• Published 3rd Apr 2022
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Demon Slayer: The Strange Demon - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkamena was minding her own business inside Pinkie's mind before she was ripped out of it and thrown into a new world, without any connection to Pinkie, leaving her on her own as she faces demons and a threat to the safety of this new world.

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Mugen: Final Preparations

Pinkamena, following the defeat of four more Lower Moons, returned to the Butterfly Mansion and sent her crow back to her superiors so they knew of her success, even though there was a chance that they ask for verification to make sure she had killed the current Lower Moon Demons. As she considered that she knew what she had done, taking out four of the five remaining members of the lower section of the Kizuki would have slightly crippled Muzan's fighting force, leaving whoever stood as Lower Moon One and the six Upper Moons, a thought that excited her to no end. Of course the crow was surprised to find that she had returned to where Tanjiro and his companions were resting, so soon after departing, which meant that it had been expecting to rest a little before tracking her down, since they were capable of finding their Demon Slayer partner with ease, but that didn't stop her from writing her note and sending it off. Once that was done she took her place on top of the roof of the Butterfly Mansion and carefully watched over the area they were in, despite the fact that she knew nothing would come since Shinobu seemed to be stationed here, or at least for the time being.

While she rested there Pinkamena considered the powers of the other four Lower Moons, one being of shadows, one that had the power to potentially put targets to sleep, another with a great deal of speed, and one who fought more like a brute with a heightened regeneration speed and a more reptilian form, before sighing, as they weren't as exciting as Rui, much to her disappointment.

"You got back rather quickly." a voice said, where Pinkamena found that Kyojuro was standing nearby, meaning he must have had business near the Butterfly Mansion and might have come to check on Tanjiro, since he had been involved in the defeat of one of the Lower Moons, "I take it you finished your mission already?"

"Yep. Sent out to deal with a Demon, possibly a Lower Moon, and found Lower Moons Six, Four, Three, and Two waiting for me to arrive." Pinkamena replied, where she stood up and jumped down to where the Hashira was standing, who had raised one of his eyebrows as he listened to her talk, to which she chuckled for a moment as she called out the heads of the four Demons in question, allowing him to see their faces and their numbers, "With them dead, and the fact that Rui was slain earlier, all that remains is the one who stands as Lower Moon One... unless Muzan ends up replacing all of them with brand new members."

"Still, four Lower Moons so close to each other... must have been having a territory discussion or something," Kyojuro said, taking a moment to confirm that these were, in fact, the Demons that he and the other Hashira had been hunting, a fact that would annoy some of the others when they learned about her deed, which caused her to return the heads to the area she stored all the body parts of her slain Demon enemies in, "Killing Lower Moon Five is one thing, and might have earned you a rank up, but taking down four more, in such a short period of time, is unheard of, even for us Hashira... we are lucky to have you on our side."

"Truth be told, I don't care about the rankings that much, but I'll take whatever Kaguya decides on," Pinkamena stated, as that was something she really wasn't focused on, not like some of the other Demon Slayers that were out there, but, at the same time, she only accepted it since the money would allow her to blend in with the Humans, especially when her power made the mask hide her true form, "Also, I have a feeling that you came here for more than just a friendly chat about the mission I just finished... you want to spar with me, don't you?"

Kyojuro nodded, as while most of the Hashira were pleased with their current skill, and were lax in their training, he had a feeling that sparring with Pinkamena, a Demon whose power matched that of a Hashira, might allow him to prepare for when he encountered one of the Upper Moons, since it seemed to be heading their way a lot sooner than what he of the others were expecting. His reason for thinking that way was due to the fact that most of the Lower Moons were gone, save for Lower Moon One, and that meant there was a chance that he or one of the others might run into one of the stronger Demons that served the Demon King, Upper Moon Six or higher. Such a thing made him think about the fact that they had no real information on most of the Demons who served as the Upper Moons, save for rank Two since Shinobu seemed to have some history with the monster in question, so there was no way for them to prepare for the battles with them. With that thought in mind his decision was a simple one in the end, Pinkamena was the only one who could help someone like him perfect his fighting style and prepare him for whatever the future held for them, hence why he was here, seeking to spar with her for a time while she waited for her friends to heal.

Pinkamena beckoned for a moment as they departed from the Butterfly Mansion, where she headed down the path that led out into the wilderness, before coming to a stop in an area that seemed perfect for them, plenty of room to engage each other in with obstacles that required them to be mindful, causing them to stop as she turned to face Kyojuro for a couple of seconds as she tried something new.

"Chaos World: Room." Pinkamena said, where she power wrapped around her before spreading out to cover the majority of the area they were in, though Kyojuro discovered that she wasn't covering everything, meaning she had seized control of this particular area and placed it under her immense control, "I have created a bubble around us, that way we can fight to our hearts content without having to worry about anyone interrupting us... basically, no one can enter without getting my approval, while at the same time we won't ruin the area, as once I lower the barrier everything will return to how it was before we arrived."

Kyojuro said nothing as he drew his blade, which Pinkamena repeated as she spoke, where he understood that she was different from most Demons, who existed to destroy everything around them and kill anyone who stood in their way, as she preferred to keep people alive and preserve the area around her. She was, by all accounts, a strange Demon, one that broke the thoughts that one held when they considered the monstrous race that devoured Humans to sustain themselves and grow their own power, and yet she was the only one like this, going out of her way to preserve the world and save all of the Humans she could. While several of his fellow Hashira didn't like her, especially Sanemi and Obanai, he knew that having her on their side was a blessing, even through she clearly disliked Demons, in fact he suspected that she hated the Demon King with every fiber of her being. Such a thing made him think of Tanjiro and the others for a moment, where he had the feeling that Pinkamena having friends would help her grow out of her hatred and allow her to become more like all of the other Demon Slayers that were currently in the Corps, before he focused his mind and rushed at her, which was when they lashed and the air shuddered.

To ensure some fairness Pinkamena removed her mask and had it float nearby, that way it was within rear if she needed it or wanted to wear it, though she found herself grinning as she trained with Kyojuro, as he was a great individual to spar with and it made her eager to see what he was capable of, without anyone interrupting their match.

As time went by Shinobu, who watched over the Butterfly Mansion when she wasn't out on a mission, found that all three of her wards, four if she counted Nezuko and five if she threw in Pinkamena, eventually moved from bed rest and started their functional recovery with her and the others. While the Demons that bested them had done quite a number on them, in fact it was a miracle they had survived and suspected that it was due to their friend intervening at the right moment, as Pinkamena's powers allowed her to do all sorts of things and saving those close to her was part of it. Tanjiro was no longer suffering from the abrasions and wounds he had suffered, Zenitsu had gotten over the spider related illness he had been infected with, and Inosuke's throat had recovered just fine, allowing him to return to his former persona in no time, much to his joy. Despite being in relative safety she also found that Nezuko preferred to sleep in her box, instead of in a bed that was in the darker corner of the mansion, though they did have to pull her out so Aoi could patch up her box, because they had gotten a letter from Sakonji, which explained all of the materials that went into its construction, and allowed her to fix the damage Sanemi had done to it before the meeting with their leader.

Pinkamena, on the other hand, spent some of her time training, either on her own or creating a 'Room' when Kyojuro came to train with her, which she considered doing a few times since fighting the odd Demon seemed to be a good way to boost one's skills, while she used the rest of her time to hang with her friends. It was the strangest thing, Pinkamena was friendly with Tanjiro, which made sense due to the fact that he knew her the longest, and the dark look in her eyes simply vanished when she talked with him or her new friends. Kyojuro had shared that particular piece of information with her, after his first true training session with the Demon, and she agreed with his assessment, she disliked the other Demons, who simply slaughtered anyone and everyone that got in their way, and she hated Muzan, why they had no idea, though both also suspected she wouldn't share that information with them. Talking with Tanjiro and the others seemed to be the remedy she needed to get over her intense hatred towards the Demon King, though one thing she discovered, by listening to the conversations they had, was that Pinkamena had either forgotten her past after becoming a Demon or she didn't want to share it with anyone, even her closest friends.

It made her curious as to what sort of past she might have, especially since Muzan targeted anyone and everyone, be they petty criminals, sick children, cult leaders, artists, monks, musicians, and even murderers, and her curiosity was increased when they found no information on her, which was understandable since they had no idea what her previous form, before she became a Demon, looked like.

Following their recovery Tanjiro and Inosuke were pulled out to start their recovery training, with Pinkamena joining them to observe what they would be going through, and when the first day ended both of her friends seemed depressed or just exhausted and Pinkamena was laughing. Shinobu felt that there was some success for the first day, especially since they cut into the seriousness that the Demon possessed all the time, and while that was good she and the other Hashira knew that showing emotion, to some degree, was important from time to time, to remind them of what they were fighting for, or whatever their individual reasons might be. Of course the following day they found that Zenitsu was surprised by what the functional training entailed, the three younger girls that worked in the Butterfly Mansion, assisting her, Kanao, and Aoi in their duties, would be massaging their bodies, working out all the kinks from resting in bed for a good amount of time, loosening them up for the next obstacle. It, as she told Pinkamena, was the reflex training and was where one competed with one to snatch some of the medicated broth that was inside some prepared teacups, something that was hard due to how fast all of them happened to be, which Tanjiro and Inosuke knew from experience, while the last test was basically tag with Kanao and Aoi.

Zenitsu, as they discovered, was enraged by how both of his friends had returned after their first day, as their appearance had suggested that it would be some 'hellish' training, when in reality he found this to be 'heavenly', but also explained the reasoning behind Pinkamena's laughter, it was due to how two of her friends did and how the third would react. Of course he pulled both of his friends to the side and shouted at the pair for a time, confirming that he was annoyed with them and their actions, as he assumed that this was heaven and not hell, though Pinkamena stood back this time around and simply watched what happened next. What was interesting was that Zenitsu seemed to invigorate himself and Inosuke, making both of them eager to face the training, while Tanjiro didn't share their opinions on the matter, taking a more serious and thoughtful approach to what they were doing. What ended up happening was that Zenitsu enjoyed the massage, even if his body was in pain from what the girls were doing, he overcame the teacup challenge and made a fool of himself with a cheesy line Pinkamena decided to ignore, and he was able to catch Aoi, who ended up slapping him in return, which just caused Inosuke to replicate his motions, to some degree.

When it came to Kanao, however, neither of them could overcome her speed with the teacups and neither could catch up with her speed, which actually discouraged both Zenitsu and Inosuke, while Tanjiro seemed to be thinking about how she was so much faster than they were, especially given that they started at the same time. Pinkamena had a feeling that part of it was due to her nature as a Tsuguko, the heir appointed by Shinobu, meaning that she would become the next Flower Hashira if a Demon happened to take down her mentor, so since she was being trained by a Hashira it was easy to figure out why there was a gap in their respective skills. Despite that fact, which two of her friends ignored, she found it slightly amusing to watch her friends being decimated by Kanao in their recovery training, especially when they ended their days in defeat and were totally drenched from constant failure, where Inosuke sulked and Zenitsu acted like he was giving up for some reason. It got to the point where the pair eventually gave up on their recovery training and just did whatever they wanted, which irritated Aoi to no end, but Tanjiro continued at it and tried to figure out what could be between him and Kanao, what he could learn to catch up with her, all while refusing Pinkamena's aid, saying he wanted to figure this out on his own.

As Tanjiro repeatedly tried to best Kanao, and spent ten days failing to do so, Pinkamena decided to try her hand at facing her, despite the fact that she didn't need the training, and created a Room for them, just in case they damaged something, before they played their game. Since her speed was roughly around the level of a Lower Moon, thanks to all the Demons she had taken down and eaten so far, Pinkamena found that she and Kanao matched each other quite well, and when one picked up the pace the other did so not a few seconds after them. Another part about this session, one that was kept from Kanao, was that Pinkamena was getting used to her evolving powers and this was the best way to train right now, due to the fact that Kyojuro was busy and Shinobu didn't feel like facing her, especially since she was slowly adding the blood of the other Lower Moons into her body. Integrating Kamanue's blood into her body had been easy, since he was far weaker than Rui had been, though she had to go slow when adding Mukago, Wakuraba, and Rokuro's blood to her own, since she was afraid that going too fast might cause some serious side effects, plus after adding their bodies to her Storehouse their echoes appeared in the Demon Mansion and she learned their names.

One thing Pinkamena discovered, after those ten days had passed, was that the three young girls offered help to Tanjiro, in the form of a cloth to clean his face and explained the 'full focus breath' to him, the difference in power between those who could use it and those who aren't using it, along with the fact that Kanao could destroy gourds by blowing into them, a feat that shocked Tanjiro. As she hung around the Butterfly Mansion, and did her own training while hanging out with her friends, something that brought a smile to her face and made her focus less on the Demon she was aiming for, where she found that Tanjiro forced himself to go back to the basics to pull off the Full Focus Breath. It went on for quite a while, fifteen days to be exact, and her first friend pushed himself to the limit, forcing himself to rediscover his stamina and also boost his lungs to the point where he could do more than before, which he was pleased with and made sure not to rush his training, all while Zenitsu and Inosuke continued to laze about. The only other thing she found was that Tanjiro had a talk with Shinobu during one of the nights, something that caused her to chuckle for a moment as she left them to their conversation, as she had a feeling that it would be of great benefit to Tanjiro and his training.

She was proven right ten days later, after being beaten repeatedly by the three young girls and blowing into gourds, as he was able to shatter a large gourd on his own, his improved base stamina allowed him to catch Kanao, who was surprised when it happened, and he even yanked a teacup out of the way before putting it on Kanao's head, showing them that his training had been successful. After that they discovered something interesting, Zenitsu and Inosuke noticed it and failed to listen to Tanjiro's bad explanations when he tried to teach them what he had done, so she and Shinobu stepped in while he went to rest, giving them a better idea of what their friend had done. Even though both seemed to have different ideas on straightforward work, where Shinobu taunted them in some manner to get them to put forth the effort necessary to do what their friend had done, causing Pinkamena to chuckle a little as she watched both of them. Nine days later they had succeeded in reaching the constant Full Focus Breath state, which meant they were able to finally beat Kanao, something that caused Shinobu to praise them, even though it meant all of them were fit enough to head out, which she was holding from them for a few more days.

Pinkamena found out why not a few moments later, as it was when Tanjiro and Inosuke's blades arrived, as a crow arrived ahead of the smiths to deliver the news, and she found that two figures were approaching, even though Hotaru actually came running at Tanjiro with a knife.

Apparently he was enraged by the fact that Tanjiro had broken his blade, even though he had been facing off against one of the Kizuki, where she learned from the other smith, Kozo, that he was very passionate about his blades, in fact he was a smith that loved blades more than people. It made sense when she thought about it, smiths were artists and got annoyed when something happened to their works of art, though after an hour of watching them she stepped in and separated the pair, allowing them to head inside and see the blades that had been brought. Sure enough Hotaru replaced Tanjiro's blade and the new one turned black as well, while Kozo was the one who made a new pair of blades for Inosuke, whose swords had broken during the battle with the Father Brute, and both were pristine, free of the cracks that his blades had been plagued with before Pinkamena and her friends found him. In the following moments she and the others found that both of Inosuke's turned a dull indigo grey, a somber color apparently, and, true to form, Inosuke took a fine rock and chipped his blades so that they matched his old ones, which only enraged Kozo to no end when it happened.

In the end Pinkamena waved the pair of smiths off when the time came for them to leave, after making sure neither one tried to murder Inosuke for the damages to his blades, and let her friends rest after their exhausting day... though when morning arrived, and everyone was fully prepared to leave, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke put on their slayer attire back on before joining Pinkamena outside, as it was time for them to head out and get back to work.

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