• Published 11th Aug 2020
  • 4,778 Views, 341 Comments

Reborn - Pensive

Brother, sister, mother, father... What is a family? Are they just relatives? The people whom take care of you? Or, are they the ones you love most for just being whom they are? What will happen when brother and sister find them alone in Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 27 - Revelations

I blinked. The rather dark and dreary room made it hard to sleep, despite how tired I was.

I knew Mark faced the same predicament I did. That much was evident from the slight rustling from his side of the room.


“Hmm?” I asked wearily.

“What are you thinking?”



What I was really thinking about was Luna. Who, I see as a friend.

But it was all so easy to look past it all upon first sight. As much as I wanted to believe, as much as I tried to think this is some kind of "fairytale land of happiness and no wrongdoing," I knew I was lying to myself.

I want to believe Luna, that she's goo and everything is in the past... but, I know better, have seen better than to think this world to be perfect.

From what I can gather, the zebra coasts live in a metaphorical dark age, made worse with real magic allowing individuals to gain power.

It would be naive of me to believe there were no casualties from the pirate attack, the gentle redirection from certain from everyone was enough to tell me something was wrong.

The odd mishap or two that made no sense, Luna, and Celestia having to protect us from the possible danger of being what I am.

Suppose this was the picture-perfect land that it appears. Then the pirates wouldn’t exist, and that zebra village would not be in such disrepair.

How long have I been turning a blind eye to the bad of this world? Of course, there is death. Of course, it isn’t always a happy ending. And, of course, no one is perfect.

How long... how long ago was it that Mark and I became the mask we wore that we hid within?

“Have we really become blind to reality. ” I whispered to myself.

Mark didn’t answer. I imagine he was going through much the same thought process. I didn’t mind. I just went back to my own thoughts.

Everything we see now almost feels... fake. Of course, not everything is terrible, but neither is everything good. The line between reality and fantasy here is blurred.

Why had I not noticed this before? Were we too preoccupied with our own problems? Or did we simply lose sight of reality from the fantasy of this world because we wanted to hide from our own problems?

Perhaps, Mark and I have been too careless. Have we not been weary enough? How have we lost touch with reality so quickly? I want to believe everything to be okay, but deep down I know it isn't all okay.

Snuggling into my pillow my, I sighed.

I... if there’s one thing, I know. I’m not alone. I have Mark. My brother, family. So why am I pretending like nothings wrong? Thinking about it, what real reason was keeping me from asking him about his thoughts. He's been through as much as I have.


No, he's been through more. My foolish older brother who has, in his haste, killed others. I know I can't really do anything about that aside from being there for him.

But then again, if I needed a shoulder to lean on, I here for him, just as I have him.

“Mark?” I whispered just loud enough for him to hear.


“Do you think... we’ve lost touch to reality?”

“How do you mean?”

“Have we... become blind to ourselves that everything not alright..? That the world isn’t the fairytale land we see? Luna’s story, for example, among many. “

He didn’t answer for several moments, opting to ponder my question.

“Do you think we’ve... been too hasty in accepting the reality around us, to the point where we... Are we losing touch with ourselves? To the point that we're blindly accepting everything given and told to us?” I continued.

We said nothing. May it be my sisterly instincts, or whatever it be, through the silence, I knew Mark was contemplating my question. I returned the silence with patience. I wasn't prepared for his answer.

"I miss mom..."

Three simple words. The words once said aloud stung harshly. I had been so focused on the fact that this isn't our world, that this land is one that magical ponies filled, I've forgotten about who we left behind.

Alexa, Alex, Alan, Dan, James, Isabella, Kelly, and so many more names and faces... Mom, Dad, our cousins... gone.

"I do too... I miss all of them."



Mark spoke slowly and carefully, "What do you think of the... adoption thing they said?"

Thinking back on their little set-up of reasons they threw trying to convince us, I smiled at the awkward moment, "I think they have too many traditions. Either that or we're just incredibly unlucky that there happen to be so many specific traditions when it comes to alicorns."

"Heh, I can agree with that."

The silenced returned, and with it here, my excuses for still being up ran dry. Though I felt the weight of it all, I was too tired to think of anything now. Curling up and getting comfortable, I yawned and tried to sleep.

Knock Knock

My sense came to me slowly and sluggishly. In a rather uncomfortable position, I just snuggled into the pillow I was using. Content to ignore the knocking, I relaxed.



Knock Knock Knock-

"Ughhhh, go away!" I yelled.

The knocking paused... Just for a moment.


"Fiine! Come in or something..."

The door opened slowly, but I didn't care to see who it was. If I didn't naturally wake up, it was too early to be up.

"Aren't you usually awake by now?" asked the unmistakable voice of Eclipse.

"Ask Mark," I lazily answered.

"Ask someone else," Mark called from across the room.

"Oh, whoever shall I ask," ask Eclipse to herself, as if we had an audience, "oh! I know! I can ask the princess!"

I wasn't going to take the bait. Nope, no siree, I absolutely won't bite. It was such an obvious ploy to get me awake that I just blindly used magic to throw my pillow somewhere in Eclipse's direction.

I heard a small gasp, and the sound of the pillow hitting its mark. Something felt off, but it could wait until I was up. At least, that's what I told myself until Mark spoke aloud, "Oh you've done goofed up."

The statement made me curious to at least look around, and that's when my heart skipped a beat. I saw a tremendous white pony behind Eclipse, pillow perfectly penetrated in the middle by her horn. It obscured her face but, I still saw a grin. Swiftly and with no time to react, the pillow planted itself back in my face. I just rolled with it and just fell back into bed.

"Not fair," I mumbled loudly under the pillow, "It's like... too early for this."

I wasn't exactly in the mood to mess around, so I didn't retaliate.

"Oh dear, Luna told me she was up with you three quite late, but I didn't think it was that late. It's almost noon."

The fact it was almost noon sent a jolt through my body, but after a few seconds of shock, I went limp. I gave up, too late to care now, "What do you want?"

"Well," Eclipse said dramatically," I noticed nopony came to inform me you've awakened yet, so, being noon I decided to come to check up on you two."

Celestia spoke up, "And that's when I found Eclipse, on the way to invite you two to a late breakfast/early lunch with Luna and me, which I decided to invite as well since we're going to the same place."

Lunch did sound nice, to be honest, But oh goodness was I tired. I suppose I shouldn't have stayed up so late.

"Depends on if you have a magical wake-up drink," stated Mark.

"Oh, Mark you've gone this long without anything, you'll be fine," I tease.

"Sorry, but the only best thing we have for you would be some chocolate, should you want it," Celestia answered, "trust me, the last time a guard was curious to ask the chief for Luna's preferred coffee blend pulled a triple shift the same day."

"I'll take it," Mark asked with a slight grin.

"I suppose I will as well," I smiled.

"Splendid, Luna said she wanted the chance to speak with you if at all possible."

Ah, Luna... I suppose that makes-

"Wait, why do you invite us today of all days and not yesterday?" I blurted.

"Well, as a princess, you'd be surprised how often duty calls before breakfast, lunch, or even dinner can be had. I had everything planned for your arrival, but unexpected business showed up."

"Oh. Okay..."

For the briefest of moments, I thought Luna had this lunch specifically planned to get the chance to speak with us about last night. Witch, now thinking about it, would be weird since she knew we'd come to her or she could just come up to us.

"Anyways, Lunch?" I asked.

"Luna's probably already there, though I'm not sure if Twilight or Cadence will join. If so, they're probably going to come a bit late, I hear they've been working on something together.."

"Alright, just give us a moment to wake up," Mark replied.

Tired but wanting lunch, I yawned and began to stretch a bit. Mark himself was literally dragging himself until he fell of the bed, blankets, and all. With the thump that Mark made from the bed to the floor, Celestia giggled, "Would you two like a ride?"

"Ahuh," Mark answered.

"Please do, I didn't expect an hour or two of lost sleep would be this bad."

Celestia didn't answer, instead levitating Mark and me on her back. Being smaller about four years smaller than our actual age came with benefits, such as getting comfortable of a nap while getting a free ride from Celestia as embracing as it was considering our true age. She began moving without a word, and I just listened to the clipping hooves.

I heard a second set of hooves, which reminded me of Eclipse's presence. I looked down to Eclipse from my imperial view, who used her wings to fly to our level.

'A cheater she is, we had the high view and thusly were the top dogs.'

I blinked and giggled, and that stray thought. If other ponies were gonna see us getting a ride from Celestia, as embarrassing as it already was, we might as well act our size. As such, I stuck a tongue out at Eclipse. She anticipated this and stuck her tongue back at me playfully.

That was until I almost bit my tongue when Celestia took a step. I withheld a tiny yelp and saw Eclipse titter at my misfortion. I elected to pout again.

"You know, you two would be great in theater," I turned to see Celestia with her head half turned, "at least, that's what Luna says."

"Huh?" I questioned.

"You two have quite the flair for the dramatics."

"Been there, done that," Mark cut in, "honestly, it's more fun just to come up with whatever random things on the spot. Sticking to a pre-planned script is kinda boring."

"Yeah, most of the time, I don't even know half the stuff I say," I added.

Mark hummed an agreement.

"Hmm, then I think I know a certain teacher you'll like."

"Really? Who?" I questioned as Mark tried to get shut-eye after the minor interruption.

"Oh, you'll find out," Celestia chuckled turning back to face the hall, "oh, and have you two considered creating your own play?"

"Too lazy," Mark absent-mindedly said.

"And as I said, half the time I'm lost so that I wouldn't come up with anything good. Plays are nice and all, but I could just tease my brother here whenever I'm bored."

"Hmm, I see. Other than theatrics, do you have any other hobbies?"

"Mark played violin, which I was never much a fan of. I myself like to be with friends. I also occasionally draw and play whatever game Mark is, but other than that, they're not really anything to note of me."

"And any hopes for your cutie marks?"

"Dunno, don't really care about it."

"Huh!?" Eclipse squawked.

Celestia glanced at Eclipse for a moment before turning back to me.

"Hmm? Care to explain?" Celestia asked with some surprise.

"Why wait for it to tell me what my talent is. If I want to do something, I do it."

"A rare outlook nowadays for ponies. Before, most ponies used to be like that as well. Unicorns usually became mages and scholars, scholars, and healers with or without their cutie marks support. Earth ponies usually kept busy tending the land and kept to most manual labor, and pegasi much the same but tending the sky for the earth ponies. It wasn't until significant magical advancement that the population learned more of cutie marks, and as agriculture improved, ponies found they have more time to do what they love and figure out their cutie marks."

I was glad Mark caught me up with the basics of pony society from the books he's read. I would have been lost from the entire impromptu lecture.

"We're here."

I looked up, surprised, "How did we get here so fast?"

"A shortcut or two."

I sighed, "I need a map or something, this castle is massive."

"Technically, it's a palace, but yeah, spent most of yesterday wandering," Mark said, trying to wake up.

"Did you not ask Luna?" Celestia asked, teleporting a scrolled map into existence.

"Wait, there were actual maps!" I exclaimed.

"Why, yes there are, why wouldn't there be?"

There were actual maps, how did we not come across one before? And why aren't maps around the castle?

"I must have terrible luck if we haven't run into a single map until now," I face hoofed, accepting defeat along with the map in my magic.

"Don't feel so bad, you're not the only ponies that don't notice," she assured, before smiling, "and, to be honest, I'd at least expected Eclipse to already know."

"Heyy," the pony in question pouted, "I blame work. Being a field agent, I'm not exactly always indoors. But you know what, I'd almost call it worth it getting to know the princesses personally."

That explains a lot, if Eclipse is going to basically be our baby... foal(?)sitter, it would be important she and the princesses got along.

Giggling, I smiled turning back to Celestia, "Thanks."

Opening the door to the same dining room as before, I saw Luna.

"Hello, Tia."

"Hi, Luna!" I called.

"Hello," she calmly said.

Luna set down her newspaper to face the four of us as Celestia lifted us to a separate chair across from Luna. Now more awakened thanks to the ride and conversation, I brightened and sat up straight.

"Anything you would like, other than your chocolate?" Celestia asked coming up to the chair in front of us, next to Luna.

Eclipse spoke first, "Oh! Can I get a mooncake?!"

That threw a wrench in Celestia's thoughts, "A... mooncake? For lunch?"

"Mmhmm! I love mooncakes, and I've been craving it since yesterday when I passed by a baker but was too busy to get anything. "

Oddly, Luna blushed for just a few moments before she sipped on a cup of coffee she had nearby. Celestia rolled her eyes and wrote on a notepad she had gotten from... somewhere. Did she keep a notepad hidden on the table or something? I resisted the urge to look under the table.

"And you two?" Celestia asked us.

"I'll get what she's getting, " Mark said pointing towards me, also in the process of waking himself up.

"Well, what is there and what do you recommend?" I asked.

"Hmm, I usually just let the chef create whatever she wants and I'm not exactly particular about food, but other than that she can make just about anything you want."

"In that case, I'll take whatever she makes as well."

"Sounds like it'll be a surprise then," Mark said.

Celestia nodded writing it all down on the paper before ripping it off and teleporting it out, presumably to the chef. I yawned now that the business of what to eat was taken care of.

"Are you two well?" asked Luna.

"Not as well as I hoped. I didn't think a staying hour or two with you would wreak such havoc on our sleep."

"Really? I slept just fine if a little more tired than usual."

"We're fine, Luna, it's just... extremely unusual for us, not the staying up late, but being so tired."

"I see, I know some magical remedies that could help. Not a cure, mind, but help to some degree if you would like."

"I think we'd appreciate that."

"Yeah, that'd be helpful," Mark yawned.

"Speaking of sleep, there were some things you missed while asleep," said Celestia.

"Anything important?" I questioned.

"Nothing too much, but concerning school, Twilight has told me of your general education level and recommended both of you for certain classes that are a bit unusual."

"How so?"

"Not to be rude, but It's very... abnormal for lack of a better word."

I felt a small knot well up as my tone dropped a bit, "Oh, I see..."

I had hoped that the education systems from here and home were identical, as it seems ponies have managed to develop similar technological.

"I'm sorry, I know you explicitly asked others not to pry back when you were with Mythic, but can you at least tell your place of education? It could help really with anything you know."

Mark's attention had been thoroughly caught by this question as he perked up. He and I exchanged a look as Luna silently listened in.

I didn't want anyone to figure out we might have not come from this world. It would likely be... disastrous.

"Well... I-... I don't think I'm entirely comfortable with such a question..."

Celestia calmly replied, "I understand, I apologize if I made you feel uncomfortable."

I thought back on school. If I revealed everything, it's possible it could raise suspicion of having such a different education system. Not that I even know what their education system is, but from what I gather of this world, it's not a science fiction utopia.

This world feels like it's in the early to mid 19th century, as opposed to the 21st century Mark and I are from. So education is probably far different from what we're used to. And well... I'd just prefer to avoid the topic of home if at all possible.

But... Then again... This isn't some random person on the side of a street asking for our life story. This is...

I blinked and took a deep breath looking around myself. Celestia was still sitting down, and Mark was bored. And lastly, Luna was casually reading from the newspaper still. I don't think it was intentional, but this brought up the same question with Luna. Who is Luna? Who is Celestia? Who are they to us?

Mark said he'd follow my lead since he was just as lost as I was, and there was absolutely no chance that we'd go our separate ways from each other. Though that's hardly a problem as our opinions are usually in sync. But it didn't make it any easier to lead.

If I wanted, I could've said no, and left. While I don't think they would've let us leave, going straight to being completely homeless without at least some help, but at least we'd have a real chance to get a look at the world around us. But that risk comes with being exposed to the world as a whole at once.

I like Luna and Celestia. Eclipse too, but if I made a wrong choice because of my personal feelings, then that might leave us worse off.

I never gave Luna our answer last night. And while she said we could take as long as we needed, I get the feeling I could hurt Luna with the wrong answer or an answer too late.

I sighed to myself. Mark, my geeky-bookworm brother. While he may trust me as I do him, I'm not exactly sure I trust myself. And here we have, two multi-colored, princess ponies, offering safety, a home, and importantly time. Time to really think about what we want. We had plans, goals, and futures back home, but here, it's all gone.

Granted, there's not really much time as they're fast-tracking us to school in literally a few days, but honestly, school would probably be a welcome distraction if it's anything like home.

I know what my answer is to the question of who they are already. So why am I having a hard time accepting them as fam-...


"Star, are you well?"

I blinked, noticing the slight, very slight glossiness in my eyes. I quickly made sure to wipe it before it turned to tears.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just a little sleepy," I answered Celestia.

She nodded going back to a stack of papers she pulled from somewhere.

Luna... Could I ever call her an Aunt? Mother? The same could be said of Celestia. Twilight, perhaps? Cadence? What about Eclipse?

"Hey... Celestia?" I ask quietly. In the already quiet room, it felt like I yell.


"I wanted to thank you... for everything. I know we haven't really been much... in the giving department."

My face drooped at the admittance as Celestia only looked up from across the table and gave a quizzical look.

"It's not that we don't trust you, "I paused trying to piece the right words together," it's just...-"

"-just that life hasn't been quite so easy for us," Mark finished for me when it became clear that I needed a bit of help figuring out what to say.

Celestia smiled a comforting smile, that in any other situation would have been comforting to me.

"Mark, Star, I appreciate the honesty. I know that you have a... obscure past, whatever it might be, that we'll be here for you. Should you need anything, just ask. Will you do that for me?"

Mark hummed an agreement, to which Celestia now turned to me. 'Heh, that almost sounds like something mom would say.'

With a sad smile, I nodded to Celestia, "Mhmm..."

"That is all I ask of you."


I took a deep breath, "But since we're talking right now..."

I turned to Luna, who had been listening in.

"Luna, last night, you ask us what you were to us. I want you to know, for now, at least, I see you as my friend. I don't know if I could accept you, or even Celestia as family, but... For now, your still my friend."

"I'm much of the same opinion," answered Mark, "even if a little awkward, I see you both as friends."

"Thank you," said Luna as her sister just nodded.

And with that said, I felt a small weight on my back come undone. No longer would I have to worry about questioning who I trust. I can just... Live out my days with Mark and... and then what...? Now was another question... What are we going to do with our lives now...?

I had always wanted to go into business, politics, or become an artist. Mark himself, I believe once said wanted to be a programmer or developer. He said he liked it because of something around the lines of the freedom to create whatever he wanted with it.

But now. Could we really still go for those things? We're connected to royalty directly, and no doubt that's going to change things.

"I'm back!" Eclipse called from the door.

"Huh, wu- wait, what?" Mark sputtered, "where'd you go? I didn't even notice you leave."

"I swear," I muttered, "sometimes it's like you just disappear out of existence."

Eclipse playfully stuck her tongue out at us, "Isn't my fault you didn't hear me when I said I needed to go use the little fillies room."

I rolled my eyes, smiling at the happy banter. Though I did notice that was relatively fast for-

"Wait, and you knew where to go... how?" I asked suspiciously.

"This is practically a private restaurant for the princesses and their guests, and like any restaurant, I'd assume you'd find a restroom nearby. And I wasn't wrong."

"Ahuh..." I stated plainly and unbelievingly.

If she could deduce that, how could we have gotten so lost before?

I rolled my eyes, that was a question to be answered at another time. For now, I could smell something sweet in the air.

Breakfast had been a simple affair, some light banter, and conversation.

Luna completely forgot to ask us whether or not we wanted to spend the day with her until near the end of breakfast. She warned that if we agreed then we'd mostly be following her around all day as she goes through her duties. Said something about annoying ponies getting involved with things, not of their concern.

Celestia said she'd be busying with some foreign incident that had taken her attention. They both apologized for not spending more time to help us get used to the castle. Mark and I understood, but personally, it was a bit lonely, just Mark, Eclipse, and I plus whomever we ran across.

Twilight and Cadence dropped by for a couple of minutes, made an order, and left as soon as they got it. They cited 'important secret filly business as the reason for their hurried exit, but from their grins, giggles, and whispers I suspected, they were up to something.

Mark and I decided to stick with Luna. Eclipse said something about taking an off day. So until Twilight came back to our lessons we'd be with Luna.

And it wasn't long before the three of us found ourselves in her room. From there, we all just relaxed and talked. Unfortunately, most of the time went by in silence as Luna did some paperwork, to which she was currently trying not to burn the papers she was staring at.

Her room was nice. A large bed befitting royalty, a balcony, a small desk, and a bathroom. How they put a bathroom in a tower I'll never know. The three of us found ourselves on the bed relaxing. Luna was laying on a miniature mountain of blankets and pillows, while Mark and I just relaxed snugging a bit of the blanket around ourselves.

"Ugh, politics. See," Luna said showing us the paper she was reading while outlining a sentence, "this paper contradicts itself on the same page."

I looked at the page vaguely understanding it went on about something with magical formulas, that looked like nothing that Twilight showed us during our lessons, "Luna, you know we have no idea what this is right?"

Luna blinked before she blushed just a tiny bit, "Apologies, forgot you two weren't assistance. But to summarize, a Noble is trying to claim a patent for an old spell component made hundreds of years ago to his family. Tis an eyesore analyzing the magical signature of it and comparing it to a distant ancestor of his."

"A patent... Something that means you own something, like a concept or invention that gives you ownership to it or something?" I questioned.

Luna snorted with a smile. "Close enough. My sympathies to the poor pony that noble hired to do the work. The magical analysis is good work, yes, but the pony trying to link the analysis to the noble's ancestor is grasping straws, and truly it is a mess."

Luna put the paper away with disdain before pulling another form. I turned to Mark yawning. Trying not to fall asleep on this comfy bed, or any bed was hard.

Satisfied Mark hadn't fallen asleep, I looked at the paper Luna had that was filled with a bunch of questions I couldn't comprehend and felt curious, "What does the spell do?"

Luna followed my gaze to the paper before shrugging, "The original function escapes me. It's an unfinished spell component by an unknown pony, though it can be found in older fire and heat spells in the modern day. It was commonly used as a component to filter the raw magic ponies would dump in their spells to prevent overcharging."

"Overcharging?" I questioned simply.

Luna smiled, "Tis something you'll learn sooner or later in your magical science classes. Or, alternatively, you could ask Twilight, I never bothered to delve too deeply within the magical sciences myself, I just cast and don't bother."

"But isn't it better to learn why?" spoke up Mark in curiosity, "I thought it was better and more powerful?"

Luna tilted her head curiously, "Really? Where did you hear of such?"

"Um, a book?"

Luna made an odd hum before answering, "While true, knowing a spell down to its magical components, is useful, that doesn't make it any more powerful."

Mark and I listened curiously at Luna, who drew our attention far better than Twilights lessons that sounded like she pulled them directly off a book.

"I believe there was some misinterpretation. The true reason for learning a spell down to its core components is useful because that it allows a spellcaster to make changes to the spell itself. Knowing a spell will allow the spellcaster to understand why it is the spell works and what it does, and lets he or her alter it to befit the intention of the caster better."

Luna pulled her hooves and brought them on up.

"For example, on one hoof, a caster in a rush could learn a fire spell and simply cast it at a target, "she raised her other hoof, " on the other hoof, a caster capable of altering the spell could make the spell hotter, go farther, faster, or bigger."

"If that was the case, why didn't ponies just replace the spell with an altered version that does all of that," I asked.

"You see Star, not all spells are cast are the best for every possible use. The base spell is most likely to just be an optimized version for general use. If a pony, say, just needed to start a small fire, they wouldn't need a spell to be maximized to its full potential when a small, warm, and long-lasting fire would do better."

I blinked. That did all make sense, and it was in hindsight quite obvious. And yet, I still missed it. My face fell flat into the bed, "Ugh, how did I not already think of that?"

"Tis understandable, these days most ponies would not pursue a magical career, so, understandably, thou might miss this as we did back when we were young."

Luna's odd archaic ascent got especially came out more than it usually does and I gave her a pointed look.

"Ah, apologies, I tend to fall into my old accent when I'm not paying attention."

"It's fine," I smiled, "I'm used to it by now."

"And oddly," Mark spoke, "I kinda like it. It has a sophisticated feeling."

"Thank you," Luna said, wrapping both of us in her wing for a hug.

And then it was quiet again. Luna went back to her work and Mark and I went back to chilling. She had earlier offered to let us continue the game we had played the previous night, but it wouldn't feel right to play without her. Or Eclipse. In the meantime, Mark and I just contented to get back to our game of chest Luna had sitting around.

I was a bit disappointed there weren't any cards in Luna's collection, but this would do. Looking back to the game, I frowned as I was forced to move my alicorn king to protect my alicorn queen. I had swiftly taken Mark's king out at the loss of a few of my forces, but Mark had made good use of what forces he had.

A few minutes later I lost. And then I won before I lost another two rounds. Then I won, won, lost, lost, lost and suddenly an hour went by. Luna wasn't kidding when she said she'd be primarily working. But it did give me time to think, and think I did. Mostly about where Mark and I were in life.

We were safe, happy, and content. Everything was fine. Except for the fact that I remembered that Mark and I had no idea what we wanted to do with our life now. What can we do, now that we're here?

A quick look at Mark showed he also had something on his mind. But what it was I had no idea. Another look at the game and I suddenly realized I was about to lose. Again.

Sighing, I simply threw the game. No point in continuing, there was nothing I could do.

"Tis everything alright with thee?"

I perked at Luna's response to my sigh, "Hmm? Yeah, just... not much to do."

"If you want, you may leave, or do something else."

"Oh no, I mean, not that there is nothing to do now. I mean... like, now that we're here, what are we supposed to do?"

Luna tilted her head in confusion, while Mark simply listened.

I sighed, "I mean, now that Mark and I are here, in life, now what? Are we going to become royalty? Do royalty duties? I mean, what about Mythic, or Silica who took us in? What about Equestria, what is there to do?"

Mark's expression drooped, and I just stared into my hooves.

"Star," Luna spoke softly, "I'm sorry, but that is something you need to find for yourself. Perhaps you will find out with your cutie mark, perhaps not. But, until then, know Celestia and I will be here for whatever you may need."

I smiled, "Thanks for listening, but that doesn't help as much."

"Well, whatever you do, hope that you don't have a broom in your lecture like Celestia, they're always late."

"A... what?" I asked, confused.

"The broom in dear Tia's monthly lecture always overswepts."

"bu-..." I paused... Then buried my muzzle in my hooves snickering along with Mark.

"Funny, is it not? Stole that one off of Tia's book of bad jokes."

"Thanks," I said, still snickering, "but that doesn't really help."

Luna chuckled right along with us, "I suppose so."

The sticking died down, and though I enjoyed the joke, it didn't sweep my thoughts away. Finished laughing, Luna smiled and looked at us.

"Come, let us walk," Luna said.

"Huh?" I questioned.

Luna got up and waited for Mark and to follow. It wasn't long before the three of us were walking down a hall. A rather empty hall. There were still guards and ponies, just not as many as usual.

"Tell me, Mark, what is it you want to do in life? Or what did you want to do?"

Mark hesitated a bit, "I'm not really sure..."

Luna smiled, "That is fine, but you must have at least something you interested in, no? Want to make friends? Like to play games? Fly?"

"Oh... Well, I prefer to keep a small friend group. While I do like games, I usually prefer to read. And well... Neither of us knows how to fly."

Luna paused, "Hmm? Interesting, most pegasi your ages would have at least elementary flying by now. I suppose we could arrange flight lessons if you two wish."

"Maybe later."

Luna stared in thought, before continuing through the halls as we followed, "And is there nothing you wish to do?"

Mark was quiet for a long, thoughtful moment before answering, "I suppose... I find magic interesting."

"Magic? So perhaps you would like a career in magical studies? There are few archmages of the modern-day."

"Archmage?" I interrupted.

"An archmage, a certified mage to enforce laws and protect the ponies around the land. Most towns and cities have at least one or two."

An archmage... Heh, that does sound like something Mark would want.

"And you, Star?"

I hummed in thought, "Maybe... An artist? Or an entrepreneur? Start a business maybe? To help others... Like... The zebra town..."

"An admirable thought, to help others. Zebrica... We've been largely cut off from sending aid thanks to a staggering amount of increasing pirate activity in the Lunar seas... Unfortunately, our naval military isn't as well-armed as the griffins, and their nation is too far to send aid."

My head drooped, "But now everything has changed... I don't even know if I could do those anymore. Celestia said we could become royalty if we wished, but then I wouldn't know if I could help..."

"Star, if you become a royal, you would have the power and authority to help others, you know this, correct? Though know I would not want to pressure you into anything you wouldn't want, it is still your choice."

"Maybe..." I said, "but... I don't know, it doesn't feel the same."

"I understand," Luna said with a nod, " should you ever need help, just ask."

With that said, I walked in silence deliberating on a reply. If I accepted a claim to the title of royalty, then it's true I would probably be able to help others... But the idea is such an absurd topic that now I'm just completely unsure.

Failing to come with an appropriate response, I nodded.


Then added on a verbal response, "Thanks..."

Luna smiled, "Your welcome."

Then the only sound left was the clopping of our hooves.

It wasn't long before we ran into another pony, not a guard or the occasional maid. This pony came around a corner in a four-way section of the halls. Dressed fancy with a monocle... I think his name was... Fancy Pants when I was last with Celestia?

"Ah, your Highness, I was told you would be busy today handling the submissions for the royal court?"

"I was, most were denied, and I have decided to take a break. Have you something important to say?" Luna spoke with a simple professional smile.

"Apologies if I was interrupting you and... Celestia's daughters," Fancy Pants slowly and carefully said the last two words with a bit of a questioning tone.

It was this sentence that broke Luna's smile, "Daughter-! What, makes you say that..?"

She spoke with surprise and embarrassment, and to be honest, I was blushing hard at the insinuation.

"Apologies, are they yours?" Fancy Pants asked.

"No, they are neither of ours. What makes you think such... that we would have born two foals?"

"Truly? There was a rumor spreading around..."

"Tis ridiculous! Neither Celestia nor I have any spouses at the current time, nor have we bore children, or even for that matter raised any!" Luna frantically said.

"Sorry, your highness, I suppose it does make sense. I suppose it was presumptuous to think so, but if I may ask, who are these two? News among the houses is that they've been around the castle the last few days, and have been seen around yourself, Celestia, and Cadence. Princess Twilight Sparkle has been seen around the castle lately as well, away from her home in ponyville."

Luna sighed after taking a breath to calm herself, "I'm sorry, Duke, but Celestia said she'd take care of this before hoof. We'll release a statement at another time."

"I understand, you Highness," Fancy bowed his head a bit.

"Is that all?"

"Ah, sorry, your Highness, but I originally was looking for Celestia before I ran into you, but in the meantime, I would have you know of some... troubling news for project Butterfly..." Fancy Pants paused looking towards me and Mark, "but I'm not sure such is appropriate at the time."

Luna followed her gaze to us, "I understand. These two are fine, but I can join you shortly to discuss the news on our way to Celestia."

"Thank you, Your Highness, but I fear you misunderstand here is not appropriate to discuss such."

Luna paused expression hardening, "I see. Celestia will be at her room at this time."

That last line from Fancy put Luna on edge. Something was wrong.

Fancy bowed, thanked Luna, and left. Once Fancy was out of speaking distance, I turned to Luna who's expression bore an uneasy look, "What was that about?"

"Troubling news," she said simply, "I suppose we should hurry, are your two alright with teleporting?"

"Umm, sure? But where-"

And with that said, we were gone. Suddenly we found ourselves in another hallway. I felt a tiny bit of nausea, but that went away after a few seconds.

"Uh, Luna, what was that for?" Mark questioned.

"Speed." She said.

Luna began walking at a sped pace while taking a quick glance around.

"Is everything alright, Luna?" I asked.

Luna didn't answer. Instead, she cast a spell. I felt the magic pass through my horn, but could not decipher what it was.

"No. I will leave you in the hooves of trusted assistance, will you two behave?"

"Umm... Yes, we can, but, can I ask what's wrong?"

Luna looked down at us still walking at a sped pace, "When the pony in charge of counterintelligence doesn't feel safe within the capital palace's halls, I doubt anything is alright. I'll return later, but from now on you're not to be without a guarded or in a guard area."


And with that, I felt the magic Luna held around us disappear as we stopped at a door to which Luna knocked on.

"Coming!" came a voice from inside.

A few moments later, the door was unlocked at out came a familiar face. Raven.

She was without her glasses and her hair was let loose instead of a bun. It took a moment to realize the pony that knocked was taller than her, "O-oh! Your highness, how can I help you?"

"Raven Inkwell, I am in a hurry, can you care for these two while I'm away?"

She looked down to us barely noticing us, "Oh, of course, your Highness."

Raven bowed her head a bit. Luna thanked Raven quickly before teleporting off. The interaction was hastily sped up, so it left the three of us in silence. Raven took a few moments to blink then looked down at us.

"Oh, oh, sorry, where are my manners," she said, backing up out of the doorway, "come on in."

The two of us followed and took in her nice room. Instead of just a nice room, it looked like it was something someone would live in, a bedroom, bathroom, miniature kitchen, bookshelf with various odds and ends, and even a small coffee table.

The small coffee table had a small bowl of chips, papers, quills, ink, and a miniature notepad. Looking back there was a calendar attracted to the back of the door.

Raven closed the door with her magic and went over to a nightstand she had and opened the drawer, "Please, sit down, sorry about the mess, but I like to work on my days off to relax. I'll be there in a second, just let me find my glasses real quick, I swear I had it around here somewhere."

It wasn't long before Mark and I found ourselves sitting on a couch across from the one that looked like Raven was sitting on to do her work

Then Raven came back to sit across from us, with her glasses while cleaning the table up a bit.

"Sorry again about the mess."

"It's fine," I smiled.

"Anyways, last I saw you two, we didn't have time for introductions, did we? I'm Raven Inkwell, just call me Raven."

"Starla, just call me Star," I responded in kind.

"Mark," my brother said.

Inkwell just smiled. And smiled.


Then her smile twitched a bit in the empty silence. The rush of Luna dropping us off still was still fresh in our minds, and now it seemed our smiles became more and more forced as we sat in silence. Staring at each other. With a smile. Silence.




Raven cracked first, "Well, this is awkward."

I was inclined to agree.

Author's Note:

Long time no see? Say hello to Raven!

Made this ages ago. Never knew what I wanted to make next, I suck at art so idk if there will be any other pictures.

Anyways, I went through and edited the chapter myself. My editor hasn't been on lately, and I decided to just do it myself, and oh it felt like hell. IT may be my story, but it doesn't help when I know every little bit of what happens yet, it was a boring read.