• Published 18th Oct 2020
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Changing Expectations - KKSlider

What does it mean to be a Changeling? To the former human Prince Phasma, that means doing what you can to survive and thrive in an utterly alien world.

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60- Máni

‘Ah yes, the one thing We had never gotten used to. Mornings. That was the one upside of banishment; We could sleep in.’

Princess Luna awoke as irritable as ever. She rose from her bed, throwing off the red silk duvet as she got up. The bed would be too small for her once she reached her usual size, but for now it would do. Luna could be patient while a proper room was prepared for her. This guest room was so many leagues beyond the cold dust of the lunar surface that she would overlook any small slight against her in such bedding arrangements.

She slowly lumbered over to the balcony doors and pulled them open, not bothering to move the drapes that covered their glass windowed surface out of the way. The air sent shivers down her spine as she trotted over to the edge of the balcony.

Still ineffectively blinking the sleep from her eyes, Princess Luna struck a pose; Legs apart, wings extended, and head raised to the sky. Like an island in a sea of black, her moon shone down upon Canterlot. Actually being able to appreciate her moon rather than being stuck on its surface brought a smile to Luna’s face.

‘Enough dawdling, duty awaits.’

Her horn lit up in a blue glow as she channeled energy into it. Searching within herself, Luna found her connection to the moon and willed it to move. She felt the immense power that lay so distant from Equus ripple as the celestial body lowered from its point in the sky. At the same time, at a different location in Equestria, Daybreaker was doing the same with her sun.

As the night sky was replaced with the flowing oranges and yellows of the sunrise, Luna let go of her connection and headed inside. Already, her eyes were starting to sting from the bright morning light.

As much as she wanted to head back to her bed, she had royal duties now. After getting as ready as she could be for the day in the attached bathroom, Luna trotted out of her guestroom– or guest-wing, as the small complex of rooms should be titled– and to the main dining hall. The Royal Guards standing on either side of her door saluted as she passed. The rest of the Royal Guards in the halls merely stood at attention instead of saluting, as tradition dictated.

The dining hall was empty. The large table was already set with Luna’s breakfast but the seats were all empty. The kitchen staff had quickly adapted to the princess’s preferences and work schedule so there was no need to wait for her early meal to be prepared.

Coffee. Now that was a miracle invention that Luna had taken to consuming with untold fervor.

As pleasant as the food was, Luna was not in the mood to enjoy it. Instead, she was stewing over what were today’s events as well as what has happened in the past two weeks. Instead of enjoying this meal with her sister, who had waited for Luna’s return for an entire millennia, Luna was alone.

The silence was too much.

She pushed her chair back and left the dining room, her breakfast half-eaten. Outside the doors of the room, Kibitz was arranging the papers in a folder. When he saw the Princess exiting and approaching him, he shut the folder and bowed to her.

“Princess Luna, good morning.”

“We disagree.”

Kibitz rose, “I am thankful that you have decided to–” Kibitz saw that Luna was already walking away in the direction of the throne room, so he had to put on a brisk trot to catch up. “To get an early start on the day! After Princess Daybreaker’s declaration that the crown would rebuild Canterlot, petitioners have been coming out in droves. As it is, your schedule is now completely filled to the brim!”

“Wonderful. At least ponies are actually coming to see us this time.”

The guards saluted and opened the double doors as Luna and her assigned aid approached. The throne room was a sorry sight. Instead of hideously covering up the holes and damage in the architecture, the construction ponies went with the wise decision of removing entirely the damaged structure and starting from the ground up. Careful weather planning would ensure that that exposed interior would not be subject to the harshness of the elements. That meant that Canterlot would go without rain for a bit, but that was a sacrifice Daybreaker made without hesitation.

Luna would be holding court under an open sky. The rising sun glared brightly as Luna entered the marble-floored courtyard. When she took her place on the half-destroyed throne, Luna noticed the sun was also reflecting up off the polished floor and into her eyes.

‘Assaulted from two different angles by that nemesis of sleep. Woe, what We would do for just another hour…’

“Let daycourt commence,” she bellowed instead of voicing her conniptions.

The guards at the far end of the impromptu courtyard moved to open the doors, revealing a line of ponies that had already formed up. They had arrived around dawn, hoping to secure an early spot in line.

At the guard’s instructions, the first pony approached, trotting across the torn up red carpet that lay between the throne and the far doors. The small yellow unicorn cowed before Luna, making herself appear as weak and small as possible.

“Speak thy business!”

The unicorn whimpered and shrunk down even lower. Luna suppressed a sigh. Outwardly, she remained as ever calm and graceful as royalty demanded.

‘This is going to be a long day.’

Court had taken a break for lunch.

The hours dragged on as Luna was forced to sit through sob story after sob story, having the responsibility to judge whether or not to dispense the limited aid that Daybreaker had budgeted for the common pony. After much deliberation, Daybreaker had acknowledged the need to rebuild and was slowly increasing that allocated amount of capital. It was far too slow of a change.

To make matters worse, the ponies that approached her to request aid were all afraid of her. Some put on a face and acted dignified, but Luna could see plainly that it was just that: an act. The slight tremble, the occasional hesitation, the stumbling of words. None of her subjects were comfortable speaking to the recently returned monarch.

Ponies were coming to her with problems, yes, but they did so out of necessity. Nopony wanted to see her. None except for two. One she would have to wait till night to see again, and the other had just joined her for her midday meal.

As Luna dined on her spiced lentil soup that a servant had brought for her, Twilight Sparkle entered the room. Her head hung low as she slowly entered.

“Good afternoon, Twilight Sparkle.”

Upon hearing her name, Twilight looked up. She returned Luna’s smile.

“Good morning Princess Luna,” Twilight said with a bow.

“Come, sit. Thou hath not had lunch, We presume?”

Twilight shook her head as she took a chair next to Luna.

“I came straight here once I got your message. I can’t thank you enough for your help, Princess Luna.”

Luna waved a hoof, “‘Tis a triviality. Thou were one who saved our life, what is a few bits for the restoration of thy home?”

“Still, I heard tales of how it can be hard to actually get help from the crown. I feel bad for jumping the line, as it were…”

“Chin up, Twilight Sparkle. Thou art a heroine of Equestria. We do what We can for those in need, but We will not stand idly by while a heroine’s family sleeps in the gutters. Generosity is a virtue of Harmony that all should champion, least of all between friends. That is, if thou would do us the honors of considering us a friend.”

“I would be honored, Princess,” she beamed.

A waiter brought in a tray with today’s lunch and deposited it before the guest.

“Please, eat while We speak. Now, while We attend to the weary souls of Canterlot, Daybreaker heads the campaign against the changelings. This is common knowledge.”

Luna spied the servant out of the corner of her eyes, not looking away from Twilight. As the waiter left and closed the door behind him, Luna and Twilight were left alone in the room.

“... But she has dearly neglected the souls she claims to protect. Our reconstruction budget hath suffered greatly on the border of starvation. Instead of focusing on helping ponies, Daybreaker touts victory after victory against the invading menace.”

“It is important that no more ponies come to harm…”

“Yet she neglects those who harm has already befallen? She burdened us with the task of rebuilding while she goes on a vainglorious crusade against a retreating foe. With our great forces once again assembled against our foe, Captain Shining Armor is more than capable of pursuing the route himself. Thy brother is more than capable of the task. Daybreaker knows this, yet she still pursues conflict.”

Luna shook her head as she cast her gaze around the room. The grand decor of the room was cracked to the foundation. It would take years of rebuilding to truly fix the damage dealt.

‘An iconography of Equestria as a whole.’

“Daybreaker is not the same pony who welcomed in that heap of refuse once called a castle. She–”

Luna’s ear briefly flicked in the direction of the door as she felt a massive energy surge nearby.

“... What We mean to say is that thou should examine thy idol’s actions with a close eye. Actions speak far louder than words. Do they really encompass what it means to champion Harmony? When thy friend is trodding a path of darkness, it is up to their friends to save them, no? We beseech thee, think on this.”

“I… I will.”

“That is all We can ask. Now, We fear our day is about to become a lot busier and less pleasant, so We must bid thee farewell. We enjoyed the brief moments of respite thy company has offered us, Twilight Sparkle.”

“Oh. Goodbye then, Princess Luna.”

Luna rose from her seat and walked to the door.

“We should not need to say this, but we would be remiss if We did not; do not speak a word of this to anypony. Thy fellow Bearers of Elements aside, We suspect that fear has found its way into the hearts of all the ponies of Canterlot. Daybreaker especially.”

Luna left the dining hall and made for the throne room. That was where the burst of magic came from, and with it, the current source of all of her troubles. However, before she could even get thirty paces away from the dining room, her source of troubles had come to her.

It was conversing with Kibitz. As they neared, Luna caught the tail end of the discussion.

“... are all ready at a moment’ notice for presentation, Princess.”

“Excellent. Have them brought to Canterlot Castle immediately. I will pick who wins the contract before I head back to the battlefield.”

Kibitz bowed and excused himself. Free of distraction, the demon’s gaze returned to the space in front of her. It stared back at Princess Luna and its lips stretched upwards, as if it could smile.

“Good morning sister!”


The demon frowned.

“Now now, no need to be so cold with me. I have just come back from a rather successful fight against a splinter group of the invaders. Lives were saved, ponies rejoiced. This is a good day for Equestria. We have struck back against those who have sought to do us harm.”

Luna sighed and hid any displeasure of speaking with the visage of her own failures, “We apologize. Today has been most unpleasant. We have already reached the maximum offerings allowed by the reconstruction budget. If thou could…”

“I will look into it,” Daybreaker said, stroking a hoof along Luna’s chin.

‘Once again, our troubles are thrown aside.’

Daybreaker started to move past Luna towards the dining room, no doubt to sate a massive appetite that arose after a fight.

“Sister, please!” Luna tried to distract Daybreaker.

“Our funds are stretched thin, Luna. I’ll look into it.”

‘Horse apples!’

Daybreaker opened the doors. She put on a fake smile when she saw the occupant of the room.

“Ah, Twilight. I did not expect my favorite student to be here today.”

Luna walked back to sulk in Daybreaker’s shadow.

“Heheh, I’m your only student, Princess Daybreaker,” Twilight giggled while putting a spoon down. As she got up from her chair, Daybreaker held out hoof to stop her as Daybreaker approached the table.

“Please, do not stop on my account. It would be rude of me to interrupt your meal.”

‘Therein lies the bane of reason. So hard it is to catch a glimpse of the evil that writhes within that it wears Celestia’s kindness like a second skin. Daybreak is, above all else, patient. But I know its evil. I’ve seen it firsthoof.’

Luna stood by, offering an insincere smile while they chatted. A servant brushed past her and placed a tray with a bowl far larger than the one she used before the larger alicorn.

“So tell me Twilight, what brings you to the Castle today? I had heard you were spending time with your family.”

“Uh… Princess Luna invited me here.”

Daybreaker turned her smoldering gaze towards Luna.

“Did she now?”

Luna swallowed her nervousness, “We did. We possess so few who We can confide in… We had hoped that one of our saviours would lend a patient ear.”

“I’m here now, Luna. Tell me what troubles you?”

Luna thought quickly, “Our petitioners approach with no small amount of hesitation. We find that We are finally sought out by our subjects, yet they do so with no pleasure. They… are afraid of us. Or dislike us. ‘Tis impossible to tell…”

Daybreaker’s eyebrows furrowed as she thought.

“It must be those newspapers. All the ponies of Canterlot read them everyday, and I know firsthoof just what kind of baseless lies they churn out. No doubt some viscous or scandalous rumours based around you are sourced from their presses. In fact, I am certain that changelings have infiltrated the press agencies to further spread discourse amongst our ponies. Fret not Luna, I will have these companies investigated. In the meantime, I will put a hold on printing stories outside of crown-approved ones. A temporary measure until we are sure that our enemies are not pitting us against one another.”

‘More like an excuse for thee to recuse the freedom of press. Though that institution is new to us, We can clearly see how it would upset thy machinations. There are no changelings amongst their numbers, We are certain. Thy guards will claim otherwise, and one more freedom will be lost. All the while, thou appear as a benevolent saviour while spreading fear and distrust.’

“Thank you, sister.”

“Now Twilight, tell me about your day…”

Luna wanted to get back to the throne room and get back to work, but she had to stay here. She had to be present for Daybreaker’s conversations with Twilight, lest some unknown piece of information or manipulation escape her notice.

It was like playing a game of chess. Luna could move her pieces slowly, while Daybreaker moved many at once and out in the open. Luna had to wait for Daybreaker’s back to be turned to move even the simplest of pawns, much less the Queen on the field that is Twilight Sparkle.

‘The last Element who is not set against Daybreaker.’

Daybreaker was wise enough to slowly seep her tendrils of disharmony through the kingdom. If she moved any faster, the Elements’ Bearers would depose her immediately. It is for that exact reason why Daybreaker has not already confiscated the Elements and disposed of them, though she would do that soon enough. As soon as that action is excusable, Daybreaker would get rid of the one weapon that could bring Celestia back.

‘Hmmm. Did Phasma have to play such games against Queen Chrysalis within their own kingdom? Ha, ‘tis most certainly so. Perhaps he can offer advice? Even help us to be more approachable? Yes, we shall request his aid tonight.’

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