• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,194 Views, 10,244 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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397 - Planar Inquiry

Lex’s answer to the creature’s statement came with a sneer of contempt. “I couldn’t care less if you’re pleased to be here or not. I summoned you in order to serve my purposes, not yours.”

But rather than looking upset by the statement, Harrowing Ordeal only grinned wider. The sight was off-putting in the extreme, as the scabs surrounding its mouth cracked and tore, only to regrow a few seconds later. “Come now, there’s no reason why we can’t reach an arrangement that’s mutually beneficial,” it chuckled, before glancing around the plaza. “Is it true that you were given one of the Umbral Regalia?”

“The what?” asked Aria. Unlike Lex she wore her disgust openly, looking at Harrowing Ordeal with an expression that clearly conveyed her revulsion for the scabrous equine.

Again, the creature seemed to enjoy how repulsed she was, giving an exaggerated shrug. “One of the goddess’s personal implements of divine authority,” he answered, before turning its attention back to Lex. “Severance, wasn’t it?” He waited a few moments, and when Lex didn’t say anything, Harrowing Ordeal’s smile turned coy. “There’s been a new rumor going around lately, though. I only just heard it myself. Something about how you lost control of the weapon, and had to beg Our Dark Lady to take it back?”

The goading was obvious, but Lex still felt his spine go rigid. “I don’t beg!” he snarled. “Ever!”

“My deepest apologies,” answered Harrowing Ordeal, though its tone and expression made it clear that it felt anything but apologetic. Despite that, it gave a bow, and the motion sent more wrinkled white flakes falling to the ground. “I asked only because I’d hoped to nominate myself to fill the vacuum left by Severance’s absence.”

This time it was Aria’s lip that curled. “If Lex wanted a new pet, he wouldn’t get one that sheds everywhere,” she snorted. “Besides, Severance was able to slice and dice an entire army of zombies or ghouls or whatever they were. But you?” She made a show of looking Harrowing Ordeal over, then gave a derisive snicker. “You look like all you’re good for is being a professional chew toy.”

The corners of Harrowing Ordeal’s lips barely twitched, but his smile was suddenly far less pleasant. “You think these scabs mean that I’m weak?” he asked, and there was a dangerous tone in his voice then.

But Lex couldn’t have cared less. “Yes,” he answered flatly. “And so you have no value to me other than answering my questions. Do that, and if the answers are satisfactory,” he telekinetically opened his saddlebag then, taking out several gems and holding them aloft, “you can have these.”

For a moment, Harrowing Ordeal didn’t respond, simply regarding the two of them in silence. The sight was enough to make Aria smirk, knowing that he was upset at them calling him a weakling, but that there was nothing he could do about it now that Lex had already changed the subject. He might look like something out of a B-grade horror movie, she decided, but he’s just a windbag who’s completely full of himself.

Or at least, she hoped that was the case. Because if that walking mass of scar tissue figured out just how badly Lex was injured, Aria strongly suspected it would try something. And if it did, it’d be up to her to take care of it. And she had no idea what sort of powers it had…

But hopefully it wouldn’t come to that, since Harrowing Ordeal had turned its attention to the gems Lex was holding. “Well then,” he began, casual smile back in place, “what would you like to know?”

Despite having pushed the conversation in this direction, Lex hesitated for just a moment. But knowing it was pointless now, he plunged forward. “Part of the bargain I struck with the Night Mare was that I’d propagate her religion in this world,” he began. “I fully intend to keep my promise to her, however…” He couldn’t help but grit his teeth here. “She’s recently become…dissatisfied with the pace at which I’m working.”

“Ah, so that’s why she’s been so angry with you lately,” mused Harrowing Ordeal, tone playful once again.

“Wait, so you said you’d become some sort of preacher?” asked Aria, her voice disbelieving. “Because I don’t know if you know this, but you’re not exactly great when it comes to the motivational speaking department. Although, come to think of it…” She put a hoof to her chin, frowning. “I’m not sure I’ve heard you talk to anyone about that Night Mare goddess of yours at all.”

“There have been more pressing issues!” snapped Lex. “Matters of faith are of secondary importance when basic amenities are in short supply!”

“Let me guess,” responded Aria dryly. “She called you and wanted to know why you hadn’t been talking her up, and you said exactly those words to her, right?” She didn’t wait for an answer, rolling her eyes. “I’m starting to see why you want to have this ceremony for her right away.”

Lex clenched his jaw, but forced himself not to respond any further, knowing there was no use in dragging this out. Instead, he turned back to Harrowing Ordeal. “The Night Mare has demanded that I honor her publicly in the next few hours. As part of this observance, she wants me to make a sacrifice.”

Harrowing Ordeal cocked his head at that last word. “Interesting…of what sort?”

“Her precise stipulations were that it be something valuable, something I would miss,” answered Lex. He turned his head just enough so that Aria was no longer within his field of vision as he spoke. “It’s self-evident that it would be counterproductive for me to give up something that would make it more difficult for me to fulfill my duties, either temporal or religious,” he said that word as though it left a bad taste in his mouth, “in nature. Likewise, I know that she’s fully aware that I will not, under any circumstances, harm someone else simply to satisfy her regardless of the consequences. Ergo, she can only mean that she wants me to give up something that I find personally fulfilling.”

“Wait, hold on.” Despite his attempt not to look at her, Aria moved in front of him now, a concerned look on her face. “What exactly are you saying?”

With no other choice, Lex looked her in the face, hardening his heart as he replied. “In a little over twelve hours, I’m going to have to break up with you, Aria. You and Sonata and Nosey.”

For a moment she just stared at him, eyes wide and open-mouthed. But when he didn’t tell her it was a joke, she slowly came back to her senses. “Are you kidding me?” she asked in a low, dangerous tone.


“Are you kidding me?!” She was snarling now.


“ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!” she shrieked. “NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT! NOT AFTER EVERYTHING I WENT THROUGH!” She raised a hoof then, and Lex had just enough time to prepare to receive the blow, widening his stance and lowering his center of gravity, before it impacted his ribs. Even then, his defensive enchantments were the only reason she didn’t knock him over the way she had back in the station. “All those times we fought!” Another blow hit his chest. “Watching those other two monopolize you!” A third strike. “Having to share our first time with both of them!” The fourth punch made him bite back a grunt of pain, barely able to keep to his hooves. “And now you’re going to pump and dump me?!”

“Aria, calm down!” snarled Lex. “This isn’t what I want either!”

“Isn’t it?!” she roared. “Because if that goddess of yours is telling you to kick me to the curb, and your response is to hold some ‘ceremony in her honor,’ that sounds an awful lot like you’re telling her ‘okay!’” She narrowed her eyes then, stepping closer until they were practically nose-to-nose. “So you ditch us and then what?” she hissed, her voice now low but no less furious. “Next week you’ll be banging that maid of yours instead? Maybe that River chick? Or those little girls in your fan club?”

Lex had known that Aria would be enraged by what the Night Mare was demanding of him, but she had just gone too far. “THAT’S ENOUGH!” he roared, the green and purple light glow in his eyes flaring brightly. The display was enough to make Aria back up a step, but only barely. That was all Lex needed, however, and he nodded toward Harrowing Ordeal, who was simply watching the exchange with a smirk. “I summoned that creature because I’m trying to figure out a way NOT to lose you! He might know some way that I can subvert the Night Mare’s demand!”

But Aria seemed far from mollified by that. “Well that’s just great, Lex!” she yelled. “But I’ve got a better idea! Just tell the Night Mare that she can take her demand and shove it straight up her a-”

She was cut off by the sound of Harrowing Ordeal’s coarse laughter, apparently unable to hold back his mirth any longer. Her hackles rising again, she rounded on the scabrous equine. “What’s so funny?” she asked darkly, her tone making it clear that the wrong answer would precipitate an attack.

“Pardon my laughter,” snickered the summoned stallion. “It’s just that I found your lovers' quarrel adorable. But as for your ‘better idea,’” he added quickly, seeing that Aria was quickly becoming incensed again, “I’m afraid that he can’t do that if he wants to survive.”

Her eyes narrowed, looking between Harrowing Ordeal and Lex before settling on the former. “Explain.”

“It’s very simple,” shrugged the stallion, one hoof coming down to scratch at his flank idly. The motion dislodged a long flap of tissue, which cracked into several pieces as it fluttered to the ground. “The Night Mare doesn’t tolerate disloyalty. If she’s decided that your stallion has broken his word to her, she’ll most likely strike him dead on the spot if he doesn’t do what she wants.”

Aria gave an angry huff at that, but had no response.

After several seconds of silence, Harrowing Ordeal spoke up again, looking at Lex with a smirk. “Of course, if you’re looking for a loophole, there might just be one.”

Lex’s eyes changing back to normal was his only outward reaction to the news. Inwardly, however, the words made him once again turn the problem over in his mind, only to again find no solution that would fit the Night Mare’s criteria while still letting him continue to be with the mares he loved. The idea that the monstrosity in front of him was able to think of a solution and he wasn’t bothered Lex almost as much as the situation he currently found himself in. “Well?” he snapped at last. “What is it?”

“Actually,” drawled Harrowing Ordeal, “before we get to that, I’d like to renegotiate my payment. After all, if I’m going to help you keep what sounds like several mares all to yourself, I don’t think it’s too much to ask for you to lend me one, wouldn't you agree?”

Lex’s eyes flared again, brighter than before, and although his voice shrank almost to a whisper, it was brimming with malice. “Choose your next words very carefully, creature.”

Harrowing Ordeal bowed again. “Oh, I wouldn’t dream of asking for any of the females you’ve laid claim to,” it replied smoothly. “Just perhaps one of the others that you’re less enamored of. That maid your girl here mentioned, or perhaps that ‘River chick.’ I promise I’d return them after they gave birth to my brood.”

Aria made a retching sound. “Lemme guess,” she spat, clearly disgusted at the idea. “Your name’s Harrowing Ordeal because that’s how girls feel at the thought of you touching them.”

Lex’s answer was more direct, taking the gems from his saddlebag and tossing them to the ground contemptuously. “You’ll have these for your payment, or you’ll have nothing.”

Harrowing Ordeal’s smile didn’t waver, but his eyes narrowed. “Are you sure you’re in a position to drive such a hard bargain? Your mare must love you very much to be so upset at the thought of losing you. It would be a shame if you had to throw her away just to survive.”

Aria glanced back at Lex then, but although she still looked upset there was no missing the uncertainty in her eyes. But Lex didn’t so much as glance at her. “This is your last chance,” he intoned darkly. “Tell me what I want to know and take the gemstones, or I have no further use for you.”

This time the silence that fell was tense, with Aria watching as Lex and Harrowing Ordeal stared each other down.

The summoned stallion was the first one to blink. “Very well,” he sighed. “I’ll take the gems.”

“A wise decision,” replied Lex. His horn was surrounded in a purple aura as he lifted the gems off of the ground. “But first, tell me the loophole.”

“Certainly.” Despite not having gotten what he wanted, Harrowing Ordeal’s smile seemed far too self-satisfied. “It’s…”

Author's Note:

Aria finds out what's at stake, Harrowing Ordeal teases a solution, and Lex stands firm in negotiating for it! Everything seems to be on the brink of working out!

But what exactly is this loophole that even Lex couldn't figure out?

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