• Published 18th Oct 2020
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Changing Expectations - KKSlider

What does it mean to be a Changeling? To the former human Prince Phasma, that means doing what you can to survive and thrive in an utterly alien world.

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65- Janus

Luna materialized as a billowing cloud of black and blue nebulous smoke, which quickly dissipated and revealed her form. It was quite fitting, considering that we were currently floating in front of the Pillars of Creation.

She had an impossibly smug grin on her face as she walked up to me. Once again, there was no surface beneath us but I let us walk on nothing all the same. When she stopped next to me, her grin only widened.

“Good evening Phasma.”

“Hi Luna.”

“Tell me, did you perchance see our night sky?”

“Nah, I went to bed early.”

“You are smiling.”


“I can see it.”

“No you can’t.”

“Did you like my message?”

“What message? I didn’t receive any mail today.”

“I told you there was no chance of me losing the bet.”

“That’s strange considering you lost it.”

“I hope you have an apology prepared.”

“I mean, technically you didn’t prove that you moved the moon, so that means I won.”

“Oh no it does not! You saw an example of my power. You know that what I say is truthful.”

“I’ll tell you what, we can call it a draw.”

“Concede! You lost!”

“Best two out of three?”

“I will write ‘Phasma Lost’ in the stars themselves if you do not acknowledge our victory!”

“Hahaha okay okay... there’s a small possibility you won. A very small possibility. Negligible, even.”

“Charlatan!” She yelled before tackling me.

As we tumbled, I turned off gravity and removed the surface beneath us, sending us spinning through space. In order to not be flung away, Luna wrapped her forelegs around my chest as we spun.

“Admit defeat!” She yelled, but she was smiling.

“Sorry what was that? I can't hear you over the sound of the laws of physics actually working.”

“You lost, you insufferable knave!” She poked me in the chest, trying to keep a straight face.

“Maybe I did, but I’ll never admit that.”

“Then I suppose I’ll just leave you here. Your stubbornness and ego shall keep you company.”

I sighed and stopped our spin. Luna relaxed her grip but otherwise still held onto me.

“Alright fine, I didn’t win. You… didn’t lose– what did you tell Daybreaker about the message? I imagine she would have wanted an explanation, if only for the fact that she controls the presses now.”

Luna rolled her eyes when I refused to admit defeat. She let go of me and gave me a tired glare.

“That after dealing with yet another troublesome foal, I grew tired of proving that I could indeed manipulate the night sky. You have done nothing to dissuade that notion, you overgrown colt. Still, without even telling you, you knew of an altercation between us. I could really use your experience with all this secretive nonsense.”

“How does your solar system even work then? It shouldn’t be possible nor necessary for you to ‘move’ the sun or moon but I guess with magic, anything’s possible.”

“Give me autonomy over the Dreamscape and I shall show you.”

“I can do that? How? No wait, why didn’t you ask me to do that earlier?”

“... Having to weave together Dreamscapes gets boring and tiresome after a while. To relax and let you do the work has led to many enjoyable moments.”

“I get that, it’s hard work having an imagination. How do I give some control over to you?”

“Let this be the first lesson in Dreamwalking. There is no magic in here. Not unicorn’s, alicorn’s, changeling’s or any other.”

“I figured as much. The fact that I can’t ever sense your emotions in here hinted at that.”

“Changelings sense emotions?”

“Yeah. We feed on love as that’s the best one, but we can sense and consume any emotion for the most part. Many specific emotions are considered facets of the major ones, though. Boredom is a lack of excitement, excitement is just happiness, so therefore we only sense the presence of happiness or lack thereof, and so on.”

“Only broad emotions, that is very interesting…”

“Don’t tell–”

“I will keep it a secret. You should know by now that I would not reveal your existence, directly or indirectly.”

“Sorry, it’s just…”

“I know. Though how long your powers remain a secret remains to be seen. Daybreaker will soon start interrogating captives. I have convinced her to start taking prisoners, but this means there is a need to feed them. They were forthcoming only with dietary needs, and Daybreaker has sent ponies that have slighted her to be cocooned and allowed access to by Daybreaker’s prisoners. In exchange, she intends to learn more about changelings’ transformative abilities. But I have gotten far off topic. I was about to instruct you on the magic of Dreamwalking, was I not?”

I set us down on an invisible plane once again.

“Something like that.”

“Each dream is a reflection of the mind and soul. You will the formless Dreamscape to take form, and it does so. But to give control of it over to somepony else is to let someone into your own mind, to give them control over your own subconscious. For a Nightmare to take hold of its victim, the victim must submit themselves willingly. Before then, a Nightmare’s influence is limited.”

“Not limited enough…”

“No. They can inflict physical pain and change what the dream looks like, but only to a certain extent. They are powerful apparitions of evil but even they have limits. Likely, what manipulation you saw and pain you felt was the ultimate extent of that specific Nightmare’s power. Most Nightmares are too weak to even penetrate the subconscious protections each dreamer creates around themselves. To manifest itself before the victim is a feat of great skill and strength.”

“Skill and strength in what? You said there’s no magic in the Dreamscape.”

“No magic in the conventional sense. In the waking world, we interact with magic as everypony only ever has. By tapping into our connections– and the connections in the world around us– to the magical plane, we draw strength. In the Dreamscape, you must draw strength from one’s own self. If it were possible for physical beings such as us to naturally draw power from the Dreamscape, all that would do is open up the portcullis and invite invasion.”

“So I must draw power from myself? That sounds like I’m exposing my soul or something.”

“That is precisely what you must do.”

“That sounds like the worst idea anyone has ever had in the history of ideas.”

“Dreamwalking has always been a dangerous profession. Those gifted in its abilities will not survive without tutorship.”

“But if drawing in power lowers my defenses, how does exposing what needs to be defended any better?”

“The best defense is a strong offense. Further, by controlling your innate strength, you change it from being a vulnerability to being a weapon. There is truth in what you say, however. To rush into battle using your life as a weapon is inherently dangerous and foolish. This is why Dreamwalking must be done as clandestinely as possible. To never be seen by the hordes of shadows that lie outside the protection of a dream is the mainstay of a Dreamwalker’s arsenal.”

“So hide at all times, and rush into battle when exposed?”

“That is the simplistic view of it. To abscond the protective cover of a dream is to plunge oneself into the heart of a forest fire. To weaponize one’s inner strength is to turn one’s greatest weakness into a potent weapon. Be prepared to fight, but avoid conflict at all times. Leave behind the complicated structures and formulas of modern spells, Dreamwalking is much more… primal.”

“Okay. Then how do you go between dreams? Or even see them in the first place?”

“You must expand your senses without leaving the protection of the dream. To leave the dream without leaving the dream is a paradoxical task that must be surmounted by the nascent Dreamwalker. That will be another lesson. First you will… On second thought, giving me control over your dream is a bad idea.”


“It is something I have always wanted to do, however my personal desires caused me to forget how dangerous and… intimate it is. It has to do with the requirements that allow me control. Perhaps one day in the future, but not today. Instead, I shall instruct you how to tap into your strength... As well as advise you on the structure of Equu’s solar system.”

“Okay. Inner strength. How do I do that?”

“Close your eyes. Clear your mind. You must focus solely on a memory. It must hold significant value to you. Remember this specific memory, as it will be your key. You may at later dates change what this key memory is, but for now choose a specific one. Got it? Do not tell me what it is. Do not tell anypony. Now, focus on why this memory is important to you. Keep that importance in mind and imagine pulling on it. Pull it up from the core of your being, up to the surface. While holding the importance at your surface, imagine the process of casting a spell. You channel energy through your horn to cast the spell. I want you to channel energy from this importance to the importance itself, forming a loop. Now, slow the energy feed into your strength. More. There, that’s how much you need to keep moving. Any more than that is wasteful. ”

“... Now what?”

“Keep feeding it energy, and open your eyes.”

Luna was still before me, only she was lit up in a white light. Looking down, I realized that the light was coming from my chest.

“That was… easy. Also a bit cliche.”

"There's a glow because you expected there to be one. The process has no physical signs, Phasma."

The light died away.


“That was just bringing your strength to the surface, the first step in Dreamwalking or dispelling Nightmares.”

“... Brings a new meaning to a positive feedback loop.”

“Indeed. Now, discussion about the solar system can wait. Your next lesson will be expanding your sight beyond the confines around it. Foolish fops in the waking world like to imagine they can do such a thing there in the material plane. We are going to do the real thing here. I will be right here next to you, so do not worry about anything going wrong. You must find your connection to the Dreamscape. When the energy goes through your soul, it also ebbs into the surroundings. You must find that pulse.”

After a few moments, I found what seemed like a leak of energy.

“I think I got it.”

“Follow that pulse. Feed it energy as it goes.”

I did as instructed, only to shutter in surprise. I had to close my eyes to prevent myself from throwing up. I was seeing everything twice. It was like trying to look through three-hundred-sixty degree vision.



“This is like echolocation. I can see behind and around me, that’s extremely disorientating.”

“You will get used to it. Now, do you see where the ripple changes? It should be out a ways.”

“It sort of… wobbles?”

“That is it hitting the barrier of your dream, beyond the physical manifestation summoned. Push energy into the wave right before the distortion starts. You want to empower it and speed it up so that it can break through.”

Once the energy did break the envelope of the dream, I felt it expand out into nothingness. Then, with the next wave of energy, I felt pings that lit up as the wave hit them

“I broke through and I think I see other dreams.”

“Excellent! You should only be able to sense the dreams nearby, as your methods are all inexperienced. With time and practice, you will be able to sense dreams halfway across Equus. Now to visualize all of this, you must mentally map out where each dream is, with yours in the center. Imagine projecting this map around you, with white dots marking each one's location.”

As I did so, an orange circle appeared in front of me.

‘My dream.’

Surrounding it, being revealed in an expanding wave, several other points of light appeared at varying spots in a three dimensional scatter.

‘The dreams of others. Looks kinda like stars.’

“Looks like stars,” I voiced my thoughts out loud.

“I led you to visualize them as I was taught. In truth, one can view them in any fashion they desire. However, I prefer this one. Eventually I shall teach you how to feel each dream, getting a sense of their emotional state. This will come out as color coding for each star before you.”

“Got it. What’s next?”

“Traveling between dreams. The target dream that we shall head to is close to me, but far from you. I shall provide the exact location.”

Luna flapped her wings and rose above me. Eventually, she stopped at a point and pointed a hoof straight out.

“Place a star at the end of my hoof.”

I placed a glowing white dot there. After a few adjustments, Luna was satisfied with its final location.

“Now to travel. Every dream in the Dreamscape is connected. Like the synapses of a nervous system, each one is tethered to the next. This lets us travel between the otherwise impossible to find islands of sanctity in the Dreamscape. The connection goes both ways, however. Maladies such as Nightmares or other Dreamscape hazards plague the connections like a disease. It is up to us Dreamwalkers to safeguard the Dreamscape.”

“So how do we use these connections to travel?”

“You must pulse your energy along the connections, revealing the path all the way to your destination.”

I directed the outward waves in the direction of the star Luna had me place. Though I revealed a number of dreams in between here and the target, no matter how much energy I put in, I could not reach her designated destination.

“I can’t reach that far.”

“I suspected not. Then listen carefully to my next words as I prepare to bring both of us together. First, you must wrap up those who you wish to travel with. Clutch them close to your soul.”

Luna closed the distance between us and hugged me, wrapping her wings around my back.

“It is especially helpful to do this physically, for it makes it less of a leap of logic. Then, as you pulse the network of dreams, you must see the path you will take from here to there in your mind’s eye. Then, with all your might, push your party through the network along the path you chose–”

In a flash of blue, the entire dream vanished. For a split second, I couldn’t see anything outside of roiling blue clouds that enveloped us. Then, we appeared in a very fancy bedroom. Gone was the field of stars and orange and yellow nebula, replaced by marble checkerboard floors, arched windows, and fancy wood paneling. Maroon curtains and stretches of fabric brought color to the faded room, and though there was some materials on a desk and wardrobe, the most colorful object in the room was the other occupant. I had only seen her once before.

“– and just like that, you arrive at your destination,” Luna finished. She then let go of me and turned towards Princess Cadence. “Good evening, niece. Are you well?”

The pink alicorn was currently wielding a sabre in her magic, thrusting it towards a mannequin placed in front of a pillar that separated two vaulted windows at one side of the room. The mannequin on the receiving end of the brutal attack looked quite similar to…

‘Ah fuck me, this is going to be bad.’

With one final lunge, Cadence plunged the metal sabre into my heart and sighed.

“As well as I can be, Luna. I am happy to see you, we so rarely hang out at ni–”

Cadence turned around and froze up when she saw me standing next to Luna.

“Auntie Luna… The target Aunt Day provided was realistic enough…”

“I agree. You already suffer from hesitation when striking. Do you remember what I told you earlier today?”

‘Spilled the secret of my existence before the bet was even won. I’ll remember that, Luna.’

“That you would be bringing a visitor with you. One who I should meet, despite our first meeting going poorly. Luna, you didn’t say it was him.”

She plucked the sword out from the faux Dread Prince and brought it over to her side, never even taking her eyes off me.

"You should be dead."

“Hello Princess Cadence. It’s… nice to see you again.”

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