• Published 18th Oct 2020
  • 31,407 Views, 12,680 Comments

Changing Expectations - KKSlider

What does it mean to be a Changeling? To the former human Prince Phasma, that means doing what you can to survive and thrive in an utterly alien world.

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21- Ishtar

My smile faltered when I got a good look at the voice’s origin.

Nightmare Moon.

A tall alicorn, fur as black as night. No, night has a blue shade to it, this was the absolute absence of color, though it took a slight purple tinge at the very edges. A nebulous mane, flowing behind her in a nonexistent breeze. Warplate, the same light blue as her big eyes. Her wings were spread wide, as if her massive build was not intimidating enough.

She stood tall, staring me down. Despite being the same size as Queen Chrysalis, I felt oh so much smaller.

“Thou art not a pony, Chrysalis.”

She had an aura of authority that Chrysalis would be jealous of.

“I never said I was.”

“Thou art neither an acolyte of my night.”

When she spoke, I felt the very air in my lungs vibrate.

“I rarely enjoy the luxury of seeing the sky.”

“Hast thou only told us lies?”

Like my own, she had slitted eyes, like two ovals cut clean from pure obsidian, hung in a pool of blue.

I swallowed. “I told only a single lie.”

“If thy lie is not your species nor your devotion, then it must be thy name.”

I felt my heart beat faster and faster each time she spoke.

“Yes,” was all I said.

“We see. Thou wilt not tell us thy name?”

My breathes deepened almost imperceptibly.

“No. Names hold power.”

“One who claims to be Chrysalis, thou art wise for not trusting apparitions within the Dreamscape. However, thy wisdom is countered by slighting us. Bequeath thy name to us; We have been truthful, so too shall you, lest you incur our wrath.”

‘This is an alicorn. This is an avatar of power, the true apex predator of the world. I’d rather not piss her off.’

“... You may call me P.”

“P. What art thou?”

“I am…. A watcher in the dark.”

“Thy honeyed words broker no favors, P. Thou weave thy wordings to suit us. Flattery is a waste of breath.”

“There is no more accurate a description for my people.”

Nightmare Moon leans back, eyeing me over.

“People...? Thou art assuredly not a pony of mine. Doth thou even knowest of us?”

“I… We know of only two alicorns. You are neither.”

“Then thou dost know of us. We were formerly Princess Luna, diarch of Equestria.”

I shook my head. “Princess Cadence and Princess Celestia are the two alicorns.”

Nightmare Moon sneered and stomped a hoof. I was sent half an inch upwards off the ground.

“Has our sister perverted our name? What else has her tyranny corrupted?!”

I recovered enough to answer, “Uh, you’re not Princess Cadence, that much is clear.”

This made her pause.

“No? Then who is this Cadence you speak of?”

“The alicorn of love.”

Nightmare Moon threw her head back with a loud laugh.

“Love? LOVE?!”

Her form shuttered as she was taken by a fit of laughter.

“We have not heard such a humorous joke in millennia. There art but two alicorns P: ourself and our twice damned sister, Celestia.”

“Our knowledge of Equestria is rather lacking...”

“Thy kind doth not live within Equestria? Of course not, We would have known of your kind. We suspect knowledge of alicorns has been distorted greatly in thy lands. We art the alicorn of night. Our sister is the alicorn of day. There is no alicorn of love.”

‘Three alicorns then, I doubt our knowledge is wrong there.’

Nightmare Moon moved closer to me. When I didn’t move, she started prowling around me.

“Thy darkened visage. Thy stark white fangs. Thy slitted eyes. If We did not know better, We would assume that thou were created in our own image.”

She stared at my back.

“Thou hast wings?”

I looked backwards and saw the tips of my wings peeking out of my elytra. I moved them out and completely into view.

“If thy shined carapace hath not revealed thy heritage, thy wings surely would have, Night Watcher…. We knowest of no insects who art cunning as thou art.”

I turned to face her. With her being so close now, I could see in detail the etching on her armor, the strands of her fur pushed down by the edges of her warplating.

‘I need to be careful with what I tell her.’

“We are hidden from the world intentionally. To be known is to risk destruction from Equestria.”

“Thou art an enemy of our sister?”

“She does not know so.”

The corner of her mouth raised in a smile that threw up red flags.

“Thou also doth not bow and scrape as a serf doth.... We suspect in the waking world, thou head is not unadorned? Tell us ‘tis so.”

I was silent.

“And thou art no lordling neither. Thou hast at thy beck and call, a kingdom?”

Despite my better judgement, I slowly nodded.

“Prithee, let us strike a covenant. We possess a common enemy whose removal benefits the both of us. Upon our return to the world, let us strike at the tyrant who sits upon the throne of Equestria.”

‘A potential ally… And also a potential enemy, once Equestria has fallen.’

“We are so far from Equestria’s borders. We are also unprepared for war. It would take a year to march to Canterlot,” I lied.

“Then should our sister survive my arrival, you shall join forces with our loyal acolytes. Thy forces will grant us strength and our might shall grant us victory. Together, we shalt vanquish our foes and usher in an era of night!”

“You receive the throne of Equestria, the rulership of the night-”

“As is our right!”

“-and in exchange, we receive… An end to the Sun Tyrant?”

“Doth we have an accord?”

‘Hell no, you’ll just turn your sights on us afterwards once you find out about our diet!’

“We do.”

“What is thy full name, P?”

‘Like hell I’m telling you!’

“... Prince Phasmatodea.”

‘W-wait, what? Is this some kind of truth spell?!’

Nightmare Moon smiled once more.

“A prince, not a king? Thou hast good taste indeed, Prince Phasmatodea.”

‘No, no no no! Lie to her!’

I nodded.

‘I don’t feel any magic, what is this?!’

“Thou art conversing a great while. Thou slumbers deeply?”

“For now.”

‘Shut up, shut up, shut up!’

“Then we shalt converse for what time we have. Doth thou enjoy our prison?”

She gestured around us.

“You are imprisoned here? On the moon?”

Nightmare nodded.

“Our sister cast us off one thousand years past. We have toiled here in the dust since.”

‘Why can’t I lie to her? I already lied to her once, what’s changed?’

“I never imagined this is what the moon looks like.”

‘No, I can still lie. So why did I tell her my name? Was it some kind of geas with the accord that I didn’t know about?’

“We suspect few thought of our distant moon as such a… wasteland.”

We were silent for a bit. I did not attempt to start any lines of conversation, I was so worried that I would say more things I didn’t want to, like the location of the hive.

My heartbeat hadn’t slowed any bit during our conversation, in fact it rose when I told her the truth. The silent moments allowed me to regain control of my wits and bring my heartrate down.

“Thou knowest of our bindings now. What dwelling doth a Night Watcher Prince lodge in?”

“Ah. I live in a collection of rooms at the center of our society.”

“A collection of rooms? Thou describes thyself as a baseborn, not a prince!”

‘Don’t need a thesaurus for that one.’

“We… our kingdom is not nearly as large as Equestria.”

“Thy words trouble us. Have We made a covenant with a pollard?”

“Not sure what that means, but if you are doubting our strength, rest assured, our levy is beyond what Equestria is capable of.”

“Verily? Thou remindest us of our own acolytes yet again. They-”

Nightmare Moon abruptly straightened up.

“Thou art awakening. If we do not converse ‘ere our return on the longest day, remember our covenant, Prince Phasmatodea. One year, we expect homage at Canterlot, or a joining on the battlefield. Thou art wise to ally thyself with the rightful ruler of the sky.”

“One year,” I echoed. The grey dust of the moon blurred out of focus.

I emerged from the bio-pod coughing and hacking up the fluid.

The cold air immediately bit through my carapace, chilling me. I started to shiver, and I opened my eyes to the dark interior of my room. Light was spilling in from the opened doorway, where Chamberlain Eucharis stood.

As he spoke, I pressed a hoof to my chest. My heart was still beating faster than resting pace.

“Welcome back, My Prince! As I said, you are perfectly unexploded. In fact, your new horn looks dashing!”

“Dashing?” I echoed and looked up. All I saw was the ceiling above me. “Do you have a mirror?”

“As a matter of fact, one was retrieved during your absence. But, ah, the horn was not the only change you underwent, My Prince. During your submersion, your body molted for the first time.” Eucharis floated the mirror over and I grabbed it, holding it in front of me.

Funnily enough, seeing my own reflection was like an out of body experience. I half-expected to see me staring back, a human, not a changeling. But no, I am a changeling now.

My smooth drone horn was gone. In its place stood a taller horn, still more closely resembling a drone's rather than Chrysalis's. It was a uniform backwards curve, though taller and the curve more shallow in comparison to its length.

I also got a good look at my face. Slitted eyes, like an orange parallel to Nightmare Moon’s. Large white fangs that dominated the front of my muzzle. Shiny black carapace, though tinted pink with splotches of the love-gel that I had emerged from. Its shininess reminded of a black jaguar, quite dissimilar from the Vantablack fur that covered Nightmare Moon.

I couldn’t recall the last time I saw my own reflection. I couldn’t remember if I even saw it in the first place.

Moving my head to the side, I saw a fin jutting out from the back. It was light red, and had it continued to the top of my head, I would have called it a plume. I imagined I would see a tail of similar color and length, if I were to get out of the pod completely. It seemed to stay rigid at all times, though the fan did seem to move when I pressed on it.

‘That feels weird. Like the cartilage of an ear or nose.’

Pressing on my fin gave me a good look at my forelegs, which I now inspected. They did seem longer, though I could not tell how tall I was now, sitting half submerged in the pod.

“Huh,” I spoke quietly. “Not bad.”

“I’m glad you think so, My Prince.” Eucharis said, “This was most unexpected. It appears your body has taken more after a common drone than a changeling royal. You lack the hair and crown that adorns every royal.”

‘Luckily I find the common drone to be adorable, so this is far from ugly. In fact, keeping in mind the cyan protrusions from Chrysalis’s head that she calls hair, I’d say this is an improvement.’

“Unexpected, but not unwelcome. As long as this is the final change to my appearance, then I’d say I’ve gotten off lucky with my… mutations.”

Eucharis leaned to the side and into my line of sight. “There’s more, Prince Phasma. Your mother has picked a day for the invasion.”

I lowered the mirror to glare at him.

“Let me guess, it’s far too soon?”

“The summer solstice. Princess Celestia will be completely unprepared for our arrival during the pony celebration!”

‘Five months?!’

“Five months?! That’s……”

‘Celestia will be busy, alright!’

“... perfect,” I said slowly. “The summer solstice: the Promised Day will be the longest day of the year, and the ponies won’t know what hit them.”

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