• Published 3rd Apr 2022
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Demon Slayer: The Strange Demon - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkamena was minding her own business inside Pinkie's mind before she was ripped out of it and thrown into a new world, without any connection to Pinkie, leaving her on her own as she faces demons and a threat to the safety of this new world.

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Mizunoto: A Chance Encounter

As it turned out it took Pinkamena and Tanjiro about three days to reach Asakusa, giving them plenty of time to make sure Nezuko was fine, as her regeneration kicked in and took care of the wound on her head, and make sure the town was safe from Demons, though once that was done they departed and followed the crows once more as they kept their guards up, as there was no telling what might be waiting for them next. While they walked Tanjiro took it upon himself to tell her more about the land, such as the fact that Asakusa happened to be a city in Tokyo, Japan, though she tilted her head a little as he explained what he meant to her, once more going under the guise that she was a poor soul who lost all of her memories when she transformed into a Demon. If she was being honest it was something that needed to be corrected, that he and Sakonji needed to be told the truth about her condition, as sooner or later someone was going to figure out the truth about her and confront her, so sharing it with them might save her some trouble, but it was good enough to give her information about everything that was going on. Another thing she thought about was how no one seemed to question all of her pony features, like the ears and tail, and while some might assume they were her demonic features, such as Tanjiro and Sakonji, ordinary citizens should be taking one look at her and calling someone to deal with her, where she had to assume it was another rule of Chaos World, something she wasn't going to argue with.

Other than that she continued to present herself as a Human to everyone they passed by, which wasn't too many people since it appeared that most stayed in the villages and towns that existed in this land, though whenever they stopped for the night she made sure to eat a little bit, even though it was away from Tanjiro since she was sure it would weird him out, to see a Demon eating another Demon, as she focused on their current mission.

Asakusa, as it turned out, was a massive city, as the buildings, for the most part, were taller than those they had seen back in the previous settlements they had passed through, there were a large number of flowing flags, and there were a fairly large number of bright lights that seemed to be everywhere, to the point where those who weren't used to seeing this sort of thing would be stunned and shocked by the sight. In addition to all of that Pinkamena and Tanjiro found what appeared to be a trolley system that stretched all over Asakusa, the city was built on a bay and had a fountain tower at some point, which they knew thanks to one of the people who greeted them when they entered the place, and it appeared that there were a number of carriages moving around as well, showing them that this place was more advanced than what they had seen so far. Of course Pinkamena wasn't totally surprised by this scene, where so many people were moving around, due to the fact that she had seen both Ponyville and Canterlot before, plus all of the other settlements Pinkie had been to over the years, though it did make an ideal place for a Demon to hide and prey upon, as there were all sorts of targets and that meant they could be here for days, maybe even weeks, tracking down their target. Tanjiro, on the other hand, was out of his element as he stared at the sight that they were staring at, and Nezuko had joined them since it was night out, in fact they had made sure to let her out of the box before people saw them since it would have only raised questions that none of them wanted to answer.

As they stared at the scene in front of them, however, Pinkamena sensed something that set off her alarms, the ones that told her when Demons were nearby, meaning there was one somewhere in Asakusa and all of the rumors were true, but, at the same time, it felt far stronger than anything she had felt so far, making her wonder if there was a trace of Muzan in this city, or if her nerves were getting the best of her.

"Let's... let's get out of here..." Tanjiro said, as the scenery, smells, and all the people had gotten to him and he wanted to take a break before trying to figure out where in the world their target might be hiding, or who they could talk to so they could gain some information on where it could be found, though he pulled Nezuko to the side and Pinkamena sighed as she followed after him, mostly so they stayed together, in case the Demon attacked first.

One thing Pinkamena had discovered during the three day trek to Asakusa was that the crows did deliver their paychecks before they reached the city, as each member of the Demon Slayer Corps did get paid for their work and those that were in the lowest rank, of which they were still in, earned twenty thousand Yen, whatever that was, so Tanjiro was able to buy a cloth for his head so he could block the lights, all while making his way to a mobile eating area.

"Don't lower your guard, Tanjiro, there are Demons somewhere in this city," Pinkamena commented, speaking whenever they were alone, even though she knew that it was unlikely that her friend was listening since he was more interested in his current self imposed task, purchasing an order of Yamakama Noodles and some tea, causing her to focus on the area that the food vendor was in as she made sure no enemies were lurking in the shadows.

"Sorry, I'm not used to places like this... too many people..." Tanjiro replied, where he sat down, after making sure Nezuko was sitting down on a bench and set the box to the side so he could free his back for a time, allowing him to sip from the cup that his tea had been poured into, though as he did that both he and Pinkamena paused for a moment, as both found a change in what they had been feeling for a while, or smelling in his case, causing him to spring to his feet as he glanced all over the area, "That scent... it was lingering near our house when I discovered that Nezuko and the others had been attacked by a Demon... I don't know why, but Muzan is nearby!"

"Tanjiro, don't do anyth..." Pinkamena started to say, because if it was Muzan they had found out, since she was sure it was the Demon King and not one of his subordinates or underlings, challenging him now would be suicide, even though there was a good chance her power might be able to hold him back right now, but before she could even finish her statement her friend rushed out of the area and started to follow his nose, causing her to sigh as she carefully followed after him as she maintained a normal Human pace this time.

As Tanjiro ran through the streets of the city, a rather foolish plan since they were on the tail of the Demon King himself, a fact that made Pinkamena take a moment to make sure both of their crows knew about this and sent them off when she had a chance, since he would be too much for either of them, though she remained on the rooftops and watched over her friend as he pushed his way through the crowd and found the person that had appeared before her when she nearly died two years ago.

"Muzan." Pinkamena growled, no doubt echoing Tanjiro calling the man by the same name, even if he was using both his first and last name in his statement, where she gripped the handle of her blade for a moment and considered her options, either watch this unfold or strike Muzan while his guard was down, because with the First Form of her Breathing Style she could take his head here and now, only to pause as she and Tanjiro found a young girl, probably five or six, resting in his hands, like he was a parent.

She understood what was going on immediately, Muzan must have stalked the family for some time, as there was a young woman standing nearby as well and she was sure that she addressed him as 'husband', and took out whoever the lady had been married to, using his shapeshifting powers to take his form and his life so he could blend in with society, no doubt for whatever foul task he was trying to accomplish. This, of course, provided the perfect shield for him if he was discovered by a Demon Slayer, be it one of the lower ranks or even the Hashira, as he would ensure that all of the Humans around him would be his cover so he could escape, so no Demon Slayer could raise a finger to him in this circumstance, and now that Tanjiro had found him, and had likely said his true name, he was going to disappear in no time. True enough Muzan was far too calm and confident for her liking, he knew there was nothing that could be done to him in this situation and Tanjiro, sensing that fact, didn't draw his blade or even make a move to make it known to those who were around him, where the Demon King seemed to be talking about how Tanjiro might have mistaken them for someone else. It was a good plan, one that could easily spell trouble for her friend if their foe continued to talk about the trouble that he might be in, since the lady seemed to think that he might be a troublemaker or something, and she focused on Tanjiro, hoping that a silent type of communication might convince him to depart from the area so they could grab Nezuko and then keep an eye on him, at least until one of the Hashira came to check on what was going on.

Of course that was when the situation changed, as Muzan quickly scratched the neck of someone who was nearby, far too fast for anyone else to see, even if she and Tanjiro saw the movement, and in that single motion he also pricked his finger and added some of his own blood to the mix, causing a rapid transformation in the man in question as his demonic side took over and he attacked his wife, biting into her shoulder in the process. It, too, made perfect sense to Pinkamena, as an attack like this would draw attention away from him and allowing him to slip out of the area without alerting the Corps as to what he was doing, and while that happened she found that Tanjiro's crow was still hanging out nearby, instead of just leaving to give the Corps the information she had shared with his and her own, so she rushed over to it and informed it to cancel the delivery to their headquarters. Her reasoning was because her friend had botched the mission, alerting Muzan to their presence and leading to another Demon being created, to which the crow nodded and took off without delay, no doubt tracking down her crow, where she turned her head and found that Tanjiro, in another act of stupidity, was calling out to Muzan, that he would track him to the ends of this world, all the way to Hell itself, and take him down to avenge all those who had been slain over the years. Pinkamena got one more glimpse of Muzan before he disappeared entirely, as he was staring at Tanjiro's earrings, meaning they had to be more important than she originally assumed, before he took a moment to glance in her direction as well, showing her that he had known about her existence, and then vanished with his fake family as Tanjiro dealt with the new Demon.

As she expected the local police wasn't too happy about the situation, even though Tanjiro insisted that the man hadn't killed anyone yet, though that was when something interesting happened as everyone seemed to be affected by a Blood Demon Art, where she spotted a young woman in a dark purple kimono that had a flower pattern on it, while standing on her left was a young male who wore a button up shift under a white colored kimono, though as she jumped down into the chaos Pinkamena assumed that the flower pattern was the woman's doing.

"You are very strange, young man... that you would refer to those turned into Demons as people, and are trying to save one from death," the female Demon said, as Pinkamena could tell, from a glance, that she and her assistant were Demons, though as she did that she raised her arm and the cuts she had made earlier, no doubt activating the technique that had ensnared everyone around them, healed in a matter of seconds, "Then I shall lend you a hand."

"Tell me, why would two Demons want to help some members of the Corps out?" Pinkamena asked, especially since so far only she and Nezuko were the exception to the rule that Demons attacked people and ate them, so this was more to see what their intentions might be, before agreeing to anything and putting them in harms way, where the male frowned as his boss seemed to think about something for a time.

"Even though I'm a Demon, I'm also a doctor... and I want to eradicate that man, Muzan Kibutsuji." the lady replied, where Pinkamena detected a slight change in her tone for a moment, no doubt due to something that had happened in the past, though she let out a sigh as she removed her hand from her blade and assisted Tanjiro with the transformed male, mostly to show the two Demons that they were willing to listen to them for a time.

What happened next was that the lady and her assistant took the transformed Human and left the area, and they did so as well, leaving the rest of the Humans confused as to what was going on once the Blood Demon Art disappeared, where they returned to where Nezuko had been left, with Pinkamena following from some of the roofs once more, just to keep an eye out for any of Muzan's underlings. When they found Nezuko she was under assault by the food vendor Tanjiro had bought some food from, where he seized the bowl of food and devoured all of it in no time, thanking the man for the meal before grabbing the box and escorting his sister out of the area, even though they did find the male Demon standing near one of the alleys that rested in this part of the city. Apparently, according to the Demon, where they were going had some sort of cloaking spell over it, one that would prevent people from finding it, which had been said in response to Tanjiro's comment about finding them based on smell, though as he said that Pinkamena turned her head and sensed the spell in question from where she was standing, meaning she had more of Pinkie's powers than she thought. Of course the young male Demon seemed to think that Nezuko was a brute, even though she was rather pretty for her age, and it caused her brother to speak up for her while they walked through the city, coming to what appeared to be the outskirts, where she found a house that had some sort of paper with an eye on it that rested above the front door, which seemed to be what was powering the spell.

When they entered the building they found that the female Demon was tending to the lady who had been wounded, due to the fact that her assistant had grabbed her as well, to leave no witnesses behind or something like that, and Tanjiro did think it was weird that a Demon would tend to a Human's wounds, causing the assistant to hit him in the area below his neck, like he was offended by the statement.

"Please, stop doing that... why must you always resort to violence..." the Demon doctor said, showing them that this had to be a common occurrence for her, that her assistant had a habit of doing stuff like this and she kept trying to get him to stop doing it, causing the male Demon to sigh for a moment as he lowered his arm, showing that he understood, at least for the time being, "Anyway, I am Tamayo, and my assistant is Yushiro... please, try to get along with him. Now, to answer your question, I do not feel any particular discomfort when tending to my patients, as I've had an easier time than most normal Demons, due to the fact that I am able to manipulate my body and used that skill to remove the curse that all of us face when we become Demons... what I mean is that I made it so that I can survive without partaking in Human flesh, as I only need a small amount of blood to survive."

"Really? All you do is drink blood to survive?" Pinkamena asked, though at the same time they followed Tamayo as she got up and lead them to another room, one that was away from the sleeping lady, while her husband seemed to be down in the dungeon, where they kept Demons she guessed, before they sat down in the room, even though Nezuko seemed to be more interested in rolling around for some reason, "That's interesting..."

"And here I thought some Demon Slayers would be disgusted by that fact... I guess I might have been wrong to think such a thing," Tamayo replied, though it was hard to tell if she knew that Pinkamena was more than what she claimed to be, as Muzan had noticed her earlier, something that could be his reaction to a Demon Slayer discovering his hiding place, or if Chaos World was hiding her from the Demons as well, "Anyway, we don't go out an attack people for their blood, rather we buy blood that was originally given for transfusions from people who don't have a lot of money, and we make sure to take what we need, instead of causing disruptions to one's body... in fact, with my small appetite and Yushiro's minuscule need for blood, one transfusion can last for a month, sometimes more if we're lucky. Speaking of which, I was the one who turned him into a Demon in the first place... the fact that all Demons are made by Muzan is factually incorrect, as there are other Demons who can increase the number that exist in this land... and no, I won't increase the amount of Demons, not after everything I have seen and done, but as a doctor, left with no options while fighting an incurable disease, turning a patient is the last option I can give them."

"I see... Tamayo, this is going to be a difficult question," Tanjiro said, where Pinkamena knew what was coming next, this was his chance to see if there was a way to restore his sister to her Human state, instead of her being trapped as a Demon and maybe killed by one of the Hashira, or another Demon Slayer, to which he steeled himself for what he was about to ask the pair that was in front of him, "Is there a way to turn a Human who has been turned into a Demon back into their previous Human state?"

"Yes, there is a way," Tamayo stated, something that caused the pair to stop in their tracks for a moment, where Tanjiro found that Pinkamena was causing him to stop before he did or said anything that might annoy Yushiro or even Tamayo, who seemed to be considering something while they understood that she was doing her best to make sure people were safe and sound, potentially following in Muzan's footsteps, "no matter what kind of sickness it is, there will be treatment methods and medicine for them... however, at my current stage, I can't turn a Demon back into a Human, despite my own attempts to best research and develop such a treatment. Based on my findings, in order to make the medicine to reverse the transformation process, I need to investigate and study a large amount of Demon blood, thus I need to ask two things of you: first, I need to study your sister's blood, and second, you need to gather Muzan's blood from the Demons that have it coursing through their veins."

"You mean like the Twelve Kizuki?" Pinkamena inquired, because while it made sense to just kill every Demon they came across, as long as they were like the Swamp Demon and not like both Tamayo or Yushiro, finding and killing a few of their foe's more powerful followers would decrease his power base and boost their chances of making this cure, since she knew that the Demon Moons were supposed to have a greater amount of Muzan's blood in them, before she thought about the other thing Tamayo wanted, "Nezuko's blood might be very useful as well, since she hasn't devoured or eaten anything that is Human related and has been sleeping for the last two years... her unique development might open some doors for you, to better understand all of this."

"Seems like both of our missions are going to overlap... very well, I, Tanjiro Kamado, also with my sister Nezuko and our friend Pinkamena, will do this," Tanjiro said, as it occurred to him that they hadn't given their new allies their names, a fact he was somewhat ashamed by when he thought about it, though as he said that Pinkamena shifted her stance, no doubt eager to get out of here and make a new report to the crows, once they returned anyway, "besides, if we do this, we'll be able to save the lives of more than just Nezuko, we might be able to purify more Demons and put an end to this fight, once and for all."

As Tamayo considered that, using the cure on Muzan himself, Tanjiro, Yushiro, and Pinkamena sensed something coming their way and everyone moved out of the way, where they found a ball bursting through the walls and striking the ceiling, showing them that someone was attacking Tamayo's house, to the point where a hole opened in one of the walls and let Pinkamena see two Demons standing outside, a young girl with an orange kimono and a young boy who wore a yellow-green yukata with blue beads around his neck.

"It's just like what Yahaba said, a structure appeared where there wasn't one before," the young girl said, though it was far too easy for Pinkamena to see that she was a Demon, her skin and eye silts were some basic signs when she wasn't using her senses to get an early heads up, though she had a pair of decent sized balls in her hands, where one was the one that struck the house and the other hadn't been used yet.

"It seems like they used a Blood Demon Art to hide this place, though it is odd to have a pair of Demon Slayers hanging out with some Demons." the male added, showing that he understood what was going on right now and that he could see the lot of them, even though it appeared that he had his eyes closed, where they found that he also had eyes on the palms of his hands for some reason, no doubt tied to his own power, before he glanced at his partner, "Anyway, Susamaru, the way you handled this was far too immature... or maybe it was too childish... and you ended up getting dust on my clothing with all the damage you did to the building."

Pinkamena said nothing as the two Demons got into a brief argument about how to go about dealing with their mission, a fact that allowed them some time to get ready since Tanjiro was having Nezuko take the unconscious lady down into the basement, since it seemed to be the only safe place left right now, while Yushiro kept Yamato safe, to the point where he lost his head due to one of the handballs that Susamaru used as her weapons. Of course Susamaru revealed that they had been told to kill Tanjiro, since she mentioned his earrings by name, and Pinkamena, as her fox mask was unique and that apparently told Muzan he had two threats that needed to be taken care of, but of course she didn't mention her master by name, rather she referred to him as the 'Great One'. In the following moments one of the handballs came at Tanjiro and he found that he wouldn't be able to get out of the way in time, to which she watched as he shifted his stance and quickly used the Seventh Form of Water Breathing, Drop Ripple Thrust, which happened to be the fastest thrusting technique out of every Breathing Style, or at least it was according to Sakonji. Such a thing allowed him to stop the handball before it had a chance to strike him in the face, since it took off Yushiro's head earlier, though despite the fact that he stalled the ball, a feat that would keep his head safe for now, it did shake before whacking him in the head, forcefully moving his blade at the same time.

As that happened, and Yushiro regrew his head while spouting his annoyance over the fact that his technique was still in the imperfect stage of development, meaning the more people there were the more likely Muzan would find them, that was when Pinkamena noticed the oddity of Susamaru's attacks, someone was redirecting them to make sure each struck their target, causing her to sigh as she stepped forward and raised her left hand, stalling a handball that came at her, one that she hurled back at Susamaru, who caught it with her right hand.

"You two seem rather strong... not Kizuki strong, mind you, but strong enough for me to test something," Pinkamena said, though as she said that Tamayo noticed something immediately, the marking on Pinkamena's left hand started to glow in a bright crimson light, like a Blood Demon Art, and the air seemed to shudder in response to what she was doing, where she had to wonder if the Corps had been infiltrated by a Demon, "Awaken, Chaos World."

In that moment Tamayo noticed a circle of crimson energy that formed around Pinkamena's hooves, something that did cause Susamaru to pause as she saw it form, while the other Demon seemed to be hiding somewhere in the area, before everyone realized that it was starting to move out from where she was standing, meaning her power was being activated at long last. As soon as she noticed that Tamayo and Yushiro watched as the energy rushed outwards, covering the entire ground around where her residence rested, including the walls for that matter, and she was sure that the energy came to a stop outside the walls, given that she had to be a fairly weak Demon, in comparison to the Kizuki, before watching as the energy reached into the air. It was almost like a dome formed around them, made out of crimson energy, though not a few seconds later it seemed to solidify and disappeared, leaving the night sky for them to look at, but what she noticed in that moment was that the sounds of the city had disappeared, why she had no idea, and as Susamaru glanced around, and the other seemed to do nothing, she carefully moved to the edge of the area and paused when she laid her eyes on what was in front of her. They seemed to be surrounded by a void, as if her residence and everyone inside it had been taken from one reality and had been dropped in another, to which she glanced back at Pinkamena for a moment and saw her in a new light, as instead of a Demon with pony features she looked more like a fox goddess, with a fox's muzzle, fur, a tail, and paws instead of hooves, with the color not influenced by her odd skin color, as if her fox mask or her power was influencing those that were around her, hence why she remained with Yushiro as she took in what was happening.

"No way... you're a Demon?! There's a Demon, in the Demon Slayer Corps?!" Susamaru said, where it was easy for them to tell that she was taken aback by this information and had no idea what to do about it, since it was unheard of for a Demon to join the very organization, even though Pinkamena had heard of rumors of lesser Demon Slayers being turned into the very creatures they swore to destroy, before she jumped into the air and discovered what Tamayo had found, causing her to look at Pinkamena, "What did you do?"

"I pulled us into my domain, where we can fight to our hearts content," Pinkamena replied, though Tanjiro found that this time around she didn't touch her blade, as if she wanted to test her demonic strength against a foe that was stronger than both the Hand Demon and the Swamp Demon, hence why she raised a hand towards her opponent and beckoned to her, all while Tanjiro started to glance around for Yahaba, who was hiding somewhere in this area, "come on, you can fight me without having to worry about bystanders getting in the way."

"Me? Worry about bystanders?" Susamaru inquired, where she pulled her arms through her attire and yanked them out a few seconds later, showing off her midriff for some reason as Pinkamena noticed that she had a black cloth around the upper part of her chest, before it shuddered and she grew four more arms, each with it's own handball, meaning she had three right arms and three left arms, where she looked up with a smile on her face, "Oh, I'm so going to beat you into the ground and drag you back to the Great One."

Tamayo watched as Susamaru readied her arms for a moment, showing them that she was getting ready to fight while her partner remained hidden, hence why she was having Yushiro give Tanjiro some of his enhanced sight to track him down at some point, though everyone seemed to be watching Pinkamena to see how she would react, which might provide a good opening to take down the hidden Demon. In the following moment she decided to strike as she started throwing the set of handballs right at her target, where each one seemed to go in different directions as they headed for their target, despite the fact that Pinkamena didn't seem to mind what was going on as she shifted her head a little, no doubt tracking each of her foe's attacks, a feat that would have been incredible had she been a normal Human. An odd thing happened while she was doing that, each of the handballs suddenly changed course and zeroed in on Pinkamena from new angles, no doubt because Susamaru wanted to trick her and open her defenses so she could blow her body to pieces, to take her head back to Muzan, but in that moment Tamayo noticed something strange, the fox visage actually smiled. Pinkamena decided to make her move as all of the handballs came at her, where she leapt into the air and spun around, punching and kicking all six of the projectiles within seconds, sending them backwards at Susamaru, who caught them and found that all six of her wrists were broken from catching her handballs, something that was easily fixed as she attacked again.

In that moment Tamayo realized something, this was Pinkamena's domain and that meant that she made the rules, which would explain how she was able to track down each handball and send it back with ease, but even as such a thought came to mind she realized the shocking and terrifying truth, while she could bend reality to her will, and cheat her way to victory, she wasn't doing that, rather she was using her own base power to take on Susamaru, making her think about what might happen if she fought one of the Kizuki.

Another thing she noticed was that Tanjiro seemed to be having problems with Yahaba, as the Demon was using arrows to move objects and enemies in the direction that he wanted, especially since it seemed that some of the arrows were on the handballs and aided Susamaru's power in trying to take down Pinkamena, where Tanjiro and Nezuko were forced back by one of the arrows as Yahaba faced them. Pinkamena also noticed that and found that Susamaru sent some of her attacks at Tanjiro, where he saw them coming, thanks to the paper Yushiro had attached to his forehead earlier, and unleashed another Form to take all six of them out before they could hit him or his sister, which happened to be the Third Form of Water Breathing, Flowing Dance, where the user swings and bends their blade along with their body, giving the illusion of one dancing as they slashed through everything in their way. In that instant, while her foe was distracted, Pinkamena took a moment to make another move, she seemed to shift her stance, like she was drawing and using her blade, where it was easy for Tamayo to notice that the weapon wasn't actually drawn as all six of Susamaru's arms went flying after being cut by something, causing the younger Demon to pause as she growled and turned back towards her foe, regrowing her arms so she could focus on Pinkamena again. Tamayo then noticed that the severed arms, which rested nearby for a couple of seconds, seemed to flash like they were reduced to ash or something, though given the oddity of Pinkamena's powers, as she was sure that there were more she hadn't shown them yet, it was possible that maybe she was collecting parts from all of the Demons she had faced since joining the Corps.

What was interesting was that Tanjiro was able to combine his own Water Breathing with Yahaba's Blood Demon Art, and it ended with him removing the Demon's head, though the Demon Slayer was then forced to unleash a number of Forms as he was trapped in Yahaba's final attack, sending him flying throughout the area thanks to his arrows, which meant that Susamaru's power was weakened with her partner's downfall.

"What's the matter, 'Demon Slayer'? Too scared to fight me with your weapon?" Susamaru exclaimed, like she was trying to taunt Pinkamena into attacking her on her own terms, though she didn't seem to care about what happened to Yahaba, as most Demons didn't care about what happened to those that were around them, though Tamayo could see that she had moved onto kicking one of the handballs at her foe, who returned it with a kick of her own, as if they were playing a game of Kemari with each other.

"Like I said, I'm testing my strength... and I am pleased. So, as a reward, I'll end this with my blade," Pinkamena replied, to which she shifted her stance for a moment as she focused on Susamaru and her handballs, who growled before throwing all of them through the air once more, sending them right for her from all directions, no doubt to find a hole in her guard so she could smash her into the ground with her empowered handballs, "Chaos Breathing, First Form: Reality Slash."

Tamayo watched as Pinkamena barely moved from where she was standing and drew her blade, swinging it six times and struck down each of the handballs without actually being near them, as if her slashes were happening where she wanted them to happen, instead of where her blade actually was, before swinging it a seventh time that severed Susamaru's head before she could do anything, causing her and Yushiro to stare at Pinkamena in disbelief.

"My Blood Demon Art allows me to bend reality to my will, to a degree, and my unique Breathing Style allows me to fight Demons on my own terms," Pinkamena continued, where she swung the blade for a few seconds, likely to make sure that her skills hadn't rusted since the last time she used it in battle, before sheathing her blade as she raised her left hand once more, where Tamayo noticed that all of the pieces of the two Demons had disappeared before the dome vanished, where they had returned to Asakusa, all while seeing that the fox traces vanished and the mask returned to normal.

In that moment Tamayo realized something, Pinkamena was possibly the strangest Demon she had come across, as her Blood Demon Art was one of the strongest she had seen, and compared to the Kizuki, whose powers were legendary, she was sure that Pinkamena could hold her own against the Lower Moons for sure, though it only made her wonder how this power would develop as it's owner gained more strength, and how she was going to tear Muzan down.

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