• Published 20th May 2020
  • 1,236 Views, 16 Comments

Not Quite Canon. - KittyrinnAiko

A brand new adventure featering Kitsumi Nova and Not Sunset Shimmer.

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Chapter 9

“Has anyone seen Nova?” Mrs Chart asked as they lined up to get back on the bus. Within the castle itself, Princess Celestia had requested a stand down from the alert and halt to the search. Beyond the castle, a notice and been put out to keep an eye and to report sightings, but not to attempt to hinder or apprehend. Authorities were also admonished to fully investigate to make sure they weren’t reporting false sightings.

“She’s supposed to meet us here.” Sunshine offered. “That is what I gathered was going to happen.”

“She took off with Princess Cadance. Nova invited her to a visit, and they were going to meet us here.” Fleetfoot offered.

And then Nova came trotting up with a rather suspicious-looking pony in a dark gray hoodie with sunglasses on and a couple of suitcases strapped to her like saddlebags. OK, it was obviously Cadance. Cadance attempted to board the sky bus but was stopped by the driver.

“Excuse me Miss, but this is a charter, and you need identification.”

“I’ve got an identification.” Cadance offered as she pulled out her palace badge.

“It’s OK, she’s been added to the list, but don’t tell anyone.” Fleetfoot offered. “Princess Celestia gave her permission.”

“Oh key doe key.” The driver said sitting back in his chair realizing who the hooded pony was. “I’ll just pretend I didn’t see a thing.”

Names were called, foals loaded, names called again, and then they were finally ready for take-off. The driver pulled the bus ahead, requested clearance, and soon they were in the air on their way back to Cloudsdale. This time Fleetfoot decided to go with them thanks to the late hour.

“Hey, Sunshine… I know you didn’t want to come and all, but I’m glad you did. Even if things did get a little crazy.” Dawn Portents offered.

“To bad about your big sister though.” Hoops offered. “I gather something happened and she ran off.”

“Nova’s my sister now, not her. Certainly not like I knew her by anything other than her reputation.” Sunshine offered not bothering to try to straighten anything out. If they thought Sunset was her sister, that was fine. Every pony thought Sunset was an orphan that Princess Celestia had taken in and that made two of them. Two nearly identical sisters only a few years apart.

“Hey, Nova…” Cadance said as she leaned over.

“Hey?!” Nova replied as Cadance locked horns.

“Ha, thought so,” Cadance replied with a grin.

“We are only keeping that a secret from the Canterlot Nobles.” Dash offered sleepily.

Cadance withdrew and sat back in her seat. “The main reason Princess Celestia adopted me was to make sure I wasn’t exploited. I guess that’s not a huge concern for you?”

Being exploited, yes.” Nova offered. “It’s why they moved so fast to get me adopted. I seem to have a friend at the Neighpony consulate too.

“The foundling waiting period got waved at the request of the Neighpony Consulate in Cloudsdale.” Sunshine offered. “I think they are worried about her rocking the cloud so to speak.”

“I can see that,” Cadance replied. “I’ve had to put up with a lot of hostility. I can just imagine how the nobles would react to Nova.”

“Well, she’s our princess now.” Silver stated with firm conviction.

I said I wasn’t.” Nova offered.

“We saw you, the way you were talking to Princess Celestia.” Score countered. “We all saw.”

Well I hope this doesn’t change things.” Nova requested hopefully. "I prefer you as a jerk as opposed to a jerk trying to kiss up."

“That’s alright. I get it.” Score offered. “Honesty is always better. Heck, if I were a suspicious pony I’d think that Princess Celestia is somehow connected to Sunshine’s mom. That suggests a fairly high-up connection and the whole I don’t know how to get back to my family is just a cover for I’m the illegitimate daughter of some pony really high up and my caretakers are jerks. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Sunshine ran away from some abusive caretaker. I mean, overall, you aren’t really that different than the rest of us. Neither one of you is interested in trying to lord over any pony.”

Thanks.” Nova replied with a smile. “I think?

"I wasn't abused or anything." Sunshine corrected. "My situation is very similar to Nova's where I got separated from home and just couldn't go back."

“Ya, and Dumbbell is going to kick himself when he finds out we’ve got an actual princess in our class and he blew it,” Score offered.

“Don’t call me princess,” Dash muttered in her sleep causing all the foals to have a fit of giggles.

“So, um, is she really some kind of Princess?” Hoops asked softly so dash wouldn't hear.

Well, a thousand years ago she might have been.” Nova offered. “I kind of get the feeling that today it’s just an empty title. You see, a thousand years ago the Borealis family was the ruling family. I’m Borealis clan, Princess Celestia is Borealis clan.

“What?” This time it was Mrs Chart asking. “That’s not in any of the history books?”

It’s true though. From what I’ve been able to glean out of the history books the Platinum Clan targeted the night ponies, going after … going after Princess Luna and the leather wings who supported her. The leather wings were a large percentage of the overall Pegalopalis forces. And I bet that’s why there is still so much animosity today. By the time the pegasus tribe realized what was really going on they no longer had the forces to counter the Platinum clan, and now they all but control Princess Celestia and the seat of government.

“Princess Celestia is Borealis clan.” Cadance offered. “She’s descended from the High King Old King Sol and he was Borealis clan. It’s in the history books, well, books detailing legendary figures, if you look in the right places and connect the dots. Although, I will have to admit that the books I saw it in were in Princess Celestia’s private library, and not available in any of the Canterlot public libraries. I doubt ponies like Archduke Blueblood would want it being widely known just how illegitimate the Platinum family is.”

"I understand that Dashe's parents are fairly ordinary ponies with inherited titles." Sunshine offered. "Bow Hothoof is in upper management at the Weather factory and a respected member of the Cloudsdale Civic council. Who to say how high up they'd have been if not for past power plays of the Platinum Clan? Maybe even on equal standing with Princess Celestia as in, he'd be the Archduke instead of Old man Blueblood."

“Not like that would really surprise me,” Fleetfoot commented. “But I’m thinking it’s best to keep this sort of talk to ourselves.” And then she whispered while pointing at Dash, "Not a word, her ego doesn't need that kind of boost."

“Not good to stir up too many hornet nests.” Sunshine offered as the others laughed.

“What?!" Dash protested momentarily after waking up. "You guys better not have done something while I was asleep."

When the school came into view they could see a fair number of parents waiting.

“Yep, I was afraid of this,” Fleetfoot said as they approached. “We were gone longer than we were supposed to be.”

“Just tell them my obnoxious big sister ran away last night and we got caught up in the drama,” Sunshine offered.

“You sure you want to tell them that?” Fleetfoot asked.

“It’s kind of a running joke.” Mrs Chart offered.

“Ya, um, OK, never mind,” Fleetfoot replied. Mrs Chart gave her a puzzled look.

“It’s alright, I’ll just deny any blood relation to her.” Sunshine offered with a smile. “Keep 'em guessing.”

“Hang on, you aren’t suggesting she might actually be your sister?” Indigo asked.

“No comment,” Sunshine replied.

“Wow, no wonder you hate her.” Hoops offered.

“I don’t hate her. It’s just that she had so much, and did everything in her power to make ponies absolutely hate her. And now she throws it all away by running off when she couldn't take it anymore.”

“I suppose that’s fair enough. It didn’t have to be that way though. I tried to be her friend but she would rebuff me every time.” Cadance offered knowing full well they couldn't tell the other foals the whole truth. She was also hoping they’d never find out the significance of Starswirl’s mirror. How she had known about it was also troubling her. As for Sunset doing everything in her power to make ponies hate her, she’d taken Canterlot snobbery to an all-new level such that she’d made herself into a caricature of the worst the nobles could dish out.

“We’re here.” The driver offered as he stopped the airbus. He opened the door, and every pony exited one by one, foals going to their parents.

“We got to see Princess Celestia.” They all chimed in answer to questions as to why they were so late.

“Hi mom,” Nova said going to embrace Wintry. After today Nova was glad she’d ended up with this mare as her surrogate mother.

“We had a little bit of trouble, but we are good.” Sunshine offered as she gave Wintry a hug as well. “Also Nova invited a guest.”

“Did she now, and who might that be?”

“Hello, Mrs Mustang.” Cadance offered as she walked up to the three, bags in tow.

“Oh,” Wintry replied as the realization hit her.

“Just call me Cadance. No need for formality here, in fact, I was rather hoping for a break from it all.”

“Oh my… Princess Cadance.” Wintry’s pronouncement was echoed by several other of the ponies present.

“Hi, um… everyone,” Sunshine said loud enough she hoped every pony heard her. “She’s not here, not officially. If we can keep this quiet, please? Also, before you see it in the papers my alleged sister caused a big ruckus last night and ran off. I’ll admit that I’m not too worried about her for my sake, but I am worried about Princess Celestia.”

“It’s been a rather trying time for Princess Celestia.” Cadance offered. “Princess Celestia was kind enough to let me come here not so much to go to flight Camp, my official reason for being here, but so I could just get away for a while.”

“Is there a search in progress?” Asked a concerned parent.

“That’s part of why we are so late.” Nova offered.

“Boneheads thought I was her,” Sunshine explained. “At any rate, I understand she likely used an enchanted artifact to get out of the castle and probably doesn’t want to be found.”

“Afraid she’s right.” Cadance offered. “No point in getting worked up over a pony that doesn’t want to be found.” The last thing Cadance wanted was to see good ponies get worked up over Sunset Shimmer.

“Wintry, can you look after Silver for a bit?” Fleetfoot asked. “I should probably get into HQ and report in. Let them know what’s going on.”

“Yes, of course. Probably a good idea.” Wintry offered.

“Better let them know to expect a Mrs Summers, just in case.” Sunshine offered.

“Might not be a bad idea. - Silver, go with Mrs Mustang, and I’ll pick you up in a bit,” Fleetfoot said and then took off flying at a fairly good clip.

“Well come on, Princess, do you need a hoof with that bag?” Wintry asked.

“It’s alright, I’ve got it.” Cadance offered with a smile as the group of ponies began walking.

“You’ve left one on the bus!” The driver called out.

“Dash,” Sunshine said and started laughing.

“I’ll get her,” Gilda called and dashed back into the bus to drag out the sleepy filly who was reluctant to get up. “Come on Dashie, if you don’t get off the bus you could end up in Vanhoover or Baltimare.”


“Welcome to our home.” Wintry offered a short time later as She, Cadance, Nova, Sunshine, and Silver walk in the front door of the house.

“Mrs Mustang, where should I put my school bags?” Silver asked.

“Let’s just take everything up to my room.” Summer offered.

“Where can I stay?” Cadance asked.

“She can sleep in my room.” Nova offered.

“Oh, I couldn't.” Cadance objected.

“She’s not exactly using it.” Sunshine offered with a grin. “She’s a snuggler.”

“Am not.” Nova pouted.

“You are too, come on admit it. You can’t sleep unless there’s another pony in the bed.”

“Has she been sleeping in your bed all this time?” Wintry asked.

“Sure has,” Sunshine replied with a big smile.

“So after I tuck her in she sneaks into your room?” Wintry asked.

“I’m used to sleeping with other ponies.” Nova offered sheepishly.

“Well, I suppose it can’t be helped. - “Princess … Cadance you’ll get a choice of rooms then. There’s Nova’s room, and there is an unoccupied bedroom center hall across from the main stairs.”

“Since Nova has been so gracious, I will accept her hospitality,” Cadance replied, and they were soon on their way upstairs.


“Sunshine…” Wintry said softly pulling her aside as the others went upstairs. “Expect a visit from Mrs Summers?”

“Um, yes, and no. It’s kind of complicated.”

“Try me.”

“She’s not my mother, but she might just as well be.”

“Who is she and if you knew all along where we could find her, why didn’t you say something?”

“She’s Princess Celestia.” Summer replied flattening her ears and ducking her head like she expected to get swatted.

“You mean you really were serious? Are you saying Sunset Shimmer really is your sister?”

“It’s a little more complicated than that. I’m sort of her doppelganger. You know, the whole coming from another world thing?”

“Starswirl’s gate?”

“Princess Celestia has a functioning gate in the form of a mirror. Sunset more than likely went through it. That’s why they called off the search.”

“Oh.” There was a moment’s silence between the two. “Sunshine, why did you stay?”

“Why would I leave?” Sunshine asked perplexed. “Aside from not having access to that gate and it’s likely closed or they’d have sent someone through to drag Sunset back I’ve no way of knowing if it even leads to my home. For Sunset’s sake, I hope it does, at least that way she’ll have a halfway decent all be it somewhat neglectful mother to look after her. The portal I fell through dumped me in Cloudsdale and if I were not a pegasus that trip would have been fatal. No telling where that gate is now either.”

“And if you could go back?”

“Mom, I love you. You are twice the mom my real mother was. I love you. I love the Colonel. And now we have Nova. No, she’s not from my world, she’s Princess Luna’s daughter so far as I know and it has something to do with the elements of harmony. No, I would not want to leave you, and if you forced me to go it would break my heart.” Sunshine looked up at Wintry a hurt look in her eye. “If I had been exposed to the same environment as Sunset, would I have turned out like her?”

“No.” Wintry offered giving Sunshine a hug. “You are a good filly. True you can be a bit pragmatic and sometimes display maturity beyond your years, but you are not Sunset Shimmer.”

“Thanks, mom.”