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Prologue: Pilot Episode - Little Hamsters, New Adventures!

It was a bright day out in a city in Japan. And we join a hamster known as Hamtaro watching his owner, Laura, leave. But she wouldn't be the only leaving the house. As soon as Larua left, Hamtaro scurried away, leaving his house via a drain pipe.

"Oh hey Brandy." Hamtaro greated the family's other pet, a dog named Brandy. "Boss has something special to show all the Ham-Hams today. So I got to go." Hamtaro said before he left.

Hamtaro came to the meet-up spot for all the Ham-Hams. There was Boss, Bijou, Cappy, Dexter, Howdy, Maxwell, Oxnard, Panda, Pashmina, Penelope, Pepper, Sandy, and of course Stan all there waiting for Hamtaro. "Sorry if I'm a bit late guys." Hamtaro said.

"Don't be too hard on yourself. Your actually on time today." Boss said.

"So, what's the big secret Boss?" Bijou asked.

I wonder if Boss is going to do something to impress Bijou? Again? Hamtaro thought to himself.

"This has to be something really special if you want us all here." Maxwell said.

"It is. And it's just in this bush here." Boss said.

"WAIT FOR ME!" A female voice said.

"...I recongize THAT voice." Hamtaro said. Sure enough, it was who he feared: Sparkle, the hamster from Hollywood USA.

"Sparkle? How did you know to come here of all places?" Bijou asked.

"Did you really think a big star like mwah was going to miss something like this? And wouldn't have been secretly spying on you yesterday?" Sparkle asked. "You should really think about installing security or something at that clubhouse; it was WAY too easy to sneak in." She added.

"I'll keep that in mind. For now, behold!" Boss said, before revealing a strange swirling thing in the bushes.

"Whoa. What is this?" Hamtaro asked.

"Don't ask me. I have no idea what it is." Boss said. "But doesn't it look all mysterious and...what's the other word?" He asked.

"I think the other world your looking for is Futuristic. Though, this looks more like something out of science fiction to me." Maxwell said.

"And why do you supposed that, Maxwell?" Sandy asked.

"Well, I've read a lot of books as you know. And one genre of books is the Science Fiction genre. This seems to be taken straight out of those books." Maxwell said.

Suddenly, the portal started growing larger. "...Did any of those books say anything about swirly things growing in size?!" Sparkle exclaimed.

"No. No they did not." Maxwell said, panicking.

A strange gravitational sucked all the hamsters into the swirling vortex, which then closed up behind them.

The Ham-Hams were spat out of the portal in some strange town at night. "Ugh...I don't feel too good." Sparkle said.

"You're not the only one." Dexter said.

"Is everything not feeling too good right now?" Boss asked.

"I am also not feeling too good also." Hamtaro said.

"So we're all not feeling too good after that experience?" Maxwell asked. Every ham else sort of responded with a "yes" in a way. "...Huh. What are the odds?" The booksmart hamster asked.

Suddenly, the moon shifted away and was replaced with daylight. "Wait, how did it become morning so fast?" Hamtaro asked.

"I don't think we're in Japan anymore." Sparkle said.

"As much as I hate to agree with Sparkle, she may be right." Bijou said.

Suddenly some horse creatres came up to them. "Oh my gosh! They are so cute!" A yellow one with wings said.

"Wait, there are PEGASI here?" Maxwell asked.

"...WAIT THEY TALK?!" A purple one with a horn said.

"Unicorns too? Huh...what are the odds?" Maxwell asked.

"I'm starting to think we may not even been on EARTH anymore." Hamtaro said.

"Okay, who are you guys?" A cyan pegasus said.

"Well I'm Hamtaro. These are my friends, Boss, Bijou, Cappy, Dexter, Howdy, Maxwell, Oxnard, Panda, Pashmina, Penelope, Pepper, Sandy, Stan, and Sparkle." Hamtaro said. "You could just call us the Ham-Hams."

"Err...well, I'm Twilight Sparkle." The purple unicorn said.

"Applejack." A normal horse creature wearing a farmer's hat said.

"Rainbow Dash." The cyan pegasus said.

"Rarity." A white unicron said.

"Fluttershy." The yellow pegasus said.

"There's only five of you?" Boss asked.

"SQUEE! HOW CUTE!" A Pinke normal horse creature suddenly was cuddling the Ham-Hams.

"...And that is Pinkie Pie." Twilight said.

"PINKIE! Now's not the time to be hugging talking hamsters." Rainbow Dash said.

"Wait, you can...understand us?" Maxwell asked, flabbergasted at this.

"Can hear you just like I can hear the wind, buster." Rainbow Dash said.

"You actually technically cannot hear the wind, see--" Maxwell said.

"Yeah no, we already have one egghead; thank you." Rainbow Dash said.

"Now that was rude." Maxwell said.

"That hamster is right for saying that. Shame on you, Rainbow." Fluttershy said.

That's when a much taller looking white horse creature with both wings and a horn approuched the ham-hams. "A-an Alicorn?!" Maxwell suddenly fainted.

"I have a feeling you did not come here by accident, Ham-Hams." The alicorn said.

"We kind of got sucked into this swirly thing that just grew out of nowhere. No idea what it was, but it seems to have vanished behind us." Hamtaro said.

"...I see. Then you are not from our world at all." The alicorn said.

"Princess Celestia, what are you saying?" Twilight asked.

"These Ham-Hams are from a completely different world. And I bet they will need some help fitting in around here." Princess Celestia said.

"Well we don't want to be an inconvenience. We would like some help getting back home though." Hamtaro said.

"...I'm afraid...that's beyond even me." Princess Celestia said.

"Back up, the PRINCESS of Equestria admitting that something is beyond her? What reality is this?" Rainbow Dash said.

"Rainbow Dash, show some restraint!" Twilight said.

"Rainbow Dash's reaction is not unfounded. I'm afraid, some force that rivals true gods has brought these Hamsters here. For what reason, I'm not sure. I only know this: They won't be going back. Ever." Princess Celestia said.

"...Wait...your saying that...that we are..." Hamtaro stuttered.

"Yes. You are stuck here." Princess Celestia said.

"...Oh boy. Laura's going to panic..." Hamtaro said.

"How on earth are you taking this so well?" Sparkle asked.

"Hey, we're all here at least. That's better then us getting flung to all sorts of places randomly if you ask me." Hamtaro said.

How can one hamster be so headstrong?! Twilight exclaimed.

Presenting a fanfic that was just waiting to be made...

A crossover between Hamtaro and MLP:FiM.

Only on Fimfiction...

And produced by Rob Snowden...

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic


Hamtaro; Little Hamsters, Big Adventures!

Author's Note:


Welcome to the most personal passion project ever. And ready your insulin. The cuteness has only just began.

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