• Published 29th Jan 2012
  • 8,988 Views, 230 Comments

MLP FIM/Halo: Towards the broken dawn… - Evident Disaster

"The way to salvation is through the path of damnation..." Supreme Commander of the Helldivers 33rd

  • ...



The Corona of Dawn


Location: Unknown- UNSC Spirit of Fire

Time: Unknown

James Cutter the captain of the UNSC CVF-88 Spirit of Fire woke to the smell of cool air, the low thrumming noise of the cryogenic pods running as it powered itself down. He breathed a slowly and then opened his eyes, his vision was slightly distorted from the prolonged cryogenic induced sleep and numbing cold. The vision impairment passed shortly and he was on his feet in moments, stepping out of the cryo-tube he felt his body sag slightly like a bag of sand; he wasn’t in the best of shapes considering how long it must have been since the crew was placed into cryo-stasis.

He looked about, he could see that cryo-bay 1 was still full to its capacity and that meant that the ship hadn't reached port or rescue, but whatever it was, was enough for Serina to call him up to the bridge. He made it to the cryo-bay intercom and was greeted by a shimmer of light. The Spirit’s AI appeared in a swirl of light and seemed almost joyful to see him here.

“Captain, it’s been a long time.” Serina greeted.

“It must have, what’s the situation?” He asked.

“Nothing I can handle at the moment, there’s been an encrypted transmissions from a transponder in a local system I had entered in hopes to land the Spirit for a temporary stop to get you out for a critical decision. But it seems that’s no longer the case, when I entered into the local range of the inhabitable world in this system I discovered that there was human transmissions.” She said rather calmly.

“Transmissions?” He repeated in confusion.

“Yes and no, more specifically transponder vitals being sent out along with basic SOS for what seem like a civilian or non-affiliated human group currently on the world. The signals are hard to discern as they are scattered due to what seems like slip-space emissions, I can’t penetrate this soup myself which is why I woke you captain, a decision needs to be made. I wouldn’t know whether or not to take the Spirit in any further, for all we know it might be a trap set by the covenant, but these algorithms don’t seem to be covenant in any nature. So I fell back upon basic chain of command.” She explained.

Cutter knew she had made the right choice, there really wasn’t else much to do when faced with the prospect of potential danger that was possibly around them, the covenant had wiped out vessels with false transmissions before, this might be no better. The only one thing that confused him was.

“Serina I doubt that it might be covenant, if it was they wouldn’t waste time with us, they should have noticed by now that we’re crippled. If not then we might be in luck, but I think we have the time to check this one out.”

“Should I ready all hands within the next few hours?” She asked.

Cutter nodded and replied.
“Do it.”

“Very well all hands prepare for unequivocal danger and possible death; we’re finally back in business.” She smiled.


Location: Canterlot

Time: 2:11 PM

After a very arduous song number by Pinkie Pie and a party of some awkward proportions inside a hospital room, the day went rather smoothly with them all having cake. Sometime after their private party inside the hospital room ended, Celestia and Luna went over somewhere to talk privately about what to do about Miguel and his current situation.
For the mane 6 they were left with a rather intriguing situation.
“Woo, a real life alien… this is so awesome!” Rainbow said as she jumped into Miguel’s face.

The helldiver moved back by about a millimetre and said.
“Yes, this is interesting for sure, but I do mind my personal-.”

“What’s it like living amongst the stars? Are there cool places to see, what about ships? How fast can they go through space? Oh wait-.” Applejack kindly pulled the excited Pegasus back for a moment and then introduced herself.

“Apologies to Rainbow, she read Daring Do and the Crystal Skull and watched the movie about a while back, aliens and all adventuring, you ain’t like those things in movies are ya?” She asked.

“Probably not, especially if there’s probing involved, and I don’t recall anywhere in my people’s doctrine about abducting and probing female beings off of other worlds, that or cocktail parties.” He then realised what he said and was about to correct that odd statement when Pinkie burst forwards and hit the camera in order to get close to Miguel’s face and say.

“Wait do you have parties up there in space?” She asked with a smile that could probably kill a man.

“Yes…?” He replied cautiously.

The pink pony started to shake around with so much force that she bounded around the room until she shot through the ceiling and launched into the air. Miguel looked back at them all and asked.
“Is she always like that?”

“Eyup.” They replied.

An extravagant explosion of pink lights showered all of the hospital above and a single spark of light happily danced about before going back down. Pinkie landed on Miguel’s bed without bothering to use the same hole she made through the ceiling and brought it down on Miguel. The marine was dusting off himself as the pink ball of energy smiled and said.

“You gotta take me! PLEASE… Parties galore, all over the galaxy in small and wide, sarsaparilla, snacks, and all that can be held and admired in space!!!” She said reverently about parties across the known galaxy, she practically drooled over Miguel with some sort of look that made him think she was probably…

“Moving along from that subject, I think me and Mr Miguel would love to spend some time on cultural exchanges, and tastes in designer outfits, he does fit the role of rough and rugged, but also I’d love to learn about new clothing out there in the reaches of space, it would be so good to know what we could be waiting for the pony that everypony... no every being should know!” She sighed in a dreamy state.

“Okay I think that’s good and all Rarity, but I’d like to learn more about farming out there in space, and if they’ve got anything new that might get their attention. Woo wee, starting a new farm out there on a new world with so much land and the apple family clan to help, we’d start a new kind of craze on them outer world markets.” Applejack dreamed.
Miguel already had an idea of what the ponies wanted. “Are you all using this meeting with me to help you learn how to get off of your own world so you can go and integrate into the alliance systems?” He asked.

The ponies snapped out of their dreams and Pinkie replied.

“Of course I wouldn’t do that without your expressed permission.” Rarity said with a smile.

“Possibly.” AJ replied.

“Yeah.” Rainbow replied with the biggest grin on her face.

Fluttershy hadn't managed to say anything, but then again, she was intrigued about Miguel from a distance, he wasn’t like any other being she had ever met, but she was shy about introducing herself. Meanwhile Twilight put her foot into the conversation by asking.
“Miguel, I wanted to ask you before, but what is this?”

Twilight pulled out a small silver card with glowing lines and strange markings; to Miguel he knew what it was immediately and replied.
“That would be something very important of mine, and please if you could, return it to me.”

Twilight eyed him for a moment, he was completely focused on the card, she didn’t know what would happen if he had it back, but she didn’t want to be rude. She handed it to him carefully, Miguel took it into his palm and smoothed his fingers over the outline of the card, the familiar shape and size, and it was his very core...

He took the card and placed it back into his neural port at the base of his skull, it was a cool feeling of water washing through his body, the cool passed his mind and soon he opened his eyes feeling so much different. Twilight carefully looked at the change in Miguel, she could see something in his eyes, a strange glow, so powerful and yet so cold.

“Are you okay?” Twilight asked.

“Never better.” Miguel replied with his now glimmering eyes.

As Twilight looked into the eyes of Miguel the doors opened to the room, Celestia and Luna came in with dark looks and Miguel knew something was wrong.
“What’s happened?”

The others in the room felt the change in mood; they knew something was wrong if the princesses were concerned.
“There have been reports of a situation occurring developing near the town of Haysting near the forests of Acacia.”

“And?” Twilight asked.

“The town was attacked only hours ago, reports from members of the local guards and messages from the unicorns present in the town have alerted us that an unknown force of beings have begun an assault into their homes.” Celestia said in pain.
Luna finished with.

“The town has lost contact with the rest of Equestria, at this moment guards across Equestria are being assigned to the nearby regions; it seems that we have invaders.”

“Do you know what they look like?” Miguel asked.

“Not entirely, however nearby villages have reported from their own positions state that the large objects seem oblique in shape and volume, they are tinted in strange hues.” Luna replied.

“Covenant.” Miguel hissed.


Location: UCAF Alpha Base

Time: 3:20 PM

Marines scattered into foxholes as plasma fire strafed their position with intensity, the marines retaliated with 40mm grenades and a hail of fire. The waves of grunts nearby in a ditch were dropped or shredded by the gunfire, but they were soon replaced by jackals and their cousin race of skirmishers and raiders.

The light foot beings rushed with incredible and nimble speeds towards the entrenched positions of the UCAF marines. The troops didn’t give the jackals a damn inch of ground, they fired with ruthless abandon, and they dropped many of the runners before their fellows began to jump into the marine’s trenches.

Raiders, much like skirmishers had a record for carrying close combat gear and weapons, they had plasma hooks that could drag into the flesh of living beings and rip them open, and they also had stun gauntlets and distortion armour, a much deadlier class of combat class of jackal in existence. These specialist classes of jackals were true problems for marines.

A raider threw a plasma hook into one marine in his trench and pulled him to the ground, the hook didn’t get into his flesh, but it got his combat webbing, the marine was dragged across the field for a moment before a nearby sniper blew the brains out of the raider. The marine got back to his feet and rushed back into his foxhole.

In another trench a helldiver by the name of Jace was fighting for his life, he had two jackals to deal with, he grabbed one as it attempted to rush him and tossed it into the other on the other side of his hole. He drew out a pistol, but the jackal tossed a plasma dagger and knocked out the marine’s pistol, Jace didn’t waste time as he decided to beat the sense into the jackals instead.

The jackals obliged by double teaming the marine, one tossed a left hook and missed, Jace rammed his fist into its bony stomach and dropped it before he kicked the other in the gut and then went back around snapped the first’s neck in sharp twist. The second jackal recovered fast and rushed Jace, it bit into his neck and tore into his combat skin, he reached behind him and grabbed the alien around its neck, he used his weight and flipped the alien onto the ground, he smashed the skull of the alien with his heavy iridium shock boots and flattened its face into a bloody puddle.

Jace turned back to the main covenant force that was continuing its attack on their position, Jace removed two new mags of ammo and then slapped on into place in his AR-75 MD and began ripping holes into the covenant troops; his carbine blew chunks out from the body of elites and grunts alike in the nearby tree line.

He was rewarded with concentrated fire on his position as the grunts and elites began to prioritizing targets. As Jace stuck himself out he noticed the hissing of a plasma launcher and immediately ran as his foxhole was blown into oblivion. Dirt rained down around him as the explosion settled. He took cover in a nearby stack of crates where 3 marines were busy directing their falcons on the covenant lines.

“Sir, what’s the situation?” Jace asked the highest ranking soldier alive.

A young major in command of the UCAF at the moment was burrowed in a strategic shithole, the covenant was closing the gap around them and he had little to work with.
“Hell, we’re about as fucked as you can imagine.”

“That’s nice to know.” Jace replied.

“Is there any idea where we might be able to fall back to?” One marine asked.

“That’s ‘if’ things get any worse, we fall back to the west barracks and hold out there and then we set off our last remaining M9 Tactical Corona class nukes, at least we’ll take these sons of bitches with us.” He said as he fired his M5 pistol and blew apart a nearby grunt.

“Good to hear.” Jace replied as he fired again.
It was then that they noticed something change, the sounds of high pitched whining.

“That can’t be can it?” The major said in shock.

The tree line blew open to the right hand side of their position, from the south of the base a massive figure of hulking metal and armour appeared. It was even bigger than their UCAF Hard suit-Exo-skeleton armour. This thing was about 9 meters in height and hand more guns on it than a whole squad and the firepower of a UCAF marine shock trooper platoon.

The massive armoured suit opened up fire in moments, its 30mm chain guns tore a horrendous line of football sized holes across the length of the base. The covenant shredded were splattered in bloody chunks, one elite had its head completely blown to pieces, the head vanished into a fine purple mist as it was struck by the 30mm round.

The covenant immediately began to fire on the armoured suit, they had lost interest in fighting the UCAF, and they had more to fear from the massive walking gun platform. Their efforts however were in vain as the suit trotted onwards without a care of how much that the covenant was throwing at it.

It didn’t take a genius to know that one UCAF heavy suit would be bad news for any infantry, the elite majors all knew, but their commander would have their heads if they failed him, and so they threw themselves at the suit. Three majors made their suicide rushes at the suit, all three closed the distance.

The first to reach it leapt at the head, but the suit smacked it from the air and spilt the elite open in mid-flight and splattered it across the earth. The next grabbed his blades and began to hack at the armour, but the blades made little impact on the suit’s shields or energised armour, the suit grabbed the elite and began to crush the elite, the major struggled but soon gave out as it popped into a bloody mess before the suit turned its attention to the last elite.
The elite tried to hit one of the joints of the suit but it was too shielded, the suit grabbed the last major and then tore the elite in half and lathered its viscera across the ground before tossing the corpse aside to return to the fight.

The marines watched with amazement of the massive armoured behemoth ripping its way through the covenant troops. It had a lot of strength compared to that of the UCAF hard-suit teams. The suit continued on its rampage against the covenant troops. No one noticed the strange group of beings in the nearby bush observing the situation unfold in horror and amazement.

The armoured titan continued its slaughter without halt, the covenant forces soon retreated from sight as the massive suit mopped up the remaining stragglers in short order.


Location: Acacia Forests

Time: 3:25 PM

Gilda and her team were stranded in Equestrian territory without support, but it seems that they had located the reasons for the massive armoured machine’s direction, it was fighting strange array of beings that she had never seen. The fight was brutal, far more intense than just a swing or a shot of a rifle, it was a cascade of fire and death, weapons that seemed to vaporise flesh or turn body pieces of raw mince.

Gilda stayed in the tree line far enough to avoid being struck by the fire display of the strange beings, but still she was terrified of what might happen. These things seemed capable of intense combat she had never seen in such fashion. There were beings using what looked like energy weapons, but those were impossible, at least in Equestria and Griffon territories and for good reason, they didn’t know how to make energy weapons.

All of it was supposed to be sci-fi and fiction… but then again, she might as well accept that these beings weren’t from the planet so that would explain it.


Location: Evergreen District

Time: 12:30 PM

Whitetail worked on getting his gear packed for the trip to the UCAF location in the north of the town, it was going to be a long trek, but he needed to get back to the UCAF. He got all that he needed into the storage packs he had, he suited up in full camouflage. He felt that everything that happened from yesterday was probably his own fault; he didn’t want to make it any harder for Skyline.

Sky entered into his room, her bags packed for the trip, she smiled as she appeared and said.
“So you packed now?”

“Yes, we better get going, the UCAF commander I have would probably have my badge by the end of this, but if you wish to go, I won’t stop you.” He replied.

“Don’t worry, I’ve been here so long, this is a one in a million chance in anyone’s lifetime, if I don’t take it now, I might never see you or the stars.” She told him warmly.

“Who will take care of your library when you’ve left?” He asked.

“I’ve got a few friends in Hoofington who’s been aiming to buy the shop from me for a while; I’ve sent a letter with a contract scroll on my home for when I’ve left.” She replied.

James understood and then they both headed down the stairs to the main level and then exited the library from the front doors. The young mare had agreed to go with him to the UCAF, even if it was going to be a hard choice it was a choice she had made, and James knew that she wanted to go along, she had told him her reasons, and he found them worth having her along.

The UCAF was going to have his badge for future recon missions and post him with her in the colonies for this, which meant an early retirement, but he didn’t mind. He was bound to be retired in the next 5 years anyway. He might take an early leave from the UCAF. He smiled at the thought; the others of his platoon would be laughing and probably cheering him on, if only they had lived to see this day.

The sombre memory passed as the two exited into the streets and through the bustling crowds, ponies across watched them with excitement and waved to them, Skyline was leaving the life she had here for the love of her interests and for James. This was both something sad and reassuring for her, to be able to leave everything behind her and find something more, and to be with someone she cared about.

They were about to exit the town when they were greeted by the sight of Trixie and her caravan being moved along.
“I’ve had enough of this up stuck backwater; you can all go kiss my Magnificent Flank for all I care. I’m off to the next town.”

Everyone cheered for her departure. They didn’t notice James or Sky going out, which was sort of how they liked it. The blue mare huffed at the crowds and then began her engine to her caravan truck and headed towards the town of Haystings, she’d have a better chance of starting with new ponies.

James and Sky doubted that she’d get very far. They were about a few minutes from the town when James paused.
“Do you hear that?”

“What?” Sky asked.

James pulled Sky into the bush and waited for the noise to intensify, the recon helldiver scanned the skies for a moment before he knew what it was. A large vessel in oblique proportions roared overhead, its engines sent everything flying around from the wake it was creating. The vessel was over a kilometre long and seemed to be heading north.

“Damn it all.” James said.

Sky hadn't seen anything like it.
“What was that?”

“A very bad thing, and if I’m right we don’t have much time, come on I’ll give you a lift.” He picked up Sky onto his back and then began to rush forwards to the direction of the direction of the UCAF base, he just hoped that he got there before the marine’s had to withdraw or worse.


Location: Spirit of Fire

Time: Unknown

Captain Cutter hadn't felt this alive in a while, being able to command his forces again, he knew that the troops were tired and he could tell that they were rearing to get going, but more so with getting home. But if they had the chance to get to a local population to help, they might have slip-space capable transports or equipment that they needed.

Cutter had only gotten Red team out with most of the ground troops when Serina alerted him.
“Sir, I’ve sensor reports of covenant activity, lots of covenant activity.”

“When did this happen?” He asked.

“About 30 minutes ago, it seems that the ship involved has a sort of jamming capability, it blinded my sensor sweeps earlier, it only dropped them to begin an attack on the colony below.” She reported grimly.

“Damn, get Red team onto the HEVs and I want the ODSTs in the barrel within the next 10 minutes, we don’t have much to spare for those colonists, but we’ll stall for time. How long until the technical armoured division is ready?” He asked.

“At least another half an hour, they need to get their scorpions from their bays and into the hangar, which I might add is a little cramped at the moment, but they’re trying to get there.” She replied.

“Very well.” He looked out of the bridge display of the world below, it looked like a gem out here, a corona of warm energy slipping over each polar in such brilliance. This world seemed so peaceful, but the covenant was here, soon enough it was either going to be burnt to the ground or it was going to be saved.

The doors to the bridge opened up and Cutter turned his attention to the suited Dr Anders.
“Anders I thought I mentioned that you weren’t supposed to be going for the operations on the ground?”

“You did, but I know that the marines and the flight teams are in no shape to begin full deployment, I want to volunteer to go with Red team and the Lt.” She said adamantly.

“You do realise that you as our only expert in covenant technology and forerunner would be placed in direct danger?” He asked.

“I know sir, but with all due respect I’d like to go and try to do what I can.” Anders replied.
Serina appeared and made a suggestion.

“Then how about we send her along after Red team clears the ground? The pelicans will be operational once we secure the main LZ, it should be safer with them rather than going in by HEV.”

Cutter knew a good suggestion and Serina was trying to make it easier.
“Anders, you have my permission to go to ground only after Red team has secured the main LZ, but once things get well out of hand you’re back here, understood?” He asked.

“Yes sir.” Anders replied.


In the lower levels of the ship marines bustled about getting into pods, ODST, Orbital Drop Shock Troopers gathered inside their pods to get going, the ground forces of the covenant were about to get a rude wake up call. Members were about ready when they noticed the large armoured figures on approach, the members of Red team arrived in their 7ft MKVI armour.

ODSTs quietly buckled up and watched as the Spartan IIs jumped into the pods next to theirs.
“So what’s the occasion gunny?” A marine down the aisle asked.

“About as bad as it could get, we’ve got possible friendlies under attack by covenant forces, possibly a scouting vessel, we’ve got orders to land and secure an LZ for the Spirit to deploy the pelicans, and then we dig in and visit the locals.” The gunnery sergeant replied.

“What about hostiles, what’re we supposed to be facing?” A corporal asked.

“All sorts of shit marine, from what the sensors told the captain, he doesn’t know, which is why we’re going in to find out.” The sergeant replied.

“Good to know that he’s got so much confidence in us.” A marine joked.

“Okay shutting down in 30, we’re going in!” The officer yelled.

The pods sealed and they buckled up.
“Hell jumpers where do we go?”

“Feet first into HELL!” They chanted.

“Oorah!” The following chant echoed.

The pods released the marines from the ship and they descended to the surface of the world below, Red team silently coordinated their efforts on where to look for once they landed. The drop pods reached the ground in minutes their velocity slowing as their chutes deployed. In the nearby regions of Acacia multiple streaks of light hit the ground in earth shaking explosions.

In the landing zone of Red team, the 3 Spartans exited their pods, scanning their surroundings before moving away from their pods with their weapons, meanwhile the ODSTs followed up behind the super soldiers to the LZ for their support. The location in which they were looking was about north east from their drop zone, the covenant were concentrated in what seemed like a battle.

Red team could see the smoke from a mile away, the dark billowing clouds of ash and smoke drifted through the air like an angry storm. The UNSC forces closed the distance to the combat theatre.


Location: Acacia Forests

Time: 3:45 PM

Zaro and his fellow brothers reached their location thankfully in time to aid in the battle, they signalled the UCAF with their IFF signals, the marines were pinned about 40 yards from their own position. Zaro contacted them through his com link.
“Humans we have arrived, do you require assistance?”

“Thank fuck that you actually made it; we were thinking that you got screwed by the slip-space jump, where’ve you been?” The commander of the troops asked over his com.

“Busy human, how have you fared?” He asked

“About as good as a kite in a storm, we’ve got about 30 loyalists still remaining, they may not be willing to talk to you though.” The commander told Zaro.

“Do not concern yourselves with our foolish brothers, we’ll deal with them, you remain in cover until we remove them.” Zaro told the marines.

The green light on the HUD of Zaro highlighted the positions of his loyalist’s brethren; he motioned for his brothers to follow him. The spec ops rangers activated their stealth fields to conceal them from visible sight as they closed the distance to the loyalist’s positions. They took to the air and then jumped the initial distance and then scattered in a hexagonal pattern to surround their brothers.

Zaro took to one tree above their position; he could see 1 ultra-zealot, 2 zealots and 2 regulars and the others being a mix of grunts and jackals, they were haggard and exhausted from the battle, but it seemed that the ultra, planned to send them back into the field. Zaro marked the ultra as his target and told the others to focus on the others.
Zaro revealed himself.

“Brother’s halt your hostilities! You are warriors of Sangheilios not puppets for the lies of your deluded madman, he is of no honour or glory, merely his own ego, do not listen to his lies and desist from this foolish battle!”

“Lies of the heretic! Kill him!” The ultra-zealot yelled.

Zaro drew his plasma lance and jumped through the air, meanwhile his snipers picked the zealots off from behind, the remaining regular elites and grunts, jackals watched in confusion. Zaro brought his lance to bear upon the ultra-zealot his lance narrowly missing the head of the zealot; the ultra-zealot brought his shield to bear and deflected the lance grazing his shoulder.

Zaro jumped back as the ultra-zealot sliced the air with plasma talons, he landed in a backflip and crouched as the zealot prepared to lunge at him. They paused a moment before Zaro rushed forwards with his lance, the zealot complied with the challenge and brought his talons to bear on the spec ops ranger commander, the talons missed as Zaro ducked and elbowed the zealot in the gut. He smacked his head upwards and butted the zealot in the face.

Zaro was going to throw a deathblow but the zealot rolled backwards and fired 2 plasma daggers from his wrists. Zaro only managed to bring his lance to deflect the attack, one embedded into his thigh; he gritted in pain but shrugged it and continued his attack. He lunged forwards in an arc strike to lance the zealot through his torso; he only shredded his left ribcage and rolled out of the way.

The zealot sputtered blood from his mouth but didn’t seem to falter yet. Zaro took to another crouched position and prepared for the counter attack. The zealot rushed onwards with talons in a downward strike, the lance blocked the blows and Zaro launched a kick into the gut of the zealot and tossed him over his head before bringing his lance to shoulder height and then ramming it forwards in a spearing motion. The zealot only saw the end of the tip before he felt the plasma lance went through his neck.

The zealot stood for a moment before his head fell off. Zaro stepped back from the remains of his deluded comrade and looked towards the remaining loyalists. The troops didn’t know what to do, they looked confused as well as fearful, and they were in situation they were unsure of what to do.

“Join us brothers, fight against the oppression of the prophets, and help us fight for our people’s future!”
The regular that was now in command motioned for his fellows to stand down.

“He speaks honourably! We have our obligations, not to the prophets, our people need us more.”

“He is but a heretic is he not? To oppose the voice of the prophets is a-.”

“Lie? We have been lied to before, the rumours of the humans as the forerunners? The blessed ones have never lied to us, but the prophets have, we must desist.” The regular stated.

The grunts lowered their weapons many in relief because they had not need to die today. Zaro was glad that he still could see the good in those who remained.

“We must rally with the humans soon; they shall be waiting for us.” Zaro commanded.

The once loyalists fell into line and followed Zaro and his brothers to the UCAF marines. The commander of the UCAF troops acknowledged that the covenant loyalists had rallied behind the spec ops commander, they were glad that they didn’t need to waste any more time and ammo than they had.

As Zaro reached the UCAF marines they were greeted by helldivers and the commanders.
“Good to see you made it Zaro.” Jace said with a handshake.

“Likewise Titus of Everfall.” He replied.

“That name isn't necessarily valid anymore you known that right?” Jace asked.

“It sounds better.” Zaro joked.

“Good to see that your humour hasn’t dulled.” Jace jostled.

The major in command of the troops brought up another matter.
“Zaro you were trying to reach us about the loyalists?”

“Yes, however that seems moot now considering that they have arrived.” He motioned to the smoke billowing around them.

“True that, our base was hit hard, we need to regroup and fall out of here…” The sounds of crashing followed as the massive mechanised suit of armour returned and stopped.

“Looks like Joseph returned.” Jace commented on the helldiver armour.

“Thank fuck for that.” Another helldiver commented.

As they caught up the nearby bushes opened up to the sounds of movement, the marines took notice when three massive figures burst forwards from the trees with assault rifles and what looked like a platoon of shock troopers. The armoured figures burst forwards at Zaro at full speed, the spec ops commander drew his lance and the first one drew a shotgun.

“Demon!” The former loyalist elite panicked.


That’s for all I can do for now, I know that this one was a little bit rushed, but I did owe you guys a catch up chapter for staying quiet for so long.
Well also I have been having trouble with some ideas on new stories; I think I might stick with the Anthromorphic stories, also because there aren’t many people willing to do anthro, so I might do that as a speciality with my fics on fimfiction.
Any OCs anyone willing to donate?