• Published 24th Mar 2013
  • 18,990 Views, 1,338 Comments

Flames and Twilight. - Ausbrony

A sequel to my fanficton, A Pony out of Place. How will life in Equestria treat Flare now he has opted to stay with Twilight and her friends? (Takes place during season 3)

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Breeding and Evolution.

Breeding and Evolution.

Luna nodded in approval as Flare defeated the last of the Night Guard who Luna had conscripted into their training session.

“You’ve done well!” she congratulated. The fallen guards slowly picked themselves up, grumbling about how this wasn’t in their contract. Though once Luna promised them a night of cider and mares in exchange for their co-operation, they quickly changed their tune.

“And my sister tells me you did admirably on her written tests this morning too,” Luna noted as the two ponies made their way through the winding halls of Canterlot Castle. “It seems that all of your efforts have paid off.”

Flare nodded and took a moment to bask in the praise that the lunar princess was giving him. But she also had one other piece of good news for the stallion.

“After a little consideration, Celestia and I have decided that you deserve a little break before the next level of your studies begins. So, for the next two weeks, you are a free stallion!”

Flare beamed at this news. He would be on the first train to Ponyville in the morning.

“Will you be joining us for dinner as usual tonight?” Luna asked him.

Flare nodded as he sidestepped around a maid hurrying up the hall. “Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?” It was a ridiculous question after all. He had never missed a meal with the Princesses since he started studying with them. “Why would I skip out on hanging out with two of my best friends?”

Luna suddenly stopped as he said that. He considered her a friend? And a best friend at that?

“I… I’ve never had a ‘best friend’ before,” she said quietly, causing Flare to pause and look back at her. “Am I to do anything special? Or should we make a blood oath to one another? or should we…?”

Flare laughed and shook his head. “You sound like Twilight sometimes, you know. But no, you don’t have to do any of those things. As long as you consider me a friend too, then that’s all that matters.”

Luna’s wings flared open, and she raced down the hall towards him, wrapping the startled stallion up in a crushing hug.

“Uh,’ Flare rasped as he swore that he heard several ribs crack. “You also let friends retain the ability to breathe.”

Luna squeaked in embarrassment and let him go, and he gave a small cough as air filled his lungs. “Sorry,” she said sheepishly, but Flare waved it off.

“It’s okay, but you sure are happy about it. I thought it was fairly obvious that we’ve been friends for a while.”

“It never hurts to hear it out loud,” Luna blushed. “But come, we have a meal to attend.” Flare smiled and trotted after her, noting the slight bounce in her step and smiling.

When they arrived, Celestia, Shining Armor, and Cadance were already waiting.

“Good morning, Princess Cadance!” Flare greeted as they sat down. “I didn’t know you were visiting.”

Cadance nodded, returning Flare’s smile. “Just ‘Cadance’ is fine, and yes, we only just arrived though.”

“Well, it’s good to see you again,” Flare said. “How’s life in the Crystal Empire?”

“As busy as you’d imagine, though it would be nice if you visited sometime,” Cadance said as she took a sip of water. “I would love to show you around.”

That was a good idea actually. “Well, I have the next two weeks off, so I’ll see if Twilight wants to come too.”

“Twilight? Still attached at the hip I see,” Cadance laughed. “I say that you should try asking her out. I tend to be right about these sorts of things”

Everypony at the table fell quiet, causing Cadance to adopt a look of confusion. “Um, did I say something weird?” she asked quietly, hoping she hadn’t touched a sore subject.

“It’s just that Twilight and I are already dating,” Flare explained to the Alicorn of Love. “We have been for almost a month now.”

Cadance and Shining just stared at him.

“She didn’t tell you?” he asked, hoping that he could avoid the coming storm.

As if fate would let that happen. If Flare’s life was a story, then the author was a cruel bastard.

“Flare. Hallway. Now!” Shining Armour said curtly, standing up and walking out of the room.

Flare Blitz figured it’d be best not to keep him waiting and followed him out as the three sets of alicorn eyes watched his every move. As Flare exited the dining hall, Shining was standing near one of the large hall windows, staring out at the stars.

“So,” he said with a calm tone as Flare approached. “You and Twily, huh?” He still hadn’t turned to face him.

How was Flare supposed to respond? Do you think Shining Armour would wait while he sent Twilight a letter? “Uh, yeah.” Well if he was gonna die, then what the hay. May as well tell it how it was. “I’m sorry we didn’t tell you and Cadance sooner.”

Shining Armour turned around to look at him and Flare flinched when he saw the grim expression on his face. “I am disappointed that we found out that way, and that a stallion I barely know is dating my little sister… I suppose there really is only one course of action.”

Flare readied himself. If Shining Armour was going to attack him, then he was going to defend himself, even against Twilight’s big brother.

Shining walked towards him, and much to Flare’s surprise, he didn’t attack, but rather pulled the stallion into a friendly hug.
“What the-?” Flare was a tad confused until Shining explained.

“I’m glad that she found somepony who’ll be there for her,” he said quietly and released the hug. “But tell anypony I hugged you and I’ll deny it.”

Flare nodded, smiling both out of happiness and relief that this didn’t turn into a scuffle.

“But as the big brother I am obligated and required to say that if you hurt Twily, then I’ll have you gelded and quartered… got it!?”

The smile Flare had disappeared and he nodded fiercely. The two stallions just stared at each other in silence before laughing and bumping hooves. He liked Shining and was honestly glad that the two of them could be friends. They walked back into the dining hall and Cadance breathed a sigh of relief for some reason.

“So did you get ‘The Talk’?” Cadance asked Flare as he and Shining sat back down.

Flare gave a simple nod and resumed his meal. Luna and Cadance each forked a bit over to Celestia, the only one who had bet that it would go smoothly. Flare and Shining failed to notice the transaction.

“And I suppose you’ll want to talk to Twilight?” Shining asked his wife, eliciting a wicked smile from the Princess of Love.

“Ooh yes, my little sister dares keep secrets from moi?” Cadance placed a hoof to her chest in mock indignation and then giggled.

“So when do you guys have to go back to the Crystal Empire?” Flare asked. He was hoping that they could come to Ponyville with him.

“Unfortunately, we have to leave first thing in the morning,” Cadance replied. “I really wish we could come to Ponyville with you, but royal duties are not something we can blow off easily.”

Flare raised an eye as he glanced at two alicorn princesses who seemed to frequently shirk their duties as diarchs. Said princesses refused to meet his gaze and whistled innocently while gazing at the ceiling.

“Well that’s a shame, but I’ll try to visit soon.” Flare ended that sentence with a loud yawn. “Oh, sorry, those exams really wiped me out…” He got up from the table and gave a polite bow to the royal ponies. “If you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll retire for the evening.”

Celestia nodded and returned the bow. “It’s quite alright, pleasant dreams, Flare.” Luna also smiled, she knew that he would have wonderful dreams… she would see to that personally.

Flare bid them all goodnight once more and left the dining hall. Once he was gone, Cadance turned her attention back to her aunts, a serious expression on her face.

“My scouts have reported that the Changelings have yet to make another move.” She produced a crystal, which once she levitated it to the centre of the table, emitted a large map of Equestria. “Though their numbers have recovered somewhat since they were scattered, they still aren’t enough to pose a threat.”

Luna thumped a hoof on the table, “Then perhaps we should take this chance to obliterate them for good!”

“We will not partake in genocide!” Celestia said sternly. “Even the Changelings do not deserve that.”

She knew that not all Changelings were as cruel as their Queen. After the hive was scattered during Shining and Cadance's wedding, their numbers had diminished, but what was most surprising was the number of Changeling drones that had come to Celestia requesting amnesty. They simply wanted the chance to live a life that wasn’t dictated by Chrysalis. A plan had gone into effect that had the Changelings adopt unique pony identities and report to Celestia once a week via letter or personal visit. Until Equestria was ready to accept Changelings in their true form, they would have to remain hidden.

“I think that the Changelings still have the potential to be a real part of Equestrian society… If only Chrysalis would understand…”

A grim silence fell over the table until Cadance raised another topic, one of a lighter note this time.

“So… Luna and Celestia,” Cadance had that sly grin of hers back, and Shining knew that this would be a good time to leave and catch up with some old Guard buddies. “I noticed something rather ‘peculiar’ with Flare earlier.”

Celestia stiffened a little, just what was Cadance getting at? “W-whatever do you mean, Cadenza?”

"So auntie Tia’s going to pull the formal name card. That just makes this even better.”

Cadance looked the alicorn straight in the eyes. “I noticed how Flare doesn’t call either of you ‘Princess’. Even Twilight still calls the two of you by your titles, so why doesn’t he?” She placed a hoof to her mouth in shock, “Don’t tell me that the two of you have been teaching him more than just scrolls and magic!?”

Both Celestia and Luna turned a crimson hue and refused to meet Cadance’s gaze. “I-I have no idea what you are talking about!” Celestia defended. “I have never thought of him in any way but as a dear student.”

“Flare Blitz is my best friend!” Luna sighed happily as she said ‘best friend.’ “I have no romantic feelings towards him whatsoever…” That last part didn’t sound so convincing to Cadance.

“If you say so, Luna,” Cadance said. “Although I don’t see the problem, unless you prefer a monogamous relationship like Shining.” She had asked her husband several times if he wanted a few more wives, but the stubborn stallion had said that he only wanted and needed her. It was sweet and really cute, but the Princess of Love had a lot of love to give after all.

“Although I do not know where this fascination for single relationships emerged from, if two and only two ponies wish to be together, then so be it!” Luna said. “I will admit that I may have certain… ‘emotions’… towards Flare Blitz, but Twilight is his lead mare, and unless they choose to take a herd, I shall keep these feelings to myself.” Her eyes narrowed into a blood freezing glare and Celestia and Cadance shrank back in their chairs. “And should anypony choose to repeat this information then even the moon itself will not be a far enough place to hide.”

The two alicorns swallowed hard and nodded. Luna was not a pony who you wanted to get mad on purpose. She had yelled at maids for accidentally damaging her collectible figurines and pompous nobles who still didn’t take her authority seriously.

But if somepony were to truly make Luna angry…

Celestia and Cadance remained silent and Luna left the hall in a huff, leaving the princesses to shiver and remain perfectly silent until they were sure that Luna had gone to bed.

They sat there in total silence for three hours…


Flare sat on a large plush bed. He looked around, and though it took a moment, he realised where he was. It was Luna’s room.

“Why am I-?” Before he could finish that sentence, however, a pair of strong hooves pushed him down onto the bed. A glint of silver caught his eye and he followed the dark-furred hoof up to its owner, Princess Luna!?

“Luna what are you-?” Again he was cut off, this time by Luna pressing her lips against his. The sensation was indescribable, like kissing the crisp night air itself. The kiss lingered before Luna pulled away, slightly breathless.

Flare finally got a good look and was rather surprised. Luna was wearing the same outfit as the maid ponies that tended to the castle; it looked pretty good on her actually.

No, wait! This was wrong. What the hay was going on here?

“Luna? What are you doing?” Flare said, sitting back up, only to be gently pushed back down again.

“Now, now,” Luna said with a sensual tone. “The service cannot start unless you sit still.”

Service? What the hell? Flare heard the sound of hooves on the soft floor and saw Twilight emerge from the shadows.

“T-Twilight!? Wait, I can explain-“ And once more he was cut off by a mare pressing her mouth to his. Not that he was complaining, he liked kissing Twilight. A lot. Then he noticed that she was wearing the same outfit that Luna was.

“Lulu’s right,” Twilight said after breaking the kiss. “The service can’t start until you settle down," Twilight's smile turned seductively wicked. "Though getting fired up might be good too.”

Okay, Twilight and Luna were acting really weird, was this some sort of joke?

The two mares took places on either side of him, nuzzling him and placing soft kisses along his neck and chest. Joke or not, this was kinda awesome!

Wait, what was he thinking? He loved Twilight and Twilight alone... but Luna...

Flare sat bolt upright as sweat poured from his brow. His eyes darted around the room but he saw that he was in his room in the palace. No Twilight or Luna, just the stillness of the night and the gentle glow of moonlight streaming through the window.

“Just a dream?” he wondered aloud as he got up to fetch a glass of water. “But it felt so real…” The memory of those feelings returned, causing him to blush. “Twilight, I understand. Luna… well, there’s no denying that she’s cute… but why the heck did I dream about her?”

He glanced down and headed for the bathroom. He would have a long, cold shower and go back to bed… and hopefully a less enthusiastic dream this time.


The next morning saw Flare raiding the Archives for a book, one about pony social structure. The dream last night had led to him thinking about something rather important, and the decision he made could affect a lot of ponies in his life.

“I know that ponies and Pokémon are as different as night and day,” his thoughts raced as he scanned the shelves. “I love Twilight, I know that. But Luna....”

Did he really have feeling for the Princess of the Night? Flare enjoyed spending time with her. But did he love her?
And if he did, what would he do then? If this were the Pokémon world, the answer would be easy: start a herd. But things were different in Equestria, and he hadn’t seen any herds of ponies roaming about. Well, it’s not like he had been actively looking for them either.

He eventually found what he was looking for and was about to read, when a clock on the wall chimed. “Crap, I’m running late...” He quickly checked out the book and made a hurried dash for the train station.

It was well into the morning when Flare sat in the carriage of the Friendship Express, the book on the seat next to him and a cup of Mocha’s latte levitating near his mouth as he sipped from it while he read.

The book had proved to be a rather interesting read. It went into great detail about pony social structures and how they worked. Nearly a thousand years ago, it was quite commonplace for ponies to bond together in large family herds, but the tradition faded as time passed. The further he read, he found that, even today, polygamous relationships were not all that uncommon.

“So herds do exist here,” Flare noted, but that was just the beginning. In time, Flare Blitz would have to do some major thinking, and maybe have some talks that he had no idea how to even start.

A lot of ponies had a tendency to be bisexual in nature, as companionship and togetherness outweighed simple things like gender and species. There were purist families of course, strictly unicorn, pegasus, or earth pony clans, but the majority of those were nobility.

The Apple family was one of the largest herds of Earth ponies in Equestria, and had founded not only Ponyville, but Appleloosa as well.

The Kicker Clan was a prestigious pegasus family, and their history spanned more than a thousand years. Almost all of them were military. Now that he thought about it, Flare would have to see if he could strike up a conversation with some of the Guard at some point.

As for unicorn families, three of the four Great Noble houses were unicorn, two of them strictly so with the third having a few earth ponies and pegasi. Flare noticed that two of them were the Sparkle and Doo families. He wondered why Twilight never mentioned that she was nobility…

The book also covered the extended families of Celestia. It seems that Luna no longer had any known descendants, as
historians had stopped keeping track a few hundred years after her exile.

Celestia had explained that ponies like Blueblood and Princess Cadance were not, in fact, related to her by blood, but rather that they were adopted. She had been reluctant at first, but eventually the alicorn told him that it was impossible for herself and her sister Luna to give birth, either through natural or magical methods. Both of them had tried… numerous times.

But that had raised another set of questions. Like where had they come from? And how did other alicorns like Cadance exist? They would have to be questions for another time.

The train’s whistle sounded, announcing its arrival in Ponyville. After the fiascoes of his last two visits, Flare decided that it would be best to tell Twilight ahead of time that he was coming to avoid misunderstandings and the ensuing headaches that would follow. It had been a month since his last visit; training and studies had kept him busier than he thought. He put his book back into his saddlebag. The second he stepped hoof off of the train, he was accosted by six mares, all hugging him.

“Ohmygoshyourback!” Pinkie said at a mile a minute. “When Twilight told us that you were coming home I just knew that I would have to throw you a party but then I remembered that you get startled easily so I figured that his time I’ll tell you that I’m throwing you a party so we don’t hafta get a crowbar to peel you from the ceiling again and you can just enjoy yourself and everypony can have a totally awesometastic time!”

Flare never ceased to be amazed by Pinkie’s ability to say so much in a single breath and not seem to need to recover afterwards.

A hoof bumped his shoulder as Rainbow Dash spoke up next. “You still owe me a stunt watching afternoon!” she said, remembering what Flare had promised her before he had suddenly disappeared to Canterlot. “And I have a lot of… are you okay?”

After that dream last night, having multiple mares piled on top of him had caused him to turn a lovely shade of red. “Oh, it’s nothing, just a little tired is all,” he managed to say before he could no longer meet her gaze. Rainbow Dash just shrugged and she stepped aside as Applejack walked up to him.

“An I believe y’all still owe me an apple buckin’ session,” she said before giving him a friendly hug. “But enough bout what y’all said las’ time. It’s good to see ya again, Flare.”

“Indeed!” Rarity chimed in. “I wish that I had had the time to come and visit you in Canterlot sooner though”

Fluttershy emerged from behind Twilight with a little squeak. “Um, it’s nice to see you again, Flare.” Still as quiet as ever, but she was just so darned cute, so it was all good in Flare’s book.

Twilight finally stepped forward and placed her forehooves around Flare’s neck, pulling him into a gentle embrace. “I’m really glad to have you back too!” she whispered. “Our last time together was a tad… complicated.”

“Tell me about it,” Flare replied. “I can’t wait to tell you all about what I’ve learned in the last month.”

The group made their way towards Twilight and Flare’s home, engaging in idle chatter and laughing at one of Rainbow’s jokes. This was something that Flare had missed greatly: just hanging out with his friends and smiling and laughing. Though at the same time, he found himself missing the castle and the friends he had made there.

“Equestria to Flare! Come in, Flare!” the ponymon turned his attention back to the group to see that they had all stopped to look at him.

“What?” he asked, not realising what they were looking at.

“Well, y’all jus’ kinda zonked out there fer a minute.” Applejack said. “Yer sure yer feelin’ alright?”

“Yeah, sorry, just thinking about a few things.” he apologised.

“Ah! Thinking’s for eggheads like Twilight,” Rainbow said as Twilight gave her an indignant look. “You and I, we’re ponies of action! Go hard or go home!”

“And maybe you should think a little more so you actually make sense once in a while.” Twilight said with a slight touch of irritability, but she could never stay mad at Dash for too long.

“Well, it’s a little after lunchtime,” Flare said as his stomach rumbled loudly. “Do you all want to get a bite to eat?”

The decision was unanimous, and the seven friends soon found themselves at a nearby restaurant, which Rainbow proclaimed had the best hay fries in Equestria. And she was right. The fries were awesome, and Flare wasted no time in ordering a second helping.

“So what have you learned so far?” Twilight asked, no longer able to contain her excitement. “I bet the Princesses have taught you all sorts of interesting things! Like Starswirl the Bearded’s Theory of Overlay Thaumaturgy, or maybe you got to read the legendary last epic of Shakeshoovian? Did you get to-?”

“Whoa, Twi, one at a time, okay?” Flare said. He almost forgot how Twilight got when it came to stuff like this… but he had no freaking idea what she was talking about. “I don’t know about any of that stuff,” he replied. “Celestia’s been teaching me about geography, history, language and written theory in magic. Luna, on the other hoof, has been training me how to better use my magic and how to infuse my Pokémon attacks with it.”

Twilight knew that much from his letters, but she wanted details on what he was learning. Her train of thought however, was interrupted by Rainbow Dash.

“The princesses have been teaching you how to fight?” she said, hardly believing that somepony as sweet as Celestia would do something like that. “Why?”

Flare just shrugged, “I don’t really know, and what I do know is to stay between me and Tia.”

Twilight then realised something. “What… did you say?”

“I said that it has to stay between me and Celestia.” Flare repeated. “I said as much in my letters, remember?” Now that he mentioned it, Twilight noticed that it was in all his letters too, he never called Princess Celestia or Princess Luna by their titles.

“How come y’all don’t call ‘em Princess?” Applejack asked before Twilight could. Okay, apparently it was obvious to everypony else too.

“Well I did at first,” Flare explained, remembering that conversation he had with the two alicorns way back when he first started. “But they’re my friends before my Princesses. Well, that and they asked me not to use titles unless in the presence of other ponies.”

“Well, that explains that darling,” Rarity chimed in. “But you did just call our princess by a rather affectionate sounding nickname, which raises some intriguing questions.”

They were getting upset about a nickname? Flare honestly wondered if he could ever win with these ponies. “It’s just a nickname, what’s the harm?” he said defensively. “Nopony seems to argue when I call Twilight ‘Twi’ or ‘Twily’!”

“Well she’s your marefriend,” Rarity countered. “It’s only natural that you would have pet names for one another…”

“Ooh no, my pet name for Twilight is something completely different, only to be used between us when we are alone-“ It took a second, but Flare realised that he’d just stepped on a landmine when five pairs of eyes stared at him expectantly, while a single pair glared, threatening him with death if he continued talking.

“Tellustellustellus!” Pinkie said, bouncing up and down. “We wanna know it!”


“Aw c’mon, Sugarcube, whut’s the harm?”


“Spill it, Wondercolt!”


“I, um… would like to know, to hear it? If you don’t mind that is…”


“You simply must tell us.”

Flare shook his head so often he was worried it would fall off. “Not a freakin’ chance!”

Twilight just sighed and facehoofed as the five ponies continued to pester him about it, and poor Flare’s tolerance levels were reaching their limits. “Look, ladies,” he said sternly, thumping his hoof on the table. “There is no way in the wide, wide world of Equestria, that I am telling you that I call her ‘Sparkle Fairy’…” He stuck a hoof in his mouth, but the damage had already been done.

Rarity just swooned as she blushed, “Aww, that’s just so adorable~”

“Seriously? That’s the best you can do?” Rainbow Dash laughed.

“I think it’s sweet.” Fluttershy said.

“It’s not really mah cup of tea, but if y’all like it then it ain’t our place ta complain.”

Twilight sighed again and stood up. “Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up… and remind me to ask your special someponies this exact same question at some point!”

“But none of us have a special some-” Rainbow Dash suddenly got what Twilight was hinting at. “Oh, low blow, Twi. Not cool!”

Twilight just shrugged as she hugged Flare and smiled. “I’ll take what I can get,” she said smugly. The others couldn’t stay mad, and eventually the whole group was smiling and laughing again.

The rest of the day was spent at the park. They were simply enjoying the weather and each other’s company, but eventually the day came to a close and everypony had to return home. The moment Flare stepped through the door, he was greeted by Spike and Owloicious.

“It’s great to finally have you back…” Spike said, but as Flare walked into his room, Spike called out something else.
“But things have changed here…”

Flare glanced around his room, and was rather confused. His bed had been replaced with a much smaller one, and nothing in the room was his. There was a photo of Rarity on a nightstand next to the bed, and the bookshelf in there was filled with different books. A small pile of gems was hoarded in the corner, and the more Flare looked, the more it looked like Spike had moved in or something.

“Yeah, uh… this is my room now.” Spike explained.

“So you just moved me out while I was gone?” Flare exclaimed. “I was coming back, you know!”

“We know that.” Twilight said and giggled. “Follow me, my silly stallion.”

Flare followed her upstairs to her bedroom and gasped slightly. All his stuff had been moved into Twilight’s bedroom!
“If my stuff is here… then where do you-?”

“Well that’s the thing,” Twilight explained, blushing furiously and staring at her hooves. “This isn’t my room any longer, but it isn’t yours either.”

Okay, that made no sense whatsoever.

“This is um… well it’s…” Twilight just stumbled around her words until Spike came to the rescue.

“What my stuttering sister is trying to say is that the room belongs to both of you.”

Oh? Well this was an interesting development.

“If you don’t want to share a room, then we can always switch back,” Twilight offered quietly, but stopped when Flare placed his hooves around her and placed a soft kiss upon her lips.

“I would very much like to share a room with you, my love.” That simple sentence made Twilight’s heart soar higher than even the most talented pegasus. Her eyes teared up and she hugged him back.

“That means a lot to me,” she whispered, and Spike headed back downstairs, muttering about lovey-dovey ponies cramping his style.


Later that night, Flare and Twilight sat comfortably in their bed, reading. It was an odd sensation for the both of them, but not an unwelcome one.

“So what are you reading?” Twilight asked, peering over Flare’s shoulder.

“Well, ever since I started staying at the castle, there’s been something I’ve been curious about.”

“And what might that be?” Twilight asked, now leaning on his shoulder with her eyes closed.

“Well, I wonder why there are only three alicorns.” Flare said. “I know that Cadance is nowhere near as old as Celestia or Luna and that she isn’t directly related to them, so how was she born? And where did Celestia and Luna come from?”

That was an interesting question. Twilight opened her eyes and thought about it, but drew a blank. She had no idea if Cadance had parents or how Celestia and Luna came to be. “I... I have no idea,” Twilight said, utterly baffled. “What about you? And ideas?”

“I have one theory.” Flare said, “But it’s a silly idea.”

“Nonsense, tell me.”

“You know how Pokémon evolve and change in appearance and strength, right?”

“Like when you changed from a Ponyta to a Rapidash, right?” Twilight remembered that day alright, but Flare had never really explained how evolution that should normally take millions of years can happen instantly.

“Well, what if an alicorn is an evolution of a pony?” Flare said. “Maybe anypony could become an alicorn if the right conditions are met.”

“Seriously?” Twilight deadpanned. “So by your theory, even I could become an alicorn?”

Flare imagined Twilight with wings and smiled at the thought. “Yep, The Alicorn Princess of Magic: Twilight Sparkle!”

Twilight hopped off of the bed and struck a regal pose by lifting one hoof slightly into the air, like Princess Celestia often did. “If I am the Princess of Magic, then that would make you my Prince of…”

“Nah, none of that ‘Prince’ stuff.” Flare said. “I prefer her Royal Highness’s personal knight, Sir Flare Blitz!”

“Oh, a knight!” Twilight giggled. “How very gallant of you.” She walked closer to him, her eyes half closed with a seductive gaze that made Flare’s heart race. “And what would my gallant knight be doing in the Princess’s bedchambers at this time of night, then?”

Flare had a wicked idea and gently pressed Twilight down onto the bed. “Maybe the knight is having an illicit affair with the Princess? Imagine the scandal should anypony find out!”

“Let the nobles and the common folk talk!” Twilight said with a haughty tone and waved her hoof dismissively. This whole roleplay thing was kinda fun, and she was really getting into it. “A night of passion with my one, true love is worth a thousand of public scorn!”

Flare tightened his embrace and whispered into her ear. “Then let it be said that if we have but one night together, I shall make it a memory that you will never forget, my sweet Princess.”

Twilight shuddered and held him close as she extinguished the candles with her magic. T’would be a night she would remember indeed!