• Published 11th Aug 2020
  • 4,779 Views, 341 Comments

Reborn - Pensive

Brother, sister, mother, father... What is a family? Are they just relatives? The people whom take care of you? Or, are they the ones you love most for just being whom they are? What will happen when brother and sister find them alone in Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 6 - Flight

POV: Eclipse Wing

As Eclipse was flying she saw that she was flying slower than normal. The weight of having two foals, alicorn or not, was heavier than she expected.

"Apologies, I did not expect Mark to slow me down this much."

"E-excuse me?!" replied an indignant Mark, "And what do you mean by that?!"

As Eclipse flow higher, while successfully distracting Mark, she turned her head to look at the foals on her back. Leading the conversation, she smirked and knew she had already won.

"Well, I think you're smart enough to figure it out," Eclipse continued to smirk, "Unless... Do you need some help? It's fine, I understand It's too complicated for you to understand. I shouldn't have said that."

Eclipse's tone caused Mark's eyes to twitch in indigent fury, exactly what she wanted.

A giggle could be heard from Star trying to hide it behind her hooves. This causes a chain reaction causing Eclipse to giggle as well. Mark, realizing his situation, grumbled out something about cheating as they continued to fly. At this time Mark remembers they were flying so he quickly tightened his hooves around her neck.

Mark couldn't lie, her fur was soft and silky.

A few minutes later, Mark was sound asleep as they flew high in the sky. It wasn't long before the silence of flapping wings was filled again.

"So, Princess Starla however shall I help you?"

While Eclipse teased Star, she only blushed and made a soft reply.

"Well... you can just call me Star, everyone does."

"Oh? Are you perhaps the star that shines hope at night?"

The appropriate action for Star would be to hide behind her hooves with a blush, to which she promptly did bring her growing face. Eclipse giggled at her success.

"Relax, Star, just teasing."

A murmur was heard from for the still glowing pony on Eclipse back.

"So, how was your stay in the zebra lands? I'd like to get to know the Prince and Princess I'll be protected for this journey."

"Well, if you exclude my annoying cute and easy to tease brother," Star replied with a roll of her eyes and poke on her brother, "it's been... not well with the state of the village."

Star mostly muttered the last part off and Eclipse would have to be deaf to not pick up on the social queue. She swiftly changed the subject.

"So, do you want to know how my special somepony," Eclipse paused to giggle before continuing, "burnt half his tail off?"

Star looked up for a moment thinking.

"You know, that's something I really want to know now..."

"I thought so," Eclipse rolled her eyes, "so it all began when-"

Whilst Star and Eclipse cheerfully chatted, elsewhere in the night, betrayal filled the night.

POV: Night Rose

Walking down the hall below deck, was none other than Night Rose. Still a little hungover from the previous night, but at least she's happy the trip is halfway done. Nearing the hallway in which most thestral rooms were she quickly came upon her own.

Inside, it was similar to Luna's room, instead of one bed, two bunk beds, two small tables, and no alcohol, unfortunately.

"Aye, Rose whatcha doing?"

In one of the bunk beds topside, was none other than her best friend. They had grown up together and gone through basic together as well.

"Walking," replied Rose, "if you couldn't already see."

With a playful punch, Rose went to the bottom side bunk.

"Wanna do something?"

"Nah, I'm good," slurred Rose, "besides I'm a little hungover from the whiskey I had with Princess Luna."

"I see," Rose's face was meant with an upside-down smirking head, " trying to play favorites eh?"

"W-what? You know I wouldn't, " Rose was desperately trying to come up with a response, "besides if you keep hanging for the top like that you're going to fall."

"Whhaaaat, noooo," came back all the confirmation Rose needed as she grabbed Raven where she could easily bring her down, "you wouldn't."

"Would I?" replied Rose, "Think real hard now Raven Light."

"You would..." grumbled Raven, "at le-Aaah!"


"You guess correctly," said Rose smirking upon her fallen foe while others outside ran loudly, "you should have seen that coming you kno-"


The room down was slammed open. In came one of the higher-ranking Solar Guard on the ship. It was only a few seconds before Night Rose, and Raven's attention to each other was directed on the pony.


"Yes, SIR!" came two separate replies.

Rose and Raven didn't need to think. They only frantically got armored and got going. It wasn't long before alarm bells started, and everyone sleeping the night was awake

While running down the wood halls, hooves of all the other ponies clopping loudly trying to reach the top deck, once Rose reached the top deck she knew immediately what's going on.

Her world went dark.

POV: Eclipse Rose

Giggling at Star's most recent story about how Mark had fallen asleep in class a few times, I began to look around. We should reach the shore soon. The ship isn't too far offshore. Too bad that there was no harbor nearby. Meant that they had to stack up on supplies since after departing there would be no resupply.

"Hey, Star, we should reach the shore soon. You might want to wake Mark up since Princess Luna wanted to see you two before you retire for the night. Though if you're too tired, she said you can rest as soon as we reach the ship."

"Mark? Please he's practicaly nocturnal with how late he stays up, " Star just poked Mark.

"Nocturnal? Then why does he sleep now?"

Star looked at Mark thinking, watching him snuggle into Eclipse's fur more. Looking at Eclipse she smiled trying not to giggle,

"I think," Star began to laugh a bit, "I think you, Ms. Eclipse Rose, have an admirer."

"W-What?! But, I have a special somep-pony!" Star could see Eclipse desperately trying to hide her

Now Star was laughing so hard she couldn't stop for air. Eclipse's face stayed flush, ears down. Though, she couldn't hide her small little grin.

"Anyway, you want to see something funny?"

"How so?"

"Just watch," as Star said those words she rubbed the back of Mark's neck a bit in an odd way.

Mark was up within seconds.

"S-star tickleeeess, Stoopp," laughed Mark whilst not being able to move much without fear of falling off.

When she stopped, Eclipse and Star stared at Mark. Seems it's his turn to blush. And now Eclipse and Star giggled for the millionth time that night. Five minutes later, when Star and Eclipse stopped teasing poor ole Mark it was quiet

"Anyways Mark, we'll reach the ship soon and Princess Luna said that she wanted to meet you two if possible before you retire for the night."

"I don't think that will be much of a problem," grumbled Mark, "I'm usually up at night anyways."

Eclipse Rose just rolled her eyes.

POV: Twilight

Two weeks ago

Twilight was boarding a train for Canterlot. She had already told her friends that she was going to Canterlot to see Princess Luna ask about some stars. Her friends, unfortunately, we're all busy and unable to come. Spike was also busy because he said he had to help out Rarity, so he would be in Ponyville.

As Twilight walked down the train, she found an empty seat and pulled her books out. If she was going alone, she was prepared for the hour of silence.

Sitting down, she looked at Astro's Book of General Astronomy. It was one of the more recent books which are surprising. Space is confusing and today this day stunts some of the world's top scientists. Telescopes aren't strong enough to get a very image of other Solar systems but what images there are shows are impossible.

As far as ponykind knows, the Princesses only move their Sun and Moon, yet other systems give information which shouldn't be possible. Those planets shouldn't have any life, and even if they did, they shouldn't be able to move their own Sun and moons.

Twilight had the brilliant Idea to ask Luna because she moves the moon and represents the night. Who else would know how the night sky works other than Princess Luna herself?

While Twilight was lost in thought, the long train rides had started, thus starting Twilight's Journey of Sleeping in the Lab with nothing but coffee.

Two Hours Later

Twilight was still reading. Her bad habit of walking and reading has taken over again and as she walks through the Palace, Guards still pay respects to the Alicorn even as she doesn't notice them. She had the entire castle memorized and even knew where Princess Luna's room was.

Going down the halls, Twilight didn't even realize the lack of thestral guards were at least two Princess Luna's elite Lunar Guard should be guarding her room. Looking up, Twilight only found two royal guards. She didn't even have time to think before she started to blurt out what was in her mind.

"Shouldn't Lunar Guards be here?"

One of the guards replied with the same plain face most of them have.

"Most Lunar Guards, some Solar Guards, and a few Royal Guards have been sent on a recent mission and should not return till the end of the month."

This answer shocked Twilight. Sending out so many Lunar Guards, Solar Guards, and Royal Guards would leave the castle undefended, and even though a few ever make it to any of the Elite Guards, they are only the best of the best.

"What?!" exclaimed Twilight, she may not like to delve into books of war history, but she knows even when an unwise decision is made, "Why would that ever happen!? That leaves Canterlot grossly undefended!"

The Guards winced at Twilight's shout, but still tried to remain calm.

"We're not privy to that information."

Twilight eyes twitched. 'Is this some kind of attack? Have the Changelings infiltrated the Guard?'

"Let me in to see Princess Luna," Twilight replied sternly. She was not happy.

"Princess Luna hasn't been seen since yesterday, your-"

"WHAT!?" Twilight screamed.

Twilight’s fury could be seen on her face at this point. Even the guards couldn't help but cower a bit. 'If this is some kind of attack, then a large portion of the Equestria defense is gone without Luna. Celestia is powerful, but most of the Elite Guard force is gon- Where Princess Celestia!?!?'

Turning around Twilight ran. With any luck, Celestia is still safe and hasn't disappeared. As soon as Twilight rounded the corner she disappeared in a bright flash into the throne room. After a quick look around with no Celestia insight, she disappeared again to the gardens, tea-room, library, Royal Achieves, Forbidden Achieves, The Hidden Achieves, and the Banquet Halls.

At this point, Twilight had exhausted herself. She was still adjusting to being an alicorn and had poured more power than need in those spells wasting magic. She was panting looking around. Still no Celestia. If she isn't in any of those places during this time she would be in her private chambers.

Readying up a bit more magic, Twilight teleported to Celestia's room and imminently falling to the floor.

"Twilight?" came a soft and concerned voice.

Looking up Twilight saw Celestia reading a book, and within moments, her previous exhaustion was forgotten as she got up. Twilight was ranting out everything as fast as she could.

"Celestia! We're possible under attack! Princess Luna hasn't been seen since yesterday and most of Canterlots Elite Guard have been sent out!"


"This could be Changeling infiltrators that hav-"


"If they attack now then-!"


"The Crystal Empire is too far-!"


"No help will-!"


"If Changelings take Canterlot th-!"


"Equestria and surrounding nations will-!"


"We have to act fast-!"


"I already have ideas of their planned attack-!"


"We have to move because they could-"


"if we find Lun-!"

POV: Princess Celestia

Twilight's body slowly fell into the gentle hold of Celestia's brightly shining magic, signs of her sleep spell clearly shown. Celestia held Twilight softly while slowly closing her book and getting up, moving Twilight to her bed. Celestia gently let’s Twilight down before writing a note.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

At this time you have no reason to for nor fret. No such changeling attack is happening as everything including the Lunar guard, Solar Guard, Royal Guard, and Princess Luna is planned and controlled.

They have been sent on a mission that can change the future of Equestria. To not do this would be unwise due to circumstances. You will know later what is happening.

Also, a note of warning, you are not to work in any official capacity. As you have become an alicorn one month earlier this year, you still need the rest half year to get in control of not only your magic but your unstable emotions, and strength.

I will ban you from all of Canterlots libraries(including palace libraries) and I will personally foal sits you if I must.

I know it can be hard to do, but having all the different magic you have as well as your emotions are making you unstable and thus will not grow. You Must be calm. I will talk to you later today, until then, just rest.

Your friend, Celestia.

Finished, Celestia places the note down and looks at the time.

"I don't usually have a day off, but I suppose I could use a spa visit."

With a smile, Celestia quickly organizes her room and walks out, the sound of hooves clipping fades as she walks away from her room. What could go wrong with one day off?

POV: Eclipse Rose

Eclipse Rose stood on the shore. Tears flow as she watches the flames grow. Blood fills the water.

Author's Note:

Google doc's spell-check tool is a lifesaver when editing. I spent ten minutes doing what could have taken me up to half an hour.

Edit: And randomly months later when I come back to this chapter to fact-check something I find how much Google docs missed...