• Published 3rd Apr 2022
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Demon Slayer: The Strange Demon - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkamena was minding her own business inside Pinkie's mind before she was ripped out of it and thrown into a new world, without any connection to Pinkie, leaving her on her own as she faces demons and a threat to the safety of this new world.

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Prelude: Arrival

Pinkamena was bored out of her mind, stranded in the mindscape that was Pinkie Pie's mind, something that was almost always under her other half's control and shifted according to whatever her overactive side wanted at the time, though the only times she had control of it was when Pinkie either allowed her to mess with it or if she seized control of their main body, the latter only happening a few times over the years. Today Pinkie was in control and that meant Pinkamena had to walk down some of the streets of Ponyville, one mixed with Canterlot and a few other locations to create a 'super city' as her other side liked to call this creation, and it was packed to the brim with all sorts of creatures, Earth Ponies wandering and selling produce to others, Unicorns performing their arts or talking to some of the other species, and Pegasi flying through the air and making sure the weather was as perfect as it could be. Of course there were also Dragons hanging around, some fighting each other in specially made arenas to put on a show for everyone else while others were simply chatting, plus one or two that looked like they were capable of magic oddly enough, Griffins were walking and chatting with ponies as both munched on snacks, instead of the former being annoyed with the latter, and other species, like Zebras, Donkeys, Kirin, and everything else that Pinkie discovered, joined them as well. It was, in essence, a perfect existence of sorts when she took a moment to think about it, with the races of their world being friendly with each other without any petty rivalries bothering them, which wasn't how reality worked since even friends kept things from their closest allies and even went behind their backs from time to time, but Pinkie refused to give up on uniting the races in her vision, no matter how many times she tried to convince her other half of her opinions.

The reason she was bored out of her mind was because, even with everything that was inside their mindscape, she had already experienced everything that Pinkie had discovered so far, hence why she had a frown on her face as she walked down the road that was in front of her, though she had to pause for a moment and raise a hoof to move some of her hair, her straight raspberry colored hair, out of the way. She and Pinkie were Earth Ponies, as they didn't have a horn like what the Unicorns had, so it meant that they couldn't use magic like Rarity could, nor did they have wings like the Pegasi, so it meant that neither of them could fly through the air either, though that didn't stop her other half from taking the form of an Alicorn, which was a mix of the three main species of their land, and proclaiming that she was the 'Alicorn of Parties', as it was one of her favorite activities. Pinkamena didn't care about that fact as she resumed walking down the street she had picked out, even though she was heading to a place that only she and Pinkie could enter, something that allowed them to see what the other happened to be seeing at the moment, so if her other side was in control she could see everything that was going on, and when she was in control Pinkie could see and hear everything as well. Technically speaking the building didn't have a name, mostly because her other half didn't name a lot of things in this world of theirs and simply made it so everyone knew where they were going, so if they wanted to head to a restaurant they would know where it was, but she called it the Observatory, mostly because it allowed them to observe what the other was doing.

The structure in question was on the outskirts of the massive city and happened to be circular in nature, where she found that none of the others bothered to come near it and allowed her to walk inside, her four hooves going from the dirt and rock street she had been walking on and touched the smooth stone flooring she had picked for this place, as Pinkie let her create this place and Pinkamena had, of course, put it away from everypony else, to which the doors closed behind her as she approached the 'window' that allowed her to see what Pinkie was seeing, which she sat in front of.

What she found as she looked through the window was something that she was fully expecting to see, Pinkie was walking, or rather bouncing like her usually bubbly self, through the Everfree Forest, one of the most dangerous places that rested near Ponyville, even though she and her friends didn't seem scared of it and the dangers that were lurking inside it, even Pinkamena wasn't afraid of them, making her wonder if her strength had rubbed off on Pinkie. Normally she would speak up and have a conversation with her other half, something that actually made her friends worried about her when they first heard one of their little conversations, which one she couldn't remember at this point in time, but right now she just wanted to sit and watch whatever Pinkie happened to be doing right now, which seemed to be heading for the Castle of the Two Sisters, where Princesses Celestia and Luna once lived in. It was an interesting tale, about how one sister held a grudge towards the other one and let the dark thoughts twist her into something else, a beast with the desire to take out her sister and impose her order on their world, a Nightmare Form as Twilight Sparkle had called it at one point, and part of her wondered what it might have been like at that point in time, to see a fight like that and witness the power that the two sisters possessed. Of course such a thing reminded her of something else, that several of Pinkie's friends had disappeared recently, to the point where her other half actually dismissed or temporarily removed their representations in this space, a reminder of what was going in the real world, all while Discord, the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony, was actively looking for all of them, to which she sighed as she watched her other half for some time.

There were some words being thrown around when she thought about Discord, such as 'displaced' and 'power', as if those that had been lost were going to acquire power or something, making her interested in such a thing, even though she had no way of going on an adventure since she was stuck in Pinkie's mindscape most of the time, but while she thought about it for some time her other half found her way into a familiar cave and came to a stop in front of the crystalline tree, which was the Tree of Harmony... and not a few moments later she swayed, like she was drunk or exhausted, before collapsing on the ground in front of the large tree.

"Hey, get up! This isn't the place to be falling asleep!" Pinkamena said, her voice reaching out to her other half's side, as it was how they communicated with each other, or at least from the one who was stuck inside the mindscape, but a couple of seconds ticked by and nothing happened in the real world, causing her to wonder what might be happening right now, especially since this was the first time she had seen something like this happen.

It was in that moment that things changed, as she felt what had to be a violent tremor shake the entirety of the mindscape and even crack the walls of the Observatory in the process, to which she got up and rushed over to the doorway, only to find a rather shocking sight as she pushed herself through the doors, the sky above the city had turned dark, like a storm had suddenly developed. That wasn't the most shocking thing in her eyes as she glanced around where she was standing, as all the ponies and creatures who had been walking down the streets were no longer in the mindscape, as if whatever was happening in the real world was affecting this world, something Pinkamena could accept since this place was mostly made by Pinkie, but it was still so strange when she considered thought about it. Not a few seconds later another tremor stuck the mindscape and caused part of the ground to actually break up, breaking the Observatory away from where the rest of her other half's city rested, to which she ran forward and jumped into the air, landing on the ground as she turned for a moment, allowing her to watch as the tremor struck the building and crushed it into pieces. It was as if a massive earthquake had stuck this place, tearing it apart while forcing her to watch as it broke around her, though she got up and rushed off into the heart of the crumbling mindscape, even though she didn't get too far as the ground in front of her just cracked opened and split in half, her side remaining still while the part in front of her was raised into the air, making it look like the world was ending all around her.

Before she could even think about what was going on, and what it might mean for her, Pinkamena stumbled as she felt a strange and unnatural feeling overtake her very being for a few seconds, her connection to her other half was gone, and as she accepted that fact, that Pinkie was being displaced, she stumbled and slipped off the edge of the ruined area she had been running on, though she allowed the feeling of exhaustion to overtake her as she closed her eyes and waited for whatever was at the end of her long fall into the abyss.

Pinkamena had no idea how long she had been falling, or how long she had been sleeping due to the strange feeling that had washed over her earlier, but something did snap her awake rather suddenly and without warning, which happened to be her body colliding with the branch of a tree, sending a wave of pain through her body as it forced her to wake up, but that was only the start of what happened to her. She smashed into the first branch and broke it with what had to be the weight of her body, an actual body and not the mental state that she had been stuck in for a long time, though she could tell that it wasn't anything like what she and Pinkie shared, as the fall, as painful as it was, gave her some time to study her new form before she hit the ground, because she knew it was coming at some point. Based on what she could tell she was still, in part, an Equestrian, as she seemed to have the muzzle, ears, and tail that she possessed back in the mindscape, but her body had been twisted into a bipedal form, like a minotaur based on what she remembered of Iron Will, and her front legs had been altered accordingly, becoming the arms of a bipedal being, such as a human, and her hooves became what she felt were fingers, four long ones and a thumb. Her hind legs remained the same, for the most part, as they shifted to allow her to stand on two legs all the time, without the fear of breaking her body or something, and there were a pair of mounds on what she assumed was her altered chest, though she also had a black robe of some kind over her body, likely something given by the displacement process so she didn't arrive in a new world with nothing on.

Her thoughts returned to the pain she felt as she smashed through several more branches, though it was far more painful than what she originally thought, because several of the branches that shattered actually cut through the attire she was wearing and even stabbed her new body in several places, like the sides of her arms and legs, before she eventually came into contact with the ground, which she survived thanks to the branches slowing her fall, even though it was incredibly painful when she came to a stop. The reason behind that was because of a sharp rock that happened to be on top of the other ones, or maybe it was partway buried in all of the other stones and this was only the tip, where it stabbed into her body like it was a dagger, going into her body with ease and she was sure that it had pierced either her liver, or maybe it was her stomach, causing her to cough up blood in the process. Pinkamena silently admitted something to herself as she laid there on the ground, this entire situation sucked, as she was sure that the other displaced had landed on their planets they had been sent to without something like this happening, as she was pretty much on the verge of dying without being able to do anything of importance, almost as if whatever had displaced her had sent her to another world to die, but even as she thought about that she quickly pushed the idea off to the side. When she thought about everything that Pinkie had learned, in the brief time before heading to the cave that the Tree of Harmony was located in and falling asleep, whatever had done this to her intended for her to gain power for some reason, so dying wasn't an option when she really thought about it and that meant that she needed to figure out what to do and how she was going to survive this event.

As she thought about that, however, her vision started to darken before she noticed a figure approach her, a male figure who wore black loafers, a black tuxedo with a white tie over a black dress shirt and white dress pants, who happened to be wearing a white fedora that had a red ribbon on it, though she found that he had silted cat like eyes that were crimson red colored and had sharpened nails that were blue colored, who came to a stop near her and looked down at her.

"You pitiful thing." the man said, who seemed to speak in a monotone and detached voice, even though in her failing body Pinkamena could sense that he had an unbelievable amount of strength in his body, something that was confirmed when he used shifted his stance and pulled her off of the rock she had landed on, even though he did leave her on the ground near it like he didn't care, before raising his right hand and pricked his pointer finger with the nail of his thumb, allowing him to bathe her wounds with his blood, "I'll save you."

A searing fire surged through her body, like her very nature was being altered once more, and in her weakened state she had no way to cry out in pain, not that she wanted to do such a thing since she could tell that she was going to hate this person with every fiber of her being, as he seemed to be looking at her in a way that made it look like she might be more of a tool or something, but before anything happened the feeling disappeared and her vision darkened, causing the man to do nothing as he pulled back, the wound on his finger closing in a second.

"It appears that you are of no use to me." the man said, once more speaking in the same manner as before, where he just stood up and brushed off his clothing for a moment, no doubt hating the dust or dirt that had gotten on it during his time in this area, while his words confirmed that he likely saw people as tools, to do whatever it was he wanted with this world, before he turned and left her laying on the ground, even if she felt the darkness closing in around her.

Pinkamena laid there for a time, listening to the sound of the man leaving her to whatever he felt her fate was, before the darkness receded as the feeling from before surged through her body once more, this time awakening something as her eyes flared, likely becoming crimson colored and silted like the man's had been, all while a pair of her teeth became more pointed than before, but she knew a few things for sure, she had been saved from certain death, her very nature had been altered into something entirely new, and she was going to track down the man who did this and kill him.

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