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Season 1: Episode 1 - Of Tickets & Hamsters

Twilight had taught the Ham-hams the basics of the world the hamsters found themselves in. The hamsters were in a land known as Equestria, and there is much magic in this world. Twilight was easily demonstrating this by levitating a book. Maxwell opened his mouth to try and argue, but Sandy stopped him.

"Maxwell, we should've already realized this, but this world follows much different physics then what we're used to. If the fact that these Ponies can understand us." Sandy said.

"Don't forget Twilight's son, Spike." Boss said.

"Spike is my little brother; NOT my son." Twilight said.

"...Yeah you just keep telling yourself that." Boss said.

"Boss, now is not the time to be saying things like that." Hamtaro said.

"...I suppose your right." Boss said.

"As you're already aware, I'm a Unicorn as is Rarity. Then you have Pegasi like Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Applejack and Pinkie Pie are what we refer to as Earth Ponies. And then, there's Alicorns like Princess Celestia and my old foal sitter, Princess Candice." Twilight said. "Of course, there's also Princess Ceelstia's younger sister Princess Luna now too."

"And your saying Alicorns have much more magic then normal?" Hamtaro asked.

"Yes. That is what I'm saying. Oh, I almost forgot. Applejack wants Spike and I to come help with the apple harvest today." Twilight said.

"We ham-hams will be there too then." Hamtaro said.

"Really? And just how resourceful can you hamsters be?" Twilight asked.

"Just wait and see." Hamtaro said. "Ham-Hams Unite!"

"Oh my lordy, this is one crazy farm!" Pepper said.

"Wow. So many apples." Oxnard said.

"What the...are my ears playing tricks on me?" An older Earth Pony asked.

"No Granny, they are not." Applejack said. "Surprised you critters got here so fast."

"Yeah, how did that work?" Spike asked.

"We Ham-Hams are quite resourceful when we work together." Hamtaro admitted.

"Still, it's nice to know you'll be helping with one of the orchards today." Applejack said. "Especially since this is the Western Orchid this time."

"...Okay, I have so many questions now." The older earth pony known as Granny Smith said.

"You weren't kidding when you said you can be resourceful." Applejack said.

"For such cute little things, you can certainly be help--" Twilight was saying when suddenly there was a dog barking.

"Oh, that's Winona. She's ma dog." Applejack said.

"Why is she ba--" Hamtaro suddenly stopped and froze. "LOOK OUT, CAT INCOMING!" Hamtaro said, and the Ham-hams started to get into a formation.

Soon enough, Rarity came barreling, trailing behind a white cat. "Get back here, Opalescence!" Rarity said.

However, said cat was soon met with a wall of hamsters, who quickly had the cat fall into a pit fall trap. "Score another one for the ham-hams!" Hamtaro said.

"Wh-how did they do that?" Rarity asked.

"It's Hamtaro's usual cat-based trap. Works everytime, somehow." Boss said.

"I have so many questions..." Rarity said.

Spike suddenly burped up a letter. "Oh, it's an invatation to the grand galloping gala." Spike said.

"It's just for one guest though..." Twilight said.

Hamtaro soon realized what problems could arrise here. "Well Ham-Hams, I know what we're doing today." Hamtaro said.

The Ham-Hams managed to sneak onto a train to canterlot, and infultrate the throne room where Princess Celestia was with her nephew, Prince Blueblood.

"I still have no idea why you refuse to let that mirror and that book that's collecting dust out of your sight." Prince Blueblood said.

"I have my reasons, Nephew. Especially more so given Equestria's...recent guests." Celestia said.

"Your talking about us right?" Hamtaro asked, drawing attention to the ham-hams.

"OH DEAR AUNTY!" Prince Blueblood suddenly fainted after shouting; it was out of surprise though.

"...And how exactly did you get into the castle?" Princess Celestia asked.

"Hamster Trade Secret. But we did want to talk with you about something." Hamtaro said.

"Go on." Princess Celestia said.

"Well see, it's like this..." Hamtaro said.

Back in Ponyville, Twilight's Friends started to overbear on Twilight about her spare ticket, when Spike suddenly burped up another letter. "Huh? What's that about?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"...Huh. Says here, that Princess Celestia says she apologizes for not realizing sooner that perhaps all the elements of harmony may want to come along as well. They are after all, your new friends Twilgiht." Spike said.

"Wait, but...but how? What?" Pinkie Pie was dumbfounded.

"...Hamtaro and the Ham-Hams...they must've realized what the issue would be and went to solve it." Twilight said.

"Dang, for a bunch of little hamsters, they sure are resourceful." Rainbow Dash said.

"Ah guess we owe them a big thank-you." Applejack said.

"Oh my gosh, I just realized something!" Pinke Pie said.

"Wh-what is it? Do you not want to go after all?" Twilight asked.

"No! I mean that I never gave the Ham-Hams their 'Welcome to Ponyville' party!" PInkie Pie said. "But now it's going to be a 'Welcome to Ponyville/Thanks for Solving the Ticket Issue' party!" She added.

Rainbow Dash face hoofed. "Never change Pinkie Pie; never change." She said.

Author's Note:

That's it for now folks. Stay tuned next friday for more hamster cuteness, wacky adventures, and hilarious hijinks.

Till next time, remember this: When trouble comes a knocking, there's only one hamster that can lead the charge; and his name is Hamtaro!

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