• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,194 Views, 10,244 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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506 - Freak Out


“Soft Mane-”

“No! Absolutely not!” Refusing to let Spike try and calm her down, Soft Mane threw her hands in the air, giving Twilight a furious look. “There’s no way I’m using my magic to help that…that…monster!”

The angry shout made Fluttershy wince, and not just because she hated conflict. “Um, maybe it would be a good idea if we went back inside the train,” she ventured quietly, not liking the way the ponies gathered around the nearby houses were looking at them. “Just for a little while, I mean.”

The suggestion made Rainbow Dash frown. “Why should we back off? Soft Mane’s just telling it like it is! Helping the guy who cursed me to feel my wing being torn off all over again is crazy!”

“That wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t gone off half-cocked in the first place,” huffed Applejack. “You already picked a fight once. You really think doin’ it again is such a bright idea?”

“With all due respect, Applejack,” ventured Rarity, “I’d say the fight was picked when Lex Legis cursed Princess Luna for no good reason. And besides, those ponies watching us might not even be in their right minds. For all we know, that ‘Sonata’ character used her magic on them the way she did on poor Rainbow Dash.”

“Hey!” exclaimed Pinkie, a rare frown crossing her face. “She wouldn’t do that! Back when I was teaching her how to be a good pony, I told her that twisting people’s brains to make them really unhappy was a big no-no! And doing it to just make them kinda-sorta unhappy was a little no-no! And doing it to make people want to adore her was just a plain old no!”

“Yeah, well she seemed to forget those lessons real fast when she was saying she was going to melt my brain!” snapped Rainbow Dash.

“That’s because you tried to kill her boyfriend right in front of her!” noted Applejack peevishly.

“Darling, who’s side are you on?” scowled Rarity. “You’re defending the person who put a curse on your special somepony!”

But Twilight had heard enough. “Everypony STOP!” With a flash, everyone was teleported, landing on the cushioned seats of the train car that they’d exited just a few minutes before.

Not willing to give her friends time to resume arguing, Twilight spoke up before the rest of them could get their bearings. “Listen, I know that we don’t all agree on whether Lex is a threat to Equestria or just misunderstood, but we can’t let our disagreements come between us like this! The map sent us here for a reason, and even though I don’t know what that reason is, I do know that we won’t discover it if we’re too busy fighting amongst ourselves!”

Heartened by the round of guilty looks that were exchanged, she kept going. “I know that Lex has done terrible things, but I can’t ignore the fact that he's done some good things as well. That’s why, if there’s any chance that he can come to understand the magic of friendship, then I want to help him do so.”

“And you really think that this is the way to do it?” asked Rainbow Dash, her voice dubious.

But to her surprise, it was Fluttershy who answered. “Sometimes, when I meet an unfriendly animal, a little kindness is all it takes for them to open up to me.”

“This isn’t a wild animal, darling.” Despite her objection, Rarity’s voice was gentle. “This is someone with a history of lashing out at others most severely. Even if Lex has performed some admirable deeds, I simply can’t bear the thought that he might turn his magic on any of you.”

“I bet he wouldn’t if Sonata was there!” gushed Pinkie. “I mean, if she was all super-duper angry that he was hurt, then imagine how happy she’ll be when we show up and make him all better! I bet that she’ll hug him so much that it’ll make him so happy that he won’t be able to get mad!”

“It’s certainly worth a try,” nodded Applejack. “And besides, if worse comes to worst, it ain’t like we can’t defend ourselves.”

Letting out a sigh of relief as things seemed to move toward a productive discussion rather than a fight, Twilight smiled…only for the expression to waver as she looked at the person on whom her plan hinged.

Sitting near the back of the car, Soft Mane had her legs pulled up to her chest, her face miserable as she rested her chin on her knees, her tail curled around her. Beside her, Spike held her hand in his claws, giving her a worried look. She didn’t give any indication that she’d heard what Twilight and the others had said, nor did she turn her eyes – still able to see with some limited ability – toward them as silence engulfed the car, no one sure what to say as one by one everyone else saw how upset she was.

After several seconds went by, Twilight slowly approached the distraught girl. “Soft Mane…”

“He called me a freak, Twilight.”

Twilight’s ears flattened, having been there when Lex had said that. “I know.”

“He called me a freak right to my face.” She sniffled as she spoke, rubbing her free hand across her eyes. “He said that my mom was insane, that she had a ‘disease of the mind,’ for falling in love with my dad, just because she's a pony and he was human.”

Not knowing what to say to that, Twilight simply sat down, sensing that Soft Mane had more to say. A few seconds later she was proven right. “Spike’s been helping me write letters to Princess Cadance, since she’s seriously devoted to Lashtada’s religion while I just sort of fell into it by accident. She told me that one of the things her faith has taught her is that we never really hate someone else. We just hate how they make us feel about ourselves.” She let out a shaky sigh before continuing. “I think that’s the absolute worst part about Lex.”

Twilight cocked her head. “That he makes you feel bad about yourself?”

Soft Mane nodded. “It wasn’t just that he called me a freak. It was the way he said it. Like, he wasn’t screaming it or laughing at me or anything. He just…said it. Like he was discussing the weather. Birds fly, fish swim, and I’m grotesque. It was just a fact to him, and nothing I say or do could ever change that.”

“You know that’s not true,” protested Spike gently, giving Soft Mane’s hand a squeeze. “None of it is. Your mom isn’t crazy, you’re not grotesque, and there’s a lot more to you than just being half-human and half-pony.”

“I know,” murmured Soft Mane, not sounding convinced. “I know, it’s just…everyone’s been so nice ever since I came to Equestria. I mean, yeah, they all gawk at me when they first see me, and that’s still kind of upsetting, but once they get to know me they don’t act the way people did back home. There’s no whispers or rude jokes when I walk down the street and nobody-, ugh, nopony points at me and stares…or if they do they at least don’t do it close enough for me to see them.” A brief smile made it clear that last part was a joke, but it turned sad a moment later. “It’s been really wonderful. And every time I start to think that I’ve left all of that behind for good, there’s some reminder that Lex Legis is here in this world too, trying to make it as ugly and awful as he is, and suddenly it all just seems like a lie.”

“Oh darling, it’s absolutely not a lie!” Her eyes awash with unshed tears, Rarity stood up and trotted over to Soft Mane, wrapping her in a hug. “You have an inner beauty that shines so brightly it’s dazzling! If anypony can’t see it, then that’s their problem! Not yours!”

“Plus, an actual goddess thought you’re so awesome that she gave you a bunch of special powers!” added Rainbow Dash, hovering overhead. “Pretty impressive if you ask me!”

“Which is why you’re always welcome in the bestest and most exclusivest party ever: our adventuring party!” whooped Pinkie, somehow popping up from the seat behind Soft Mane despite having been on the other side of the car a minute ago, tossing confetti in the air as she appeared.

“I think you’re very brave, giving new people a chance to get to know you.” Fluttershy’s smile was tentative but heartfelt. “If it was me, I’d be too scared to even try.”

“Not to mention that you’ve already got yourself a whole bunch of friends who’ll get madder than a hornet’s nest in a rainstorm if anypony gives you a hard time,” nodded Applejack. “So don’t go thinkin’ you have to deal with any of that all by your lonesome.”

“And don’t forget about me!” added Spike, giving Soft Mane a confident grin. “I think you’re the most beautiful girl in all of Equestria! Or Everglow!” The admission brought a flush to his cheeks, before he flashed Rarity a guilty grin. “Sorry Rarity. But I promise you’re still a really close second!”

Giggling, Rarity rolled her eyes as Soft Mane reached over to wrap Spike into a hug. “Thanks, Spike,” she sniffled, looking like she was about to burst into tears at any second. “And thank you all. I’m really glad I met you.”

“We’re the ones who’re lucky to have met you, Soft Mane,” replied Twilight with a gentle smile. “You’re one of our irreplaceable friends, and we’ve all learned a lot from having you be a part of our lives. That’s why, while I don’t want to pressure you, I do think that healing Lex might be an opportunity to change the way he sees you. Because if it does, then no matter what happens, he won’t turn Equestria into a place where you’d be unhappy.”

“And if it doesn’t, you’ll still be able to rub his nose in the fact that the girl he called a freak is the one who saved his life,” added Spike cheekily. “I bet that’d really drive him nuts.”

The suggestion, so completely at odds with the tender words from everyone else, caused Soft Mane to burst out laughing, hugging Spike tighter. A second later her laughter turned into sobs, tears flowing down her cheeks as she finally let out the tension she’d been holding in ever since news of Lex’s exploits had reached Ponyville. The sight earned a chorus of sympathetic cries from the others, who quickly enveloped the pair in a group hug, holding them until Soft Mane finally calmed down.

“Okay,” sighed Soft Mane when the warm embrace finally ended, looking at Twilight. “I’ll do it.”

“Great!” beamed Twilight. “Then let’s head out and show Lex what the magic of friendship is all about! Rainbow Dash, lead the way!”

“Right!” cheered Rainbow, flying to the car’s exit as the others followed her, looking around once they were back on the platform. “Okay, um…hmm…”

Her enthusiasm dampened by how Rainbow Dash was glancing around aimlessly, Twilight paused as a creeping feeling worked its way down her spine. “Wait, Rainbow, you did see where Lex and the others went when they left, right?”

“Well duh!” answered Rainbow just a little too quickly. “I mean, I was kind of dealing with having my brain going haywire and all. But they definitely went, um…that way…” Waving her hoof in a vaguely northerly direction, she bit her lip. “I think…?”

“Maybe he’s in one of those houses?” offered Rarity, nodding toward the makeshift village nearby.

“Or maybe he’s set up some sorta command post in the city proper?” added Applejack.

“We could just ask someone,” noted Soft Mane. “I mean, Lex has been running this place, right? That means everypony here probably knows where to find him.”

Letting out a heavy breath at the realization that things weren’t going to go quite as smoothly as she’d hoped, Twilight tried not to lose heart as she glanced at where the ponies of Vanhoover were watching them. Despite her hoping to the contrary, their glances didn’t look any friendlier now than they had a few minutes ago. But there was no other way if they wanted to have Soft Mane heal Lex’s injuries and hopefully soften his attitude. “Okay everyone, let’s split up into groups of two and see if someone will tell us where Lex is. This is also a good opportunity to talk to the locals and find out some more about what’s been happening here, since we still don’t know what caused that huge magic surge I felt. We’ll meet back here on the platform in one hour.”

Nodding, the eight of them began pairing off as they made their way toward the village.

Author's Note:

After some convincing, Soft Mane agrees to use her healing magic to help Lex!

But will the ponies of Vanhoover be willing to tell her and the others where he is?

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