• Published 11th Aug 2020
  • 4,778 Views, 341 Comments

Reborn - Pensive

Brother, sister, mother, father... What is a family? Are they just relatives? The people whom take care of you? Or, are they the ones you love most for just being whom they are? What will happen when brother and sister find them alone in Equestria.

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The sun. Go away pleaseee just go. Let me sleep.

The sunlight only got worse as if it was insulting me.

"Fine," I said to myself, "I'll get up stupid sun."

Ouch, the stupid sun only got worse when I opened my eyes. As I got up I looked around my room and rubbed my eyes. With a groan, I got up and went to the bathroom. Unfortunately, the bathroom was located out of my room, meaning I had to walk even farther to get there.

Welp, it seems I have nothing to do but get going. As I walked and stumbled over to the door, I nearly bumped my head into it. I glared at it before going on. I soon opened the door and the bathroom door right across the hallway from me. I turned the bathroom light on. You know, I'd take sunlight any day over this light.

As I looked at myself, I saw my blue eyes and light brown hair. I wasn't the most popular but, I was above average when it came to how I looked. Though I really don't care.

As I started doing what I did every morning I just knew. It was one of those days.

20 minutes later

As I got downstairs I got a water bottle and sluggishly chugged it.

"How can you still be tired?" said a voice I wanted to ignore, "you went to sleep hours early when you got home yesterday."

I turned to look at a girl. She was my age, 14, with blond hair and beautiful blue eyes. To most of the people at our school, she is very popular and was very social with everyone. This... has caused problems before, though if she ever got in trouble I was there to help. Besides, who would I be if I didn't help?

"Well, dear sister of mine," I replied, "you weren't walking around all day yesterday. I swear, I think all that walking from the camping trip made my feet harden at the bottom."

My sister had no response for a moment and only pouted. Like a child who was told she could only have two pieces of candy a day. I'm not going to lie it was cute until she got a smug grin and replied.

"Well, dear brother of mine," she said with a tone I could identify, "I'm not the one who wanted to go on the three-day camping trip."

"Oof," I faked leaning back a little while smirking a bit, "shot in the heart by my own sister, how cruel, Starla."

"Well..." she said glaring at me, "It's still your fault. Besides, I don't get why people would even go. Mountains are cold and wet, who would ever want to go?"

"Tell that to the rest of the class," at this point she had her arms crossed while I was cracking up inside at the way she looked, "the only ones that didn't go were you and two others."

At this, she sighed. Operation annoy/tease sister, success.

"Whatever Mark, breakfast is on the table", Star Sighed pointed, "if you hurry up we can make it to school without being late."

I looked at the table with eggs on them. Eggs my sister made. Her eggs are better than moms which is quite funny. I myself am a horrible cook. As I looked at them I was having an internal debate. I was really, Really too lazy to go over and eat. If you look at me you might think of me as lazy. Really lazy. And I'd agree.

My sister, however, was responsible and upstanding. Though we cared and loved each other( family love, I know what your thinking), she was like the big sister disapproving of my lazy habits(even though I'm older) and trying to get me out more.

Even at school, she's like that. I only have a small group of close friends. Though sometimes I do feel a little left out. She tried to get me into her group of friends but personally, I felt they were all focused on her rather than me and I was just following them around with nothing to add.


After eating, my sister and I began our walk to school as we do five days a week, every week. Our mom used to take us there Monday and Tuesday but she's only off on weekends now. Unfortunately, it meant we had to walk to school every day of the week now. It wasn't far though, only a half-hour walk. I know a friend who has to walk much longer, so I wasn't complaining.

As we were walking, it was weird and awkward. It was quiet. I didn't like that.

Today, was different. I just couldn't tell. As we stopped and waited till we could cross, ahead a car crashed into another at ludicrously fast speed. That wasn't the worst part. The car that was hit, was sent flying at us.

No... My sister and I were going to get hit. I did the only thing I could do. I grabbed her in a vice grip hug and took the full force of a flying car.
