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Season 1: Episode 12 - Party of...many?!

It was now the day after Gummy's Birthday Bash, and Pinkie wanted to host an afterparty for Gummy.

"Oh hey there Pinkie." Hamtaro said. He was with most of the other ham hams. Boss was not there though. Neither was Snoozer either.

"Hamtaro? Have you ham-hams seen the other girls?" Pinkie asked.

"We have. But, we were hoping you'd love to spend some time with us. I mean, sure, you know us, but you didn't...invite us to Gummy's party yesterday." Maxwell pointed out.

"Oh. Oh! OH MY GOSH! I am so sorry! I'll make up for this right away!" Pinkie Pie said, and grabbed the hamsters. Not noticing them give each other a thumbs up.

"Can't believe I was so negligent!" Pinkie Pie said, setting up a small table for the hamsters. "Honestly, this isn't like me. I can't remember the last time I made such a huge mistake like this." The party mare was quickly getting cupcakes ready. "I mean, this is ME we're talking about. How could I have been so foolish as to forget to invite the ham-hams to gummy's birthday party?!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

"It's okay Pinkie Pie. The girls will understand this once you explain this to them. I think one might even come over later." Sparkle said.

"Heke?" Bijou was a bit flabbergasted about what Sparkle just said.

Howdy elbowed Sparkle. "Ow!" Sparkle said.

"Remember: We're supposed to distract her." Howdy whispered to Sparkle.

"Oh...oh right..." Sparkle whispered back. "Ahem. What I mean to say is, that there's a chance one of the other element barers will be over later to grab a cupcake or something." She said aloud.

"Your right about that. Because that would be Fluttershy. She always comes by daily to grab a carrot cupcake after all." Pinkie Pie said. "...Which is funny, because I don't think she's come by today."

"She might come by later. You never know. Or you might have just missed her while planning Gummy's after party." Dexter said.

"Oh my gosh your right! Speaking of that, since you hamsters missed the initial party, I'm sure the girls won't mind if your the only ones that attend the after party. This is going to be difficult for me to host a party with just hamsters, but I have yet to turn down a party challenge." Pinkie Pie said.

That's when Rainbow Dash came into the room. "Uh...what's with the hamster party?" Rainbow Dash asked. She then shivered. "Whoa. I just got a shiver."

"Oh! Why are you here Rainbow Dash? I thought Fluttershy would--" Pinkie Pie then realized. "...Wait a second...I didn't forget to invite you hamsters to Gummy's birthday party, did I?" She asked.

"If you want the real party today, come to Sweet Apple Acres." Pepper said.

"Party that I didn't know about?" Pinkie Pie asked.

It turned out to be Pinkie Pie's own birthday party.

"You...you gals all did this for me?!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

"And the ham hams helped." Twilight said. "We just had them distract you while we set the whole thing up without your notice."

"...Wow. I can't believe that worked on me. You gals are the best friends ever to surprise me like this. And trust me, doing that is hard!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Honestly Pinkie Pie, you're not wrong. That's why we got the ham hams to help. Gummy's birthday party just gave us an easy lie for the Ham-Hams to tell you." Applejack said.

"Yeah. We're so small, that we sometimes blend into the background. So you probably didn't even notice if we came or not." Hamtaro said.

"So true. So true." Pinkie Pie said. "Well, let's party!" She said.

Author's Note:

Hey look, Pinkie Pie doesn't turn emo in this episode.

Also, this episode got made short. Because Hamtaro happened to it.

Though if you get why Rainbow Dash shivered when she mentioned a hamster party without looking it up, you've earned five trillion internets.

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