• Published 29th Jan 2012
  • 8,988 Views, 230 Comments

MLP FIM/Halo: Towards the broken dawn… - Evident Disaster

"The way to salvation is through the path of damnation..." Supreme Commander of the Helldivers 33rd

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Unprecedented Contact

Location: Unknown

Time: Unknown

Life support: Maximum

HEV-Javelin: Status: Stable

Miguel held himself inside his HEV Javelin as it began its trip through the depths of slip-space, it rocked slightly from side to side as it jumped eddies and rifts around the expanse that was subspace, the pod would have come apart from the seams if it wasn’t for the stable field it was producing. Miguel had thanked that the UCAF science teams had invented emergency systems for these pods in slip-space, the only problem was that the pods would travel without direction, making slip-space travel rather hard with HEVs.

Usually a marine would go into stasis to be found later, their active signals could reach a UCAF outpost nearby and they’d send a recovery fleet out to get them. Unless of course the individual’s life pod was outside the range of UCAF space, then that individual would probably have to wait a few months before a ship would ever be dispatched to look for them.
Miguel hoped that the latter would never have to happen as he’d be trapped inside stasis for a long time. But for now, he navigated the realm of slip-space by the energy available in the pod, he needed to find and exit in the depths of subspace and then exit from there. He could wait for a team to find him afterwards.

As he pressed on his TAC pad to where his pod’s trajectory for an exit was, he found it by chance. The pod smacked directly into what one would call a rift, when the pull of slip-space opens up near a source of immense energy. Miguel guessed that it must be close to a dying star, or high ion concentrations, he braced for the early drop and prepared his beacon, if worse came to worse he’d at least have time to think.


Planet: Unknown

Continent: Equestria

Location: Ponyville Library

Time: 1:20 AM

Twilight looked on at the anomaly and watched it periodically as she did, she went to go get some coffee and come back and looked again, and it hadn't changed. She sipped her coffee and wrote down some notes on what might the object be and why the anomaly was here, she found little evidence to suggest anything solid aside from the object being possibly capable of piercing subspace.

She sighed and then went back to drinking a little more, she waited for a bit until she noticed something, above there was a small shimmer in the night skies just bright enough to get some ponies attention should they have been watching. Twilight saw the ripple and looked again, she had found the anomaly gone, and in its place seemed to be something else. She focused her enchanted telescope to look at the object.

But instead of one object, she found over 3 dozen objects of varying sizes; they scattered above the night skies over Equestria and headed downwards to the planet. Twilight practically flew about writing down what she was seeing. She observed the objects as they began their descent to the world, some of them started to trail heat as they burned up in the atmosphere. But a majority of the objects were still going down to the earth at tremendous speeds.

She suspected that they might be travelling as fast as Mach 3, or even faster than Rainbow Dash’s Sonic Rainboom, if so then that would explain the trails of heat coming off of them, they weren’t made to travel that fast, or were they? She had a sneaking suspicion that those objects weren’t normal, but she couldn’t see them properly from where she was.
The closest one she tracked was a single object, possibly no bigger than a car, which was still frightening as it looked as if it would hit something near Ponyville. The object raced to the ground at tremendous speeds and cooled the trailing tail of fire as it got closer; Twilight went straight from writing to just observing the time of arrival of the object.

It got close enough that she didn’t even need to look out of her telescope to see the thing come down, it blazed a trail straight towards Whitetail Woods, but what seemed odd about the trajectory was that it was slowing down as it got closer. What was that object? Twilight felt a bit curious, and she knew that it had gotten her into trouble a few times in the past.
But when she saw it land, it made a heavy thud, like lightning or cannon shot, the shockwave was light considering the size of the object, a few dogs barked, but most of Ponyville remained asleep. Spike wasn’t even awakened by the impact, but that would probably be because he was a heavy sleeper. Twilight looked out to Whitetail woods, she could see a small trail of smoke or dust coming from the site of impact.

Her curiosity was telling her to go see what it was, and her smarts were telling her to send a message. But she didn’t want to wake up Spike and she would rather go out and look for a bit on what the object might be, but instead she came up with a solution. She wrote down a message on a piece of parchment for Celestia of her findings and the left a note to Spike to make sure to send it in case she didn’t come back after morning. She could have sent an E-mail, but she knew that Celestia was a tad slow on using technology for certain things, so for Spike it would be more direct.

She left the message next to Spike and set the alarm to exactly 6:00 and then went and packed a few things, such as a Geiger-counter spell, a pair of glasses, and a magic kit on first aid. She took her essentials and hurried out the front door. The night breeze was chilly but not as bad as winter or autumn, thankfully it was early summer.
She headed to Whitetail woods, prepared for adventure and whatever might be there waiting for her.


Location: Canterlot

Stargaze Spire Observatory

Luna watched the same spectacle as Twilight and went to work furiously, she didn’t know what to do, this was happening so suddenly and it was just past 1! She had to call in so many damage control teams, and scientists, and guards to secure the landing sites for the objects. She hurried about writing all of this down and going over to what the ponies called telephones and contacted medical ponies to be on standby for the recovery.

She then hurried off to gather some equipment, and then she teleported straight to Celestia. Of course that wasn’t as easy as it would seem, Celestia hated it when somepony interrupts her sleep and years of incidents with students and magical teleportation have taught her about getting into her room without expressed permission.

She had the area of her room completely sealed with a defensive spell to stop teleporting inside; Luna ended up just outside the door to her sister’s room and began to knock furiously.
“Tia! Open up, something’s happened!” Luna shouted.

It took about another half a dozen knocks until Celestia crawled from her bed and finally answered the door with a very annoyed look.
“Luna it is 1 in the morning and I know that you might enjoy the night a tad bit more than me, but please couldn’t this wait until 6?” She asked.

“No, and for a good reason, sister, the rift in the sky finished its transition and they closed up.” Luna began.

“Oh good, at least you recorded the events for ponies to look at later.” Celestia mumbled.

“No you don’t understand is that something, or should I say many things have exited from the rifts and have landed on Equestria and surrounding regions.” Luna finished.

Celestia then took things more seriously.
“Okay now that does sound very concerning. How many objects did you observe?” She asked.

“There were about 36, but a few burnt up on re-entry, I counted at least 30 which landed around the area, a few of them landed close by. One possibly near Manehatten and another near Hasting, I called the guards of each region to secure the sites and make sure that no pony approached them until we arrived.” Luna replied urgently.

“Did any pony report going near any of those sites?” Celestia asked.

“No, but we need to hurry and go and see what those impacts were, I alerted the Equestrian Astrological Society a few minutes ago, they’d send out teams to help investigate on what landed.” Luna finished.

“Very well it looks like we’re going to have a long night ahead of us. We better get moving to Manehatten first, I don’t think any pony should be exposed to what might be found there.” Celestia said.

Luna nodded and waited as Celestia dressed herself quickly. The two sisters then teleported as close to the sight as possible, they’d have to go and make sure that everything was secure and move the items if possible back to Canterlot.


Location: Whitetail Woods

Twilight carefully made her way through the darkness around her, it wasn’t too hard to make out what was around her, and the night skies helped brighten some parts of the forest. The gloom around her was patchy as she headed towards the object, she could hear animals running from the area and birds chirping loudly.

She found her way to the site after trekking through the depths of the forest for 30 minutes, it wasn’t too deep in the forest but it was a pain to keep moving without accidently tripping or falling. She poked around as she finally reached an embankment of a small pond, or what was once a pond, she could smell heavy steam in the air as she got closer, her vision was slightly foggy as she made her way over to the edge of the pond.

The unicorn used her magic and cleared some of the fog from her eyes and was given a rather interesting surprise, the object was here and it wasn’t like that of something like a rock, it was a solid shape with edges and angles that looked like it was manufactured. But what made it really noticeable was that it wasn’t oblong it was sharp.

The tip of the object was pointed sharply downwards, and the sides had what she’d assume were airbrakes. The mare carefully observed ever more closely the object’s shape, the top was flat except for some type of parachute compartment, the chute though was metal and it was hanging off on top of a tree nearby.
Twilight carefully pulled out her Geiger counter spell and began to sweep the area; she found no high traces of radiation from anywhere, normal background ones coming from the object, but nothing that indicated danger to her body and health. She relaxed a bit, no chances of her being hurt from anything.

She went over to the object and began to observe it closely; it had cooled enough that she could put her hand on places. When she ran her hand over some seams of the object she noticed that it had bolts and what looked like hinges in positions. She poked a finger at one of the hinges and pulled at the bolts, they seemed pony made objects, but what would a pony made object be doing in subspace?

She got her answer when she found a small side panel; it was steaming hot from the boiling water that was on it. She dared not to touch it, she remembered that she had magic and began to pull with her magic upon the panel and found a trigger; it was red and had a warning sign, a person standing away from the door with a trigger in its hand.
She didn’t need to be a genius to know that meant to grab the trigger and get clear when she pulled it. At first she didn’t know if this was smart, being near a strange box which might contain anything, but if the signs indicated anything, it was that the object was made by sentients, so it couldn’t be bad could it?

Her curiosity took over her as she went and grabbed the trigger and pulled it away from the pod and moved it to her side and went a good 2 meters from the object and then paused. She thought about what she was going to do. But nothing ventured, nothing gained.
She pressed the trigger and then pulled her head down as the sound of something exploding ringed in her ear; she looked up and saw what had happened, the front had popped clean open revealing something inside. She hurried from her position and got over to the object and found what her curiosity had led her to, which almost made her scream in fright.
Inside the object there was an armoured behemoth, well not that big, but still bigger than her and probably a fully grown stallion, it might as well be a walking metal giant. The being inside or possibly machine was resting; it was fully covered in armour, and had markings of white scratches on its armour. There was also what seemed like an array of weapons, she had seen pictures of old firearms and some more recent weapons of the Equestrian military.

But none of that compared to what this being had in its possession, it had what looked like a massive rifle with more than 2 or 3 barrels, and there were numerous canisters and objects which seemed to fit into the barrel of the weapon. She could only imagine that this thing might be a war machine of sorts. But it wasn’t moving, it remained still.
She carefully observed each bit of the being. It had an angular helmet which had some wires or cables sticking at the back, and some added bits to the helmet. The neck was also V shaped and had multiple layers of what looked like plastic. The neck brace was metal, and the front chest plate was large, it bulked outwards with plenty of things on top of it, it had some sort of indicator as well. It glowed deep red with a single bar being green, whatever it meant.

She found herself fascinated by the thing; she spent some more time going over the object until something happened. A booming voice stopped her there and lights flashed on and blinded her as someone yelled.
“You there, this is a restricted area, you will be detained for trespassing in a live quarantine zone, now remain where you are. Or we will use force!”

Twilight was frightened, she almost thought that it was this thing’s friends when she realised that it was a royal guard with dozens of regular military personnel rushing in to secure the sight. From behind ponies gathered stretchers and equipment and moved forwards, a few went over and grabbed Twilight.
She shouted and screamed.
“Wait, I’m the princess’ protégé!”

“Likely story ma’am, now stop struggling so we can decontaminate you and process you detainment, you have the right to remain silent.” A regular said pinning her with his arms.

That was when someone else arrived on the scene and asked. “What is going on here?” The voice sounded very familiar to Twilight, and she saw who it was as the regular backed away and other ponies bowed respectfully or as diligently as they could.
“Princess Celestia?” She called.

The regal alicorn princess stepped forwards from the light with another alicorn which Twilight identified as Princess Luna. Celestia was startled to find her student here of all places.
“Twilight, what are you doing here?” She asked with confusion.

Twilight got up and explained.
“I was out investigating a crash earlier this night when I was observing a strange anomaly in the night skies; I thought it was important that I checked here, I didn’t know that you received my message.”

“What message? I was awoken by Luna when she observed the same event, I was intending to tell you in the morning.” She perplexed.

“That’s exactly what I was also going to do.” Twilight said.

“Well may I be so bold as to ask, but what did you do to that pod over there?” Luna asked.
Twilight remembered the being in the pod and noted that Luna was pointing at the immobile entity. She replied.

“I was investigating the object and found a panel to open the object, that thing inside is either unconscious or dead, I don’t know.” Twilight replied.

“Ah well it looks like we might actually have caught a break this time, Dr Cutter and Heath please go and remove the entity carefully, we don’t need to lose another in the light of tonight’s events.” Celestia said to a pair of unicorns and their team members.

The ponies nodded and hurried over in hazard suits and heat suits to begin removing the pod from the ground. Twilight hurried over to Celestia’s side and asked.
“What’s going on?”

“The science teams believe that they can safely remove the entity inside without causing damage, as we had some serious issues with other ones like this.” Celestia replied.

“Wait; there are more of these things?” Twilight exclaimed.
Luna decided to intervene with a stern look about what they had to know.

“Yes, but now is not the time or place Twilight, we need to move this one as soon as possible. I must attend to some important duties in the meantime, there were reports of them crashing as far as Stalliongrad and I have been in need there. Luna will deal with removing this one. And she will fill you in on the details later, at the moment you have to keep this quiet. Luna and I will gather you and the other elements of harmony as soon as possible. Please keep this quiet.” Celestia asked.

“Of course princess.” Twilight replied before Celestia vanished in a flash of light.

Luna went over to her and said.
“So we meet again Twilight, it’s been sometime since we last spoke hasn’t it?”

“Yes princess it has, so when did you find out about the rift in the night skies?” Twilight inquired.

“Yesterday night, and I followed on with it till this late afternoon when I told Tia, I presume you did the same?” Luna asked.

“Yes, but I spent most of this night going into it with more detail. And I also planned to alert Celestia when the need arose.” She replied curtly.

“Great minds think alike.” Luna thought out aloud.

Twilight nodded. It was then she asked.
“Princess, do you know what will happen to the being?” She gestured to the still form inside the pod.

“It will be taken back to Canterlot Research Centre; they have the best equipment in all of Equestria in dealing with analysis of foreign objects. And the security of Canterlot would be sufficient should the need arise to contain the being.” Luna replied.

Twilight understood, the being was impressive; it was as tall as either sister and probably could be stronger. It was understandable that the princesses would want it secured from public eyes. Twilight waited for a while as the ponies moved the pod away from the site. Luna then addressed Twilight directly.
“Twilight, I know that it’s been a long night, and you’re probably tired. I’ll have a dispatch of guard’s take you back to Ponyville, but I must ask you, please keep this discovery quiet.” Luna asked.

“Not even my friends?” Twilight asked.

“Not even for them, this must be kept quiet until further investigation, in 3 days or so, Celestia and I will send for an escort of guards to take you from Ponyville to Canterlot, you may inform them that their questions into what you may have seen be answered then, no earlier. As this is a sensitive situation, I must ask you also to accept this.” Luna handed her a bracelet with a mark of the sisters.

“It’s an enchanted bracelet that will supress any means of talking of the information that you have seen, I’ve passed it to all members of the research and guards as part of the investigation, and as you have been witness to this anomaly as well. I must ask you to relinquish speaking of the events.” Luna explained.

Twilight didn’t like it, but she hadn't much of a choice, Luna was cautious and she did trust the princesses, she just hoped that she wouldn’t have to lie to the others in the event. She accepted the bracelet and attached it carefully to her wrists. Once on the bracelets glowed softly in the night. Luna called some guards over to get Twilight back to Ponyville.
“It has been nice to see you again Twilight Sparkle, I do hope we get the chance to work on this discovery together.”

With that Twilight was let aboard a steam chariot and was off back to Ponyville, it was just as the dawn began to glimmer over the far horizon, she had spent the whole night. She was probably going to have to tell the girls of her findings and make sure that they’ve gotten themselves prepared for what was going to happen.


Location: Unknown
Time: 4:50 AM
At the sight of another crash hidden deep beneath the canopy of a jungle, a metal pod hung from the top of a tree embedded deeply into the side of the trunk. The pod remained smouldering in the side of the tree until a sharp hiss pierced the crackling of the heat, the pod began to shudder and then the sides erupted in a puff of smoke and then the door explosively flew off its ends into the air and landed somewhere in the thicket of the jungle.

As the smoke cleared from the pod’s mouth a figure exited by jumping the tree and landing at the floor of the jungle, it’s figure much like that of all Helldivers, Lt James Asher stood observing his surroundings, his MT/IR/LD scanners swept the area in a few pulses and gave him a tactical image of the surrounding region. There was nothing to indicate what might be in the surrounding regions; he then began to unload the rest of his gear.

Jumping back up he removed 3 canisters, 1 which had a long Camo Cloak, tailored specifically for him, it had nano-reflective frames made to absorb and bend light, and it would manipulate the surrounding jungle to help him hide from possible wildlife and such. The next canister had his survival/science gear, made to ensure his survival on a hostile planet or in this case test local plant life and such for contaminants. The last case had his munitions, the basic necessity to him, 9 clips of AP/API/HEAP rounds, he removed 6 explosives, 2 standard flash, 2 frags, and 2 magnetic/magnesium grenades. He pulled out also 4 rather boxy looking objects, HE-AP Claymore mines. He made sure to place those into his back latch. And to top that all off, he pulled out the one and only treasure in his stash, the Glaive-SR-CX, a 30mm sniper rifle was one of the UCAFs most recently updated rifles, unlike its predecessors the 30mm Mantis and Viper 20mm, the Glaive features a new addition to its components. A portable micro fusion drive was added into the design of the rifle to power the barrel of the gun, which now included a Mass Driver. The mass driver feature would help increase the penetration by approx. 10 fold, the driver was intended to fire a 2 inch round essentially composes of highly charged ions to detonate upon contact with an enemy vehicle and decimate it. The Glaive also features 3 variations of the original munitions used, a tungsten AP round, Incendiary Rounds, and EMP charged shells. The rifle sports a bipod and 20X optical zoom camera/scope.

James', own features were impressive as well, as a Helldiver class scout; he was wearing the HITS, Heavy Infantry Tactical System armour, made specifically for Helldivers of his calibre. The armour compositions were one plated layer of armour made from Duratanium alloys, the armour manufactured was intended for long term missions on forest worlds and frozen arctic worlds, this qualified for the latter in the case of James. The suit was also an exoskeleton and supported over 50 micro machines and energised skin layers meant to increase reactions and speeds for the user. The added gadgets of the suit include a SCCS (smart combat computer system), Motion Sensors, Infrared scanners, Sonic Pulse Emitters, and multiple hidden blades and pockets for munitions.

The last bit of detail about James’ suit was that it sported antlers on top of his helmet, as a sign of rank and respect he deserves when recognised. James had spent years to earn the rank of First Lieutenant during the war, and all those under his command appreciate it so. After James had finished getting into gear, he scanned the area and began to pick out local signals, he would have to make contact, either with locals or his teams, he just hoped that Dean and the marines hadn't run into trouble without him. Picking a direction, James headed into the world…


Location: Griffon Territory, Frost Talon Mountains

Time: 3:30

In the rushing tundras of the top of the griffon’s territory, three moving figures headed towards the summit of the mountain chasing after what they assumed was something of interest. These figures were of course not Equestrians, but their neighbours, the Griffons, a half lion/eagle like race, they had much similar body structures to that of the ponies, but differed in their beaks and their taloned feet and claws.

Of the three heading to the summit, one was a young male, wearing heavy cloth and wool garbs, he had a simple helmet on his head with a face protector and the mark of his clan on some plates of armour. The griffon kingdom hadn't exactly made much improvements over the years in the sense of technology and progress, it had militarism and traditions, but much of it restricted change. The griffon clan heads had been too stubborn to accept altering their 500 years of continuous tradition.

As one of these traditions, the weakest males and best females are put onto patrols across the border to keep them occupied or out from causing murmurs against the stagnating situation, and sometimes it was just out of spite from certain fools. Whatever the reason for this young male to be out here was meaningless, the tempretures were below freezing and his feathers were about to fall off.

But the leader of this patrol was adamant about getting to the mysterious object that had landed about a mile from their outpost. He just prayed to the spirits that someone gave him something warm before he had to start getting prosthetics for his feet. The second griffin was a female who looked about as comfortable as the male, she had deep grey feathers and a rather astute figure, but wasn’t showing it at the moment from the sheer temperature drop. She had similar gear as the male and shared almost the same opinion on what was going to happen if they didn’t get somewhere warm soon.

At the head of the patrol was a brown feathered female with a slightly more buff appearance, but that would probably be from her upbringing, this griffin sported purple rims around her eyes and had white feathers as her hair, she had the only rifle as a mark of command and sported the most armour with clothing. Gilda scanned the summit and found her mark, she yelled over the roar of the winds.

“Come on, I can see the site ahead, it shouldn’t be a few more meters.” She stated over the gale force winds.

The other griffins didn’t respond and continued to trod after her, she dismissed them as weak, but that was who they gave her to command. She huffed and hurried onwards to the object. It was about 40 meters away and had left a sizeable crater, but what was surprising was that it could have easily left an even bigger one considering the size of the object.

The oblong cube was about 3 meters in height and 2 meters across, it had panels and grates over its length, and sported numbers on the side, it was nothing like anything Gilda had seen. She got close enough to feel the heat from the object, it was hot enough for steam to billow off as snow pelted it from all sides, she carefully brought out a knife and poked the object carefully.

It was then her patrol caught up and said in awe.

“Now that isn't something you see every day.” The male commented over his freezing breath.