• Published 18th Oct 2020
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Changing Expectations - KKSlider

What does it mean to be a Changeling? To the former human Prince Phasma, that means doing what you can to survive and thrive in an utterly alien world.

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83- Styx

Dinosaurs were still awesome.

I was shocked that this world had several comparable extinction level events, let alone dinosaurs. Yet there they were, another odd parallel. At this point, the idea that I was on an alternate dimension, not just an alien world, was becoming possible to. Or maybe I had already reached that conclusion much earlier, and simply forgot the conclusion I had reached. There has been a lot on my plate.

In addition to the massive T-Rex skeleton sitting right through the front doors, the Museum also had exhibits on a wide variety of parts of Equestria. From the geographic formation of the continent, to the pony tribes and their history, to the other inhabitants within the border. Buffalo in particular seemed to be a big focus. It was Americana without an America. The parallels to the First Nations I could draw were highly interesting, though I could not utilize any of that knowledge for my own benefit. Nor even anyone else’s, for that matter.

There was quite a bit on the plants and biomes of the continent, and I enjoyed leisurely strolling through the exhibits. Eventually, I was examining the feathered headdress of a famous buffalo chieftain– of course they would be Plains Indians– when I realized that I had lost track of time, and was probably due back at the apartment. Deciding to come back a second time to finish exploring the museum, I left and headed back to Diamond’s apartment.

The sky was taking on a red tinge, despite the fact that sunset was not due for another hour and a half.

'Well I sure hope like half the world isn't being covered in volcanic ash, like when Krakatoa erupted…. That is an odd worry to have.'

When I arrived back at the apartment, Diamond and Thorax were chatting idly in the kitchen.

"Heya Phas!"

"Evening, Phasma."

"Diamond, Thorax. What's up?"

"Did you hear the news?" Thorax asked.


"A dragon has rooted near Canterlot. It arrived yesterday, and today Princess Daybreaker arrived back in Canterlot to order a solution," Diamond explained.

"That… seems like a problem. Has it set stuff on fire or something?"

Thorax shook his head, "No, but the smoke coming from it when it snores has polluted the air apparently. The Crown apparently is responding to the issue, they even said that the Elements of Harmony are on the case."

"Huh… That's one way to kill them off, I guess."

"What?!" Diamond exclaimed.

I frowned, "Daybreaker is probably trying to get the Elements of Harmony killed. Speaking of which, I don't suppose we could clandestinely aid them?"

"No-" Thorax began to say.

"Now wait, what do you mean Princess Daybreaker is trying to kill the Elements?"

"Uh… don't worry about it. I'm sure Princess Luna wouldn't support them in any way she can."

"That's not explaining anything!"

"Thorax, what exactly have you told him?"

"... Not much."

I sighed, "Daybreaker is an evil monster that possessed Celestia. She would want to kill off the Elements as legitimately as possible, since they are the one thing that could bring Celestia back."

Diamond sank back onto the chair he was sitting on.

"Evil?" He murmured.

"Yeah. So Thorax, Coxa has a place picked out. I'm probably staying there tonight or tomorrow, whenever it gets ready. I want you to help direct homeless changelings there, too."

"Uh, I can do that," Thorax said, not looking away from Double Diamond. "Diamond? You alright?"

"How could she be evil?" He asked.

"The fight with Queen Chrysalis weakened her greatly and put her in the perfect position for possession," I answered.

Diamond tasted very confused. I was about to explain further when there was a knock at the door.

After checking briefly to see that it actually was Coxa, I opened the door and let him in.

"Yo Phasma, Thorax, and Diamond! I'm here now, so you can all stop wishing your lives were as great as mine! I've got a club spotted out that actually sells…. What? Something wrong?"

I pointed with a nod of my head towards Thorax and Diamond. Thorax was speaking softly to Diamond.

"The Daybreaker exposition," I explained.

"We should try to streamline that process."

"Exactly what I was thinking. Maybe make some pamphlets…"

Coxa chuckled, "We could even give those out randomly. You know, anti-propaganda propaganda."

We were at a secret club that Coxa had managed to dig up. Not quite a speakeasy, too dry for that, but they were serving drinks on the down low.

It was in a private booth where Diamond started talking. We sat around listening, in each of our disguises; Thorax as Nimble Wing, myself as Expected Value, and Coxa as a unicorn named Face Value. A cousin of mine, he suggested.

"Princess Celestia, she… When my parents lost everything, including the family business, they tried to get loans to restart their lives. No bank would give them a single bit. Desperate, they went to the Crown. Traveled all the way to Canterlot to speak with Her Highness herself.

"Princess Celestia listened to them. Actually listened to them! When they finished begging for a chance to live again, she gave them a generous loan. Far nicer of one than any bank would lend. Pops did the math, said the Princess would make only a little more than inflation. My parents were grateful for the opportunity, and went right to work remaking the business. Now you're saying that Princess Celestia is… suffering? If what you say is true, then she needs everypony’s help. She deserves better.”

Thorax hugged Diamond, “Don’t worry Diamond, Expected Value is on the case.”

“You are?”

“I am?”

Thorax nodded, “He’s working with ponies to help get Celestia back.”

“Uh, Nimble? I’m really not. That’s more L– her job. I’m focused on protecting us.”

Thorax took the hint on keeping Luna’s identity a secret, “You’re giving her advice, right? That’s what you told me. You're helping out your special someone with her duty, even if you can only offer a sympathetic ear. You can’t underestimate how powerful that is.”

I sent a glance towards Coxa. He smiled and nodded.

‘Thorax is more right than he knows, huh? I guess I am helping out with the whole Daybreaker fiasco, even if in the most limited capacity. Hell, the knowledge I brought to Cadence’s attention is pretty much me actively working against Daybreaker, even if it is to my own gain. Their battle is my battle.’

“I suppose I am,” I summarized my thoughts.

“You know,” Diamond began, “I don’t really understand why you went and attacked Eq–”

I cut him off with an aggressive ‘ah-hem’ throat clearing. We were all in public, and in my eyes, talking about going against Daybreaker while breaking the laws wouldn’t really raise that many eyebrows if someone overheard us. But admitting that we were changelings? That’s a bridge too far.

“–Errr, I mean why you went and did that thing. You’re clearly just… ponies. I mean, normal people. Nimble had explained why, but it seems like just asking for help would have worked.”

“Everything is better in hindsight,” I said. “We didn’t have the luxury of time, nor the confidence of experience of good dealings with ponies. Our history only possessed negative interactions, and spelled the need to never let ourselves be put in a vulnerable position. And at the end, it was my mother who decided our course of action."

"I'm glad you found Harmony, then."

I rolled my eyes and drank my ice water. Thorax took a similar gulp from his heavily sugared coffee. Diamond and Coxa had glasses of whisky, both opting to really enjoy the night.

I looked around the club. It was a large place, located in the basement of some golf course's main building. It was mostly quiet, though some pop music was playing loud enough to cover our conversation. It was a strange place to sell alcohol, but I guess the golf club had stocked up on salt before the Prohibition came into effect.

The club itself looked… plain. Mediocre. Soulless. I guess the only reason why we were here was because of the drinks.

"Not much competition," I said quietly.

"Oh yeah," Coxa agreed.

"What?" Diamond asked.

"This place feels lifeless," I told him.

"All the good places shut down," he said mournfully.

Thorax piped up, "You mean all the places you can get drunk. Pretty sure none of the coffee shops closed down."

We all groaned.

"This was just the warm up," Coxa said. "Where the adults could enjoy drinks before we went to the actual clubs."

I snorted, "Alright then, Mr. Value, when do we start having fun?" After a moment's thought, I asked Diamond, "You're fine if we move on, right?"

He nodded, "This is something I really need to think about. Celestia…"

"Will be fine in the long run," I assured him.

"Remember when you said we would have fun?! Well, you lied!" I yelled over the blaring music that made my teeth vibrate.

"Relax!" Coxa yelled back. "You just need to let go for an evening!"

I lifted a hoof from the floor. It stuck for a moment. I was going to need several showers after this. The music was some loud dubstep crap that I didn’t care for. The entire place smelled of cigarette smoke and sweat.

“I don’t think I can really do that!”

“Listen, Expected. I know you never really had that much exposure to music, but you really should give this genre a try! I know you’d enjoy it!”

‘Yeah, when it’s done by those with talent.’

The thought made me realize that I would never hear music from Earth ever again. No American Rock. No Scandinavian Death Metal. No Israeli Dubstep. I wouldn’t miss Country or Pop, but the rest of the stuff was irreplaceable.

I tuned back into my surroundings. The pony dubstep was… Different. I don’t know what it was, maybe it was my own hearing, but it wasn’t the same. Even if it was, it was certainly not the type I was into.

Hearing. Maybe it was my changeling ears and eardrums. They were far more sensitive and stronger than human hearing. That would undoubtedly affect how music is designed, played, and recorded.

Shaking the thoughts from my head, I turned to my side and saw that Thorax was in a similar predicament. He was sticking to Diamond’s side like glue, with a frown on his face. I shook my head, and he shook his back. Neither of us wanted to be here.

“I don’t think I’m the partying type, Face!” I yelled to Coxa.

“No?! Eh, probably not! You’re way too uptight and wound up to ever let loose! You haven’t even danced yet, right?!”


The song ended and the DJ started yelling something over the mic. I didn’t care enough to try to discern the words, instead choosing to resume the conversation that was quickly making my throat hurt from the yelling.

“Listen, Face! I’m not into this shit, and from the looks of it, neither is Nimble! I think I should head out and–”

The next song started playing, and my ears perked up immediately. I paused mid sentence.

‘Electro-swing? They have Electro-swing?!’

Not only that, I recognized the song.

‘Maybe I was wrong!’

“Now you’re getting it!” Coxa yelled as he pointed to me. I realized that I was bobbing my head and tapping a hoof in line with the music. Fitting, considering the song’s subject was just that.

“They call it lonely digging,” I muttered. “Alright! One song, then I’m out!” Coxa smiled and then tried to drag me out to the dance floor. I shook my head and stayed at our table.

Though I was not one for loud clubs, dancing, and partying, I could at least enjoy a song.

‘A new chapter,’ I thought to myself.

Thorax, Coxa, and myself were out at the banks of a river in the middle of some forest preserve. We were far enough off the track where we were certain that no pony would see us. So we shed our disguises and talked as normal changelings.

‘Not letting go, but accepting and moving on. There’s always a tomorrow, whether we want one or not.’

Coxa lowered two nine pointed stars into the river. The wooden shapes bobbed and floated on the surface as they were swept away.

‘It’s not a goodbye.’

We watched the stars vanish beyond a bend in the river.

“We pray to the Great Weaver to watch over Oestridae and Lacewing as they join Her in the Nine Halls above,” I began.

Thorax had educated me on how to do this. I memorized the lines.

“They gave all they had for the Hive. Drones in chitin, heroes in spirit.”

I was not religious before my reincarnation. But now? Here? I have seen too much to not even consider the idea.

“We celebrate the lives they lived, the work they did, and the greatness they achieved.”

Even if not everyone gets reincarnated, I knew for certain there was life after death.

“We commit their chitin, membranes, and flesh to the Great Tapestry. From nothing they came, to nothing they return.”

I hoped that wherever they were, they were smiling.

“We let go of them and their place in the Hive. We honor their memory, and pray they are with the Final Hive beyond us all. Let Panarthropo, The Great Weaver of all things, welcome them into Her embrace.”

I stretched out a hoof as Coxa brought over a curved knife.

“I, King Phasma of the Fifth Hive, humbly beseech the Great Weaver to look kindly upon their faults. I testify that they were changelings sound in mind and spirit. Martyrs and heroes, the Hive lives on only due to their sacrifice. I, King Phasma, venerate Oestridae for his stand. Against death, he stood valiantly. I, King Phasma, venerate Lacewing for her guidance and loyalty. In the darkest hour, she stood fast, knowing the dangers. I, King Phasma, venerate each and every hero that perished on The Promised Day.”

I took the black curved knife from Coxa’s grip. The sharpened stone reflected the afternoon sun that filtered down through the branches. This was an alien ceremony, one seeped in holy promises, rituals, and occult mystery. I didn’t quite understand it, but I was more than willing to do anything for The First Fang.

I cut my fetlock, driving the knife between the chitin sections above my hoof and my lower foreleg.

Blood dripped down into the river.

“By the Nine Threads, I venerate the heroes of the Fourth and Fifth Hives in this time of change. By the Thread of Command, let their sacrifice be remembered from now till the death of time. On my name as King, let their faults be placed. On my honor as King, let their fates be laid. On my life as King, let their sacrifices be meaningful.”

I pulled on each concept within my own Weave as I spoke, bringing up the esoteric meanings of each concept. Like the First Lesson, this was a religious ceremony where the attendance of a royal was more than meaningful. Thorax said that by performing the ritual myself, Panar was in attendance, listening to my words. No mere drone could ask for Her attention like a reigning royal could.

Let Oestridae and Lacewing, two of the founders of the Fifth Hive, be placed within the Nine Halls as heroes.

I spoke that through the Weave and out loud. Immediately, Coxa and Thorax bowed and said together, “For the Hive Eternal, we commit them to memory.”

They rose and we stood in silence, watching the water. My eyes hurt from the… dust. Yeah, dust.

‘Little soldier boy, comes marching home. Brave soldier boy, comes marching home.’

With a sigh, Coxa turned and grabbed something from the saddlebags on his back. He produced a bottle of liquor and five shot glasses, filling each one and giving a glass to Thorax and I.

“Thrips and Cricket already have something to show for their efforts in securing suppliers. A sample. I tasted it, it’s good.”

I took the shot glass in my own telekinesis and stared at the liquid. It was a sort of brownish blue with a strange smell. My mind went back to the last moment I had on Earth. I never drank before that, and the drunkard had given me more than enough reason to hate the stuff here on Equus. Yet here I was, prepared to make a fortune off selling the stuff.

I realized that Coxa had poured out two spare drinks for Oest and Lace.

“On three,” Coxa began.

“I don’t drink,” I protested.

“Me neither,” Thorax agreed.

He gave me a glare, “For them, do it.”

‘I guess if I am going to profit off this stuff, I should experience what I am bringing into the world.’

“One. Two. Three.”

We each knocked back the shots and swallowed. Immediately, I felt my throat burning up and tears started pouring from my eyes.

“By the Nine, what the hell was that?” I gasped, wiping my face.

“I call it Pyrrhic Victory. Schnapps mixed in with Sadness.”

I could definitely taste cherries, as well as the bitter taste of Sadness.

“You… mixed emotions into the drink?” Thorax asked.

“Noling’s done it before. I mean, an Infiltrator probably has, but they extremely discourage the use of alcohol during infiltrations. Lowers your guard, makes you prone to mistakes, and so on.”

I had mixed love into water, but I hadn’t thought of the possibility of mixing emotions into other drinks.

“I thought it was fitting, given what we were doing here,” Coxa sighed.

I grimaced as I felt my tongue burn from the strong alcohol, “It… was. Thank you, both of you. I’m glad we did this.”

“You know…” Thorax trailed off.

“What?” I prompted.

“By doing this, if every ling in the Fifth Hive agreed, they would be venerated as Saints like the heroes of old. Don’t think a drone has ever been a Saint before…”

Coxa laughed, “I’m sure they would protest!”

“Yeah, I can’t imagine them liking that decision,” Thorax agreed. “In fact… No ling ever venerated accepted it while alive. Usually, they were the one vote against it, meaning only when they passed would they finally become Saints, against their will.”

“... Did you two know them before we met in the infiltration class?” I asked.

“Seen ‘em around the hive a few times,” Coxa replied.

“No,” Thorax said.

“Hmm, no stories then? I guess I’ll start. I remember one time, during one of my first flying lessons, Oestridae had come out to watch. Tarsus had– nevermind that, Oest was there and that’s what matters. Anyways, Oest was there, and he challenged me to a race. Eucharis protested, said that such an interaction was beneath my station, and tried to reprimand Oest for suggesting it. Just to spite Eucharis, I agreed and asked where the starting finish line was. Then he whispered to me just how the race was going to go.”

I sat down on my haunches.

“So no shit, there we were, hauling ass straight downwards, the ground rushing up to meet us...”

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