• Published 29th Jan 2012
  • 8,988 Views, 230 Comments

MLP FIM/Halo: Towards the broken dawn… - Evident Disaster

"The way to salvation is through the path of damnation..." Supreme Commander of the Helldivers 33rd

  • ...



Ageless Memories


Location: Cyrene Complex

Time: 9:50 PM

Twilight and the girls spent the next 30 minutes looking around at the alien, but nothing seemed to be that different aside from its pale complexion and soft grey eyes. The alien was 6’5 tall, a full head taller than Celestia if she didn’t have her horn. The being seemed to strong, yet so peaceful, Twilight couldn’t help but wonder if she could wake him. Or what she assumed was a he, considering how much like a stallion he looked like, his physique however was much greater than just the average stallion though.

The girls felt different about the alien, when they saw the picture they could imagine that it had a family a home and a place to go back to, but as long as it remained in a coma, or here on Equestria it may never get back home. Twilight felt something for the alien, pity or sympathy? She didn’t understand what the feeling was, but she knew that this being didn’t deserve to be here, it wouldn’t be right.

With that in mind she hadn't a clue as to how she and the others could help. As the girls went about looking at the objects of the alien’s personal effects, Twilight decided to go in for a closer look at the alien. She knew that trying one thing would be very dangerous, and that was a mind link, she was going to stare into this being’s soul.

While the others were busy keeping the princesses busy, Twilight placed her warm hand into the alien’s own. Then she began to focus her magic, she knew that this was probably going to be very difficult, a sleeping mind is much like an open book as the mind isn't focused upon a task, but can be very puzzling. A mind awake can be very direct and lucid, which makes the task easier, but if the mind isn't cooperative it could be dangerous for a mind link. But for a mind link when a pony is in a coma is very hard to distinguish, it is both awake and sleeping, so the mind becomes a jigsaw of feelings and thoughts.

Twilight carefully relaxed and began to push into his mind; she did this when she helped get her friends back from Discord, it was a little bit easier as she put her memories and emotions into their minds, but to go into one’s mind and actually pull memories and emotions out is harder. She poked around in the deep miasma of memories, or at least what she could assume were his memories.

The alien’s mind was a bit more coordinated, it seemed that he had much mental training and conditioning to help with stress and emotions, but also something else, she couldn’t tell but it seemed as though the mind was still active, not like being awake, or asleep, more like a constant semi-conscious state. It was hard to describe what it feels like, but it was keeping her watching the alien’s memories.

She pulled herself into the depths further into the memories, and that was when she felt something else. She reached a wall, a mental wall, something boarded up behind deep emotions, it was like a pool of water being sucked into a drain, it pulled at her, and yet she didn’t want to try and look. After a while she couldn’t help it, her curiosity took over, and she reached out…

A cool sensation took over as she felt the world shift around her, it was like being pulled into a vacuum and then it became warm, and she could see everything around her. And what she could see wasn’t a sight she was willing to see ever again. There was blood everywhere, drying or dried, or still fresh on the ground and walls; it was a horrifying sight that was portrayed before her.

She stepped and felt something by her foot, she looked to see a body of a young alien, its body torn open, and she stepped away in fear and stepped on another body of others. She looked around and realised that she was stepping on corpses, she felt her stomach contents wishing to bail, but this was a mind link not outside, but it still had an effect. She then heard something, sobbing; she turned to see a corridor with broken lighting.

Horrific images around her, her curiosity still drove her; she stepped over the bodies apprehensively and began to travel to the noise. She passed into another room, it was dimly lit, the lights covered or broken by damage or blood. She then saw it, a mass of corpses piled on top of each other, some looking familiar and others not. She travelled over to the top of the pile and found what shocked her.

The little boy from the image holding a knife, and a body of a family member, the young boy sobbed softly as he shook and rocked back and forwards in uncontrollable fear, or pain, she couldn’t understand the emotions were too raw. She reached out and touched the boy on the shoulder; he stopped shaking and turned to face her, his bloodied face looking at her with broken hopes.

“Who are you?” She asked.

“I’m… Miguel Kenshin.” He replied in a sombre tone.

“What happened here?” She asked.

“I… died.” He said to her and then everything came into rush.

Her mind felt something, like a tap had been opened, the whole pit she had just entered was now rushing outwards. The emotions of jagged dreams and memories flooding into her own mind, she could see it all, death, destruction, war… She screamed and screamed. She returned to her body and then felt the warmth of the world around her return and she continued to stare at the body of the boy, no, man named Miguel.

She then felt someone shake her again; she turned to see Celestia looking at her in concern. She and the others were there, and then she asked.
“Twilight, are you alright?”

She shook her head and then she dropped to her knees and began screaming.


Location: Evergreen Jungles

Time: 11:20 PM

James had spoken to the alien so fluently, after a while trying to figure out how to speak without the Arcadian accent, he had it rough until he finally nailed it. Afterwards he spent the night talking to the alien, correction, Equestrian about what she was doing in the forest. She replied that she was looking for him; she wanted to find him, out of curiosity and interest.
He laughed at the thought, many women back in the colonies shared similar interest, but for different reasons, mainly due to him being a helldiver. This Equestrian was more interested in him being an alien of this world, which he found rather ironic, seeing as he never considered himself an alien, but she was technically correct about him being non-terrestrial.

He just ran with it, but introduced himself properly.
“I’m James, or call me Lt Whitetail; I’m hunter class recon marine 21st helldivers.”

The being didn’t understand what he meant by the title. But she did reply kindly.
“I’m Skyline the town librarian and local astronomer.”

“Skyline, funny name.” He replied with a soft chuckle.

“Your name is just as funny, who calls their child James around where you come from?” She huffed.

“Good point, but where I come from, names like mine are rather common.” He smiled melancholy to his past.

A momentary pause between the two ensued and after a while Skyline asked.
“Why did you save me?”

James looked at her in confusion, but he answered.
“I saved you, because I never let a life die, without a reason. You were in trouble, and there wasn’t any reason for me not to save you. And I never let someone just die for nothing, you aren’t my enemy, nor my ally, but you still deserve help.” He replied.

James continued looking at the fire, Skyline understood what James said and meant. She was rather glad he did save her and help her. But something nudged her mind.
“James, I’m curious, but are you alone?”

James at that point didn’t answer, he just looked at the fire and Skyline became rather tense, she hoped that she didn’t upset him. James replied after the pause.
“Yes, but that is James, not Whitetail. Whitetail is never alone.”

She was confused.
“Isn't Whitetail your last name?”

“No, that’s a given name, and a taken name, it is a reminder of what I’ve accomplished and what I’ve lost, and what remains. It is what I’ve become, and it will be what will forever stay with me. Until I die, because Whitetail is who I’ll be after I put this mask back on.” He said cryptically as he picked his helmet up and laid it into his lap.

“You put that helmet on to be a warrior?” She asked.

“No, I put it on as a reminder of who I became after my rebirth. It is meaningful to me; I am a Callistinian of course. Meaning the mark of this mask confers to what I am and who I am; it is everything I’ve become after my youth. It’s an old tradition and an even older belief. It’s been around for so long that time had even forgotten when it began, but it has been around for millennia for those who take the title.” He explained.

“So you were raised to entitle a mark that would forever define who you are? And to lose that would be like losing a wing?” She asked.

He tried to get his head around the races of this world, and she did explain about the Pegasus’ and their abilities to fly and such, and what happens when a Pegasus loses their wing. He replied.
“In a way, yes, that’s about accurate, in a sense.”

She nodded and hushed herself before she asked.
“But I need to ask you, you said that you were alone. I wanted to know, how would you feel coming to town?”

“I wouldn’t know, I’d rather stay hidden in the shadows, and I’m sure that your friends and people wouldn’t want me around. I’m not exactly normal around here, and I don’t think I want to cause a shock.” He replied.

“Don’t take it as such James; I think they’d be rather interested in you. Not to mention, we’ve had worse visitors in the past few months, such as that annoying showmare who came up some time ago, she’s been too much of a handful to deal with. I’m sure that you being around would help draw some tension away.” She insisted.

“Why do you want to know me so much?” He asked her.
“Because I think you’re nice… you don’t seem bad, you said it yourself. You said that you’re alone, I don’t think anypony.” “Human…” He corrected. “Human, right, but still you’re alone, and I think you’d like some company for a short time. I won’t tell anyone where you live, or come from.”

“But they’ll still question about where I come from, and I wouldn’t mind it. But I’d rather avoid causing too much of a stir up.” He replied.

She crawled over to him her face near his and said.
“Please?” With puppy eyes reaching out in a comical fashion it would have made any human have a heart attack. He sighed.
“Very well, I’ll go along with you in the morning; however I don’t intend to stay around longer than I need to nor do I intend to stay in the town, you can tell your friends that I’ll only be there for the day, but after night I need to come back here.”

Skyline was pleased and said.
“Thank you.” She withdrew to the makeshift bed and lay down for a rest.

James thought to himself.
“Why is it the pretty ones?”


Location: Frost Talon Peaks

Time: 12:51 AM

Gilda couldn’t believe her luck, 3 days after they had found that thing, and it had managed to wreck half a base, go on a psychotic rampage through the mountain tops and then begin to head directly for the Equestrian border by itself without stopping, not to mention the thing could fly. It trudged a massive line which anyone with half a brain could follow, and anyone who saw the thing decided to not go any closer.

The massive monster of a machine practically tossed boulders at anyone attempting to follow it, so Gilda and her patrol team had to stay at a full 100 meters from its sight just to make sure that they didn’t lose the thing. Gilda was getting frustrated, her father blamed the whole mess on her, and the clans were demanding she bring the thing to a halt or figure out a way to stop and capture it.

But all attempts had proven useless and she didn’t understand what she was going up against, but sadly she couldn’t return to the clans until she figured out how to get the damn thing to finally stop. She hoped that the Equestrians would help at some point, but the ambassador had decided to give Celestia a cold shoulder on what the machine was doing here in the first place.

So now, she had to pray for a miracle to come her way, because that was the only that seemed likely to help in this chaotic scenario.


Location: UCAF rally point Theta

Time: 5:00 AM

Theta was located in an open clearing in a valley; it had plenty of fresh water and trees and had a rather good coverage. Plenty of animals and plants to look at, but of course the UCAF weren’t here for sightseeing, they were here to regroup and recover. The troops had set up an encampment using whatever materials were available and could be spared, plastic bubble domes and plastic tents and prefabs were up in the first few hours of the LATs and marines.
Next a machine house to help repair damaged vehicles went up with a mini hydrogen engine generator to power the area. Dozens of scanning modules were set to ensure any attacks on the UCAF would be traced and identified before they ever reached them. Drones were in the air patrolling silently.

Marines had set up a 2.1 meter wall with wood and rocks and metals, it was all going to plan for the survivors of the trip and it was going to improve soon enough. The marines welcomed the arrival of the falcon flights and one mechanized suit in the morning after 6, they were glad to have more men and machines on the ground.

The expansion was going well for search operations to go and search for whoever might be dealing with hard terrain, but there was also a need to go looking for survivors who might have gone off the grid. But the commander in charge denied the request, as the location for those who went off were too far to trace, they might stumble onto them later, but trying to blindly go out wouldn’t be smart.

So the marines just looked close to home and recovered all in range of the base camp and nearby mountains. The task didn’t take long to complete and the scattered personnel were back at base camp by noon. It was now about organisation and exploration; they planned to go out to certain locations to look for minerals and materials.
The first flights of falcons were set to leave in the next morning, and then it would be a simple wait for the UCAF to find them, or someone else to find them.


Location: Canterlot- Castle Infirmary

Time: 6:00 AM

Twilight felt her body twitch, it was tingling all over, and she couldn’t understand what was going on. Her head ached from the mind link; she didn’t understand what was it that she saw? Blood, death, destruction… war. Then it came back, but not in a manner that was overwhelming, but rather slowly, a few scattered memories and images were clinging in her head, it was as if someone else jumped into her head and cleared most of the harsh images out.

But that didn’t make her feel any better, what she saw had completely changed her mind on Miguel; he was tortured by war, so twisted and bent. It horrified her to no ends. She couldn’t tell if it was remorse or despair that was floating around, but she felt sick as well. She tried to open her eyes when she saw where she was.

The smell of flowers and the steady beep from a monitor, she sat up and saw that she wasn’t in the medical room with the alien; she was in a hospital bed. She stared hard to make out everything in the early morning, but managed to adjust her eyes. She found that the room had all of her friends and Princess Luna present; she noticed that Celestia wasn’t here.

When she sat up she nudged the side of her monitor which suddenly began beeping loudly that Fluttershy who was sitting next to the machine suddenly bolted upright and said.
“OH DEAR!” She shouted in a surprisingly loud tone.

The Pegasus hurried tiredly over to the machine and noticed that it wasn’t Twilight going into shock; it was just her knocking it off balance. The other girls in the room jostled upright as they too were awoken by the sudden shock of Fluttershy. AJ practically jumped from her sitting upright position into the ceiling.

Everyone was awake and suddenly happy to see that Twilight was alright. Pinkie jumped over to her and hugged her with Rainbow and AJ; meanwhile Rarity stood over with relief and said her concerns while being drowned out by the surprise of the others. Luna was just hovering in the back of the whole happy reunion.

As soon as the others quietened down, Twilight asked.
“What happened?”

The others were suddenly not so sure how to answer. Rainbow answered.
“Well Celestia noticed that you were using magic and said some mumbo jumbo about how dangerous that was and tried to ‘cut’ the link or something.”

Luna decided to go into more detail.
“What Rainbow attempted to explain, was that you had gone into a mind link very deeply and synced your mind to the alien’s, which in truth we wouldn’t have thought of doing and for the very reason you came out of the mind link and went temporarily insane.”

“What?” Twilight said in horror.

“You lost control of your mind due to an overload of information from the memories of the alien, Celestia had to restrain you just to get in and clear up the mess which had clogged your mind. It was far from easy and rather dangerous as Celestia had to surgically remove some memories effects and pull them out of your mind, and also alter others which had become infused inside your own memories. It was an arduous task to say the least, but Celestia had completed it within minutes and had you taken here for recovery. We honestly feared that you might fall into the same coma which had overcome the alien.” Luna ended.

Twilight absorbed the information well, and she was rather shocked, surprised, and scared? She didn’t know, her head was filled with new knowledge and it was so different now, like she had seen two sides of herself, but it was someone else. It was hard to describe in her words, she decided to just nod.
Pinkie Pie went and said.
“Yeah, there was such a fuss, but we’re so glad you got better! I’m going to throw a party at the study for all us to enjoy you getting better!”

The party pony then bolted out the door and everyone just shrugged, that was Pinkie and she was just happy to have Twilight back. As the unicorn mare was about to leave the bed, Rarity halted her.
“Twilight I think you should stay here, you still need a few more hours of rest and we’re going to stay for a bit until Pinkie is finished with the party preparations.”

Twilight could see that her friends were going to stay by her side, but also make sure that she got some rest, she nodded and lay back down. Luna said as she was about to leave.
“I have my duties to attend to, the alien’s room is in lockdown for now, I apologise for that but after this incident Celestia wanted only the medical crew to monitor it from now on. I will however bring the items of the alien over to show you later at the study though, we might be able to solve the purpose of one of them, and it would be better to get our minds off the incident for some time.”

They all agreed and Luna left in a flash, Twilight and the others got back to resting and slowly the dawn came over the horizon.


Location: Evergreen District

Time: 7:00 AM

There were many travellers who came from over Equestria and sometimes the world, faraway places like the Stone Isles or the Frozen Peaks of the Griffin Kingdom, or as far away as the edges of old Astra. There were many ponies that travelled, and a few other beings that came and went every so often.

It was just that the ponies of the district had never encountered and entity with deer antlers and stood at heights only a Princess could, the sight of James made ponies look from all over the place. Murmurs of attention being drawn to him and the pony he was walking with, Skyline seemed a little embarrassed that she and James were getting so much attention, but as she had said earlier, the better for the ponies to get their minds off of the damned showmare who ridiculed everyone else.

James for once didn’t have to hide under his cloak, well he had it draped over his body, but it wasn’t active camouflage. He strolled quietly beside Skyline who showed him the sights, town hall, the cider hall, and the local pubs and inns. As they passed into the market, James could see something big and hairy, at first he thought it was a brute, but when he got closer he noticed a distinguished difference, it had hooved feet and bent legs with horns and had a number of bits of clothing and items on it.
“That’s just Wild One, he came from the buffalo tribes a year ago, he’s a nice fellow, but don’t get on the wrong side of him, he can pack a kick and a punch with those legs and his head.” She commented.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” James said as they continued on.

As they got deeper into the market, they got to go shopping, and of course many of the shop owners were rather frightened by the massive horned being with armour they kindly dropped the price of products for him and Skyline. Sky simply shrugged at why everyone was so frightened, but it might have something to do with him having no face.

“Do you have some sort of distinguishable face or mask for that helmet?” She asked.

“If I activated it, people would only get more frightened, it isn't something that everyone would like and trust me on it, and it can scare the biggest beings I’ve gone up against. I’ll cause heart attacks around here.” He replied.

Sky took in on his word and nodded. They passed onwards observing the many sights, with the local guard asking what happened to Sky the night before, and she replied an accident which James had saved her. She didn’t use his real name and went with Whitetail. The mayor, Vintage Case accepted the explanation, but inquired into where Whitetail had come from. James answered by saying that he was from a very far away land, and that it would be better to leave it at that.

The mayor accepted the statement and let them go on their way, fewer questions asked; the better it was for them. They just needed to avoid causing trouble and everyone would get along fine, or so the white and sky blue coloured mare hoped. It wasn’t until they reached the local theatre for the town; it was an open air one with plenty of seats and only a few performances for the off season.

Ponies gathered about for the 10:30 performance by the amazing card master, Dealer. The brown coated stallion did his tricks with ease and took a short break to get his breath with a local cider. It seemed odd that a pony like him would be drinking cider during a performance. But Dealer went on with his show and attracted many ponies around him.
And then as noon came about, more ponies gathered for the noon performance, by the All Powerful and Magnificent Trixie! The title given to the pony already made James dislike her, he’d seen his fair share of competitors in the sense of friends and fellow marines, but they usually did things for fun to keep morale up or to keep troops thinking that they could win battles or for fun.

This was more like a sideshow as the pony alone popped up with fireworks or what seemed like fireworks, his SCCS identified the projections as energy emissions being held together in pyro-kinetic field and being used to emulate lights and sounds. He continued to watch in interest at the abilities of the unicorn. His scanners showed she’d barely be able to equal a small jolt of a plasma pistol.

He continued his scan as she began her show.
“I the Magnificent Trixie will show you all of my grand feats in challenging any to a duel of talents! That is of course any pony really has any talent.”

The crowd seemed to accept her challenge, 9 ponies volunteered, with a few being rather young. Two mares jumped up first, they were both opposite colours, but looked exactly like twins.
“We’re the Chili Sisters, and we’re going to take you down you blue bag of wind!” They challenged.
James’ question was answered there and watched as the chili sisters began.

Capsi and Cayenne as they introduced themselves were travelling chili sales ponies, but they did perform some of their own tricks with their love of chili. The red and green coloured earth ponies got their bag of tricks, Red swallowed a strange concoction of green liquid and it seemed to glow phosphorous yellow when in the light, the Green mare got her bottle of burning red liquid, it also glowed brightly in the light.

The two sisters downed the contents and then after a moment or two they leaned arm over arm with each other and let off a fiery display of two jets of flames, green and red, which struck each other in a love heart shape. It crossed and struck in the middle where the lights turned yellow and gold and then dissipating as it hit the ground.
The crowd cheered for the two mares at the brilliant display. Trixie seemed to glare angrily, but recomposed herself.
“You call yourselves twins, all I see are two bumbling lovers…”

The unicorn showmare used her magic and began to summon up some of her own concoctions; the contents of both similar to the two Chili sisters, the bottles unleashed a rigid semi-liquid matter which snaked around and twisted around the feet of the two sisters who were dazed by the confusing display. Then the unicorn brought the liquids up and began a mini-tornado which engulfed the two and sent them into an embarrassing display of ‘sisterly’ love where both were tied up in an awkward angle.

The crowd laughed and cheered the girls off for trying, both blushing immensely as the stage ponies got them down.
James wasn’t impressed, such low blow tactics for entertainment, which meant that this poor mare was suffering from attention deficit disorder or had an ego the size of a 25km UCAF super cruiser. He continued to watch in absent amusement of how this pony got her kicks and thrills from making other ponies look bad.

The next up was a colt named Piper Pat who had a rather nice looking piper and began a wonderful tune to which everyone was attuned to so closely, his music made everyone clap for him and a few clops. He was then deftly humiliated by Trixie who used the air and blowed some sort of hypnotizing sound which made Pat dance like a fool and trip off the stage.

That got a lot of boos from the crowd at Trixie for that going even lower, the poor colt was young, not to mention actually talented. She didn’t care though; she waited for the next challengers.

Another colt by the name of Juggles came up on stage, he was also travelling and had just started his career on the road, and he was a rather cheery character which everyone liked. And he could juggle a lot of things, and made amazing structures from things he could juggle. He made 6 pyramids from rectangular pyramids and did it while still juggling with one hand.

It was an impressive feat nonetheless and Trixie made it personal to take her frustrations out on the poor colt by making his pyramids fall on him and then lift him up on top of a triangular spire which then as soon as it was finished collapsed and brought the poor colt down as well.

The crowd felt sorry for the young traveller. Skyline said that Trixie was utterly sadistic in the sense of treating others without much respect and only giving them heartache or humiliation. But few could stand up to her, as they had to challenge her in a fair duel, as loose as that term seemed.

The next ponies up were the Magic Maestro Brothers, Bach and Brahms got up with their instruments and began a two pony band that got everyone’s attention; it was a definite display of professionalism from the two who got everyone’s attention. Then as they finished up with a duet, Trixie got to work, she turned the drums into one massive gong and sent the two shaking along.

It was then that Trixie said.
“Oh woe for these poor foals, I’d rather pick a random challenger from the crowd below. Anyone dare to take on the Trixie?”

Ponies were reluctant, but not James, he stepped forward without a word and got everyone’s attention. He strolled so quietly he seemed like a ghost; murmurs came from the crowd about who the challenger was. As he stepped onto the stage, the magician asked unimpressed.
“What are you supposed to be?”

“Call me Whitetail the spirit of the free.” He replied with a curt bow.

“Very well Whitetail, why don’t you show us your amazing spirit abilities…” She punctuated with a yawn.

She was trying to provoke him, which really didn’t work for a helldiver like him, he was calm and patient and a damn good sniper to say the least. He picked her out, a 5’5 female wearing long thigh height boots and blue shorts with a tank top which brought her figure out. She had a cape and a magician’s hat which acted like a morale booster to her ego or something close considering how much she flicked it around her with care.

He replied.
“And so I shall.”

He tossed the cloak around him and activated his stealth fields where he vanished in the blink of an eye. The crowd gasped, there hadn't been any sort of proper invisibility attempt and most of the time it was a bit obvious for ponies to notice the feet or trapdoors. But this being just vanished and Trixie yawned.

She tossed a bag of flour and covered the area around where Whitetail had vanished, but her attempt was in vain, the stalker class stealth fields were known to faze a person out of visual recognition, and it could discriminate against the particles of dust in the air, which was how it managed to be so useful in situations.

The dust cleared and Trixie was still not impressed.
“How long can you attempt to hide from me? A trapdoor or a silly gimmick?”

“How about neither?” Said a voice from behind her.

She turned and saw a surprising sight, the ghostly shimmer of Whitetail was behind her and she stumbled a little in surprise. The being was shimmering in light wisps and had glowing eyes that made everyone gasp in surprise.
“I said I was a spirit didn’t I?”

“Ha! Spirit my flank!” She summoned her confidence and stuck her hand though the being.

She went right through the being, which made her stumble a bit and went.

“I said it again, I’m a spirit, either you accept it or not, doesn’t make a big deal to me.” He said walking away.

“All I see is an illusion!” She brought out a little spell of lightning and zapped the image.

White faded, but then she heard the voice again.
“How about, a deception?”

She jumped forwards as White was suddenly standing behind her, and then another came from her side.
“Or should I say multiplication?”

Another and another appeared, until 5 were standing around the magician who hit them all with a blast of air, and sent them into oblivion, she huffed.
“You can’t keep this up!”

“But I can!” Said a deep and ominous voice.

Trixie turned to see the cloak now black with a skull face which glowed bright white with 4 red eyes glared at her and then engulfed her. She screamed and then felt the cloak wrap around her, and she fell backwards in terror and found herself cowering. And then nothing happened, she looked around in confusion as the cloak returned to normal, but she was oddly missing something.

She blushed and grasped the cloak as she realised she had become nude. Everyone jeered at her in laughter at the predicament she had gotten herself into. And that was when White reappeared with her cape and said.
“You should know better Moxie; no one makes a fool out of me…”
The mare blushed brightly and then simmered.


AN: that’s all folks, for now at least.
I do need submissions for the OCs done by today though, please submit today your character bio; I’d like to add in more anthro characters. For the future of the story!