• Published 29th Jan 2012
  • 8,989 Views, 230 Comments

MLP FIM/Halo: Towards the broken dawn… - Evident Disaster

"The way to salvation is through the path of damnation..." Supreme Commander of the Helldivers 33rd

  • ...



Rising Corona


Appleloosa 10:20PM

The Dragoons 221st technical division had arrived in town after being lost out in the desert for a week, they passed a nearby tribe of large humanoid beings that they identified as something called ‘buffalos’ and they directed them in the direction of the town, at least that’s what they could tell from the language barriers they had encountered.

It took a day of using the translator to get a correct analysis of what was being said before they could get makeshift language translation of the buffalo. They were heading here after a day but caught up with the noticeable amount of tracer fire and plasma exploding around so it was obvious that there was a battle occurring.

The dragoons hadn't had functioning long range com connections since the battle with the covenant in slip-space which really took a toll on their equipment; it left them without usable com lines. Now that they got here, they used their transponders for IFFs to make sure they didn’t get fired on as they engaged.

The Dragoons had a total of 4 suits of MKIII Titus class units; each one had a unique set of armaments: The first suit was black with orange stripes and had the number marked 0122 had a shoulder mounted 105mm recoilless artillery rifle with a HMG-75 assault cannon, and 4 missiles pods of 5 85mm HEAT Warheads, 2 energised knives and a power fist. This suit was a regular variant of the MVF units.

The second suit was black and had red stripes on the shoulder with a knife in a red and silver circle on the shoulder, it had 4 infusion daggers, 2 multi-fire 88-CQWS Shotguns with attachments, 2 HC-45 pistols, 4 propulsion hand held HEAT launchers, 8 grenades of all purposes, and 2 assault gauntlets. This was the CQC armour variant.

Third suit was black suit with the number 0092, it sported the heaviest weapons array of the MVFs, 2 120mm HEAT Rail Batteries, 4 105mm missile pods, ablative heavy shield 2.4m thick plating. It sported a glowing patch of yellow that looked like someone had tattooed an image of an explosion on its side. This suit was definitely the heavy artillery suit.

The fourth and final suit was matte black and had chrome plating with an icon on its shoulder of an onyx hexagon with a sphere of blue in the middle, it carried the assault gear, and it was probably the commander’s suit.

[CODEX: MVF- Mobile Versatile Frame- The Goliaths, Titans, Destroyers, Juggernauts]

The UCAF developed the suits initially for the creation of the Spartan Alpha project but scrapped the use of the suits due to costly design and resource requirements and the dangers involved with creating early MKI suits which required a fusion reactor in range. The UCAF scrapped the MKI project and focused in creating a better designed suit for Spartan Alpha.

The MKI was left in the darkness as the rise of the MKII and the MKIII came into existence, MKII was a powered armour that possessed a heavy lifter design and had a portable battery pack that could last a month, but the ungainly weight of the battery for the suit made it impossible to be used in actual warfare and was scrapped for industrial use only.

MKI- Early Prototype

MKIII improved greatly in the design of the durability and weight as well as agility and versatility, thus naming it the Versatile Frame, but it wasn’t actually commissioned for use as the suit was not completed when first previewed by the UCAF, it was left on hold until 3 years later at the start of the covenant/human war began.

The MKIII was put into the front line at the first major battle of Haven’s Gate, and the subsequent evacuation of Research Outpost Viticus. The MKIII had over a dozen upgrades since its launch into the war, and it included advanced reflex programming and agility, as well as space flight capability and various other classes of development. The suit became popularly known as the Juggernaut or MVF, as it spearheaded all major operations during campaigns.

The MVFs specifics vary between each given legion of military branches, but the average designs are:
Accommodations: 1 pilot only
Unit Type: Mechanised Mobile Assault Frame
Weight: 3.4 tons

Dimensions: Overall height 4.2m Width 3.6m
Power Source: ultra-compact multi-fusion drive
Constructed materials: Titanium, Arethium, Tungsten, 9 other metal compositions and optional ceramic ablative plating
Propulsion: 5-9 ion projection jets
Equipment: Universal Neural Interface, Panoramic HUD, 32x Optical zoom, 2 LIDAR Screens, 4 guidance lasers
Fixed Armaments: N/A
Operational Hand Armaments: N/A


Behind these suits over a dozen other vehicles followed up, 4 Bulldog HRVs, 4 LRV Warthogs, 2 Elephant M318s Heavy Support and Supply Transports, 4 Armadillo ATV-30 APCs, 1 Wolverine MAAT, 1 Death Adder AT-TH, and finally bringing up the rear were 2 M855 Grizzly Berserkers, the sight would have made a grunt practically soil itself from the fear of facing the UCAFs death bringers.

The suits split up covering the walker and laying down fire on it as it attempted to turn to face the technical force, meanwhile the Grizzly’s got to bear their massive barrelled guns and bring out the fury of the marines on it, the large 280mm guns fired in simultaneous fashion along with the other armoured vehicles, they laid out the fire cleanly at the walker.

The scarab was painted in a plethora of light as missiles and cannon fire slammed into it from all angles, the scarab staggered for a moment before it readjusted itself, the next wave of shots came from the missiles fired from the MAAT and then the 4 suits, the scarab tried to bring its main plasma cannons onto the walkers as they flanked.

The commander came over the coms.
“Okay boys, we’re wrapping this bastard up quickly, you two get it from its sides, I’ll take the core, Jose take the suit from the front, don’t let the main guns get you painted or you’ll be getting sent home in a junk pile.”

The others acknowledged and they followed their given orders, splitting up the heavy armoured suit brought its gun to bear on the right side of the machine firing another heavy shell into the armour while the other suit let loose a wave of missiles on the other side keeping the top turret from striking at the commander and the other unit.

The commander rushed to the rear of the scarab he managed avoid being hit by the other suits stream of fire while he locked in his bayonet explosives, he landed behind where grunts attempted to bring plasma turrets and small arms fire onto his suit. With one mighty strike he slammed the black explosive casing into the back of the scarab.
“Clearing now.” He informed his team as he retreated a safe distance.

The commander struck the detonator and let the explosives loose; the scarab’s rear went up in a blast of heat and fire, the gunners in the rear had no chance to escape the blast and were deftly incinerated by the blast, other members of the scarab crew then heard the alarms as the shields on the rear reactor had been breached.

The commander of the team watched as the dust cleared, the walker was now at a dead slow pace, and most likely from the power loss and damage it had suffered. Well the commander of the MVF team was happy to put the walker out of its misery; he loaded a single explosive shell into his assault rifle and aimed it high.

The smoke cleared and soon the reactor became visible amongst the smoking metal work of the scarab’s interior, the commander didn’t waste time and fired the shot, the sharp blast from the underslung launcher let loose a single HEAT-85mm guided short range missile. The missile streaked to the helpless scarab and impacted exactly in the core, the combined explosion sent the walker upwards in blast of brilliant blue and orange, red coloured the tips as the fire shot up.
“There goes another.” One of the pilots stated aptly as he cracked his neck.

“Okay boys get back to crowd control, mop up any stragglers and cover the others, we’re going into town.” The commander ordered.
A chorus of replies and they were on their way ahead into the smoking ruins of the town in the desert.



The falcons were delayed slightly from lack of visual on the target zone as smoke had covered their landing vector but they had arrived, a whole unit of relief troopers with ammo, and additional help, including a fellow helldiver, James. James had decided to take the second flight in but had to change his rifles for something more suited for desert combat.

He had now his Glaive out again, but with additional attachments such as a desert heat exchange chamber, it would help with cool down time when it got hot and when he needed to remain invisible it would mask his position if he didn’t use any tracers. He of course hadn't forgotten to have his suit’s camouflage changed, the now khaki and dark brown coloured skin made it suited for combat in the desert along with all of the additional attachments.

As he sat he noted the other members of the UCAF strike team carefully monitoring the ground below as they made their approach, they hadn't seen any further action as of 10 minutes prior when the skies were occasionally lit by plasma shots or a small fuel rod gun. But now it seemed dead silent, they feared the worst but from the scattered transmissions from the area, it seemed that the marines had held out.

They eagerly prepared for any further attack, but it seemed unlikely to happen now. They made their descent in the middle of town where a blue flare had been lit for the team, as they landed they found a damn sight for sore eyes, 4 suits and what seemed like an entire technical unit had been sitting around in the centre of town amidst the smoke and ruins.

As they disembarked they found all of the towns people cheering in laughter and happiness at their victory against the covenant, it seemed that the battle was over by the time they arrived. James disembarked to find that the technical unit had the markings of the 221st the very unit that was on the ship, he was somewhat surprised of this sudden appearance by the 221st in aiding against the covenant. It was a welcome surprise though.

He was greeted by one officer he noted as a petty officer first class.
“Sir, PO1, Elson Butch, UCAF Naval Technical Division 1233, current team CO of 12th squad- Aurelia.” The petty officer saluted professionally, James had a feeling this was a man of directness, no sense of politics of flirting he was an outright soldier.

“At ease officer, I’m not here as current commander; you’ll have to bring that up with Colonel Jackson.” James replied neutrally.

He nodded and relaxed a little, he then began.
“Helldiver, my unit arrived roughly 15 minutes ago and intervened, we helped in the survival of your members, but we’re still confused as to our whereabouts, what’s the current objective?”

“Nothing at the moment, aside from probably getting your unit back to the command tent in Ponyville to aid in our current struggle against the covenant, you done damn well in getting the marines out of that tight spot. Are there any other units alongside yours that you saw on your way down?” James asked.

“Now that you mention it… No we didn’t see anyone else on our way down. Our screens were burning hot as we got down so any chance of sighting any friendlies was nearly impossible from our positions aside from my fellow officer here and his technical support.” He motioned to the man standing not very far away with his fellow drivers.

“Very well.” He looked about.

“Where’s Major Miguel?” He asked.

The petty officer stated uncertainly.
“Major Miguel suffered moderate wounds, he’s currently recovering in our medical APC, along with a few of the other wounded, they’re doing well considering they had suffered only 3 casualties and 5 wounded.” He explained.

“Have the major sent aboard the first falcon for treatment, and prepare to get your team to Ponyville soon, I’ll have the replacements secure the area for the moment, also before we leave we need to get these locals back to Ponyville for an emergency meeting, do you know where the nearest local officer is?” He asked.

“You mean the one named Rainbow Dash? She’s over by the second transport getting her armour checked on, she suffered a minor burn during the attack, as for other locals, there’s a guy named Braeburn running about with his local band of militia, they’re hold up by the medical transport getting wounded checked.” Elson replied.

The helldiver saluted and headed on while the petty officer got the men prepared to move ASAP, James didn’t take long to find the mare in charge, Rainbow Dash was still rather standing out even in armour, she sat on a bench near the UCAF APC, her bandages were obvious, she noticed James as he approached.

“Hey there lieutenant, sorry can’t salute.” She directed her head to her rather bandaged wing.

“That’s fine Rainbow I’m not here for anything aside from talking to you, I need to know what happened to the other officers.” He explained.

She looked at him with a rather uncomfortable look.
“Look sir, we suffered a couple of casualties during our first engagement, and then we took further wounded when the scarab attacked, from what I can tell, Miguel’s not the only one who’s been in critical, we lost Spitfire to a glancing strike, and Soarin’s wounded with burns on his leg and a broken shoulder blade. As for the guard, Steel was killed.”

The news was bad; they had already lost an officer?
“What happened?”

“Glancing strike hit the building she was in, vaporised, we don’t know anything aside from what’s left of the place, she’s gone.” Rainbow said with closed eyes.

He knew the feeling when good officers get killed.
“It’ll pass Rainbow, let it pass, Steel knew what she was getting into, you do as well, you and whatever remains of the pegasi force here are getting a trip back, we need to reorganise, and this time we’re going to need everyone. Including you.” He said reassuringly.

She looked at him sort of surprised.
“Why me?”

“You’re the best flier in Equestria aren’t you?” He asked.

She felt a burning sensation and replied confidently.
“Damn straight I am.” She replied with a renewed flame.

He knew she was flying low at the moment, but once she gets her head in place he was sure she’d manage herself. And now he had to get this fellow named Braeburn.
“Rainbow, do you know where I can find a pony named Braeburn?” He asked.

RD replied.
“Oh him, he’s located around the other side of the burnt salt tavern, he and a few colts went around making sure to locate any remaining survivors and he said that he and his fellow at least wanted something to get for his militia to get them on their feet again.”

He departed and headed to the ruins of what had a sign of a block of salt. He heard the rustling of wood and dirt as he approached. He could see a few males running about stacking bottles into crates and labelling them, there were a couple of crates fully packed and the last one being filled at the moment.

He greeted the nearest pony.
“Hey do you know where I can find a colt named Braeburn?”

The colt looked about and then shouted.
“Hey Brae, we’ve got a fellow here who needs to see yah!”

The sounds of cracking glass and wood and soon a yellow colt appeared rather miffed as he dusted away the splinters and sand off of his body he approached with three bottles of what looked like liquor and gave them to his fellow to stack and then greeted James.
“I’m Braeburn, what do you need me for?”

“I’m here from Ponyville, the UCAF command there had set up a base and have heard of the situation here, we were a little slow in arriving, but we got here now, and at the moment it seems that the command has decided that you and your fellow militia have proven themselves worth your weight, we’d like you to join us at Ponyville to help in organising a defence against the covenant.” James explained.

Brae was surprised.
“The princess agreed to this?”
“Yes, she agreed joint military forces would help in repelling the covenant that includes you as well, she wants anyone who’s gained combat experience to help in fighting against the covenant, and seeing how well you’ve managed, it seems you’re on the list.” He stated.

He milled it over and then looked around him, the smoking ruins of the town; he then looked to those around him who had fought. He then faced back to James.
“Count us in.” He said adamantly.

“Good, you can join the APCs on their return back to the base, take only what you need as well, and whoever you’ll need.” James advised.

The yellow skin colt nodded and shouted orders to his fellow militiamen to gather whoever else had survived the battle, the bustling of militia and locals soon hushed as James headed over to the medical APC, he needed to check on the major. It would be of concern to Twilight of course having to hear of his condition late, especially when he was nearby from James.
He entered to see ponies and humans being treated and with 2 members of Miguel’s team monitoring him with their gear.

“How’s the major?” He asked.

“He’s doing well, the blood loss and broken bones haven’t dulled his ability to survive that’s for sure, he’s going to live, but it might take a while to regenerate the tissue in his rib cage, and then there’s the matter of his bones, it won’t take more than a week.” The medic explained.

“Good.” James replied before he exited the APC.

Gathering all the info he needed the helldiver called over his com line.
“Command, this is task force delta we’ve relieved the survivors we have wounded inbound and KIA, please prepare additional funeral pyres, also all militia have been gathered and prepared to move. Additional forces have been located as well; Colonel Jackson should be expecting their arrival in the next hour or so.” James explained.

“Acknowledged delta we’ll prepare for their arrival.” The reply came over the channel.




Miguel felt the world come back to him, his head was fuzzy alright, last thing he remembered was the battle at the town, and then he blacked out from the injuries he had taken; he definitely heard the alarms of his suit telling him he had blood loss and then he went out. But he also remembered the arrival of the armoured unit, the technical unit was a welcome sight if only he had been awake long enough to celebrate it.

He opened his eyes to find the room stark white, which meant he was in another hospital. That was twice in a week a new record by his standards; he rolled his head around to find that Twilight was seated nearby asleep with her head on a desk. He smiled inwardly and then pushed himself into a seated position to see where he was. By the looks of the room and smell he guessed he was at a normal hospital, and also because the old fashioned monitor sitting next to his bed.

He looked over to Twilight and decided to wake her.
"Twilight, wake up."

The purple mare woke suddenly realising that Miguel had finally recovered from his concussion. She exclaimed happily.
"Miguel, I thought you'd never wake."

She went over to hug him, and he looked at her in mild amusement of his standing with women, he never really did understand them, probably because of his past. But from the hug he received and her relieved tone, she sounded rather happy to have him with her.
"How long was I out?" He asked.

Twilight broke her hug and then looked at him with mocking annoyance.
"The first thing you ask is how long you've been out?"

"Most of the time yes." He replied.

She rolled her eyes and then stated.
"It's about 6 or so hours since you've been admitted here in Ponyville general, your new friends had transports and had taken all the wounded on them to your base here, from what I can tell you're not the only one in the hospital."

"All I needed was the time, but thanks for the update; I need to get into armour." He looked around for his uniform.

"Oh no you don't." She sternly said as she blocked him from getting up.

"What?" He perplexed.

"You just got here, and your medic stated, you'd be in hospital for a week until your bones get knitted back together, and no more combat, training, running off into the wilderness till you've recovered." She explained.

He felt that he could probably toss her into the bed and then tie her down, but decided against it, he knew that Twilight cared for him, even if she had her hysterical moments. And from what he could tell she meant it when she said he wasn't going anywhere.
"Twilight, who gave the order?" He asked.

"Medical officer Morris." She replied.

"As in the medical corporal or lieutenant?" He asked.

"It was a corporal." She replied.

"Then I can override the order." He stated as he attempted to push Twilight out of the way.

"Oh come on!" She huffed at her luck.

She pushed back down on him without much success and grunted out.
"Just wait a couple of days at least Miguel it's not like your troops are going to die without you." She complained.

"Yes they are, and you know as well as I do, Helldiver's don't have down time till everything in range of us is dead." He said nonchalantly as he got up.

She comically pushed against him and exclaimed.
"But what about just taking things easy? Please!"

He looked at her as she smiled with those puppy dog eyes; it was funny if not disturbingly cute to him, as he remembered his past life. He finally sighed out a response.

She smiled as she hugged him as he face palmed.


In Ponyville the daily hustle and bustle hadn't changed, at least not in the sense that the new arrivals had made much of a racket, Ponyville had stranger events take place, including that molestation incident about some months prior, which no one wanted to talk about ever again. But at least the humans were quite welcoming to everyone.

The children pestered the marines occasionally about what life was like being soldiers, and then there were various colts going about wanting to sign up for the military as soon as Celestia announced the arrival of the UCAF and UNSC, which meant that there was going to be a very large influx of recruits.

Colonel Jackson had gone to meet with Petty Officer Belsen and the technical officer about their situation, and then there were the large suits alongside the other two, the other MVF and then the helldiver hardsuit exo-skeleton that were all parked in the edge of town. The UCAF was busy getting their things prepared by knocking down the trees around Everfree Forest.

Celestia had granted permission for a base in the forest away from the town, it had gone rather smoothly aside from the occasional timber wolves and cockatrice which attempted to attack the alliance members. The wildlife had certainly been shaken by the arrival of the UCAF that was for sure, the UNSC was still orbiting Ponyville with their carrier.

Captain Cutter had been granted permission to also build a ground base to get troops on the ground for further operations; the base was right next to the UCAFs in the forest, they had almost completed theirs while the UCAF set up a rather different base. They used a variety of vehicles in a combat fashion in defensive lines to protect the inner sanctum of the base.

In town the UCAF set up medical and communications between them and Canterlot, it was easier in town due to the closeness it made it better than having to travel into Everfree to contact the UCAF, and the UNSC had added their own post in town to help recruitment processes. The whole thing had been set up in the past 6 hours with personnel working round the clock.

Now that they had successfully completed their set up the local news channels opened up with Celestia addressing all of Equestria.
"My little ponies, it pains me to say this, but as of today our homeland of Equestria is in a state of war, from a threat that has revealed itself non-terrestrial." She began.

The murmur of concern and discussion was cut as she continued.
"An alien threat has arrived in force in the regions surrounding Equestria's borders west of Ponyville and has begun to attack the surrounding regions. The first engagement ended last night during a surprise attack on Appleloosa south of the town. Nearby settlements have been evacuated and preparations have been made to ensure security to the rest of Equestria. I urge you that this conflict involves us as well others, I have with good will allowed for another force to aid us in this time of need, a race called humans have joined to assist in removal of the alien threat, and they are willing to help. But they do lack numbers to completely help, I have decided that Equestria is to undergo a change that I hoped to never have seen in a thousand years, but Equestria is to go to war."

A mixed chorus of concern and doubt amongst the audience and they hushed as Celestia once more explained.
"I call to all members of Equestria to help in the kingdom's plight and any citizens physically and mentally capable please help to defend the country against the threat of this hostile species from destroying our homes and the lives of the kingdom."


The announcement continued for a few minutes with questions which Celestia handled well, meanwhile in Ponyville the UCAF and UNSC were planning on how to deal with the threat of the covenant. In the command tent nearby from town hall Colonel Jackson had met with Captain Cutter and the Spartans along with the UCAFs own officers.

"So with this race of beings, do you think we'll have the chance to win?" Anders asked.

"Possibly, it's not going to be easy, we're talking about a zealot commander and one with tenacity and insanity matching his temper." Jackson replied.

"Agreed, the colonel is right, Vesdarea is ruthless to the extremes even for a zealot officer, he disregards the safety of his own troops to gain victory and has little love for those under his command, he dictates command by fear and bloodshed." Zaro expressed with spite.

"Not the elite way? I thought that was how you all acted." Anders insinuated.

Zaro glared at the woman.
"My kin have a history of war, but we never spit on the ability of our subordinates nor do we spit of the ability of those around us, we respect those who know how to command, we must control our emotions against temperament, we are honourable warrior's not mass murders." He stated annoyed.

"Not from what you've done." One UNSC officer cut in.

"Damn it, this is getting us nowhere!" Jackson slammed his hand into the holo-table.

"My apologies, but we don't have a very good track record when it comes to former enemies." Cutter stated.

"Understandable, however Zaro's presence here is professional; he's the only one who's willing to aid us against the current covenant, and he knows who we are currently up against, it's better to know what sort of threat we're facing than have nothing." Jackson stated clearly.

"So then what are we planning on doing about the covenant corvette?" He asked.

"We know about the corvettes, but that hasn't been decided, the numbers aren't determined yet." Jackson replied.

"We heard the contact reports of just one deploying a scarab, light model, but even so, doesn't it seem rather odd that a corvette would even have a scarab on it?" Anders asked.

"Most likely there's a base close by or, the ship was already in transit with the scarab, either way, that means that Vesdarea has a ground base nearby, or something similar, I don't think any other corvette would magically appear with a walker attached to its underside and coincidently drop it right when we won the battle." Jace stated.

"Agreed, Vesdarea had a whole fleet at his disposal; even with the cascade we might be facing a large number of hostile vessels, or a few, either way this does not bode well for a direct offensive strategy going in blind." Zaro advised.

"What could the possibilities be that Vesdarea has a number of ships at his disposal?" Serina appeared and asked.

"Anywhere in between 3 or possibly 4 ships, it's likely he has the corvettes in a defensive formation around a single point to defend against attack, and the ships themselves could provide support for ground troops or even garrisons. I wouldn't be so sure, but it's the most basic defensive strategy that the instructors train us with when we begin, the rest of the time we spend time learning already known strategies and try and improve upon them, Vesdarea is predictable so it wouldn't be surprising to see him use the same strategy." Zaro replied thoughtfully.

"So our enemy could be already getting entrenched somewhere he could defend? But we wouldn't be able to confirm until we attack or recon the area?" Anders summarised.

"Pretty much, but still it isn't easy hiding tens of thousands of troops anywhere without making it obvious, so it wouldn't be too hard to notice a garrison of troops out in the wilderness, we're going to have to deploy a lot of recon forces to search through the bush roughly west of our position we spotted the corvette making its escape through that region so it would be the first place to look. The next best place would be to spot any jamming signals, once we have them isolated we would be able to determine a garrison, the covenant use this method to hide numbers." James stated.

"I guess we'll have to start now, how are you doing for your equipment?" Jackson asked Cutter.

"We're doing well on ammunitions, not so well on flight capable vehicles, pelicans, short sword bombers and hornets seem to be a premium at the moment." Cutter explained.
"And then there's the matter of the UCAF weaponry that you promised to share with us."

"I know what I said captain, we'll have to grant you access to our ammo types and variants, but no promises on anything advanced more than necessary." Jackson stated.

"What about your rail weaponry?" Anders asked.

"Our mass drivers? Those wouldn't be easy to produce even with your equipment magnetic drivers would have to have a lot of advanced materials we can't afford to spare at the moment, if you need them you'll have to wait until we can find large scale production facilities or materials to help." He replied.

"As for deployment, who plans to go first?" Belsen asked.

"I got first on recon." James said immediately.

Jackson threw the helldiver a look and stated.
"James wants to deploy with his troops into the wilderness, it's their home, James will deal with first deployment in scouting the possible locations of the covenant, as for your own troops captain I won't force command, but I would advise you getting your men acquainted with different weapons, we'll help in any way we can."

"Very well, this meeting is adjourned." Cutter concluded.

They departed from the command APC and went about to their respective posts, Cutter was a man of reason and skill, he was a tact thinker and careful planner, Jackson was a methodical man very forward and capable, he puts faith in his soldiers and sees his operations through to the end. He ensures that his men can do what they do, and provides as much support. They both had their own plans to deal with Vesdarea.

As they left the citizens of Ponyville watched curiously as the officers went about organising themselves, nearby the recruitment program went well, colts joining up with the intent to defend Equestria, and the refugees from Appleloosa who were busy getting themselves resettled here in town.

Braeburn and his fellow frontier militia went about getting themselves acquainted with the volunteer ponies that had helped them win the battle at Appleloosa; it was an interesting scene, having so many armed ponies in one spot. The pegasi task force had gotten themselves some R&R while they waited for reinforcements.

More and more ponies were slowly joining the effort to fight for Equestria, and the regular military had pitched in with recruitment programs going further than the crystal kingdom. News had spread about recruitment programs, and the crystal ponies were busy joining the effort pledging whatever support against the covenant.

Gilda and the griffons had headed back to get help as well and spread news about the war, it was soon to become a conflict of all sort of factions in reach. Meanwhile the personnel present in Ponyville took a short breather to get organised once more and prepare to move against the covenant, recon forces were being set up as per the planned scouting mission to locate the covenant stronghold.

Elsewhere interesting things were happening. At Carousel Boutique, the marines who had volunteered had to pose for Rarity, she had taken to the organisation method of the UCAF personnel into account and believed that her new formal wear for the human soldiers would best suit them, even if a few of them didn't think it was all that great.

The Apple family were busy preparing for the immediate war by stocking up on supplies, AJ had gone into town to purchase as many storage crates and barrels she could take back, she had planned for the coming conflict intent on providing support with whatever she could provide. She had also received news from her family around Equestria that members were planning to join up in the war.

Big Mac was busy deciding whether or not to join, and ponies from further outlying towns were coming into Ponyville to sign up. Some members of Ponyville had already signed themselves up for active duty and were getting ready to be sent over to train; the UNSC had the best facilities so they'd begin training over with the marines. To who would oversee command of these new units was still being decided though.

Fluttershy was helping in relief of the nurses and doctors at Ponyville general; the UCAF had lent a few of their medics along with the UNSC to help tend to the wounded from the first engagement at Appleloosa. The number of nurses provided was sufficient, but the sheer scale of injuries was new to the doctors there.

Around town the young children heard of the coming conflict rather excited to the thoughts of what bravado and heroism would be displayed, all the children were happily oblivious to the dangers present, but for some people it was better they not know of the horrors of what was coming.

Amidst the air of war there was calm, a brief calm. In that time, Pinkie Pie went about laughing it up with members of the UCAF, she had a vast array of food she wanted to try out and dragged a nearby chef to help her with cooking, as for her, she was rather swell considering everything that was going to happen would be brutal on the people of Equestria.


Vesdarea, sat upon his sole throne and watched as the lights on the holographic display told of another failure of his commander, the fool had paid with his life in that regard, but the commander refused to recall not until he managed to succeed in battle, Vesdarea knew that the officer in question feared the judgement of the zealot master and he had every reason to.

Vesdarea however thought of it as merely trivial, the foolish commander's life was over, as was any who failed to prove themselves worthy in his eyes. He sighed sitting on his throne thinking of the coming battles, the campaign on this world were to be bloody alright and it was going to be a gruelling uphill war or a storm, he didn't care, he lived for war.

But in the back of his mind he knew that she still lingered.
"Oh please, your over dramatic view of this is pitiful, you think too narrowly and I know narrow when I see narrow."

"Shut up wretch, I never intended for you to know what a true warrior feels like." He retorted.

"But I do, and what you do isn't really warrior like, you do this to make yourself feel better, the feeling of war is just a thrill for you, as for me, its worthless I need power and I need control, what better way than to usurp control? Bah, males like you never could understand women." Nightmare huffed.

"That's true; I never could understand why my mother wanted me to become a commander of war, when I could have become a minister of faith through the sword, and now here I am, with my ambitions around me, a sword of the gods, determined to slay all those who oppose their will." He breathed in pride with his statement.

"Your gods? What foolishness, such examples only reflects on what misbegotten society you come from, one determined to believe they're chosen beings in the universe infallible and righteous when they can justify war through any means, I just grasp for power and recognition, not some interpretation of myself." She miffed.

"Shut up I do not need any further aggravation today, my plans to eliminate the humans and these equines that you identified come first, and I will await for them to spring my trap, and then we shall see where power lies, it is the will of the prophets that this filth die." He growled.

Silence returned, Nightmare went off to do her own thing while the psychopath with an army sat back on his gilded throne in happy contempt of everything and everyone.


Further away…

"Ma'am reports indicate that this was the last know position from the Iron Clad, we don't know anything else aside from that, the nearest star systems are this one and 4 others, 3 worlds hold possible signs of life, we should check the-." The AI was cut off as the female officer interjected.

"I know May, we're heading to the first world now, as I have already stated, this is the first foremost world we should check, next would be a few light years away which seems rather pointless considering we don't even have functional slip-space drives, and all navigation has been erased with damage to the forward databanks." The female commander summarised.

"Well then how else should I pass the time commander?" May asked.

"How about getting status reports on the situation with all available vehicles and fighters, it pays to be prepared for anything these days." She replied.

"As you wish Commander Faust." May replied.

Faust looked onwards through the forward display of the world below, it was like earth, in the old stories of a nice blue world, and well this one was a mix of green and blue. She came from a colony in the union, the middle tier colonies were like this world ahead, just with more sprawling cities of white and silver and grey, it wasn't much to look at from afar, but up close the sheer scale was still pretty damn good.

Faust had been in transit since the incident in slip-space fried every ship in range, she managed to get her ship out of harm's way quick enough, but slip-space and navigation of the ship was crippled for good, it was lucky she managed to get so close to the planet, it was just a straight path to there now.

She had the odd feeling she was going to have to prepare, and thankfully May had returned with a complete recovery of all manifested reports over the ship.
Total of:

10 scorpions

10 grizzlies

30 warthog LRVs- all types

10 Bulldog HRVs- all types

15 Rhinos

5 Fox Artillery pieces

10 Cougar APCs

10 Armadillo APCs all variants

4 Falcon squadrons

6 Hornet squadrons

4 Wasp Interceptor Squadrons

2 Long Lance bomber/fighter squadrons

2 Short Lance VTOL fighter squadrons

2 Tarantula walker units

6 Wolverines

4 Racoon bike squadrons

8 Mongoose squads

2 Warhawk Squadrons

Total Personnel count: 2200

Crew total: 400

The normal contingent of military personnel for a frontline Assault Frigate, the ship was made for carrying such a complement to and from the battlefield. Faust kept her crew well drilled in getting to their post and back, they all knew what she expected, nothing short of the best, besides it didn't mean they should get sloppy in war.

Her crew respected her and she respected them, almost all of them, funny thing about her ship was besides being well prepared and have a crew she trusted, they were all female, the UCAF didn't allow many mixed forces lest they be in the secondary defensive line or recovery, only a few female forces ever apply for frontline combat duties, and Faust certainly did.

That was also the reason she named hers the 'The Daring', she dared to challenge the covenant head to head in combat, and prove she could make it through any challenge they threw at her. Of course her superior didn't dismiss her skill at commanding, but they had yet to promote her, then again being stuck out of UCAF territory makes it hard to promote someone.

She wondered if she ever got that promotion to captain, but she knocked the thought aside, her main priority was to locate remaining UCAF forces and hopefully find a solution to return to human space intact and in the most diligent fashion, make it look awesome. And also possibly rack in a few more victories along the way, it never hurts to do well.


AN: Hooray we're progressing further and further, I intend to take a break time now, and take the story for a bit of building rather than continued confrontation, we're getting close to another engagement anyway and besides our newest heroes have arrived.

Anyone want to add in any OCs? I'm open for that and beta-readers! I need people to proof flipping read this stuff and help!

Also the storyline has been slowing down because I might be running short on things to add. Also having Faust? Thought she was a good cameo for now, we've got a war to win anyway.

I'll post the images in the comment section.