• Published 24th Mar 2013
  • 18,977 Views, 1,338 Comments

Flames and Twilight. - Ausbrony

A sequel to my fanficton, A Pony out of Place. How will life in Equestria treat Flare now he has opted to stay with Twilight and her friends? (Takes place during season 3)

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A Flame Once Lost - Part Three

A Flame Once Lost – Part Three.

It had been an interesting few days for Twilight Sparkle. She had quelled a stampede of Pinkie Pie clones, faced off against a slightly crazy acquaintance from her not so distant past, and now of all things, a Pokémon was sitting in her library, sipping a warm cup of tea.

“So, Virizion, was it?” Twilight asked, eliciting a nod from her guest. “How did you come to this world?”

Virizion placed the cup she had lifted with her hoof down… it was something else really. She had quickly discovered that her hooves had a sort of magnetic quality here. She was able to pick up almost anything, like humans could with their dexterous hands.

“Well, Miss Sparkle,” she began. “A young apprentice of mine has somehow found his way to this world, and Lord Arceus temporarily gave me the power to come and retrieve him.” Virizion raised a hoof and showed a bracelet that had a beautiful glowing jewel in it. “It has enough power to send me here and bring me and anyone with me back. It is also what lets me communicate with you.”

“Arceus did?” Twilight asked. “He couldn’t come himself?”

Virizion shook her head. “No, I am afraid he is much too busy at the current moment. Which begs the question… exactly how do you know about Pokémon?”

“Well…?” Twilight was about to explain when there was a loud gasp, and Virizion turned to see a bright pink pony almost hovering in the air before bolting from the room.

“And what, pray tell, was that?” Virizion asked.

“That was just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie.” Twilight smiled, watching her zany friend disappear as quickly as she appeared. “And as for your question, well, you’re not the first Pokémon to arrive in Equestria.”

Now Virizion was confused, were Pokémon more common here than she initially thought? “You mean Lord Arceus, right?” she decided to confirm.

Twilight shook her head. “No, the reason Arceus even showed up in the first place was to bring Flare home.”

“Flare? That’s the name of the Pokémon you are referring too?”

Twilight nodded, a huge smile plastered on her face. “Yes! Flare Blitz is just the most wonderful stallion… he’s so sweet and kind and handsome.” Twilight giggled a little as she thought about him. “I love him so much.”

Virizion was silent as she listened to Twilight, but then she had another question. “This Flare Blitz of yours… he wouldn’t be a brash young Ponyta, by chance?”

“Close,” Twilight replied. “It’s a bit of a long story, but he was a Ponyta when he arrived here six months ago, but he evolved into a Rapidash during a particular incident.” Twilight paused to drink her tea, “Though due to the effects of magic, he looks a little... ‘different’ now. He’s currently taking some lessons from Princess Celestia and Princess Luna in Canterlot…”

It was then that Twilight realised the underlying tone of Virizion’s question. “Wait… you know Flare Blitz!?” Twilight asked.

Virizion nodded slowly and took another sip of her tea. “I should think so… we were lovers for some time.”

Twilight just froze as that statement set in.



Keldeo dodged as a Solarbeam scorched the ground next to him. He and Flare had been training for about an hour, and both had begun to feel the fatigue and were panting heavily.

“You… got… strong!” Keldeo gasped. Though still standing, he was covered numerous small wounds.

“You… too!” Flare was equally injured, and he was surprised by how much Keldeo had grown since he last saw him. He was still a little cocky, but he had grown in both mind and body.

Sunshine brought them cold drinks, which the two gratefully accepted. Luna had some urgent royal business to take care of, so Sunshine had been tasked to watch over the match and make sure that neither of them injured the other too badly. She was thoroughly impressed by how strong they both were.

“So, Lord Flare?” Sunny addressed him. “What will you do once your training is complete? I think the royal guard could really use your talents.”

“Y’know, I haven’t really thought about it.” Flare responded, taking a sip of the cold lemonade. “I guess I’ll spend some quality time with Twilight, and then who knows… Joining the guard does sound kinda neat, but they don't seem to do much other than stand around.”

“You really love it here, huh?” Keldeo said. “Are you really never coming back home?”

Flare looked at the Colt Pokémon. He remembered the day that he and Virizion had decided to go their separate ways. Keldeo had taken it particularly hard and had run off. Flare had spent hours searching the forest, looking for him, and explaining what had happened. Keldeo had looked up to Flare as an older brother of sorts, and the two would always get up to mischief. Although it had only been a little more than a year, it was one of the fondest times of Flare’s life.

“I’m sorry, Keldeo,” Flare said, his voice quiet and soothing. “But I have a wonderful life here and a beautiful mare that I love very much… Equestria is my home now.”

Keldeo just looked at his hooves. He knew how adamant Flare could be and that his mind would never be changed. But he missed having his brother around, and he knew that Virizion missed him too, though because of her stubborn pride, she’d never admit it.

“Speaking of this girl, Twilight was it?” Keldeo said, wanting a change in the subject. “What’s she like?”

Flare just smiled as his mind filled with Twilightness. “She’s just so smart and funny and so utterly adorkable…” He just stood there grinning like an idiot and swaying from side to side.

Keldeo just shook his head and turned back to Sunshine. “I think we may have lost him for the time being. Thank you for the lemonade too! It was delicious.”

“Happy to be of service!” Sunshine beamed, taking the empty glasses and placing them onto her serving tray. “Lunch will also be served soon, would you like to wash up first?”

Keldeo nodded and shot a small stream of water at Flare to grab his attention. “That would be wonderful, Miss Sunshine.”

“I’ve told you already, just call me Sunny!” she scolded the colt and then pointed towards the castle. “If you take that door inside and make the next three left turns, then you’ll arrive at the bathhouse.”

Flare and Keldeo nodded and headed off. First, a relaxing soak in the baths, and then it was lunchtime. That was something Flare would miss about Canterlot once he was done training. The glorious food!


Twilight paced back and forth across the library floor, her mane slightly frazzled and her eye twitching.

“So let me get this straight, you are the mare that Flare previously courted?” she asked the swordsmare.

“I believe that is what I said.” Virizion stated calmly. “But that was some time ago, and if what you say is the truth, then you and he are quite happy together now.”

Twilight paused, she was right after all. Flare had been patient and gone through significant effort to court Twilight, and she loved him very much. So was there really an issue?

“Of course there is,” her mind said to her. “His old flame is here to take him back. Arceus couldn’t do it so he sent a familiar face.”

Virizion watched with a small amount of amusement at the unicorn’s actions. It would seem that Flare’s relationship with this mare was serious, and she would be lying if she said she wasn’t jealous. Though she and Flare had left on good terms, Virizion had missed the Ponyta greatly, and had hoped that they could one day try again.

As Twilight paced she glanced up at her clock and noticed the time. The train to Canterlot was due to leave any minute now!

“Oh no, we have to hurry!” Twilight exclaimed, her current train of thought derailing as her mind focused on not being late. Before Virizion could respond, Twilight’s horn flashed and she teleported both herself and the stunned Pokémon straight to the train platform.

“I… wha?” Virizion was slightly dazed from the sudden scenery change, and then Twilight levitated her onto the train. By the time the whistle sounded and the train started moving, Virizion started to get a little irritated at being pushed around like this.

“Now see here!” she yelled, startling the unicorn as well as the other passengers. “Would you kindly stop and tell me where we are going?!”

Twilight only now realised how hasty she had just been and bowed her head in apology. “I’m sorry, Miss Virizion, the train to Canterlot was about to leave, and I guess I just leapt without looking, so to speak.”

“Well that's all well and good,” Virizion replied irritably. “But what is a Canterlot and why is it so important that we get there?”

“Oh, right, sorry.” Twilight pointed towards the window and to the enormous mountain in the distance. “Canterlot is the city you see up there, and the reason we are going…” Twilight had a little smile on her face. “Is because that’s where Flare is.”


Keldeo had left the baths, leaving Flare to soak a little longer. The unicorn wondered why he hadn’t been to these baths before now. They were massive and styled after Neighponese outdoor hot springs. The large domed ceiling had the same enchantment as Luna’s bedroom, and gave the illusion that it was outside on a wintery mountainside.

“I really need to come here more often,” he sighed and figured it was time to get out. He rose from the water and shook himself off before closing his eyes and activating his Flare Blitz attack, the scorching flames drying his body almost instantly.

Taking a glance in a nearby mirror to see if his appearance was satisfactory, he headed towards the dining hall. Before he even entered, he could hear the loud voice of Prince Blueblood.

“Oh goody,” Flare deadpanned and his eyes narrowed. “My most favourite unicorn in Equestria is here.”

He entered the room and both Luna and Celestia glanced at him, their eyes said it all.


Flare took a seat and Blueblood droned on about wanting tax hikes on the commoners and how his last party had been a hit with various noble families that Flare could care less about.

Flare had the displeasure of meeting Blueblood several times during his stay here in Canterlot, and if it wasn’t for the fact that he was Celestia’s nephew, he would have put the smarmy unicorn in his place.

“So, Lord Flare, I heard that you have very unique magic.” Blueblood suddenly said, garnering Flare’s attention. “Perhaps you might be up to a little magic duel? See some of the finest Equestrian magic up close?”

It took all of Flare’s willpower not to burst out laughing. “O-oh? Um, perhaps not.” He replied, trying to hold it in. “I wouldn’t want to injure His Highness.”

“Don’t be silly,” Blueblood said, waving a hoof. “I assure you that I am in no danger of being hurt. I trained with the Royal Guard after all.”

“I, I see…” Flare took a sip of water and mulled over the thought. He could utterly humiliate Blueblood in front of everypony…

But no, Flare just wasn’t the vindictive type.

“I think I shall pass, I’m afraid that my magic may not be up to par with royalty,” Flare said as snootily as he could.

Blueblood nodded in agreement and excused himself from the table. “Well I’m afraid that I simply must be going. Busy with royal duties and whatnot. It was a pleasure meeting you again, Lord Flare.”

And with that, he left the room, and Flare glanced to Keldeo and the Princesses, all of whom were giving him the oddest stares.

“What?” Flare said.

“I am surprised,” Luna stated, “that you did not take the opportunity to put that pompous freeloader on his oafish backside.”

“Yeah!” Keldeo replied. “The Flare I know would have chargrilled him on the spot for speaking like that.”

Celestia took a sip of the tea and then looked towards Flare. “Flare, I do appreciate your concern and respect for my family… no matter how ignorant and ungrateful they may be… but a little lesson in humility never hurt anypony.”

Flare nodded and a small smile appeared on his face. There was always next time.


Twilight stared blankly out of the train window as Canterlot grew ever closer. She closed her eyes as she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen. She had felt twinges on and off all day, but exerting herself earlier had only made it worse.

“Maybe I should see a doctor?” Twilight thought. But as she poked at her stomach, her nose caught a peculiar scent…

Oh dear, sweet Celestia… anything but that!

Virizion looked at Twilight and smiled. She made the most amusing faces for no reason. As she glanced around the carriage, she wondered how a world like this even existed. She knew of the Reverse World, a distorted realm that was home to Giratina. She also knew that Lord Arceus had his own special realm… so where did this Equestria fit into it? How did Flare Blitz and Keldeo even wind up here?

She remembered the day that Arceus approached her, along with Terrakion and Cobalion. to inform them that he knew where Keldeo had disappeared to, and that he could send one of them there to find him. Virizion was elected and Arceus gave her an orb that contained a fragment of his power over space/time and sent Virizion to Equestria.

The trip itself was quite disorientating, and when she arrived, she had found herself surrounded by these little pony creatures. She was soon approached by Twilight Sparkle, who had known somehow that she was a Pokémon.

Virizion wasn’t entirely sure that the Flare Blitz that Twilight had claimed to know was the same one that Virizion knew… but she figured that time would tell soon enough.

Twilight’s eyes darted around the train carriage, but nopony had seemed to notice yet. She opened the window, allowing some ventilation, and sighed. This was going to be a long day indeed.


Flare and Celestia were sitting in the Archives, studying up on more recent events this time around.

“So Luna became Nightmare Moon and nearly plunged the world into eternal darkness?” Flare stared at the textbook, wondering just how somepony as sweet as Luna could do something like that. He had gotten the short and sweet version from Twilight a while ago, but hearing it from somepony who was actually there... totally different story.

“Yes, and what I had to do afterward caused terrible heartache for us both…” Celestia said, her eyes downcast and full of remorse. “But after many long centuries, a group of ponies were born who could harness the true power of the Elements of Harmony and save my dear sister.” Celestia turned to the page that depicted Twilight and her friends defeating Nightmare Moon.

“I see,” Flare said in a hushed tone. “Twilight and the others are really important, huh?”

“They are indeed a very special group of friends who have saved Equestria on several occasions… and I have no doubt that they will save it again.” Princess Celestia looked over the notes that Flare had just written down. His studies had improved quite a lot since coming to Canterlot two weeks ago.

“Aside from a few grammar and spelling mistakes, this is excellent.” Celestia gave her student a warm smile, which Flare returned.

“Speaking the same language is one thing… writing it is a whole lot harder,” Flare said, putting his quill down.

“You’re doing very well though,” Celestia praised him. “I think you’ll be ready soon enough.”

Flare nodded. Celestia had said some heavy stuff yesterday, and though he didn’t want to show it to the princess, he was feeling a little overwhelmed. He was certain that he would not fail, however. In this short amount of time, Celestia and Luna had taught him so much, and no matter what was going to happen, he would stand tall and protect the ones he cared so much for.

Sunshine entered the study that Celestia and Flare sat in and motioned towards Flare.

“Princess Luna requests Lord Flare’s presence in the courtyard,” she announced. “Something about another practise battle with Mr. Keldeo.”

Celestia glanced at the clock on the wall and sighed; time was a fickle thing. Sometimes it passed so quickly and other times it stood almost motionless.

“Well then,” she said to Flare. “Do you mind if I accompany you? I have yet to see a full battle with your new skills.”

Flare nodded as the princess and her hoofmaiden trotted next to him. “Who am I to refuse a request from a beautiful princess!?” he said with a smile, eliciting a slight blush from Celestia and a giggle from Sunny.

Once they arrived in the usual courtyard, the three ponies found Luna and Keldeo already waiting for them.

“There you are!” Luna scolded them. “Celestia’s lesson was supposed to finish fifteen minutes ago. What took you so long?”

“I did not think that we were being so strict with our schedules,” Celestia replied. “Is there a particular reason this session is so important?”

Luna nodded, “Yes, actually. I would like to see all of Flare’s magic attacks, so that I can determine whether or not he is ready for the next level of our training.”

Flare took his position on the battlefield and looked around. He noticed something rather different about the courtyard. The stone tiles had all been replaced by hard soil, and a familiar pattern had been painted onto it. It looked just like the battlefields that the humans used in their little tournaments.

“What’s all this?” he asked Luna.

“It was my idea, actually!” Keldeo said. “A little bit of home for you!”

Flare smiled and took another look around. It really did look good and brought back a lot of memories. “This is cool… though it’ll be a mess soon enough.”

“Well now…” Keldeo took his position on the opposite side of the field. “Someone’s confident!”

“The teacher’s in, so get ready to be schooled, little Keldy!” Flare retorted.


Twilight and Virizion stepped off of the train, and Virizion glanced around the glorious city. It really was something else.

“So you little ponies built all of this?” she asked in amazement.

“Yes,” Twilight replied proudly. “Canterlot is the finest city in Equestria, though I have to say that I enjoy the peace and quiet of Ponyville more.”

Many ponies stared at Twilight and her strange companion as they made their way towards the castle. Virizion paid them little heed, however, as she continued to wonder if this ‘Flare Blitz’ of Twilight’s and the one she remembered were one and the same.


Virizion watched with a warm smile as her mate, a young Ponyta named Flare Blitz, snuck up behind Terrakion, and then startled the large Pokémon with a weak flame to his backside.

“Now, now, don’t give the poor dear a heart attack, Flare,” she laughed. “Poor Terrakion isn’t as young as he used to be.”

“Aw c’mon Viri!” Terrakion sighed. “I’m younger than I look, you know. All the girls swoon after me.”

“Yes, and I’m sure that’s because you’re blocking their view of Cobalion,” Virizion replied with another short laugh.

“Not cool…” Terrakion pouted as Flare joined in on the laughter.

Why couldn’t those happy days have just continued?

Why did that blasted accident have to happen?

Why did she put her selfish pride before her heart?



Who was that? Couldn’t they see she was busy?


The Pokémon suddenly became aware that Twilight was calling her name, and looked over to her. The little unicorn pointed towards an enormous castle that sat in front of them. Virizion had been impressed with the city, but this castle was something else.

“Here we are: Canterlot Castle!” Twilight announced. “Flare should be somewhere inside. Some guards should be able to direct us…”

Twilight was cut off as a loud explosion rocked the ground and a plume of smoke rose from the western courtyard.

“What the hay was that!?” Twilight questioned aloud, but Virizion’s instincts had already caused her to run towards the explosion’s source. Twilight decided to quickly follow behind.


When Virizion arrived, she bore witness to a scene that shocked her to her core. Her precious student Keldeo lay upon the ground, his body covered in wounds, as a cream-coloured unicorn with a fiery red mane and tail stood over him, grinning.

“Still feeling confident?” he said with a cocky tone as Keldeo groaned.

It took a split second for Virizion to react.

Flare heard a noise, like somepony shouting, but as he looked up to see what it was, something hard and powerful slammed into him. Flare spiraled through the air and crashed through the castle wall, becoming buried in a pile of rubble.

Everypony stared wide-eyed as Virizion’s Sacred Sword dissipated and she rushed to Keldeo. Twilight arrived just in time to see Virizion put her coltfriend through a wall for absolutely no reason. Then she noticed the other odd, red-maned creature lying on the ground, but that was beside the point.

Virizion had hurt Flare!

Twilight must now hurt Virizion!

Luna and Celestia stood there, their mouths agape at the sudden intrusion of this new creature and the subsequent assault on Flare. It was then that everypony noticed something else: the birds had gone silent and the wind stood as still as death itself. Celestia saw something behind the green creature and took a slight step back. This was very, very bad!

Virizion knelt next to Keldeo, fretting over his injuries. “How could these ponies do this!?” she remarked. “I thought they were such nice creatures.”

Keldeo looked up and saw Virizion, and what she had done to Flare. “Urgh! W-what did you do that for?” he said, getting to his hooves.

“I was saving you!” Virizion retorted, thinking that Keldeo would be a little more grateful. “Look at what that unicorn did to you!”

“That unicorn was…” Keldeo never got to finish his sentence as Virizion was lifted off of her hooves by some invisible force and thrown across the battlefield. Being the seasoned warrior she was, Virizion quickly regained her footing and looked around to see what had attacked her. She looked up to see Twilight, her coat turned white and her mane blazing like fire.

Her eyes glowed with a bright white light as her whole body crackled with arcane energy.

“Oh, this cannot be good.” Virizion muttered as she prepared herself for combat.


Flare groaned as he emerged from the rubble and dusted himself off. Glancing towards the battlefield, he took note of several things. First, that Virizion, of all Pokémon, was here. Second, there was somepony who looked ready to turn her to a pile of ash. It took a second for Flare to realise that it was Twilight!

“When… did my Twilight evolve into a Rapidash?” he asked stupidly and then shook his head. Now wasn’t the time for jokes, and he started running towards her. Once he reached her, he placed his hooves on her chest and looked into her blazing, rage-filled eyes.

“Twilight!? Twi, It’s me, Flare!” he shouted. “You need to stop and calm down, okay!”

Twilight didn’t budge, her eyes locking onto Virizion. “She hurt you and needs to pay,” she growled. “I won’t let her take you away from me!”

Take him away? What the heck was she talking about?

“Nopony is gonna take me away, Twi!” he tried to reason with her. “Remember, I fought Arceus himself, and now I have you and all my friends. There is no way I’m ever going to leave you… but you need to calm down now, okay?”

He was right. Flare had gone through a lot to stay here in Equestria, and he wouldn’t let Virizion talk him into going back. So why was she reacting this way? Why was she overreacting this much?

Luna and Celestia watched on from the sidelines. Both were in shock in how quickly things had escalated, and curious as to what would happen next. Celestia in particular had witnessed a scene very similar to this, and was curious as to how Flare would resolve it… if he could resolve it.

Flare stared right into her eyes and placed a light kiss on her lips, resisting the urge to recoil as the magical power she was generating shocked his body. As he leaned into it more, the magic began to dissipate and Twilight returned to normal.

“I’m so sorry,” she whispered. “I just don’t know what came over me.” She had a rough idea however, and it was due to her current condition.

“It’s okay… it just shows how much you love me~” Flare replied.

Virizion and Keldeo watched the adorable scene as Virizion pondered on what the heck was going on. “Can you explain this to me?” she asked Keldeo. “Because I think I may have misunderstood something.”

Before Keldeo could respond, however, Flare walked over to them, mussing up Keldeo’s mane and smiling at Virizion.

“You’re the last ‘mon I expected to see in Equestria, Viri,” he smiled. “How have you been?”

This unicorn had called her Viri! Only one being had ever called her that and used that smile along with it.

“Flare Blitz?” she asked and Flare nodded.

“Yup! It’s been a while, huh?” he said. “I didn’t expect a greeting quite like that, though.”

It was really him, the Flare Blitz that she loved with all of her heart. If it wasn’t for her stubborn pride, Virizion probably would have cried right then and there.

Celestia took a step forward, her wings flaring out. “Perhaps we should convene inside and discuss a few things.”


Once everypony and Pokémon were in the throne room, Celestia decided to speak first.

“So who would like to explain that little fiasco?” she said, a tad annoyed that one of her ponies had been attacked like that out of the blue and that her precious student had nearly burned half of Canterlot because of it.

“I would like to apologise for that,” Virizion responded. “I mistook Flare for someone harming my student, Keldeo. I truly am sorry.”

“I see,’ Celestia replied. “And might I ask who you are?”

In the confusion, Virizion had yet to be introduced to anypony. “My apologies once more. I am called Virizion, one of the Swords of Justice, protectors of our world.”

“Well met then, Lady Virizion.” Celestia finally smiled. “I am Princess Celestia, one of the diarchs of this world. Welcome to Equestria!” Celestia’s smile faded as she turned to Twilight and gave the unicorn a stern look. “And perhaps you might want to explain what happened with you out there? That was some reaction to a misunderstanding.”

Twilight felt like she was an inch tall under the gaze of the sun goddess. She had indeed reacted badly, and she knew why.
But there was no way in Tartarus that she was going to say why out loud.

“Um, yes. I’m sorry Princess.” Twilight bowed her head. “It won’t happen again!”

“That’s good to hear, my faithful student, but it’s not what I asked…”

Twilight began to fidget as her mind tried to come up with a way to word that her hormones had gotten the better of her judgement. But Virizion decided to interject.

“A girl can do crazy things when she’s in love.” Virizion said, giving Twilight a sly wink. “Believe me, I know.”

Celestia sighed, but decided to leave it at that. “Well alright then, as long as it doesn't happen again.” The alicorn looked back to Virizion, “So may I ask why you have come to Equestria? Or have you become lost here inexplicably like Keldeo here?”

Virizion shook her head. “Not quite, I have come here thanks to Lord Arceus' power to find and retrieve Keldeo… and it would seem that I have found him, so we will be departing soon.”

“You don’t want to stay for a while?” Flare asked. “It’s been nearly a year since we last saw each other.”

“I’m afraid we must get back,” Virizion said sadly. “I would very much like to stay for a while and catch up, but I am unsure of just how long the power in this gem will last.”

“It doesn’t matter,” Twilight said, causing everypony to stare at her. “What?” she said, “I can send them home whenever you want… Sparkler and I made that spell, remember?”

“Oh yeah!” Flare replied. “I totally forgot all about that.”

“I'm still a little unsure that it will actually work… but with that gem of Arceus acting as a beacon, I don't think it would be a problem.”

“How about it, Virizion?” Keldeo said hopefully. “Can we stay a little longer? Pleeeease?”

Virizion sighed and then smiled. “Well alright, I suppose that Arceus wouldn’t just leave us stranded here, and if Twilight is confident she could send us home regardless, then I suppose we could put it off until tomorrow.”

Flare and Keldeo cheered and bumped hooves. Then nearly everypony jumped out of their skin when Pinkie Pie popped out of nowhere.

“Alright! Time for a ‘Welcome to Equestria’ party for Virizion!” the pink party pony cheered and pulled her party cannon out of her mane, firing out streamers and confetti everywhere. Seeing as how the ceiling was too high, Flare had opted to hide behind Celestia and Luna, causing the regal sisters to giggle at their ‘Great Hero’.

“I swear, I will never get used to that,” Flare muttered, coming out of hiding.


The party raged well into the night, and by the end, several dozen maids and guards had been roped into the festivities as well.

Flare, Twilight, and Virizion walked together under the crescent moon and talked about all sorts of things.

“Um, can I ask you guys something?” Twilight said.

“What is it, Twilight?” Flare replied.

Twilight paused for a moment, not knowing how the two Pokémon would react. “Um, I was wondering why the two of you are no longer… ‘together’.”

Flare stopped walking and looked at her. That question had brought up a lot of memories, and after a nod and a reassuring smile form Virizion, he decided to tell her the whole story.

“Well… it happened about what? A little more than a year ago now?” Virizion nodded to confirm and Flare continued.

“Virizion, Terrakion, and Cobalion had entered a forest to quell a Garchomp that had been abandoned by its trainer and had flown into a rage, causing a forest fire. When they had to do dangerous stuff, I had to just stand back and wait with Keldeo, who was too young and inexperienced to assist. But this time, I wanted to help out. I was sick of feeling powerless and wanted to prove my worth to Virizion, so I entered the forest and tried to help the wild Pokémon evacuate the area… but that turned out to be a mistake.”

“What happened?” Twilight asked.

“The Garchomp found me first and attacked. Virizion and the others showed up soon enough, but I was in rough shape.
They ended up risking exposure to humans trying to capture them to bring me to a Pokémon Centre, a place that heals human-trained Pokémon.”

Flare sighed as he remembered the events that happened after. “Cobalion really chewed me out after that. He said I was reckless and stupid, causing something like that. And he was right, I put everyone in danger because I tried to prove that I was something I wasn’t… at the time anyway.”

“It wasn’t your fault.” Virizion said. “That foolish human should never have abandoned his Pokémon like that. You only tried to help.”

“Yeah, but it was still stupid, and I was too young to pull something like that. So I decided that it was best for me to leave and not be a burden to Virizion or her friends.”

Twilight suddenly hugged the stallion, embracing him tightly. “You could never be a burden to anypony,” she said quietly. “And that Cobalion guy sounds like he just doesn’t know you at all.”

Flare hugged her back. “No, it’s alright. Virizion and I remained friends, and we still are, right Viri?”

Virizion nodded, smiling at him. “Yes, we always will be, Flare.” She smiled a little sadly and looked up at the moon. “Though I must admit, I spent a good deal of time hoping you’d come back…”

She shot a quick glance at Twilight and gave the unicorn a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry though, I have no intention of trying to take him from you. You seem really happy together… and besides, his new look doesn’t really appeal to me.”

Twilight smiled back and nuzzled her stallion. “Well I think he looks dashing!” she said and the two girls giggled, leaving Flare to just smile and shake his head.

The three spent the rest of the night talking and swapping stories about their lives and about Flare, causing him endless embarrassment. It was only a few hours before dawn when they finally fell asleep, Virizion in a guest bed in Twilight’s observatory, while Twilight and Flare had curled up together.


After breakfast, Keldeo and Virizion stood in the throne room as they prepared to depart. Flare was sad to see them go, but he enjoyed seeing them again.

“You guys stay safe and say hi to the others for me, okay?” Flare said, giving both of his friends hugs, though Virizion’s may have lingered for a second longer.

“You too!” Keldeo replied. “Don’t do anything too crazy.”

Flare laughed and nodded, “It’s Equestria, what could possibly happen?”

“Famous last words,” Virizion replied, and Flare quickly shut up.

More goodbyes were said, and the bracelet that Virizion held began to glow brightly. A portal of light similar to the one Arceus used appeared and then they were gone.

“I guess that’s that…” Flare said, looking a little down.

Twilight walked up to him and placed her head under his. “Hey, Flare?”

“Yes, Twily?” he replied.

“I’m gonna work on that spell some more; see if I can’t come up with a way to make it a return trip, okay?”

Flare nodded and kissed her on the forehead. “Thanks, Twi,” he smiled.


Someone watched as the Pokémon vanished back to their world and smiled… though if anypony saw that smile, their blood would turn to the coldest of ice.

“So that’s that,” he muttered. “It’s time for Phase Three… but I think something should be done about that one. He may prove to be troublesome if I leave him be…”


"Hey Twi, can I ask you something?" Flare asked, as he escorted Twilight back to the train station.

"Anything, you know that!" Twilight replied.

"What's the real reason you flipped out yesterday?"

Okay, anything but that. "It's none of your business!" Twilight huffed, blushing heavily. It had taken a great deal of restraint on her half when she awoke to find that they had slept together the entire night. Many thoughts of what she had wanted to do to him crept into her mind as her face flushed a deep crimson.

"One more thing," Flare said, grabbing Twilight's attention. "Are you wearing a new perfume or something? Because you smell really nice~"

“Oh Dear, Sweet Celestia just smite me now...”