• Published 24th Mar 2013
  • 18,989 Views, 1,338 Comments

Flames and Twilight. - Ausbrony

A sequel to my fanficton, A Pony out of Place. How will life in Equestria treat Flare now he has opted to stay with Twilight and her friends? (Takes place during season 3)

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His True Purpose. Part One.

Chapter One: His True Purpose.

It was still early as Flare’s eyes slowly opened. The sun was peeking its way through his curtains and made him blink a few times as his eyes adjusted. He put one hoof out of his bed and almost stumbled as he got up. He had almost gotten used to his new form, but gravity still gave him grief on occasion.

He glanced at a tall mirror in the corner of his room and looked at the reflection within it. It showed a half asleep, cream-coloured Unicorn. His mane was a brilliant red with streaks of orange and yellow. His eyes were a stunning ruby red and he was a little shorter than before, though not too much. Well, enough to look Big Macintosh in the eye now.

He opened the door to his room and headed through it, walking out into a library that he now called home. He shifted an ear and heard sounds from upstairs, mainly sleepy talk of gem covered mountains and Rarity in a wedding dress…

“I guess Spike’s having a good dream.” he chuckled to himself. He looked around the foyer and poked his nose into the kitchen, but didn’t see hide nor hair of a certain lavender librarian.“Guess she’s still asleep too,” he muttered. The muscles in his legs gave an involuntary twitch which meant one thing… an early morning run was in order. He opened the front door and paused to take in the sweet scent of the springtime morning before taking off.


His hooves pounded the ground as he raced through Ponyville. Most ponies were only just beginning to wake so the streets were fairly empty, giving Flare enough room to really cut loose. Though he now inhabited the body of a well-toned Unicorn, his speed hadn’t diminished much. Houses became a blur as he rocketed down the street. He heard somepony call his name and he slowed down as he approached a familiar apple cart.

“Where’s the fire partner?” Applejack smiled. “Y’all look like a dragon is chasing ya down.”

“Just getting some early morning exercise,” he said, “It looked like a nice morning for it.”

Applejack smiled again, “Well I got trees to buck an’ fields ta plough if yer ever feelin energetic.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Flare replied. “Oh yeah, is that a new coat of paint on your cart there?”

Applejack glanced at her shiny cart and nodded. “So yer noticed huh?” she said. “Yeah, I managed ta get a lotta things fixed thanks to you.”

Flare Blitz blushed slightly at the compliment. She was referring to the outcome of the race he had been in. It was the one that had determined his future in Equestria. The winner was granted one wish by Princess Celestia herself and when Flare won, his wish was for all his friends to have their wishes granted. As a result, Applejack had received the prize money for both first and second places, a sum that made her near faint when she saw it.

“Ah can’t thank yer enough fer what you did.” Applejack said earnestly. She glanced from left to right as if anypony might be looking and when she saw nopony around, she leaned in and gave Flare a quick kiss on the cheek, blushing furiously the whole time. “I made mah friends honorary Apple Family members some time back,” she said. “And ah’m more than happy to count you among them too.”

Flare paused for a moment and then responded. ”Thank you AJ,” he said. “That really means a lot to me.”

Applejack tossed him a fresh apple and bid him farewell. “Okay, y’all better get going before I say somethin’ really sappy,” she said, a slight blush still gracing her cheeks.

Flare nodded and chomped down the delicious fruit before continuing his run. He was feeling pretty good now and put a little extra swag into his strides. He greeted a few other familiar faces before returning to the library to be greeted by the smell of oatmeal and freshly brewed tea.

“That smells good.” Flare grinned as he walked in.

Spike peered from around the corner and gave the stallion toothy grin. “Hey, you’re back… where did you go anyway?”

“Just an early morning run,” he explained, trying to figure out how to drink from a pitcher on the table.

Spike nodded and headed back into the kitchen. “Twilight’s upstairs if you were wondering.”

Flare trotted lightly up the wooden staircase and peeked into the upstairs bedroom. Twilight was sitting in front of her vanity, brushing her mane. He stood there and watched her, the way she would lightly glide the brush along her striped mane. He watched the soft glow of her magic and the cute little tune she hummed as she brushed.

Twilight looked up and saw Flare in the reflection of her mirror. She smiled and turned to face him, “Good morning, Flare,” she greeted.

“Did you sleep well?” Flare nodded and walked a little closer to the mare. “Yeah, and you?”

“Good dreams and a healthy sleep,” she replied. She took a moment to look at him and she had to admit, she liked what she saw. He was shorter now and slightly more muscular, but his form was still fit and lean. His eyes had changed from black and silver to the most stunning crimson red. Her eyes wandered further south until they fell on his flanks… oh they were nice too~

Flare waited as Twilight practically ogled him and stifled a small laugh. “Enjoying the view?” He said teasingly, causing the mare to break from her daydream and squeak in surprise.

“Oh, um, I uuhh…” she stumbled around her words as her brain caught up to her mouth. “I was just um, noticing that you don’t have a Cutie Mark…” Twilight sighed, “Yeah, real smooth Twilight,” she thought.

“Yeah…” he said, glancing at his blank butt. “Guess I’ll just have to discover what makes me special, huh?”

Twilight smiled again as they headed down the stairs and into the dining room. “I don’t think it’ll take you too long,” she reassured him, eliciting a nod from the stallion.

Spike emerged a few moments later with two bowls of oatmeal and a bowl of gemflakes for himself. “Huh? You guys are down here already?” he asked in mock surprise. “I thought you’d be making out upstairs for longer than that.”

The reaction was priceless as both ponies turned red and glared at the dragon. “SPIKE!” they said in unison as the dragon laughed at the little joke.

After breakfast, Spike began to shelve some returned books whilst Twilight opened a large tome on magic during the Starswirl era, namely one of gravity manipulation.

Flare sat down on the rug and stared at a small book sitting on the table in front of him. This little book had spent the last few days taunting him, making him feel powerless and mocking his attempts. Meaning of course that he had been practicing how to use levitation and had made little headway.

He closed his eyes and focused his energies. Twilight had told him that it would come naturally, like learning how to walk, but then he hadn’t been born a unicorn so experience in this was non-existent. He had been able to use magic during his battle with Arceus, but any attempt since then had been futile… and he was beginning to get a little frustrated.

“Okay book” he said in a serious tone. “I know we haven’t known each other long, but if you would just float for me… I’ll uh, be your friend or something.”

Eeyup, Flare had lost it. He focused once more and his horn began to light up with a fiery hue. The light buzzed and flickered, like a light bulb that was about to go out. As he concentrated, Twilight looked up from her book and observed Flare as his horn subtly shone and then glowed steadily. The book became engulfed in the light and verrry slowly, began to rise from the desk. She hadn’t noticed but she was holding her breath, as if the mere sound of her quiet breathing was enough to break his concentration. The book slowly rose and Flare opened one eye to see if it was working. He saw the book rising and his face broke out into a big grin… until the book shot forwards and smacked him right in the face.

“Oww!” he said, clutching his nose with his hoof as the magic died and the book fell to the floor.

As he rubbed his nose, he heard somepony giggling and glanced up to see Twilight looking at him.

“Oh so you find this funny?” he deadpanned.

“I’m sorry,” Twilight said. “But you are doing quite well. With more practice, you could be quite an accomplished magician.”

Flare nodded and looked at the fallen book before picking it up manually and putting it back on the table. “Well I suppose… but I don’t think I want to be a full-time facebook member,” he said.

“It’ll be fine,” Twilight re-assured him. “Why don’t you work on getting your Cutie Mark first? It might be a catalyst to getting better at your magic.”

“Maybe” Flare responded. Truth be told, he had little idea on how Cutie Marks even worked, much less how it would help with his magic. “But if Twilight thinks it would work…”

“Alright, I’ll head out and… try to earn a Cutie Mark I suppose,” he said, though he didn’t sound confident in the slightest.

Twilight watched him leave and sighed. “I wonder if I can do anything to help him?” she wondered aloud when Spike walked into the room.

“Hey Twi, you got a letter from the Princess!” he informed her, handing her a letter with the royal seal on it.


Flare Blitz wandered around Ponyville aimlessly. He had absolutely no idea how one earned a Cutie Mark. He knew that it appeared when a pony discovered his or her special talent… but what was his special talent? The Cutie Mark Crusaders crossed his mind and he realised what they must go through.

As if by divine fate or just plain bad luck, said little fillies skipped happily down the main street. They towed a wagon that contained large scrolls and measuring equipment.

“So do you think we’ll get a Cutie Mark in city planning?” Scootaloo asked Sweetie Belle. “Cause I have my doubts about something so lame.”

“Well your idea of Extreme Jet skiing didn’t work, did it!” Sweetie retorted curtly.

“Well excuse me for trying.” Scootaloo said, her eyes flashed in annoyance.

Apple Bloom put her hooves in between her bickering friends. “Girls, please! They’re both good ideas, so jus calm down… Oh hey, there’s Mr. Flare!”

Flare looked down from the little cloud he had been staring at for about fifteen minutes when he heard somepony call his name.

“Hmm? Oh hey there Apple Bloom,” he greeted her. “What are you guys up to today?”

“Cutie Marks in city planning apparently,” Scootaloo said, thoroughly uninspired.

Flare raised an eyebrow, “Oo-kayy, and how’s that working out?”

“As well as you think it might.” Sweetie Belle said, having her own doubts now.

“What about you Mr. Flare?” Apple Bloom asked him. “Running errands fer Twahlight?”

Flare shook his head and glanced at his flank. “Nope… trying to find my own Cutie Mark actually…” It took a second to realise on what he had just said to whom as the three fillies’ eyes went as wide as dinner plates.


“To earn”.

“Your CUTIE MARK!?” the three crusaders said, squealing happily.

“Now wait a minute girls…” Flare started to say, but it was well past the point of no return. The three girls huddled together and whispered.

“So what do you think?” Sweetie Belle said. “Could he join the Crusaders?”

“He’s a bit old to not have a Cutie Mark though.” Scootaloo pointed out. “What’s up with that?”

“It’s prolly cause of whut happened a week ago, after that big race,” Apple Bloom explained. “Ah remember mah sis sayin’ somethin’ about it.”

Flare stood to the side, wondering if he should make a break for it. But on the other hoof, they did have some experience in this sort of thing. As they huddled and whispered, Flare glanced towards the library as he heard a loud, enraged shriek and the library suddenly shot 20 feet into the air with a loud boom!

Cutie Mark be damned, he bolted for the library to see if Twilight was okay.


Twilight Sparkle was not okay! As he ran inside calling the mare’s name, he saw her five best friends sprawled out on the floor, dazed from the sudden launch, whilst Spike lay in a pile of destroyed pillows with a dented helmet upon his head.

Twilight was pacing up and down the library, her horn crackling with residual magical energies. Flare sighed as he felt a headache coming on because he had a hunch as to what happened.

“Twilight Sparkle.” he said calmly. “Do you care to explain as to why your home attempted to fly south for the winter?”

Twilight stopped her pacing and looked at her housemate, her eyes full of worry and panic, and probably a little crazy.

“T-the Princess,” she stammered nervously. “She wants me… to take a TEST!!”

Flare Blitz blinked and looked at the unicorn. He had heard stories about Twilight’s little ‘freakouts’ but didn’t really believe them. But now…

“Okay,” he said. “I want you to take a deep breath and listen.”

Twilight stopped and paused before taking a breath and sitting on the floor.

“Okay, so Celestia wants you to take a test right?” he said, remaining calm and collected.

Twilight nodded silently.

“Well then no problem,” he said, placing a hoof on her shoulder and giving her a reassuring smile. “You are the smartest pony I know. I’m sure whatever the Princess throws at you, you’ll pass with flying colours.”

Twilight took another breath and smiled. “Thanks Flare, I feel better now.”


A short while later, Flare was bidding Twilight and her friends farewell from Ponyville’s train station. Though he wanted to go with them, somepony had to take care of the library while she was gone, and since Spike was going with them, the job was left to Flare.

It had been an hour since he returned to the library and now he was utterly bored out of his mind. He began to realise that without Twilight and her friends around, he was utterly lost on what to do with himself. It was then that a whirlwind of fillies blew in.

“We’ve got the perfect idea on how to get your Cutie Mark!” Sweetie Belle squeaked happily.

“Yeah!” Scootaloo added. “It’s awesome!”

Understandably, Flare Blitz had his doubts. But he was so bored that he’d humour them for a while.

“Okay, lay this perfectly awesome idea on me,” he said.

“Well, how does a Cutie Mark in Bungee Jumping sound… from an AIRSHIP!!” Scootaloo’s eyes sparkled with excitement. This was gonna be awesome!

Were they serious!? Bungee jumping from an airship! What the hay were these kids’ parents doing, letting these fillies do dangerous crap like this?


An hour later, a very worried stallion and three hyper fillies stood aboard the deck of a luxury airship. It sort of looked like a silver and purple blimp that had a ship’s deck suspended from it. Two wings protruded from the sides of the deck and flapped steadily. Flare simply assumed that magic supported the ship’s propulsion.

“Remind me again where you got this thing?” Flare said.

“Some family members ah mine from Canterlot own it,” Apple Bloom replied. “They’re the one flyin’ this doohickie.” She waved to a mare and stallion that were at the wheel.

“I see…” Flare said slowly. “And remind me again why I’m here.”

“To earn your Cutie Mark in Awesomeness!” Scootaloo said happily. “It’s gonna be. So. Awesome!”

Flare had doubts, serious doubts, as to both the success of this mission and the level of his sanity. He took a long hard look at the ground far below and then to the bungee cord around his rear legs. His decision was made.

“Not gonna do it” he said flatly. “No way and no how will I jump from this airship”.

“Aw c’mon!” Scootaloo whined. “Ya just gotta do it.”

“Well if he doesn’t want to then we really can’t make him,” Sweetie Belle pointed out. “That just wouldn’t be right.”

Scootaloo went to protest but had no response. “Oh alright,” she said dejectedly, “Let’s head back down then.”

The pilot nodded and turned the ship and Flare sighed with relief. But the sudden movement then caused him to lose his balance… and fall from the ship. Good thing that cord was still attached.

It didn't stop him from screaming like a little filly though…


Later, all four ponies once again stood on solid ground and Flare’s coat had turned pure white.

“Let’s never, ever, EVER do that again!” he said fiercely, secretly happy that he had been made a unicorn instead of a pegasus.

“Well that was a total bust,” Scoots complained, glancing at Flare’s still blank flank.

“Then it’s time for my idea!” Sweetie Belle giggled happily.

Flare groaned. He knew that he walked into this. He knew that he had complained he was bored… but now he wished that he was back at home in the library, practicing his magic.

No such luck there.

He eventually found himself in Carousel Boutique, and Sweetie Belle giving him a ponypedi. What the buck?

“Can somepony please explain this to me?” he said with an exasperated sigh.

“Maybe your Cutie Mark will be in not listening to anypony?” Sweetie replied. “You will be a fabulous model for today. I think it could really work.”

Well at least this didn’t involve freefalling from a blimp. But Flare began to question on how this would affect his masculinity. It took nearly an hour, but between the three girls, Flare Blitz had his hooves filed and polished, and his coat brushed. His mane had been brushied and styled and well, he looked good.

He glanced in a mirror and whistled appreciatively. “I guess I scrub up alright,” he said, slightly surprised at the results.

“And now it’s time for a fabulous outfit!” Sweetie Belle squeaked. She disappeared behind a large curtain and he heard her grunt with effort as she pushed a pony-shaped mannequin from behind it. It had a long flowing, fuchsia dress on it.

“A dress? I’m not wearing a dress!” Flare crossed his hooves. “No way, No how!”

“Aw don’t be like that Flare~” Sweetie Belle cooed. “I read that stallions used to dress up as mares for plays and whatnot years ago, so what’s the harm.”

“And how long ago was this?” he asked, as Apple Bloom wondered the same thing. Guys wearing dresses was just plain silly.

“Couple hundred years, give or take.” Sweetie Belle said nonchalantly.

“Ah thought so,” Apple Bloom replied. “Y’all can’t make Flare wear that, he’ll look ridiculous.”

“I think he’ll look adorable~” Sweetie retorted as Scootaloo pretended to gag.

“That wouldn’t even fit me,” Flare pointed out, but his comment fell on deaf ears as the three fillies continued to argue at an increasing volume.

After a consensus was reached, the three girls turned to see that Flare had bailed on then, the front door to the boutique still swinging slightly.

“I’ll take it that he wasn’t interested.” Sweetie noted.


Flare had run from the boutique as fast as he could. Once he stopped he found himself at Sweet Apple Acres.
He walked through the orchards, taking in the sweet scent of apples when a loud crack brought him back down to earth.
He glanced around and saw Big Macintosh bucking some trees in the western orchard Flare was currently strolling through.

“Heya Mac!” Flare called out as the draft horse turned to meet him.

“Well howdy there Flare,” he drawled. “What can I do fer ya?”

Flare walked up to him and gave the tree a solid buck, causing the apples to fall neatly in the buckets. “Not much, just escaping the clutches of your sister and her friends.”

“Wha? Applejack?”

“No, Apple Bloom and the Cutie Mark Crusaders,” he said and pointed to his flank with a hoof. “They’ve had me running around all morning doing crazy stuff to earn my Cutie Mark, I drew the line at wearing a dress.”

“Do ah even wanna know?” Mac asked him.

“Eenope” Flare replied and the two of them chuckled.

Mac walked over to the next tree and continued to work. “Y’all have prolly heard this a million times by now, but yer Cutie Mark will come when it comes, aint no amount of rushing is gonna help.”

“I hear ya Mac,” Flare agreed. “But your sister is awfully persistent,” he said, sighing a little.

“That she is.” Big Macintosh agreed. “Stubbornness runs in the mares of this family.”

Flare agreed. He’d seen how stubborn Applejack could be, but then…

“I suppose most mares are like that,” he voiced the last part of his thought.

“That they are.” Macintosh agreed and bucked the tree. “So uh… how’s it goin with Miss Twahlight?”

The question caught Flare off guard and he missed the tree he was about to kick. “T-Twilight!?” he said. “Uh… well I decided that I wanted to do right by her and I've been studying up on Equestrian customs and courting rituals while she isn't around…”

“Courtin’ rituals?” Mac asked. How old were these books?

“Yeah, like getting her a flower that’s the same colour as my coat to show that I’m interested” he said. “Stuff like that”.
Now that was an out-dated ritual. Maybe back in Granny Smith’s time… “Well maybe Miss Twahlight might actually like that?” he thought. She was into books from what AJ had told him, though he really didn’t know her personally.

There was a shout as the CMC approached the farm, looking for the runaway stallion.

“Ah bugger, they found me.” Flare said. “Guess that’s that.” He looked at Big Mac. “Thanks for listening Mac,” he said.

“Anytime,” he replied, bumping hooves with Flare as the Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle ran up to them.

“Hey there Big Brother! Ah’m glad ya found ‘im!” Apple Bloom said happily.

“Eeyup.” Big Mac simply said and went about his work.

Sweetie Belle gave Flare a hard stare. “Care to explain why you ran off mister?” she said with a hint of annoyance.

Flare shrugged, “I just didn’t think that wearing a dress was my ultimate destiny,” he said. “No offense Belle.”

“None taken,” she replied. “So now what?”

“We should go back to the clubhouse and revise our strategy.” Scootaloo suggested. “And we still hafta give him the initiation speech.”

Flare raised an eyebrow, initiation ritual? Eh, why not. Truth be told, he was actually kind of having fun, though he had no intentions of telling anypony. Ever!

“Lead the way!” He said and followed the three bouncing fillies to the other side of the farm.


Flare had to admit, he was impressed at the clubhouse. It was a decent sized structure set in a huge tree close to the farmhouse. Just judging by the outside, you could probably fit 20 or more ponies in there.

“She’s a beauty, huh?” Scootaloo said proudly. “It was a total dump until Apple Bloom fixed it up!”

Wait! Apple Bloom fixed this? He gave the fillies an odd stare. “And you still don’t have your Cutie Mark?” he wondered aloud.

“Well that’s ahbvious aint it?” Apple Bloom replied and Flare resisted the urge to facehoof. It was obvious, painfully obvious what her special talent was, though it had little meaning if somepony else told her.

As they were about to climb the ramp, there was a faint whistling sound. It seemed to be coming from the air and as Flare looked up to find its source. Something crashed into him and he was greeted with a world of blackness.

He awoke a short while later, groaning. He noticed that he was on his back and something heavy was on top of him. He opened his eyes and was greeted by the sight of a cute, grey Pegasus mare entwined in his hooves. There was a light gasp as he looked left to see the CMC all with the same red-faced surprised expression.

“Do you think doing something like that earns you a Cutie Mark?” Scootaloo asked quietly.

“Ah… don’t know,” Apple Bloom replied softly.

“It’s like something out of one of Rarity’s Mules and Bon books,” Sweetie Belle whispered.

The mare opened her eyes and looked directly into Flare’s.

“Mmm? Oh! Hey there Flare Blitz!” she exclaimed, her golden eyes fixing on his. Well one of them anyway. The other seemed to be getting a good view of the clouds.

“Hello Ditzy.” Flare wondered if she did this on purpose.

The mare gave a single flap of her wings and propelled herself to her hooves. “Sorry ‘bout that,” she said sheepishly. “I have a little trouble with landings sometimes.”

“S’okay,” Flare said, getting to his hooves and blushing slightly. “You said you were looking for me?”

“Oh?” she rummaged about in a saddlebag for a moment before presenting a letter. “Da, da, da, da daaaaa!” she sang happily. “You have a letter!”

“Um, thanks?” Flare replied, still feeling a little awkward. Ditzy nodded happily and flew off, leaving the stallion to wonder what the hay happened.

Dear Flare.

He instantly recognised the hoof writing as Twilight’s.

You're probably wondering why we aren't back yet so I thought to send you this letter to explain things.
It seems that ‘test’ (I nearly had a heart attack on the way here) that Princess Celestia has for me requires me to travel to a place called the Crystal Empire. I can’t really tell you more than that since I know little myself. Spike and the others are with me so if could you please inform Rarity and AJ’s families for me that would be great.

We should be back by tomorrow afternoon so you’ll have to fend for yourself for tonight. I hope you’re having luck with finding your Cutie Mark and your magic.

Yours Dearly.

Twilight Sparkle.

Flare showed the letter to the girls, who quickly glanced over it.

“So they won’t be back until tomorrow, huh?” Scootaloo said. “Any idea on what you’ll do Flare?”

“Probably just go home, make dinner and sleep.” Flare shrugged as he glanced at the setting sun. “Not much else to do.”

Apple Bloom thought for a moment, and then a bolt of inspiration struck her. “How ‘bout a slumber party?” she suggested. “An Flare can come too!”

“A slumber party?” Flare questioned. He remembered the one he had in Canterlot with the princesses. Though without Pinkie, this one should be a bit more tame.

“I think it’s a good idea!” Sweetie Belle agreed with Apple Bloom. “We can work on new crusades and eat sweets and play games and…” she trailed off as she giggled and bounced up and down.

“But is a slumber party really awesome enough?” Scootaloo asked.

Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were already sold on the idea though.

“We can sing songs!”

“And tell scary stories!”

“And have makeovers!”

“And, and… ah I got nuthin”.

Flare sighed; it seemed that there was no way out of this, though hanging out with them made him feel like a little foal again. It was kinda fun in a nostalgic sort of way.

“Fine,” he agreed. “But we still need to tell your parents and decide on where we’ll have this.”

“Right here in the clubhouse,” Apple Bloom said. “Just meet us back here tonight, we’ll get everything ready.”

Flare nodded and headed off, shooting a quick glance behind him as he walked. “So now I’m having a slumber party with kids?” He chuckled. “Dad would tan my hide and tell me to grow up if he knew… and Mother would probably want to join in…”
As memories of his parents came to him, he began to feel a sharp pain in his heart. He knew that staying in Equestria was his decision, but he still wondered what his parents were doing, if they knew he was okay.

He let out a soft sigh as he walked back to town. “I wish I could have at least said goodbye to them,” he whispered.

Author's Note:

So I've made some edits to this chapter and the others will get the same treatment soon. I'll unpublish them. edit and then republish them.

Yeah... that works... I think?