• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,194 Views, 10,244 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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915 - Necessity is the Mother of Emulation

Loraestil’s blade flashed so quickly that it was barely visible, lashing out a half-dozen times in the space of half as many breaths. Each strike left a deep cut in Burly’s body, opening lacerations across his legs, chest, and face. Immediately, the snow around the two of them was soaked through with blood, all of it belonging to the stallion.

Burly’s response was to grin as he lashed out with a haymaker that could have pulverized a boulder.

Loraestil seemingly danced around it, launching an upward slash that very nearly severed Burly’s leg, flesh and muscle parting to reveal bone.

The injury made Burly chuckle. “You know, I was almost thinkin’ that I’d wasted my time comin’ up here,” he chortled, punching out again. “But you’re only mostly weak instead of completely weak, and it’s actually kinda fun!”

Loraestil’s lip curled as he once again contorted in place to avoid the blow, twisting beneath the heavy strike and immediately springing back up to launch one of his own. “Your delighting in savagery will be your downfall, cur,” he sneered, voice thick with disdain. “Only a beast of the lowliest sort would challenge one who so easily removed their head!”

“That’s rich,” laughed Burly, seemingly not noticing the deep gash that sliced across his ribs, “comin’ from the guy who saw their enemy put their head right back on and thought ‘no biggie’!”

That was all Solvei caught as she continued to race toward the nearby tree line, the pack of animals that Thilaera had summoned following her. But they’ll have a hard time in the forest, she knew, watching as their continued attacks reduced the number of illusory copies that Nenet and Mei Li had surrounded her with, already having pared them down to only three remaining. Unless they can uproot trees like Burly, they’ll be slowed down by the undergrowth!

I have another spell that might help you with that, Elder Sister, chimed in Mei Li, having heard Solvei’s thoughts. It’s from my fourth tail, and makes anything the subject does seem innocuous and unremarkable. It’s often used by visitors to another’s household when circumstance requires them to bring an unruly guest or a precocious child, so that they do not embarrass-

That sounds great, Mei Li! cut in Solvei, watching as another of her illusory selves was torn apart by the maned feline with the shimmering aura, the great cat roaring as its prey dissolved in its jaws. Lay it on me!

Up above, Vystalaran withdrew another rod – this one composed of an odd, bluish metal with several prisms on the end – and began to chant as he waved it around, gesticulating with his other hand.

Immediately, Elder Sis-

In the instant that Vystalaran finished casting, the kumiho’s voice suddenly stopped.

Mei Li? called Solvei, a sinking feeling going through her. Mei Li?!

In the instant that she was distracted, another of Thilaera’s retinue made their move.

This time it was an oversized badger – one that was almost as large as Burly was, and had a hide like onyx – which surged up from underground, tearing through the earth with the same ease that a fish would have through water. Its claws tore through her serac, and Solvei wasn’t able to catch herself as the frozen platform shattered out from under her, sending her and her illusory copies sprawling.

Thanks to her armor, the fall inflicted no damage, but it was still enough to knock the wind out of her, existing injuries flaring up all at once from the sudden tumble. Falling end over end, Solvei groaned as she looked up, realizing she was almost close enough to touch the nearby trees. Grunting, she stumbled forward, her copies following her as she limped toward the forest-

And hit an invisible wall.

Having been with Lex long enough to realize what was happening, Solvei still couldn’t help the rush of panic that went through her then. This is what that other one meant by locking the place down! she realized, looking up at Vystalaran. He did something to cut Mei Li off, and now I can’t leave either!

The levitating elf didn’t even deign to look back at her, instead waving the blue staff as he cast another spell.

It was clear that in his eyes, Solvei was already defeated.

“You still have a chance to make this easy on yourself,” noted Thilaera quietly, approaching with her collection of bizarre animals in tow. “Surrender peacefully, and you will not be mistreated.”

“I’ll think about that,” snorted Solvei, somehow finding the strength to climb to one knee. “Since you’ve made such a good first impression on me.”

A regretful look crossed Thilaera’s face. “I understand this all must seem very abrupt to you. But you must understand, we are this world’s caretakers. Once Loraestil finishes his battle with Lex Legis, we’ll-”

“Wait, what?!” Solvei couldn’t help but turn to look at the elven lady in shock. “You’re here-”

She cut herself off abruptly, realizing that her surprise would only make things worse. She had no idea who these people were or why they were after Lex, but right now – based on what Thilaera had just said – they thought that Burly was him!

And if I clue them in, then they’ll have no reason to keep fighting him!

Unfortunately, it seemed like it might be too late, as Thilaera was cocking her head and frowning. “You seemed surprised by that-”

“You think that’s surprising?! Try THIS on for size!” Without waiting, Solvei dug deep into her reserve of supplementary magic, opening her mouth and breathing out a brilliant blue beam of freezing energy directly at the elf.

Immediately, the animals Thilaera had summoned sprung into action, as a thick-bodied quadruped with a single large horn jutting up from the end of its nose leaped in front of its summoner, even as the golden-furred bear and the hawk rushed at her.

But rather than break off her attack, Solvei instead summoned a thick hemisphere of ice around herself, leaving only the area directly in front of her open as she continued to unleash her breath attack at Thilaera. Gotta keep her from thinking about what I just let slip! she cursed inwardly. If they realize that’s not Lex that their leader’s fighting, they might leave. If that happens, then not only will Burly be my problem again, but they might be able to ambush Lex...wherever he is!

That wasn’t something she was about to let happen.

Reinvigorated, Solvei poured everything she had into her current attack, even as claws raked at the icy dome she’d raised around herself.

Up ahead, she could hear the horned creature let out an anguished roar, and the sound drove her to go harder.

But behind it, she could already hear the elf murmuring something in that lyrical language of hers.

A moment later she finished, and as soon as the last syllable was uttered, a sickle appeared in midair, tumbling end over end as it flew toward Solvei.

The weapon had no substance or mass, looking as though it were composed of nothing more than a sparkling wind in the shape of a curved blade. But that blade flew through Solvei’s breath attack as though it wasn’t even there, giving her no chance to do anything except widen her eyes before it flew right past her two remaining illusory images and struck home.

In an instant, the helmet around her face shattered as the tip of the sickle tore through it, and Solvei screamed as it bit deeply into her face, her breath attack tapering off as she fell back, hands coming up to cover her face protectively.

“I didn’t wish for it to be this way,” murmured Thilaera, her voice sounding as though she was moving closer. “Our Lord Gladoneral, under the auspices of the Seldarine, seeks to improve upon nature itself, so that all creatures may live together in peace. It was for that reason that we elves came to Everglow millennia ago, and why – even though this world’s creatures continue to refuse our benevolence – we remain here to this day.”

Solvei heard a loud cracking sound from her left, and could almost see the wall of the icy shell she’d raised around herself crumbling, certain that it was taking out the leftmost of the two remaining images Mei Li had cast around her. A second later, the same thing could be heard from her right.

And from up above, Vystalaran made a comment in the musical tongue that Solvei guessed was the elves’ language, prompting a response from Thilaera, who sounded like she was almost within arms’ reach.

After she finished speaking, the elf sighed. “My companion says that there is no reasoning with your kind, that you are as unto beasts. But I have spent time with the creatures of what others term ‘the wilds,’ and I understand that you act out of fear, not malice.”

Still crouched down with her face in her hands, Solvei could hear low growls, piercing shrieks, and rumbling snarls around her, knowing that she was surrounded. But Thilaera’s voice was now right in front of her, the elf seeming to have no concern about being attacked whatsoever. “One of your eyes was damaged just now,” she murmured. “Surely that is reason enough not to continue this-”

She didn’t have a chance to finish as Solvei heard what she’d been waiting for.

“HA!” roared Burly, even as the sound of a heavy impact split the air. “That’s the problem with you sword-swinging sissies! Too much time polishin’ your blades, not enough learnin’ how to take a punch!”

“Loraestil!” called Vystalaran, a note of alarm in his voice.

Thilaera didn’t say anything, but Solvei heard her draw in a sudden breath, her ears twitching as she noted how it sounded as though her enemy had just stood up.

It was the chance she’d been waiting for.

Her hands falling from her face as she turned her one remaining eye – the left, golden-colored one – toward Thilaera, Solvei cocked back her gauntleted fist.

Just that action alone made the surrounding animals howl as they leaped at her, not about to let their summoner come to harm. At the same time, the sickle swung down at her of its own accord, again aiming right for her face.

But Thilaera had given Solvei more than enough time to get ready.

This is from all of us! she swore as she swung her fist toward the elf, using up the last of her enhancement reserves to make her spell as strong as she could. Lex showed me this when he was fighting Hvitdod, Nenet’s asking for that ice palace showed me I had what it took, and Mei Li’s creativity just now inspired me to try my own version!

A second later, the ghostly sickle, giant hawk, and great cat lashed out.

But none of them could penetrate the massive suit of ice armor that Solvei now wore.

Safely ensconced within the massive war machine she’d just created for herself, Solvei grinned as the armor – possessed of its own faculties thanks to her creating it as a golem – completed the punch she’d thrown when she cast the spell, an icy fist as large as her body slamming into Thilaera.

How’s that for some beast of the wild?! cheered Solvei inwardly as she watched Thilaera skid along the ground, her body limp.

Around her, Thilaera’s animals howled, the hawk breaking off to go after its summoner while the others renewed their attacks, trying to tear Solvei’s armor off.

And up above, Vystalaran frowned as he looked her way, drawing another staff and pointing it at her...

“It’s still not working!” reported Mei Li. “I can’t reach Elder Sister Solvei!”

Nenet bit her lip, tail thrashing behind her. “I don’t know what else to try! Nothing’s getting through that force field those guys raised! I’ve used every metamagic effect I can think of to pierce it or bypass it, and nothing’s working!”

“And I can’t think of any magic that’s designed to pass through a shield,” murmured Mei Li, glancing back at her own tails in dismay. “Maybe if I could use the other five...”

Off to the side, Yura opened her eyes at last. “I can still sense the spirits in that area,” she reported. “They’re saying that Akna’s still alive and fighting, along with that musclebound oaf of a pony and those three...whatever they are.”

“And we can’t do anything to help,” muttered Yotimo, glaring at the elementals that were still standing guard over them, before giving Nenet a helpless look. “Isn’t there any way you can get rid of these things?”

“My countermagic only works on spells when they’re being cast,” whined the sphinx. “Once they’re active, I can’t do anything!”

“And even if we got rid of them, that shield would still keep us out,” noted Yura grimly.

Mei Li was quiet for a moment, closing her eyes and bowing her head as though concentrating on something. “Elder Sister Nenet,” she murmured after a moment. “Please use your ‘metamagic’ powers on me again.”

The sphinx blinked. “Huh? For what?”

“I want you to help me forcibly attempt to awaken my fifth tail.”

Nenet’s eyes widened. “Wait, you can do that?”

“I don’t know,” admitted Mei Li. “But if we can, I believe that I might be able to use a spell to contact our husband.”

“But...all my metamagic does is enhance a spell that you can already cast. It doesn’t teach you how to use magic you haven’t figured out how to use.”

Mei Li smiled. “Do you remember what Elder Sister Solvei said before, about how our husband’s concubine – Thermal Draft, I believe her name was – told her how, when our husband was still mortal, he would sometimes deliberately injure himself by ‘overcharging’ his body with power in order to cast spells that were beyond his capabilities?”

In contrast to the kumiho’s serene look, Nenet’s eyes were wide. “That’s not...Mei Li, I have no idea how to do that! I...I wouldn’t even know where to start! And even if I did, you could be seriously hurt!”

“I trust you, Elder Sister.” Turning around, Mei Li glanced back at her shoulder as she presented the middle of her nine tails toward the sphinx. “So please, trust me.”

Nenet bit her lip again, fidgeting in anxiety, before a distant boom from where Solvei was fighting made the ground shake. Cringing at the reminder of how she was fighting alone, Nenet gulped, then shook off the last of her apprehension as she took hold of Mei Li’s tail.

“Okay,” she murmured, trying to think of the best way to enact the vixen’s plan. “Just think about whatever spell you’re trying to use. I’ll do the rest.”

Mei Li gave her a grateful smile. “I know that you will.”

With that, the vixen closed her eyes and concentrated.

My husband...

Author's Note:

Backed into a corner, Solvei comes up with a plan that imitates Lex's past exploits, even as Nenet and Mei Li try their own version of another of his previous gambits!

Will either of their plans succeed? Or are they all grasping as straws?

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