• Published 11th Aug 2020
  • 4,778 Views, 341 Comments

Reborn - Pensive

Brother, sister, mother, father... What is a family? Are they just relatives? The people whom take care of you? Or, are they the ones you love most for just being whom they are? What will happen when brother and sister find them alone in Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 2 - Protector

Author's Note:

Yes, I know the dialogue grammar doesn't match up with the fimfiction writing guide, but I really don't want to spend the time to think up a way to correctly write a simple sentence. Editing already feels like walking through hell with pinkie has been nonstop drinking coffee, I don't need to add more stress to myself about proper grammar.

Edit: I made this a while ago. It's not the best, but it's better than the previous one. Kind of.

POV: Unknown(Zebra)

As the Zebra walked out of the hut, she came out on top of a hill. Near the base of the hill was a small village and to the other side of the hill was a forest. Currently, it was bright outside with the lush green grass flowing in the wind.

Down the hill near a well, there was another zebra getting water. Slightly taller and bigger as well as old as wise. Going down the hill the other zebra noticed and once finished looked over and waited. On the outside, the two were calm on collected. However, on the inside, one of them was panicking.

'How is this even possible? How, how, how, how, how. Alicorns. Two of them. This shouldn't even be possible! What do we do?! The only alicorns known since after the disappearance of them in the age of alicorns RASIE THE SUN AND MOON!'

"Ah, Silica, I presume our guess have awoken?"

The older of the two said, with a Zebrican accent. She, unlike the younger zebra Silica, had markings and some golden accessories past down from village shaman to shaman. It took Silica a more than a few moments to respond and during this time she calmed down a bit.

"Yes, however, they seem to be in a trying endeavor.
The colt was suspicious, as well as a little vicious for his sister."

"I see, on that note, your training is on hold, as an occasion such as this should be dealt with haste."

A loud sigh could be heard from the younger one of the two as she finally was able to relax. This got a slight glare from the village shaman.

"Training or no, work there is to be done."

A loud groan was the next sound out of Silica's muzzle.

'I should have kept my muzzle shut'

Looking at the shaman's face, Silica had silent pout, the Shaman smiled on the inside, though soon the look turned pleading.

"Mythic, what do we do? You know as well as I do what they are. We've got to turn them in or something..."

The shaman's face, Mythic, turned to a glare mixed with some disappointment.

"We already talked about this, Silica. Equestria is across the see and we have nobody to spare due to upcoming winter. It would be suicide to send fouls out to sea alone. Even after winter, we will need to fix and repair damages no doubt to come."

"But you know how the rest of the village is..."

"A dragon fire message bottle we can send, but the sea and winter alone are asking for trouble. Five months at best they would arrive."

Silica's ears only folded back as she found the dirt far more interesting. Mythic just sighed internally and lighten her glare a bit.

"Viliage's help or not we can take care of them ourselves."

Silica only looked up a bit ears still folded back.

"I know how you feel, however, the village might not be the best place for them but we'll protect them. Nothing will happen. Besides, I'm still the village shaman you know."

Silica only nodded slightly at the news with a tiny smile.

"Now, I believe we have Guests to see."

POV: Mark

"Cmon, Mark... hurry up."

Star gave Mark a light but still hard punch... kick? To the side.

"I refuse to finish the last spoon full's of this... this... blech." said, mark faking disgustingness while sticking his tongue out.

"I swear, you misbehaved while we were young and you still do it now. How about a promise? If you finish now... I'll... hmm, I'll help you out in the future should you need my help. Deal?"



Looking at the bowl of glowing green soup of disgust and then the darkroom with one window to a sunny outdoor, I gulped the rest of the soup down and shivered at the taste after.

"See? All done!" said star... lightly patting? hugging? me.

'As infuriating as her tone was, I won't lie It made me feel better. I feel like a child...'

"Thanks, Star..."

"No problem my childish brother!"


"So, what do we tell them? Personally I don't really want to talk about it and being introverted doesn't help..."

"Neither do I..." Said my sister the humor in the room just a few moments ago calming down.

After we had put our bowls on the small table in the room, we just relaxed on one of the large beds. It could fit both of us so we decided to stay together. I was starting to get tired and laid my head on my hoof. Soon my sister did the same. I nearly fell back asleep when we heard a knock.

In came in two zebras. One was the zebra from before, which Mark had shied away at a little, and another zebra who's appearance nearly screamed IMPORTANT. She had two gold earrings on her ears. Some markings seeming as if they were added later in life.

One they both came in the older one began to speak to the twins.

"Hello, young ones. You may call me Mythic. I'm am the village's shaman and this is my apprentice, Silica."

As Mythic moved aside to show Silica, she collected the empathy bowls and put them away for later.

"Hello! I'm Silica! I hope the brew helped you feel better? I'm not as good as my teacher but I try."


My sister and I only nodded. I was a bit surprised she was not rhyming like before. She must've seen my look because she immediately addressed that.

"I'm not rhyming because my training has been put on hold."


'Well, this is getting awkward...'

Silica only awkwardly smiled looking around.

"Well, sorry if I frighten you earlier, if I may what are your names?"

"I-I'm Starla Tempus and this is my brother Mark Tempus."

"Huh, unique names even among ponies."

"If you don't mind me asking, why were you two out there in the woods alone? And how did you even get on this island?"

We only folded our ears and looked at other things in the room suddenly finding them more interesting.


Apprentice or not Mythic would be disappointed and outraged that her apprentice wasn't able to tell they didn't want to talk about it. Lucky Silica, she paid attention to her training.

"I see... Well, if you ever want to talk, I'll be here for you two. You two should get rest. I live here with my teacher as tradition is, but we only have one spare bed. So you will have to share, sorry."

My sister and I only nodded unsure of what to do. Soon Silica left out to the main room.

'Hmm, the last time I slept with my sister was before we got separate rooms. Eh, can't be helped... Why-...'



"Is it me or... or are we just accepting the fact we're here? We don't even know if we can go home... to see our friends and family..."


"I... I never... thought of that..."

'Oh god... We're here... No way home to friends or family... In an unknown place... Forever...'

Tears. As the pair looked at each other they both saw tears. They came like a waterfall as they hugged each other on Silica's bed. Though the sun was going down as they cried, and the rays of light were gone, the silent embrace of the moon took them to a deep slumber.