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Season 2: Episode 16 - Pashmina's choice.

It's a normal day in Ponyville, though right now, Hamtaro & Bijou are currently having a moment on top of a hill.

"...Is it just me, or is okay to be jealous of Hamtaro right now?" Panda asked.

"Yeah, but he's not the only hamster whose gotten his girl. Or do I need to bring up Oxnard & Pepper?" Stan asked.

"Or Maxwell & Sandy for that matter." Cappy pointed out.

"Ouch, way to just rub that one in." Stan said.

"Speaking of the girls, given how many of the hamsters seem to be popping up around here, maybe Flora is around here somewhere about now." Panda said.

"That's right, who knows if Flora--and he's gone." Cappy began before noticing that as he turned to Stan, the hamster was suddenly not there; a puff of smoke shaped like him on a skateboard was there instead.

"One track mind that one when it comes to Flora." Panda said.

That's when the two saw Dexter going into town from out of the Everfree Forest. "...Wait, what was Dexter doing in the Everfree Forest?" Cappy asked.

"Is he going to try and win over Pashmina's affections again? I can't believe he and Howdy are still fighting over her even now." Panda said.

"Some things just do not change." Cappy said.

Speaking of Pashmina, she was with Penelope today. She was once again, being the big sister figure to Penelope. The two were here at the Ponyville Kindergarten. "Wow. I can't believe how well made their playground is." Pashmina said.

"Oookie! Ooookie! Oookie!" Penelope said excitingly.

"Ha ha ha. Your obviously excited. You can play around the playground for a bit if you want. There's something I was hoping to discuss with Miss Cheerilee anyways." Pashima said before she left Penelope to go inside the schoolhouse.

"Oooo-ooookie?!" Penelope suddenly got worried. That's when Dexter suddenly showed up.

"Penelope? What are you doing here all alone? Ah well. I guess since I'm here, I can spare the time to play with you for a bit." Dexter said.

"Oookie! Oookie! Oookie!" Penelope said excitingly again.

"Huh. I'll be honest, I've never had this sort of request before." Miss Cheerilee said.

"I think it'd be great for Penelope. Especially since after the Discord thing from what I understand, the restrictions on education were loosened." Pashmina said.

"Yeah. I guess if a bunch of hamsters can cause a being that was thought to only be defeated by the Elements of Harmony to actually just flew Equestria to lands unknown, it does get noticed." Cheerilee said.

"Well, it was mostly his inability to effect Hamtaro that led him to just flee the scene essentially." Pashmina said.

"Do you think he'll be back?" Cheerilee asked.

"I hope not. Penelope was so a little traumatized from not being able to remember me, which is why I think her learning a few things here would be good for her." Pashmina said.

"Well, I can see no reason why she cannot attend here. She's a child like the rest of the class. Even if a bit younger." Pashmina said.

"She's not that much younger believe it or not. Maybe a month or two younger at best." Pashmina said.

"Well, you can tell Penelope the good news." Cheerilee said.

"Yep." Pashmina said. "Let's tell her together."

Once outside, Pashmina saw Dexter playing with Penelope, though he was looking a little tired.

"Dexter? What are you doing here?" Pashmina asked.

"Oh. I was just in the area. Penelope looked so scared, I figured I'd keep her company." Dexter said.

"I guess she's still having issues not being around others since the Discord thing happened." Pashmina said. "Thanks for looking after her. That was rather sweet of you."

"Oh, speaking of Penelope, I was hoping you wouldn't mind inviting me to her birthday party tomorrow." Dexter said, before he got out a wrapped package. "I've got something here that Penelope is sure to enjoy." He then whispered into Pashmina's ear. "I know she collected hamster made plushies, and I managed to get one specifically for her. But don't tell her out loud."

Pashmina's eyes went wide. "Y-you found one of those? For Penelope?"

"Well, it wasn't easy." Dexter said.

"D-dexter...I..." Pashmina quickly collected herself. "I honestly don't know how to thank you. Truely. You could've easily tried to get me something instead of Penelope but..."

"Well, I figured, Penelope deserved something special for a change. Besides, this took me all the last week to have ready." Dexter said. "Heck, I actually had to ask Zecora; that Zebra; for additional help. I'm not afraid to admit it. But, I think the end result is worth it."

"I-it is worth it Dexter. Seriously, thank you." Pashmina said. She started to blush "I-I honestly can't think of any other way to say thanks for something like this, other than to at least try to see if I can return the feelings for you that you have for me."

That caused Dexter to blush. "I-I can be patient to see if this can be real. I just...I didn't think you ever would start to fall for me. And most certainly, not because of this."

"I care a lot for Penelope; I'm the closest thing she has for family. She's just a child. So, yeah. I take notice of something like this." Pashmina said.

"Th-that's very like you, you know." Dexter said. "You were always so maternal towards Penelope. And I think that's why I've always liked you so much."

"Really? Wow. I-I didn't know." Pashmina was blushing all over again. "That's actually pretty sweet. I really hope I can return your feelings just as much as you express them."

"I hope you do too. But for a different reason this time." Dexter said.

"Ooo-yay! Big sis get boy! Yay!" Penelope said.

"P-Penelope...y-your speaking?" Pashmina was shocked as was Dexter. "I-I'm so proud..."

"I'm feeling quite proud of her too, even if I haven't been around her as long as you have." Dexter said.

"I-I didn't think I'd ever experience this in my entire career..." Cheerilee said.

"Yay! Everyone's proud of me! Happy times! Happy Times!" Penelope said excitingly.

"Even though she's formally speaking; she's still just as exitable as ever." Dexter said.

"Mmhmm; the more things change, the more they stay the same~" Pashmina said.

Author's Note:

I. Went. There.

And I'm expecting so many comments about it.

Until Monday everybody, take care.

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