, dark green Evirs came and began some sort of dance across the room, not attacking the girls for some reason.

Sweetie quickly cut one of the robot’s arms while it fired homing missiles from rocket launchers on its back. She then grabbed the arm in her magic and slapped the robot with it. With such huge hands, the robot was sent crashing on its side, crushing one of the dancing Evirs.


The remaining Evirs scattered, and suddenly, a much bigger Evir, several times bigger with a green outer shell (with screaming faces on the forehead!), a big, yellow, soft stomach, big, round, bloodshot eyes, and a round mouth full of fangs, swam hastily toward Sweetie Void, pushing the robot out of the way. Sweetie slapped the giant crayfish with the robot’s arm, sending it crashing on the robot.

It’s our target, Samus said. Draygon. Seems like she’s the mother of all these Evirs.

Sweetie Void winced.

The weakpoint is the belly, but it’s still hard enough that I will need Super Missiles, Samus continued.

Darn. If she wasn’t working for the Space Pirates, I would feel bad. Well, I do actually feel bad about accidentally killing that dancing Evir.

Samus sighed. Let’s just get this over with. You deal with the robot, which is a Galleom by the way, and I deal with Draygon. When you finish the Galleom, I wouldn’t mind the help.

Give me one minute.

At this, Sweetie Void threw the arm at the Galleom who just got up, sending him crashing again. Meanwhile Samus gained the attention of Draygon by firing a Super Missile at her belly.

Sweetie Void flew toward the Galleom, avoided one of his punches, and fired a point blank blast at his face. The Galleom tried to smash her but she easily flew out of the way and cut his other arm. The Galleom quickly turned into a tank and flew farther away to fire missiles. Very quickly, Sweetie kicked the missiles to turn them toward the Galleom so they flew toward him. While the Galleom recovered from getting missiles in the face, Sweetie levitated his arms and used them to repeatedly punch him. The Galleom tried to escape but Sweetie held him in place with his arms, allowing her to pierce him at several points with her ten swords. From these points, she slashed him. The Galleom began to explode, pieces flying around until what remained dropped, not moving anymore.

Her enemy destroyed, Sweetie Void turned around to see how Samus fared and saw her held by Draygon who swam around very rapidly. Acting quickly, Sweetie punched Draygon in the face with one of the Galleom’s arms, making her drop Samus.

Thanks for the save, Samus said. That thing can secrete sticky mucus that slows me down, allowing her to grab me. I wouldn’t have loved what would have come next if you hadn’t stopped her.

Alright. Be careful of sticky mucus. Understood. What else?

So far, nothing else. She just swims very rapidly to try to ram me. Because of that, I have very little opening to fire at her belly. Still managed to land a few Super Missiles.

Then count on me!

At that, Sweetie Void used the Galleom’s hands to hold Draygon in place, giving to Samus all the time to fire at her in the world. Draygon secreted her sticky mucus, but besides slowing their movements, it did nothing to help her.

After many Super Missiles, Draygon’s stomach burst open and Sweetie released her, allowing her to sink into the sand until only her head remained out as she closed her eyes and expired. Then, the dark green Evirs returned and burrowed into the sand with her body in silence, leaving nothing behind.

Sweetie sighed sadly, then shook her head. This had to be done. She was a Space Pirate.

Samus nodded.

The metal door at the end of the room was now unlocked and they passed it, entering a room with a Chozo statue holding a new upgrade: the Space Jump.

Now, I can pretty much fly, Samus said. Now I really can get anywhere.

I guess that my shields will be less useful now, Sweetie said with a chuckle.

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