• Published 24th Mar 2013
  • 18,990 Views, 1,338 Comments

Flames and Twilight. - Ausbrony

A sequel to my fanficton, A Pony out of Place. How will life in Equestria treat Flare now he has opted to stay with Twilight and her friends? (Takes place during season 3)

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Of Suns Moons & Stars - Part One.

Of Suns, Moons and stars! Part One.

Flare Blitz was feeling good. He had his Cutie Mark and his magic was finally starting to progress. He could levitate objects now, though nothing heavier than pony, and he could also project a weak force field and use his pokemon attacks.
But now a whole new challenge awaited him, and truth be told, he was as nervous as a Glameow in a room full of rocking chairs.

A book lay on his bed. It was titled Everything a Stallion Needs to Know About Courting a Mare. It was a fairly self-explanatory book.

“Let’s see, step one,” he said as he read through it. “Obtain a flower of your coat’s hue, and present it to the one you wish to woo.”

His coat was a cream colour, and the last few days he had paid regular visits to Lily and Roseluck’s flower shop. They had said that they would get some cream-coloured flowers in soon, so hopefully today was the day.

He headed out early and made his way into town. It was another beautiful day, but then it almost always was in Ponyville. It was already late spring, and the weather was perfect as usual. His mind tracked back to the last girl that he had dated… the only girl he had ever dated. She had been a bit older than him, as well as quite a bit taller, but it had been nice. She was the serious type and her job and been very important, which led to the inevitable break up, but they had remained friends and had even met several times afterwards to talk and generally hang out.

“I wonder how she is now,” he wondered aloud as he approached the flower stand.

“How who is?” somepony suddenly said, causing Flare to jump. Only one pony made him jump like that.

“Hello, Pinkie,” he said with a sigh. “You’re up early.”

“I’m always up at this time,” Pinkie said. “What are you doing?” she said, giving him a shifty look and then gasped. “Are you cheating on Twilight!?”

“What?” Flare replied a little too loudly, causing some ponies to look in his direction. “I am not! And besides,” his voice suddenly became very quiet, “Twilight and I aren’t even dating… yet.”

“Aw don’t worry about that, Flarey~” Pinkie said, patting him on the back. “Everything will turn out okay. Trust me!”

Flare just nodded. Twilight had told him a while ago to not question Pinkie. It was a dangerous and life threatening thing to do. Pinkie nodded back and gave him a wide smile before bouncing away, singing happily.

Flare continued to the flower stand and Rose waved to him as he approached.

“Hey there! I finally got those flowers in,” she beamed. “I’m sooo sorry it took so long!”

Flare gave the florist a polite smile and shook his head. “It’s alright; I have to thank you for getting these in for me.”

Roseluck produced a half dozen cream Amaryllis flowers. The shape of them sort of reminded Flare of a trumpet, with three or four little feelers coming out of them. They smelled really nice and Flare smiled with a satisfied grin. “These will do nicely, thank you Rose!”

Roseluck smiled back. “I’m glad, and I really hope she says yes.”

Flare blinked and looked at the mare. “How did you know what they were for?”

“There’s only one reason a pony orders flowers that are the same shade as their coat,” Rose explained. “It’s sad though, the tradition is no longer as popular as it once was.”

“So I’ve heard,” Flare replied. “We didn’t have traditions like this where I came from, so I think it’s wonderful.”

“Heh, Twilight is really lucky to have a guy like you,” Rose said with a little smile.

Flare laughed a little, feeling embarrassed. “Thanks again, Rose!” he said and trotted off, the flowers held gently in a telekinetic field. He had only gotten a short distance away when a pegasus dropped down from the sky, landing in front of him.

“Hello, Skittles!” Flare said, greeting the cyan mare.

“Hey there, Wondercolt!” Rainbow Dash replied and then glanced at the flowers hovering beside him. “Watcha got there?”

Flare quickly hid the flowers from view behind his back. “Oh, nothing,” he lied, rather poorly. “Just something to spruce up the library… give it a little plant life.”

“Let me get this straight...” Rainbow Dash deadpanned. “You want to give a library, a library in a tree, a little ‘plant-life’?”

Great, this was one of those rare days when Rainbow Dash was actually observant. “Umm… yes?” Flare said, hoping the mare would buy it.

Dash sighed and flipped her prismatic mane. “Well, whatever.” she sighed. “So, you got any plans today?”

Flare thought for a moment. He had a few things to do, but they still needed some preparation time. “I might have some free time tomorrow, perhaps,” he said. “Why’s that?”

“I’ve been working on a few new stunts, and I could use a fellow athlete’s opinion,” she said. Rainbow then decided that she needed to stare at her hooves for some reason. Was she embarrassed about something?

“Uh, sure,” Flare replied, curious about her 180 in attitude. “I can spare some time later, Skittles.”

Rainbow’s head perked up and she had a wide smile on her face. “Sweet! I knew I could count on you.” She gave her wings a single beat and rose into the air. About to leave, she turned and looked at him. “One question though.”

“What is it?” Flare said.

“Why do you call me Skittles?” she asked.

“That? Oh, it’s cause where I come from, there was a candy with the same name,” Flare Blitz explained. “It came in all the colours of the rainbow and your mane just reminded me of it. They were really yummy too!”

For some reason, Rainbow blushed and turned around to face away from him. “I-I see, well that explains that.” She couldn’t show him her face, as she knew that she was as red as an apple. “I guess that name’s okay…” her voice dropped in volume. “Since it’s you…”

She shook her head and without another word, shot off into the clouds, leaving a confused Flare on the ground below.

“What was that all about?” he wondered as he headed towards the library once more. “And I wonder what she said before she left? I didn’t hear it.”


As Flare approached the library, he noticed something out of the ordinary. One of Princess Celestia’s chariots was parked outside.

“Is the Princess visiting?” he wondered as he walked inside, carefully obscuring the flowers he held from view. When he entered, he saw that Twilight was already running here and there, fretting about Arceus-knows what.

“Flare! There you are, where have you been!?” she almost yelled when she saw him.

“Well,” he began to explain, “I was just out…”

“No time!” Twilight cut him off mid-sentence. She threw a heavy saddlebag onto his back and began to push him towards the door. “You have to go to Canterlot,” she said. “I just received a letter from the Princess. Apparently she has something urgent to tell you, and you alone.” This was a little strange, why would the Princess need to see him? Was it a Pokémon issue?

Flare tried to speak, but Twilight started up again. “I’ve packed you a bag and you’ll get there quickly by chariot. Just… be sure to write to me once you get there.”

There was no way around it. Flare just nodded and stepped onto the chariot. It would seem his plans would have to wait, but by Arceus he would be giving that Princess a piece of his mind.

Twilight watched him leave and sighed softly. She walked back inside and looked at the flowers lying on the floor of the library.

“I’m sorry Flare,” she thought as she lifted the flowers off of the ground and placed them in a nearby vase. The Princess really had summoned him, but Twilight had known about what Flare had been planning to do for a few days now. The summons had been well timed for the lavender unicorn.

“I… I just need a little more time,” she whispered.


The ride was pleasant enough and the guards pulling the chariot actually talked to him. They had been there when he fought against Shining Armor and wanted to know how he had held his own like that. Flare was more than happy to explain, though it just confused the poor pegasi. The conversation did little to alleviate Flare's irritation.

They arrived at the castle before long, and another set of guards were waiting to escort Flare to the throne room. Princess Celestia sat upon her throne, signing an endless stream of paperwork. She glanced up as the huge double doors opened and the guards led the irritated unicorn inside.

Celestia set the stack of scrolls aside and smiled warmly. “Welcome, Flare Blitz. I’m glad you could make it on such short notice.” She then noticed the furrow in his brow and his narrowed gaze. He clearly wasn’t too happy just then, “Is something the matter?” she asked him.

“Noo,” Flare replied, a little more sarcastically than he meant to. “I always enjoy being whisked away during something very important.”

Several guards tensed up as the unicorn glared at their Princess, how dare he be so insolent!?

Celestia raised a hoof and the guards backed down. “I see that you are upset, but I have a very good reason to call upon you like this, I assure you.”

She descended the throne and walked over to him. “But first I must inquire as to your intentions with my student.”

Flare just gave her a blank stare. Was she serious?

“I know you made a great personal sacrifice, but I also remember that argument you had and the resulting fight with my former Captain of the Guard.”

Gee Celestia, thanks for the reminder of that rather painful and awkward moment.

“And the reason I called you here is tied directly to Twilight, so I ask you once more… what are your feelings towards her?”

Flare Blitz took a breath and looked up at the regal Alicorn. “You remember when I said that you interrupted something important?”

“Yes?” Celestia said slowly, fearing where this was going.

“Well…” Flare began to explain. “I was shoved out of the library before I had the chance, but I had planned on presenting Twilight with some white Amaryllis flowers.”

“Flowers? But what would you-?” As Celestia pictured the flowers in her mind and looked at Flare, and the colour of his coat, it dawned of the sun goddess.

“Oh? Oooh...” Her eyes grew large and apologetic. “I’m so sorry, if I had known…”

Flare raised a hoof and smiled. At least she seemed genuinely sorry. “Look, it’s okay. There will be other opportunities later on. But to answer your question…” He looked down at his hooves and blushed. “I care for Twilight… no, that’s not right.” He looked up at the Princess. His face was red but his eyes were full of determination. “I love Twilight with all of my heart!” he said. “That will never change.”

Celestia smiled and nodded. “A fine answer,” she replied. “Now it’s time I tell you why I summoned you here.” She walked back up to her throne and took a seat. She waved a hoof and the servants and guards all bowed and left. Once the throne room was empty, Celestia cleared her throat and began to speak.

“A great destiny awaits Twilight Sparkle. And though it is still up to her to make it a reality, I have every confidence that she will.”

Flare nodded. He was following her so far, but what did it have to do with him?

“If you truly love her and wish to remain by her side,” Celestia said, “then you must become stronger. Mentally, physically and magically.”

Stronger? Just what was this destiny all about? “Okay then,” he replied. “So what must I do?”

“It’s quite simple really.” Celestia smiled. “I shall train you personally.”

“Oh, is that all. Wait! What?” Flare Blitz blinked and gave the Princess an odd look. “Train me? For what exactly?”

“For whatever may come,” she replied cryptically. “Though I must keep certain details from you, I shall instruct you in politics, history, and magic. Subjects you will need to know to support Twilight to the fullest.”

“Okay, but why you personally?” Flare asked. “I mean no disrespect, but aren’t there other ponies that could do that? I’m sure you must already be so busy…”

“You would be surprised on how much free time I have,” Celestia said, a mischievous smile on her face. “And I’ve noticed how a lot of your abilities are related to the sun, something I am rather familiar with…”

Now it made sense. “Well, I suppose” Flare agreed. The politics and history sounded boring, but the magic training… that was a whole nother story. But first things first…

“So how will this work?” he asked. “Will I have to travel here from Ponyville every day?”

“You could,” Celestia said. “You also have the option of staying here in the castle. I do not know how long the training will take to complete, so the latter may be a better choice.”

Flare had to think about it. The training sounded like it was important; Celestia herself was training him, so that alone proved that point. But he didn’t want to be separated from Twilight for so long… “Okay,” he said, making up his mind. “I’ll stay here, I’ll be able to focus on the training more and complete it faster that way.” He looked up at the regal ruler, “Is there a way to tell Twilight where I’ll be?”

“You can use the fireplace in my chambers,” she said with a warm smile. “It’s how I send letters to Twilight.”

Flare nodded and Celestia showed him to her bedroom. Flare couldn’t help but look around when he stepped inside. He noticed the huge, plush bed and wondered how heavenly it must be to sleep on that. A huge pile of pillows sat near the fireplace next to a massive stack of books.

“Heh, like student, like teacher?” he smiled.

“I guess,” Celestia said, an ever-so-slight touch of pink gracing her cheeks.

She showed him to a large work desk in the corner that had piles of scrolls stacked upon it. “You can write your letter here and then we’ll send it off.” Celestia explained.

Flare picked up a quill with his magic and began to write.

Dear Twilight,

The reason Princess Celestia summoned me was to offer to teach me. I can’t tell you all the details because I don’t know them myself. But I’ve been given an opportunity that few others have, an opportunity you know all too well.

This training requires me to stay at the castle, and I’m not too sure when I will be home.
I’m going to miss you terribly, but this is something that I must do. To become a better pony, a better stallion, for both myself and for you.

Try not to get into too much trouble while I’m gone^^

Yours Always.
Flare Blitz.

Flare rolled up the letter and Celestia gently lifted it with her magic and placed it into the emerald fire, Flare watched as the scroll was converted into a magic mist and vanished from sight.

“Shall we wait a few moments and see if she responds?” Celestia asked him.

Flare just nodded silently. They didn’t have to wait long, as no more than three minutes later, a puff of smoke shot from the flames and materialised in front of them. Flare took it and opened it, reading its contents out loud.

Dear Flare,

First of all, I’m so happy it wasn’t anything bad; I thought that you might have been in trouble from the way the Princess worded her letter.

Flare raised an eye at Celestia, who gave him a sheepish smile in return.

I’m so happy that Princess Celestia has offered to teach you. You are quite right, it’s the opportunity of a lifetime. Though with that said, I will miss you…

(If you’re reading this out loud, then keep this next part silent)

I found the flowers that you left behind…

Flare mentally swore, he had forgotten that he had dropped the flowers during his hasty departure.

I know what they signify and what you had planned to ask. I’ve known for a while.

“She's as sharp as a Scyther’s blade,” Flare mused, earning him a confused look from Celestia.

I know what you want to ask is important, so I’ll wait until you can tell me face to face. I know by then that I’ll have an answer that I can be sure of and won’t regret… An answer that you deserve.

Things have been difficult for you lately and you sacrificed a lot to stay here and your decision to do so is something I am grateful for. I’m sorry that I’m so indecisive, so please bear with me for a little longer.

Dearly Yours,
Twilight Sparkle

Wet spots appeared on the paper and Flare only then realised that he was crying. He knew that it would be a while before he received the answers that he sought, but those last two lines… Twilight never wrote anything she didn’t mean.

“Is everything alright?” Celestia asked him.

Flare took a deep breath and regained his composure. “Yes, I believe that everything’s going to be fine. Shall we begin my training now?”

Celestia shook her head. “Let’s get you settled down here in the castle first; we can begin first thing tomorrow morning.”


Later that afternoon, Flare was resting inside the observatory that Twilight used to live in. Celestia had offered him a guest room in the castle, but Flare had insisted upon staying here.

“Now let’s take a little look around,” he said to himself with a sly smile. After a bit of poking around he discovered a book that didn’t match the others on the shelf. They appeared to be books about Griffon culture, but this book had no title. Taking it out and opening it, he found that it was an old photo album. A photo album full of filly Twilight pictures…

Flare took one look at them and his heart nearly exploded from the sheer adorableness of it. One photo had a little Twilight
with a raggedy-looking doll doing some homework or something. Another had Twilight and Shining Armour playing dress up. Shining was wearing a cardboard box and a wooden sword, while Twilight was dressed as a princess.

“This has to be the most adorable thing I have ever seen~” Flare smiled.

The moon had begun its rise into the night sky when there was a knock at the door. Flare opened it to reveal an earth pony wearing a maid’s outfit.

“The Princesses have requested your presence for dinner,” she said politely. “Do you accept?”
Flare nodded and walked outside, closing the door behind him. “It would be most impolite to turn down such an offer.”

Once he arrived at the dining hall, he saw Celestia and Luna already at the table with a few other ponies, none of whom he recognised.

“So good of you to join us,” Celestia greeted him as he took a seat. “Have you settled in alright?”

Flare gave a polite bow. He figured that the other ponies present were all important, so he showed more manners than normal. “Yes Princess, thank you again for the warm hospitality.”

Celestia giggled a little, covering her mouth with a napkin to hide it. Luna just shook her head and continued to eat her breakfast. Night Court would start soon and it was murder on an empty stomach.

A white unicorn with a blonde mane and tail decided to speak. “So Aunt Celestia!” he said with a haughty tone. Three words and Flare already disliked him for some reason... Wait a minute, this was the stallion that was whining to Luna at her Night Court a while ago. “Care to introduce us to your… guest.” That last word held all the disgust he could muster.

“Oh how thoughtless of me,” Celestia said with an innocent tone. “This is Lord Flare Blitz, an ambassador from a distant region we only recently opened dialog with.”

Flare bit his lower lip to prevent an outburst of laughter. It seemed it was time for Trollestia to take the stage! He had heard stories from Twilight and now he finally got to see it for himself.

“A distant region you say?” the snooty unicorn replied. “How come I’ve never heard of it?”

“Oh, it’s quite far, well beyond the Frozen North,” Celestia continued. “The region of S’now, was it?”

“Hmm yes, quite.” Flare said, mimicking Blueblood’s haughty tone. “I hail from the city of Alamos. We had heard of a quaint little settlement of ponies beyond the mountains so I was sent to investigate.”

“I see.” Blueblood said, nodding. “And how do you like our glorious kingdom, Lord Flare?”

Flare shrugged as he and Celestia shared a sly smile. “It’s… adequate, I suppose,” he yawned.

“I’ll have you know that Canterlot is the finest kingdom in the world!” Blueblood said indignantly, puffing out his chest.

Flare and Celestia could no longer contain themselves, and they burst out laughing at Blueblood’s pufferfish impersonation, confusing the unicorn to no end.

After dinner, Flare excused himself from the table and headed back to his room. He was still chuckling slightly over the antics at dinner as he opened the door and walked inside.

“I wonder what sort of training I’ll have to do tomorrow?” he said to himself as he headed for the shower. It was a rather spacious shower and his face suddenly turned red as he imagined Twilight using it.

“I think I need a cold shower now,” he muttered, stepping inside.


Twilight rested on her bed, reading a light romance novel. Spike entered the room, carrying a tray of hot tea and cookies.

“How are you doing, Twi?” he asked his big sister.

“I’m okay, why?” she replied, barely looking up from her book.

Spike sighed and shook his head. “Well, this is the first time Flare hasn’t been here since he first arrived, so I figured you might be feeling lonely…”

Twilight twitched as the dragon hit the nail on the head. She had been reading for hours, trying to distract herself from exactly that. “I-I’m fine Spike, really!”

Spike sighed again and flopped down onto his basket. “If you say so, Twilight…” he mumbled and soon drifted off to sleep.

Twilight walked out onto her balcony and stared up at the distant mountainside city.

“I thought I was ready for this,” she murmured. She placed a hoof to her head and glanced at the beautiful Amaryllis flowers that sat on her bedside table. “What should I do?”


After his shower, Flare stood upon the balcony of the observatory and stared down at Ponyville.

“I wonder what Twilight’s doing right now.” he wondered. “Maybe I should have taken the first option; I already miss her like crazy.”

After a few more moments of staring out into the dark valley, he stretched and headed back inside. “I suppose I should get some sleep. Tomorrow’s going to be a big day after all.”

Tomorrow would prove to be most interesting indeed.