• Published 20th May 2020
  • 1,227 Views, 16 Comments

Not Quite Canon. - KittyrinnAiko

A brand new adventure featering Kitsumi Nova and Not Sunset Shimmer.

  • ...

Chapter 10

That evening saw nearly the entire command staff along with the lead Wonderbolt team showing up for dinner, and the dining room getting expanded to accommodate. It also saw the arrival of an alabaster mare with a golden mane that included a shock of blue, a triangular pendant hung from her neck and her cutie mark was a sun with a fancy dress masquerade mask.

“Mystique, what brings you here?” Wind Rider called on seeing her at the door. He trotted on over. “Princess Celestia didn’t send you to check up on Princess Cadance, did she?”

“I’m Mrs Summers.” She offered sheepishly.

“You…” Wind Rider began but wasn’t quite sure what to think. All he knew about Mystique was that she was one of Princess Celestia’s top agents who was more often than not off on assignment somewhere doing some deep cover operation. Or so he believed. He’d also made a number of passes at her in the past.

“Mrs Summers?” Wintry asked and trotted over. Celestia nodded. “Well then, welcome to our home.” Wintry was not too sure what sort of greeting she should give to the pony she knew to be Princess Celestia, but decided to just go for it and gave her a hug.

And then the waterworks started prompting Cadance and Sunshine to welcome her in with a hug as well. “Come on in, sit, and let's dry those tears.” Wintry offered.

“I’m so glad Aurora found you.” Mrs Summers offered meekly.

“It’s alright,” Wintry offered, and then added in a whisper, “she’s told me as much as she could.”

“Am I to understand that you are Sunshine’s mother?” one of the wives there asked.

“Her duties to Princess Celestia take her away from home a lot.” Wind Rider offered in Mrs Summer’s defense.

“Their father couldn't take care of them.” Mrs Summers offered. “I did my best to place them in good homes. Even sent the families a sizable stipend to help cover the cost of taking care of the new filly. And just look at what a disaster my Sunset has turned out to be.”

“And what about Sunshine?” One of the other wives asked.

“I’d say she’s landed on her hooves.” Fleetfoot offered. “And it’s not Mrs Summer’s fault if the ponies who adopted those fillies turned out to be no better than Diamond dogs.”

At this, a bright yellow young mare with a fiery mane in a Wonderbolts uniform walked over. “So, there’s three of us is there?” Mrs Summers gave her a sheepish grin.

“Lieutenant Spitfire?” Sunshine asked astonished.

“Well at least one of us didn’t wind up in an orphanage or on the streets.” Spitfire offered with a smirk. She then softens her tone. “And only one disaster. Any chance they’ll find her?”

“All we can do is hope she comes back on her own someday.” Mrs Summers offered.

“Well when she does, let me look after her.” Spitfire offered with an evil grin.

“Might not be a bad idea.” Mrs Summers replied with a new smile on her face.

“Mares and gentle colts…” Said a stallion in a suit who’d just come out from the back of the house. “Dinner is served.”

“You have a butler?” Mrs Summers asked.

“The staff from the officer’s club volunteered when they heard that Princess Cadance was here.” Wintry offered quietly.

“Wonder what they’d do if Princess Celestia showed up?” Mrs Summers teased.

“I’ve heard that local chefs never get the opportunity to cook for her because the palace always sends out their own ponies.”

“I’m afraid it does happen though I do try to curb that habit.” Mrs Summers offered as she got up.

“What say we get you cleaned up a little and then we’ll go in.” Cadance offered.

“Listen, there’ll be more room in the upstairs water closet.” Sunshine offered the three making their way for the stairs.

“We’ll be right down.” Cadance offered.

“We’ll wait.” Colonel Mustang offered.


“I can’t even imagine giving up my foals,” Offered a matronly mare who was standing by Wind Rider once the trio was upstairs.

“Dear I understand that what she does is very important to the stability of Equestria.” Wind Rider offered.

“To give up a foal thinking they’ll be better off, working hard to send money only to find out later her trust had been betrayed.” Wintry offered. “Must be awful. Why if I was Princess Celestia I’d turn those ponies into stone and add them to the sculpture garden.”

“Funny you should mention that,” Wind Rider began in a slow drawn-out fashion. “I’m to understand that there is a rumor that the ponies who were supposed to take care of Miss Sunset Shimmer are in fact in the Sculpture Garden.” He smiled, looked out the window to watch the sun go down, felt a familiar tingling he’d experienced from witnessing Princess Celestia raising and lowering the sun, thought about it, his eyes going wide – his pupils narrowing down to pinpricks.

Fleetfoot stepped over and whispered, “Not one word.” A moment later she caught a glimpse of Nova dashing out of the room her mane billowing behind her.

Wintry also saw her and decided to go investigate. She found Nova in the parlor, her mane, and tail billowing, and then slowly going back down to normal.

“Hehe,” Nova replied with a sheepish grin. “Does that if I’m anywhere near my Aunt or mother when… well, you know.”

Wintry gave her a big smile. “Something tells me they’ve finished cleaning up now.”


Up in the upstairs bath, Princess Celestia was presently dabbing a washcloth to her eyes.

“So how long are you staying?” Cadance asked.

“I really need to get back before they go into a panic,” Celestia replied. “But I think I’ve bought myself some time. Shall we go down to dinner?”

“Don’t you think you should maybe change back?” Sunshine asked.

“You think I…”

Just then the door opened – it’s Spitfire. She closes the door. Celestia transforms back into Mrs Summer. Spitfire opens the door again. She gives Mrs Summers a withering glare.

Spitfire’s mouth opens but nothing comes out.

“Try not to think about it.” Sunshine offered as she walked out.

“What she said.” Cadance offered as she followed Sunshine.

“Mother, I’ve heard of balancing two lives but you really take the cake.” Spitfire sputtered out.

“Don’t I always?” Mrs Summers replied with a smirk as she followed Cadance. “Are you coming?”


Spitfire followed Mrs Summers out onto the porch following dinner. “I guess I owe you an apology.” Spitfire offered. “But tell me, have you never been tempted to just run away and never go back?”

“Can’t say I haven't. It would be such a simple matter to put the palace behind me dealing only with the most important aspect of that job someplace where no pony will ever know.” Mrs Summers offered. Her voice dropped to a whisper. “The magic I’m using has a price and I dare not use it too often.”

“Then find another way.” Sunshine offered having come out onto the porch. She’d kept her voice down as well. “I know about that amulet, and it’s only a matter of time before it gets stolen while you are wearing it.”

“Yes, that would be bad. Alright then, no more short cuts.” Mrs Summers offered.

“And the Canterlot guard needs to figure out a way to tell if some pony is using an active spell or not,” Sunshine suggested. “And while we are at it figure out a way to make sure passage through that mirror can be controlled. Sunset may well come back on her own, but she’s just as likely to turn around a go right back.”

“And if that’s what she wants shouldn't I let her?” Mrs Summer’s asked.

“I’d say that would depend on her motivations. Don’t you have one of those two-way diaries to talk to her? Maybe she’ll answer?”

“Just exactly how do you know so much?” Spitfire asked.

“Well, I used to be older. Portals have a tendency to fiddle with a pony’s age.”

“How old?” Mrs Summer’s asked.

“Oh, I’d say about Cadance's age. Also, there’s, I guess I could call it quantum bleed thanks to the portals.”

“Portals?” Spitfire asked.

“Starswirl’s gate. It’s a very real phenomenon. One he figured out how to harness.” Mrs Summers offered. “Just keep in mind the existence of such things is classified ultra-secret. It bothers me that Sunshine even knows about it.”

“In my world, the events of this world were recorded into stories for foals. Trouble is I have no way to know what actually applies to this world and what was pure fantasy until some event happens that will let me know.”

“There’s a part of me wishing you could have given me a heads up about Sunset, but then I have to ask myself if any pony would have even taken you seriously?” Mrs Summers commented dryly.

“Ya, I can just see how well that would have gone.” Spitfire drolled. “They’d have locked her up.”

“Afraid you’d be right. - Alright, anything I should keep an eye out for.”

“Let's see, make sure you are available for the new students taking the examination test.”

“Should I be concerned?”

“I’d say anticipation.” Sunshine teased. “Anything more would be spoilers.”

“Cheeky little devil.” Spitfire scolded.

“Not like you were any better.” Mrs Summers offered. “You thought you had all the answers.”

“But she does.”

“I don’t have all the answers. I wish I did. Nova was a complete surprise.”

“She is at that.” Mrs Summers offered. “She seems like she’s taking it all in stride.”

“She’s done her fair share of crying, but like me, she’s decided to make the best of the hand we’ve been dealt. In fact, I kind of like the hand I’ve been dealt, and I think she does too.”

“So you are happy?” Mrs Summers asked.

“I’m happy.”

“And you don’t want more?” Mrs Summers pressed.

“Oh, I never said that.”

“Oh?” Mrs Summers asked pointedly.

“Ya, I just thought that maybe I just might follow in big sister Spitfire's hooves.”

“That’s a lot of work.” Spitfire offered.

“I imagine it is,” Sunshine replied.

“You don’t want to be a princess?” Mrs Summers asked.

“Only if I still get to do what I want.”

“And if you become a princess and they lock you away in a castle?”

“Then I’ll run away the first … sorry, but I think you know what I mean. I only want what I’ve earned, and I don’t want to lose my freedoms in the process. I guess that’s wanting a lot, but that’s what I want.”

Mrs Summers reached over with a wing and drew Sunshine into a hug.

“We should probably get going,” Spitfire suggested.

“We?” Mrs Summers asked.

“Well, you don’t think I’m going to let you fly home in the dark without an escort?”

“I’m going too,” Fleetfoot announced from the doorway.

“And the next time you want an outing let me know so I can come to pick you up.” Spitfire offered. “You know, like maybe we can spend some time together now and then.”

“Alright. I give.” Mrs Summer offered. “I should probably say my goodbyes first, and then we’ll go.”

Author's Note:

On this one I kind of went for a mix of heartwarming and trollestia.