• Published 3rd Apr 2022
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Demon Slayer: The Strange Demon - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkamena was minding her own business inside Pinkie's mind before she was ripped out of it and thrown into a new world, without any connection to Pinkie, leaving her on her own as she faces demons and a threat to the safety of this new world.

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Final Battle: Rage Unleashed

Pinkamena focused on the energies that were scattered throughout the dimensional fortress, turning most of her attention away from the fake Lower Moon Demons, as none of them possessed any eye markings, to focus on the Upper Moons that were scattered all over this place, where she was able to confirm that there were five. She knew that three of them were Kokushibo, Doma, and Akaza, those being Upper Moons One, Two, and Three respectively, and based on the memories she gained from the other Upper Moons it looked like Muzan had empowered Nakime, who likely stood in Hantengu's place. Such a thing told her that the fifth signature had to be a Slayer turned into a Demon, a rather powerful Slayer based on the electricity she was feeling from their direction, making her wonder if the person in question had been one of Zenitsu's fellow students trainees, under the Thunder Breathing Cultivator to be exact, and it seemed like the Slayer in question was on his way to that area. As such for now she sent one of her clones over to where Doma was lurking, the next was tracking Akaza as he literally smashed his way through the dimensional fortress, not caring about anything and everything that was around him, while the third tracked down Zenitsu, even though that one would focus on Kokushibo once the upcoming fight was over.

As she thought about that, however, Pinkamena also noticed that Muzan didn't seem to react to her presence, meaning he was far too busy with Tamayo, who was sacrificing herself to ensure their foe could do nothing else, especially after she, like Kagaya and his family, gave her a blood vial to make an Echo, so she focused on the clone following Zenitsu.

"I know you're there. Come on out." Zenitsu said, as he had stopped in front of a set of doors, right where the newcomer for the Upper Moons was positioned, though it was easy for Pinkamena to see that he was annoyed, especially after the letter he got while he was training.

"That's no way to talk to your senior." a voice replied, where a clawed hand opened the door and pushed it out of the way, revealing a young Demon who had black hair and four black flame markings on his face, two on each side, who wore a black kimono over his Slayer attire, an insult to his former organization, "You look a little better than when I last saw you, but, as expected, you're still shabby... it's been a while, Zenitsu."

"Kaigaku... after what you did, you are no longer my senior." Zenitsu stated, where, for the first time since she met him, Pinkamena could sense the intense anger that was in his voice, anger that was far beyond anything he felt whenever he was arguing with people, like Tanjiro or Inosuke.

"I take back my comment about you looking better, you haven't changed at all." Kaigaku said, where he stepped into the area that he and Zenitsu would likely be fighting in for some time, unaware of the fact that Pinkamena's clone was hidden off to the side, observing them as they talked, "You're puny... you look like chickenpox... and you seem as weak as ever. I know you aren't a Hashira, especially since you can only use the First Form."

"That's funny, coming from someone whose happy to play stopgap as the bottom rung Upper Moon." Zenitsu remarked, showing Pinkamena a side of him that she had debated whether or not it even existed, an angry side that, if provoked by an enemy, would strike with the fury of a god, which stunned Kaigaku, "Tell me something: why did you decide to become a Demon and forsake your duties? Why did you, the rightful successor of the Thunder Breath, become a Demon? If you hadn't done this, and become the very thing you swore to destroy, GRAMPS WOULDN'T HAVE KILLED HIMSELF!!!"

In that moment everything clicked into place for Pinkamena, as one of the Thunder Breath Cultivators, Jigoro Kuwajima, had committed suicide recently, before she was able to reach him on Kagaya's orders, and based on Zenitsu's rage that meant he and Kaigaku had learned from Jigoro. Sure enough it was emotional for her friend, as the letter he had gotten during his training had revealed that their mentor had slit his own stomach after hearing of Kaigaku's defection, just like how Sakonji and Giyu would have done the same if Nezuko ate someone. Sadly Jigoro suffered because no one was there to behead him or slit his throat, or stabbing his heart for that matter, and it enraged Zenitsu when he considered that it was all because his own senior joined Muzan's forces, as Kaigaku only thought about himself. Such a thing was confirmed as Kaigaku informed Zenitsu that it wasn't his problem and that he was glad Jigoro, or the 'old geezer' as he called him, had died a painful death after all the hard work he put in to please him, especially since he never received the successor title that he apparently coveted.

Apparently he would always side with those who valued him correctly, so if he had been given the title he craved, even if Zenitsu knew he was the rightful successor, Kaigaku wouldn't have changed sides, but, after all of this, Pinkamena knew that he valued his life and would have followed this path no matter what, and he even called Jigoro senile.

"Gramps was not senile... let me tell you something, Kaigaku, if I'm dirt, like you say, then your garbage." Zenitsu stated, a fact that was followed by rage overtaking his face, showing Pinkamena that he was beyond outraged by what was going on at the moment, even though his words happened to be causing his foe to feel the same thing as he spoke, "I can only use the First Form, and you can use all but the First Form... Gramps died a miserable death because he wasn't even lucky enough to have a worthy successor!"

Kaigaku, enraged as well, unsheathed his blade and released the Fourth Form of Thunder Breathing, Distant Thunder, an attack that normally was a single sword slash that struck multiple locations at the same time, a crowd control technique, but thanks to his new powers he actually generated a ball of electricity and sent out multiple waves of lightning. Zenitsu, on the other hand, shifted his stance and flashed through the space between him and Kaigaku, utilizing Thunderclap and Flash in an instant, before landing behind his foe before Kaigaku even realized what was going on. What shocked Kaigaku and amazed Pinkamena was that he was moving like a different person, as he was moving at his peak, when he slept to be exact, without having his eyes closed, meaning his rage had, at long last, shattered his limits and allowed him to obtain his true power. His attack sliced through Kaigaku's neck, the left half since the Upper Moon had realized his foe had moved in an instant and moved his body in time to avoid having his head removed, though one could argue that this was Zenitsu's doing, to make Kaigaku suffer for his crimes before ending his life.

In that moment, due to the unexpected happening, Kaigaku exploded as he assaulted Zenitsu, unleashing move after move as he shouted at his foe, quickly performing the other four Forms of Thunder Breathing without delay, showing that his unlimited stamina was in effect. The first one was Rice Spirit, the oddly named Second Form, which was five arched slashes designed to deal damage to a Demon's body and open a path to their head, before moving into the Third Form of his Breathing Style, Thunder Swarm, which the user used to surround a foe from all sides with arched attacks, though the user moved like they were spinning. After that was the Fifth Form, Heat Lightning, a long ranged upward sword slash that was used to cut down fleeing Demons without the speed of Thunderclap and Flash, and the Sixth Form, Rumble and Flash, a series of slashes designed to inflict maximum damage on a Demon, rendering them incapable of fighting back, but, just like the first move, all five Forms were twisted by black lightning. Zenitsu, despite his speed being superior, simply tanked Kaigaku's attacks, either because he was trying to understand his former senior or because he knew Pinkamena was near and would heal him once the battle was done, and it came to the point where his skin cracked and burned under his foe's attacks.

As he was pushed into a vertical corridor, however, Zenitsu found a place to land and summoned his power, where this time Pinkamena was sure that lightning flashed all around her friend for a moment, before he flashed right up to where Kaigaku was standing and removed his head with a single swing, all while she was sure that it was accompanied by what looked like a Japanese serpent dragon made of lightning.

It was a Seventh Form, one created by someone who could only use a single Form of his Breathing Style, and Kaigaku just accused Jigoro for playing favorites, though as Zenitsu talked about how their mentor wasn't like that, along with why he had created the technique, Pinkamena collected the fallen Upper Moon's body. With that done she stored it away before collecting her friend and placed him inside a barrier that would mend his wounds, where she found that the Form had, in accordance with the sheer speed he had done, shredded his yellow attire and left him in his Slayer attire. It was a rather magnificent Form, one with the power and speed to behead a newly born Upper Moon Demon, and as Zenitsu talked he told them that it didn't have a name, as he had been perfecting it and wanted to use it alongside Kaigaku one day, but in that moment she offered up a potential name for it. She thought that it should be called 'Flaming Thunder God', given the scene she had witnessed over the last few moments, and if one wanted she guessed they could call it Honoikazuchi no Kami, which meant the same thing as the name she offered, something that caused Zenitsu to chuckle before he slipped into unconsciousness.

A few moments later, with Upper Moon Six destroyed, Yushiro and his squad of Slayers arrived, where Pinkamena quickly ordered them to watch over Zenitsu in the barrier and move when he was ready to do so, and once that was done her clone continued to move... though while that was happening she switched over to the one that was currently following Shinobu towards Doma's personal garden.

"You are getting close to Upper Moon Two's position." Pinkamena remarked, where Shinobu showed no reaction to her clone being there, in fact the Hashira knew she would be watching over them while they fought and, if they needed some sort of assistance with their foe, the clones could move in with ease.

"Yes... and I can smell blood, meaning he must have hunted before we were brought here." Shinobu said, showing that the knowledge of what she was getting into didn't bother her at all, especially when Pinkamena considered that her plan was to die at the hands of Doma and be absorbed by him, though after hearing the original plan she had, of course, offered up a modification to trick her foe.

Neither of them said anything for a moment as Shinobu found the door she was looking for and opened it, finding that it lead to a rather large area that looked like it had a bunch of wooden walkways above a gravel ground, due to the stones resting among them, and sure enough Pinkamena found Doma in the middle of a pile of dead ladies, all dead as he took his time feasting on them.

"Hm? Someone's here?" Doma inquired, as if he had been so focused on his food and less on the fact that Nakime had brought him here on Muzan's orders, to defend him until he was ready to emerge from his cocoon, before he turned for a moment and spotted Shinobu as she and Pinkamena entered his domain, "Whoa, it's a girl... one who looks rather fine and delicious... I'll have to thank Nakime later. And she brought the kitsune Demon with her... you know, its a shame that you're a Demon, as you're also rather fine and delicious looking. Oh, where are my manners? I am Doma, and it is very nice to meet the two of you... it is a rather beautiful night, isn't it?"

"Indeed it is... a fitting setting for the end of the war between Humans and Demons." Pinkamena remarked, though while Shinobu really didn't like Doma, for killing her sister once upon a time, she maintained a neutral stance on liking or hating her foes, though most Demons she felt pity for, given their reasons for accepting Muzan's dark offer.

In that moment one of the girls, somehow still alive after everything they had been through, called out for help and, just as Pinkamena expected, Shinobu flashed through the air and grabbed onto the girl, though she was already dead before the Hashira could get her away from Doma, who swung a small metallic fan and used some bits of ice on his target, as when Shinobu landed the girl was hacked to pieces in seconds.

"You can just leave what remains of her over there, as I'll gobble her up once we're done." Doma said, where he raised his fans for a moment, which were made of solid gold and the edges were sharpened, so if someone got hit by them it would hurt, and both had two lotuses engraved on them, "I know you don't know anything about me, so let me say that I am the founder of the Eternal Paradise Cult, where it is my duty to make sure all of my followers, especially myself, are happy, as I'll offer advice to my followers and select a few as offerings every now and then... so don't worry, I'll be sure to eat up every speck of that girl."

"Make everyone happy? You must be insane, as she was crying for help!" Shinobu stated, though she knew more about this Demon than most did, thanks to what happened to her sister before she passed, and this just confirmed that Doma was someone that needed to die, least he continue his spree without stopping.

"And that's why I helped her... I mean, she's not suffering anymore, nor is she in pain. Honestly, there's nothing for her or the others to be afraid of." Doma replied, showing them that he had thought out the ins and outs of his cult and knew the twisted nature of the rules he had set up a long time ago, before he smiled for a moment as he considered what he told newcomers that came seeking his cult and what he offered them, "Everyone, at some point in their lives, fear the embrace of death, which is why I eat them all up so that my followers can live together, with me, forever... I take in all their flesh, blood, and feelings as I make sure to accept, rescue, and guide them all toward enlightenment."

"Okay, quick question: where does Muzan find people like you in the first place?" Pinkamena inquired, because while she did know that the Demon King had a habit of going out and visiting sick people, those desperate to continue living, even if their circumstances were horrible, that wouldn't consider the consequences of their actions until the deed had been done and there was no turning back.

"Actually, he came to my cult in the middle of the night, after a sermon I gave, and offered me power and eternal life, so I could continue leading my followers." Doma answered, where Pinkamena raised an eyebrow for a moment as she learned that, meaning there were individuals who the Demon King sought out that weren't dying from a disease or wound, which reminded her of Kaigaku and what he said in the presence of her other clone, "I'll admit it, at first I had my doubts about it all... I mean, my parents were stupid to form a small cult around me because of my eyes and hair... but the Great One's promises were genuine."

"There is no way you're sane or right in the head... I feel like I'm going to vomit." Shinobu remarked, showing them that her intense anger for Doma was either clouding her judgement or she was just sickened by everything he said, similar to how Tanjiro got disgusted with how certain Demons treated Humans, like Daki's disgust for example.

"How come you're being so hostile towards me, even though we just met? I mean, I know Slayers hate Demons, but even if that's the case, well, you're displaying more hostility than what's normal." Doma commented, something Pinkamena did agree with, as she could see the veins popping in Shinobu's forehead, cheeks, and even her hands, "Oh, I know, if there is something bothering you, whatever it might be, go ahead and speak up... I'll be sure to listen to your feelings and taken all of them to heart."

"Something bothering me?! You're the Demon who killed my sister! Don't you recognize this haori?" Shinobu asked, which was where she gripped the edge of her custom attire and informed Pinkamena of the item's history, it belonged to her own sister and that she had taken it to remember her by, even though the memories attached to it had to be painful for her to bare.

"Oh right, the Flower Breathing girl from before... a shame I didn't get a chance to eat her, but the sun was coming up and I, obviously, didn't want to die." Doma said, showing them that, despite the slow start his memories took, he did recall the figure that Shinobu was talking about and it caused him to smile for a few seconds, likely remembering the fight that they had gotten into before he ended up mortally wounding her, "I mean, I really really wanted to eat her up..."

Whatever he was going to say next was lost as Shinobu, in the blink of an eye, drew her altered blade and stabbed him in the left eye, slipping through his fingers that Doma raised to stop her, though as Shinobu said there were four Forms to her unique Breathing Style, which mimicked the movement of insects. Based on what she was seeing this had to be the Second Form, Dance of the Bee: True Flutter, and the tip of her needle shaped blade pushed out of the back of Doma's head, surprising the Upper Moon for a couple of seconds. As he remarked by her speed and power, and the fact that he was unable to stop it from hitting him, Doma swung his fans as he activated his own Blood Demon Art, creating lotuses of ice that rapidly dropped the temperature in the area they were in, a technique designed to cripple Slayers since they had to breath to use their Forms. Of course the Upper Moon informed her that, while her speed and power were impressive, it wasn't enough to kill him since she had to take his head off, where Shinobu informed him that she knew that, but, at the same time, she wondered if the same was true about poison and watched as Doma's face turned purple around where he had been struck.

Pinkamena had the feeling that nothing would happen to Doma, rather this was designed to slow him down until one or more of the other Slayers showed up, like another Hashira or one of Tanjiro's friends, as she seemed to want to keep her demonic ally as a final trump card, so she leaned against the wall and watched, knowing this was going to be a good fight when Shinobu's reinforcements arrived and watched to see what might happen next.

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